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Post “Pac12” era begins


Starting a new thread since the last one was pretty much dead.

Now that the 2024 athletics season has all but officially ended, it’s just a matter of weeks(August 2nd) till the 10 teams officially leave the Pac12 and OSU/WSU are the sole representatives of the conference.

Summer is just about here. Will be interesting to see what the baseball roster looks like once the portal closes.

According to this 247 link, there are already close to 4000 baseball players in the portal.

Players that do enter, risk not getting picked up.


Outside of athletics, I’d be curious to hear if anybody has any interesting summer plans?

Vacations, outdoor projects, etc…



  1. Volunteer backpack fish planting with ODFW. That’s only one day, rest of the summer involves keeping PT658 running. All three 1800 hp Packard V-12’s performed well when we greeted the Rose Festival Fleet last week. Those 80 year old supercharged engines need constant loving care and attention……kinda like an old Beav.

      • 2

        No kidding.

        I’ll be catching the fish, instead… and hiking and paddling. USOT in a week. And there’s always the company outings for golf.

        48 days, and the Pac is ours. It’ll be interesting to see what work they’ve been doing and what will be announced after that date. So many moving parts right now.

  2. 4

    What benefit is being associated with the power what evers, for the non-power schools? Could the PAC network be the broadcaster of all non power schools and take it away from Fox/ESPN/CNBC? They need to break away and set their own terms. What happens if and when the super league starts? Maybe cut it off and make your own plan before. Would a super conference require exclusivity of the broadcasters and close out the undesirables? Is OSU going to be another SMU and grovel their way into a power situation? They don’t have that much money. I think the non-SEC/Big schools need to work together for their own best interest. The new playoff should include the champions from every conference, period. If the PAC had every non power school, including the dead weight that would be dropped from the power conferences, how much of a market share would that be? It seems it would hurt the big broadcasters a little. This is way out there, but I do think some kind of plan should be looked at, because the guys with the money obviously aren’t concerned for anyone but themselves. Only way I can think of is the rest of everyone bands together and takes the money out of big sports.

    • 2

      Do you include the Big12 with SEC/Big10?
      I’d say it is a forgone conclusion that the Big12 (Texas, Oklahoma) the ACC (North Carolina, Florida St, maybe Clemson) will be picked clean and the undesirables left behind. Yormark is delusional to think they can keep up financially by adding more schools. He has a strategy of leaning into basketball as a buffer against the football brands but it isn’t a good long term play.
      I’d say once PAC2 owns the assets outright, your approach will be the new tactic for 50-60 schools outside of the SEC/Big10 universe.

      The PAC12 studios production can be expanded and all tv rights can be pulled from ESPN/Fox and they would be left with just their preferred 2 conference league and not enough inventory to fill the hours of programming. At which point, the PAC12 studios can rent the broadcast back to ESPN for a substantial fee on each event, turning the tables of the power structure. Although I would expect ESPN to air monster truck shows before they pay money to buy content from PAC network.
      But this should be the idea. PAC2 can investment build up the PAC12 network into a true alternative for 60 schools as far as live event coverage, streaming opportunities, Apple/Amazon partnerships on a school by school basis so that each school is able to commit as much as they desire to staying viable and visible.

      I could see a retaliatory response from ESPN through SEC to try and cutoff all schools that would dare to join any type of new formation that challenges the status quo of SEC/ESPN model.

      It is obvious that schools like Vanderbilt, Indiana will be jettisoned soon enough. So the total numbers of schools on the outside looking in will be massive and the “chosen brands” will be about 24-30 between SEC and Big10.

      It is a good idea to begin responding to the inevitable before it happens and have a landing place for others who will face what OSU just faced.
      Big 12-14
      MWC- 12
      About 68 schools before ACC is destroyed, but the undesirables will also be jettisoned to make room.

      SEC/Big10 combine to have 28 teams currently. I’d expect them figure out a way to lure Notre Dame and a few ACC schools into the overall group and probably jettison at a minimum 4 schools to make room. I don’t really look at them as separate conferences at this point. ESPN/Fox have decided to mesh both conferences into the prestigious power conference so they are combined into a core group together. The key thing is whether any other conference presidents see the SEC/Big10 as if they are a combined juggernaut conference.
      Once the rest of conference commissioners and schools presidents shift perspective on this, cooperation may begin towards some type of strategy to combat it. It has been proposed that the numbers game and isolating the mega conference to itself might be the best approach, and I agree as long as the PAC network is doing the broadcasts and not ESPN or Fox. Isolating the networks will be as important as isolating the mega conference. Call it the greed conference.

