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General Discussion (& Stats Inc)


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What's going on here: I just got off the phone with Stats Inc.

I'm trying to find if there's a correlation between coach's challenges and win/loss record. My hypothesis is that coaches with weak personalities (e.g. Wulff, Riley) use fewer challenges and lose more games than aggressive, challenge-happy coaches. I'd also like to analyze if coaches who more often hold their timeouts going into halftime have a higher or lower win percentage than those who don't. Unfortunately, Stats Inc told me they don't keep track of coach's challenges or timeouts. If anyone knows a good resource for this let me know.

There might be no correlation. It just seems like Riley is afraid to insult the refs, and therefore never challenges. He also holds timeouts into the half, and in my opinion that has cost the team points if not games. There might be a correlation, if not in W/L then at least in points scored.


  1. Since challenges are not official, I would expect no official stats. Perhaps someone is tracking time outs called after disputed plays? Here is a video I found recently trying to implement an NFL style single challenge.
    Supposedly every play is reviewed. I think the problem we all know about is the quality and speed of the referees tends to vary drastically, especially those in the booth. So a challenge system seems the only far way to implement something.

  2. An interesting stat might be use of timeouts in general though. I know Riley doesn’t use them well. I would expect to possibly see a correlation with time outs used to wins.

  3. There are a couple hundred games up for replay on espn3.com. You could outsource the project to some Indians to gather the statistics. :) My buddy did something similar recently for a sociology dissertation, and them Indians do decent work for pennies on the dollar. Also, usage of ‘them Indians’ is intentionally trashy sounding.

    • Correct. This is the type of Aristotelian logic you find on the SAT (e.g. If all elephants are fat, and bob is fat, then Bob is an elephant).

      I’m not saying that a coach is automatically weak if he doesn’t use timeouts. My thought process (a) is there any correlation between timeout/challenge usage and win/loss record among all coaches and (b) do coaches with meager personalities challenge less/fair worse?

      Completely empirical right now and based off watching Riley blow timeouts and challenge opportunities. It could be nothing…could be no connection. Could just be an isolated incident with this coach. I just wish I had the numbers to test it out.

  4. Riley should have challenged the spot on that one play where we went for it on 4th down. I think it was a poor spot. Why Riley didn’t challenge that with TO’s to spare…we will never know!

  5. Mike Johnson likely out as OC at UCLA with Neuheisel’s dismissal. He was a Riley guy who went to the NFL with him. Sure would like to see us find a spot for him in Corvallis.

  6. Couple crazies I heard today…UCLA has already offered Chris Petersen 4 million and his OC/DC 2 million. Apparently, he is maxed out in salary at Boise St. Kansas is going hard after Mike Leach, AD there has the balls to say FU to the Texas schools and get the pirate on the ship.

  7. Watching several PAC 12 games this year I have wondered about referee teams. I watched ASU get hosed repeatedly, then the announcer said ASU had no discipline. We have seen several with OSU that were questionable. Is there any data kept about the number of penalties called by referee teams. Did OSU get particular teams that were more prone to call penalties? Did other teams that were better on the penalties benefit from having referees that called less penalties.

    • I am unsure if it is related to referee team consistency. I think it is actually just honestly poor officiating because commentators also said we were uncharacteristically lacking discipline. While I agree our team made more mistakes this year, rarely did it feel like we were getting a fairly called game. If the team of officials called more penalties that would have been reflected in our opponents as well and it sure as hell didn’t seem that way.

      A way that you might analyze this (of course figuring out the officiating team would be hard) would be to compare opponent penalties relative to their season average. If their number of penalties is above their season average when playing us you might be able to argue that more penalties were called in OSU games on average.

    • I never feel we get a fairly officiated Pac-12 game. And it’s not that I can’t be objective. E.g. When we played Texas, I thought those basketball refs were good/fair.

      Something is up. We really should keep data on it and present a case. Maybe next year.

      • I like this idea, how do we statistically track the missed calls though? I always feel like we have a case for an obvious hold/PI call that doesn’t happen. Does anyone have the ability to record and compile tape to present in these cases?

  8. Anyone else wondering if an 0-12 season would have been better? I felt like a 3-9 season wouldn’t have been much different but now I feel like an idiot.

    Personally, I feel that there is a lack of motivation to listen to fans/low level donors because we don’t offer a lot in the way of money. OSU football will generate most of its revenue through the equally shared media revenue. In this sense, OSU has absolutely no motivation to perform on the football field because our revenue is essentially unrelated to results. It might actually be even more profitable to have a poor football team (go with me on this) if you have to invest less to produce the product yet still yield the same media revenue. For instance, we regularly lose money by attending a bowl game (but that money hasn’t been lost the past two years). The Bengals do this every year (cheap out on payroll) so that they have become one of the most profitable teams in the NFL.

    And for fun: Riley’s demeanor on the sideline is that of a post coitus man (lethargy, smiles and all). The coitus was poor but he was both content and disappointed with it. Ironically, he laughs afterwards because he can’t explain why it was bad but he knows that it is guaranteed for the next several years.

    • If the goal was for Riley to move on then 0=12 would have been much more interesting, but I personally could never root for the Beavers to lose no matter how screwed up the coaching situation is.

      • I am left with the feeling that 0-12 or 1-11 is inevitable, better sooner than later. I personally prefer that band-aids are ripped off in one quick motion as opposed to a slow peel. My biggest fear is that Riley stays for too long and we end up in a situation that we can’t get out of…

  9. I mentioned Sonny Dykes on the other thread. Does anyone recall who his P is? I think that kid is in the running for the Ray Guy award this year. Let’s talk about how he sucks and can’t beat out Shankopotamus. The beat writers are up for more of this discussion… aren’t they?

