Home Baseball Baseball: End of an Era

Baseball: End of an Era


I think this UCSB series puts the stamp on the end of the Casey era. We heard all the excuses and rationalizations of Bailey and Mitch, and we heard shots fired at the messenger, saying I know nothing about baseball. And yet here we are stuck with reality.

Feel free to argue, share stories of that era, or anything else you’d like to do to cope with reality.


  1. 2

    Couple things I heard from player’s parents at SDSU…
    Mitch is “not a yeller” like Casey.
    “Yeskie was dictatorial towards the pitchers and Dorman is more collaborative with them.”
    So far I prefer the yelling and dictatorial approach.

    • Good stuff. Mitch was very “aw shucks” in his introductory interview. Had me nervous, but my first thought was that a “field general” from a title team was not a bad selection. After I saw him, I questioned that logic. Now I’m questioning it more.

  2. 2

    I just got back from a 7v7 football tournament. I’m too depressed to click on the official website. I take it from the headline of this post that the Beavs just got swept at home by the Gauchos or Anteaters or Banana Slugs? Maybe all three? How the hell did this fall apart so fast?

  3. Casey, “I’ll be friends with the players after they graduate.”

    Players remarks about Canham, “He doesn’t yell at you when you make a mistake, he waits a few days and then talks to you about what was going on in your mind at the time”

    Yeah, maybe some were afraid to fail Casey; Canham has got to shake things up before the sloppy habits shown in this series become the teams “identity”.

  4. 7

    I was an agnostic on the Canham hire; maybe marginally negative because sometimes the “Corvallis homecoming” hiring trope works (seems to with Smith) and sometimes it doesn’t, (Riley). Similarly, I’m an agnostic on whether we’ll ever see great success in baseball again, but there’s no question that the Pat Casey era is over and it could be a while (3-4 years) before that level of success is approached. And here I’m not talking about solely CWS appearances, which is the common frame of reference for the Casey proposition, but just good old-fashioned competitive baseball that we got accustomed to in Casey’s good to great (but non-championship) play, like every year between 2007-2012, and 2014-16. Now that it’s gone, I’m reminded of what a missed opportunity the 2017 season was. O, but for Ed Ray. (On the other hand, inadvertently, his decision-making did seed the 2018 run because otherwise Heimlich would have been long gone.) He’ll be gone soon. I saw him at today’s game.

    I fully subscribe to Beeg’s thesis that the whole complex of that loaded 2017 team (3 of whom will be MLB starters within a year or two-Madrigal, Larnarch, Rutschman) and the Casey Agonistes scenario really hurt short term recruiting. There is no every day position player on the current squad who is even remotely close to that trio’s capability, though the true giveaway, in my opinion, is what seems like the large number of community college transfer players who have migrated to OSU the last two years; even some relatively good ones, like Beau Phillip and McGarry. Obviously, Bayley and Canham are rushing to fill holes.

    If there is a glimmer of hope, it’s in this team’s pitching staff. None of the Freshman seems to have the mental toughness that a young Andrew Moore or Luke Heimlich had, for example, but their native talent is clear. Still, any pitching staff needs a quantum of offensive support to win. Friday night, Chamberlain et al effectively threw a no-hitter. I don’t know who the official scorer was but McMahan’s drop in right field was an eminently catchable ball. I mean, he got to the wall, turned, but then closed his glove before the ball got there. Ruled a triple, probably out of kindness, I suppose (nod to Poncho and Lefty). But think of it: your pitchers throw a no-hitter and you lose 6-0! That takes some doing.

    Other summary opinions: There’s isn’t a clutch hitter among this bunch, and Pac-12 teams will run wild on Claunch. Over this past weekend, the few times Claunch got a throw to second on time, our 2B or SS couldn’t handle the ball. The dug-out was dead Friday and Saturday and you could tell today that they were trying hard to emulate the spirit that came as second nature to Grenier and Kwan, whom I viewed as dugout leaders. I’ve been to dozens of games in Corvallis the last 15 years, season-ticket holder the last four, plus a lot of games in Surprise, and I NEVER once in that time saw the kind dysfunction evidence in all THREE of the games vs. UCSB. It was truly shocking for those of us in Goss to see that spectacle.

    End of an era? Angry, with his patented critical outlook, was ahead of the curve, again. Now, if only I could convince him Smith was right going for it on 4th down in Pullman.

  5. I can’t recall them missing on many of the recruits they targeted in last couple years. Their recruiting classes have been solid although they lost some key pitching talent when Casey made it official. Abel and Verberg injuries have been huge. Prior to this weekend, they didn’t have the record they’re accustomed to but the baseball was solid and it appeared they were grinding. After SDSU, Bailey noted they were close to being a really good team. What surprised me most this weekend was the errors. That would never happen with Casey… and it never did. Ever. (BTW I think Beavs actually outhit UCSB in every game) Casey’s attention to detail and fundamentals on a daily basis… the stuff nobody sees (I’ve been told by several ex players), is what set him apart. For instance, the relay in CWS from left field to Darwin to Canham at the plate against NC was something they practiced every day indoors during the off-season. The Arizona schools are playing real baseball in winter and Oregon State was doing countless drills indoors. Casey made a perceived disadvantage an advantage. The talent is present. Mitch needs to be himself and learn to get more out of what he has because it’s way better than their record. I’m confident they’ll begin to improve and play better. Also confident Mitch will learn and evolve and become a better coach. In time, they’ll address some holes and return to postseason. I’ll concede probably not this year (but possible) but soon.

  6. Well one thing you do is tell the upper classmen that they have to pick it up or we may as well start building for the future and giving younger players innings. The relief pitching is a joke. Any chance a position player could transition over to the pen?

    • uncomfortably, one of those upper classmen is Joe Casey. His outfield defense is good to great but he struggles mightily at the plate.

  7. 6

    #1 during the Casey era you second guessed him and his “warts” all the time and I told you to enjoy having the best coach in the college game on your side.

    #2 the team that just swept us is pretty damn good.

    • 3

      You never seemed to grasp that pointing out someone’s warts doesn’t mean you dislike them.
      Hell, I have warts. And I love myself!

    • A@A, re your point #2:
      So, you are saying that if the Beavs had been facing a lousy opponent then the sloppy fielding wouldn’t have occurred? That fewer opposing batters would have been hit by Beav pitchers? That throws by our catcher would have been more accurate?

      • 4

        Ummm…. ok. I’m saying getting swept by a team that’s 13-2 isn’t the sign that the program is now done. AWe don’t have any big league hitters on this team. It’s not going to be an Omaha team. I think most people knew that before game 1. Angry’s usually late to these things.

        • A@A
          I’ll try one more time. The concern which seems obvious is the play of the Beavs, without regard to the opponent. Too many E’s (both on the scorecard and not), lack of demonstrated baseball smarts, and excessive HBP. At least 90% totally unrelated to the competition.

          Bill (below) has some good thoughts. I’m OK with giving Canham a pass this time around; that is a pass regarding W/L. What I have trouble accepting is the apparent lack of focus and fire. One way or another, that needs to change for the Beavs to return to competing at a high level.

        • indeed, we are not merely without the big league like talent in the form of Madrigal, Larnach, and Rutschman, we don’t have the second line talent (Michael Gretler, Grenier, Jack Anderson) Casey’s late teams had.

