Home Athletics Bye Week Discussion

Bye Week Discussion


Discuss anything you want.

On the recruiting front, Pat Martin (S), Edwin Delva (DT), and D'Vante Henry (DE/LB) all enjoyed their trip. Beavs are in a good position with all three, but no commits yet, and recruiting is picking up for all of them. Beavs finally lucked out, though, and hosted legit recruits on the right day.

Riley had a bit of a shit-eating grin on his face during the entire post-game interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jfk5euh5WA

You'd think he just won the Rose Bowl.

But, good for him. The dude was clearly shot the past few years, and he looks reinvigorated.

People are asking if I am going to shut down the site now that the Beavs are the best program in America–no, sadly, there is still work to be done. If we win a Rose Bowl I'll trot into the sunset.



  1. All the Badger fans I met were cool, maybe their asshat reputation is exclusive to Madison. I did see 2 butthead Beav fans after the game, but the Badgers responded well.

    Next game, improve 3rd down conversions.

    • 2 butthead Beav fans got ejected from our section during the game. I hate to see that. Wisconsin traveled well, quite a bit of red scattered around.

      • Whether in Seattle or on the road, the fans with highest butthead quotient are followers of the University of Washington. The only reason that the UO chuckleheads seem more specious currently is because the Huskies suck ass.

        Joe Avezzano greatly enjoys watching the UW football team get asspacked at every opportunity. He enjoys it very, very much.

    • agreed. Lost in the euphoria about the defensive production was the relative inefficiency of the offense. True, one touchdown was enough last Saturday, but for the next two games, and certainly the last one, we’ll need a LOT more productivity out of Mannion. The absence of INT’s was good and he’s got to keep that number in the single digits for the Beavs to win six games.

      • I think the Wisconsin D was better than people are giving them credit for. They were certainly better against us then the previous week. I also expect that not many teams will hang many point on them this year. That combined with it being our first game, IMHO, keeps me optimistic against UCLA. I don’t think we will face a larger D-Line or better overall tacklers this year than Wisconsin threw at us. .Time will tell, big test at UCLA.

        • Wisconsin shut us down tatally, last year. They didnt lose their whole D to graduation.

          But I am sure there is much that can be done to sharpen up the O in the next two weeks. Remember that Mannion and Vas were really efficient in practice scrimmages, against the guys who shut Wisky down almost totally.

          Seems like there is reason to be positive.

    • Unfortunately I had one ass clown badger fan in my section. He was ish faced and was being incredibly obnoxious. A guy a few seats over to my left was threatening to blast him in the face by the time the game was over. Most of the people in the section were annoyed with him, but tried their best to ignore him and chalked his behavior up to being incredibly drunk. Based on a conversation he was having with a few friends (that weren’t nearly as drunk as he was) he was a sophmore at “Wisco”. So gopherbeaver wasn’t completely off the mark with his comments.

    • Had four fans in red and white next to me on the 45. They were pleasant enough until OSU ripped off a string of first downs and the requisite 1st down cheer…which they mocked and bitched about. Then Ball finally ran for 6 or 7 and my new friends decided to mimic the first down signal. As Ball was obviously still short of the down marker I turned to their group and asked if they knew anything about football That shut them up for the entirety of the game.

      • hahaha classic! I love the friendly chop in someones face who deserves it. I’ll never forget how that sea of white at Penn State thought I’d gone crazy.

    • Hey…..it’ll be a cold day in hell, when ALL Beaver sports are above criticism. This site is almost always ripe with insight from knowledgable sports fans. Thanks for providing it, Angry!

  2. Angry, is your only goal a Rose Bowl win? I would think it is more programatic than that. A Rose Bowl win would be extremely cool, don’t get me wrong, but I would love to see OS competitive year over year and to lose the mindset that we have to rebuild the program all the time. Either way, I would hate to see the forum go away. It would be great if it could be a rosier picture more often because the program was doing the right stuff more often than not.

    I think people often get the wrong impression of this site, maybe because of the name. This site is not all gloom and doom. If people were to look pregame at the discussions about Wisconsin, there was quite a bit of optimism.

    • I know, but for some people any criticism = negative/blasphemy. Even if the criticism is constructive or warranted (which are the only types I try to write about).

      Agree about being competitive year over year. Erasing the mindset fans have that it’s impossible to win in Corvallis. That is an excuse for when things go bad, and I am tired of it.

      • I am also tired of it. The Beaver fan base accepts that we are mediocre and anything that we do above mediocre is just “neat”. The fan base has too low of expectations.

        • That is what 20 years of losing seasons will do to you. I think the younger fans/alumni are starting to let their voices be heard though. They expect more from the program, and they are the future anyway so I think things are moving in the right direction. Hopefully the new money coming into the program will be spent well. I was at the game Saturday, and the fans seemed to be energized. I am excited for this season. I really like our young players as well. The key will be recruiting for the next reload. That is where things broke down a bit over the last couple years. We could not reload, only rebuild. That is on the coaching staff, which hopefully has also woken up.

  3. OT question for everybody. so my girlfriend is starting her senior year at oregon on the twenty fifth, and her and her roomates move in friday. with no beav game to maker her watch with me the following day, we’re discussing getting tickets to the duck game against tennesse tech. (tickets are cheaper than i could’ve imagined.) the thing is though, that sounds awful. sitting amongst a bunch of obnoxious bandwagoners while they cream over d’anthony thomas is not my idea of an enjoyable fall saturday, but she’s a big fan and it’s the most affordable u of o game i’ll ever have the chance to go to (unless savannah state is on next year’s dockett), not to mention i’ll be in eugene that day anyway. my question though is just how pathetic and childish would i be if i got a tennessee tech football t shirt express delivered by friday and became the biggest damn fake tennessee tech fan you’ll ever see? i feel like the answer is very, but i may be ok with that. if i’m going to a duck game in person, then i’m not doing it as an impartial observer, and i’m certainly not going to cheer for them against a group of kids who appear to be royally fucked.

      • I went to Autzen for the Civil War the last time the Beavers won. I wore an OSU shirt and the fans were hospitable. Then again it was before the bandwagon ducks fans joined the party the last couple years. I was also not sitting in the student section. Anyway, have fun with whatever you decide. Consider how you would want your GF to behave at a Beaver game though.

    • Why not go and scout out what might be our biggest competition of the year? Cheering for TT will make no difference, they are no UofL-Monroe. If your willing to take shit from the Ducks and embarrass you GF, then go for it. IF you ever want her to support the Beavers at a game though, you may want to be a little more diplomatic. You don’t have to cheer for them, but you can’t be an asshole. My GF is a Duck and went to the game with me on Saturday with a Beaver shirt on. Its nice not having to take shit and just enjoy the game. Its a different story for the Civil War, but this is not the Civil War.

      • i don’t think cheering for tennessee tech alone makes me an asshole, it’s a way to make a game i have zero interest in being at a lot more fun and interesting, even if they lose by 100. my bias towards the ducks is something i try to have a sense of humor about. like i said maybe that makes me lame and childish, but not an asshole. maybe i’ll get some shit, but i feel like a lot of people will see the humor in it as well.

        • I would wear a duck hat, but a TT shirt so then you can say that you’re really impartial, but are rooting for an underdog because then they will feel they have a fan in the stands and give the ducks a better reputation.

        • I once went to a duck cal game in berkely in the pouring rain. I wore the cal rugby shirt(yellow and blue sleeves) under Orange “Beat Oregon” T-shirt. It was a great time.

        • The only danger in wearing a TT shirt is the off chance they pull an upset……then run like hell.

          Otherwise….think about it — even asshole duck fans will probably be sympathetic for a team that is gonna lose big….that is no threat to their greatness.

        • From a guy that has been married for 15 years, my suggestion would be not to do something that will take enjoyment from your GF. I’m not saying that you should not root for TT, but I would just do it without bringing much attention to yourself. If this GF is not very important to you, then you probably would have more fun screwing with the bandwagoners. Choice is more about your relationship than anything.

          Take all that for what it is worth, just my opinion.

    • “duck game against tennesse tech”

      Is THAT what they’re calling it? Prepare to be bored out of your skull within five minutes of kick-off no matter what you choose to do.

    • Last time I was at Autzen was 2005 for the Civil War, in standing room only seats with my at the time girlfriend and a couple of buddies. Ducks creamed us 56-14. We did nothing wrong but cheer for the Beavs (which had stopped by half time, since there was nothing to cheer for.) Quickly after the game (we were 24-25 at the time) a group of 50 somethings got in our face, pushed, spit and tried to fight us for daring to be Beavers in their stadium. We stayed calm and walked away, but I’ll probably never go to Autzen again. Not for fear of being assaulted, but have no need or want to scrap with anyone at this stage in my life. Obviously every crowd has their ass holes (I’ve stopped some of our students trying to go after Ducks) but Autzen can be a special place.