  10. I really hate the Kendall Hill signing. The more I watch this guy the more he screams “wasted scholarship”

    I can get behind a 2-star like Chase Eldridge. But Hill (and Caleb Saulo) are crap. Sorry.

  11. I was wrong on Hekker. I thought he would finally show consistency. He actually had a decent average consider how short some of his punts were though. Plenty of talent just no consistency. Hekker is like the Katz of punters. He has all the tools just can’t get it all together for any length of time.

  12. Silverstream, what happened to those questions that you had for Buker? I know that he said he would follow up when the season ended, is that going to happen? I feel like the entire athletic department is trying to sidestep fans and media, I would be curious to see if they even attempt to address the questions.

    • Riley’s pre-emptive strike (“no coaching changes”) probably moots the list of questions sent to Buker three weeks ago. My plan is to rework/update the questions, solicit comments from angrybeavs.com, and then send the revised list of questions to Buker.

      The new questions should be better, in that they will incorporate the final statistics for the season, and also will take into account Riley’s outrageous pre-emptive strike.

      • just a tip (don’t have to follow it) but it might make sense to shorten the questions. It is tough to ask very long questions and easier to sidestep longer questions by only answering part of it.

        • Agreed. The focus of the questions will still be “accountability”. Recent events should make it possible to formulate fewer (as well as shorter) questions that cut to the heart of the matter. Hoping to get time later today for this. Meanwhile, if anyone has any suggested questions for Riley on this subject, please fire away….

  13. On the topic of getting higher level BASF donors to put some pressure on Bob D. or Ed Ray; I know 2 high level donors (between $20,000 and $50,000 annually). Here is a quick excerpt from a conversation I had with one of them:

    Donor: “Don’t think I’m dissatisfied with Riley and Staff–they are the same people who were coaching when we were winning–but this year we had a tremendous amount of kids with injuries–lots of freshmen players–and if you REALLY look at the whole year in review–there were only six — yes SIX positions that had the same player in every game! How can you have a “rhythm” and cohesiveness with a different player in a certain position every week!!!! Give them next year, with HEALTHY players and guys that have experience and then complain! If people complain now they are what I would call “bandwagon” fans. Just my humble opinon. GO BEAVERS!!!”

    Me: “Who is responsible for not recruiting quality players, resulting in having to play so many Freshmen? In every organization the buck stops somewhere. We’re 8-18 in our last 26 games plus 4 straight losses to the ducks. I think it is healthy to complain and ask questions when you’re failing. It holds those that are responsible for the failing accountable. Just my arrogant opinion.”

    Donor: “Do need to recruit some really good players–but that may take more improvement to facilities, i.e. $$$$$. Still holding out for one more year to see where we go–sat through 28 losing seasons, and then went through some good years, but not giving up yet! Once a Beaver, always a Beaver. Guess we’re all entitled to our opinions. LOL.”

    This is what we’re up against folks. This is the old guard. They are the ones with the money. My 4 figure donation means jack shit compared to this.

  14. I went to the Civil War game thanks to a Duck friend who gave me two tickets as a gift for my birthday. I am not sure if It was the wide gap between the programs, but this was the tamest rivalry game I have ever attended. Even then I knew the game was going to be ugly. Unlike many people here, I saw this train wreck of a season coming (my pre-season prediction was 3-9). I am not a Duck fan by any means, but I have to tell you that the Autzen experience was great. I wore my colors and only got some mild ribbing, nothing too bad. The fans in my area were very savy and actually knew a lot about the Beavers. Before the game the guy behind me actually predicted 6 sacks against mannion.
    My concern is that they seem to do everything better than we do. That stadium just roars during 3rd downs, I have never heard Reser that loud. I have not been there since the remodel and their facilities are way better than ours and new construction onsite will probably keep it that way for years to come. They do have a hokey thing where a guy rides a Harley on the field to lead the team, but it is no worse than running out of an inflatable helmet from the Petibone era.
    On the field, their players seemed to have a gear that ours did not. In fact, their second string probably would have destroyed us too! After being so close a couple of years ago, I am not sure what happened. OSU seemed to be just going through the motions out there this year and really lacked inspiration.
    Unlike many people who think this team will be better next year, I just dont see it. I think Mannion is an average quarterback with cement feet. I think our running backs are slow and tentative, and I dont think one of our guys would crack the 4 deep in Oregon’s lineup.
    This was a fitting end to a terrible Beaver season, and as a long time fan, I am concerned that this may be the start of another long dry spell. Rebuilding a program in this league can be a long process, ask UCLA, Washington or WSU. I am honestly concerned that we may not be in a bowl game again for at least 5 years!

    • I’ve been to several away games and so far have not thought Reser was outclassed (except Cowboys stadium). The biggest difference in fan facilities at the duck game this weekend that I noticed was their use of the jumbo-tron.
      First, they quickly showed replays of almost every single play. How often at Reser do we look up to the replay screen only to see some silly cartoon graphic? I’m not talking about not showing controversial plays such as to not insight a riot for a bad call or whatever. This allows the fans to stay in touch with the game better.
      Second, their jumbo-tron doesn’t have permanent ads on both sides effectively reducing the size of the screen! They utilize every square inch of the screen so even people at the far end can clearly see each play. After the replay is shown then they will flash small ads on the edges. Our Dam Cam was the largest in the Pac-10 when it was new, but it never appeared that way because of the permanent ads. Why didn’t they just buy a smaller screen and install sign boards with the same ads?

