• In my circle of friends Angry would be considered to be looking into the future (possibly the near future).

      Only most of these guys aren’t using bug out bags, they’re buying bug out homes in other places, often foreign countries.

  1. December 3, 2009

    All packed up and ready to leave for Eugene.

    I’m sure MR and DL have put in a game plan that will totally shock the ill-prepared Ducks.

    It’s PASADENA and the ROSE BOWL in 2010!! JB

    PS: opps..nevermind.

    • 1st live OSU game since senior year 83. Great game with the wrong ending. Autzen is a fun place to watch a football game.

  2. Its that evil, crafty Taliban…..still trying to bring the US to its knees…..and YES, bringing down that nasty free-speech site, ANGRY BEAVS is a huge first step. ….then the pentegon….

    • “…Trending: Down. The Beavers have lost 17 of their past 25 games. Riley can only hope his bosses are overlooking that….”

      Imo – The trend would have been down for a lot longer if MR hadn’t lucked out and got a couple of kids from Texas to attend OSU.

  3. I have everything you mentioned, no joke! I just don’t have a bunker yet! I was a Boy scout and being prepared is in my blood. I’m not sure that the sky is falling just yet, but I don’t mind being prepared just in case.

  4. Per Rivals message board, Jake Welch is being moved to DT. I think i’d rather have him at center than Sapolu. Does that mean that Josh Mitchell is being kept on the OL? Oh lordy

    • Weren’t most people saying Sapolu was the better center though? Having Welch’s size at DT will be nice. Hopefully Mitchell still switches to DT because we definitely need as many big bodies as we can at that spot (plus being an all-state wrestler can’t hurt).

          • If Welch is as strong as reported it should help in goal line situations and short yardage ones.
            With Banker, expect many of the former and few of the latter.

          • Three times in the first quarter… UGH! But they had nothing to do with short yardage or goal line situations.

            There was one short yardage fourth down (brought on by our only short yardage third down stop of the game) near our goal line where they got the first down before Crichton made a great play to strip the ball. If you want to count that as the kind of stop we’re talking about, then fine.

          • It’s not like their four first quarter possessions were three and outs. It’s what they did last year early. Thomas would miss wide open receivers and a penalty here or there would kill them.

            Against better teams they would sleepwalk through the whole first half.

          • you mean that game where they scored 49 points and had all back ups in at the start of the fourth quarter? the same game they gave up 365 rushing yards? that civil war?

      • Having welch’s size on the d line is a plus, having sapolu’s on the ol is a negative. Maybe the writing is on the wall in that the coaches don’t see potential for welch to start on the ol. I think if they were to switch welch, they should have done it last year. Also, my understanding is that this is the coaches choice and not his own. The thing I don’t understand is that welch is a walk-on, it should be set in stone that he starts!

        • I still think Vieru is the better candidate to move to DT. I’m a little surprised Welch is being moved so early since none of the incoming frosh played the position in HS.

          Sapolu will take the position in the fall. He’s better technically and he’s faster. And he has learned the position from one of the best of all time. What I heard about Welch was that he was having difficulty with all the details that make a C different from a G or T–snaps, play calls, assignments. Once he had a defender in run blocking, he was a monster. But getting him to the right spots was a problem. And he took bull rushes better than Sapolu in the spring. But Sapolu has worked the C position for years now. And he’s spent a lot of time gaining bulk and strength, with only a little more to go.

          Either way, whomever wins the position will be the C for at least the next three years. It’s going to be a relationship deal with Mannion. And I think Sapolu is the best suited to play that mental game for Sean going forward with as much technical knowledge as he has at C.

          So I’m pretty sure Sapolu will start. I’m also pretty sure Mannion will be better just because his C will be better. I will say that if I see Sapolu pull off tackle and just fall down in space like Johnson was prone to do (far too often), then I will be screaming at my TV just as loud as I was with Johnson.

          • “I still think Vieru is the better candidate to move to DT.”

            I agree and I had heard at some point last season that that had already happened, but evidently not.

      • People are also underrating/underestimating the importance of smarts, their quickness in snapping the ball and their ability to pull down the line if need be.

