Home Athletics Civil War Post-game Thoughts

Civil War Post-game Thoughts


This was one of those games where the final score wasn't indicative of how close the game was. The defense did some positive things. At times they looked like Cal, getting in the backfield and stymieing the option. But, Oregon is relentless and won't take no for an answer, much like the guy who walks into a bar and asks a hundred different girls to sleep with him. Eventually one will say yes. Well, eventually Oregon broke some big runs.

The Beavers played their tails off. It was refreshing to see, but also frustrating, because if they had played that hard all year they'd most likely be going to the Alamo Bowl.

Regarding the coaching staff, there were some terrible gaffes. Riley should have called a timeout with 50 seconds left in the first half. Possessions matter versus Oregon. It's possible Poyer gets a big return and sets up points. I'd like to see a reporter ask Riley why he didn't call timeout. I suspect it's because he was afraid Oregon would change their mind and go for the TD, or he feared a penalty that would give Oregon a first down. He coached scared. Will someone in the media ask a difficult question please? The calls to kick field goals were weak. I understand that Riley knew Katz could not make the plays on 4th downs, but you still have to try to make that play if you want to win the game. At the time I thought, "not the worst thing, since it cuts it to two scores", but at the same time another voice was saying "field goals will not win this game." Riley got caught up in the game and situation. Before the game kicked off he knew field goals would not win it. He was lured by the temptation of the two score game. He should have used his unemotional, pregame reasoning. He's been coaching long enough to know better.

Danny Langsdorf has become a liability. The Ducks knew what plays were coming based off tendencies (i.e. watching film) and formations. He needs to go. Based on how many WRs the Beavers have recruited, I think he might be handed his walking papers. How many years does a kidney get you? It's another difficult question that needs to be addressed. Media, dare you ask it?

That must have been the fifth game this year where the telecasters commented on how poor the line looked. Too much has been asked of Cav. He needs some talent with which to work. Offensive line is the last place to skimp scholarships. The special teams have been so solid this year, but how do you not prepare for a fake in that situation versus a team that's probably only second to Boise State in trick plays and the standard for aggressive play?

Banker had the best game of all the coaches. The score doesn't support that statement, but the phantom PI call blurred what was a good defensive performance. It was encouraging to see tackles for a loss and disciplined play (at times). Has he figured it out, finally, and now just needs the team speed to execute better? On the flip side, his body of work has been so poor of late that maybe it's time to let him go? His contract expires after next season so he'll definitely get one more shot.

I don't have an issue with the Ducks going to the title game because they are the best team in the country and earned that distinction on the field. The Beavers are content just thinking about the big game or being involved with other teams associated with big games. At some point the program needs to take a step and be the team in the spotlight, not the competitive opponent big name schools schedule for an easy yet respectable win. TCU used Oregon State as a stepping stone, as others have in the past.

Finally, it's hard to be excited about 2011 with Ryan "Dirk Diggler" Katz at the helm. His football IQ is low, probably in the 30 or 40s. Can this be corrected in the off-season? Evidence suggests QBs under Riley improve, but that doesn't make me feel good about what I saw, nor does it make me feel confident about next season. My biggest hope from this season is that everyone from fans to coaches to the AD now realizes the importance of confidence and psychology in sports. If lessons like that are learned then the season wasn't a total wash.


  1. If Banker just has 1 year left I am reluctantly OK to let him finish it. But unless we do Alamo or better next year than his time should be up.

    I am glad the D played hard today though and with passion.

    Langsdorf is now the clear leader to be fired first. He is predictable and we can do better plain and simple and this is a good job for some qualified candidates. He should be in Div. III anyway. Maybe Pacific University is interested?

    My new rankings out of 10 (10 means fire now!)

    Langsdorf- 10!!!!!!!!

    Keep the Giant Killer unis for next year. Just design a sail (white) top for the road to go along with the black top home ones and then an orange top too for special occasions.

    Then with both Rodgers next year and a “killer” look we may just earn that Alamo or BCS bowl next year. Katz has alot to learn though and especially throwing the ball away. I would work with him for 100 hours in the offseason and every time he takes a sack he runs stairs at Reser. Get rid of it. Sacks DESTOY drives! Have to play with your head Ryan Katz!