  8. This has been the most disheartening Feb-March of Beaver athletics in quite a long time. For nearly two decades, Casey had made the baseball season a firewall for fans. No matter how bad football/basketball went, once baseball came around… we could hold our heads high as fans.

  9. 11

    So let me get this straight, the most dominant player in Pac12 history just passed the previous best player of all time in points and got a sweep at home in the final week against two really good California schools but the local coverage decides to mostly ignore that and talk instead about Oregon women’s basketball and the mens team backing into a technical share of the conference championship?

    He passed Gary F’ing Payton and they’d still rather talk about ducks? Nice job Oregonian, your bias is showing!

  10. 2

    With the lack of talent I figured it’d be a down year but it is hard to not believe Casey wouldn’t have ground out a few more wins.

    • completely agree, no way Casey allows the focus to falter in the late innings. We’d have at least 3 more wins.

      I suppose on the bright side we are sitting on one of the most difficult schedule ratings in the country right now. Warren Nolan shows our schedule #14 out of 301 teams.

      But postseason seems almost out of the question right now.

  11. 6

    It is the end of an era for sure. But not the end of the program competing at a high level. Can’t replicate Casey’s style. Canham has to make his own path.

    I am going to give a pass to Canham for the first year.

      • as noted in my weekend debrief, the OSU dugout was dead for much of the weekend. of course, when you’re embarrassing yourself for much of three games that’s perhaps to be expected. Until someone gets a clutch hit or two, Canham has to approach each game with the idea that he needs to keep the opposition to zero or one run. oddly enough, the starting pitching staff seems capable of this.

        • His son is a RS Jr on the baseball team, thus my mention of possible dugout issue; how does a guy his age react when his dad is let go in such a curt manner?

          • He got canned at Iowa because he only won three national titles and got supplanted bu Minnesota as the big dog in the B1G.
            I was excited about the hire, but he has not recruited well and they have become irrelevant nationally.

    • 3

      Granted wrestling is pretty low on the radar, but dang it is a surprise. A sport like that, if it has a key donor who wants a change – it will happen. Figured the wrestling team hadn’t fallen off as much as gymnastics has in the last 10 years. Five straight conference titles this decade and then a four-year drought and he’s gone? Gymnastics has only has two conference titles this decade and what will be a seven-year drought.
      Zalesky deserved better, unless it about something besides being competitive.

  12. 2

    Regarding Canham being Simple Jack…from memory I remember liking the hire and then being turned off once I heard him talk. So I dug up the thread and re-read my post from when he was hired. Sure enough the initial response is positive, then I scroll down and read the comments, and after seeing the interview I write, “Thanks for posting a link to the interview, Beavers4life. I didn’t love that interview. Too much reminiscing on the past and a bit of immaturity in talking about the songs. It also sounds like he wants all the guys from the ’06 era around him, too. Nepotism? I wasn’t too impressed with him, but I do think catchers make great leaders. I hope he man’s up a little more and acts more professional than that within the next few months on the job.”

    That was a red flag back then, and what we’re reading about him now is an even bigger red flag.

    Further, we see the homer, A@A’s, lack of objectivity and his sticking up for that shit interview, too.

    Full thread here:

    • Good insight. I’m not yet convinced Canham won’t get it done and ultimately find a way to get the most out of his players and this program but your point and foresight is good…

  13. Just read Eggers piece on the series vs Gauchos; some encouraging and some not.
    “That’s really uncharacteristic of us,” said second baseman Jake Dukart,…We’re usually super clean (in the field). That’s the way the game goes sometimes.”

    “Jake was off (Saturday) to collect his thoughts about Friday,” Canham said. “He handled it well.
    NOTE: at the time I figured Dukart was out due to a lefty on the mound for UCSB, coincidence? Wondered if Canham had the sense to bench him. Still wonder, just a little.

    Canham, “The guys understand how they performed the last few days is not OK. We know we have what it takes to make this thing right. Now it’s about putting together the whole piece.” I like that he doesn’t excuse the players by blaming himself.

    Worth reading, especially if you think the Beavs were simply beaten by a superior team!
    Pretty well lays out the warts most here saw in real time.


  14. 12

    Some perspective on Mitch Canham compared to Pat Casey’s first year and subsequent years for good measure:


    As you can see, it took Pat Casey 10 years before he developed a really consistent and great program. Inside those 10 seasons were 3 pretty solid years and then a mixed bag with some decent but not great years. And, he inherited a solid program from his predecessor, Jack Riley.

    While it’s certainly disappointing to see the Beavers get off to a miserable start under MC, it shouldn’t come as a total shock as it’s not like this team has the same talent that PC coached in the past 10 years or so. And I know this site is one of “critical analysis” of all things Beavers, but let’s not come across like Duck fans that think they should be in the National Championship Game in Football or in the Final Four for NCAA Tourney year after year. We criticize Duck fans all the time for sounding as an entitled and spoiled fan base and rightfully so, however, let’s not be hypocritical when it comes to our own Beaver baseball program.

    Truth is, Beaver fans have had it great since 2005 with a few hiccups along the way. We shouldn’t expect to win the conference year in and year out, or even make the tourney year after year. If only it was that simple, but as we’ve seen so far it’s just not. It takes time for a new coach to implement his style of play, his philosophy and bring in the right kind of players that match that style and philosophy.

    As someone pointed out earlier, it could take 3-4 years before he starts to experience success or it might never happen at all. It’s just way too early to make a judgement call on where this program is headed.

    Is it an end of an era for OSU baseball? Of course it is under Pat Casey. However, there’s no reason why MC can’t create his own success and legacy at OSU. All of the pieces are in place in terms of support for the program, a great venue and facility, national reputation, etc. So, be patient and look for incremental improvement much like we’ve seen with Jonathon Smith and what he’s done in his time at OSU.

    Temper unrealistic expectations with patience and give MC the benefit of the doubt as he’s just getting his feet wet. There’s a huge learning curve between managing a minor league baseball team and a college baseball. He’s a baseball guy and a die-hard beaver through and through. He’ll figure it out hopefully sooner than later but I’ll reserve my critiques for future years, but until then, the jury is still out.

    • Ten years? In year 1 he had an above .500 team, in year two, three, and four he finished 2nd. That’s not ten years.
      I don’t know the state of the program he inherited, too. Canham inherited a dynasty. I know Casey didn’t inherit that.

      • 1

        His fifth year coaching the Beavs were 19-35. He had probably lost the team at that point and should have been fired.

        • 2

          Why? He had a track record of winning. Mitch doesn’t have that. The bottom line is this is not apples to apples, and nothing you guys pull up on Wikipedia will make it so.

          I also said “I don’t know” when asked if Canham should be fired, so you’re making another false argument as I never said that. My guess is he can’t be fired due to contract, so it’s moot.

      • Agree with Swami that it is way early to panic, but also cannot ignore that MC is inheriting a much different program than what Casey inherited. For one, the conference was aligned much differently before 1999. We used to mostly play northern teams and the competition wasn’t nearly as good as the south. So those decent records in the early years were against teams like Portland State, Portland, Gonzaga, Washington, Washington State, Oregon and Eastern Washington.
        After the conference allowed north and south teams to compete, the ability to recruit better talent really helped flip the program. He was already a good coach, but now he started getting more players who could compete nationally.