        I was a center in a veer type offense in high school and my 40 time was around 6 seconds. I shit you not, I started on my freshman team freshman year, and started JV my sophomore, and junior year and my freshman coach was Coach Lemon whose son, Bubba Lemon, was my QB and his dad is a coach at Linfeild College. So anyways, the Lemon’s loved me as the center because I was intelligent at the position and I knew where EVERY player was on the field at any given time. When the QB relays the play first to the WR’s, then the RB’s, then the lineman. What matters is that the center is supposed to have all the lineman’s assignments memorized because the QB isn’t responsible for knowing their blocking assignments..it’s the Center. The center can remind the Tackle, the Guard, even the TE in the huddle if they have a blocking assignment question. Even though with MR’s system, they use a zone blocking scheme. Which means that each player blocks anyone in their space. This can be great on run plays, but shitty on pass plays.

        I’ll make another analysis on zone blocking, but for now, the simple answer is that there is a lot people don’t understand about the center position and you can’t just “plug another player in” and he’ll get the job done. The center is someone who accepts/loves/and appreciates the position.

  5. FWIW-heard tonight from someone close to the situation that the reason Lomax lost his scholarship was because he was becoming increasingly unreliable and didn’t bother showing up for morning practices anymore. Was more concerned with living the college life and hanging with his g/f than he was with the team. Coach gave him more than enough chances but he still wasn’t meeting expectations.

    • Better the coach telling he was not meeting expectations than the girlfriend. Poor boy could have been scarred for life.

    • Didn’t bother showing up for morning practices? As in plural?

      I don’t remember a single coach in my life who would have hesitated to give only one warning for an unexcused absence and then unceremoniously dump a player (any player) on the second.

      Are you sure it wasn’t stuff like voluntary workouts and time spent in the video room… on top of general attitude?

    • did the list of guys who got their scholarship taken ever officially come out? i’ve heard that lomax was one of the guys a couple of times but i haven’t seen who exactly the ten guys were.

  6. Dewayne Mitchell, backup linebacker for the Gophers, transfers to our first opponent, Nic State. Eligible to play this year.

  7. Stony Brook goes Beavs and waste a great starting pitcher performance, 7.0 IP 3 hits and only gave up one unearned run as LSU ties it up in the b9 with a leadoff HR.

  8. SB gets a solo shot in the 10th to take the lead but down to their last strike LSU ties it with a solo shot of their own. SB takes a one run lead in the 11th only to have LSU tie it with another dinger in the bottom half. 6 hits for LSU and 3 HRs. On to the 12th.

    SJU leads AZ 5-0 in the 4th. Have 10 hits, AZ without a hit.

    Tarp out in Baton Rouge.

  9. Back to Pac 12 football coach ranking. I think Mike Riley should be down at about #10 or #11. He has had over 10 years to get the OSU team, not only in a competitive position for Pac champions, but get the team to a BCS bowl. MR has never shown me any motivation to reach either of those goals nor will he in the future.

    Tedford, is another coach that just doesn’t get it, though he does inspire to reach end of season goals much higher than MR. A toilet bowl is the only thing MR cares about.

    I believe the powers to be placed MR at #8 in the coaches ranking because “he’s a nice guy”.

    • The fact that he got the team out of that 28 year streak, and went to and won 5 bowls in a row got him that ranking. IMO, ranking him as he is right now, would put him near or at the bottom. I think he has lost his spirit, his desire to win.

      Smiling while your team is getting whupped is not my idea of any kind of decent coach. And not being able to coach them to a win over Sac State.

      • I too, ” think he has lost his spirit, his desire to win.” Where are the signs that this attitude can or will change? Are the vague indications that MR will be calling plays, along with the coaching changes over the last two years enough to pin ones hopes upon? I think not.

        A resurgence of Beaver FB must start with a visible, obvious change in Riley’s attitude. His basic personality, the makeup of his staff, and the schemes he emphasizes can achieve more than 3 wins if the attitude he projects towards winning changes, heck, I expect 5 or more wins this season just based on player personnel. It will take more than six or seven wins to convince me that MR has regained “his spirit, his desire to win”.

