Home Football Riley Fires Assistant Coach

Riley Fires Assistant Coach


The coach hasn't been officially named yet, but you'd have to believe it is Langsdorf or Newhouse. Both are dead weight. Can't wait to hear the official word and the possible new hires.

This could be a watershed moment for the program. If we get two great coaches who can also recruit, watch out.

I have to say, I never thought Riley would fire an assistant. Today, he earned my respect by pulling the trigger and shaking things up after a putrid 5-7 season. The move shows (rather than tells) us he expects more. If anyone gets wind of which coach was let go please let us know.

Update: The coach being let go is Greg Newhouse. According to Oregon sources, Chris Brasfield is reportedly the new RB coach. Brent Brennan is second new hire.


  1. I’m praying it’s Newhouse. Langsdorf still has the ability to recruit, and Riley can always rip the play-calling duties away from him.

    I’d love it if Banker was the guy- but that would be hoping for too much. I think more than anything we need to shake up our D. A 3/4 scheme would be goofy awesome and that won’t happen with Banker. Or Keith Heyward- he’s obviously failing when he can’t recognize that Hardin= shit.

    But I bet it won’t be any of those guys….just because Riley wouldn’t do anything useful.

  2. BTW, Langsdorf makes the most sense. He was horrible last year, and while he can recruit a bit, someone like Clarence McKinney or Lydell Wilson would easily pick up the slack in Texas and Oklahoma. McKinney also has experience as a recruiting coordinator.

    Replace Langsdorf with Wilson or McKinney, then hire a young LA presence (i.e. Charles Collins) as the RB position. Riley could assume play calling. That would be a HUGE upgrade and a puzzle that fits nicely into place.

  3. A current Beaver sent me a note that it is Langsdorf.
    Unless the source is messing with me, expect Danny to be gone and Riley to take over play calling.

    Edit: This appears to be bad information. Read below regarding Buker’s tweets.

    • It could still be…this was from a player and he was short with words. Could be messing with me.

      Trying to confirm with a different player whom I trust as a good source.

    • These are the tweets:

      # everybody else staying put, far as we know. No confirmation on any of this, of course, from the school 12 minutes ago via TweetDeck

      # Done some checking, and logic says it’s either 15-year OSU veteran Greg Newhouse (LBs coach), or else Bruce Read has gotten another job.

  4. Based on Buker’s tweet, it sounds like Newhouse was let go. I’m almost positive this was not a case where the guy got another job (i.e. his Bruce Read comment).

    I guess we should just fire up some popcorn at this point and see what transpires.

  5. An assistant coach isn’t as bold as a coordinator. Plus we don’t know whether he was pushed out or not. I probably would have been happiest if it was Langsdorf or Banker or both. Newhouse is pretty replaceable I think and I doubt a move to replace him does much for the program. I DO like having two positions to be able to fill as wanted though.

  6. In the Beaverblitz forums one of the message titles is “Gundy released.” Is that it? I could see wanting to get a more experienced coach since I think he moved up from GA last year.

    • No, haha. That is probably in reference to the pitcher who is with the Texas Rangers.

      It’s pretty evident via reading between the lines at multiple sources that Newhouse is the coach who has been released. What I want to hear now is that Riley grew a pair and fired him, rather than Newhouse leaving on his own.

  7. On a side note:

    I called the Beaver ticket office yesterday and asked how season ticket renewals were going and was told they are “neck-in-neck” with last year. Personally with some buzz about the Pac-12, I think sales will end up very close to last year’s. Most games will probably be within 200-300 seats of being sold out and Reser will look solidly filled up on TV again as it needs to. With 4 or more years like this then expansion can get the serious attention it deserves because we will soon need a modern stadium on both sides to recruit at a high level against the rest of the Pac-12. Hopefully they will be smart and save money by doing it all at once and then maybe by 2015 at the latest they will be constructing the new horseshoed double-deck Reser that will give us one of the awesome atmosphere’s for gameday in the Pac-12 at a site worthy of hosting the conference championship games we want to bring to Corvallis!