      Plus they’ll probably win by 50, so you won’t have anything to fake cheer/talk trash about. LSU or SC apparel would be better. Then just act superior, refer to their little lineman as cute. Things of that nature.

      • see if i’m a duck fan i think that guy’s an asshole, but the guy in the tenn. tech shirt is at least having some fun and taking some interest in the actual game in front of them. what do i know though..

    • That’s such a stupid story. Instead of going tho same route they always do in Oregon and having ODOT supervise and build out infrastructure, they open it up to private industry for bid. And after cost overruns and extreme delays and finally just taking the project back and telling the company who was doing it to go to hell quickly and quietly and the state won’t sue you for stealing our money… this is how it has to go forward.

      I’ve been looking forward to using that road since its groundbreaking… no offense to the lovely burg of Eddyville.

  4. Ducks land in-state star Doug Brenner


    On Saturday the 6-foot-2, 275-pound Brenner was in Corvallis to watch Oregon State’s big upset win against Wisconsin.

    “I was invited to the game by Oregon State on Monday and even though I got the Oregon offer on Tuesday, I wanted to give Oregon State a chance and so I went down to check it out” said Brenner, who plays defensive tackle and tight end for Jesuit. “I had a good time and respect Oregon State a lot but you can’t really turn Oregon down.”

    Oh yeah, that Riley is one recruiting sum-bitch.

    • Well that’s the thing, most Oregon kids are already bandwagoned to the Ducks and doesn’t matter who offers them “Oooohh! the Ducks!”. Just the way in-state recruiting is going to go for the most part.

      • OSU has played right into that. Our coach lost heart and went into a skid…..Meanwhile uber coach Chip Kelley goes to the title, then the NC and again a conference title. Why in hell would any athlete want to go to heading-for-the-celler OSU??

        Things are starting to look up, but dont blame the kids for wanting to go to a winner.and until the Wisconsin game, that had to be UO. We didnt give them much choice.

        • Interesting that Chip’s greatest success came when USC’s program was down, they made a return last year and went to Autzen and beat Oregon. If USC wasn’t banned from postseason play, Oregon would have been in the Alamo Bowl. It’s been the perfect storm for Chip.

    • “Star” lol.

      ESPN has that dude rated at 2 stars and like a 69 overall, so no big loss. Our OLine seems stacked for the future anyway. Hope he enjoys getting dusted by Michael Crichton and Dylan Win for the next few years.

  5. Hallice Cook


    Watched 2 quarters. If you want to see a sweet play that summarizes his game, go to 9:40.

    +Athleticism(Looks quick and fast)
    +Wingspan(Long arms)
    +Playmaking(Good and willing passer, good vision)
    +Off-Ball Defense(Sticks to his man, arms always up)
    +Leadership(Was directing his team around in the first quarter)

    -Shooting(Looked okay, but he twists when he shoots)
    -On-Ball Defense(Really hard against quick PGs, but they got by him a few too many times)

    Looks like a solid recruit.

  6. I finally re-watched the game and I have to say there was a number of Mannion’s throws that were good in the numbers throws that were not caught. Maybe he was drilling them to hard. Need these guys to catch the ball. I think Cook will be as much a star as Wheaton… very impressed with that kid.

    • I think I counted three drops for first down yardage that should have been caught. May not have done anything to actually get us in the end zone, but gotta make those catches. Solid day for Mannion, though he had some bad balls too and a few crazy decisions (i.e. that last minute pre-sack spin and chuck five yards up the middle of the field).

  7. In the SF/ Green Bay game, there were times when SF had 7 offensive lineman on the field for certain plays. (By the way, they only have 8 offensive linemen on the roster) There were plays when they split the fb wide forcing cbs .to cover the fb and creating mismatches with linebackers or defensive ends stuck on wide receivers. This was all done within the context of a pro style offense. They created mismatches constantly by changing player combinations. It does not matter who calls the plays. OS needs to work on sequencing of plays and creation of mismatches with specific player grouping packages. Then they must get the packages in and out of the game quickly and efficiently. That is the most important secret to success in the style of offensive football that they play.

    • Getting the packages in and out quickly, good point!
      I hope to see lots of improvement in this area and time management in general now that the first game jitters should be gone. Of course I also hope to see the development of a real “portable snot knocker” as well!

  8. Ducks lose two starters to knee injuries. Too bad for the kids. Really sucks for a senior.
    Purdue’s knee course strikes again. Marve done for the season. Perhaps the NCAA wil give him a twelfth season.

    • Somebody please explain to me how Jenkins fills the role of a “third down back”, which the announcers always trot out when he enters the game.

          • Maybe. But he wasn’t the only player to drop the ball, woods dropped a couple, Wheaton, and prince. That was probably the thing that frustrated me the most with the offense was drops. I expect the numbers of drops from everyone to go down.

          • Wheaton was guilty of a couple bad ones. Did that last year. Not to rag on Jenkins, but that is his sole purpose on the team. Need a few F bombs from Leach to straighten things out LOL.

          • Some of those won’t hurt. But I see Jenkins making some really important plays this season, whether it be a big block or a first down reception. In his limited time he will make more good plays than bad.

          • Yeah that was my overall feeling after watching the game. If the drops stop and they start to stretch the field,stand the fuck by. Points will be coming.

            Would have been nice to make those two adjustments at half time instead of waiting for the next game,although I guess drops aren’t really an adjustment.

    • If Woods is a legit receiving threat and gets the blocking down, hopefuly Jenkins becomes obsolete. There should be no reason for him to be out there.

  9. Interesting notes from Eggers:


    “Sean passed up a couple (of potential) plays,” Riley said. “He played it relatively conservative. When you listen to him explain (while watching game video), you understand. He had a couple of more shots on corner routes (open), in particular. With a little more patience, he could have thrown those balls. But he made some real good throws, too.”

    After last years offensive line play i can’t blame him for wanting to get the ball out quickly.

    • Yeah… the intermediate outs were open because they were playing a 3 deep zone. He hit Wheaton on one. But if he regularly makes that pass, he moves the safeties out of the box and opens up seam routes.

    • Yeah I mentioned this earlier as have others. He looked a little hurried when there was very little pressure. First game jitters along with the poor line play last year I suspect. I am hopeful he makes the “BIG” leap from first to second game. He also threw some bullets that could have been caught if they had been a bit softer.

  10. Would someone please tweet Buker and tell him that if he, Bill Oram or Mike Pereira ever bothered to read the NCAA rule book they would discover that the replay booth is the only group who made the right call on Saturday. Tell him to read rules 6.1.2.g (page 61), 6.3.a.2 (page 62) and 6.4.a (page 62).

    This is why readers and fans think they know more than the “experts.” We are the ones who have to watch, read and correct the “experts” when they go on idiocy benders.

    • Can you explain what those rules state?

      The rule that it requires indisputable evidence to overturn a call on the field bothers me. Impartial refs could have easily made the opposite call on the field.

      • Essentially, what they say are that the kicking team can’t touch the ball until it crosses the 10 yard plane and remains there or touches the ground or is touched by the receiving team… unless (the only exception) the player from the receiving team who touches the ball is blocked into the ball. The ball may have broken the 10 yard plane, but it didn’t touch the ground. And TZ was blocked into the ball which constitutes a forced touch… which is a “disregarded touch” when the replay booth looks at it. The first rule also states that the kicking team can’t block anyone on the receiving team until the ball is free for recovery by the kicking team. But that’s a penalty, so it’s not reviewable. However, because TZ was blocked into the ball and touched it (whether or not it was clear on any angle that the officials saw), all the other conditions are reviewable, and an impartial crew would have to call it the way it was called.

        • If Wisconsin’s #34 doesn’t touch TZ, and the ball bounces back to the K, then it’s a different review. But because he did hit him, the rules say the right call was made.

          • Thanks. That sounds like they made the correct call even if they didn’t realize it. The endzone camera angle in my opinion shows he touched the ball but from what I remember on the broadcast view, the ball had bounced over the 10 and never touched the ground on that side. Plus the defender threw his block on Zim before the ball crossed.

          • I wish the talk would just stop. It wasn’t a horrible call that cost Wisconsin the game, it cost them to possibility of a tie and much less likely a win. That on top of some horrendous phantom PI and non-calls that kept Wisconsin in the game to begin with. I watched the replay and the refs were not calling some crazy holding on both sides of the ball either. Just overall a badly reffed game by a Big-10 crew, IMHO. To have all this talk about the refs blowing the game for Wisconsin on this one call without all the context of the other horrible calls/non-calls mostly in Wisconsin’s favor is travesty and diminished a tremendous effort by the Beavs.