    • Actually, if they wanted to make it simple, they could just switch the helmets out and the socks, but it would be easy enough to just add a sail and orange look to the Giant Killer design and that probably would be best.

      Players and fans like the the new helmet and overall look. I think if we get rid of the angry beaver and put a big orange Giant Killer “O” on the field and on our basketball court it would be better. We could even ditch OS at the same time if we wanted. I think OS is OK but the orange “O” looks best on a hat or on a field and also would look best on our new pants.

  2. Have we ever taken in this many WR’s with Langsdorf as a coach? I still don’t understand it unless we change offenses or something because we’ll have all the freshman, Bishop, Wheaton, Cummings, Gwacham, Rodgers, Hatfield, MunozWalker, Catchings, etc. So unless we’re going to the Air Raid offenses, I have no clue why we’re bringing in so many WR’s. (And a couple more still considering us)

      • I think Leach offers new energy and for him I would be more than OK with even replacing Riley. Riley will be his same old stubborn, poor adapting self and dislike change.

        So a chance to get Leach or a very good proven energizer of a program would be more than worth it to me. I just think Decarolis is too much of a patsy to do a bold move. He needs to force out Langsdorf now and I don’t even have confidence in him or Riley in accepting their faults this year and understanding that change is required now. Langsdorf gets an “F or F+” this year if we want to be nice.

  3. What was with all of the tipped balls? I thought I was seeing the second coming of Jonathan Smith. Of course, Smith would get two balls tipped, but then find a lane and fire a 30 yard strike.

  4. Post-game random thoughts.

    Defense played much better. Even better than the final score. I think we need better players on defense; the schemes work OK.

    Offense – it all goes back to the Line. Need some big studs up front for protection and Quizz blocking. I think Katz will improve and be better with some good blocking. The days of starting walk-ons has to end. Look how many linemen OSU has put in the NFL (DeVan, Koets, Levitre, etc.).

    Special teams were a strength this season – keep it up and work with Kahut.

    Unis were great. I’d like to see them next year with an OS on the helmets.

    Lastly, Beavers miss out on a bowl and extra practices. Do you think this might allow coaches extra time for recruiting visits and follow-up?

  5. Regarding Langsdorf: he calls the least creative game known to man. I swear, before every play, I can predict the play. So what do you think about a team who’s been studying film for a week will do? This is the era of different offenses and a lot of points, and we need to catch up with the times. I hope we hire someone like Leach, Borges, or Chryst (I’m stupid, why the fuck would he want to come back?) Point is, we need an OC that can consistently put up 30-40 points a game.

    • I saw how many times I could predict if he would run or pass on a play and I was right 75% of the time today. If I, a guy that never played football, can predict 3 of 4 then how about smart opposing coaches? 4 of 5?

  6. “…Finally, it’s hard to be excited about 2011 with Ryan “Dirk Diggler” Katz at the helm. His football IQ is low, probably in the 30 or 40s. Can this be corrected in the off-season? Evidence suggests QBs under Riley improve, but that doesn’t make me feel good about what I saw, nor does it make me feel confident about next season….”

    Isn’t Langsdorf the QB coach? If that’s true then I wonder how much hands on Riley has with coaching the QB’s anymore?

  7. Leach and Riley would probably have a power struggle, but he would make a great OC. Maybe they can hire someone young who’s worked under Leach and has mastered that offense.

    • Is Leach so crazy that he is untouchable on the D-1 level? He co-hosts a radio show that I stumble upon occassionally on sateillite and he definitely wants to coach again badly.

  8. I did not see any go for broke offense like implied, just more of the same crap from Langsdorf. Defense played really well on the interior (thank you, Paea), but you have to admit the lack of speed on the outside was kind of shocking at times. The Ducks still averaged 7 yards per carry, missed a 25 yard FG and turned it over on downs, so lets not get too carried away about the defense.

  9. Regarding the uniforms, can’t OSU just keep the helmets worn today and make that the main helmet for next year? … then make a white version to go along with it. The “angry beaver” helmet needs to go (the whole logo itself, even). They’ve had that same ugly helmet sine the mid to late 90’s and it’s just horrid…

    Get rid of all cartoon logos and just use letter logo’s please.

