Home Football Players Leaving the Program

Players Leaving the Program


Here's the list we've been waiting for, from the official site:

Oregon State senior wide receiver Jordan Bishop has elected to retire from football and track due to injuries, head football coach Mike Riley announced Thursday. 

Bishop, a West Salem High School graduate, lettered three years in football and concludes his career with 66 receptions for 893 yards and four touchdowns. He played in 34 games, starting 12, and will graduate in human development and family studies following summer term. 

Bishop, who has battled ankle and foot injuries recently, was a high jumper in track for the Beavers and earned All-America honors in 2010.  

Coach Riley also announced that the following student-athletes have left the team to pursue other opportunities or for personal reasons; senior wide receiver Geno Munoz, senior cornerback Keynan Parker, junior linebacker Cade Cowdin, junior quarterback Jack Lomax, junior linebacker Zeke Sanders, freshman-redshirt linebacker Will Storey and freshman-redshirt wide receiver Tyler Trosin, Munoz, who has also fought injuries during his career, has graduated with a degree in human development and family studies. Parker, a native of British Columbia, was drafted in May by the Canadian Football League’s Montreal Alouettes.

Initial reaction: Trosin is the one guy I'll miss. It's funny Cade Cowdin is already gone (now Beaver fans will act like he wasn't that good and we didn't really need him haha). Bishop…a nice WR, but he had unreliable hands. I think some other guys can step in there and be better.


  1. Agree with you, would have liked to see Trosin stick around. Boom and Cummings need to step up, and the youngster Gilmore will be playing this season. We need to start selling pt to wr’s cause there is now openings after Wheaton is gone.

  2. Looks like Boom is going to get his shot. Bishop I’m goin to miss he might have dropped a few passes but he made some bet athletic plays, he will be missed.

  3. I don’t think Bishop had unreliable hands. But he was unreliable in terms of being on the field. Someone here has a connection with him, and the question was posed a couple months ago if he was going to retire. I guess that question is now answered.

    OT… I know they were projected there for a week, but I’m not happy with the Blazers’ picks thus far. I will say that at least Lillard and Leonard can shoot FT’s. So there is that.

    • I love Lillard not so much the other. I think Lillard has some serious potential, maybe even Chris Paul if everything goes perfect. Maybe I am crazy tho

      • I don’t know. I hope I’m wrong, but I had to live through the Francis era in Houston, and Lillard reminds me a lot of him… sans the stupid attitude.

          • Francis was a good scorer. He wasn’t a good player. When Houston finally tired of him, he went somewhere where they needed him to be a good player, and he busted.

            Maybe attitude had something to do with that. I hope Lillard has a little more team play in him. Like I said, if he can learn to facilitate he can be a Stockton or Porter type player. I’m not so grumpy athis pick because you need a PG who can score at will like a Stockton or Porter to be that great team. And maybe he was just a ball hog because there were no other options on his team. I’ll buy that.

            But Meyers Leonard? For 30 seconds before it was announced I was crossing all my fingers and toes and chanting, “Please not Meyers Leonard. Please not Meyers Leonard.”

            We might as well have pulled a Minnesota Vikings stunt and just missed the pick.

            The Blazers should have taken Marshall with that 11th pick. Then they could have taken Drew Gooden and Justin Hamilton with the 40 and 41 picks instead of buying Rashard Lewis Lite and a trade player.

            Btw… Drew Gooden and Scott Machado will be long time players in the league, and neither were called. I understand many teams need to play the pick and stash in the second round. But those two were cheated. Whoever camps and signs them will be very happy with the outcome.

          • Oh… and the steal of the draft?

            Jared can’t be called that because he went precisely where he was expected and where he will show his value. And… Dallas is the perfecto fit for Jared. That was a dream scenario when I lined up teams, needs and developmental structure. I’m very happy for him.

            Marcus Denmon at 59 to the Spurs. He’s super nice as a role player for that team. He’s a baller, and he will show this over many years.

          • I almost said Kevin Murphy at 47 to Utah. But I have to be honest and say I haven’t seen much of the kid. Still, reports tell us he may be a steal.

            And for once I have to congratulate one team for quietly having an excellent draft. The Warriors finally got a big man in Festus Ezeli. And they picked up a great value in the early second round (IMO) in Draymond Green. I know GS fans are upset with their front office right now. But throw Harrison Barnes in with the other two… ugh… and if they can now dump Bogut and Jefferson they can move on to something great.

      • I guess he can learn to facilitate with a team who has a higher talent level than Weber State. If that’s the case, then he could be a Stockton-like player. But the Blazers are not set up as a transition team right now.

  4. Looks like Riley is losing control of the program. It is past time to swallow our pill and cut losses. Riley ain’t getting us nowhere unless you like Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bring in someone who will fill Reser and get fans excited instead of satisfied with slow starts, blowouts and who will struggle getting 6 wins most years moving forward. This is getting serious ugly IMO. The man just does not muster much respect from his players who think he is too old and corny. The program has next to zero buzz. Riley has bored the life out of OSU football. We can without doubt do better.