          • Hello? If you’re blocked and you then touch the ball, what is that called?

            “Blocked into the ball” doesn’t mean the ball is behind you and you get shoved directly into it by the guy in front of you. It means you don’t get a clean chance to catch the ball because you’re hit.

            Let’s look at it another way… a hypothetical.

            The same rule applies to onside kicks which hit the ground once and pop up and over the retaining line. The normal practice used to be the K team would crash down and clear out the receivers in order for a second wave to catch the ball. Now the receiving team can call a fair catch, but that’s beside the point. Say they don’t. You usually see one of the “sure hands” guys leaping in the air while someone from the K team is under-cutting him. Obviously, he’s not being “blocked INTO” the ball. But this rule means that he really is being blocked into the ball in a sense that he doesn’t have a clean catch. This ball is live, so there is no penalty for the block. Yet the receiver gets his hands on the ball while he’s sideways and loses it again like we’ve all seen so many times in the past. Say the ball flies back over the retaining line and into the waiting arms of the K, who promptly takes a knee.

            Sorry. Ball goes to the receiving team where the K catches it. The ball was not established over the retaining line even though it was live for a period. Since the receiver was hit before he bounced it back over the line, it is considered a non-touch and where it lands is what determines its new status.

          • “Blocked into the ball” doesn’t mean the ball is behind you and you get shoved directly into it by the guy in front of you. It means you don’t get a clean chance to catch the ball because you’re hit.

            Should have said it doesn’t JUST mean that. The same blocking rule applies for punt returns. The guy who gets shoved to the ground 10 yards to the left of where the ball lands doesn’t get credited with a muff just because the ball takes a wicked bounce directly at him either. But I have seen punt returners shoved into a bouncing punt before.

    • GAWD! Buker just doesn’t get it!

      He’s obviously getting tweets about this, but he retweets something from ATQ (why?) about some cute little “you guys know you won the game right?”

      This comes after they legitimize the game as a fluke by passing off incorrect info about what went down?


      What’s hilarious is that not three tweets above that is one of Sark talking about his loss to LSU:
      “we’re constantly fighting to get the respect we feel we deserve in this conference.”

      NO SHIT! When our media can’t even get something simple right!!!?

      • yeah but realistically he will be starting next year and the RS will only be used if he gets injured. I guess it is not a huge gripe and none of this will matter if Colin Kelly gets replaced. But I think using a RS for an O-lineman to play on special teams is a waste.

        • They must need him for depth. No way they are just using him for special teams. If he has to travel they will use who they can and give breathers to the starters. It also possible he will be starting in a few games, hard to say. Also linemen do get hurt so if he is ready to play and they can use the redshirt later for medical issues, it might make sense as well. Especially if we are redshirting some decent linemen and expect to continue recruiting the OL well.

    • Sounds like they are assuming there will come a time when he has to play this year, given injury or whatever, so they want to make sure he is ready by getting him some game action. It is a gamble in the sense that they may not actually need the guy and will have wasted the red shirt, but if you assume there will come a time for him to step in, they want him to be as ready as possible.

      • As was stated above though, they can redshirt him later, so its not that big of a risk assuming:
        A) He is ready to play.
        b) They need him to be ready to play.

    • He’ll be called on this year. Besides, He’s going to probably be good enough to go pro after four years. The only thing stopping him will be injury, and he’ll have a RS year to deal with one if it should occur.

      Use him while you got him.

  11. Im taking USC to steamroll Stanford. Cal to embarrass OhioSt. Wisconsin over Utah state. Byu crushes Utah. UofA vs S.CarolinaSt is a toss up in my book. ASU gets past missouri just fine.

    • You could have said that I pick these teams to win: blah blah blah

      Instead, I’m going to predict different from you:

      USC wins close, Cal loses to tOSU, Wisconsin wins a close one against Utah State, BYU beats down Utah, UofA loses to SCSU, and ASU loses to Missouri, but won’t be ridiculed for it.

  12. Did anybody else who was at the game notice that Caleb Smith got some reps? They split him out wide multiple times and a buddy and I couldn’t help but notice how massive the guy looked. We thought he was a WR and couldnt’ figure out who he was until after the game. The guy is built like a DE and doesn’t look anything like a freshman.

  13. Yeah, there’s no way Cal beats Ohio State, they’re a bad team. I think USC-Stanford has the potential to be a lot closer than people think. I think Missouri will win big. I don’t think ASU is good and Missouri may just expose them.

    • I agree that Cal just doesn’t seem to have their act together these days. But I just cant explain why. They don’t suffer from an extreme lack of talent. I don’t like qb Maynard, but he’s been there long enough now. I think if cal can muster up a solid game this weekend, then it can redefine their season. Ohio state is over rated. Not a lot of teams have the moxy to go into the horseshoe and stay mentally together. For some reason I think the timing is right, but I wish it could’ve been a cal team from the jahavid best era to go to OhSt. I do not like blind big10 ego.

    • We shall see, but from what I have seen of ASU its been really good. Their more discipline, and they have some great talent at the skill positions. Their defense seems experienced. It is my thought that ASU will be in this game with a chance to win it.

      Cal is a complete question mark to me. I think Nevada is a decent team (although I don’t know what they did last week?). I could see Cal hanging with the Luckeyes for a half. Maynard has looked bad, but if they can get a running game who knows.

      Usc- Stanford I think will be a very good game, the difference might just be a four year QB v a first year starter.

  14. So the team practices until Thursday and then off for 3 days. Riley and company will be off recruiting. Good timing for recruiting after last weekend but wish the team was still practicing.

  15. Holy crap!

    The Beavs hoops team gets a write-up for what the pay sites say is a middle of the road recruit? I know it’s for Coach Rob’s quip at the DNC, but it’s glitz and glam like we’ve not seen in a long time for our hoops program.

    Andy Katz did one last week as well:

    Any pub is good pub? How about if the publicity is good to start?

    • Btw angry, you’re going to like Cooke. He’s that Mateen Cleaves type player you’ve always wanted… except he can go lights out from downtown when he warms up.

  16. Riley quote from Cliff’s latest post.

    “It’s a strange start to the season, but these guys have practiced well throughout it,” Riley said. “We’ll get some guys well this week and get ready for UCLA.”

    Hahahaha. Strange start to the season….yes Coach Riley, I’m sure it does seem strange to you. Success to start the year is an odd thing for OSU football.

      • Dang, ….so he isnt astute enough to realize that him coaching a win over a top 25 team in Sept is a total stranger.

        sigh….. our Riley never seems very sharp in talking to the press.

        • Obviously your free to interpret statements as you will, but I would take the “strange start to the season” as referring to the season opener in Corvallis being ruined by a hurricane, and having the bye week scheduled this early in the season. Which has created an inordinate amount of practice with very few games.

          If you feel you need to spin it to be more negative on Riley, then by all means.

        • Actually, he did acknowledge in an interview that we haven’t started well in this type of game in the past and it was nice to get over this hurdle.

          • Yeah, but you get the point that you don’t have to be a dick just to be a dick. Go back and re-read the comments. They’re taking separate statements and combining them to make Riley look dumb. Riley’s not a perfect coach, and much (if not all) of the blame for the last couple of seasons should fall on his shoulders. I don’t mind critiquing things like poor recruiting, questionable calls, bad game management, etc… But calling him out for being bad with the press, not being sharp , really has no merit with regards to the article. Milquetoast yes, but un-astute I think not.

  17. @kerryeggers
    Oregon State coach Mike Riley will watch the only QB the Beavers have offered — Khari McGee of Fresno — Friday night in Compton, Calif. @beaverkman

    • Hope we can beat out Eastern Washington for him. Come on! The rest of the conf. is getting elite players at QB and this is the best we can do.

      • Okay, I see once in a while stuff like “Hope we can beat out Eastern Washington for him” and I think to myself why in the world would someone go to a school like Eastern Washington, Portland, etc. when a Pac-12 school like OSU is offering. I’m not being a wise guy, I seriously don’t see the competition…. what am I missing?

        • Possibly early playing time. And smaller schools can tell players who are possible PAC 12 schools or other major conference is that they are those top recruit, not lower like bigger schools.

          • Yea I can see that. Academically probably easier at the smaller schools. But aren’t your chances for the NFL better from a Div-1 vs. Div-2. I’d rather have a degree from a Div-1. If your good it seems you’d want to be in the better Div.