      The last factor that may whittle down a lot of programs is the NCAA lawsuit and back pay/paying athletes a set sum. This may be the deathknell for quite a few schools athletic departments.

      • what is going to happen between 2030 and 2035 is

        SEC will grow by 8 big ten will grow by 6

        now on paper sure u get rid of vandy miss st maryland rutuers

        but every conf needs to have tomato cans or ease wins

        only way they can gut no blowback is grandfather the 16 SEC and 18 bigten in to where they cant get kicked out

        the first thing u do is tell ND join a big two conf or no college football playoff we will cap u at number 15 even at 13-0
        next is wait on the ACC and that is 3-5 years away

        the SEC wants teams in diff states if they can i ex them to go after the big 12 schools harder
        here is the sec dream list
        arizona st new market and is willing to be a tomato can
        Va tech again new market
        kansas so that missouri finlly gets their real rival
        N C State with N Car and duke likely big 10 bound N C State opens up the n car market for sec
        SMU yes they have texas and atm but smu might say dont give us $$ for the first 3 years
        wake forest a rival for vandy
        n d yes if they had to choose i think they go sec because they care about football above all else
        for them espn/abc might double their football deal they are near KY TENN vandy all ready
        last spot is louisvillie because KY does not have the power UF and S Car would in blocking fla st clem

        7 of those 8 schools wouild be tomato cans with smu couild be a sleeping giant

        big ten N Car duke fla st clem miami and pitt

        big 12 wouild add u wash st stan and cal

    • TJ Matthewson talked abt pac-2 media possibilities on a random listen to JB radio program. ASU grad in the Walter Cronkite school.However, not sure Oregon State ever gets ahead of the game, just tries to solve problems as they show up. Exception: Lawsuit ready when the 10-team traitors tried to run away w the goods. Even so, no reason Beavs couldn’t have led a charge to question Kliakopf as he stuttered.

    • Sounds like Daddy may need to come up with some dollars! Weird case, if I’m reading this correctly Shilo was a minor when the assault happened. Was he charged criminally? I guess I need to do some more research. Nice parenting too…… the kid doesn’t bother showing up for his court case. Don’t the Sanders have a lawyer who would have tried to settle for low six figures, seems like the victim would have gone for something like that. I think college football will be better when Deion goes away. Emperor with no clothes.

  3. 8

    I spent yesterday carting high school football players down to Autzen Stadium for a 7v7 tournament. The team got to tour the facilities after the tournament ended and we briefly met Dan Lanning. My son refused to do that stupid Quack hand sign in the photo and did not wear the Oregon-branded t-shirt, so I’m proud of him! I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was not blown away by the facilities. They seemed small-ish to me. I had not been to Autzen in 20-plus years at least. Also, saw many of who I assumed to be football players driving SUV’s and Dodge Chargers to the football facility.

  4. 4

    When ever people do that dumb “O” with their mouths open it looks to me like they’re offering a blowjob…

    Kudos to your son for refusing the groupthink.

    The whole approach of those facilities in terms of the means to their development and their architecture are separate from the University. Symbolically, it’s kind of perfect. As “student” athletes and major tv sports have less snd less to do with the mission of the university, it becomes even more appropriate.

    • For those not watching, the kid that came in to face McDowell when the Beavs had runners at first and third in the bottom of the 9th, came into the same situation in the top of the 9th just now. First pitch slider in the dirt got away, and the go ahead run scored for NC State.

      On to the bottom of the 9th, 4-3 NC State

    • We shall where the fan interest stands after they go around 7-5 this season. They have a history of ascent and then decline over and over and now they get to travel a couple of thousand miles for good measure.

    • Screw the huskies – this is the school most responsible for shafting the PAC-12 and placing the dagger in the heart. I hope they drown in a budegtary morass of diminishing funds; where ticket prices become too expensive for the average fan – if they aren’t there already. I especially like how all this is happenning right into the teeth of a good-sized recession…. I predict that they never make it to a ‘full-share’ in the Big-10 and will be crawling back, groveling and asking to put the PAC-12 or some semblence of it back together, saying it was a big mistake to abandon ship.