      • I went to the ASU game earlier this season and their stadium is cool inside, but a real maze to get through and their facilities are OLD!! Their bathrooms on the upper deck only have cold water faucets, the toilet seats turned yellowish cause their so old, and it felt like I was in a glorified porta potty. At Reser, the West side’s bathrooms are in better shape/condition than the ASU stadium’s(plus there’s more bathrooms to use on that side as well.

        Then this last weekend, I went to Autzen and sat on the south endzone where the bathroom was as small as a high school locker room’s bathroom. It was also run down, paper towels strewn everywhere, stalls were disgusting..and did I mention it was small? Autzen actually wasn’t that loud on Saturday when in the endzone 1) because my head wasn’t hurting when the fans were screaming like it has been at Reser for especially the USC game last year. 2) the OSU band took up a big chunk of space along with the OSU fans in the corner and around the stadium, and 3) the fans weren’t really cheering all that loud because they knew it was a matter of time before the team started pulling ahead and wearing out the Beavs, and 4) because OSU is at the bottom of the Pac-12 North and it wasn’t worth yelling for.

        The one thing Autzen has going for them is that the fans really are closer to the field than at Reser. The edge of the first row is approx. 5-10 yards away from where the field of play is, whereas at Reser, the fans are approx. 15-20 yards away from the field. So I wish we could have made the East side and the South endzone closer to the field, but we had to “match” up the sides of the seats to the previous structure.

        I do agree with the “duck vision” vs. the “dam cam” arguement because it was nice looking up to the screen and being able to see the prior play. I think the “dam cam” operator at Reser isn’t too concerned with showing the previous play, even though when OSU has the ball, he has about 35 seconds before the ball is snapped on average to show the previous play because that’s how long it takes for the Beavs to get their plays off…on the other hand, The “duck vision” operator HAS to get the replay up as quick as possible because the ducks use the hurry up offense and they need to get that up quickly. So it makes no sense why the “dam cam” operator doesn’t take notes on how to operate a REPLAY BOARD!!! Why have a Jumbo Tron if you’re not going to show the replays? We should have kept the old animated score board of old if we’re going to just show the crowd 75% of the time, 5-10% is replays and the other 15-20% is the animated crap. The other thing the ducks did was have about a 3 minute video of their duck mascot in their rendition of, “Day at the Office” starring, “The Duck”. It was stupid, but the crowd loved it and thought it funny…all the beavers fans were grumpy cause the duck fans actually got to see good use of their replay board! I wish we would just copy Oregon on some things….Oh well.

    • While I agree with most of what you said, I still think it’s unfair to call Mannion an average quarterback at this point in his career. I’m certainly no Beaver apologist, but I think a lot of Mannion’s issues have to do with a) being inexperienced (freshman) and b) having an atrocious offensive line. While he may have cement feet, who cares? In theory he shouldn’t need to really be able to run if he had adequate blocking. He threw for over 3,300 yards and completed almost 65% of his passes in his first year. The interceptions are bad but I think a lot of that comes from a) and b) above. I don’t really have a strong opinion yet on whether the Beavers can be a six win team next year, but I firmly believe that the deciding factor in that is not going to be the QB or RB play, it’s going to be the offensive line play.

      • RB play was not an issue? 118th in the country in rushing sound good to you? This was the first time since Simonton that we did not have a quality back. Without an RB gaining 100/game we don’t win! 118th tells me that perhaps both OL and RB positions were terrible.

        • bbliver- I have to agree with hopeful – these backs will get better when the o-line improves- they truely were so outmatched in almost every game that it is hard to gauge the Rb’s overall. The majority of the time they were trying to find a hole to run through and that makes it fairly hard to get any thing started. I am not saying we have anyone that is Quizz but they really had no chance. If the beavs do not improve up front on both sides of the ball another 3 win season is on the way. DT, OL and OLB is what we need more than anything IMO.

        • First of all, I never said RB wasn’t an issue at all. I said RB is not THE issue. I don’t think it matters if we had Quizz or even Steven Jackson behind that offensive line – the running game was going to struggle regardless of who the back was this year. What in the 118/120 in rushing stat makes you believe that is all on the running backs? I can promise you that there are much more than two teams in the country with less talented running backs than we have. I’m not saying any of the guys on our roster is going to be our next super star, but I don’t think we really got to see what any of them are capable of because there were never consistent holes to run through.

          • The thing that was on the RB is the fumbles. You can’t afford to give the ball up that many times.

            I actually thought Ward was good at hitting the hole when there was one.

      • The 3000 plus yards produced by Mannion are impressive and encouraging. But what is your standard for excellence, average, below average and terrible? Is it yardage or percentage completion, touchdown to interception ratio, wins vs losses, number of games that the qb keeps the team in the game to the fourth quarter, or number of comebacks etc? It is easy to cherry pick stats to prove anything. Certainly you have to factor in a lousy offensive line and weak, error prone running backs. But lets assume that a generic qb plays behind the same OSU line. A typical Dl offensive coordinator would design and implement a number of stategies to increase success. They would have this generic qb do some qb draws, would use 3 step, 5 step and 7 step drops. They would roll the qb out and do some half rolls to keep the qb target moving and out of harms way. The qb would be allowed or encourage to roll and run past the first down marker and slide. The qb would also need to be adept at changing cadence at the line of scrimmage so that his own players do not jump and so that defensive players are left guessing.These strategies, in the absence of a decent running game and in the absence of a good line would help neutralize defensive advantages. No matter what you think of Langsdorf, the current limitations of Mannion to move around make it difficult to design a scheme that will keep him upright for an entire game. Eventhough the total yardage is impressive and the pct of completion is impressive, he lacks sufficient skills to enhance offensive line play and manage or win games. Maybe this will come in time. But as of the end of the Oregon game, the overall qb play is average, when compared to other freshman and sophomore quarterbacks operating at the Division l level.