    • I like the whole ensemble really. I was a fan when I first saw it and was hoping that it would still translate on the field, I was impressed. The matte helmet is great, glossy is nice too, but that matte finish is slick.

      Ditch the beaver for good, and keep it honest and classy.

  10. Bummer of an outcome. I thought the D played well enough to win though. Props to my fellow Beaver fans. We really made Reser orange. I would guess 80-20…. much better than Autzen in 2007. Next year should be good.

  11. I’m quite happy with this game if only for the effort put forth. Collins and Doctor looked quite good in the second half, and even Feti Unga had some good plays.

    Katz struggled, but that was expected. The refs were actually pretty good. Their WR’s were holding on the edges a lot, and it was never called. But they did call a lot of the Ducks’ O-line movement. But what was the deal with the one play in the second quarter where LMJ was moving forward well before the snap?

    This was a much better outcome than what I expected. I truly expected 50-7. Seeing a lot of the youth in the game and Paea moving around on the line gave me hope that we’re turning a new leaf.

    Not enough Quizz in the second half. I know it’s what they expect, but you have to ride your horse or take to the hills.

    We lost the game when Brady Camp decided he could reel in a pass with one hand.

  12. Hey dipshits…think about this. The Ducks played simply to win the game. Think about it. How many times did you see Thomas run the ball? How about none? In essence, they planned to win the game without having to expose their QB to injury, and why not? Clearly they knew that they could do it with half their playbook, and they pulled it off. All of you that are praising that the game was closer than the score was can fuck off because Oregon knew that they could win without Thomas even running the ball. It could have been a lot worse if it had been an earlier season game, but why risk injury to Thomas with the national championship game lurking? This was no consolation…

    • Thamas doesn’t run that much. Besides, there was a spy on him on almost every play. He was hit a lot more in this game than he was in any game besides the Cal game.

      Besides the spy, when Thomas does run, it’s off the tackles. We did a good job pushing from the inside out today. We sucked on the edges, but we didn’t let them beat us inside. Remember that they run a read option. If Thomas would have ever read the DE to the inside, he would have kept it himself. We did a good job taking that option away.

      What happened was Kenyon Barner was the star of the game. Whenever he came in, I called the play. And he just ran it down our throats. You would think that our coaches might call the play to shut him down when he came in. But he just tore us up.

      • That is a cop-out response, dick smoker. There is no way Oregon was going to expose their QB to injury when they knew halfway through the first half that OSU was not going to outscore them. You are in Fantasyland if you contend that OSU was in contention for this game, when you consider all the mistakes that they made in the first half and continued to make in the 2nd half. Dream on, numbnuts….

        • You’re a duck fan aren’t you? What really is the point of insulting people on here. This game was actually closer than you think. 2 FG in 3rd and early 4th could have been TD and if they got the 2 pt conversion it’s a tie game in the 4th and OSU has a legitimate shot to pull off the upset. But Oregon would have just let them tie it up just for the fun of it right?

        • Just to be clear Mr. Beavis…

          You use the term “dick smoker.” I’m assuming you said that because you have evidence that I detached someone’s penis and lit it on fire in order to inhale the result.

          I told you I wouldn’t tell if you didn’t tell.

          Oh well.

    • So they decided to hurt their Heisman RB? Okay. Why play Thomas at all, especially in the 4th quarter, if they were trying to protect him. You’re beyond wrong and into the realm of mental disorders.

    • Are you hoping the Huskies are denied bowl eligibility? When you think about it, the Huskies have denied the Beavers two seasons of bowl eligibility on two missed two point conversions during the Riley era!

      Go Wazzu!

  13. “beavis24” is a sad, self-involved individual… a Duck fan that feels the need to come to a Beaver blog and try to “talk-up” the Ducks to OSU fans.

    This is why Duck fans are hated. They feel like their life’s mission isn’t accomplished until they convince as many people as possible that the Ducks are, and always have been, the greatest thing. They need to understand that their arrogance gets in the way of any valid point they might try to make.