        I went to OSU around the time Casey started coaching, in 1996. Baseball was an afterthought. The baseball field was on par with a highschool field. I used to live in the dorms with a few of the players. On nights when it rained, we’d gather some of the girls from our dorm and go down to Goss for some late night drunken slip-and-sliding on the infield tarp. No security, no fences. It was wide open.

        You could tell Casey was working the players hard, and there was alot of turnover on the team at the time because guys weren’t used to hard work. The guys from my dorm who thought drunken slip-and-sliding was a good idea didn’t last a full year on the team.
        Casey inherited the Bad News Beavs. They weren’t bad kids and they weren’t bad players, they just weren’t used to the standards Casey was about to set. He had to essentially rebuild the stadium and the team and rebuild the conference. He didn’t have financial support from the AD, so he went out and gathered donations. He built that program from basically the ground up.

        MC has inherited a program that is well supported by the fan base and the AD. He inherited a program with great facilities that are continually being improved by donors/alums. He inherited a situation where recruiting and player development are his main areas of focus and he doesn’t have all of that other external noise to deal with. I’ll give him time to figure it out for a couple of years before I start complaining about the results, but so far I’m not impressed. He was given the keys to a Ferrari and so far he appears to be headed into a utility pole. He hasn’t hit it yet, so hopefully he can straighten things out soon and stay on the road.

        This O-Live story paints a pretty good picture of what Casey meant to the program.


  15. I’m giving Mitch a pass this year. His approach seems like it will take some time to take effect.

    But he inherited a situation where he has the facilities, admin support and a decent amount of talent.

    So I figured a winning season was a given but fighting for a tourney bid. That doesn’t seem likely now. The pac12 isn’t strong this year so we’ll see.

  16. Sorry if this has been mentioned above.

    There is a lot of talk of NFL vs College Coach’s and how college coach’s style often doesn’t translate to the NFL.

    Could this be true of Baseball as well? I can’t think of a managers that has success at both levels.

    • I don’t think that’s a hard and fast rule for football. There are many college coaches making the jump to the NFL. Or have had success at both levels. I would bet most head coaches and assistant coaches have coached at both levels. Most start their careers in college jobs.

      You don’t see that in baseball at all. The style of baseball is much different and the responsibilities are much different too. I can’t recall any ncaa coaches making the leap to the pros. MLB pretty much only hires ex players. Ncaa managers are more equivalent to minor leagues managers.

  17. Biggest thing Canham needs to do is develop relationships with people to help you recruit. Casey had that when he arrived in Corvallis from his time at George Fox. I don’t think Canham does. In some ways, having a pro scout would be as good of a hire as minor league coach.
    Right now, the biggest concern is staying ahead of the Ducks when it comes to recruiting.

  18. 12

    Mitch was handed a national power program, perhaps the finest in the nation the last fifteen years, so the comparisons to Casey at the beginning are absurd.
    The roster is not as talented as we have been accustomed to the last few years, however that does not excuse the errors and sloppy play.
    Casey reminds me of my father. Hard ass who did not give out praise and virtually nothing was good enough. It pissed me off as a kid but was effective in getting me to push myself. Casey put his teams under constant pressure of being embarrased/ belittled in practice, so they were not overwhelmed by game pressure. Old school, but it sure worked. I think Bailey and his kindler, gentler approach finally caused the team to start to lose it in the Okie State series and then they started playing worse and worse as the season wore on.

    The problem is if the team tanks for a couple years, it will be harder to gain traction. The two pitchers from MN regarded OSU as their “dream school.”
    That will go away quickly and we have no built in advantages. Last year in Surprise one of the WA kids parents told me our facilities were the worst of the schools they considered, but came here because of the feel of the program. This has all been built on the obsessive competitive fire of Pat Casey.

    Several boosters in Surprise told me there was tension between Yeskie and Casey the last couple years and that Casey thought he had become too arrogant.
    Anybody else heard that?

    Another thing I heard from a pitching parent is that Abel leaving is not a given. “He had four great games, and that is his body of work” was the exact quote. It comes down to the # they throw out. If it is low enough he may decide to pitch rehab as BMOC rather than on a minor league bus.
    Our two top recruits are expected to not make to campus, but somehow Vandy gets these guys to show up. Mitch should have Adley and crew talking to the Oregon Abel nonstop. Getting him on campus would sure kickstart the rebuild. Luck o Da Beavs, we get Cain, not Abel.

    • I heard Casey has the highest level of respect and admiration for Yeskie. I heard he’s happy for Canham and he’s extremely close with Bails but if he was tasked with making the final call he probably would have chose Yeskie… second hand from another college coach close to Casey (former player). Also I happen to know the Abel family out of Jesuit. Kid has dreamed of playing for Beavs since he started playing baseball. I think he’s 50-50 to show up on campus and it will come down to where he’s drafted. Some scouts are really high on him and he might have a tough decision… fast $$$ vs college. Kevin Abel and Rasmussen are good examples of having a great college experience but also dealing with injuries that may have cost them $$$

      • When a pitcher like Kevin Abel goes through a TJ surgery and rehab, is that paid for by the school’s insurance? Or does that bill go to the family? Isn’t TJ surgery considered elective?

        • My wife played softball at Oregon St. She says she broke her finger in the off-season and her parents insurance covered treatment. One of her teammates got hurt training during the season and the school covered the treatment. Another girl got diagnosed with mono on a road trip and the school covered the overall treatment which extended out of season. So, I’d say the school would likely pick up the tab with Abel’s TJ surgery. However, let’s say Kevin pitched in CWS and was draft eligible, got drafted and found out prior to signing after graduating from OSU he needed TJ surgery, the school would likely be off the hook even though there’s a good chance it was sustained as a result of pitching for the school. My wife had multiple issues related to over pitching at Oregon St that she still deals with today that she has her own insurance for. She’s not bitter and would do it all again but it’s still a big price to pay. If I had a big time arm with potential to get to big leagues, I’d take big $$$ 100% of the time. Just too much risk going college route IMO

          • I can only speak from having two friends that played minor league ball… At least where/when they played ( mets and Astros farm teams in the 90s) it was pretty much sink or swim in the minors. No attention to mechanics, coaching up, development, basically if you’re good enough you’ll get called up. If not, burn out and fuck off. There is something to be said for some college coaching and strength/conditioning helping young kids along and developing good form and mechanics.

  19. Beavs MBB will catch a a small break tomorrow as Utah guard Rylan Jones will be out due to concussion protocol.
    They should be able to beast Utah anyway, but Jones’ 3 pt shooting killed them the first time we played Utah.

    So…do we think OSU could win back to back games in the Pac tourney? It seems very possible. Oregon will try to run them put of the gym on the 2nd day of a back2back(if we get past Utah) bit oregon relies so much on Pritchard’s shooting. These games in Vegas almost always affect shooters because the arena is so different than what they’re accustomed to. I’m anticipating a close game in round 2, but the Beavs running out of gas. But think we have a decent shot of winning 2 games.
    Tired legs after that would make a game 3 win nearly impossible.

    • “No attention to coaching up, mechanics,etc.” I’ve watched some Pioneer League (rookie) baseball – haul a bunch of Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic sand lot kids, throw in one or two fairly high draft picks and let ’em play. A few Beavs were in the mix KJ, Jace Fry, Parker Berberet but the coaches,at least during the games showed little interest. I can only wonder what coaching Luke gets in the Mexican League. And, get over the 2018 baseball team. We will not see their like again.

