Home Baseball Oregon State vs Portland & Injury Update

Oregon State vs Portland & Injury Update


Don't forget tomorrow at 3pm the Beavers will take on Portland.

Based on this past weekend's usage, I expect Scott Schultz to get the start, though there's no official word yet.

Some football injury news as Fred Thompson will be getting surgery today on his shoulder. He will likely be forced to redshirt and miss the entire year. This is obviously a big blow since everyone expected Thompson to crack to two deep, if not start.

Feel free to discuss anything you want here as it's a slow early week.


  1. Fuck. Thompson hurt?

    I’m sure glad we recruited an army of undersized DE’s now.

    Well, why don’t they just move some of the OLers that will never see the light of day thanks to the Walk-Tards over to DT. At this point we have NO size in there.

    • Thanks for posting that…really good stuff. Brasfield seems to know what he’s talking about, but the guys all look either ticked off or apathetic to his message. Not sure what is up with that.

        • Even if he were teaching something that they already know they obviously didn’t show Riley enough to take carries away from Quiz. oh wait, that could be because Riley is a retard with the running game lately.

  2. If you’re interested…turn it to ESPN right now…it’s the 4th quarter with 1:32 to go OSU vs. UW. I know we lost, but It’s OSU football.

  3. #28 allowed the TD in the first overtime by letting the receiver get in front of him and in position to catch the ball. :( why did we allow him to be a starter on the field?

  4. and hardin gave up the TD in the second over time by letting the receiver get behind him enough to make the grab for the TD. why is he our corner again?

  5. You guys crack me up! Getting pissed all over again about the UW game. LOVE that passion!!!

    Anyway, does anyone know the best way to get the latest on whether the OSU vs Portland baseball game today will be rained out or moved to another field?
    I’d like to go but would hate to waste a trip over there.

  6. Talked to Mishawn Cummings…good kid. Said the DB’s are gonna do big things this year and that a lot of schools started contacting him after he signed with OSU to be part of the 2012 class, but he didn’t want to stay in JC another year.

  7. Riley tweeted “It’s a GREAT day to be a Beaver”…rumors are swirling we got our first commit. Some people saying Quizz withdrew from the draft (pretty sure he’d be ineligible since he hired an agent, so this isn’t it).

      • A buddy of mine. Doubt that’s true though since Fenk is involved, and he said it “isn’t earth shattering news”. It’s probably a donation/expansion or something along those lines…

    • Not convinced it’s anything…he tweeted “it’s a great day to be a beaver” no less than half a dozen time since spring ball began…only thing different is the all-caps “great.”

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxil8ivuKks&feature=related

    This is Heyward as a coach. What does everybody think of it. He seems pretty driven, shows a lot more emotion out there than Banker has in videos I’ve seen. I think it’s refreshing and I hope it translates out on the field this year now that he has full control. I know our CB situation sort of blows (if we’re relying on Brandon “Fast as Glaciers” Hardin to start) but he does have a pretty good group of safeties- so if their play sucks this year we have one single guy to blame, rather than have it sort of go over looked because the whole entire defense sucked (thanks to the crappy lb play- now Banker is directly responsible for that aspect, they might try to save a little face)

    Only coach that shouldn’t be there is Langsdorf, in my mind. I’m pleased with the coaching assignments at the moment but if we see a second losing season I think heads should roll, first the coordinators, and then another season after that- Riley. (if it gets to that point, anyway)

    • You do realize Brandon ‘Slow as Glaciers’ Harden is one of the fastest guys on the team right?

      He’d be an amazing safety he were put in that position to make plays. He isn’t a CB. However to call him slow is just ignorant and shows how little you know about the guys you bash on this site.

      • Ummm…one of the fastest guys on the team? Really? he’d be a fast safety but as a corner, if he ever made it to the NFL, he’d be torched over and over again.

        Feel free to live in any delusional world you’d like but the fact of the matter is he’s slow at the position they stuck him in and he cost us touchdowns last year.

        I’d love to have some sort of proof for this supposed speed though- the evidence I have are my eyes that saw guys catch all sorts of balls and Hardin chasing after them hopelessly.

