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That Might Have Been the Worst Half of D1 Football I Ever Watched


And I grew up watching Rutgers. And I watched Fordham earlier today.

I'm absolutely embarrassed to (a) be a Beaver fan and (b) to have picked the Beavers to win the game.

We apply FMO (fooled me once) to Beaver Byte's spam. I think we should start applying it to Riley & Crew. I mean, I thought Utah would be in this game and could win it, but not by 4 scores (and counting). I'm taking the stance I took last year with Craig Robinson–every game is a loss until they prove otherwise.

If OSU looked well-coached, well-prepared, and the players progressed, I'd have no problem with losing. But this is absolutely awful, a complete embarrassment to every alum. Someone in the other thread made this comment: We are playing the exact way Riley portrayed we would to the media all week.

I used to talk about that last season. It's spot on. As soon as the ante is upped, Riley assumes the scared, loser mentality.

Oregon State @ Utah (Game Thread)


Comments, updates, etc for the Utah game.

I keep thinking these games don't matter, and the season is just about the young guys growing. But mathematically, the Beavs can still win the North. For that reason, I'm excited to see if they can string together two wins and begin playing their best ball as they head into that part of the schedule. Just a thought.

Regarding today's game, my greatest concern is the Beavs come out flat. Weird time slot, on the road, Utah looking for their first conference win…eh. I've got a worse feeling about this game today than I did yesterday. Beavs should win it, though.

Oregon State @ Utah (Pre-Game)


Would you rather have the better quarterback or better coach?

I think the answer is clearly the better QB. Just look around the NFL. Heck, look at the Colts. Sean Mannion is becoming a strength. Not against great teams just yet, but he's a difference maker in these games of equal talent.

A few weeks ago, before the BYU game, I wrote that the Beavers would lose that game because they had a "one step forward, two back" feel to them. Well, now it feels like they're catching on and gelling, and this is where they take two steps forward and one back (i.e. next week vs Stanford).

Kyle Wittingham is a great coach…better than Riley. He'll have Utah ready to go, he'll know how and where to outflank the Beavs, but Mannion's savvy and talent overcome that.

My biggest concern this game is Mike Remmers. He is just brutal. The game should be close, so his boneheaded play could negate some big run/pass plays and marginalize the Beavers' vastly superior offense. Still, at the end of the day, I can't be betting against the left tackle being the difference maker. That is too random. The better QB wins this game.

Beavers 27-24

Post WSU General Discussion


Sorry, guys. I've been extremely busy with personal stuff, and not much time to blog or follow the Beavs right now.

Anyway, the last comment area had 400 posts, so it's time for a new post. Use this for anything you'd like. Hopefully in the next couple days I'll have more time to write down some concrete thoughts and reason through them.

Off the top of my head:

  • Utah gives the Beavs a great opportunity to take two steps forward. Want to at least go into the Stanford game feeling good.
  • The Beavs can still, technically, win the North (ha ha) and make a bowl game (ha ha).
  • Stanford and Oregon are most likely the fans bowl games this year.
  • The defensive ends contained Tuel…that was nice to see. They played with passion.
  • Anthony Watkins needs to be called out. The guy is a terrible safety.  I'd like to see more Murphy. Reynolds has also been poor, but he has potential and made a nice INT.
  • I'm tired of the PI rules…watching the NCAA and NFL this past weekend, a DB can't breath on a WR. On that same note but slightly off topic, what is with the NFL kickoffs? That rule has destroyed the most exciting play in the game and turned pro ball into the Arena League.
  • Sean Mannion has "it"…I think "it" is poise, or courage under pressure. He'd make a great Ernest Hemingway character ala Robert Jordan. The literary folks out there might get the reference.
  • I haven't read any post game notes or listened to Riley's interviews, so I can't praise or criticize. I do know that the play calling was fantastic, and since I criticize when it is horrible, it would be unfair not to acknowledge that. Did the media ever ask if Riley was involved in play calling? That did not have the hallmarks of a Langsdork game…I think he received an assist.

Have at it. I'll try to scout Utah and get something written up, but like I noted above, life has gotten in the way of football for now.

Oregon State @ Washington State (Game Thread)


This is the comment area for the Washington State game.

I know I picked against the Beavs in this game, and I am sticking with that, but I should have added one note: if the Beaver's defensive ends can collapse the pocket and sack Tuel before he scrambles, I think the Beavs could win the game. To me the Beav's DEs are the key to this game. This is exponentially true since Robinson is getting the LB start. Watch the DEs. You'll know by the first quarter if they're getting Tuel or not, and hence if they'll win or not. Mannion should put up nice numbers on this secondary.

This game is huge. Need to keep the current recruits and stay out of the cellar. A win tonight could parlay into some success in the Utah/Cal games. We'll see.

Expect to watch three hours of agonizing football tonight, folks.

Go Beavs.