    • Good comments beliver…
      I was there as a last minute replacement for a friend’s wife. I was treated very well by Duck fan.
      While I too think the motorcycle is lame the overall game day experience is great. I really enjoyed 50,000+ people singing “Shout” at the third quarter break. They really know how to use the end zone screen.
      It would serve us well to copy some of their stadium game time practices.
      I suppose its easier to whip up a crowd when you are winning than when you are losing.

  15. With Dennis Erickson being fired at ASU, Noel Mazzone may be looking for an OC job. Mazzone would come with some useful and relevant experience.

    Mazzone was OC at Oregon State in 2002 under Erickson (so he has experience working at Oregon State and living in Corvallis). Mazzone has been OC at ASU for the past two years (so he has experience in the PAC-12, and knows the current personnel and schemes). Over the past 10 years, Mazzone has also held OC positions at SEC schools (Auburn; Ole Miss) and has some NFL coaching experience (WR coach for the Jets).

    Not saying Mazzone is necessarily the best guy out there, but Mazzone is probably available, and would represent a substantial upgrade over Danny Langsdorf as OC for Oregon State, or so it seems to me.


  16. If Oregon State fans want to have their voices heard, we might want to try getting John Canzano to hear our side? Everyone in Oregon has heard of the Oregonian, and Canzano isn’t going to blow sunshine up peoples rear ends! It might just work? He isn’t afraid of controversy, and tells it like it is. *uck fans hate him because of this. I will leave some information below.

    Catch John Canzano on the ‘BFT,’ 3-6 p.m. weekdays on 750-AM The Game

    Phone Number: (503) 294-5065

    Twitter: @JohnCanzanoBFT

    http://www.thebaldfacedtruth.com —-> this is how you can write him.

    • That is a great point, Where has canzano been? I think he loves Riley too much! All season long I have been waiting for an article from him on the cause of the beaver situation. Nothing about the shitty coaching staff, nothing about the curious benching of Katz or the effect of the Sac St. loss. Why does Riley get a pass on this season? Two teams with bowl eligibility in this conference have already been axed, perhaps he should ask why there are no questions as to his status as head coach.

      • Canzano only likes to write opinion pieces that are contrary to public opinion, in order to get people talking about his articles. Currently, Oregon State is not a popular topic, so taking a stance on either side of the fence about Oregon State still won’t bring in the readers when you compare that to a Brandon Roy, Blazers, Ducks piece.

        He did have a column back in November that was critical of Riley:


        But that is 1 Beaver column amidst a flood of Duck/Blazers column. It’s easier to piss people off when they’re passionate about their sport. Beaver fans don’t have that passion. (at least not in large numbers)

  17. can’t believe criteron didn’t earn at least 2nd team all pac 12. i think wheaton was a good candidate as well. the list is certainly a strong indication of our talent level. what’s the most likely line ups for us next year? any update on our key JC targets?

  18. Hi BN… It’s me again. Here is where I think we are, and where we will be if things don’t change rapidly!

    This could be the beginning of a long death spiral. It looks like this:

    1. Old-fashioned rigidity in coaching. results in…..
    2. Barely sub 500% teams at first. Close to 500% disguises the deficiencies. results in….
    3. Less than stellar recruiting results. results in……
    4. Decreased fan base, enthusiasm and donations. results in…..
    5. Losing increases to greater than 700%. results in….
    6. Even lower recruiting results as opposing coaches emphasize record and the current head coaches vulnerability.
    Go back to top and repeat until head coach is finally replaced leaving the cupboard bare.

    This current phase reminds me of the final Andros years. Which many of you may be too young to recall. The times had changed from the traditional WWII militaristic coaching style and he refused to adapt. OSU stubbornly clung to Andros and the death spiral resulted in 28 years of futility.

    It all starts with the head coaches ability to change with the times. Based on MR’s endorsement of his entire staff it appears he has “dug his heels in”.

    I’m thinking the answer is in securing the voice of an influential Beaver alumni to spear head a drive. Look what Charlie and his basketball group accomplished…maybe Baker or Preece?

    • I think you mean 50% or 70%, but yeah….

      I do remember the Andros years, and I recall it was the next coach, Craig Fertig who pulled the Riley-in-his-old-age routine, and didnt recruit, didnt coach and ran the program right into the fuuking ground. I now think he did that deliberately as he was an ex-USC quarterback.

      Starting a REMOVE RILEY movement is a good idea.

  19. From Cliff’s blog: “OSU is off recruiting now. They are looking to finish the 2012 class strong with LBs and CBs.

    There are some JC guys offered, but they are not on the OL or DL. Riley thinks he has enough bodies on the DL that any new players would be bonuses.

    There will be more throughout the week in the GT about this.”

    This cannot be accurate(?). Who are the “bodies” on the DL? There’s Thompson, and Castro will be back, unless he gets in trouble somehow, but Castro’s only a “run stuffer” because he’s big and slow and doesn’t play at a consistently high level of effort. More impact players and depth are needed here, I thought some JC DT’s were specific targets this offseason.

    I read that Riley’s looking at JC LB’s and DB’s, but that seems a little off to me. There seems to be a number of fast LB’s on the roster, though another MLB would certainly be welcome. And JC corners rarely seem to find the field for OSU come game time because it “takes to long to learn the system.”

    What started out as a strong class is getting rapidly weaker (Hill) and will be diluted by Riley’s stubbornness if he doesn’t get some high caliber D lineman and a high caliber RB.