          • Excellent point. If players want to make it to the nfl they need to be able to showcase their talent. If they choose the bigger school and get buried in the depth chart the chances of making the nfl is slim. But if they choose the smaller school and are able to show their talent they may have a chance. And of course not all recruits are looking to play in the nfl, a football scholarship gives them a chance to pay for school and pursue a career.

          • I submit that someone who plays in the bigger school and then “gets buried in the depth chart” is definitely not headed for the NFL under any conditions regardless of the size of school he attends, yes?

            Matt Cassel notwithstanding, but in general.

    • John Hunt responded in less than a half hour (and with less attempted humor than Jack):
      “Hi, O.O.B. – The suspensions are served. Poyer and Murphy were not suspended. Sean Martin, Josh Williams, Noa Aluesi, Akeem Gonzalez and Lavonte Barnett did serve their one-gamers vs. Wisconsin.”

      Another sign that Riley is more focused this season than last.

      • That wasn’t attempted humor. I thought you were talking about Pac suspensions as a result of personal foul type hits on the field Saturday. I’ve been wondering if Feti would get a half game or a warning for his hit on Abbrederis.

    • Honestly, at this point it’s like trying to explain to a group of Duck fans why it’s not a penalty for the opposing team to tackle them when they have the ball. They don’t know the rules. They don’t want to know the rules. They don’t care about football. They just want to say they’re winners by proxy.

      I think it’s all out of my system now. I’m armed with the truth the next time Lloyd and Harry decide to troll this site. But who needs this anymore?

        • If you’re referring to the 1960 Presidential election, data shows that voting hanky-panky may have gone on in favor of Nixon there and in the South (and several other places). Nixon was no stranger to voting fraud practices since he won his US HoR seat in 1948 with rumors of all the same things that happened at Watergate.

          Data shows that voter turnout did not increase for Kennedy in Illinois (and especially Cook County) in 1960 over Stevenson’s 1956 turn-out. And the people who did vote in 1960 chose not to vote for POTUS at a much higher rate than in 1956. Both those numbers were outliers not only in historical terms. They were outliers for Illinois and the region at large. There have been staying rumors that some 10k votes were cast by dead people in Cook County, giving Kennedy the win. Nobody has bothered to produce any evidence of this… ever. And the data shows that there were some 60k people in Cook County alone who voted but did not vote for POTUS. If there was hanky-panky in that election, certainly punching one out of every four of those un-punched tickets for Kennedy would have occurred. On top of that, fraud of this capacity would have brought the ratio of non-POTUS voters who voted into the norm. Data would have just looked normal instead of being a huge deficit for Kennedy in relative terms.

  18. How the hell did I miss that Junior Seau committed suicide back in May?!??!! No evidence of drugs or alcohol in his system.
    This is utterly shocking to me. He was my all time favorite defensive player. Unbelievable linebacker that really set the standard for side to sideline speed.
    Suicide is just weird to me. I guess I’ve never known anyone that I knew was suicidal so it’s hard for me to imagine their mindset. A guy I worked with killed himself and showed no outward signs whatsoever, left a wife and 2 girls. Fucking selfish.

  19. Gadget Times with an article on Zimmerman’s “surprising performance”! The piece is by Kevin Hampton, not sure if Cliff is on board yet.

    Throwing ones body at the ball carrier rather than wrapping up is one of my pet peeves, so I was encouraged to see Banker mentioning, in his praise of TZ, “…great job of putting his chest on the ball carriers, wrapping up and getting them down…”

    • murphy was guilty of that a good deal last year, even if he was impressive. i felt like there was better tackling by just about everyone on the field last saturday.

        • TZ would have been a VERY highly rated S recruit, but he wanted to play WR. OSU and SC were the only schools who would take him as one, and OSU won out. Once he got into fall camp and saw what it took to be a WR on this level, I think he saw a huge learning curve and little playing time until well down the road. Just look how much we’ve seen Mullaney after what was by all accounts an awesome fall camp. He switched quickly, and he got special attention because his athleticism is undeniable. Now we get to see why he was considered so highly as a S.

          And we don’t have to watch him Boomer Sooner it as a result, which is who really wanted him as a S if he would have yielded.

  20. Jack you won! You do know Jack!

    Congratulations! You are a B/R Debate King! Your comment from the Debate: Did the Refs Blow the Onside Kick Call in the UW vs. OSU Game? was voted by fans as the best answer. Be sure to show all your friends that you know more about sports than they do by posting your Debate results on facebook here.


    You also earned a B/R Debate King badge on your B/R profile!

    Good talk, see you out there.

    The Bleacher Report Team

  21. How about Wisconsin’s o-line coach getting the axe after getting stuffed by the beavers. First Stoops, Wulff at the end of the season. Seems like if you loose the beavers somebody is getting fired.

    At this rate after next week Mora will be looking for a new job after the 22nd, muttering “playoffs?! don’t talk to me about the playoffs.!” ok yeah I know that was his dad.

    • There is a backstory to the firing of the Wisconsin coach that greatly precedes the OSU game. You should research it, it’s an interesting tale.

        • Apparently the OL was balking at Markuson’s teaching and methods and wished to return to what they deemed the more effective approach of departed OL coach Bostad. Apparently Coach Bielema agreed and though he turned the reins over to a mere grad assistant, that guy was a protege of Bostad.

          There’s other stuff too but this was a major part of the story.

  22. The latest Orange Perspective goes over Phase 3 Stadium Feasibility and based off everything mentioned sounds largely like a mirrored design overall! I was very glad to hear that. There will be some small differences between the west and east side but the overall look and structure sounds like a mirror. That is awesome news instead of some cheaper option.

    This new structure could get capacity to about 49K and would support a Reser Final Phase double decker horseshoe in the decades to come when eventually desired. It is a smart plan for the long haul. Sounds like the main adjustment may be to have a combined level of suites and area for media instead of two levels for those functions as the original master plan.


    • Arghhh! I don’t think a mirror look is in the works or even better than other alternatives. Revenue streams don’t come from a couple more thousand seats in capacity. They come from building a bank of boxes friendly to customers who want to experience the game free of the unwashed masses and their rules. We could easily keep the west side as is in terms of seating structure and add a massive structure on the back of it supporting several tiers of luxury boxes. That structure could also be built while the existing west side stays mostly intact while adding more facilities (restrooms, concessions, wider concourses… even special ticket parking). It wouldn’t add capacity to the stadium per se, but it would add revenue hand over fist if done correctly.

  23. DISH Pac-12 HD channel has now gone LIVE! There won’t be anything to watch on it until we get to Saturday’s games or they make upcoming studio shows HD. Great news though, as Saturday’s games are now guaranteed to be in HD!

  24. Question. USC, Oregon and other institutions have policies that censor public information related to injuries of current players. Injury information has some value to the oppositon but is of limited value. I suppose the censorship could prevent the opposition from targeted certain individuals. Since the games are highly publicized events, and since each university benefits financially from marketing their names, are these student/players not public figures? Is this not illegal? USC has recently banned a reporter because he reported injuries. I believe the injury information benefits gamblers more than opposition teams. Since the injury information has limited value to the opponents, are these programs somehow tied or benefitting from the enormous sums involved with the gambling industry?

  25. Taking a que from Wisconsin Nigel Burton fired Portland State’s D coordinator after a bad performance against North Dakota.

    The life of a young assistant football coach is unstable enough without having their job on the line every week. I hope this, Banker not withstanding, doesn’t turn into a national trend.

    Image these guys going home to their families this early in the season and trying to land another job. JB

    PS: Damn I forgot. We like Banker now. Old habits die hard.

        • …or perhaps do like some programs desperate for someone who can punt or kick and initiate open tryouts from the student population? Heh.

        • “Fadgers”! lol
          Hey BeavGoph… we hosted several (50-60) Badger fans who made the trip at our tailgates both Friday night and Saturday morning. Most of these people we met in Madison last year.
          You don’t want to hear this but they were outstandingly honorable people to a man. Obviously not the a-holes you’re accustomed to clashing with.
          Regardless, I mixed in a few of the taunts you suggested just to see what kind of rise I would get. Calling their 8′ giant inflatable badger, “Becky” seemed to get under their fur the most. All in good fun though.
          I understand your disdain; you should hate them and want to go all Inca on their ass.

          • Generalizations I know. I have many good friends that are Badgers. Glad the Becky thing worked!
            It was fun to give them a ration of shit this week.

            Is your group the one that made the Shaved Badger shirt? Saw that in Madison last year and laughed my ass off. A favorite picture to show my friends. If you have any XL’s left, set one aside for me. I will be coming out for a game. That virtually assures a loss.