  5. Rebuilding my shop/garage that burned mid-April. Thankfully it was detached so the house is still intact. Building was 48’X32′ with a full loft over one bay and half loft over another. Lost a lot of stuff, including ’67 GTO & ’59 El Camino as well as all the shop equipment. Sux worse than the demise of PAC…

  6. Had a pipe dream that Canham takes an SEC gig and that Pat Casey comes back to grass roots for the Beavs like old times.

    Even if we never made it to Omaha again, I’d be stoked to have Casey back as skipper. His effort is next level, and it’s not even remotely disrespectful to Mitch to note that no one else can match.

      • JAKE NORMOYLE, 6’4″ 290 lb. 3*, offers from Portland State, Oregon, and Oregon State.

        Bray et al seem to be consistently getting 3* recruits, and i’ll be curious to see if they’re as effective as Smith’s 3* recruits. “Legit” 3*s are great for a sense of team and can accomplish a lot. Still going to need some true difference makers at DL, CB, WR, whatever their rating.

        • “Normoyle, rated three stars by multiple recruiting services, had offers from Oregon and Portland State. Normoyle’s father, Chad, was an offensive lineman at Oregon during the mid-1990s.

          Normoyle made his pledge to Oregon State while on an official campus visit this weekend. As a junior, Normoyle was a Class 6A all-state first-team offensive lineman.”

          • SJ is a smart dude. I’m sure he’ll do everything he can to help Skyler have a good career as a RB.

            It’s always worth pointing out that our current LB commit Ioane is a teammate of Jackson’s and said he’s actively recruiting him.

  7. Brandon Eisert just got his contract selected by the Jays this afternoon so will be on the active roster tonight, could make his major league debut.

  8. 11

    Probably a bikepacking trip in late summer/early Fall. And raising bees. OMG – they are doing so great. This queen is something. They’re almost ready for a super. They’re also definitely angry bees now that they have honey to protect. A truly awesome experience.

    • Commencement went well and SJ did a fine job although you could tell he was nervous. At one one point he had to stop, collect himself and talk himself through the rest of his remarks, was actually pretty endearing. An all-star athlete that is regularly on TV can have difficulty standing in front of 10,000 people and give a speech but pushed through with great openness. Made me like him even more.

  9. 5

    Should Oregon State replace the “Best College Town in the Pac-12” signage with simply “Better than Pullman?”

    • God: “Umm, Jensen, can I borrow some cash?”

      Imagine instead of “analytics,” OSU coaching staff use NVIDIA AI for game planning…any teams doing that yet? I mean, there’s much better uses, but so goddamned much money and capacity there….

      Does EA or other NCAA college football gaming yse NVIDIA chips? Seems likely, and there should be some way to get OSU Beavers exposure and revenue?

      • What about special VR QB headset with the AI bots learning your tendencies and mixing up coverage….would be cool….

    • 4

      This is where you just need the right salesman.

      I think a guy like him could be convinced that athletics is the face of the engineering department he cares about.

      Not sure OSU has that salesman but I’m not convinced it’s impossible to sell him on a major athletics donation.

      • He’s the 11th wealthiest person in the world today. Next 2 on the list are Steve Balmer and Bill Gates. We need him to be more like Balmer is with the Clippers.

      • 2

        I think Murthey has enough sense not to bring up athletics to Huang (didn’t he visit a couple of months ago?). Clearly he’s not interested.

        • 1

          He’s basically just consulting on building something he donated to while running the highest valued company in the world.

          I’m sure he’s got some extra time on his hands.

  10. What do we think of DeVan so far?

    The buzz about depth on the o-line and him pulling in recruits all seem a positive, thus far. We’ll have to see what happens on the field, but he may have ended up at a place he can sincerely sell the school and himself, and the cupboards aren’t bare to start off his tenure.

    • 7

      Hard to have any real take on any of the coaches without seeing what they produce for a full season.

      Offensive line is real tricky cause they aren’t loading the roster with 4/5-star guys that are physically ready to play now, but the guys they’ve landed look ready to develop into contributors and potential impact players 2 years out. But the players/recruits love DeVan and believe he’ll be successful.