    • Yeah I know we are going after Salt. We also recruited Happy Iona and Thomas Melosi out of HS and they went the JC route so we might go after them too. I thought I saw another JC DT on Scout that we offered. We don’t need bodies for the sake of having bodies. We should only be looking at JC DT’s if they are better than Seumalo, Tuivailala, Rosa, Bennett and Massiani.

  20. Just finished asking Mike Parker some of our criticisms about Mike Riley. He disagreed with everyone, and believes that the Beavers will be contending for the Pac-12 Title in 2 years under Riley.

    • Parker is just part of the great Riley/Bob d. circle. Don’t you get it yet. Anyone involved with, paid by or part of OSU’s athletic program is not going to say or do anything about the Riley regime. Parkers’ comments are pathetic. Our program is nowhere near a break even season. Face it, we are doomed to face mediocre football for many years to come. And riley will most likely be present.

      • Does that mean we should treat Parker as a tool? I think he’s a very good announcer, when he isn’t spouting his I Bleed Orange and Black opinion. I can certainly understand where the guy is coming from, but could it be that he isn’t allowed to say a critical opinion even if he thinks it?

  21. Anyone read the comments in the GT where MR says they are not recruiting any more DL’s. Riley is happy with what he has! Perhaps he had a mild stroke? He will get fired after next years looming debacle. This is a nightmare.

    Any thoughts on Belloti getting any of the PAC-12 openings?

    • When the great state of Oregon pays you $500k in pension and ESPN pays you $50-100k to work 4 months a year, and when U of O gives you a $2 mil golden handshake, why would you want to sit in someone’s living room trying to convince junior to go to your school? Belotti gave up the coaching job willingly. He does not have the same level of delusions of gradeur that afflicts Meyer and others. I am not sure that any amount of money would be enough to offset the pressure and increased expectations that large amounts of money create. Also, if you look at his dna or history from UCD to CSUC to UofO, he just doesn’t seem like that type of guy.

      • Belotti did not leave willingly. I think he might love to come back and stick it in Chip’s face. But as I pointed out in the other thread, he had some seriously mediocre teams at Oregon.. which with the better facilities puts him below MR IMHO.

    • The BeaverBlitz.com recruit site tracker on Northwest Sports Tonight said that there was a lot of DLs in school who were redshirts this year. Can anyone do some fact checking?

      • DTs: Tuivailala, Brandon Bennett, and Naalii Robbins. I think Fred Thompson used his redshirt this year.

        DEs: Lavonte Barnett, Desmond Collins, Akeem Gonzales…

        I could be forgetting some.

        • I thought Tuivailala already redshirted. I heard good things about him a few years back but he must be pretty crummy if he couldn’t beat out our current DT’s. I think I might have sawn him rotated in a few times but I am not sure.

      • Thanks, Beavergopher….yes, Diann is a helluva broad and is definitely the better half of Team Avezzano. I hope you enjoyed your visit to Coach Joe’s.

        I’m excited about this new gig with Seaman Milano, though my friends are giving me a hard time about the name. In any event, it’ll be different having players smoke cigarettes during timeouts, that’s for sure.

    • Do you have a better idea? Maybe us old timers could “bitch and moan” about how your incompetence set the program back another 10 years.

      • “My” incompetence? For the record, I was able to parlay my time at OSU into a very successful 13 years with the Dallas Cowboys including Special Teams Coach of the Year three, count ’em three, count ’em three times.

        Regarding this accusation you’ve laid at my feet, it deserves pointing out that the greatest win in OSU football history, the 1985 game against UW, was won with MY recruits.

        Apology accepted.

          • If you’re going to do something, do it with style.

            Not able to determine if your post is admiration or denoting a shortcoming, I’m going with the former.

          • Don’t you remember when I brought back the “Black Bandits of Benton County” in 1983? That was fun.

            Folks are afraid to have fun these days. Broads and booze, that’s where the action’s at.

            My only regret is giving playing time to Kevin Trunkey. That kid was a dick.

  22. LOL … yeah, all we have now is the wishful thinking of WHAT IF….we had a really concerned, involved coach…. But we dont.

    There isnt much mystery about Riley not challenging questionable calls, as he doesnt really care about the game so why in hell should he raise a finger to challenge a bad call?

    And boring is the name of the game, now, with OSU football. Its ALL BORING, now.

    I found this blog really interesting when it analysed the football with the thought in mind that we might do well. But unless the next season starts with a series of wins, forget it — its just more Mike Riley and his I DONT CARE attitude. Ok … me neither.

    • Mike Martz has expressed interest in the ASU job, but Sumlin is thought to be the priority.

      Does anyone think Petersen goes to UCLA? The numbers thrown out there are staggering. And there’s A LOT of talent already on the roster… with more to come if Pete lands there.

      Zonies already have RichRod, and Moos wants Leach.

      There’s an apt term used in North Dakota for times like these.

      Uff da!

    • Actually, This might be better in the long run for OSU because if OSU and USC are the only teams that don’t use a form of spread offense, then that will be more in our favor because the defenses will scheme more towards stopping spread offenses (e.g. Oregon, ASU, UofA, UCLA(depending upon hired coach), UW, WSU, Utah, and maybe CAL?) Stanford, OSU, Colorado?, USC, and Utah? are the only ones that use a true “Pro-Style” offensive schemes….right?

      Oregon became the exception when it comes to offense, but now it’s slowly becoming split. Once we see more spread offenses in the regular season, the easier it will be to stop. We just have to scheme and recruit to be able to stop both Pro style AND spread vs. one or the other…It wasn’t justified to scheme our defense from team to team throughout the season because the teams offenses are so diverse in style.