  20. If the Beavs had a rotation that got more players involved and more rest for Tinkle, Thompson and Kelley, I’d think they’d have a shot – but I do think winning against Utah is probably crucial to an NIT bid – the Beavs haven’t played well enough to look past anyone.

  21. Not sure how many follow wrestling here but beavs let the head coach, zalesky, go today. Beavs have slid some in the last few years so not sure if this is a surprise. Many top notch home grown kids have went elsewhere but i cant say if the were recruited by Osu or not. Maybe someone has a good line of info about the program?

      • 10

        Well im neither but thanks all the same. Always nice to hear from the always friendly section of the forever clueless.

      • Wrestling isn’t a popular sport but those that participate at the college level are usually badasses. I’ll probably never make a point to attend a meet but I’d certainly tune in if they were on espn competing for NC. I think the fact the Beavs have fallen off so much recently is unacceptable and I’m glad we’re not accepting mediocrity. With the lack of top level college options for wrestlers in the NW, Oregon State has an opportunity to be elite. Nobody cares but as an OSU alum, I’m all for it

      • Not for nothing, but the program did produce Colby Covington for better or worse. Now if the Beavs bring back Olympian Les Gutches to coach the team, getting rid of a coach who is in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame might make some sense.

  22. 22 tons of weights, Thirty percent increase in conditioning platforms, 3.64 million dollars, 2 anonymous donors. The remodeled P. Wayne Valley Sports Performance Center opened Tuesday.

    Says softball coach Laura Berg, “There is no question that this facility is a game-changer for current and potential future student-athletes during the recruiting process.”


  23. 12

    Did u all see the u0 girl on their team wearing a CORONAVIRUS mask. They let her play in the final game against Stanford and sit in the other three games despite her testing POSITIVE for CORONAVIRUS. HOW DARE THEY

    OSU and the other PAC-12 teams should file a LAWSUIT against u0 for having a CORONAVIRUS girl on the floor in the tournament to INFECT players from other teams. Straight up CLASSLESS move by the hole coach. The PAC-12 should recommend DISCIPLINE for the ucks

    • 1

      Wow!!! She was injured weeks ago and is wearing a protective mask with the mouth and nose OPEN… That wasn’t a “CORONAVIRUS” mask!!! Spreading this kind of garbage when we have a serious health scare is absolutely beyond belief. How would you feel if they were making this stuff up about one of our players????

  24. Speaking of crazy CORONAVIRUS news, was reading this morning that Michigan State is shutting down all in person classes until April 20th. That’s a hell of a Spring Break for the students. Wonder if Cancun and Cabo will become breeding grounds for new cases over the next several weeks.

    • 2

      Merkel said 70% of Germany is going to get it. It leaves permanent scarring in the lungs. This is bad.
      I’m going to self-isolate as I already have breathing problems.

      • My mom(76) came down with a pretty sudden and aggressive case of pneumonia over the last couple of weeks. She seems to be doing better now, fortunately. Still a ways from feeling 100%, but improving. It’s pretty suspicious though, how it came out of nowhere and coincided with the current outbreak. But her doctor didn’t seem overly concerned with it being related.

        Her lungs are almost certainly damaged at this point just due to the amount of heavy coughing she was doing over that period.

        • Sorry man. That sucks. That’s my mom’s age as well, and she’s traveling to CA (there now) then to CO (in 2 weeks). I’m nervous.

          • Might be a good case to suggest renting a car and driving. It’s a pretty drive through the desert anyway. Just avoid some of the snowy passes.

    • I wouldn’t be surprised if the women’s first round was played with no crowds. The average age of women’s crowds is basically the most vulnerable segment of the population.

    • It will be interesting to see how far these measures will go.
      I see San Francisco has now ordered no gatherings of more than 1000 people are allowed.
      So basically sporting events won’t be allowed to have an audience in that city. You’d have to think most states/cities will follow their lead now that the WHO has categorized it as a pandemic.

      It may seem like an over reaction to some considering the virus will still spread in other settings, but I understand city officials at least trying their best to contain community spread. Down the road we’ll be saying “hey, at least we tried!”

      Also curious if this virus is seasonal, like the flu. Does it suddenly fall off in a few months and give everybody a false sense of containment?
      When the vaccine gets created, demand is going to be sky high. People will be hijacking transports of the vaccine as they leave the lab and selling it on the dark web. On the upside, maybe it will also encourage more people to get the flu vaccine next year.

        • Looking at the map, I think we can conclude Russia is behind this outbreak, lol.
          Or they are way behind in testing/reporting. I’m going with the former.

          • Cities are trying to prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. This is just the first step. Flattening the curve is what I am hearing now. A large portion of the population may get infected, just not all at once if they take measures to slow transmission.

            And people are stubborn. Ones who are sick but don’t think they have it aren’t isolating themselves from the public. It only takes a few in large gathering. The majority of Boston’s cases can be linked to a single conference. Look up Biogen.

          • I agree with Bill. It appears the strategy is no longer to stop the spread but slow it enough so our intensive care units can handle the influx.

        • So is Italy so high because everybody kisses when they greet each other?

          sorry guys, i’m not kissing any of you next time I see you. New policy.

        • It’s certainly present in the southern hemisphere but not nearly as predominant as in the north. Look at Australia and New Zealand, for example, compared to Europe.

      • In the future, conspiracy theorists will have varying theories on who the true 2020 CBI Champion was. We’ll probably never know.

  25. Decent start. Beavs are hitting their outside shots at a good clip and Utah is turning the ball over. 13-8 after 4 1/2 minutes

    • Beavs regress to their mean, while also allowing Plummer to go off from outside. He already has more 3’s in the 1st half than any Utah player has had in a single game this year on 7-10 3pt shooting. Sounds about right.
      Plummer already has his career high.

      Utes up 39-31 at half.
      Tinkle’s about to dribble away his NIT hopes

      • Yup. Make it 8 of 11. They’re letting one guy absolutely torch them. Utes up double digits now. Pack it in and call it a season.

        Showing up unprepared in an early conference tournament game. Sounds familiar. Buffs did it to them last year.

        • Plummer already has the Pac12 record for 3 pt makes in a pac12 tournament game with 9. Still most of the 2md half to go too.
          (Klay Thompson previously held record)

          That’s 2 Beaver Ls in 1 stat

        • And now has 10. Ties Pac12 single game record, with 14 minutes to play still.

          It’s been an amazing shooting display, but ….maybe don’t let him get open?

          Beavs hanging in there, down 6. 50-44

  26. OT: Ducks want to install privately funded $12M video and sound system at Autzen before FB season. Largest video screen in NCAA….ESPN will go ga-ga over it…

  27. Plummer hits his 11th 3, but Lucas answers with a 3 of his own.
    Utes up 1 and turn it over to Beavs.
    Tinkle calls time with 16.8 remaining.

    So….can the Beavs draw up a game winner?

    My money says no but not what I want.

    • Lucas’ 2nd half shooting really helped. Really though ET was going to piss this game away with his mental errors, but they took the ball put of his hands towards the end. Smart move

  28. Yeah just heard March Madness in front of no fans, and also heard the new estimate is 1.5 million Americans are expected to die.

      • 2

        1.5 mil seems high but China’s numbers aren’t necessarily all that accurate and their response has been better than the US response.