      What I like so far their approach/messaging. They don’t talk about “rebuilding” or seem to lower expectations, and they didn’t try to put lipstick on a pig for Spring. They focused of development and integrating a new staff and bunch of new players into the existing culture and didn’t try to put on any kind of big marketing show like Oram thought they should. They focused on football and reps and building the team culture/chemistry.

      The post-Spring portal exodus was exclusively guys that didn’t crack the 2-deep. Those that have found new homes are all G5/FCS, most haven’t landed yet.

      I also like how consistent the feedback is from recruits after their visits, even from those that are going to be harder to land with lots of big offers. It seems like the recruits really believe in Bray and co. and see him being successful even with all of the circumstances stacked against the Beavs.

      It’s also been interesting/encouraging seeing recruits glowing comments about the facilities. I’ve been concerned about the locker room falling behind the arms race and wouldn’t be surprised to see them try and give it a refresh once the conference situation sorts itself out.

      With the schedule, I don’t think the recruits/players see a big drop off incoming and having to endure a 1-3 win season like what the team went through in recovering from GA with Judas, they seem to fully believe that this is a team that is going to push for 10+ wins. I don’t know if we’ll have any good look at the potential of this team until they get through the first few weeks of the season.

      Need to figure out and rally behind a QB. I’m rooting for Johnson to beat them all out but don’t know if he’s ready yet. Having a shaky starter that can’t quite do it or imagining a prolonged battle between BG, McCoy, and Johnson shuffling throughout the first few games is very anxiety inducing. Need to find a way to put together an offensive line that can support the offense in “finding it’s identity”. They won’t be able to make the plays they need to build confidence in the new system if they can’t win the line of scrimmage or run the ball.

      Also need the new additions on the D-Line to pan out so that group isn’t a liability that makes them non-competitive against the Yucks, Purdue, CAL and WSU.

      • “Need to figure out and rally behind a QB. I’m rooting for Johnson to beat them all out but don’t know if he’s ready yet. Having a shaky starter that can’t quite do it or imagining a prolonged battle between BG, McCoy, and Johnson shuffling throughout the first few games is very anxiety inducing. Need to find a way to put together an offensive line that can support the offense in “finding it’s identity”. They won’t be able to make the plays they need to build confidence in the new system if they can’t win the line of scrimmage or run the ball.

        Also need the new additions on the D-Line to pan out so that group isn’t a liability that makes them non-competitive against the Yucks, Purdue, CAL and WSU.”

        They host Idaho State, then travel to San Diego State before hosting the Ducks, then hosting Purdue. Those first three games are a pretty progressive schedule in terms of talent. It will be interesting to see how they pull a new system and new staff together by the opener. Bray is obviously intense, Gunderson and DeVan seem laid back, at least in interviews.

    • 4

      There’s nothing to say until we see his OL play on the field. He has no track record anywhere and he’s a buddy of Bray’s so he feels a lot like a Riley hire to me. I hope I’m proven wrong.

  11. Is the dust settled with baseball transfers yet? I know the draft will be a blow but did we lose anyone decent to transfers?

    • Not yet, will have to wait until the CWS is over and then the vultures will come for the roster.

      May, Holmes, Guerra, Hainline, Kmatz all went to the MLB combine. Meaning they will likely be drafted but may come back if the money isn’t there. Guerra seems like a candidate who could have the most to gain by coming back.

  12. Canzano has a new piece up about the path forward for the Pac2. Anybody have the cliff notes? I used to subscribe but let it expire

    • Nothing new. Just speculation.

      OSU / WSU will wait as long as they possibly can before going the rebuild route. They hope for ACC demise, or a BIG 12 invite.

      If they go the rebuild route they’ll keep it small, 8 or 9 schools. Stay flexible in case cal or Stanford come available. Split TV money as few ways as possible.

      He then rehashes the same tired mix of potential schools that I’ve been talked about over and over. Says they might be worth $8M-$10M a year in tv rights.

      Them mentions most MW schools would love to jump to the pac 12.

      Literally nothing new that I noticed.