    • There is a lot of buzz around the n/s split and conference championship game. If I were up there I’d buy season tickets. It won’t take much for wind to come out of the sail, though. Another 5-7 season or two. Riley knows this. Good to see him making moves and seizing opportunity. (I guess we should wait for official word before getting excited).

  8. Does anyone know if CR is attending any NCAA tournament games? Here is a link to the Georgetown upset http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/19/vcu-georgetown-74-56_n_837895.html In the post is a quote from one of the VCU players, “”Coach gives us a lot of freedom, doesn’t let us look over our shoulders,” Rodriguez said. “When you’ve got a guy like that, it’s easy to come out and perform every time.”

    The opposite of CR’s coaching style. A possible reason why the Beavs might not be defeating Georgetown in the NCAA tournament anytime soon?

    • I am not a big fan of Craig Robinson’s coaching style, but come on man. You can find anecdotal evidence for ANY point of view.

      The same coaching style led to wins against Washington and Arizona. Does that mean anything? Not really. Our real problem is we don’t shoot the ball very well.

      Back to subject at hand, there is a rumor that Jay Locey will be calling plays next year.

      • Regarding Robinson, yes, one can “find anecdotal evidence for ANY point of view” BUT, one can look at the inconsistent effort and the results of the season and conclude that Robinson is not likely to take a team to the NCAA tournament any time soon.

        Regarding Locey calling the plays next year, Langsdorf set a pretty low bar in that category. I expect Locey can do better as could a number of people.

      • I’ve heard the same rumor about Locey from someone else. It was announced earlier this year that Langsdorf would not be calling plays. Wasn’t it? I think everyone assumed that meant Riley would retake the job. But if Locey starts making the calls, where does that put DL? I would trust Locey as the OC, but that means he won’t be the WR coach anymore.

        Buker’s “logic” is ridiculous as demonstrated by his tweets.

        Read has gone and come back many times. He’s so prodigal son by now that I doubt he goes anywhere. And his hands are ties with the skill positions on ST simply because of the personnel in place. He waited for recruiting needs to appear, and he went and convinced Riley to spend a scholarship on Romaine. Anyone with that kind of pull probably doesn’t get fired.

        Seumalo? Again, inherited personnel gave him little to work with. And what skill there was turned out pretty good under his tutelage. The last couple years have brought a bounty of d-linemen talent that will be pretty damn good maybe as early as this year. He may not be the primary recruiter for all the d-line talent that signed, but he’s probably the reason most of them committed. And he is certainly the reason we were in the running for a couple other guys who ended up somewhere else. Oh, and he might be the reason we get the inside track on one of the top 2012 recruits in the nation.

        Cav? He can do a lot with a little, and he’s been made to do so for the last couple years. He’s probably the most active recruiter we have, and he’s brought some nice talent to OSU. But he seems to be a stick in the mud when it comes to the whole “experience” thing on the o-line. The shuffle on the o-line was probably his doing, so I doubt Riley moves him any time soon. The reason I think Remmers to LT and Johnson to C are changes made by Cav is because he is the one who brought in Sapolu and, most recently, Jackson. Like his recruitment of Philipp, I believe Cav promised opportunity to both these kids, and putting the walk-ons in front of them should give them that opportunity.

        Heyward? He does what he can with what he’s given. He pretty much only coaches technique. Personnel decisions come from Banker… you know… the secondary coach. Why else would Tuimaunei play S while Hardin plays CB? Tui and Collins should have both been converted to LB years ago, but personnel decisions come from on high. I think Heyward just coming into his own, so I doubt he gets moved.

        Banker or Locey? Puhleeze!

        That leaves Newhouse and Langsdorf. I don’t know what Newhouse could have done last year with the LB’s he was given. He tried to get Collins and Doctor in as quickly as he could. But what would any of us do with a Pankey, Roberson and Wilson/Robinson/Unga crew? Still, he might be made the scapegoat for not being an alchemist.

