Home Athletics Petition: Response from the Pac-10

Petition: Response from the Pac-10


Thank you for your email and for sharing your concerns.  

Please know that the Pac-10 takes all issues related to the safety of our student-athletes very seriously. In enforcing the playing rules, all dangerous, late, defenseless, and targeting hits to the head during Pac-10 games are reviewed by our senior staff (including our Officiating Coordinator) each week, and discipline is handed down by the Commissioner if warranted.

We are continuously reviewing, grading and looking to improve all aspects of our games. We have a thorough weekly review process of every game to evaluate all aspects of officiating, including on field and replay. Aside from hearing from each of the schools about specific plays or game situations, we also hear from fans, like you, who also share their concerns. The situations you have raised will be addressed during the review process. 

Thanks again for your comments. 


Kirk Reynolds


  1. I wrote him back since his stock response annoyed me.


    One of the plays I mentioned was from a game two weeks ago, so I am not sure your “weekly review” is working too well. I don’t appreciate a clear cut and paste, stock response.

    I suggest you modify the review process you have in place, because it is clearly not working. Read the paper; browse the message boards. Fans have had enough of these Pac-10 crews. We want change, and if we can’t get the executives in charge of the crews to hear our voice, we’re going start coming after the executives. Enough lip service—just do something about the problem.

    The fans of angrybeavs.com”

  2. I can’t say that I have ever loved a Beaver fan until this moment. Awesome Angry, awesome!

    Now if you can just spread your efforts towards the WAC crews, you might just become a god in the process!

  3. Kirk’s first response was, “thanks for the note.”

    A half hour later I received this follow up.


    I received the petition from several other folks and responded to them about what happened last week. You didn’t include the language that everyone else provided in your email.

    Thanks again for sharing your viewpoints.


    I’m not sure where to take it from here. It’s like he’s saying, “We’re aware our refs suck; thanks for not cursing at me about it.” What I want to hear is specifics of how they’re going to fix the problem, since the weekly review isn’t getting it done.

  4. Take the next step…the NCAA. Forward the e-mail onto them and let them see what they think as far as getting an investigation on how dealing with this type of situation in each conference and make an NCAA rule that states something along the lines of, “All conferences who review their officials must send in their reports of each official crews of the games in their conferences and at the end of the season, we, the NCAA, will determine if there will be any unjust calls. If there were unjust or incorrect findings in any conference regarding their referee’s, each said conferences will suspend those crews for each game they do not call a personal foul penalty in a game. If there should have been more than 1 personal foul called in a game, the refs will be suspended for an additional game for each call that should have been made. If there is found that a player should have been ejected at any point in a game, the head umpire will be suspended for the following season, and be replaced for 1 year and be required to take training classes on official rules of the NCAA regarding personal fouls and ejections of players.”

    • I don’t feel like it’s an NCAA issue. Most other conferences have refs who are at worst decent. It’s a Pac-10 issue. No?

      Kirk Reynolds is their PR guy, and what we see above is a smoke screen. “We’re doing something about it, yada yada.” At the very least now we know what is going on: we have atrocious refs who let players get tackled with no helmet on, Arizona grads in the booth for an Arizona home game, and Kirk Reynolds snow jobbing us into believing the bureaucrats are doing something about it.

      Hey, the cards are now on the table. From here on out I will have my notebook out during games and be looking to name names.

      • Were there Arizona grads in the review booth? The play reviews were some of the worst I have ever seen. The 2 yard slide TD for AZ and Rodgers on the line TD that was eliminated. I don’t think one play was reversed that benefited the Beavers.

        • Uh oh. Believe it or not, the PAC-10 replay official for the Beavers game at Arizona was Jim Fogletance.

          Who is Jim Fogletance? He is just a guy who lives in Tucson and — wait for it — used to play football at Arizona!

          Oh, and according to reports, he is also an active donor to the Arizona athletic department.


          So maybe now we can understand why the replay official seemed biased in favor of the Arizona Wildcats. It’s because he WAS.

  5. I still think my rule is a good rule. lol

    I will do the same and we can compare notes…I just pray to God that we don’t have jay Stretchers this weekend against Washington…or we’re in trouble!!! I mean strichers(sp?).

    Also, the beavs are favored by 1 pt. through the MGM-Mirage, the other casino’s have it listed as PK in favor of the huskies. I would bet on that line soon if not immediately! Their logic is that James Rodgers is out, therefore, we won’t do well…Let’s just hope Washington feels the same way the casino’s do!!! lol

    • Nice! I was thinking there should be an aggregiously bad call video blog that can be kept and forwarded regarding calls that have gone against Oregon State where it’s obviously bad. Where the announcers have even said something about it.

      I’m sure there are many…Mays hit on JR last year at USC…the hit that a Stanford LB or safety had on Moevao at Stanford a couple years ago…even Riley was signaling that he should be ejected. Wasn’t of course.

      And if the rule is that when the helmet comes off, the play is dead, then defenders should be honoring that even if they are ignoring the whistle. Start throwing the flag, or you have just defeated the point of the dead ball situation. Just let them play it out then.

      • “And if the rule is that when the helmet comes off, the play is dead, then defenders should be honoring that even if they are ignoring the whistle. Start throwing the flag, or you have just defeated the point of the dead ball situation. ”

        Agreed. Obviously the same goes for out of bounds hits, etc. You never see/hear refs say ‘well, we hadn’t blown the whistle so play should continue.’ Or, ‘well, we blew the whistle but they just couldn’t stop themselves, heat of the battle and all that rot.’

        A defenseless player without a helmet should not be tackled, period. Just as a player out of bounds (or half way through the end zone) should not be tackled.

        Throw the damned flag, ya douche.

        • Yes, I was going to bring up the out of bounds. They will call that penatly often, regardless of a whistle, regardless of the fact both players are running full speed and can’t stop on a dime…yet when helmet comes off (obvious!) and two almost stationary players are involved…nothing.

  6. Surely, the Bernard psuedo-fumble near the goal line against the Huskies (I think 2007) has to rank up there with their worst calls of all time. Another where they did not interpet the rules correctly and it was not even reviewed It is amazing OSU is still able to win these games. It used to be on You Tube but when I watched it even a year later my blood pressure would shoot to 175/125!!!

    • 0

      When I was watching the game I told myself it was the worst call I had ever seen. Now after a couple years it is still the worst call I have ever seen, but this time instead of making me furious it actually made me chuckle a little bit watching the refs look like baboons trying to call the game. I sincerely hope that the umpire who was right on top of the play has never refereed another game since.

      • Thanks for finding and helping me relive a nightmare again, lol!!! I forgot that the one ref was literally three feet from the play watching it straight on and still could not make the call.

  7. This is what the letter is really saying and should have read…….

    Thank you for your email and for sharing your concerns. Now, Bohica.


    Kirk Reynolds

    P.S. Verle Sorgen sends his most egregious regards.


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