Home Football Post Game Thoughts

Post Game Thoughts


Beavs looked like the better team tonight, so it would have been a shame if they lost. Even when playing poorly they looked better than past editions. Hard to explain or put into words…

I've been waiting forever ('06) for a Beaver team that had supreme confidence. These guys have it now. Good test tonight to be behind on the road and pull it out. Another boost to the confidence.

The defense was getting props in pregame media…they'll still be covering this Oregon State story, but I think they will begin to focus on Mannion now. Defense looks good when Martin and Robinson aren't in there. Those guys missing plays results in 14 points, at least. Robinson flailed on the screen that went for like 50, and Martin got torched by Buckner. Beavs need to recruit some CBs. Martin cannot play at this level, but that's a problem for next year.

Kostol had another great game. 5 punts for ~43 yard average. We're not noticing the punter; that's how punting is supposed to be.

Romaine, on the other hand…

Beavs will likely jump to #12 in the polls. They've played the hardest schedule of anyone thus far, and there's a good case they should be in the top 10 (if not top 5). The defensive performance likely keeps them out of the top 10. I expect them to jump a team like Texas, though, who almost lost to Okie State (who got blasted by AZ). Ohio State will likely stagnate in the polls. Bad win for them today. #14 (TCU) and #17 (Clemson) weren't impressive today. Stanford will drop into the low 20s. So with all that shifting and leapfrogging #12 sounds about right.

Oh, and the fake bubble screen/TD to Wheaton was genius–best play call I've ever seen by Riley (loved his 4th down play call to Stroughter vs Missouri in 2006, too). He's a great play caller for the most part. Only three bad calls all night. Langsdorf would have had three bad calls on the first drive. It is such a relief.


  1. Beavs did some growing up in this game! Arizona gave them a real hardcore test tonight and even though they bent they didn’t break. If the rest of the season is like this I may need a defibulator next to the couch.

  2. I had a strange feeling this entire game the Beavs would win. Even getting down with 5 minutes to go, the way the running game was going and Mannion was a man amongst boys, I felt good. Man, it feels good to win games again.

  3. This game was a little more showing than the previous 2 games to me. This game showed the toughest of the team, the football ball bounced Arizona’s way, they recovered every single fumble, linemen catching passes, throwing passes 30 yards in the air getting caught. This team kept it’s demeanor throughout and the final two touchdown drives had some great play calls especially the touchdowns.

    We did not have our best game and there are still plenty of things to work on. But it’s better to have things to fix when you are 3-0 and not 1-2 or 0-3. It also took us till the middle of November to get 3 wins last season, what a difference a year makes for players and coaches.


      • Best offensive game in terms of yards in beaver history.

        Defense kind of broke down in the 3rd quarter, but held them to 7 in the 4th. It seems the last two seasons we have had to be at our very best to get victories, it’s good to find things to improve on, keeps the players hungry and grounded.

  4. Stanford over Washington (wrong)
    Oregon over WSU(correct)
    OSU over UA (correct)
    UCLA over Colorado (correct)
    CAL over ASU (wrong)

    3/5….not bad with my predictions this year. I thought CAL would have a better showing, but it was a boring game and I almost fell asleep by halftime…man FX/FOX is a terrible commentary network to watch a game on!!! They need to get better color analysts…not commentary guys! drove me nuts!

      • I thought they would play like they did against Ohio State, but I was thoroughly disappointed and wrong. I think CAL is the new Oregon State.

        • Cal has a horrible QB, so they can’t win games.
          That’s all there is to it. I’d never bet on Maynard. He might win some games here and there, but I’d never bet on him vs a decent opponent.

          PS. Not sure Ohio State is that good…another rough game today.

          • ND might get bumped up because of the Ohio State-Michigan State game. “Ohio State looked so good and barely beat Michigan State, must mean Notre Dame is a great team! Move them up”.

            South Carolina should drop quite a bit but they won’t. They faced a really bad Kentucky team and were losing by double digits entering the 2nd half. LSU looked bad against Towson. Beyond Alabama, the SEC doesn’t have a legit top 10 team.

            I expect OSU to be 15th in the AP Poll. Just gotta keep winning and they’ll climb. Undefeated teams will be knocked off. If this team stays focused, they’ll go a long way.

        • “Numbers says:
          SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 AT 3:32 PM
          Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
          Ok, so I’ll take USC, Stanford, ASU, OSU, and WSU to beat the spread and still lose.
          I’m most iffy on Stanford, I was picking uW a week ago. Ah hell, I’m taking UW. UW in OT”

          Ahhhh. I forgot to list I was taking ucla( said USC on accident?). 4-0 this week. Almost called the ot.

  5. I love the “. We’re not noticing the punter; that’s how punting is supposed to be.” Quote. You should never youtube a team and one of the first videos that comes up is a negative yard punt.

  6. No way we move to 12. 16 tops. Late game, close score, east coast bias and all that. I’d be surprised if we weren’t still one spot below Stanford, possibly at 17.

    Next week we really need to get in to a groove and put together a complete game. So far we haven’t given up any points in the. First quarter, but a ton in the third. Arizona made some nice halftime adjustments, using the receiver screens to counter the aggressive over-pursuit. We need to take it to WSU.

    Mannion should be offensive player of the week.

    • Arizona found out the WR screen was working towards the end of the first half. Beavers can be super aggressive on defense and it hurt them. Needs to be corrected.

      I agree about Wazzu. Beavers need to beat the piss out of them and I think they will. Wazzu is just atrocious defensively. Mannion, Cooks and Wheaton will have big days and Storm Woods should go well over 100 yards again. Beavers just need to stay focused.

  7. Lots to like tonight: apparently no serious injuries, plenty of areas for coaches to use in teaching next week, team faced adversity and came out on top. A road win where the O showed up and a D that didn’t completely fold against a decent (and lucky) AZ offense which had some help from the zebras.

    Lindsay tweets that the team headed for In-n-Out.

    I believe these guys will not overlook WSU, hope Riley shows film of the out of bounds hit on Quizz (just don’t include his own lack of reaction at the time!).

    The players I heard interviewed all sounded focused on playing one game at a time, that is worth a lot.

    Also, Riley showed some emotion tonight.

  8. I was probably the only Beaver fan who predicted a perfect September, nice to actually be right for once and see the team getting off to a fast start, FINALLY.

  9. This is huge, just in terms of keeping the Beaver “Phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes” story going.

    I think it is good to keep up the buzz and not fade into the background with a loss.