        If it’s Newhouse, it’s baby steps. At least Riley is shaking things up. And recruiting would be upgraded.

        If it’s Langsdorf, that’s actual news.

        • I mentioned that he would be losing his play calling duties a few months back, based on a rumor I heard. Signs pointed to that he would be fired at the time, I just wasn’t he would actually be fired. I heard Locey was going to take over calling plays, it was just a rumor at the time. Could be a reality soon, which I like.

  9. Yeah, the only real news would be if Riley actually fired one of his coaches and the implication (even if he does not come out and say it) is that it is because of how the team performed last year. Even the did happen, I would then be curious if BDC had any influence on the decision.

    • Really? I agree motive is important, but I don’t think it’s the only thing that is news. No matter why Newhouse leaves, what is more important is who replaces him–if that guy is as good/better a coach and can recruit well, then it doesn’t matter (to me at least) if Newhouse found another job. Riley firing the guy for performance would just be icing on the cake.

      • Implication being with the word “news” is that Riley would actually changed his modus operandi as a leader. Of course, if someone leaves and the replacement is better then it is a win for the program, but who is to say that Riley would go “outside the box” as the cliche goes and find someone better? He could just grab someone from his immediate circle of influence. Lots of who knows and what ifs right now.

  10. Chris Brasfield’s Resume:

    Graduate assistant at Midwestern State University in Fort Worth, from August to December, 1996
    Graduate assistant at his alma mater, Texas Christian University, from January, 2001 to July, 2001
    Graduate assistant Oregon 2010

    Can someone explain this?

    14 years after beginning his career, and he’s still a graduate assistant?

  11. Now that we have the RB coach, who replaces the LBs?

    Brian Norwood of Baylor has to be the favorite at this point. He coached the safeties for Penn State, and was then Defensive Coordinator at Baylor. It seems like a lateral move for him, though.

    Maybe the current staff will be juggled to allow for Charlie Collins (i.e. no defensive coaching experience)..? Can Locey coach the LBS? In his playing days he was a linebacker. I’m not sure that qualifies one to coach them. Either way, our need now is an LA recruiter–I don’t see any out there who have coached LBs.

  12. I like the hire in this sense. It shows Riley is willing to be a little flexible, and as Sun Tzu would say “Know your Enemy.” This hire allows us to learn some more about the Ducks.

  13. Can anyone explain how/why Chris has been a graduate assistant three times, yet has only one postgrad degree? These are unpaid positions and lateral moves, so I am left wondering (i.e. euphemism for saying I’m skeptical). Someone please appease my concern.

    • Ya I am a little concern, at least looking at his resume he doesn’t appear to have been a street agent. He seems to have had legit jobs at various levels. He should have a pretty broad knowledge of the game given the numerous places he has been/levels he has coached.

      Anyone else concerned that we fired an assistant coach so late in the game? How will we get a decent assistant coach at this time of year? It’s not like we are a powerhouse that can convince others to leave their respective schools. If we were Texas, maybe someone would ditch out to join up once spring practice has begun. I don’t see this as a positive. We are down two coaches (one now I guess) as spring practice begins. We needed to have made these moves in January. We are just hurting our players by wasting practice.

      • Two things about that.

        1) The guy we fired must not have been very good, or else we wouldn’t have fired him

        2) No matter when we have a positional opening, we don’t get an A+ type candidate for the job, so does it matter if we fired him early, late or in between? For example, we had plenty of time to get a RB coach and we settled on a guy nobody has ever heard of.

        • Reggie Davis just moved to the 49ers. That probably means he was an A+ coach, or at least Harbaugh thinks so. He could be wrong, obviously. We “settled” for him, too. RB coaches are never going to be well known names.

          The staff can coach–it’s the only thing that keeps us respectable. They can’t recruit worth a lick, though, and hopefully these moves address that.

  14. Brent Brennan is the new coach (Newhouse is out, as expected). I like the hire. He was the recruiting coordinator at Cal Poly for three years and has strong LA ties (played for UCLA).