  23. There will be some effective offenses in the Pac-12 with Rich Rod and potentially Mike Leach and Kevin Sumlin. Don’t feel super great about Banker stopping them. Hopefully Darius Powe soon becomes official for Oregon State and we can have a potent offense of our own.

    Powe + Gilmore > Ocho + Houshmandzadeh?

  24. Just watched the Moos press conference and imo he said all the right things. One of which was he’s going to be spending some of that new TV revenue ($14M +) for the next coach’s salary. It sounds like he’s willing to spend some serious money in order to bring in a good coach.

    I wish it was Bobby saying what Bill said.

    To see the press conference click on “Videos”: http://www.wsucougars.com/

  25. FYI- I thought I heard that Leach is not going to be on this crappy sateillite radio show the rest of the week, so i would think that means he is off to some college campus. Wonder if it will be Lawrence or Pullman?

    • There was a very testy quote from Altman about not discussing departing players anymore. I wonder if they were sold a bills of goods about playing time before signing? Ducks keep winning so far, though UTEP did not look as good as some past teams.

      • UTEP looked horrible. But they had an excuse. They’re really, really young. Nikegon did not look any better. That was just an ugly game. Perez and Loyd will be hard pressed to find weaker perimeter defenses than that in any of their opponents down the road.

          • I’m not sure what to say about Altman. I think he was on the downslide at Creighton when he moved out here. And some of that was because of what he did with the Arky fiasco a couple years ago. He spent a long time building a good program and filling seats. But he seemed to change his philosophy in order to get his program to a level where they might win something in the Tourney instead of always bowing out early.

            He started recruiting the West Coast instead of the Midwest, and the players he brought in wouldn’t buy into his system like the Midwest kids did. So he went looking for greener pastured at Arky. He was there only a couple days, but he wasted a lot of goodwill in Omaha by essentially taking a dump on the program he built and the kids he left there. I know he was likely only stating platitudes to the Arky fans, but he was also telling everyone in Omaha that they would never win at the level that he wanted to win.

            He was blaming the community who had given him free reign and high praise for several years for his inability to break through his self-imposed ceiling. So when he came back hat in hand with new praise for Omaha and an expressed desire to retire at Creighton, people started looking at his program objectively. Many did not believe his miraculous epiphany would lead to any serious commitment, and some of those seats he filled were beginning to empty. And it didn’t help that he had his worse season since his third year at Creighton in 2009-10. Fans who were used to at least going to the first round of the Tourney saw some wobble with a couple alternating NIT/NCAA appearances followed by thee NIT twice and the CIT in his last year there.

            Now that he’s having the same problems with “talent” here in Eugene, one has to think that it’s a him thing, not a community issue. He had some success in the Big Eight with KState, but he was never able to break .500 in league despite his ability (bad for us) to play his rival (KU) well. We’ll see if he can ever do better than .500 here. Maybe scheming well for and beating a better rival team in OSU will garner him some leeway, but I think history will simply repeat itself in terms of what his plateau really is.

            For the record, I really, really, really, vehemently do not like his addition of Tony Woods.

          • Thanks for the great background. I think there has to be some disconnect for two young players to leave so soon. The Eugene “community” cares about being in the national conversation and the stars next to the recruits name and not much else. Altman will be on the clock in a couple of years, he was not the big name they really wanted anyway. I really hope the Beavs pound the crap out of them this year.

  26. Cliff’s article in this morning’s G-T includes the following passage:

    Langsdorf was hired in 2005. Riley called the plays at the time and did so until handing over that duty to Langsdorf in 2008. The running game has been going downhill since. OSU averaged 158.1 yards a game in 2008, but 139.8, 119.6 and 86.9 the following years, respectively.



    Correlation is not causation. Nonetheless, these numbers strongly suggest that handing over play-calling to Langsdorf may not be working so well….

    • It was masked in 09 by Canfield’d play. He completed many third and longs to keep drives going. Quizz masked the lousy run blocking that year. If he had run behind lines as good as the 08 one he would own all the records. Danny needs to go.

      • OL play is the number one reason for this teams decline the last two years. Doesn’t that mean we should be calling for Cavs head? I think the situation gets much brighter next year with some players coming off redshirt, and some pretty decent freshmen.

        • There’s some validity to calling for Cav’s head. But Danny is responsible for the offense, not Cav. What we don’t know is the dynamic within that relationship. If Cav insisted that those who played gave us the best chance to win in the short term, and Danny took that to mean they were the ones who needed to start, then Danny needs to go. Those players had already proven that they could not develop. The reigns should have been handed to some others who were lesser talents in the short term but could develop with game time to surpass those in place.

          If Cav resisted the immediate development of the younger guys, then he is responsible. But history shows that he’s willing to do so, albeit in times of crisis.

          • “What we don’t know is the dynamic within that relationship.”

            When discussing the relationship among Cav, Langsdorf, and Riley, it’s important to note — again — that Danny Langsdorf, in May 2007, donated a kidney to Laurie Cavanaugh (Cav’s wife). Unlikely that Cav is going to be critical of Langsdorf, the guy who voluntarily gave up his kidney to save Cav’s wife from likely death.

          • I think Cav is overrated. Everybody talks about his foul language and bear crawls, but his players assignments are inconsistent and sometimes seem random, he can’t develop the “meanness” he says is needed, and some players have outright regressed (Remmers).

            If he can take Darryl Jackson, Phillips, and two of the incoming true freshman, mix them with existing players, and get some respectable run blocking next year (120 yards per game), I think his coaching could be credited. If it looks anything like the past two years, there’s nothing special about the guy.