          • I made those “shaved badger” shirts. Only one left is mine. I got multiple requests for more shirts but didn’t feel like ordering more. Figured it was just a one time home and home thing.
            You’re free to steal it though and put it on a gopher shirt but I think that would lose it’s punch.

  26. Going off of the remodel/expansion of Reser Stadium, I’d be happy with a North Endzone face lift that eliminates the “ramp” in the corner to make it a tunnel and just fill the bottom bowl. It looks tacky with a 90-95% completed lower bowl. am I wrong on this one?! I don’t care about the extended Valley Football Center entrance. Why not remove the North endzone silver medal bleacher seats, and replace the lower half with the orange plastic bleacher seats and forget the upper half by raising up the seat level to match the East and South Endzone’s height and soon to be the West endzone height?

    Having the box seats one level vs. two levels is smart. put the media/coaches boxes from the 35-35, then put club seats on either side of them? Then make the roof/upper deck identical to the East side. This is probably what they will do.

  27. Why not shrink wrap the whole exterior with plsstic film so that it looks like a gigantic tub of tater salad? The rain overhangs could be modified to mimic giant tortillas, whole wheat of course.
    Time to think outside the bun BDC!

  28. I don’t think you guys are looking at what other schools are doing in the age of massive TV contracts. Look at what Wazzu and Cal have done. They’ve retrofitted and updated facilities in existing seating structures and added massive luxury/press boxes. The goal is to gain revenue, not seating capacity. Look around at the college teams who have done the same recently. There’s Penn St, Purdue, MSU, NU, Tennessee and on and on.

    Feasability studies show less demand for common tickets in the wake of what will be static travel costs and demands on time versus staying at home and watching on TV. Luxury boxes provide an enclave for those fans who like to sit in the crowd and complain about people standing or behaving in other such unruly ways. They also provide some anonymity to those who just don’t like to mingle with commoners. People who have the money to spend on these boxes just eat them up for whatever reason.

    Adding boxes like Wazzu did at Martin and extending the roof to somewhat mirror the east side seems the most likely scenario because it would increase revenue without increasing capacity. If there’s a need to increase capacity, then the south end zone can always be completed. But the trend for stadium builds is also moving toward more boutique capacities as well given sports teams are just now starting to be realistic about what they need and can maintain.

    • I agree with much of this – it can be difficult to compete with a HD 50″ flat screen in somebody’s own home. As I said on other threads (and maybe you were the one that responded?), I think looking at the “boutique” stadiums in Soccer leagues may be the appropriate place to go for inspiration.

      Reser need not be huge, but it should be designed to focus sound and provide amenities and game day experiences. To effectively achieve those last two design goals in particular, Bob D needs help….

      • Yes, Reser doesn’t need an expansion in capacity. Over 50k would be too much. 46-48K is about right.

        A retro fit of the old side is needed. The facilities on that side are terrible compared to the new side. Seating is much more comfortable on the new side.

        IMO – There is no absolute need for a mirror of the eastside. All I would say the new side should be is intimate. The fans should be right on top of the action. One important feature the old side should have is a way to create an echo effect off the east side to increase the noise level.

        • I think a few thousand extra seats, at least to match Autzen would be good. We will have a hard time getting large programs to come into Reser to play when the stadium is less than half the capacity of their home games. I also believe that additional seating that is affordable could attract more people to the stadium. As I said in a previous thread, its hard for a lot of families to justify the $75 bucks the cheapest seat in the house was for Wisconsin. Especially considering I still have to wait most of half time in line for concessions… talk about a loss of revenue(on the upper concourse).

          • The problem with Reser is it’s revenue stream, not the capacity. Inviting BCS schools for home and home and especially one-off guarantees requires money. So adding a couple thousand butts at $60+ a pop will never add the same value as adding boxes which can draw revenues in the millions depending on SOS at home. These boxes are also available for visiting teams’ fans and their accomodations. Inviting big name schools to play at Reser invites their big time boosters to lease a box for that game at a hefty (in common man’s terms) price ticket. OSU boosters would not be the only customers.

            I happen to appreciate our non-con scheduling despite our terrible luck in drawing the mid-majors who are up and coming at the time. Guaranteeing revenues equal to what big name schools demand for visiting Reser should be the name of the game. They’re looking at us as equals in terms of TV coverage. They need certain assurances that we can cover their costs and add to the kitty in order to entice them to come here. And that requires a revenue stream.

            Martin Stadium added their big bank of luxury/press boxes at a cost of $80m. They also added office/concession/facility space underneath those boxes. They will get utility and a conservatively estimated $3m per year from that investment. If they simply added 10k seats at $60+ per ticket, they might add the same revenue. But it’s not guaranteed until they can prove they can fill those 10k seats. We’re in the same boat. There’s no guarantee that we fill the additional seats, let alone existing capacity. Models show that luxury boxes are very attractive to customers regardless of product. They serve as tools which connect some very high-powered people with each other who would never otherwise meet except their schools are playing each other on some given Saturday.

            The only necessity as I see it is to expand the roof over the west side and keep that noise inside the stadium. I’ve been there when that place is louder than anywhere I’ve ever been for football, including Autzen way back when they used to be loud. And that’s with a half-built stadium. It’s not as loud as Gill when it’s stuffed and rocking. But it gets loud.

          • BDC specifically states that there will likely be fewer luxury boxes put into the new expansion plans due to very limited demand. Corporations are simply not spending the dough on things like luxury boxes to entertain potential sales like they used to in the 80’s/90’s. It sounds like BDC, right or wrong thinks that another luxury concourse(not boxes, but upgraded amenities) will produce more revenue. Also, IMHO more seats means that the ticket prices won’t have to rise quite as much on average to keep up the facilities. Concessions also are a huge profit center and more potential customers for that would, my guess is, increase revenue even more. So, normally I agree with you Jack, but in this case I think you are incorrect.

    • If invited to watch a game from a luxury box, it would be impossible to not make an ass of myself by drunkenly walking from suite to suite, sticking my head in the door and asking if anyone has some Grey Poupon to lend.

    • I take your point, but it has the feel of lipstick on a pig to me. The place just looks stupid right now. It looks half finished, and the first thing I always think when I show up and look around is, that will be a cool stadium when they get done with it. Matching the west side, and ultimately creating the full horseshoe would be sick, and we are still talking total capacity of probably only 55K, which I would say is still “boutique” in comparison to the rest of the conference, and certainly compared to many of the other major conference stadiums around the country.

      Can’t we have luxury boxes with a mirrored west side? My feeling is, if you are going to undertake a massive, and expensive, construction project on that east side, go the full monty and do it right so we don’t have to come back to it ten years later and say, yeah, this place still looks kind of dumb, why didn’t we just fix it the first time? If it takes longer in terms of planning and fundraising, so be it.

      • I think people are hung up on symmetry and not function and a “complete stadium” look like you are talking about. The west stands need to be expanded to either side (toward each goal line) to add some symmetry. And suggestions for a large wall of boxes with a roof over it would likely remove some of the seats on the back of the structure as it is now. So that would all wash out in terms of capacity. I agree that a final “complete look” would require an additional deck around the south side. But that can be down the road (and we can add a roof at that time too… imagine the noise then).

        Symmetry would also be nice. But as I understand the original plans for Phase 3 would only add 3k seats anyway. The south end upper deck is what would add some 5-6k capacity. So the south end would not only be cheaper and less displacing/out-putting. It would also add more revenue than a simple “mirror” plan as envisioned originally for Phase 3.

        • Hey, if it works, it works. I’d have to see drawings.

          Another thought, we enclose the entire stadium in a gigantic replica beaver, and you enter through various orifices. That way we could say things like, you’re in the ass of the beaver, or, things are heating up in the ass of the beaver. I don’t know, something to give us that edge.

          • And how we’ve gone this many years without finding a way to incorporate Frank Drebin’s famous Naked Gun quip “Nice Beaver” into the gameday experience is beyond me. Maybe the Beaver enclosure remodel is what we need to help make that a reality. There has to be a situation where it makes sense to roll those few seconds of footage on the jumbotron.

  29. Btw… we’re talking about Reser expansion not just because it’s a cyclical topic like unis/branding/Duck sanctions that comes up once a month. It was brought up by Bobby D himself. And he lays out the initial vision for the west side very much like Byte has always wanted–a mirror look. I think if they point feasability studies toward this vision they will always hit what they want. But I think the better route is to essentially build a large office building on the back side of the west stands with a bank of boxes three or four high and extending the bleachers to either side. I guess it all depends on what has to come down before the new structure goes up. I ‘d hate to have to not have a west side while that whole side is first demo’d then built back up. That’s another reason the luxury box idea has taken hold. It doesn’t displace the fans for a whole season or more.