    That said, I would have been really happy with a competitive loss, as 2-1 in Sept is not your usual Beaver story. Yes, I know, angry, I am a lousy fan…..

    Since even Mike Riley was getting pissed at some of the calls, I think the refs were on the AZ side. But we got the win anyway.

    A very very good feeling…….Damn!!!

    • Cazano immediately wrote an idiot piece putting down the thought of a in and out return. Claimed this team was better than just a cute post game meal story. What an idiot. All publicity is good publicity.

      • I actually think the media love of the In-N-Out stuff may help with rankings too. In the hype associated with the story you can’t help but notice that they are beating some good teams on the road.

  10. I really like the way we changed line up on last defensive stand. Beavs were just plowing into AZ back field at will, leaving big lanes and spaces for those screens that were killing us. Having the MLB staying home to spy forced that throw to a really small window, and that throw was just bad to boot. Good late adjustment. Washington State now will give a change of pace. Gonna need attention to detail coming up.

  11. Yeah…..like the interviews said, need to keep improving….esp on defense. ESP in making mistakes like penalties at the wrong time.

    Love the way Mannion has got away from the interceptions. He has really matured.

    Getting a running game going….

    This was a tight game, but AZ was unranked only because they went to Eugene and fell flat, esp in the red zone, and looked really bad. Their offense was hot. This was a quality win.

  12. Wow, what a game and what a finish. Incredible poise shown by Mannion and the entire offense on that last drive. I can’t say enough about the throw AND the catch on the last OSU td. Mannion probably had a yard/yard and a half window to get that pass in and Hamlett caught the ball with just his hands and had the presence of mind and body control to get in the end zone. Awesome.

    Great win with a lot of good (mostly the offense) and some bad (sorry defense) and the bad needs to get taken care of pretty soon.

    – Mannion. OSU has a QB! Great point by angry that Mannion’s ability will start to define the narrative about this team.
    – Running game is back. Woods looks good and the line seems to be improving, creating lanes and was able to seal the edges on a few plays. I’m not too worried about ball control – Woods strikes me as the type that will not take that lost fumble lightly. And we have two other capable backs in Agnew and Ward.
    – Wheaton and Cooks. Wow. Best wide receiver tandem in the Pac-12. Cooks has some moves too. Glad we have 2 more years of him.
    – Punting – Angry summed it up well. How many more years to we have Kostol for? Can we extend his eligibility?

    – Defense against the spread. Was I the only one watching the AZ spread killing our defense and thinking ahead to the civil war???
    – FG kicking. Romaine is at best a 50/50 guy right now. No idea if he is going to make or miss when he lines up for a FG. Makes me very nervous because one game this season will be determined by the kicking game – guaranteed.
    – Tackling – Thought this was the worst OSU tackling game by far.

    I hope this team isn’t overlooking WSU. For some reason WSU gets up for games against OSU. You see it in football and basketball. I don’t know why exactly, but could be there is a bit of an inferiority complex from the other NW “State” school. WSU played hard against UO for a half and Leach’s spread could potentially be hard for OSU defense to stop after seeing how much trouble the AZ offense gave them.

    After such a hard fought game this Saturday, the next week strikes me as a potential let down game.

    • A potential let down game, maybe. I prefer to think not, not only due to the history (think Quiz being hit out of bounds) but because of what was reported this week regarding Mannion’s dad.

      As coach of the Silverton Foxes the Sr. Mannion told his team that their 4-0 start made their fifth game that much more important. They then went out on Friday and got win #5 against highly respected W.Albany.

      WSU is the only game on the schedule this week and the 3-0 record makes it an important one. While they may not be highly respected the Cougs do have that Leach thing drawing attention. Another test against the spread but I think the Beavs stay focused for this one. The D will surely receive some lessons in practice this week and the entire team learned a lesson in tenacity tonight.

      The Beavs seem “together” AND healthy, I’m looking for a comfortable win, finally!

  13. Anybody know why Ward was in on the last drive of the game and not Woods or Agnew? I haven’t read anything about that. My guess is Ward is the best pass protector, but he got two carries on the drive. One was very good.

    Side note: I can’t remember a time when OSU had so many good tailbacks on the team at one time. The tandem of Simonton and McCall was pretty good in 2000, but that’s just two guys. Can’t come up with any other comparable examples. Maybe I need to go back even further.

    Anyway, Woods is a good #1, Agnew/Ward are very good backups, and Chris Brown is still in the stable redshirting. Lot’s of talent at the RB position.

    • I think 2000 might be the standard, don’t forget Battle, he made some nice runs also. I don’t know, I think Woods gets most of the carries, he looked impressive.

    • Two plays that stood out to me as just money – first, the 3rd down conversion w/ Anderson …. and T Ward’s first run…huge plays to keep the chains moving..

  14. Last comment of the night for me (in asia for work and everybody stateside is asleep so I have lots of time…).

    Watch this interview with Riley. He seems different somehow…less golly gee yuck yuck and more focused or something. Does Mike Riley have his swagger back?

    It’s clear he really likes this team too. I like to see that.

  15. Arizona got so many breaks, this was a really impressive win. I’m still pissed about that defensive holding call on Martin.

    Sucks that Robinson is the first LB off the bench. That’s going to bite us down the road. I’d love to see what JJ, Akuna, or Williams could do.

    Zimmerman had a bad tackling night. He’s been hot and cold. I think this was only his 3rd start, i’m not worried.

        • He also bungled the EASY pick. Made up for it right after, but he should have had it easily. Went through his hands, then off the receiver, and THEN he made the play.

          Also noticed on that big Carey run up-the-middle, Martin hit him at the 5 yard line, but tried to tackle him at the shoulders and just got dragged in to the endzone. He and Zimmerman are just brutal.

      • yeah the safety play last night was not good enough. Zim made some plays early, but it looked like Arizona had figured out our scheme. People have been on Martin (nickel back), but I thought his play was okay. If he catches that INT they don’t score that drive, and that penalty was iffy. He did not play that jump ball well, however.

        Got remember these guys are all Sophs (Murphy, Martin and Zimmerman). Watkins played a little at safety, but I didn’t see him much, we could use some experience back there.

  16. Many of the same players as last year for OSU, but now we are seeing the grown-up versions. Mannion did good things last year, but it took this year’s version of Mannion to lead that game-winning drive against AZ. Reynolds showed flashes last year, but it took this year’s version of Reynolds to make that game-ending interception. Cooks made big plays last year. This year Cooks has become one of the most dangerous receivers in the country. And of course last year Storm Wood was a skinny redshirt tailback on the practice squad….

