1. (I already posted this comment on the previous thread but wanted to paste it here to subscribe to this one)

    An example of the recency effect though? Oregon State did not have any players visit this weekend, the last chance to have visitors prior to signing day. At the same time, many of our rivals are having visitors, some of which are players previously committed to OSU like Chris Young. Arizona State got one last chance to blow the guy’s socks off while we just sit back and let it happen. I know we have some coaches on the road this weekend, but wouldn’t it make sense to have a few guys on campus too, in order to keep OSU fresh in their minds?

  2. Reading on the Scout message boards that Steffon Martin is likely to follow Young to ASU. Didn’t really think we had a shot at the guy, but further proof that this final weekend of hosting at ASU was to their benefit. They’re hosting while we’re wooing a nearly retired DB coach. (maybe the coach is our secret weapon to get some commits back on board after Heyward-Johnson left, but somehow I doubt it)

  3. Agree that OSU’s strategy of not hosting visits this weekend is ill-founded, disagree that losing Young to ASU is that big of a deal. Young is from a CC in Az, so this isn’t that big of a stretch that he should decide to stay there. I think his tape looked great, and he’d be a nice addition, but the bigger need remainst at DT.

    I could see them choking and losing to many db recruits, and for that they should be crticized.

    If OSU holds onto the DB’s and Chris Brown, this class addresses many, but not the most glaring needs.

    • Check the sliding scale for recruits. Shelton has at best, a 2.5 GPA/800 SAT. That is self-reported. Could be lower.

      that doesn’t qualify him.

      Unless he can get all A’s this next trimester, or get a SAT score that is at least around 900 or so, I doubt he will qualify wherever he goes.

      820SAT/2.5 GPA is the cutoff. Lower in one means significantly higher in the other.

      I doubt Chris Young was really that much of a game-changer.

  4. In reality I think it was a stretch to get both Martin and Young, they are both from AZ and I think that was the deciding factor. From Martin’s Twitter, Eugene and and Corvallis were the same, but the “girls were way cuter” at Asu. No argument there and there cats like chasing tail from their posts. Again these are young men in their prime, so sun and fun will appeal to them.

    It would have been great to hang onto them but it was going to be a an uphill battle. Still have a few days so we will see.

    Lawler posted a pic wearing his Cal jersey that he got on his visit this weekend. I don’t think its over, but if Cal offered he will go there.

    • The thing to remind people of is that Lawler doesn’t ever say anything bad about the opposing programs, he “loves” everybody, and he keeps his decisions close to the vest. He likes the attention, and he’s a little bit of a drama queen. I think the “family” structure would benefit him quite a bit here in Corvallis, plus the depth chart as well. Now I am not saying he won’t be able to break the Cal depth chart, but there’s no doubt they can’t play all those guys so you will need to beat them out or somebody gets hurt, so somebody is likely to transfer in a couple of seasons because of lacking opportunities, and now you look at going down a level of competition. Now if he’s seen as the odd man out at first maybe he gets a quicker look here at OSU? All things being equal I think he easily goes to Cal, but I don’t know what they’ve told him.

      If we do get him, I think it will be a great get, if we don’t its a disappointment, we are going to have to win some of these battles in order to get better as a program. I see this recruiting season as a rebirth and a new foundation, we still need to get better at it and that requires a concess effort to do so.

      I think this new hire is vitale to the program, what I don’t understand about that is if its an NFL guy why would he wait until Monday to announce? I think it has to be a college guy. I think we missed the boat on Inoke, but I will wait to make judgement when I found out who it is.

  5. Gotta love Passive Riley. Oh well, if they can replace this loss with a DT I’d be happy. But we’re going to get a no name WR or something.

  6. Riley. “It’s neat that we lost out on a LB that actually play from day one and have a snowballs chance in hell of catching a DucK RB. Now we can play a wail-on from Albany with a 5.4 forty. It’s a great story and shows our family atmosphere at it’s best. It will really be a great day to be a Beaver if we lose a few more commitments.”


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