    We now have TX and LA covered. I like it.

    For those worried, Banker will coach the LBs and Heyward will now coach the safeties in addition to corners.

    • I like this part: Keith Heyward, who previously coached the corners, adds safeties and becomes the defensive backs coach

      Perhaps we’ll see Brandon Hardin move to safety, where I think he’s much better suited. And if Heyward has the sway, maybe we can start to convince Banker to allow cornerbacks to turn and look for the ball once in a while.

      And Banker at LB coach makes infinity sense to me.

      • While Hardin would be better at Safety, we don’t have the depth at corner (due to failed recruiting battles) to afford that. Scary to say but we need Hardin at CB…

        I don’t have any faith in Martin. Reynolds looks like a good prospect, but I figure he’ll be the nickle back this year.

        • I think Hardin will be a lot better this year since he won’t have to be the run stopper on his side. Can you imagine the pressure he must have had with Pankey to the inside and Tuimanei covering his back? Hell, adding Crichton to the DE rotation and replacing Paea with Thompson should ease a lot of passing-d pains.

          I’m still waiting for a breakout year from Mana Rosa. That kid was a stellar athlete in HS, but he was hampered by injuries last year. He’s added 20 pounds, so I hope he lives up to some expectations this year. I also think Braun will make a name for himself on the d-line. A whole year of work on that side should have straightened out his game.

          • I agree with all of this, but as long as the O-line remains as is the D will be worn out and ineffective by halftime. A lot stems on Riley having the eye (and guts) to shake things up and allow guys to step up. The unspoken “seniority rules” has to stop now.

          • “A lot stems on Riley having the eye (and guts) to shake things up…”

            Considering the shake-up on the coaching staff, I would guess that we’ll see plenty of changes on the field this spring/summer.

            I mean, shaking up the positions on the OL is already something of a change.

          • I still think the o-line shuffle was done to give the younger talent the opportunity to take positions away from lesser talent while keeping our strongest linemen on the field and training for their new positions.

            Andrews is an infinite upgrade over Johnson at LG. And I don’t think adding snapping duties to Johnson’s responsibilities makes him more than a slug in the middle.

            And I wonder out loud about Remmers’ abilities anywhere on the line. It seems like he got a start two years ago, and the coaches forgot that he was there until this year. I guess I shouldn’t say that, because the Beavs never ran off tackle to the right side when it wasn’t the strong side. So they know there was something wrong over there.

          • Something to look for with the o-line is their ability to stop the d-line from tearing them apart. Who among us was really surprised that last year’s defense was so porous considering the personnel not named Paea on the field? You had one Linnenkohl at the C, and he was experienced enough to know Paea’s tendencies. But the rest of the d-line was pieced together from the outcasts of other positions (or new to the team), and the offense schooled them.

            You remember this.

            Perhaps a more considerable d-line and LB crew can shine a light on the o-line’s deficiencies. When it’s discovered that the talent in place can’t handle a defensive upgrade, more guys should be seeing chances to plug holes.

    • And Locey takes over the TE’s. I like this line-up more than the previous one.

      Hopefully Heyward gets to dictate personnel and technique more now that he’s responsible for the whole of the secondary. I also like Meeuwsen as the GA asst. for the secondary. He’s my fave Beav safety ever. Maybe he can teach Watkins, Mitchell, Dilbeck, Sanders, LaGrone or Murphy to be the same caliber player he was.

      And Banker can revive his reputation by mentoring the abundance of young talent in the middle of the field. I feel a whole lot better about the LB crew going into this season. Even if Bubba had stayed last year, we have much more talent, speed and size on the roster this year.

      It looks like the official site has updated the roster:

      Look at some of the sizes of these guys! Our smallest LB is Welch at 218. And Watkins and Murphy come in at 224 and 215 respectively. If even a small amount of the speed these guys had when they were smaller has been retained with their increases in strength and size, this defense could be scary good.