    No one needs to be “talking the Ducks up” to me, because, mainly, I just don’t give a shit about their team and/or school, and I never will.

    Sorry Duck “fans” … Go shove your shit someplace else.

  14. Not a Duck fan at all. OSU grad 1975, age 57, and a Beaver fan since I was a young kid….just being realistic… my freshman year was the 1st of the dreadful 28 straight losing seasons. Went to virtually every Beaver game 1968 to 1979 in Corvallis or Eugene until I moved to California, and have attended virtually every Beaver game in Calif since 1979, including blowouts against USC almost every other year, and this year’s dismal showings against UCLA and Stanford. Ran into Steve Brown, ex-OSU linebacker in the Dee Andros era at the UCLA game, who is still a staunch OSU fan, wearing his old uniform and supporting the Beavers; lifetime OSU alumni association member, and donor of over &100,000.00 to OSU over the years, so no, I am not a Duck fan, fudgepacker….

    • So you are a 57 year old college graduate, and yet you come onto blogs and call complete strangers “dick smokers” and “fudgepackers”?


    • Beavis…

      What the fuck is your problem, man? Why all the hatred for people here?

      yeah, the game sucked ass- but it could have been worse- which I believe is the gist here. It seems your opinions of OSU football are the same as everybody here…you are critical. Good for you.But slingin’ “fudgepacker” makes you seem unreasonable- and well…fucking stupid. Why? because compared to many outlets discussing Beaver football, the critics here have been realistic about our season the whole time. Try going to Oregonlive, Pureorange, Beaverblitz, and spew your hateful speech. In most places you wouldn’t even make it longer than an hour, you’d be banned.

      You should feel so lucky that for the most part Angry will let you have your opinions here…even if you seem like you have mental disorders. If you really have the lockdown on all of these friends that are donors…then tell them to complain about the coaches that you feel are responsible for what happened today- but for the love of God man, at least try to be fuckin’ civil you belligerent shit for brains.

      See? I can use offensive speech too! yay!


    • Hey now people… if it wasn’t obvious at the outset, it should be obvious now. I have to apologize to everyone here for bringing silliness to the blog.

      The truth is that beavis24 did not like that I detached his penis and lit it on fire.

      Thinking back on the incident, I guess none of us would really like our genitals and unit detached and coked. I must apologize to you, and I must apologize to the rest of this blog for having to suffer this dickless zowerswap.

    • Yes, it’s critical of the department, but you’re lashing out at other readers…for no good reason.

      You’re quite simply an asshole…and you have quite the fixation on homosexuality.


    • We do not use that type of language at each other in here. Hey, we dont even use it at Langdorf or Banker (ok, we may have come close a time or two). Disagree with class!

    • The strength with which beavis24 forms his half thoughts and almost insults must be huge since I detached his unit and lit it on fire.

      Again, beavis24, I’m sorry that you are now penis-less.

      A lesser man would have given it up by now. But I can tell that you are great. Maybe that’s why I cut your penis off and burned it.

  15. Hopefully the Grant kids were impressed by the visit. There were a lot of Beaver fans, it was loud, and we played competitively. Anyone know when they’re picking or if Sample and Moala are doing it during the Army game?

  16. Anyboday with info. correct me if I’m wrong…

    OSU is still in play for:

    5* DT – Viliami Moala
    4* CB – Stephan McClure
    4* DT – Todd Peat
    4* WR – Victor Blackwell
    4* S – James Sample
    4* S – Byron Moore
    4* DE – Davon Moreland
    3* DE – Faigame Lopa
    3* DE – Cody Kurz
    3* OLB – Lavonte Barnett
    3* OT – Ryan Nowicki
    3* CB/WR – Rahmel Dockery
    3* WR – Michael Thomas

    With Larry Scott and Tyler Trosin committing, OSU now only has ~6 scholarships left…(?)

    Rahmel Dockery acts like he will commit, so then OSU has ~5 scholarships left.

    What does OSU do with the remaining 5?

    If Michael Thomas commits, there will be 7 WRs in the class and OSU will be down to 4 scholarships…

    • Moala? Really?