        • You guys are talking two different things. Hardin has great straight ahead speed. But his hip swivel and slow reads (technique at CB) is what hurt him last year. I contend that his reads were slow due to the massively slow OLB on his side and no support from any SS over the top. If he’s worked on his turns, he can show the speed he possesses since any LB (and most of our d-linemen) will be faster than Pankey was, and Watkins will be a 200% improvement over Tui in coverage and run support.

          His speed is evident on kick coverage. We just need to see it in pass coverage. If not, it sounds like Reynolds is making a push at CB, and others will practice hungry if they see daylight on the two deep. Experience is hard to beat, but it sounds like Reynolds is getting his fill against Wheaton and Gwachum this spring.

          • Exactly.

            Hardin has good, straight ahead 40 time, but he swivels like a wooden indian. I don’t understand why people who religiously follow football fail to realize agility/fluidity is equally important as speed. We have fast guys and always have, but we can’t field a team of agile players. In fact, we probably couldn’t field half a team of agile players. It’s a rare gift. We recruit stiff players and need to move away from that. It’s why I love the Cleveland Wallace verbal–I don’t care if he truly runs a 4.63 (doubtful), I love how he runs.

          • I’ll believe it when I see it with Hardin- as it is we should just let a younger guy who runs better take their lumps and have Hardin give guys a breather in between plays.

  9. I’d say it might be time to drop Kavin Keyes in the order. I think Tyler Smith would eb a good guy to have in the #2 slot in the order. He walks a ton, he takes a lot of pitches, he rarely strikes out and is hitting the ball really well. Seems like a perfect fit.

    • You were in love with Keyes and hated Tyler Smith not long ago. Guys are allowed to slump…it’s to be expected (law of averages) coming out of a 14 game hitting streak. I don’t know what Keyes is yet, but he’s earned some failed at bats and a slot high in the lineup for now.

      • I didn’t say take Keyes out of the lineup. I’m just saying move him down in the lineup and maybe he gets going without pressure of having to produce in the middle of the lineup. I never hated Tyler Smith, he just wasn’t producing at all up until about a month ago. He had struggled for over a year for the Beavers and hadn’t made adjustments, so I was not a fan of his. However, right before Pac-10 play he finally made an adjustment and changed his approach at the plate. It took a couple weeks for me to really believe that he could actually be a good hitter and buy in but he continues to show his new approach and is being consistent so I have bought in. He’s impressed me.

  10. Beavs win 6-1.

    Regarding Keyes, as I remember BB20 felt he had started pressing, trying to show what a slugger he is and abandoned the approach of hitting where the pitch leads him. He seemed to be trying to pull everything.

    I wasn’t able to listen to the whole game today but got the feeling that Kavin today was going with the pitch more like he did during his streak. Comments?

    • Yeah, I think he started to get back to what he was doing before. From what I could gather he sounded like he was just focusing on hitting the ball hard and hitting it where it was pitched. I was never concerned because he was making outs, that was a misinterpretation. I felt he was getting away from what made him successful. After all the love he was receiving from the media he seemed to put pressure on himself to be even better and provide even more production. That’s why he was pulling off the ball and starting to develop a long swing. He looked like he was driving to pull the ball into the right field seats and was swinging and missing a ton. That’s not his game.

      If Kavin Keyes was taking the right approach and was making outs I wouldn’t mind. He was just changing who he was at the plate and that’s when it became a concern for me. It sounds as if he’s getting back on track which is definitely good.

      Big series this weekend vs UCLA. Only starter UCLA has that is terrifying is Trevor Bauer. He’s had like 51 strikeouts the last three games. He’s crazy good.

  11. Gerrit Cole is more terrifying than Trevor Bauer. Bauer will give you a solid start every time but Cole is the one who can pull that “out of this world” performance when you least expect it. There’s a reason Cole starts on Fridays and Bauer on Saturdays, even through the struggles.

    • Bauer will give you a “solid” start every time? He’s been dominant all season. Trevor Bauner has a 1.42 ERA and 127 strikeouts in 82 2/3 innings. That’s just ridiculous. He also has 4 CG and and two shutouts. Best pitcher in the conference IMO. This is a good time for the Beavers to see Gerrit Cole. As you mentioned he has struggled and gave up 6 runs to Stanford on Friday. Glad the Beavers catch him when he’s struggling and not when he’s on a roll. He’s still a damn good pitcher.