      • 2

        Washington Post.

        In other words, the spread of the virus across the United States could result in between 14 million and 30 million people having severe cases of the illness and between 700,000 and 1.5 million people dying — accepting Fauci’s lower estimate of mortality.

    • They don’t even know how many people are actually infected in the U.S. in order to extrapolate the mortality estimate. The
      3% figure that’s been tossed around in the media isn’t based on sound statistical data and neither is the 1.5M.

      • Just listened to an expert on the spread of the corona virus. Based on modeling that is consistent with the CDC best data available, he indicates approximately 480K deaths attributed to COVD-19 in the next 3-7 months. I won’t pretend to understand their methodology for estimating the infection rate for any virus but this is certainly significantly less that 1.5M that was referenced above. Don’t get me wrong, 480K deaths are significant, but according to reports that we just don’t know how many people in the U.S. are infected, that estimate could also be significantly understated or overstated. The point being….nobody knows with any degree of accuracy how many people in the U.S. will become infected and die from this virus. Trying to use China or any other country as a baseline to determine the rate of infection and/or mortality rates in the U.S. depends on many types of variables such as lifestyles, general health of the population, age demographics, social and societal interactions, population density, etc. I think we all know that China is much different than the U.S. in many of these different categories so trying to model the spread of the virus in China compared to the U.S. is not a very good comparison IMO. Right now, we just don’t know what we don’t know and until we do know, it’s mostly speculation even by experts that study these infectious viruses. Let’s just all hope and pray that this is a shorter term situation as opposed to longer than 3-7 months. Good news is that China seems to be seeing a decline in reported cases (if we take that at face value as being true). With the U.S. more aggressive response on the front-end of this situation, hopefully the duration and spread will not be as potentially serious as some experts predict. Take care, use common sense and good hygiene and avoid large groups of people until this virus runs its course. Oh, and another thing, say a prayer tonight for your loved ones and this country’s safety.

  29. I don’t know how the Beavers won that game – their losses tend to look a lot like their wins, depending on balls getting into the net one way or another – or not. I thought they were done. Now they’re playing with house money – I hope they play like it.

    • This has escalated quickly.
      NBA has cancelled the remainder of the season.
      Rudy Gobert of the Jazz was diagnosed as positive for carrying CV19 and they shit down the game he was playing in mid game and have cancelled the remainder of the season, which usually runs through June.

      • 10

        No they did not. The statement from the NBA stated they were suspending the season until further notice. Nothing about the rest of the season being cancelled.

        You guys need to stop spreading misinformation.

        Angry stated above that Angela Merkel said 70% of the worlds population will contract coronavirus. Except that’s not what she said. She said 70% of Germany.

        Talk about an over reaction. More people die from the flu. Jesus.

        • You’re right. I misinterpreted Woj’s tweet as cancelling the season. It’s still essentially cancelled, until they un-cancel it. Do you think that will happen any time soon? Pretty doubtful.
          I’m just amazed by how quickly this thing is changing our lives. In the last 24 hour it’s really escalated. I understand the stats don’t scream crisis at this time.


        • hard to believe if 70% of Germany gets it that 70% of the world won’d get it too. So far China is the only country to contain it… but who knows how accurate their reporting is.

          • I usually don’t engage in these non-sports conversations but how did China contain it, unless you mean contained it after the damage of spreading it was already done?

          • Seems unlikely China had the means to contain it; hell, they pollute so much they must compromise the respiratory/immune system of their people. Neither China nor Russia will accurately report information. Putin is likely laughing his ass off right now…

          • As of earlier today over 1000 people in the United States were diagnosed with it. 37 had died. Less than 1/2 of 1%. It’s the very young, elderly and those with compromised immune systems that should be worried. If you’re relatively healthy, it’s highly likely you’ll be fine. This isn’t the next plague.

            I haven’t seen anything that states coronavirus causes scarring on the lungs. So, I am extremely skeptical of that alleged information.

            If you’re sick, stay home.

            Here’s how worried I am about coronavirus. Booked an Alaskan cruise for this summer. Great ticket prices right now!

        • Whisky’s is a lot of things but a math wiz is not one of them. 37/1000=3.7%

          Most of us will recover quickly if we get the virus. What people are not thinking about is how many people can/win you infect that won’t recover so easily? That’s the scary part. It’s time we all start thinking past our own self interests.

          • So I got a decimal point off. Sue me. My point still stands. Even at the correct mortality rate this still isn’t a “pandemic”.

            What part of stay home if you’re sick did you not understand?

    • Wonder if this will:

      1) Change the calls by referees; and
      2) Provide a potential preview to a future where there are no/few fans, and the game is telecast, but people are watching on their tvs/tablets/phones, etc;

  30. Looks like the guys put on their big boy tinkleshorts today. Nice work.

    Re: CV. My goal is to not judge others reactions, wherever they fall on the reaction continuum. Just try to balance the rational with the emotional, and hug those older and more vulnerable folks in our lives.

    Beat the Ducks again?

    • Stanford stepped on their dicks vs Cal earlier. Guess they didn’t want to be in the NCAA tournament. Buffs getting absolutely rolled by WSU right now. Sucks because both of those upsets are on the other side of the bracket. UCLA pretty much only has to deal with ASSU now.

      I can’t see the Beavs getting past UO tomorrow. But I was wrong about today. Figured when Utah went up double digits right after halftime that it was over. So there is that.

      I think the Beavs are in the NIT no matter what happens against the Ducks.

    • Didn’t even give them a courtesy spit.

      WSU may have made a really good hire with Kyle Smith. They’ve improved by leaps and bounds this year.

  31. 3

    It’s not at all like the flu. Flu has R0 of 1.28, where as Corona is 2.5 (low estimate) to 4.08 (high estimate). Also requires more hospitalization. Watch the Joe Rogan podcast from yesterday. Excellent guest who explains it all. Or just wait a month and see how much it looks like the flu…

    • 2

      Never said it was. My point was the mortality rate from the flu is higher. And as of right now, neither is a “pandemic”.

      I’ll gladly wait a month. And the guess here is this was/is all a big over reaction and media hyped hysteria. And you’ve swallowed the Jim Jones koolaid!

      • 3

        I’ve been following Corona since December and been wondering since January why financial markets were ignoring it…

        I swallow no hype or hysteria. We have a real problem short of a quick vaccine.

        • the WSJ had a column yesterday that provided insight into Angry’s question as to why the stock market was ignoring Corona. To wit:
          “The dangers of not understanding the nuances of the data were in full display in early February when many on Wall Street took a slowing in the growth rate in the number of cases in China as a sign that the outbreak was on the verge of being contained there, failing to appreciate that it would become a problem elsewhere.”

  32. I’ve figured out the course of the pandemic using Luck O Da Beav’s logic.
    Oregon State will shock the world by winning the PAC 12 while by playing in empty stadiums.
    They will go to their first Rose Bowl in forever where they will face B1G champion Minnesota. It will go down in history as the only Rose Bowl played without fans in the stadium and without a Rose Parade.
    The day AFTER the game, the government will declare the pandemic over and OK all normal gatherings.
    Angry will link my obituary and start a thread speculating how I killed myself.

    • Who wins the Rose Bowl? Beavers I take it, in the “best game never seen,” 42-35 on a Rashed sack-strip-recovery-to-the-house return…”I said I was gonna leave this place better than I found it!”