  30. I hate to do this but, I actually agree with Jack.
    Adding significant capacity is not the objective because we still need to find fans who will pay to sit in those seats. We are not currently selling every seat we now have so adding more just makes the stadium look less intimidating. Adding high end suites that generate the revenue should be the objective.
    Maybe one of the reasons that people are not willing to pay to go to games is the crowd behavior that they have to put up with. At the Wisconsin game there were more “F” bombs than yardage and the number of drunks was higher than I remember. My wife says that I need to find someone else to go to the games with. I doubt that she is the only one feeling this way. The game experience needs to be positive for someone to pay for it.

    • Kenny Duck – what about all the duckie games you go to with your season tickets? You do know that Oddsen has a much higher percentage of arrests per game than does Reser? We can see right through you.

    • It all depends on where you are sitting. In my experience the sections that are mostly season ticket holders have a lot less drunks and thus less F bombs. A few years back when I sat in mostly section 9 -10 where they sell a lot of single game tickets there were always some near blackout drunks.

    • I am a season ticket holder in section 10 and I have to admit that I dropped a few F bombs after some hideous calls by those refs. My wife had to nudge me just before the half and remind me I wasn’t at home infront of the TV. I was much better the second half. I think that some fans will just be obnoxious no matter what is taking place. Also, some fans (myself included) just get too invested and don’t realize the kids that are around them. So for those of you with small children in section 10 last Saturday. I apologize for my behavior.

  31. JD
    I agree, we were in section 8 and a guy threw up on my guest and laughed about it. His buddy who was also drunk thought it was funny. The guy never appologized. Needless to say, my friend said that he is never going back to Reser. Unfortunately the number of obnoxious fans has definitely increased as I have gotten older. The younger generation seems to think that freedom of speech means vulgarity is acceptable.

    • Either that, our your tolerance for it has decreased in your old age!

      I am not saying there are no differences in fan bases, but anywhere you have football, you have drunk college students, and wherever you have drunk college students . . .

      That is a timeless trend that reaches across schools (well, maybe not BYU).

  32. I sit in section 19 with my wife and kids and in general the fans are very respectful of the kids. Occasionally, there is an idiot or two, but I don’t think that can be helped. I went to the PAC-12 championship game last year with my brother that had season tickets (which he dropped this year because of their silly home schedule) and I was disgusted by the experience. There were no less than a dozen people in our general area that could hardly stand up by their own ability. There were a couple of UCLA fans in the section and they were harrassed the whole game. My brother said that this was worse than a normal game.

    I will concede that my opinion is based on a small sample size and is not scientific, but I’ll take the fans at Reser over the fans at Autsen any day.

    • We can’t go back to Autzen unless we’re alone or our kids are old enough to take care of themselves by decree of my Duck wife. I will never go to a college stadium and not wear my colors, and the treatment received there was getting her in fights with stupid men who apparently couldn’t afford a used Porsche to sate their mid-life crises. I handled some guys with some pressure point holds when they got in my kids’ faces for me being a Beav. I’ll tell you what. Getting in a kid’s face just because their father wears orange is pretty chicken shit… especially when the kids are only 3 and 5. Wrenching a couple wrists and towering over them with grumblings about “I will make your health insurance premiums go up in a big way” stopped a few of them. But my wife had to be restrained a couple times as well.

      I suspect Reser has their share of malcontents as well. But I’ve had my ticket taken by someone in full Duck swag, and nobody really gave her the time of day. Maybe success is the ingredient we’re missing to make us just as obscene?

      I’d like to hope no.

      • And I have to add that I’m not allowed to go to her company’s tailgate with my colors either. So when she asks me to go and I come up with, “let’s go to such and such for the kids instead,” she never argues. She grumbles about wanting to go tailgate, but she knows I’m not going without my fave sweatshirts. Hell, I wear swag on hoops days all the time no matter where I’m going. Call it a superstition thingy. Call it love. I don’t wear green on St. Patty’s Day because it’s become a cliche. Yet my family is so Irish you wouldn’t believe it.

        I love my Beavs, and if you don’t like it it’s your problem, not mine.

        On a side note… I can wait for Directv to sign on. We’re still under contract until March. So I’m just biding time. But if they cut into hoops season, I’m done with them. It pains me to say so. I don’t want to deal with Comcast or Dish. But if that’s what it takes then so be it.

        • I’m with ya. I wear a hat pretty much all the time and these days there’s three in the rotation:

          1: Black OS
          2: Gibson guitars
          3: Noveske iron cross

          Oregon State gets the most time,and has even during the last two seasons.

          • Yep it’s one of my hobbies. Been building ARs lately, I like Noveske’s products and they’re out of Grants Pass so I can keep it local. Although I built my last project with a Vltor MUR upper cuz everybody was out of stock of Noveskes.

  33. A largely mirrored plan that adds a few thousand seats and satisfy’s the needs of all types of fans will serve us very well for the next 15-18 years. Beaver Nation will fill a 48,674 stadium as long as we are a bowl team 80+% of the time. Then around 2030 we atleast have the option to finish the horseshoe and go to 54K if we want, and the structure would support doing so without any major rework. The plan has to work for the decades to come and by 2030-2032 it is very likely we will want 50+K seats.

    Reser Stadium: Why a Mirror is Best

    • 15-18 years is pretty small time in my book. And I would rail against it if we have to service the debt on it for 30 years, and the vision for it is only half that. At least we’ve made it 70% through debt service on the west side.

      Think bigger.

      • A mirror would be best. Tear down the old side and put up a giant mirror! It will look exactly like the new side, because it is the new side. Cheaper and will have a sellout for every game. Make sure it is safety glass in case Romaine, aka Lettuce boy, really shanks one. Corporate sponsorship from Windex. Win, win.

        • We would have to train Romaine to hit it to center. That way anything headed left will just bounce off the mirror and go in.

          Imagine the confusion from the crowd when they yell “OHHHH!” while the other side does the same. We’ll have to wait until forever until we hear “UUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!”

          Or maybe we can just go back to the whole stadium chanting O-S-U instead of some brainiac’s idea to split it up between sections.

          Imagine fans at the olympics breaking out U-S-A in sections. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

  34. He’s a good fit because his values are great. He’s also a great recruiter for his system. His system is the question. He needs to implement better in-game practices on the offensive half court set in order to warrant what he’s given. I accept the extension and his employment because he’s incrementally brought this program back into a stage where we can become what we once were. But it’s that next level that will make him great.

    There should be patience when talking about getting OSU back to elite status. I can not say enough how poorly previous coachesand AD’s have killed this once great program. I applaud Coach Rob for his vision coupled with an eye on history. We’re no longer a joke. But please make us relevant again.

  35. It’s been linked already that Riley is coach of the week nationally?

    Put your bets where you will, I think Perry and Bray made that defense more than we’ve ever seen. But Banker was implementing some of the neato things we saw last week… last year. So coming out hard against Banker and for the assistants/GAs hired is a little short-sighted. I have to give Banker credit for being as good as he is. I will still argue that recruiting is the lifeblood of any program. Tweaks for the better were surely added by Perry/Bray/Meewuesen. And they have done well with the players we all thought way back when would have done well… and we will get to see for a couple years more.

    Get out there and bring the next wave in now! It’s important!

    • Nice recognition for Riley right before hitting the recruiting trail.

      I think the early schedule is playing to the Beavers advantage right now. This bye week to prepare for UCLA should be helpful for a team that has trouble with mobile qb’s and hurry-up offenses. Once again the Beavs get to see more of the opponents cards. A win @ UCLA would be another confidence booster.

      Now, OSU just has to avoid injuries because after UCLA there’s no breaks.

    • The UL-Monroe coach deserves the national honor. Beating Wisconsin was nice but UL-Monroe came back from 28-7 in the second half to win AT Arkansas.

    • Wow…….yuck all around. The tickets for the game are going to have to be priced very low if they want anyone to go. And then it can’t be too low for the ticket holders who did not exchange their tickets. Maybe those ticket holders will get comped additional seats. Really the only way I can see at least 30k going to the game.

      • My guess is we might have been on the hook for some payment, so as long as we re-coup that with 30k people that still is better overall for the program. Hopefully(are pigs flying?) we are in the PAC-12 championship game and it won’t matter anyway! :)

        • Well, Oregon looks really weak this year losing a lot of key players and on defense to injury… so maybe. But, if we beat UCLA next Saturday I think we could have a good shot at the championship game.