    A lot of guys have grown-up and stepped up this season. Part of it is knowledge and experience. Part of it is the confidence that comes with knowledge and experience. Part of it is better play-calling by the coaches (esp. on offense, where Riley operates at a completely different level than Langsdorf).

    The Beavs should only get better from last night’s win. These guys are a lot more fun to watch than last year’s versions, that’s for sure….

  17. I’ll second that defibulator. I wish we had scored touchdowns on our first two trips into red zone. Riley has to get more creative in play calling in red zone so we can walk away with points. Wheaton was fantastic, reminded me of Sammy. Mannion is improving each game.

    Defense I believe got tired in the 3rd quarter, too much time on the field by AZ. We can’t be catching up in last minutes of every game to win, especially against AZ St., Stanford or Oregon. We have to start stacking points and keep stacking them.

    Great game overall. I take back what I said about Rileys’ play calling. He is doing a good job. He just needs to stop getting conservative sometimes. That’s scary in itself.

    Can we find some place to get together at WSU game?

    I believe we will be #15 in rankings.

  18. Oh, and don’t ever go to Blitz Ladd to watch a Beaver game. Had a group of 5 including 88 year old Mom who never misses a Beaver game, (live or on TV) and were treated like invaders into duck territory by the management.
    (Thanks Direct TV for forcing us to take Mom to a bar instead of watching the game at home!)
    See my yelp review coming soon.

    • Blitz Ladd often dissapoints and it could be such a good sports bar. Hipster servers dont care about the sports crowd theyre serving.

      Ever try Macadams? its a good alternative of similar size and they do a good job of separating crowds there. have watched duke/unc there several times.

    • I’ve never gone to Blitz… mostly because I’ve never been told anything good about it. I get a mental picture of loser hipsters drawing a crowd of loser hipsters whenever I’m talking to someone in Portland about meeting up for a beer. And that’s just them volunteering that info. I never bring up the place because I’ve never been there.

      Usual suspects for me are A&L, Bucket Brigade and a lot of Tom’s Pizza up on Lombard.

    • Yeah, I was at Blitz Ladd last night too. If you want bad food and bad service it’s the place to be. I was lucky enough to get 2 tables in the upper seating area (by doing the walk up and sit with people getting ready to leave move.) The staffs ineptitude actually worked out for me in that they didn’t notice when 10:00 hit, as I had my son with me and we should have been kicked out. Sometimes having a space cadet for a server works in your favor. Pretty sure she forgot to charge for some drinks as well!

    • USC ahead of us is a fucking joke. we’ve played a much harder schedule, and have no losses vs. their one loss.

      Polls are a joke. The most important factor in polls is where you start PRESEASON, which is based on perception, not play. Fuck the polls.

      • I told you angry last night. It’s not that I think we don’t deserve it, (IMO I think we should be around 10 or 11) but I’m actually surprised we moved up to 14th. The idiotic coaches poll has us moving up ONE SPOT to 17th after two road wins against solid teams. The Kitties should have been ranked if they didn’t look absolutely pathetic against Oregon. Nobody actually watched the game last night. I’m in the Midwest and it was around 1:30 when the game was over.

        • Scratch that. The coaches poll did move us up a few spots. But only one from our original spot in the A.P. Last week they had us ranked after 21st behind Nebraska AFTER we beat UCLA. The coaches poll is garbage. And yet they continue to use it to calculate the BCS. Ugh. Can’t wait for a playoff.

          • All this poll & ranking talk is a bit puzzling to me. I was sitting at Reser two years ago. As the Ducks ran off the field after pre-game warm-ups, I listened to a beaver fan say “ya, get that trash off the field.” I turned around to make sure he was talking about the number 1 team in the nation at that point. And he informed me that “the BCS is all that matters.” We had fallen to #2 at that point having just been leapfrogged by Auburn in the BCS but were still the AP #1. I think the local news had been saying that week that it was the first time in state history that either Oregon team had reached #1 in the AP Poll. So, to me that was a pretty big deal. But according to him it wasn’t. So, unitl you reach #1 in that sucker (meaning the BCS) maybe you guys shouldn’t be talking about 19, 17, 15, 14, or whatever because “the BCS is all that matters” as he put it to me. But since most Beaver football arguements are often ass backwards most of the time, maybe 19 or 17 means something and #2 does not. Good work so for. Hopefully, we will get a competitve Civil War this year.

          • Nobody here has ever said that being #1 or #2 isn’t a big deal. Sounds like you need to hunt that guy down and tell him how you feel since you’re still torn up about it years later.

  19. Is is possible when you reach a certain age this kind of game is just plain unhealthy? High blood pressure and my heart felt jacked last night. Still feeling messed up this morning even after my coffee. I don’t remember all the stress when I was young. I can’t seem to remember that “it’s just a football game”…

    • Definitely agree with you on that. Being a beaver fan has probably taken a decade off my life. Oh well, that’s just the decade of 3pm lunches and Metamucil shakes.

        • Angry, Angry, Angry. You’ll not be surprised that I disagree.
          Perspective trumps paranoia, the ass is just fine (so far, heh heh). Umm, did I miss anything?
          GO BEAVS
          go angry

        • You’re killin’ me Angry…no wait, that’s the Beavs killin’ me. But I can still get it up, damn…

          “The worst part of getting old, is remembering when you were young”…. quote from a movie by some old fellow driving cross country on a riding lawn mower. Wish I could remember the movie, but it was sooooo long ago.

  20. There was a point late in the third quarter where I though the game was getting away from Mannion. He seemed out of rhythm and he missed a few guys on his throws. Riley mad a smart move to get him back in rhythm by calling back to back bubble screens which not only went for big yards and added penalty yards, but got Mannion back on track. Those bubble screens calls were huge, and set up Wheaton’s second touchdown beautifully.

  21. Game being replayed on pac 12 network. im still not convinced storm woods fumbled that ball before his knee hit the ground. then the head ref gave the possession to osu only to reverse his call. what a clusterfuck job by the refs in this game.

      • Thanks, I posted a reply on an earlier thread but in case that got lost in the shuffle, here’s what I said. If you want to talk about travel maybe we can start up a forum topic at some point. Pretty much used every form of Euro transportation over the last 3 weeks, so I can hopefully give some good advice to help anybody taking a trip over there.