      • Jack, are you related to MR. It always sounds like you are in his family. If you are not, how many years is it going to convince you Riley has to go and go fast along with BDC. Between you and the Bama health care being upheld this day sucks.

    • Not sure how cutting loose a bunch of players who weren’t going to see the field anyways is such a bad thing. Not going to disagree about no buzz or defend Riley, but this is kind of out of left field to me.

      It seems like after a down year and no changes, and a slow start to recruiting people want to go crazy. I am with you guys, I feel a little stir crazy, want some good news, but there will not be any good news until the season starts and we win some games.

      • Number One it means that we will be replacing Juniors and Seniors who are more physically matured with redshirt and true freshmen. Thus we don’t have the depth or experience. It wouldn’t be so bad if we had recruited 4-5 star guys who are their replacements, instead we have 2 star projects and physically immature kids who are not ready to hold up under the 12 game meat grinder that the Pac12 has become. We don’t have the luxury of waiting on these kids to develop they will have to contribute right away.

        This basically sets the stage for a poor season and that will mean another poor recruiting class because kids will not want to come here (see current verbal list) because they are unsure of the future of the program, and there is no money coming in for facility expansion. Can’t the programs who are upgrading stadiums, Cal, stanford, UW, WSU, and ASU (Ucla got a renov). The program is falling further and further behind.

        Worse case scenario is that we win 6-7 games go to a bowl game and Riley keeps his staff in tact. We win Nicholls St, beat the new coaches at WSU, ASU and UA, Ucla and beat Cal. Meanwhile the next season those programs with new coaches get another great recruiting class and the following year we drop down to 2 or 3 wins, and stay there until Riley’s replacement can turn things around in year four. That would put us 6 years behind any winning program.

        Best case scenario is that we lose our first 6 games and Ray wises up and fires both AD and coach and we hire a replacement before the season is out and the new staff has 3 months to recruit. They get slaughter the next two seasons and then start the upward climb and have a winning program by year Four.

        We are currently at least five years behind and the stock is falling.

        • Not to rain sunshine on your poo-poo parade, but you do realize that the “great recruiting” classes by the new coaches are as follows: UCLA #13, UW #21, ASU #38, (Beavs #39), AZ #46, Cougs #55.

          • Not looking at those, looking at what they are doing now since they got a late start on those classes it would be hard to judge those. Everybody but Utah is ranked in the top 40. OSU doesn’t even rank it is somewhere beyond #103. Besides, last years class when ranked by averaged stars is ranked #53 and 11th in the conference just behind Leech’s WSU who got a late start after the season had been over. so although we have a fairly larger class it is not filled with high level of talent that the other programs have.

            But your point about me calling them “great” is taken as an overstatement on my part.

          • I’m not sure why anyone read beyond the first sentence.

            Really. That’s it.

            This team has been so talent deficient for so many years it’s scary. The jewels who should have been kings were just jewels.

            It happens. I hope it happens less from here on out.

  5. Angry,

    Any chance that you will reach out to players leaving the program and see what their parting thoughts are?

    In the past have players been receptive to these types of questions/communication from the fanbase/blogs?

  6. Mike Tokito?@mtokito Jared Cunningham will join Mavs team w/Jason Kidd, Jason Terry, Delonte West becoming free agents. Opportunity, plus guaranteed $$. Nice.

    • Kidd and Terry will be gone likely. West will be back and they’re pursuing Deron Williams. If they don’t get him they will get another PG. Jared will be a backup SG. Will be a good role for him. Hoping he does really well.

  7. I thought Sanders looked pretty promising…he was making plays all over the place in the last spring “game.”

    Also I thought Storey was showing some potential?

    So we lost 3 LBs. Looks like we have no depth again…guess that means we’ll be seeing a lot of R. Robinson this year?

    • Counting Josh Williams (suspended indefinitely) we are now exactly 2-deep at LB. 7 scholarship linebackers on the roster.

      So here’s hoping all the young guys step up fast: Shaydon Akuna, Jawsha James, Jabral Johnson. A lot of potential there, but that’s it. A couple injuries could be devastating.

  8. Are we still talking about football right now? Can I call a non-huddle? Can I talk them into rewriting the rules so that we don’t have to stop and restart play every five seconds?

    I think football needs a shot clock. I think 20 seconds is fair. Allow stoppages for subs and obvious official concerns. But let’s get this game moving for once.

    People have complained for the last year that OSU’s offense was stale.


    It’s football people! Every offense is stale. Just play better than your opponent!

  9. I give up.

    This used to be a hoops school. We used to be like Kansas, only on the West Coast.

    And we forgot that sports mattered.

    Thank you very much Lynn Snyder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    I’m done.

  10. Granted, most of these players were not “players,” Bishop’s infrequently-realized potential excepted. But this seems a strange way to manage a roster and/or get to the scholarship limit (as Cliff suggests is part of the “strategy.”) As usual, it doesn’t feel like a strategy at all, more like a reaction. And importantly it doesn’t seem like it will encourage recruits to select OSU.

    To me, the most frustrating player example in this purge is Cowdin. Riley explicitly stated DT’s were not a priority, but rather JC LB’s that could come in and make an impact. His alleged response to this need was Cowdin, and 6 months after committing, already gone…pathetic.