      Masaniai at 340 and Thompson at 320? Are you kidding me?

  15. Hardin has the body of a safety. I prefer him there and think we should have been able to recruit someone a much more natural fit at corner.

    I like the coaching changes. Brasfield sounds like he wants to give away too much free gear though. First get to a BCS Bowl. Then I am OK with the coaches all getting liberal on handing out gear to friends because all of Beaver Nation will be pumped up. Erickson had a good tweet saying he was more energized for this year than any in a long time. Oregon State atleast is seeing that you have to adjust to changes or be left out of the top of the conference. Brennan sounds like he is a strategy guy and I am glad we have an extra coach like that on staff. I see him as a guy who reads Sun Tzu. Overall I give the changes a “B”, probably an 85, and am optimistic it will help the Pac-12 Beavers. We had good WR recruits so we will know soon enough what Brennan can do with them.

  16. I give the coaching changes a B+.
    I’d have preferred a guy like Lydell Wilson as the RB hire, but the Beavs probably don’t have the cash to shell out for that guy. I believe he’s in the 90k range as a HS coach in TX. Brasfield isn’t as connected as Wilson, but he is a good value.

    We still don’t know a lot about these guys, so any grade we give is surface level stuff.
    Something tells me Brennan will be a recruiting monster…he has the look and attitude of a future head coach from what I’ve seen. Hey, Riley isn’t getting any younger…

  17. I’m excited about the Brennan hire. Seems like he will fill some of the recruiting gap. I also like the idea that he is a high energy guy and sounds like he may be a hard closer, which it sounds like we could use that in our recruiting.

    I’m on the fence with Brasfield. I like that he has some contacts in Texas. But I’m a little concerned with his mobility. Why hasn’t he stayed anywhere for very long? I’m certainly willing to give it a chance, but there appear to be some red flags.

    • Agree 100%.

      Until someone explains his 3 GA positions over 15 years I’m going to question Brasfield. Also, signing on with Oregon pretty much negates all the “he is a man of integrity” talk…

      I do like that he has a degree from TCU and knows that area.

  18. I think there’s something wrong with the “reply” script.

    Meanwhile, we need a new thread. I know baseball will be today, but how about this topic?

    Now we’re talking! People may think Scott is shooting for the moon, but I have shake my head at the doubters. Look at what he did for women’s tennis. I think anyone who underestimates Scott’s ability to get what he wants is in for more than a major shock.

      • I can’t tell. On my browser it looks like all the replies are aligning on the left column, in order and straight down the page… as in not indented or following the comment it was intended to follow. The one I am responding to is the first to appear in correct formatting since about 3pm yesterday. I’m not even going to check on possible browser issues because…

        New browser released today:

        I was still debating on whether or not I should go beta, and they just release the 4 on me. Whatever happened to the Microsoft way? Shouldn’t this release come next year… only after being promised on a quarterly basis… with several missed deadlines… and crashing every time I try to add a plugin/app/bookmark?

        • So there’s no indent when someone replies to a comment? All the comments are aligned left?

          I just checked in I.E and Mozilla and both look fine to me. Maybe log out of your dashboard and log back in. It’s possible a cookie got screwed up or something.

          • It’s working now, but everything below this comment is aligned to the left and running straight down the page. I count 14 comments starting with yours linking sjsuspartans.com and containing one that reads:
            “Sorry this was in reply to JackBeavs comment about weights, accidently forgot to hit reply.”

            So I’m thinking someone other than me is experiencing this.

          • Strange, I wonder if that link I posted busted something. I’ll keep an eye on this.

            Actually, just noticed mine are all aligned left below this post as well…must be that link. Hm.

  19. Curious about Newhouse…sounds like he was dead weight as a recruiter, but what about as a LB coach? Over his career we have had generally phenomenal linebackers…think we lose anything there?

  20. I think it is interesting that now we are hearing that it was common knowledge that RIley and Newhouse bumped heads on occassion. I don’t remember our courageous local reporters ever commenting on that before.

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