          • What a joke. Just because our defense has improved and we beat a much weaker Badger team with a no nothing quarterback, doesn’t mean we are ready for the ducks. The Ducks are not weak at all and have all kinds of depth.

          • I’m speculating, even if it is just one game so what? Am I not allowed to have some hope? Let me live in the moment and just feel like we have a chance against the O and in a CG game.

            And, frankly you are quite wrong. The ducks have all kinds of depth on offense, but not defense. They lost two great front players to season ending injuries and quite frankly their pass defense is quite pathetic. And, we all know you have a tendency to be a duck homer.

          • Uhhhhhh….I was just reading about Oregon’s RB depth.

            1: Barner
            2: DAT
            3: walk ons?

            Thomas is not a real RB that can take 30 carries per game up the gut. He’d last about five carries and come out of the pile in pieces. If Barner gets hurt it’s gonna get real interesting.

      • Yeah, a December game most likely in the 40’s and rainy against a 1aa team we should be by 40 sounds like a blast. Good luck selling those tickets. This is bush league to me. If we need this game to go to a bowl, then I don’t want it.

        • After sleeping on it (and remembering I’m just a fan, and not actually on the team) if they do end up needing it to go to a bowl I guess I support it. Lower tier bowls suck for us as fans, but can be very beneficial for the players. They are a very young team, and even a shitty bowl gives them up to 1 more month of practice and a couple days to be spoiled and treated like rock stars.

          My expectations are conference championship (as every year). The conference is looking tougher and tougher each week. It’s still too early to tell, but I think there’s something special about this group.

          • I get that. My optimism has me believing we won’t need it to be in a #2 or #3 bowl, as I think these kids are capable of getting there without it. That late in the season with cold weather, in a sloppy game, against a bad team, there is a major potential for injury.

            And I understand theres a clause in place that if either team is in their respective championship it’s cancelled. I just feel like it’s bad juju to schedule a game on the day of the CCG. It bothers me for some stupid reason.

    • We will need to score a hell of a lot more than 10 pts per game to compete in the Pac12. Our D-looked great on Sat. but what happens when we play against the spread? This team is good, but I am not convinced that we are great yet.

  36. All of a sudden the Pac-12 North looks weaker than the South. I think the Beavers really do have a legitimate chance to be in the CG. If Mannion stays healthy every game is winnable. But, without him, maybe no game is winnable.

  37. Hey Jack as a fellow ninja…… I also have an Autzen story. Once at Band Camp err… I mean Autzen I was accosted by an obnoxiuous Duck fan. I choose to deploy him with a deadly combination of an elbow drop and a flying dutchman. For good measure, and to add to his humiliation, I gave him some noogies and a wedgie. Yes sir-e-bob that 12 year kid will never flip any crap to an adult dressed in a college sweatshirt. JB

  38. Angry,

    I would suggest you put numbers next to the comments so I can find my place when the blog post gets 312 comments. Or I am going to have to start paying attention to the date and time of the last post I read.

  39. This is going to be he longest two weeks between games since the Nicholls St. game was postponed. I think everyone should concentrate on watching future Beaver opponents this weekend if they can to determine just what we will be up against.

    We have two tough away games coming up. Observing what Arizona and UCLA does will shed light on the Beaver’s chances. If the Badgers had played better on offense I would have cause to be optimistic, but that wasn’t the case. Some truth to Riley’s “change” will be tested over the next two games. Running up a tally of Pac12 teams having serious trouble does not lead up to Beavers being worthy champions at all. Beating champions makes champions……no less.

    • Really, if the Badgers had performed better on offense then you would be more encouraged? If the offense would have lost. Maybe I’m just old school and like winning.

      • Ad it up. It would mean that our improved defense would have shut down a top not offense. Get it.
        The Badgers quarterback stunk and their NEW players have not even learned how to execute plays. The Wisconsin offense was not even close to last years.

        • We actually don’t know much about Wisconsin, my guess is they will be pretty decent this year, probably win their division. Also you spell “ad” add in that context. But seriously dude, stop spouting out trolling bs.

          • Leave him alone. We’re supposed to not know he’s a Duck trying to pretend to be somewhat intelligible. Let him keep his costume on without us laughing our asses off just because it’s a nice thing to do.

            That said, if we had a defensive effort like that against Nicholls State, then I would start to get excited. I would never imagine the same team who played last year would keep even a high school team to 35 rushing yards… let alone keeping one of the perennially best rushing teams in the nation to that number.

            There’s something real in knocking opponents down. And when you do it so convincingly, there’s more tobe told.

          • He’s harmless. He can’t argue his way out of a paper bag. I can name 15 people here who can argue the negative better in their sleep.

            But that comes with knowledge.

          • Sadly, I am not one of the fifteen.
            Typical argument at the JtB household:
            Me: “Hun, can you pretty please try not to bash your car into the back of the garage every time you park?”
            Wife: “Why?”
            Me: “Uhhhh, you got me there sweetie.”

  40. Isaac Seumalo has been resting a sore hip all week, Riley mentions that this has been a lingering condition. With no Saturday’s off after this one coming up, it could turn into a very long season for the kid.
    Surely he will have plenty of attention from Ariko, hope his long-term prospects aren’t hurt over the next few months.
    Of course, if we were following the ucks we’d not have to worry at all since we wouldn’t know about this kind of situation. Ignorance is bliss!

  41. You don’t know how funny and stupid you wannabe Beaver fans are. Especially poor rsteve503 and should I state……mr. jack shit. Calling me whatever is just showing how childish and imature you guys are. You are big nothing behind a computer screen and rant and rave on how great our team is. You love Riley because he has changed so much and we beat a “champion” team with a no good quarterback and hardly no offense at all. Yes, you guys are typical of Beaver Nation and mediocre football. Count the possible wins based on all the teams with serious problems, or should I say handicapped teams that will ball into the bottom of the pac at the end of the season. Oh, I can sit back and laugh on how high you standards are. You are winners in my book. Boy, lets count all the pathetic wins and if we can just squeeze poor Nicholls State in we may get a real toilet bowl again. WOW, are we riding high today.

    You can call me stupid names like troll, or duck…..it doesn’t matter. It just shows how ignorant you are and you act like “jack” asses with blinders on. The Beaver fans and players I hang out with have higher standards and hopes for the Beavs than you will ever know or ever reach………and I am proud of it. So many of us are tired of 12 years of Riley mediocre football. You guy or girls relish mediocre and give great excuses for every Beaver loss and every failure. You are worse than ducks you’re “moles”, living in the dark hoping for a win over some poor team with a 0 – 4 record. I feel sorry for you.

    I believe others on this super forum agree with me but are to afraid to go up against mr. jackass or ignorant rsteve. These guys are losers and will find out a taste of their standard when we finish playing our next two away games. To you, 2 – 1 is a winning record. What a joke.

    So, be my guest, keep talking about how great we are after just one game. Go on and support a has been coach who can’t change his old, tired ways. Go on and support mediocre football program and talk, and talk and talk……..you might just get your “wished” toilet bowl. How great!

    • “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”

      Are optimism stems from this years team showing much more potential then we would have thought last year. And frankly, any improvement (possibly great improvement now) is a step in the right direction. You can’t say… “We didn’t go 12-0! We are losers!”… That is an example of an unrealistic standard. As I stated above with the quote.. you have to build for the future to be great. Going 8-4 or 9-3 would be a huge step in the right direction.. All we need is to build a consistent winning program and the rewards will come to have stellar seasons. We can all agree Riley needs to go within the next few years, but as of now there is nothing we or the university is going to do about it. This site is about constructive criticism, not negating anything positive the Beavers do.

    • Wow, this guy really has no grasp of the English language. If he graduated from OSU, I am truly ashamed of the institution. His mental faculties in general seem to be failing him. We should pity him I guess, to have so little life as to insult people that call him on his BS. For the record Fightingbeaver, yes 2-1 is a winning record. You should really go away, you don’t have the football knowledge, OSU knowledge, or even a brain cell to spare to spar with people in this forum.

    • 2-1 is a winning record.

      How bout we take this one step at a time. Good win over Wisconsin, team looks much better than expected. Some good reasons for optimism. UCLA looks legit so far, though, so a win in LA would be pretty big.

    • Fighitingduck — glad you are taking this personally ….shows my opinion is dead on.

      Only a moron would say that either Jack or I are thinking this is already a GREAT OSU team. A couple folks have got a little giddy, but thats to be expected, considering how things might have gone, had we come out like last year..