      I think the hope is to win Friday and Sunday for the Beavers. Saturday it will be tough for the Beavers to scratch a couple runs on the board against Bauer. I will take 2/3 vs UCLA in LA any time.

  12. Cleveland Wallace committed to the Beavers football team. He’s a WR/DB. He has a 4.63 40. Not exactly a speed burner.

    • It’s interesting he’s from San Jose–wonder if Brennan recruited him. He looks like an excellent prospect. I’d say high 3-star range as a CB.

      Here’s some game film:

      He looks faster than a 4.63, unless the guys around him are really slow (doubt it). What stands out to me is how fluid a runner he is. The Beavers usually get herky-jerky runners…this guy is smooth with fluid hips/cuts. I dig this pickup.

      • Yeah, I hadn’t seen film on him, but he looks really good. Kind of wondering how he was 4.63 40 guy. He’s much faster than that. He does look like a real smooth runner. It’s a nice change from what they have previously gotten at DB. Glad the Beavers got an early commitment from him. Hopefully he signs with the Beavers, cause I’m sure there will be a lot of schools interested his senior year.

        • Washington, Oregon, and UCLA are all in his ear. If his 40 is wrong (and I think it is), he could wind up a 4-star. With regard to recruiting, it’s good to see the staff with their collective heads out of their asses and into the fresh air. Riley took too long (as usual) to make the change, but he made it. Better late than never (but better early than late, and they still need to learn this). This commit is about 2 months earlier than usual (June-July is when they usually sign their first guy), so that’s a good sign. It looks like Heyward signed this guy, even though he was in Brennen’s territory. Heyward has stepped up his recruiting this past year.

  13. I am a fan of Cleveland Wallace. Has much more the body of a CB than Hardin at first glance. We need to get back to CB being one of our main positions of strength like it was for quite a few years awhile back. I think that is important in the Pac-10/12 and preventing 3rd down conversions and getting the ball back more often from your defense. Those guys need to dig deep and then get off the field. Now if we can just get a reliable pass rush and some hard-nosed linebackers.

    • You don’t like this year’s LBs? I think it will be a strength this season and into the foreseeable future. The pass rush on the other hand…that’s a legit question mark. I think they could be good…I really like Glover at DE and Crichton’s potential. Last season exposed Henry’s warts, and at this point I see him as a backup (he gets burned too easily on read/options, he can’t play every down)…with all the experimenting/shifting Glover inside etc, this spring has been painful to watch.

  14. afghanbeav,

    you would make a horrible beat writer! Your deadline was almost two weeks ago in taking notes and giving us a scouting report on the beavs football team. Where’s the loyalty and passion for football? If you have a scanner or know someone with a scanner, scan the paper you wrote on and e-mail that to angry or me. I’ll cypher through it and make sense of it. I’m pretty busy myself, but hell, i’m tired of waiting.

  15. Nice to see the baseball team is getting healthy. Adam Duke is getting back, same with Starr and Jake Rodriguez could be a defensive replacement this week. That hamate bone is healing extraordinarily fast. I imagine he will hit in the Washington series, as I’m sure Pat doesn’t want to rush him back too soon to start hitting during games. Hopefully Andrew Susac can comeback for the postseason and give the Beavers something, but that’s unlikely.

    • What’s nice is the team is battling through these injuries while not really looking like they’re a team. It’s hard to explain what I mean. I see a lot of talent rising to different challenges. But I have yet to see them play a conference series where everyone is firing on all cylinders. If all these guys are back for the UW series and get their reps while spelling the guys who are starting to look tired (emotionally more than physically), then they could be in position to start a late/post season run with everyone in tow.

      Unfortunately we have to get through UCLA and Cal first. If we win a majority of those games, I will be more than happy.

  16. New article on Tinker’s next Oregon State uniforms/brand. I don’t want him to be too conservative. He has the Ducks as the #2 selling college brand. It would be a big boost if he got Oregon State in the top 6 or 7. To get there he has to have some boldness. Our colors are good. Just find ways to combo them with a bold and strong look that college recruits will be drawn to. Get us on the map Tinker and Steven Jackson!



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