        “Thanks man. We went all over the Mediterranean. Italy (Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Naples, Positano, Amalfi, Pompei), Greece ( Athens, Crete) and Turkey (Ancient Ephesus ruins). It was great, but at the same time its nice to finally be back in the states. Driving is insane over there. Pure anarchy on the roads, but somehow it seems to work for them. Its also nice to be back in a place where you can understand the background conversations going on around you and it all just doesn’t sound like noise.
        Really surprised by this Beav team and am happy to be coming back to some good news. Can’t wait to finally catch my first home game of the season next week. It’s gonna be noisy at Reser again.”

  22. So stressful. I had bad dreams all night that we lost.

    Arizona just made plays last night and Angry said it best in the game thread “the football gods want Arizona to win this game”. Including the 9 yrd reception by their O lineman!

    So many things just seemed to go Arizonas way, which typically means a loss for us. Awesome performance in the last 5 minutes.

  23. Random observation; near end of 2nd quarter when Wheaton gets shoved out of bounds, the corner hits him again while out of bounds which a blantat pf. Happened right in front of the ref who even throw his hat so you know he saw it. No call of course.

    • One of a long list of disappointing moves by Riley over the last couple years was the failure to take advantage of Hekker’s arm. IMHO he should have been used in a couple circumstances where it wasn’t an obvious time for a fake; this would have forced opponents to spend time and focus on the possibility that it could happen at any time.
      I am so glad Riley has his head straight now.

  24. Does anybody have an injury report? I am wondering why Unga (can’t spell his new name) was not in there, and Welch took some wicked shots.

    The offense is looking good, but Arizona’s defense is not very good. Still think Phillipp is getting blown up too often. I didn’t understand that 3rd and 1 out pattern that was knocked down on the first drive- why not run it? Woods vision is great and he has great cutting ability. I liked that we used three backs and that Ward was actually able to come in on that last drive and pick up where Woods left off.

    Somebody called it right, Robinson was up to his old self not staying discipline and over ran that screen play for a huge game, but I am wondering about our health there.

    The thing that concerns me the most is the depth on defense. We play such a physical game and teams like Arizona are either get physical back or break. So, with such a physical play that could lead to numerous injuries and we don’t have a bye the rest of the way. I worry about that BYU game, who is another physical team and they play with a ton of energy in that stadium, not mention they are old 30 years old. We have to keep Doctor, Welch, and Unga healthy and I am not sure we can do that. I might be crazy, but I think I would like to see some OL rotation to keep those guys fresh as well. Note: I thought Kelly had a great game, and so did Seumalo.

    sorry about the random thoughts.

    • Schnell tweeted that she spoke to Welch after the game and he’s fine.

      Not having a bye the rest of the way will be challenging. 5 of our 7 remaining conference games are at home now. 2 conference road wins to start the season might be even more important than we already think.

  25. Wome’s Volleyball at 11:30am vs Utah from Gill on DISH Channel 5456 and Women’s Soccer at Cal at 1:30pm on DISH Channel 413. #PAC12onDISH

    • Its a question of running out of ends zone vs touchback to 25yrd line. I don’t hate Malcolm. Someone else, fine. Power for punts but not kickoffs though. Power in wild beaver or other funny formation also yes.

    • concur. Wasn’t Marable the guy who stepped out of bounds on the one yard line last year in Madison? I’m hoping that if we get deeper into the year and are still healthy (and as the stakes get higher) Riley might put Poyer or Cooks or Wheaton back there. Or just take it on the 25.

      • Cooks and Wheaton get thumped enough receiving. Don’t want to see them get injuries doing kick off returns. I get nervous for Poyers health on punt returns. They got to have other wheels on the team.

    • Personally, I don’t want to see Poyer injured on a kickoff return. Remember Jason Sechrest, never the same player after that. I’ve also thought that over the first three games Poyer has been very quick to call fair catches on two or three occassions where it looks like he had a little room. Defense is so thin, I’m torn about any starter doing anything risky.

  26. to me this isn’t a great win, just a good one. the beavs haven’t lost in AZ since 97, so it’s not like this is unprecedented. the D couldn’t really contain the screen passes, and ended up blowing a 17 point lead. the o line was great and so was mannion, as was woods as well but that fumble could’ve lost them the game. i’m fine not jumping up to 12th after that performance, because with a blowout win or two they’ll start to get recognized as a true contender. also — it was nice to see obum get a catch,yalthough i think it might’ve been nullified by a flag. cummings may be emerging as the third wideout, which i’d prefer. i’m starting to think hamlett could be a sunday guy in a few years.

    • it’s impossible to calculate what the pschological/momentum effect would have been if we got 7 at the end of the first half. Another topic worth revisiting, in reality Romaine was 1-3 in field goals. That running into the kicker penalty saved him. He’ll lose us a game yet. The worst of it is, he has an uncanny ability to miss or screw up when momentum has otherwise been going our way. That is, it’s not just the lost points but the deflation of momentum.

      • Nevermind Romaine (each team missed a FG), we were down at the 2 and then a false start and then lost 10 on a Woods run. Poor execution lead to a poor FG attempt. However, we stay discipline there and punch it in it is 24-7 at the Half and we inch closer to breaking their spirit.

    • Agreed, but what I like is that they were able to stay tough, play from behind in a very hostile environment and get the win. Gritty win. May pay dividends later, but yeah, would have preferred a more comfortable win.

  27. Did it strike anyone else as funny that a lineman catches the ball eight yards down field, but nobody questions the legality of a lineman being so far down field on a pass?

    Of course a lineman can catch a deflected ball. But he can’t run down field in order to be in position for a deflected pass.

  28. So…

    Blitz is good for a vid of that SoCal plane we keep hearing about.

    Riley’s first tweet after the game… before the I-A-O tweets. Hashtags anyone?

    And the Deadspin remix which will forever be better than “I love my Ducks.”

    • Wait, I’ve missed this story about the plane. Who’s putting that together? Novel idea, pretty cool actually. Has this been talked about on here recently?

      • Thanks for the travel reply. I rummaged around in yesterdays talk and couldn’t/didn’t find it, but that’s not surprising, wife says I can’t find anything, True.

        We’ve been to some of those sites, mainly Naples, Amalfi, Postiano area. Plan on returning for more extended time later. We’ve been all over France many times and really have learned to enjoy the food and culture.

        Like your idea of a travel forum. JB

  29. I agree completely about Martin. He is not on the same level as Reynolds, Poyer, etc.
    Plus, he is always involved somehow when there is offseason issues. The guy needs to stay away from the bars.