      But….that Wisconsin win is HUGE for a Beaver program that went 3-9 last year and couldnt have beat this Wisconsin team in ten tries, imo, last year. The team, to me, is clearly improved over last year, talent, attigude and coaching. What will transpire in the rest of the season?? Hey, we will see. I didnt expect this Winsonsin win, but our next two, UCLA and Arizona are on the road and tough. If we take one of two, thats money in the bank, imo.

      You can quit saying we …. you are not a Beaver fan. A Duck? or just a troll??.. Certainly a joke, given the lame statements you make.

      Wishing for a toilet bowl? Well, for me, a 6-6 record deserves no bowl. For anyone, and if the NS game is what gets us to 6-6, then stay home, pass it up. Seriously.

      But any deserved low tier bowl is a HELL of a lot better than fuuking 3-9, so yeah, I’ll take it. And who knows, keep building on that, and take down the Ducks the next year? …or maybe this year?? …LOL… In any case, go to hell.

    • Dude. Here I was thinking I was the most pessimistic guy on the site. Damn.

      Just take a fucking win, and let’s see what happens against UCLA.

      Smoke some weed or somethin’.

    • Who do you hang with? Players, former players, I call bullshit! Your posts make no sense most of the time. I think your ducks are playing a HS team this weekend, go down there and relish in your big win.

  42. WSU passing game is much improved but their defense and rushing game are still awful and will not get them many wins in the Pac-12. Their wins will only come when they score at least 49 points or maybe more.
    Looking forward to the Cougs coming to Reser, should be a very high scoring game.

    • Beavers will blow out WSU. The Cougars’ passing game looks improved cause UNLV’s secondary is awful. WSU will win 4 games max this season

  43. http://portlandtribune.com/pt-rss/12-sports/115110-all-in-on-osu-defense

    Two days old but a decent article by Eggers, I like the quote from Banker, ““The next time we take the field, it’s against a better team” than Wisconsin, Banker says.

    “That’s going to be a bigger challenge for our defense. It’s a team playing with a lot of confidence in a scheme that has been very efficient. They really unloaded on Nebraska. We’ll see.”

    I think he is right, and right to say so. A good challenge for the D.
    It may take 21+ to beat the bruins and the Rose Bowl has been bad juju for the Beavs lately. GO BEAVS………….One At A Time!

  44. At the aloha game, Tyner is a joke. It’s like watching Thurman Thomas playing against the muppets.
    But he does take plays off that aren’t to him and doesn’t play defense but I guess when you’re that good you can call your own shots.

          • I guessed at 3 carries because all I could see was him running the entire length of the field every single carry. Yeah, he’s that good… can average over 100 yards per carry!

            My main observation of Tyner is speed pure and simple. He’s not huge or powerful and wasn’t a threat to catch balls, they just pitched it to him and he would speed sweep it around the edges almost every single time.
            He started walking back to the huddle slowly and looking very tired by the end of 3rd quarter, even collapsing on the field one time, apparently from cramps. Took a couple plays off and was back in. Personally it made me nervous and I thought the coach should have pulled him for risk of injury; they had a 3 td lead at the time too.

            I’m keeping my eye on that Lakeridge qb, I see big things in his future.

  45. He also wants to run track, so probably not. Even if we bring back men’s track next year, they won’t be that competitive for a couple of years so he will probably remain a duck. But who knows, if they sign too many running backs he might change his mind.

  46. Retro Benny flag will be flying proudly today in the tailgating lot outside TCF stadium. Hope to snag a few beers from grateful fans for beating the Fadgers.

    Send some Angrybeavs love to a fellow rodent.

    PS. Last year, “what school is that flag from? Oregon State. The Ducks?”
    Ya that explains the beaver on the flag dipstick.

  47. Ohio State is really over rated. And Cal still sucks. I can’t stand watching their inability to call a play on offense. Total rhythm killer. Also refs suck, and I mean they really suck bad.

  48. These B1G refs are terrible! They just called three penalties against Cal that were very suspect, and the announcers (one of whom is a Buckeye) even agreed they were wrong calls. It took 7 points off the board and Cal missed the FG. After last week seeing all the holding calls that Wisconsin wasn’t called for and the PI penalty amongst others its too bad they have been consistently BAD.

  49. Well, no elk hunting for me yet but one brother connected on a 330 class Roosevelt on thursday and my other brother just sent me a picture of his spike bull that he connected with this morning. The beavers are undefeated and I’m going to take my boys to the river and try to catch a coho. Life is good today.

    Oh yeah, “OT.”

  50. I noticed DISH has all the regional channels available if needed as alternate channels on Ch. 5453-5360. There are 4 SD channels are 4 HD channels. Channel 445 and 446 may get first priority as overflow channels but the others are there so all 6 regional networks are available. This will probably be even more important during basketball season. Tonight’s Arizona game will be on Pac-12 Arizona on channels 5453 and 5454 (HD) while Oregon and UCLA are on 413 (HD).

    I also am watching the Pac-12 Football Pre-Game Show from Pac-12 Networks in HD right now. It is nice that we will get to see some studio shows in HD. :)

  51. CR’s contract extended for a year.

    Fwiw I have mixed feelings about this one.

    Good: He can recruit. The extension is only for a year.

    Uncertain: Can he coach up his players? Does he have game management skills?

    I found it “interesting” that part of the justification used was the fact that the Beavs had a 20 game win season in years. Based on who they scheduled the team probably should have had at least 25 wins.

    An extension seems to be a bit premature. Is Bobby D stepping on his dick again?


    Robinson has amassed 64 wins in his first four seasons at Oregon State, more than legendary Hall of Fame coaches Slats Gill and Ralph Miller in the same timeframe, and is coming off the Beavers’ first 20-win season and just their second winning campaign since 1989-90.


    • Oregon looking very vulnerable with interceptions and penalties. Against a good team this might have been a disaster for them. Will be interesting to see them play Arizona.

  52. So I am going to the Ucla game next Saturday. Don’t know what we should do before the game (12:30pm kickoff). I don’t think I want to go to the OSU alumni tailgater don’t want to spend $20 for hamburger and hot dogs. Has anybody been down there before and have any ideas on places to go before the game?

  53. Eat and drink, I thought about just touring the tailgating, something we did at LSU. But if there’s a good place to eat that’s within walking distance that would be cool. But I am open for new things too, anything suggestions?

  54. The tailgating is great. You can park on the golf course and they even let you bbq right on the grass. I don’t think there are any bars or restaurants within walking distance of the stadium. Tailgating is probably your best bet.

  55. The Furd’s FG kicker just missed his 2nd FG. One from 40 something yards and this one from something like 24 yards.

    Smash mouth football taking place.

    So far it’s Usuck 14 Furd 7

  56. ASU missed an extra point, had first and goal from the one and couldn’t make it on four tries. Got the punt after that back to the 20 yd and then threw a pick (overthrown wide open) in the endzone. Game over. WOW.

  57. Wow. This is why I love sports (especially football). Love the upsets. Barkley will have to have a greater than great rest of the season if he is going to want to win the Heisman after today’s performance.

    • I am not going to make excuses, but lets face the facts Usc OL had a new center and were missing a tackle. Their OL looked horrible and stanford made them one dimensional, because they couldn’t run the ball. They have no depth so they looked worn out in the 4th. Stanford didn’t really fair much better, Nunez looked very inaccurate at times and threw some very poor balls that were picked. Stanford just was able to wear down the Usc front with screens and by pounding Taylor 29 times. Stanford missed two field goals, and both teams play calling was very questionable. Not too mention all the penalties. Folks, this was a poor game by both teams. I wouldn’t make too much out of this game. Its a good win for Stanford and a bad loss for Usc, but neither team “scared” me watching them tonight.

      Ucla has looked good on defense, but Houston is terrible. Ucla has a defensive score on the first play of the game (a lateral picked up and ran in). So, 17-0 has really looked like 10-0. Houston’s defense has turned Ucla over and has gotten pressure on Hundley. I think they might be on to something they seem to be working their ends up field, but containing the pocket not letting Hundley out on the edges. Then they delay or spy the LB blitz and have been getting to the qb. Ucla will win easily, but they don’t look unbeatable.

  58. I never believed USC was the second best team in the nation, however Stanford did look impressive, especially their pass rush. I think they are still a good match-up for the Beavers just because of their style of play (Wisconsin-ish).

    UCLA will be tough. We might look back at the end of the season and say that this was our toughest road game. I’d be very happy and impressed if the Beavs split the next two road games.

    • I think the Beavers can definitely win both games. The Rose Bowl isn’t a tough place to play, UCLA has an average defense and makes a lot of mistakes. If the Beavers iron out some issues insidew the opponent’s 30 yard line and take care of the ball, I like their chances despite Hundley’s ability to run.

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