      • Beavers lost on a last second TD when HC J Smith went for it on 4th and 9 on his own 42 yard line with sixty seconds left and a six point lead.
        Smith’s strategy was said to have been influenced by a poster on a Beaver sports blog. “The guy was very convincing” said Smith.

  33. Ducks’ second-leading scorer out today. Shutting down Pritchard will be even more important to staging another upset.

    • 9

      Even better than the UofO women’s team winning the national title in front of an empty stadium, is having no national title game at all.

      • we just have to hope that Ionescu doesn’t somehow get a fifth year out of this. Nike and ESPN would love that. Keep an eye out.

  34. Didja know:
    “According to information posted on the Benton County Public Health website, COVID-19 is a new variant of the coronavirus, but coronavirus as a group have been known to science since at least the late 1930s. They are recognized to cause 15-30% of all winter “common colds.” “

    • 6

      Looking forward to future conversations with my grand kids.

      ” I remember back in 2020, when the entire world was shut down for 2 months because of the seasonal cold virus. That was something else. We were fortunate Comrade Putin saved us from ourselves and righted the ship. Now finish your borscht.”

  35. If they cancel the NCAA tournaments Duck fans are going to be suicidal. The year they have the best chance to win it all (women’s) and the tournament is cancelled. I wonder if PK’s money can buy another year of eligibility for Sabrina?

    I kind of feel bad for the athletes. They’ve worked really hard to reach that goal and it could be snatched away from them. (Softball for BG).

  36. So I guess this blog goes on hiatus since there are no more sports for the foreseeable future.

    In four days since this entry was posted as end of an era. It truly became an end of an era.

    • 3

      Angry the prophet.
      Predicted the end of an era.
      Predicted a major decline in sports attendance.
      Predicted a major decline in University attendance.

      And it’s all happening in a 24 hour period.
      Imagine as a parent paying full tuition at a University and having your son/daughter end up taking their remaining courses from remote instructors online.

  37. I am hearing more and more “experts” saying that this virus is related to many of the viruses that cause common colds (upper respiratory infections). Only difference is this is new a MUCH stronger. All of the major breakouts have happened in colder climates (Western China, Korea, Northern Italy). The related viruses tend to fizzle out once the weather warms up and there seems to be a starting of a consensus that we will see this thing get under control as we roll later into the spring. With that being said they are also saying all it does it buy time, once the fall comes back the virus will as well. Another point I have heard from many of these same “experts” is these viruses, as they mutate tend to become milder. Killing the host is not optimum for the viruses survival.

    For what its worth. Maybe this ends up not being as bad as we are expecting. I hope so.

  38. 2

    We really need them to cancel the baseball season so Mitch can figure out how to coach instead of play armchair psychologist.

  39. So our 1.5 yo daughter had a checkup today. Her physician is an extremely well known pediatric doctor. I have concerns over the virus because the daughter has respiratory issues and wanted to get some sort of plan least she contract it. Doctor was pretty adamant that she would be fine even if she contracted the virus.
    She said the hysteria is been pushed hard by the media and that we dont even know the true numbers of infected because they are only testing the vulnerable people at this point. She said talking to her colleagues in seattle they figure the number of infected is 20 to 30 times what is been reported. But that a significant number of people are carrying the virus but never show any symptoms of are layed up for short periods -1 or 2 days-. She told my straight up, unless your over 60 and have a compromised immune system that she wouldn’t worry at all you might get it but there is a good chance it does nothing to you. This coming from a 66 yo doctor. Take it for what it’s worth.
    Oh and scaring in the lungs is an affect from coughing too hard. It can happen even with a common cold.

    • 6

      Yeah, the media has gone a bit overboard but the social distancing and cancelation of large events is warranted so that our intensive care units don’t become overwhelmed and required to ration care to the elderly. Flattening the curve as folks are saying. It should be viewed as a patriotic duty to slow the spread. And the inability of our country to roll out widespread testing is a major and inexcusable failure.

  40. Was talking with my manager today. He was in the process of getting ready to refinance his mortgage last week. He gathered rate information and was about ready to move forward with it.
    Then the Feds cut interest rates. The lender he was working with told no can do any more. Instead of a better deal, he was told by his lender the fees would be higher they couldn’t offer him a better rate this week. It would cost him more to refinance now than it would have last week.
    The increased demand from the low rates has only helped the lenders and the savings aren’t being passed down to consumers.
    Good luck to those who were planning to take advantage.

    • Hard to blame lenders when the 10Y has been so erratic. For a time today it spiked higher because demand dried up and everyone was liquidating everything.

      Lenders will only lend based on market rates they have confidence in when they’re also comfortable with their liquidity positions. Right now, the market is a drunken idiot.

      • I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t lend money to anyone for under about 90% interest over 30 years, given current inflation. So to do it under 1% is just hilarious and screams “these loans will wind up flipped until they can’t be, then wind up in a financial graveyard/fed’s balance sheet.”

        Nobody complained when it was a drunken idiot to the upside, though. Like two straight months of ripping higher. So overbought and historical p/e so expensive. Instead it was justified via various false arguments. Cheerleaders were out in full force. Lenders were refinancing knowing they could flip the loan to a sucker/pension fund before the first payment.

        As bad as valuations are, there are a few pockets (solar, tech, fintech) that have legit growth. Stocks in no man’s land here where they’re not yet cheap, despite the sell off.

    • We are refinancing with a 5/1, approved and everything ready but the closing meeting. Hadn’t heard from my rep for a few days and today got an email saying things might be “delayed”. Rates have not moved since we started the process, which I thought was strange.

      My job requires me to meet clients (usually 1-3 hours in their office)–just got an email this afternoon that all client site visits are to be stopped for six weeks. Fortunately, much of my work can be completed by reviewing financials sent to the cloud.

      Maybe my dusty stairmaster and treadmill will finally get used in 2020.

      • Good luck. I actually think mortgage rates have more pressure to rise, short of massive intervention, than fall moving forward. The only reason they were low is (a) investors believed inflation is 2% when it’s more like 10% and (b) banks have been able to get people to sign up for loans then flip those loans for a premium to yield starved investors/pensions/GSEs. That is unwinding. I got my mortgage at 3.2% after a ton of negotiating, and I remember saying to my lady, “how the hell does anyone make a profit on 3.2% when inflation is like 10%??”…inflation is about to get a whole lot worse if the federal reserve unleashes the “bazookas” they’re talking about. As a bank, how the hell do you not demand a higher rate or higher fees?

        We’re going to see margin compression in any stocks with input costs. Value traps. Inflation will ruin them.

  41. With everything shutting down it seems like there is going to be a glut of consumer cash when this all blows over. Unless people spend all of their money on toilet paper. Seriously, I went to the store today and the entire bathroom tissue aisle was empty. Do people think this virus makes you shit excessively??

    • I don’t get the toilet paper thing. I was just at Target and the TP was cleared out. At customer service, someone was on the phone asking repeatedly if they had it and then hung up on the poor old Target lady. She said people have been calling all day asking if they have TP.

  42. If nothing else – I do hope at some point the Beavs can have a Spring Football game some time in April, bring out the basketball teams for a curtain call – give the gymnastics team their “Senior Night” – and hopefull after a week or two we’ll have a better idea about the growth and expanse of the problem, we’ll have testing kits, a vaccine etc. And find a path forward.