      He would be the highest rated recruit in OSU’s history…

      Thought it would be fitting if he didn’t qualify and went the JC route only to disappear into the ether.

    • I like the list, but I don’t know what happens from here on out.

      Of them all, I really only want Moala, Lopa and Nowicki. I would want McClure and Dockery, but they want someone else. I’ll cut my losses now.

      I still have to speak up for the Oregon kids out there. I fully believe that Michael Balfour, Danny Granillo, Matthew Devereux and Hayden Plinke are D-1 scholarship worthy and athletes enough to be contributors before their second year is out. I can name a half dozen more kids who fit the bill, but we seem to be intent on finding national treasures.

      • How does Dockery “want someone else”?

        Because he’s waiting to see what other offers he gets before committing? … I would too.

        Dockery seems like he will choose OSU though. In interviews he says he already has a lot of friends on the football team and feels comfortable here.

        Right now, Dockery is #1 on my wishlist … he is basically DeSean Jackson (laugh if you want, but it’s true).

  17. I was at the game, and then came home and spent three more hours watching on DVR, to really understand what happened.

    Biggest problem on defense was containment breakdowns (guys getting caught too far inside) leading to big gains on running plays around the edges. Some of it was pure speed and a talent gap — LMJ and Barner are fast, and the Beaver defenders often seemed a step slow. Some of it was lack of discipline. And some of it was effective downfield blocking (including quite a bit of uncalled holding) by Oregon players.

    But, to be fair, I think our defense did a good job. Sure, we gave up a LOT of rushing yardage, but we also got a number of big stops at key times, and made our share of big plays. We’ll miss Paea next year of course, but I think next year’s defense should be faster and better than this year’s version. Looking forward to it.

    In any event, it was the offense that underperformed today. No time at the moment to go through all the problems, so I’ll just talk about Ryan Katz. He threw some very good passes, but also some very bad ones (overthrowing open receivers; forcing the ball into double coverage; etc.) He took some sacks he didn’t need to take, and made other bad decisions. He needed to play a great game, and he didn’t. Instead, he played a pretty typical game for Ryan Katz.

    For all that, I’m not ready to give up on Katz. His physical gifts are obvious (cannon arm, quick feet, ability to scramble and run). Most of Katz’s shortcoming seem to be mental ones. If Katz works like crazy this off-season, and matures, I still think he could turn into an excellent QB next year and the year after. Here’s hoping that happens. It could be the difference between next year being a good one or a great one.

  18. I was at the game today (only one this season) and I have to say that I was fairly impressed by our D today. I still hate Banker but they actually played well. The comments have been pretty fair on here about our D. Anyone think that Unga made some awesome plays? The dude has some swagger too which we have been missing, I am excited about that.

    Our offense was putrid (the old puke yellow Oregon jerseys were better than our offense). I think this was two-fold today, the Oregon D is pretty damn good and we are just flat bad. Katz got rattled on the first play and had double digit tipped balls. Danny is way to predictable and for some reason only known to God he thinks it is a good idea to throw 3 yards out from the goal line. Everyone knows that is the hardest place to throw because the field gets smaller and route angles change. It is also the best place for Quizz to run, he always seals the deal down there.

    If Danny doesn’t go, Riley needs to take play calling back. Danny is really good with chalk but when it comes to calling the plays, my grandma is better.

    Is it true that Riley was tearing up at the end? Maybe, it was the realization for Riley that if he wants to win he has to fire some of his friends.

    • Trosin commited? Where did this info come from, I haven’t heard that or seen that anywhere but here? I like him he is a playmaker, but we better start running 4 and 5 wr sets. Anyone think Mannion has a shot to start next year?

    • I know me and JackBeav have been saying Unga should start at MLB. He’s light years better than Wilson/Robinson. Again, I don’t understand how the coaches are missing this in practice, or if they see it, why they don’t go with the obvious play. Nobody seems able to answer that. If you ask someone who is around the team, like Cliff, he’ll tell you Riley plays the best players, and that’s the end of it.

      • I’m starting to wonder if Riley looks at those who are “practice players” vs. game players. There is a difference between the two of them. The Rodgers bros. are both, Halahuni is both, Wheaton is both, poyer is both, bishop might be both, but the rest are usually just practice players.