  13. OSU 3* QB target st E11 camp:


    Possibly the most surprising prospect of the week, Sagapolutele has some serious juice in his left arm. After a very strong day one and rail shot competition victory, the uncommitted three-star was among the standouts in the pro day. There was not much at all he missed with only a couple of passes that hit the ground on his own doing. A tight spiral, excellent placement and strong on the move, Sagapolutele has absolutely raised his stock this week.”

      • That’s certainly a risk and why I posted it. From what I’ve seen, OSU has told him he’s their only QB recruit target for the class, and that has meant something to him. At least early on.

        As his stock rises, if Bray et al can hold on to him in this environment, that will say quite a bit I think. He has 11 offers to date apparently:


        But, Beaver fans have to hope because we can’t count on sugar daddy or NIL money…

          • From his interview at Elite 11 camp this week he named Utah State, Boise State, Oregon State, Colorado, and CAL when they asked him who his finalists are.

            Even if he commits by the end of the month it’ll be tough to keep him from flipping if he starts shooting up the rankings during the season and piles up some B1G/SEC offers.

            He’s also super religious and cited that the “right place to put god first” was at the top of his list. I like the Beavs chances, but Pastor Deion could sweep him off his feet. Berkeley probably not a good fit but who knows.

    • I don’t think we’re ready for Kallen Gutridge.

      The more I look into the kid, the more I wonder how anyone missed out on him.

          • I’m looking at the thought process. He’s basically a coach on the field with at least enough skills to process that thought well at the college level. And like Moore, he’s an overlooked athlete who is all-state and a winner at both football and hoops. . in multiple years.

            The story of how smith stopped recruiting him was pathetic, as well. It says a lot that an overlooked qb who had to walk on, then coached at Boise, now ghosts players like this.

            Gundy did the right thing immediately.

            Hatcher is the same. How do you ignore excellence on the field, no matter where you think you’ll be coaching next year?

          • “How do you ignore excellence on the field?”
            Exactly. How many great kids are passed over because they aren’t in the ratings system but they have been very productive?

      • Yeah the only thing I could think of was that he “committed” to football relatively late and wasn’t on anyone’s radar. He’s got great tools and clearly sees the game well. He’s a winner in everything he does. Great pick up.

    • Unfortunately those guys don’t have any insight and their content is always just rehashing the same talking points and speculation making the rounds. They also seem to be completely ignorant to how vulnerable the B12 is long-term and instead see them as peers of the B1G/SEC and holding all the cards.

      • 1

        No, Fortunately, those guys don’t have a single insight. They talk to each other in circles and have no authority or real knowledge. I listened to Canzano a couple of times (his voice could strip wallpaper and his sidekick sounds as though he’s gargling gravel) when we were waiting for news from Kliakopf. It was then I heard one pertinent statement – from his wife, Anna – JC wondered why GK wouldn’t say anything. She said, “because he doesn’t have anything to say.” The rest is history.

      • I’ve noticed some numbnut on Twitter who constantly posts a graphic showing the Beavs and Cougs in the B12. I don’t see it happening anytime soon. And I don’t get the enthusiasm for a reconstituted P-12 with a bunch of Group of Five teams. How is that type of league going to get Power 5 status back for the Beavs? Greg Sankey isn’t going to let that happen.

        • Rebuilding the PAC makes sense if CAL and Stanford still don’t have an invite to the B1G in the event that the ACC goes under:

          OSU, WSU, CAL, Stan, SDSU, Fresno, BSU, UNLV (also Air Force/CSU) is a strong enough starting point to argue for renewed “Power” status.

          Calford of course would have to let go of their elitism and desire to not be in association with the likes of the MW schools but all indications are that they agreed to SDSU/BSU as expansion targets if the Apple deal had gone through, and they stomached SMU somehow.

          Then there are the other scenarios like the remnants of the ACC merging with the 2Pac to form an East/West “Power” Conf:

          OSU, WSU, CAL, Stan, NCSU, GT, VT, Pitt, etc.

          Or all the leftovers not poached by the B1G/SEC moving to the B12 to form a coast-to-coast super conference seeking strength in numbers, but that leaves them one step away from the B1G/SEC breaking away and forming their own division.

          At this point I think the worst case scenario would be the ACC going under with almost all teams finding a home in the B1G, SEC, and B12, but with no offer for OSU/WSU, at which point we’d have to try and rebuild the PAC with just MW schools and would likely be left out of the “Power” conference status.