  30. Had a new OSU Football experience yesterday. About 30 seconds into the game, the power went off in the living room. Figuring we’d just blown a breaker, I went out to the garage to check it; only what I found was flames shooting out from behind the panel. Called 911, then since I couldn’t find a fire extinguisher, ran across the street to the only neighbor’s house with cars in the driveway to see if they did. Banged on the door until they finally woke up and answered, got an extinguisher from them, and got back in time to hit the fire before it had time to spread out of the garage. Bout that time, a bunch of firetrucks pull up and they run inside, rip the panel off the wall, and put out the smoldering electronics.

    So, while they’re doing their thing, we grabbed some lawn chairs, set up a laptop on a cooler outside, and streamed the game to it via my phone’s connection. So, I guess the mental image to take away from all of this is three guys huddled around a laptop while firefighters are ripping a wall out of their garage, and the quiet street they live on is crawling with emergency vehicles and neighbors gawking.

    I’m so thankful we were home when it happened. The only reason we were here was that the game was on the pac-12 network, and now bars down here have it. Otherwise, we would’ve come home to find a burnt down house, crispy dead dogs, and no belongings. As it stands, other than having to get the house rewired and reconnected by the city, there’s no permanent damage. And the beavers won!!!! Not such a bad night after all I guess.

    • I could see students wearing these phrases on their own. Can imagine at parties some home-created, orange-colored alcoholic beverages known as “beaver juice.”

      Reser should be “rocking” this saturday, as much as Reser does anyway. Context is important.

      The D should be able to feed off of it.

  31. Also, six of the nine remaining games at home. Didn’t realize that. This team stays healthy, and it looks like a alamo or holiday bowl….improvement!

    And next year – Chris Brown too.

  32. Keep it up boys! I am so excited to root for you all the way from here in the Philippines. You are the best team in the world. I have to say Riley is a great offensive mind. His assumption of the play calling has made big difference. The whole team is motivated and planning at 110%. I am your biggest fan guys. Win another one for me!!!! “I am your lucky charm.” GOOOO BEAVER!!!!

  33. “We ARE a contender,” Banker said. “We’re 3-0. Absolutely our defense is still for real. And you have to remember that we still have players who are relatively young in our defense, starting with our ends, (Scott) Crichton and (Dylan) Wynn. And we’re asking a lot of (linebacker) D.J. Welch, who’s just a sophomore … We’ve given these young guys a lot of different things to handle, and we’re going to get better as time goes by.”

    • Well that just pissed me off. Idiot never thought of a net to catch? Never thought of just walking away at realese, instead cricled and tormented poor fella. Kinda guy you wanna see get bit. Idiot.

      • Just picture him in a duck uniform. Yeah the guy is a jerk. Obviously not promoting him. I like the Beavers fight though. Sorry if i offended anyone.

  34. Does anyone know of a radio stream or podcast that replay the beaver games? Im out of the country and would like to hear the games without staying up all night. Thanks!

  35. I asked on Thursday if we were still recruiting someone in the Shreveport area because I heard something from a friend about Brasfield getting someone. I heard nothing about commits over the weekend. But now I see this.

    Fwiw… Edward Williams from Warren Easton in New Orleans is also still interested from what I hear. He’s committed to aTm, but he’s still visiting Corvallis. McGee is also being recruited by aTm. So Brasfield is going head to head with them for these kids and more.

  36. The line for student tickets wrapped around the stadium… last night.

    I remember when students would leave Gill on a Thursday night and go straight to camp out in line for Saturday’s game. Is football going to be that way this year?

  37. We should be ranked in top 5! We are by far the best team in the PAC! Got the 9th of Feb off and I am planning on heading to Miami. Go Beves!

  38. Post Game thoughts – Always better a day or two later to get some actual rational thoughts in,

    The Good
    – Able to make a 4th quarter comeback. Maintain composure when all momentum is going the other way.
    – Play calling. Was very creative. Loved the Wheaton TD. AZ did not see that coming.
    – Overcame some bad penalty calls. The holding call on Martin was bs. The WR ran into Martin on that play.
    – Run blocking was awesome. Woods had some nice big hole to run through. Great pushes at the goalline for the short rushing TDs.

    The Bad –
    – Scott put the hurt on the D with his mobility. Many more mobile QBs are on the schedule.
    – Putting bad players out there to make plays. Robinson is a huge liabilty in the open field. Almost everytime he was in, AZ got a good gain. He did get a big sack though. Martin is clearly not up to par yet at CB.
    – Romaine has not got rid of his mental issues.
    – Tackling seemed to regress a bit. Players were not wrapping up as well.
    – Turnovers – Woods was clearly gassed and had an arm issue when he fumbled. Coaches needed to recognize that.

    There are many many things to work on. I am still on the fence due to past years but am optimistic this team can make a run.The schedule is setting up perfectly for testing this team to find out if they are a legit contender.

    And just to add –
    Cooks is getting to be ridiculous. He’s progressing faster than Wheaton or Rodgers when they were sophomores.

  39. From the ESPN Pac12 Blog: “Special teams standout: Washington State true freshman Teondray Caldwell had eight kick returns for 220 yards against Oregon, including a 92-yard effort that set up a Cougars TD. It was the second most kickoff return yards in a single game in school history. ”

    I would be happy if Romaine kicked it out of the end zone every time against WSU. Lets hope our coaching staff comes up with a good game plan.

  40. Thoughts on the upcoming schedule – I said in an earlier thread that the AZ, WSU and BYU game would present all unique tests and it seems to be playing out that way. Every team gets tripped up somewhere. the beavs will need to work hard to avoid it in the next few games. Good teams avoid this by being consistent week to week. Can the beavs win when they are expected to win? It’s the big question. Every team is going to give their best against OSU now.

    Some thoughts on the next few games –
    WSU – Can’t assume a win here. It’s a classic trap game. Coming home after a big road win. This is the first time the D will see the Air Raid offense. the entire defense will be tested. The cougs put up a good fight against UO. They threw 60 passes! The pass rush needs to be exceptional in this week’s game to help the DBs. Cannot allow the Cougs to hang around because all it will take is one big play to change the outcome. Get up early and then really take the fight out of WSU.

    BYU – Another tough road test. Last year was a tough loss. Now it’s at their place and they have beaver kryptonite, a mobile QB. The offense will need to be pick up the defense here.

    Utah – Will be coming off a tough stretch of games. Another tough loss to swallow last year. The players can use that as motivation and not look at how much Utah is underperforming this year.