    Good time to do your taxes if you haven’t already.

    • 3

      Trump taking financial policy ideas from a reality TV host who’s wrong on like 90% of his calls. Just great.

      Interesting twitter search to follow: “$1.5 TRILLION”.

      Occupy 2.0 is brewing.

  43. I’m gonna make it through this, got a bumper crop of carrots to survive on, and as an added bonus I can use the greens to wipe with. Who needs toilet paper….

        • Shaun of the Dead?
          Both are sortof comedy/zombie movie crossovers. But hey, if you’re bunkered down, you’ve got time.

          Also, i only saw the first one but 28 days or whatever it’s called I remembered being pretty good.

          • Seen both of those and liked them.
            Train to Busan is pretty good. I watched that last night. It’s a bit spazzy and over the top, but pretty solid.

          • Not a zombie movie, but have you seen Snowpiercer? By the Korean guy who directed Parasite. I keep hearing good things about it. Never seen it but think I’ll check it out while Netflix has it

          • No, I never even heard of it. I’ll have to research it. An OT recommendation would be Free Solo. The guy is a bit of a dick, but it’s an intense/good movie.

          • Started watching Snowpiercer last night. Will finish it tonight. Sortof like the Hunger Games meets a prison break movie. Very sci-fi/dystopian. It’s at least different. Not sure I can recommend it yet though.

          • Finished Snowpiercer last night. It was actually pretty awesome. Exceeded my expectations and got more and more interesting as it developed. Very creative and imaginative action/sci-fi movie.

          • Been meaning to watch Quiet Place. Will check it out soon. The Road was one of the most depressing movies I’ve ever seen. I hadn’t read the book, so I wasn’t familiar with the story and didnt know what to expect.
            Snowpiercer is unique in that the entire movie takes place on a runaway train with Earth’a only remaining inhabitants. Like a futuristic Noah’s Ark, complete with social class warfare

          • Snowpiercer was cool.

            I fucking hated the road. Oh look, I’m a completely unprepared, untrained, plodding boner somehow wandering around in a post apocalyptic world making awful decisions. It was like masturbating with a cheese grater.

      • “Its a Disaster” is streaming for free on Amazon Prime. Not a zombie flick, but 4 couples at their regular Sunday brunch seal themselves in the house when a dirty bomb goes off nearby, and their are multiple attacks around the world. The end is nigh.

        The individuals show their very self-centered sides. Some of the characters get annoying – which is realistic – and there’s some hilarious scenes and lines throughout.

    • Has anyone tried The Stand mini-series? Think I’ll give it a shot tonight has good reviews. King’s made for TV stuff is usually cheesy, though.

    • Not a zombie movie but Cobra Kai on YouTube has me hooked. It’s based on the Karate Kid characters of Daniel and Johnny now being adults and it’s pretty good once you get to the 3rd episode. Will Smith is one of the producers.

  44. 13

    Information from a health care organization I work for which may help ease some concerns.

    Our caregivers have treated as many COVID-19 patients as any other hospital system in the nation. We’re actively applying the knowledge we’ve gained over the past several weeks and coupling that with our extensive experience in caring for people with infectious diseases to address the COVID-19 outbreak. Based on what we’ve experienced, we know much more now than we did in mid-January, when most of us first learned of this new version of the coronavirus.

    -We’re encouraged by the latest data, which demonstrate that approximately 80% of individuals with COVID-19 will show no or very mild signs of illness. The vast majority of people who get the virus will not need to visit their doctor.
    -The disease appears to be potentially more severe in the elderly, the frail, and people with underlying health conditions.
    -We know now the virus is spread through direct contact with droplets from someone with the virus — like through a cough or a sneeze.

    I know most of this is already becoming common knowledge, but thought I’d share just in case. There are way more people out there who are or have been infected with the virus than the current statistics indicate, which means the mortality rate is also much lower than current estimates also. Take special care to keep elderly people away from exposure. Just like with the flu, they are more at risk of the more severe symptoms and we do not have a vaccine available to help protect them like we do with the flu.
    As Beaver fans, like to say “Maybe next year!”

    Stay healthy Beavs. Your mental and financial health are likely more affected by this virus than anything.

    • “Your mental and financial health are likely more affected by this virus than anything.”

      Seems correct. We “have nothing to fear but fear itself”……..and that fear will cause serious consequences.

    • No shit huh? I wrote that last night. But apparently, I know nothing and suck at decimals. The last part is true.

      “It’s the very young, elderly and those with compromised immune systems that should be worried. If you’re relatively healthy, it’s highly likely you’ll be fine. This isn’t the next plague.”

    • Shiiiiit, my store has been DEAD! The streets in town have dramatically less traffic. Went to Squirrels last night, half as many people as we usually see on a Thursday and downtown parking was a breeze.

      My wife is an RN, and you are right, the economic fallout will likely have the highest death toll.

  45. 1

    Not just now he couldn’t be. This thread could be divided into chapters. Sports,(several), cv19, etc. My thoughts about coronovirus are impersonal. Planet population pushing 8 billion, climate change, gross economic & resource inequities – is this nature’s purge? Except the fatality #s are actually a small %.

  46. Is the entire baseball season canceled, or is it canceled until further notice? I can’t find the official announcement. It looks like March 20th tickets are on sale with only one series canceled according to the official site.

    • 7

      And also that we are “dumb” for questioning whether Wayne Tinkle is the right coach to move Beavs hoops forward. I guess a one-point victory in an 8/9 tournament game cements a legacy? Canzano is a piece of work.

      • Speaking of bad for your health, that dude sucks. Honestly, I gave up on reading that dude’s nonsense a long time ago.

      • Canzano is ridiculous. If a team wins by 1 point the sky is falling and everything is wrong with the program, and if a team wins by 1 point they are a legendary program that can never fail. The guy has more ups and downs than the stock market.

    • You really disagree?

      A student athlete works really, really hard and this is how a career ends? That sucks. Of course they deserve better. So do the Oregon State women. So do the Oregon State men for that matter, even though they didn’t stand a chance of winning anything.

      I’m not saying they shouldn’t have cancelled these seasons, this outbreak is more important than sports, but it doesn’t mean the student athletes aren’t right to feel disappointed at how this all ended.

    • Is he lobbying for giving her another year of eligibility also? I could look for myself but I refuse to give that douche-lips a click.

      His words are hollow anyway. Of course they deserve better, all of the athletes who are affected deserve better, but it’s freakin reality. Shit happens all the time, you have to clean it up and move on.

    • This is just a travesty for the Ducks MBB, WBB and softball as they were absolutely guaranteed to win national championships. Well, maybe not guaranteed but probably….well, maybe….well probably not. What a cruel fate that has been perpetrated on all Duck fans. They were just so looking forward to Egonescu winning a title although I don’t think the Ducks would have as So Carolina looked pretty tough. Oh well, maybe next season or the one after that or the one after that…..LOL

  47. Seeing reports the NCAA is planning to extend an extra year of eligibility for Spring sport athletes, and they’re considering extending it for winter sports too???

    I get the spring athletes since they’re missing out on the majority of their season in our current situation. But most winter athletes already completed their seasons. Only ones who didn’t were the teams competing in post season tournaments that hadn’t been eliminated. That’s a pretty small group. Does this mean we get Tres for a 6th season? If he somehow received another full season, he would put the Pac12 all-time scoring record completely out of reach.
    I just can’t see any justification for that happening though.