        I am looking at going into coaching possibly High school, but hopefully college. I would talk to every single one of my players and try to get an honest opinion from them. Especially the ones who appear to do well in practice this question, “Are you a practice player, gamer, or both? Cause I want to start players who show up to games and play fast and hard!” For me personally, I was a gamer, I never had my adrenaline pumping in practice. For me practice was just that, practice. You learn the plays, you learn where you’re supposed to go and technique and such, but once game time came, I was still faster than my opponent at the JV level all be it, but I was still faster than them off the ball for a center and never once missed a blocking assignment my jr. year. So idk how you can decide who’s a gamer or a practice player unless you play a cupcake first game of the season every year and play starters first, get ahead, put in back up lineman with starting offense then if they do well, put in all back ups. that’s how I’d do it.

        • Yeah, agreed to some extent. I was a terrible, lazy practice player, but I dominated games. I think being a poor practice player can mean, in many cases, you are good and don’t really need it. If you are not very good, you probably have to practice doubly hard. Riley rewards hard work. So…

          There’s no way that O-line was our best possible. No way.

          • I’ve always been the opposite in practice of you Angry. I’ve always been a guy who practiced my ass off but played great in games as well. I’ve always been the hardest player in practice when playing basketball and baseball mostly cause I’m a perfectionist and always wanna keep getting better. I’ve had to essentially teach myself the game due to the fact my whole life I’ve had terrible coaches. I had to teach myself the fundamentals, nobody on my teams ever had any fundamentals. I will be playing at MHCC next season first time in my life having okay coaching.

            I personally feel being a bad practice player has to do with a lacking work ethic and a bad mindset. If you have an excellent work ethic you’ll practice hard. I think Riley doesn’t start the most talented players cause he sees work ethic lacking and feels they aren’t earning a starting nod. he probably doesn’t take into account that when the game starts players the adrenaline kicks in and guys play to the level you would expect. Riley tends to be a little old school and not realize that a lot of players hate practice and just try to get through it.

            Just a thought by why doesn’t college football play exhibition games? Cause the players who don’t practice well can show what they can do in a game atmosphere and the proper guys would be starting and the team can be properly evaluated. It’s hard to evaluate guys in scrimmages in practice cause certain guys would play much better in a actual game. Teams like OSU would benefit the most by playing an exhibition game.

          • I did both. But I saw practice as just more competition. I tried to win every wind sprint, every match-up I faced on offense or defense, every drill. Then I did it in the games as well.

  19. just doing this to see if I am right. Carry on

    BCS title game – Oregon/Auburn (duh)

    Rose – TCU/Wussconsin

    Fiesta – Stanford/Chokelahomo (rematch of last years Sun Bowl)

    Orange – UConn/Vagina Tech

    Sugar – Ohio St/Arkansas

  20. Well Angry, I said at the beginning of the season and all throughout. Langsdorf had no business calling the plays this season. He showed his distraction early and often. Play calling predictable? Well, hard to concentrate on film when you have a newborn baby to take care of. Riley should have taken back play calling duties this year.

    The good news, for those who hate Langsdorf this season but know he will never go (kidney), is that as his little monster grows his distraction should diminish. If Langsdorf is still around next year, I’m guessing his play calling creativity returns in time.

    In the mean time, we need an o line. Some athletes on D. A real QB competition.

    For now I’m hoping the Ducks lose in multiple overtimes. Make Pac10 look good and deserving of BCS title game, but no additional quack talk. I threw up hearing those corso duck love making sounds this morning. ughhh Bring on baseball

  21. Final take on the game and the season…
    They kept it exciting and within reach to the 4th quarter; far better than I expected. They didn’t quit! Langs needs to go for obvious reasons. Swear to the almighty Benny the Beaver I would’ve benched Katz for a series after he took that first yardage loss instead of throwing it into the stands! Jesus effing christ!!!
    If we win 2 of our 3 pathetic losses (UW, UCLA, & WSU) we’re going to the Alamo bowl. Am I happy with that if it still means a 3rd straight loss to Oregon? I dunno, but I’d be a lot happier and feel better about writing that 4-digit check to BASF next year. As it stands I think I’ll still make a donation, just considerably smaller. Why would I reward the program for falling well below realistic expectations?
    So you in Wisconsin and go Beavs!