    • Yeah, you bring up a good subject. 6 of the last 9 games are at home! This team has already gave us two thrilling road conference wins. It’s time for us to pay it forward and give the team an extra boost and give them the energy and support for the Cougs. Who looked like they can sling it the last two weeks they have done just that.

      I was lucky to be at the Ucla game, however it feels like a month since the last home game, I can’t wait for Saturday. Bringing out the unbeaten meatballs for this one, that will go well with a rack a ribs right???

  41. http://portlandtribune.com/pt/12-sports/115992-beavers-notes–oregon-state-pleased-but-ready-for-next-opponent

    Eggers story is a couple days old but worth reading, a couple quotes:
    1) Seumalo, on Woods’ 161-yard rushing game against the Wildcats: “Going into every game, that’s what we want to do — open the doors and let Storm run wild.”
    2)On the topic of making reservations for the Rose Bowl: “We should start thinking about Washington State,” Riley said with a laugh. Safety “Ryan Murphy said it best: ‘We start each week 0-0.’ I’m going to stick with that.”

      • I keep waiting for this blackout and whiteout stuff to burnout. And for that matter, teams appropriating colors that arent’ theirs. I’m thinking of making a sign for the game vs. UW in Seattle: “Real Men Wear Black All the Time.” That said, if BYU wants to handicap their team by putting them in black uniforms for a game that starts at 1:30 p.m. local time, have at it. I hope it’s hotter than hell and the color fatigues them.

  42. ncaa_ asked about the plane in SoCal flying over high school games.

    Twitter was abuzz with various key words. And apparently this isn’t the first week we’ve done it.

    Thinking about this, I guess you can your bang for the buck when you consider the number of games the thing can fly over.

    Chaminade, Notre Dame, Mater Dei and Narbonne… who are we looking at?

    • Chaminade – Terrell Newby RB, Elijah Dunston WR (Colorado commit)
      Notre Dame – Khalfani Muhammad RB, Leroy Sitake Tanoai OL (Utah commit)
      Narbonne – Keishawn Bierria LB, Paulo Lepua DT, Alanta Toussant OL
      Mater Dei – Thomas Duarte TE, David Bright OL

  43. Interesting that Katz was player of the week 2 years ago against AZ. We lost Rodgers and Katz fell apart from there. But he is doing “great” now at SDSU. What do you call that move he perfected against WA? The headless chicken scramble. And were not talking about a breakfast plate at Denny’s.

    • Who has the best wings in Corvallis? Ever since a vacation I took several years back to Western NY State I’ve been spoiled on good wings. Hard to find here in the west.
      Admittedly I haven’t tried Fire on the Mountain in Portland yet.

        • Pok Pok is good, if you don’t mind waiting 30-45 minutes to get a seat. I think you can get their wings across the street at Whiskey Soda Lounge (owned by same people) without the wait, but you won’t get the rest of the Pok Pok menu.

          My brother in law who lives in Brooklyn was telling me they recently opened a Pok Pok over there and it’s always packed with a much longer wait.

          As far as straight up wings go, there’s a Wingstop in Portland near 82nd and Powell. They’re a chain restaurant, but their wings are fantastic. Get some of the atomic, or garlic parm. you pretty much can’t go wrong. and they have great fries. I never leave there unhappy.

      • BW3 has decent wings. But they’re more about variety than having the best sauce. They’ve dropped the 3 and gone to BW2 nowadays, and there are none in Corvallis. So I guess it doesn’t matter.

        Don’t do Chicken Bonz. They pretty much suck. I’ve heard about a place in Medford which is pretty good… never been. Never been to fire on the mountain.

        It’s almost impossible to screw up wings, so I don’t know why so many places play with it. Just fry the damn things and pour some Frank’s on them. Mix and serve. What’s so hard about that?

        Deschutes Brewery has some good ones… and I mean always good, not hit and miss depending on the chain store’s shift or overall demeanor toward food. The best I’ve had in Oregon are at little place in Coburg called Chief’s. Very nice hot/medium/mild taste. And just about everything else on their menu is great as well.

        • I’ve actually heard of that place. My parents tell me the signature burger (The Coburger) is the best burger they’ve ever had. Still haven’t made it there though…

          • Oh… their burgers are sooo good. Brisket is middle of the road in Texas, which makes it excellent for Oregon. Pulled pork is better than average as well. They don’t do chicken as well as Papa’s, but they do it well. And as far as wings go, they just use Buffalo sauce, which is my mark for good wings.

          • I would suggest Chief’s for burgers over all others. My wife, for some reason, loves Red Robin and wanted to try Five Guys… until I took her there one day. Now, burger nookie is only found there.

          • Chief’s sounds great, but it’s clear down in Eugene. At least I have something to look forward to next time I travel down there for a basketball game. My arteries would like to thank you for the recommendation.

          • Better than Eugene. It’s in Coburg. They actually have a nice little town with good bbq and good pizza.

            That’s my next rant. I can’t find good pizza in this town. Abby’s used to be decent, but they’ve gone way south in the last couple years. There’s a place over in Springfield that burns wood fired boutique pizzas, but I haven’t tried it. I know the owners of Track Town, and I can’t bring myself to discuss their product. Papa’s? Ok?

            I’d at least like a good to great pizza joint like Cirello’s down here. It’s like nobody in this town knows garlic and fresh cheese exists. What I would really like is a Flying Pie.

            Is this too much to ask?

          • Pegasus used to be really good food. Their pizza has always been American Dream without garlic. But they used to have some outstanding chicken way back when. Now they give me stuff I can tell was frozen. I can do that crap at home for one-tenth the cost. I used to only eat their calzones. Now I can’t do that.

            And their chicken absolutely sucks now. I don’t know how you go from awesome to suck. But they managed to do it.

            Besides, I’m not 18 anymore. There’s by-the-slice shop at every college. Some are good. Some are not. Pegasus doesn’t even do by-the-slice for dinner anymore.

          • Scabby’s? When were they good? I used to love Track Town about 20 years ago, too bad it’s gone downhill from your comment.. Is Pegasus still around, they used to be good and claimed to have invented BBQ chicken pizza.

            Sorry, I now see your comment about Pegasus above. Is Sy’s still doing slices down by campus? I used to live off of a slice of cheese with lots of crushed red pepper.

          • Haha “scabby’s” haven’t heard that one since high school. Did you go to north? Don’t think I’ve ever heard it called that by somone who didn’t go there for lunch in high school.