    For reference,
    Don Maclean had 2608 career pts
    Tres Tinkle has 2233

  48. So what are the implications of these scholarship extensions for baseball? Did we even have any seniors we are desperately trying to hang on to? It seems like this might be better for other teams than it will for us?

    • No idea. Baseball players usually only receive partial scholarships too. So the players who get an extra year of eligibility and many will have already graduated, so not sure why they’d want to come back unless they really think it would boost their draft prospects.
      And how does it affect incoming freshman who may not have scholarship space or roster spots available to them?
      Seems like there are several things that would need to be worked out. Seems unfair to the teams to have to count returning seniors against their roster/scholarship totals, when they’ve been planning for years as if these guys would be gone.

        • FWIW, here’s Kendall Rogers take (no paywall):

          Rogers quotes a Conference USA assistant, “This isn’t a one-year issue, this is a five-year issue,” he said. “Even if you relax roster size limits and increase scholarships, there won’t be enough playing time for 50 players. A bunch will have to redshirt, and the crunch will carry over.”

          An additional issue, not addressed by Rogers here, is the loss of income to volunteer assistant coaches from the likely cancellation of baseball camps.

  49. 1

    Doesn’t seem there are many hip hop fans in this forum but watched 4 part Docuseries on Showtime about wutang Of Mics and Men and it was really good.

    • 1

      I’ll check it out. There’s a pretty good hip hop history series on netflix called Evolution of Hip-Hop. Worth a watch just for the history, even if you’re not that into hip-hop.

  50. Pac12 has officially cancelled all remaining spring sports for the remainder of the academic year. Canham gets to hit reset on his first season as HC

  51. 1

    My best friend was a contracted musician that played at the opening three hours of the Biogen conference in Boston. He was contacted ten days after this all went down and had to self isolate for 24 hours after he had played several concerts and tought lessons in Boston and at college in Maine. He is fine as are all of the 37 other musicians who played that morning. He told me about the cluster fuck that happened at a couple of Boston hospitals that are considered the nations “best.” Basically they were turned away and told they were fine. Whoops.

  52. 1

    Forget toilet paper, there’s a real shortage of beans now. If you don’t get the beans, you’re not going to need the toilet paper, fellas.

  53. The suspension of high school baseball this spring has to hurt 1st year college coaches more than the others. Mitch has had very limited ability to scout the seniors while the Beavs have been playing out of state. He does not have the scouting basis for deciding which ones he should offer scholarships to except for maybe last year’s summer ball and summer camps. Also I think the coaches cannot make home visits now. The coaches who returned from last year saw them play as juniors and had a chance to make contact with them before this shutdown. This may already have been mentioned but I did not see it.

  54. 7

    I stopped by a store called Grocery Outlet today to supplement a few things. They had everything in stock, even butt-wipe (although they restricted the quantity). My wife was raised Mormon, so she has a bit of a hoarder’s complex so we are good with canned and dry goods. I still have not heard of a healthy person dying of this yet has anyone else? We are doing this to protect the elderly and medically compromised which I think is the right thing, but man the general public are bunch of ill-informed jackasses!

    • 8

      Let me ask you this: if you could stay inside for a month and avoid a lung scarring virus that was inside a FUCKING BAT a few months ago that’s 4x more lethal than the flu and we know very little about, would you do that, or would you lollygag around town waving to the milkman like Mike Riley on his fucking bike?

      In that light, who is the jackass?

      • 13

        I was more referring to people buying up some of these things and trying to sell them at a huge profit or knocking over each other to buy something that’s not even essential. Mob mentality.

        If the experts think it’s best to stay inside then that’s what we will do. I read where the CDC reported that at least 12,000 have died from the flu in the US since October 1st and as you know seasonal influenza affects the very young. We didn’t have a butt-wipe run in November. I certainly hope you weren’t calling me a “jackass”.

      • My lady said a many healthy people have died. She’s from MN and not the lying type, so I’m taking her word.

        We’ve gone from 1.9k cases yesterday to 2.8k cases today. We’re leaving the logarithmic stage to the exponential (people don’t seem to understand what this word means, and they’re throwing it around incorrectly).

        • 3

          I don’t know. Ironically, I was reading some things from another Minnesotan, Michael Osterholm, COVID-19 is serious, but it’s killing people with risk factors. Older Chinese men smoke, Americans are obese. Risk factors. It could overwhelm the health care system. It’s not killing healthy people.

        • The cases are going up because they are able to test more people. Have no idea how fast it’s spreading yet until they are able to mass test areas. Once testing ramps up, should see what the actual growth is. That could be weeks.

          But likely in the tens of thousands is the right number now. And if the R0 number is right, it could be multiple times that by the time mass testing is available.

          • Italy went from 8k yesterday to 21k today. Clearly way more of it floating around than reported. Each person who has it give it to 4 people, so expect Italy is 80k now.

            27 day lag and poor testing only thing keeping the numbers down.

          • 20 New cases in China today and only 76 in South Korea (first time under 100 in weeks). It appears that (if managed properly) the window for this virus is 60-90 days before it starts to fizzle out. Good news is that most Coronaviruses don’t do well in the warm / humid weather so hopefully by the middle of May we will be on the downhill side of this mess. On the other hand I don’t have a lot of faith that our Federal, State, & Local governments will be nearly as effective containing the virus as in China & SK. Also I don’t have much faith that us as Americans are capable to social distancing and hunkering down in our homes for 2-3 months. It will probably take people being personally effected by the virus directly before we all start taking the steps necessary to stop the spread. Gonna be a loooooooong spring.

  55. Imagine how many babies are going to be born 9 months from now, from all of these quarantined people with nothing better to do besides…make babies…
    World population is going to see a crazy spike

    • 8

      Nobody is moving in Corvallis and kids are abandoning the dorms and other student housing and going home. My Uber work has shrunk to nothing, so I have a lot of time to sit around with nothing better to do but fornicate, which I surely do enjoy. My success rate in that area started to drop the day I got married, and continues to dwindle to a mere trickle after 18 years marriage. Whoever these lucky dudes are who get to lay around and “make babies”, one piece of advice, stay single. The alternative is to get up each morning, plaster a fake smile on your face, put your head down, plow through the next 40 years of marriage and wait for the sweet embrace of death.

  56. 3

    Perhaps this is how current administration plans to reduce the burden on the younger generation to support the large number of people who will be relying on social security, Medicare, and Medicaid over the next 20 years: by trying to take delayed responses to mobilize resources to combat the virus and letting older people (who are most susceptible) die.

    • Interesting note from the piece, “…major league scouts saw Heimlich throw in a January 2019 workout in Kent, Washington. The scouts in attendance said that the quality of his pitches had improved since college.

      Hadn’t heard that specific comment from back in January 2019. Interesting since not a lot of teaching is said to go on in the minors, speaks to Luke’s ethic and commitment. Wonder if he got some outside, off-season help.

  57. 4

    just have to say that some of humor on this site in the last day or two has been pure GOLD.

    The Mrs. and I went out for pizza tonight. We looked for the most remote table in the place, defined as the one furthest from young kids. I said to her, “walking around them is like eyeing a hand grenade at your feet.”


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