    • Didn’t they add one additional walk-on to the O-line each of those years? I think it’s a mix of both. Langsdorf is questionable, and the line all four of those year was horrible. These things play off one another. I’m not a Langsdorf fan, but that’s the truth of it. The reason I feel this is equally on Langsdorf is that I could predict his play calls and also head scratched on dozens of them. Even if he was calling those plays because he didn’t trust the line, if fans can predict so can other coaches, and he should have realized that but didn’t.

      Beavs really need to get some D1 linemen out there…running the ball (+short passes) is so important in the red zone. How many times do you see a team 1st and goal from the 1? A lot…the reason is pass plays are designed to get them close, then the run game gets them in. You do not want to be passing from inside the ten since the end zone becomes a defender.

      • Cav seems to be cruising through this, he must get along much better with Riley than Newhouse ever did. Would he be culpable through arrogance, i.e leading Riley to believe he could develop the guys he had? This might sound callous, but doesn’t somone need to go just based on having a 3-9 season?

  27. Brock Huard has a post today on ESPN.com in which Huard ranks the top available coaching jobs in college football. Huard uses 8 criteria to evaluate the available positions:

    “facilities, tradition, committed administration and boosters, coaching staff budget, captive local population, livability, centralized recruiting base and current talent level”

    http://insider.espn.go.com/college-football/story?id=7297781 (Note: full article requires paid subscription, but the section of the article containing the above evaluation criteria is available for free)

    If Oregon State decided to try to recruit a top OC and/or DC to Corvallis, and the above criteria were applied, how would Oregon State fare? Here’s my stab at it (rating each item from 1-10, with 1 being the lowest level and 10 being the highest level among AQ football programs — not among all 120 FBS teams, but not just among PAC-12 teams either — on the assumption that AQ football programs represent the right competitive set for OSU)

    facilities: 6 (with possible upgrade using new PAC-12 TV $$)
    tradition: 6
    committed administration and boosters: 5
    coaching staff budget: 5 (with possible upgrade using new PAC-12 TV $$)
    captive local population: 6
    livability: 9 (would have been a 10 but for the rain)
    centralized recruiting base: 4
    current talent level: 5

    So, my attempt to apply these criteria results in a total score of 46, or an average score of 5.75 for each of the 8 criteria. In other words, OSU is a bit above average, overall, in terms of attractiveness. Facilities and coaching staff budget both could be improved with PAC-12 TV money, but the other 6 criteria are harder to change.

    My guess, however, is that using PAC-12 TV money to offer a big salary to a new OC or DC might trump some of the other criteria, and enable OSU to land someone really talented.

    What do you think?

  28. One more point about recruiting a new OC and/or DC — the timing is right.

    It’s NOT a great time to be recruiting a new head coach, given that a number of other PAC-12 schools are doing exactly that, providing stiff competition. However, now is a great time to try to recruit a new OC and/or DC. With the recent firings of head coaches (in the PAC-12 and elsewhere), talented assistants are available. Most other programs are not yet recruiting these assistants. However, that will change when new head coaches are hired in the next month or two, and those head coaches then hit the recruiting trail to assemble their new staffs.

    If OSU is going to land a talented new OC and/or DC, there is no time to waste….

    • Interesting. Do you know if that is due to production his senior year or if it is just a reassessment of his tools?

      I really don’t care either way, he looks like he will be a great fit and will be productive here.

  29. Erickson and Neuhiesel added new OCs this season. The result for ASU looked promising early in the season. Both coaches are out of work. Was it too little too late? Does a new offense need more than one year to settle in?

    • Offense wasn’t the problem for ASU this season — it was the ASU defense that fell apart. The numbers make this clear.

      First half of season:
      ASU record = 5 – 1
      Offense avg pts scored: 35.33
      Defense avg pts allowed: 19.50

      Second half of season:
      ASU record = 1 -5
      Offense avg pts scored: 32.50
      Defense avg pts allowed: 33.17

      Noel Mazzone — OC for ASU — did a good job with the ASU offense for the entire year. Unfortunately for ASU (and for Dennis Erickson), the ASU defense didn’t show up for the second half of the 2011 season.

  30. “The quick push for Leach was not unexpected. The Seattle Times reported last week that Wulff was likely to be fired, and that Leach would be the top target of the Cougars. ” – Seattle Times

    Like the decisiveness and that they quickly got the guy they wanted. In two years, I may have a new favorite pac-12 team…

    So – Kelly, Rodriguez, Leach…maybe Peterson goes to UCLA….

      • I don’t see how it is…there’s something off about this player. Can’t pinpoint it, though. Maybe it’s just the fact that he looks like Fabio.

      • He over pursues, he does wrap up, but he does have a nose for where the play is going quickly. He plays with passion. That is an upgrade I think. On the other hand, he looks average.

  31. Leach to WSU for 5 years. Impressed with Bill Moos decisive action. Said they couldn’t be a doormat. Who will take over that role now?

    Banker won’t stop Leach or Rich Rod too well. Can’t believe we are stuck in a long term deal signed after a horrendous Vegas Bowl. I sincerely think you have to say it could have been the worst deal in the history of college sports. No foresight into the future. Bad enough to last through 2019. When it could have gone through 2029 with 6-6 every year it enters or even 2023 with a few 6-6 years it becomes worse than laughable. It is a travesty for Beaver Nation. 7 wins next year Riley or please step aside. We can’t be a doormat either.

    • Is it possible for Riley to turn down the extensions and just say, I’ll keep the seasons I have now. IF he ever gets to that point in the next 2-7 years?