          • While I’m there… Voodoo is fine for doughnuts, but they’re not awesome. It’s not the color of the icing that makes the cake. It’s the pastry itself people. Overrated is a word I would use for Voodoo.

            Bob’s (on Garfield just north of 11th) is the best by far. And I mean there’s not a shop that even pretends to be close in this town. If you want Voodoo, you might as well go to Master in Springfield. Same difference, different marketing.

            Bob’s still doesn’t hold a candle to Joe’s in Sandy. Them’s some of the best doughnuts I’ve ever had anywhere.

          • Voodoo is garbage. I’m sortof ashamed that it gets picked as a tourist destination for people who visit Portland, because we have so much more to offer food wise in this town. Seriously, whenever people visit my office from out of town, they ask about Powell’s books and Voodoo. What’s up with that?
            Any food joint that holds an event called “Cockfest” in the same space where I might be eating my food the next day, I’ll have to pass on. Read about it here if you really need to know.


          • ditto on your voodoo take.
            You guys are killing me with all this food talk!! Pizza? Good pizza hardly seems to exist anymore, I think it has to do with the public’s standards, people will eat anything and call it wonderful.
            Abby’s has always been the last holdout but I only get there a couple times a year and like Jack said, I think they’re slipping too.
            Flying Pie is outstanding but it’s been a few years since I’ve been there too.

            Ok, that’s it, next time I need a good recommendation I’m coming here first, screw yelp.com.

            We buy our employees lunch every Friday, burgers from Hall Street sounds like a great choice, and they’re close too.

          • They don’t make wings,but if you’re in Eugene and want the best bbq in the area head south to Cottage Grove and go to Big Stuff. They make their own sauces and their baby backs are consistantly the best I’ve had. Brisket,pork,chicken,ham,turkey around the holidays,make their own sausages and chili. They’ve got widmer and hop valley and crater lake rootbeer on tap.

            When I call in an order to go I always go down a couple minutes early and Simon the owner asks me if it’s my birthday, I say yes and he gives me a pint while I wait :-).

          • Big Stuff is good too. I am partial to the German style potato salad, so I like it.

            But their ribs are cut before cooking which makes them small and dry. Their sweet sauce is outstanding though. And there’s nothing pig they don’t do well.

            But I would say the best they have is their pastrami. I always get a double serving hot on a fresh roll with just Swiss, onions and yellow mustard.

            Delis are another topic altogether. There’s just not a good one around here.

          • When I vist family in south Salem, it’s always love love teriyaki or paddingtons pizza. Mountain pizza in mill city is the best, get the cheesy breadsticks too – stop in on way home from skiing.

          • Nope, Big Stuff is genuine wood smoke bbq,they slow smoke all their meats in big ol fred flintstone slabs and they cut it after you order it. Not sure if we’re talking about the same place. Main street in Cottage Grove next to the mining museum.


          • Been to Big Stuff four times. I must have had a half-rack on the ribs. I always complain about half-racks being overdone.

            Next time you go, ask about the pastrami (or I guess you can shoot them an email to ask when he’s making it). It’s not always made, that’s why it’s not on the menu. But it’s a really really good pastrami. I think my corning brine is better (I stole the recipe from a restaurant in Kansas of all places). But there’s no way I get a smoke on these meats like the two places we’re talking about.

          • We always stopped at Joe’s on the way to Hood when I was a kid. Best donuts I can ever remember eating. Just pulled up a picture of the place, and it’s red and white checkerboard. Didn’t it used to be hot pink?

          • Joe’s in Sandy has been red and white checkered since I was a kid in the late 70’s. Dad used to take us there on the way to steelhead fishing on the Sandy.
            Hot chocolate with mile high whipped cream and a doughnut while spending the day fishing with Dad?!? You kidding me!? Doesn’t get any better than that. Could care less if we caught any fish back then.

          • Huh, that’s weird. I remember it being bright pink. Maybe I’m just remembering a bright neon sign? It was always still dark in the early morning when we’d be pulling through.

          • Used to live a couple blocks from the park in Sandy. Joe’s was a normal Sunday morning trip with the dog. I had to get there before 8 in order to beat the rush. There’s always a line out the door regardless of weather.

            The back end facing the park was repainted back in 2008 or so. Maybe that’s the part you remember. I don’t remember what it was before, but I guess it could have been pink.

          • Yeah you gotta read the chalk board when you go in there,there’s always something that’s not on the menu. They had gumbo a while back. Their links are great too.

            You may have just been unlucky with the ribs. Depends on how long they’ve been out of the smoker. Never have had their potato salad. I always get fries and baked beans cuz my kids eat all theirs and want mine. Get some extrea sweet sauce for your fries. Fuck I’m getting hungry :-) .

  44. I went to practice today an enjoyed the beautiful fall weather in Corvallis. If anyone still has any concerns about Mannion’s arm, don’t, he was sailing beautiful long balls and on target short passes today. He was extremely accurate and looked great.

    On the other hand, there are serious concerns with Romaine’s place kicking. I watched him kick from 35 yards out, over and over, and he missed 35-40 percent of them left, with several miss hits. After repeated misses at one point he took off his helmet and dropped it on the ground.The lack of confidence and frustration were written all over his face. On the positive side he was booming his kickoffs.

    Cavanagh is back to yelling, about half volume, but plenty loud to hear the “What the f**k are you doing?” s, all day long.

  45. I saw Tyler Trosin on Saturday. He scored two tds and looked good as a slot receiver on rubs and pick plays. He returned punts but the CCSF punter was so good that there was not much to return. He is quick but CCSF was able to jamb him and generally run with him. CCSF has three offensive tackles and two guards that could play at the next level…some of them freshman. All of them were very big boys. D line prospects were ok. ARC had a highly touted back (non qualifier at UW and Fresno). But he was more or less held in check. I like to watch teams come and go at halftime up close to check sizes against the program. As one ARC offensive lineman walked back from halftime, his girlfriend ran up to him begging for money for an emergency flight to LA. He looked at her, then looked at his sweaty gut and said: ” Are you crazy? Do you think I got it stuffed here in these pants?”

  46. Haven’t really seen Dylan Wynn or at least notice him really in games, whats up with that? I am used to seeing him tear it up, not just Chrichton.

    • Well he’s now a known quantity this year. It kind of reminds me of Bill Swanncutts SR year. He got off to a really slow start because teams accounted for him all the time. Eventually Wynn will make the adjustments and have success. He should be salivating for this game, he gets to pin his ears back and just go for the QB. Won’t have to worry about the RB getting many carries.