          OSU, WSU, SDSU, Fresno, BSU, UNLV, Air Force, CSU. (and maybe poach Memphis, Tulane, etc. from the American if it somehow helps).

          I actually like that lineup but they’d lose “Power” status for sure.

          • Yeah, there has to be enough Power 5 teams in any reconstituted P-12 or the Beavs are giving up on retaining that status and I thought Barnes stated goal was to remain a P-5 team.

    • 4

      Nothing is going to happen until August. And even that will be business items, not realignment talk. We’re just going to bide our time and hopefully build our brand and our business. The way to become a subsidiary of the conglomerate is to show growth and a positive balance sheet.

      None of the options after 2026 are palatable, unless we’re coming from a stronger position than anyone thought possible from today’s perspective.

      Nose to the grindstone and knocking on doors gets us there. What there looks like in two years… who knows?

  14. https://www.oregonlive.com/silicon-forest/2024/06/nvidias-riding-high-on-ai-and-its-not-by-accident.html

    “The company is now worth over $3.2 trillion, with its dominance as a chipmaker cementing Nvidia’s place as the poster child of the artificial intelligence boom — a moment that Huang, Nvidia’s CEO, has dubbed “the next industrial revolution.”

    On a conference call with analysts last month, Huang predicted that the companies using Nvidia chips would build a new type of data center called “AI factories.”

    Huang added that training AI models is becoming a faster process as they learn to become “multimodal” — able to understand text, speech, images, video and 3-D data — and also “to reason and plan.”

        • 2001: Space Odyssey
          Blade Runner
          The Matrix
          The Creator
          ….other good AI bot takeover movies that I missed?

          • 1

            The 3 circle problem is good not exactly the same but the use of technology is heavily involved. Ex machina is a good one.

          • WarGames (1983) — grossed $125 million on $12 million budget; nominated for 3 Academy Awards and picked up a BAFTA; a Cold War-era classic

            Wall-E (2008) — being a Disney/Pixar animation it’s sanitized, but its concerns over automation w/ human society is pretty clear; wholesome film over all

            Robot & Frank (2012) — quite good, a definite recommend if you want a narrow, more quiet film on the subject; addresses aging, peoples’ careers as part of their identity, care in the near sci-fi; brilliant role for Frank Langella

            Her (2013) — lots of ppl liked this one; I’d say give it a go if you’re interested in a “romance” type film and happen t o like Phoenix/Johansson work or Spike Jonze directed films. Not for everyone, ymmv.

  15. Must’ve missed it, but it looks like Treston Decoud is a graduate assistant now. This is pretty sweet! He was very vocal once Bray got the job and said he wanted to be a part of helping the program. Awesome to see them take him up on the offer.

  16. Hedberg just posted a gif with a 1, 2, 3 count…looks like we could be getting a triple from the weekend. Saw a kid post about an hour ago a final 4 of Utah, Cal, UW and the Beavs. Perhaps that’s the 3rd to come?

      • Not sure, Eggers has a post on Twitter then saw James Dockery and Terron Ward also make posts about her passing.

        Last time I personally saw her was probably a year ago and while she wasn’t doing well I wouldn’t want to speculate.

          • Interestingly, I’ve seen some research that looks promising for slowing the disease by using certain drugs. A couple are designed specifically for slowing the onset of Alzheimers, but also Viagra use has shown to have a connection with slowing the disease.
            So if you see me walking around Reser with a raging woody next year, you’ll know it’s most likely not football related


  17. 7

    I was really hoping Tennessee wouldn’t win the CWS, considering how much of a prick their coach is. Alas, just another feather in the cap of disappointment from this past college sports season.