    OSU football is making the slow but predictable descent into non-competitiveness, thence a return to irrelevance. The longer Ray/DeCarolis wait to make a change, the harder it will be to crawl out of that pit. By using the 28-yeart losing streak as the standard, OSU now risks returning soon to the standard of irrelevance. Yeah I know all programs cycle, some more frequently than others, but I still think this descent could have been avoided with a proactive coaching hire.

    How long ago does the Sun Bowl victory over Missouri, Riley’s apex, seem now?

    • It’s too bad about some of these guys leaving the program, but we have no idea why they are leaving.

      If people are ‘upset’ about anything it should be that the program doesn’t give more details as to why these players left the program. Bishop is injured, Parker is going pro in Canada – maybe Cowdin wasn’t willing to put in the work that Riley & Co wanted him to so he wasn’t going to see the field. They may have just leveled with him and told him he isn’t going to play and he might be better off checking out a PSU or some other DI AA.

      In addition, I thought it was pretty well established that the recruiting is not really out of the ordinary in terms of commits. Summer seems like a prime recruiting season and we should start seeing the commits in August/September, right? In fact, I am happy to see only one commit at this point. It’s better than offering “projects” and having them accept right away. Let’s take a shot at the 3+ and 4 star guys first. If we can’t get them then look to on-board the 3- and 2 star guys. There is still plenty of talent left on the board.

      • I always like to see optimism once in a while but your statements just prove that members of Beaver Nation have their head in the sand. When you see early commitments by top notch recruits it means that there are factors of a college team which is attracting these future players. It could be facilities, coaching staff, uniforms, etc., but the overriding factor I believe is a winning football program.

        So OSU is going lower and lower into recruit ranks to get players to commit. Not good for a losing football program. Not good in a new Pak12 environment where being a contender for a championship position is a priority for all (except Mike Riley). Not good for a 2012 OSU team that faces a possible 4-5 game win season. Not good for Beaver fans who are just fed up with losing especially to our rivals to the south.

        The only thing which cold be a positive sign for OSU is change. Any kind of change, and I don’t mean MR possibly calling plays. I mean real change. A change in attitude and direction in the football program from AD, coaches to staff members. And under BDC and MR you will not see these changes happen.

        The only thing I can hope for is a major change after this season. If Beaver Nation doesn’t demand change for next year then they are just assisting in the downward slide of OSU football into oblivion.

        • Why wait until season’s end? I can only hope that MR is taking his critics seriously – assuming he is aware of them – and doing his best (if that’s good enough) to turn things around. Clearly, the Nicholls State game should be a solid win and a decent showing against Wisconsin. Then see how the season develops. OTOH, you need someone waiting in the wings – Banker and Langsdorf, neh, so that complicates the matter. The student-athletes, with all their hopes and dreams, shouldn’t have to put up with coaching’s poor effort for an entire season. Alas, it all goes back to Ed Ray who, I suspect, wouldn’t dream of making a bold move in the football program even if it needs to be done.

      • Info on Cowdin, he asked Riley for a release…just married may have had something to do with it…mama was too far from home. He was promised a opportunity to challenge for a start at Cameron Collins vacated spot. He was slotted behing Doctor in spring ball, a full-time starter last year. When Bray was fired at ASU he disregarded recruiting promises made. I don’t see any athletewho would have wanted to come to the Beavs (or any college for that matter) that would slot you behing a starter that is your same age

        I agree the process is out of control. I’m sure the Beaves will see Cowdin again. I’m sure within two years he will be playing for a bowl team, get cable now…we should have plenty of time as I don’t see us going to a bowl game soon.

  11. Stanton had second visit to Neb. and is going to Wisc. Looks like we can cross him of our list.
    If there is one position you think we could recruit easily it would be QB.

      • Winning programs bring in a good QB prospect every year. The really good ones do not look at the depth chart as a hinderance, they think they can beat out the guys in front of them until proven otherwise. My point is that OSU has three QB’s on NFL rosters. One would think this would be a great selling point along with the under center/NFL style offense for recruiting this position.

        • I’m not wholly sold on Stanton. I’m also not sold on Vanderveer. I love the athleticism of both. But I don’t see either as perfect fits for OSU.

          What’s a perfect fit? Those kids who are more cerebral than athletic. And their size sometimes keeps them from being recruited. Jonathan Smith and Kellen Moore fit this mold. I think Cameron Birse will be the next one, and he has prototypical size to boot.

          I think this is why angry likes Harrington. He also plays the cerebral game. He has excellent footwork and reads. He just doesn’t have the requisite arm. Still, in college you don’t really need that arm as much as you need to be able to drop it in the bucket.

  12. Initially I was happy about this, but considering who the players are (hopefully cowdin had a good time this spring) this kind of pisses me off, especially when you look at our “list” of commits for next year.

    • I’m pissed too. My guess is life was miserable for Cowdin. Why would you commit to playing behind a starter who was you same grade in school. I think that there are serious recruiting issues and the intregrity is being questionsed.


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