      • Part of it has also been that against UCLA and AZ the Defensive Ends really needed to stay home and keep containment and force the runners to the middle where in theory the linebackers would make the tackle.

        • Exactly right JD — It’s the schemes not the personnel…especially the last two teams…I think Coach Joe is doing an amazing job of rotating those lineman to get the right guys in for the right situations…reminds of hockey shift changes….Wynn will get his against the more smash mouth teams…

    • Yea, everyone needs to simmer down here (skit from SNL). Man all this attention is great but I think it best to be under the radar for a while longer… only 3 games so far. Granted all three were against ranked teams. But this is a young team and I’d rather them have the under-dog mentality, gonna go prove it mindset.

      Any other injury news from practices?

      • Forget under the radar….. That is GONE.

        If we start a losing skid, then we disappear from the media consciousness, and and the early wins were some kind of paranormal happening. UFO aided….or whatever.

        If we lose only occasionally, we remain in their consciousness. We will lose. If we can limiti it to losing to ranked teams, we will still, at the end, be a big resurgence.

    • Recruiting wise you are correct… it can only help there.

      I know Angry will be all over this statement but I’m your typical OSU fan that is white knuckled holding on right now cause I’m not used to the winning and attention. USC fans expect it and are white knuckled when they are not winning. OSU fan = fear in a winning season (can they really do it). USC fan = expectation for winning being the norm, anger if not.

  47. The “blackouts” this season have been canceled due to an article that was written in OSU’s daily newspaper.

    The article that got them banned

    A response to said article

    Wow. That’s all I have to say. If there are any African American readers here, I would like their honest opinion. If painting your face black and cheering for your school (who’s home color happens to be BLACK) offensive? Does it honestly remind you of when people would wear “blackface” and degrade African culture?

    • LOL …. wearing blackface…. …and AFROS … Hilarious.

      …To me.

      I guess the bottom line is, if this truly offends anyone, then we cant/shouldnt do it.

      But what about an orange face? Does that offend Asians or NA”s?? If not, should there be a program to promote such offense? Are they too racially unaware/iinsensitive?

      • Several different races in Asia… including Cauc*asians… the only race I know of named after the continent.

        Don’t quite understand the orange reference.

      • steve503… uh no. If we didn’t do something every time it offended someone then we wouldn’t do anything would we? Can you say Taliban?
        Everything on this earth offends SOMEONE, and I’m not being facetious.
        At some point common sense has to step in doesn’t it? If not, then we are ruled by the smallest of minority.
        One person out of 40,000 fans should not dictate what we do. What about 2 out of 40,000? Maybe 10,000 out of 40,000? There is no rule for what percentage must agree on something so this is why common sense must prevail.
        Sadly, common sense has been shuffled away on this topic.

        • C’mon man, how can you say “everything on this earth offends SOMEONE”?

          What about cute fuzzy kittens?
          Or butterflies? How could you be offended by either of those???

          I’m sure there are hundreds of other things you couldn’t possibly be offended by. Suggestions anybody?

        • Dang…..opened a can of worms…… no offense intended to all worms out there…, no, wait….SCREW YOU WORMS!

          Orange — similar to STEREOTYPED Asian skin color…..like total black is SIMILAR to the skin color of African Americans. I have never seen a black person….totally coal black, so what do I know.

          In any fuuking case, I was KIDDING.

          The fact that other shools have done this, shows pretty clearly that it is NOT inappropriate.

          Do I recall correctly from the Fiesta BoWl telecast, a full face view of a Beaver fan, with one side of his face black, the other orange?

          The whole PC business of not offending anyone so even assholes can FEEL GOOD about themselves, is hogwash. The obese might be more inclined to control their wt if we all made fun of them….(glad I was able to work that in)

          • One of the funniest moments I ever caused was when sitting at my regular watering hole in Houston. Two of the regulars were from Africa. One was a black man from Ethiopia. The other was a white British man born and raised in Kenya. I was sitting next to another black man who was American (and is an FBI agent), while the other two were sitting next to each other on the other side of the bar.

            My friend next to me started the conversation about racially segregating people by giving them weird names like Geography-Americans instead of just calling them Americans. He pointed at the two aforementioned men across the bar and, meaning the Ethiopian, said, “Do you call him an African-American? Because he’s not one.”

            I was already tipsy because the Brit ex-pat had a habit of putting a shot or two of Rumple in front of me when I sat down. So I pointed at the two of them and blurted very loudly, “Hey! Those are my favorite two African Americans in the world!”

            I was red-faced for about five seconds while a couple dozen middle-aged men just guffawed at what I said. Then I realized I was probably just 100% correct at that moment anyway.

    • Blackouts, Orangeouts, Whiteouts. Ban them all, not only because some people find them offensive, but because they’re lame and I want to wear whatever color shirt I decide to wear on Saturday and don’t like feeling like a bad fan because I didn’t wear the color of the day.

      The thing I don’t get, is if this idea was already banned back in 2007, how did it see the light of day this year? Thought we were supposed to learn from our lessons? Also, I wonder if BYU is going to cancel their blackout day? probably not…

      • Agreed. It doesn’t have an organic feel to it. But give credit to marketing for finally jumping on the Sacramento Kings’ old marketing ploy… along with every other passe school out there.

        And BYU can do their blackout, because Mormans have never been accused of being racially insensitive. Besides, I thought it was an homage to us.

        • Jack, I will officially accuse the Mormons of being racially insensitive right now.
          For starters, how about them not letting blacks into their priesthood until 1978?

          I’m sure you already knew that Jack, but wanted to take the opportunity to point it out to those that might not have known that.
          One step further, do the math and you will see that Mr. Mitt Romney was a member before 1978. Hmmmmm.

          • I don’t really care about Romney, but LDS “scripture” clearly states that non-white people are a lesser quality soul than whites. So it’s just “religious” freedom.


          • Oh… and now there’s an irony alert.

            Who thinks the attending public is more disturbed by their uber-sensitive knee-jerk reaction and will make an organic movement to wear black for those two games?

            It’s like a coach being the bad guy to unify his team. The school is unifying the crowd while giving the crowd the idea they did it themselves.

            Marketing stroke of genius?

  48. Hey…..how about a pregame WSU thread????

    Seems to me we need to bare down (bear down?) and try for a mistake-free game. ….. see what that feels like, lol.

    and what will WSU do to come in and steal one, like they did not so many years ago…


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