  22. Life goes on this morning, even though the Beavs won’t be playing in a post-season bowl. And in fact I’m feeling ok about that.

    I doubt, in retrospect, whether a post-season bowl would have been a good thing for this Beaver team. Better to go out with a pretty good performance in a loss to the Ducks at Reser. Here’s why:

    1) Riley and Co. can focus full-time for the next two months on closing the deal with top recruits (this is a BIG deal in my opinion)

    2) the players who will be coming back next year can put this season behind them asap, and start focusing on next year (rather than stringing out a disappointing season for another month)

    3) failure to reach a bowl game this year supports the need for change in the Beaver football program, and makes change more likely

    4) say goodbye to Keith Pankey and some of his fellow travelers sooner rather than later — out with the old and in with the new

  23. Phantom PI call? Really? If you had seen a Duck stumbling and groping a Beaver reciever and never once looking back for 3 yards prior to the catch you would still call that a “phantom PI” call? That gets called almost every game and the Ducks Talmadge Jackson was especially ‘good’ at committing the same penalty earlier this season.

      • I was impressed that Doctor was right with his man in coverage. I do not know if it was a wheel route, but typically Beav linebackers have been clueless on that responsibility and receivers have been running open down field.

    • I would have called it on Doctor. He ran into the guy.

      But then I would have called any one of a half dozen PI infractions on Ducks DB’s when they had arms draped across our WR’s backs. Several times they didn’t even need to grab the receiver to bat the ball down, but they did it anyway.

      Somebody had a talk with the refs before the game to have them watch the Ducks O-line. There were finally a lot of procedure and holding calls on them. And I didn’t see any clips or crack backs during this game. I did see their WR’s holding on several sweeps though. In other conferences and the NFL getting your hands outside the pads gets laundry on the field in a hurry.

      And the

      • And the nut puncher should have been ejected. Who was that… Huff? The ref should have flagged him and made him leave the field. There’s absolutely no room for that in sports.

      • Yeah, I do not get why it is not called? I think the Duck receivers have been well-coached, they all get their hands slightly under the defenders shoulder pad and grab just enough material to keep them off balance. It was nice to see the movement called for a change on the Ducks, the CFL should be looking at some of those plays to use.

    • PI calls are out of control. I love watching NFL films from the 60s/ 70s when you had to knock a guy on his ass before the ball got there to get an official to throw the flag. College refs often throw the flag on perception instead of reality and the receivers with their stupid hand motion every time they drop a ball!

  24. The guys on the radio on the Post-game show for the beavs said that Philipp was our and another O-lineman was out. Also, that the Tackle position is the hardest O-line position to get and that Philipp would actually do better at Guard than Tackle because he is not fast enough to play Tackle and playing that position for 2 years, as a player, he should know he’s not fast enough either.

    • Thinking about marketing, I am not sue an all black helmet is best. We can still retire the angry beaver though. We either use “OS” on one side like the Stellers do or we just put “OS” on both sides. Our brand is Oregon State and since we seem to be going with “OS” with might as well stick with it and give it a promotion.

      Remove the angry beaver from the center of the football and basketball field and court. It is fine to still have him on the football side walls for a little color.

      Then just have a big “OS” in the middle of the field and court instead.

      Finally, hand over 95% of our marketing and design to Nike. They are a proven winner and will come up with the best way to market the Oregon State brand. Better Nike who has made billions in marketing over DeCarolis. (The all black looked good with the Ginat Killer unis because they had enough other stuff going on..our normal unis would not and it would be like Portland St. The truth is you want to be selling your brand and you have to have program recognition, so using the “OS” will be best!)

  25. Riley comment:

    There were times in this game when the Beavers took the conservative route when a “nothing to lose’’ approach seemed more appropriate against a team that was supposed to wipe them out.

    “I didn’t want to come away with nothing,’’ Riley said. “If I had to do it over again, right now, maybe I would go for it.’’


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