        If he announces publicly that play calling is no longer in Langs hands, and if he articulates an “identity” rather than searching for one I’ll consider that a start. If he closes a few practices, ups the conditioning pace, announces that any and all suspensions will be served beginning with N. State, and shows an obvious new wrinkle to the D then one could say his attitude is changing. How about spelling out objectives for individual members of his staff? Hiring a sports psychologist?

        What signs of a serious and passionate “new Rlley” have I overlooked??

        • That says it.. It seems he can see the problem, or maybe has been told privately how he appears. And so we see more effort in the recruiting, more effort in getting something done in spring practice. But like you say, he needs to speak before a game saying things like — we are ready for ____ and can, no, we WILL win. And some anger when things fall apart. Get some real STRESS going. Holy jumpin up and down, RILEY!

    • There is quite a bit of money involved in the Pac 12 TV deal. I just wonder what De Care Less is going to do with it. During an interview posted on “beaverbyte” BD say’s he might just put new chairs in the old side of Reser and not even think about scheduling Phase 3, that of matching the North side. What an idiot. We are part of the Pac 12 and have to modernize what we have to meet the the attendance of other Pac teams. If he does schedule Phase 3, he indicated that they would shut down a whole season during construction. What an idiot! Phase 1 was accomplished during the off season with no problem. They just pre construct the towers before season ends. Believe me, we are dealing with non caring, backwards thinking people in our AD and football coach.

      • The west side will take longer to demolish and you can’t build the brick columns because the overhang and press boxes are in the way of that process.

    • I can only comment on the Big 10 network, which is really nice because I get to see nearly all of the Purdue football and basketball games. In the 90’s, before I had it, I hardly saw anything. I think the deal for Big 10 schools is about 22 or 23 million, which is a little more than the Pac 12 deal. From what they’re saying about the content, it should blow the Big 10 network out of the water (and I already consider myself spoiled with it). I’m prepared to be even more spoiled with the Pac 12 deal and being able to see the other sports. The Big 10 network is heavy on football and basketball, which is nice, but little of the other sports. Purdue had only a few baseball games on and they were ranked (they did have their CWS games on though).

      The big 10 channel does nice behind the scenes shows and documentaries, so hopefully the pac channel does something like that. The broadcasters are complete conference homers, but that doesn’t really bother me. I’m hoping Lamar Hurd gets a nice deal.

  10. What? I thought the new MLB deal was to prevent this sort of thing, 18th round guys getting big money.

    As for the Tigers, they’ve indicated that their offer might be more toward sixth-to-eighth round money rather than the money that is typically offered to someone where LaVelle was selected, the Lake Stevens shortstop said. LaVelle’s decision to sign will depend on the Tigers monetary offer and whether or not he will have to opportunity of advancement that a higher-round pick might have.

    “If they give me a fair amount of money, then I will take it and go,” LaVelle said.

      • Rooting for the arch rival to lose, while we sit idly on the sidelines… doesn’t do anything to enhance the Beav’s. Ignoring it is enough.

        The Ducks and their programs are not the issue. The Beav’s continue to lose ground by almost all measurable standards, while the AD sits complacently in Corvallis in his little bubble. JB

        • I don’t really care, but you’re the only one who said anything about the Ducks. It looks to me like they’re cheering FOR Kent State and not AGAINST anyone in particular.

          Obviously it’s inferred, but it’s not as negative as you make it. I’m cheering for Stony Brook and NCState also… and WOW did Stanford get spanked. But that’s out of a sense of cheering for the underdog when my dog doesn’t have a chance anymore.

  11. Recruting update….Iowa St. is on the board with a 3-star commit. But Angry forgot about the Vandals, so that still leaves OSU as one of three major college programs without a commit…OSU, Indiana, Idaho.

    • Strangely, I think I would take OSU in all but Week 13. I would only hesitate to take the two spreads where we’re favored… and maybe UCLA. ASU (Week 10) just has a way of either beating us when they shouldn’t or making it too close for comfort if we seemingly put it out of reach early. I just have to see Wazzu (Week 6) on the field before I make any decisions on who they’ll be in 2012. And playing UCLA is just never a fun time for whatever reason.


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