      The one thing I will say is that if Riley and company DON’T bring in JC’s to fill the positions needed such as OL and DL, then we need a knew DC because OBVIOUSLY Banker is saying that we need better DB’s and LB’s rather than DL’s! I want a Coordinator who can help RECRUIT the level we need to succeed! I read an article in OLive saying that the zone read play will come back?! I’m thinking, why did we ever take that OUT of our play book?! That’s really the only play that worked! We also need more Counter plays. O-line is where it will cost us the season. We will have Philipp back next season, but will he be able to start at Guard or Tackle? Remember how he didn’t want to play guard, yet that’s where the coaches wanted him to play…so the coaches said, “Fine, we’ll just redshirt you then until you get healthier and see if you get any bigger!” I think it was more of a motivator to show him, you’re not going to play out of position.

      • I mentioned once before that Riley annoucing he would voluntarily give up the extension clause would go a long way to gaining back the faith and trust of Beaver Nation in our Athletic Dept. Through 2019 is already a VERY LONG time. But both Riley and BDC are horrible at admitting they have any faults or weaknesses. It just won’t happen unfortunately. The fanbase is left to choose whether we would rather be mediocre and 6-6 or 7-5 and the occassional Kraft Hunger or New Mexico Bowl or guarantee we are not stuck with Riley too far into the 2020s. So far the voice has been it is better to not be stuck forever. This is an unforgiveable position for BDC to have put the fanbase. Horrible!

    • I’ll take Wazzu for the next 5 years. We have no chance of winning the North in all honesty without drastic changes. It could go like this:

      1) Oregon
      2) Wazzu
      3) Stanford
      4) UW/Cal
      5) UW/Cal
      6) OSU

      Banker can’t stop Kelly, Leach and Rich Rod and maybe Chris Petersen and Kevin Sumlin if the great moves by many other schools in the conference not named OSU continue. I think BDC should be fired or step down for the dumbass contract. Hopefully Pat Casey takes that role over in the next year or two. Once the basketball facility and track are built I don’t see much need for BDC.

  32. We talk about Riley being capped at 8-9 wins (10 with an extra game scheduled). Its clear where the problems are:

    1) A losing record in the first month of the season (e.g. 1-3 average);
    2) A CW beatdown at the end (4th loss);
    3) In between, losses to spread/option teams, one or two due to coaching (5 and/or 6th loss).

    That puts Riley at 6-6, 7-5, etc. Mediocrity.

    BDC’s mandate to Riley should be clear next year:

    You go 3-1 in the first month of the season;
    The CW has to be competitive;
    You have to show demonstrable progress in 1) defending spread/option teams, 2) clock management, and 3) strategic use of time outs.

    Those things don’t happen, you change coordinators. You don’t change coordinators, you step down.

    The PAC-12 is looking like it will trend upward with these recent coaching changes and tv deals. BDC cannot let Riley “live in a vacuum” as he insisted on doing this past season.

    • I agree. The team’s goals need to start with the coaches’ improvements. Doesn’t Riley have a sit down with BDC after every season for an evaluation of how the season/his decisions in all aspects of the sports have gone differently and where things can and need to be improved?! That’s what an Athletic Director is SUPPOSED to do! He’s supposed to DIRECT where the programs and the coaches are supposed to succeed and help put people in those positions to succeed. Right now, BDC is too distracted with health, facilities, and politics to worry about each individual program and how they operate as a whole. :/

      If I were the AD, I’d have these 5 goals in place for football over the next 2-3 seasons:

      1) If there are more than 5 injuries to starting players that cause them to miss the first+ games of the season, you will need to find a new weight lifting and conditioning routine and/or conditioning coach for the next season.

      2) If you lose your home opener, you will be suspended for 2 games or you will agree to fire a coordinator of your choosing at the end of the season.

      3) You will address the media in positive, upbeat, and optimistic tones and speech or else you will be given a script of what to say at every interview until you understand that you need to tell your players you can beat every opponent you play on the schedule.

      4) If you go lower than 3-9 this next season, you will either be fired, or you will have to fire a coordinator of my choosing.

      5) We will add an amendment to your contract that will negate a contract extension due to you already being extended out to 2019. When and if we get to 2019 and you are the head coach still, we will renegotiate your contract to read, “When Mike Riley wins a BCS bowl game, his contract will be extended for 1 more season, unless he decides to resign or retire as the Oregon State head football coach.”

      6) You do not have a winning season after the 2013 season and the 2012 season is not an improvement from last season, then you will be fired before the 2013 season even begins.

      7) If you lose to any team you have lost in the previous season, you will be fired, period, no exceptions. There is no excuse for losing to a team you beat last year.

  33. OK, everyone needs to take a breath. OS is not in any worse shape right now than they were in a week ago. Rich Rod was not able to succeed at Michigan, why is everyone so sure that he will do well in the desert? Banker can’t stop Oregon, but I agree with Angry that the more teams that run the spread will help OS, we will change (or we won’t and this coaching regime will eventually run out of good will).

    WS will need time to recruit and it is not going to be easy for Leach to recruit right now. The current batch of recruits was in Junior High when Leach was making positive news. If they know anything about him, it may be the story of him having one of his players sit in a closet because of a concussion…

    What is going on in the rest of the conference is really not the important thing for the Beavs. What is the most important thing is getting our house in order. Get an OL that can block effectively, a RB who can hold on to the ball and get Mannion to reduce the interceptions.

    • You forgot about needing a DL and LBs that can stop the run ;) But I agree, I think people are just upset and diving straight to the worst possible conclusions.


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