  18. if the ACC disbands the early would be 2029 the latest 2033 i could see that ESPN tryes to put all 17 Schools plus ND in SEC/BIG10

    u only have 3 options

    A get in big 12
    B keep the pac -2 name but All 12 MW schools Memphis and tulane come with
    C u are fored in to MTN West

    • 1

      Ridiculous article on ESPN app about “what if NFL expanded to 100 teams” in a soccer style relegation league format. It was an obvious attempt to prepare for a semipro college football shift.
      The author proposes all of the cities that would be ready for an NFL franchise just comparable to English soccer clubs dotting the London landscape.
      Of course he begins naming off college town after college town in all of the mid size markets that don’t yet have NFL teams.
      ESPN is already laying the groundwork for an NFL/Big10-SEC non amateur partnership league. You could almost overlay the cities with the colleges and see what the effort will be. Sure it won’t be an exact match but the purpose of such an article is to spark debate and put the idea out into the public conversation.
      He makes an assertion early on that local fans will follow their local team and aren’t likely to follow a team that departs. True, so they devise this idea as a way of keeping the local fan interest of universities while trying to mesh into a pro league.
      My take: they overestimate their plans, underestimate the common fan and it will be disastrous.

      • ESPN doesn’t understand why most college sports fans are college sports fans

        I like rooting for fellow OSU alums. Thats already gone.

  19. 4

    Well at least the A&M head coach waited overnight to jump ship. Texas must’ve backed up the Brinks truck to the lock room at Omaha, immediately after the last out. These guys are all as mercenary as their rosters at this point.
    “Collegiate sports is in a rapid death spiral” is proven correct once again.

    • 4

      Kind of an a-hole move criticizing the reporter for asking about it – then leaving the next day. But the Texas AD hired him at TCU, so I imagine it is the money plus the relationship with the AD. But that said, how many successful coaches have found their way to Texas and suddenly struggled? Answer is – a lot.

    • 11

      A lot of players still counting on draft.
      Are the main ones.

      Tanner is taking time deciding between B12 SEC or ACC teams sounds like he going to be sitting nicely

      Aiden did get full ride and NIL >35k

  20. “Ten former Oregon State athletes and one coach make up Oregon State athletics 2024 Hall of Fame class, the school announced Tuesday.

    The headliners are Pat Casey, who coached OSU to three national championships in baseball, former major league outfielder Jacoby Ellsbury, NFL veteran quarterback Derek Anderson and record-setting running back Jacquizz Rodgers.

    OSU will enshrine the 2024 class on Friday, September 13, then honor the group the following day at the Oregon State-Oregon football game in Reser Stadium.”

    Is there a better game to honor them? UNLV is homecoming FWIW, and v.WSU is the last of the PAC teams…


    • 5

      Funny how the change is presented as a move into “the big time” in Big10. Same old ducks though… anything for attention and press, even intentionally painting geese on your basketball court to generate a pr buzz.
      A leopard can’t change his spots and a duck can’t stop being a narcissist.

          • One of the FCS coaches (a California school?) isn’t promising NIL money until sophomore year. By now, I hope a red-flag intuitiveness is building to tell who’s real and who just wants a foot in the door.

          • Even after the ink is dry, I dont think there’s anything stopping a player from transferring before their season actually starts.
            No more sitting periods and unlimited transfers now.

          • 4

            I think there are issues with trying to transfer into schools on the semester system, due to deadlines. That’s why we see some incoming players just sit out on the season before transferring in winter.

            Other than that, there are just no guarantees.

            I’d rather have a team full of hardworking players who reach their max potential–even if that ceiling is lower than becoming a pro–than a bunch who view it as a means to an end most of them will never attain. Getting 100% from a group of 75s almost always beats 90s giving less. It’s why we don’t play games on paper.

            Well, it’s why everyone but the CFP committee and ESPN don’t.

        • 1

          As someone who likes to think the o-line is one of the smarter units on the field, this kid doesn’t seem to fit the stereotype.

    • 3

      Looks like a nickel. Nice angles and sticky hands on lateral pursuit.

      The tackling looks a lot cleaner on these players coming in, the last couple years. Hopefully we’ve filtered out all the guys who liked to give the ball carrier a hug before the next ten yards are scamper.

      I like the fundamentals first approach.

    • Crane was good in hoops the past couple years because of a tall and athletic trio (I think) of brothers.

      I only remember seeing extensive highlights on local news sports during stays in hotels in Medford. But I think three is right.

      • I lived with a Crane grad in college, I think it actually has dorms because some of the kids live so far away from the school.

      • If the time line is correct, Beavers were visited first and chose to remain with us through two other visits (Boise, Washington State). YMMV.

      • Siegner, along with Walker (from Damien Martinez’s HS) both have offers from Air Force along with other decent schools.
        Daschel says Siegner is “also involved in rodeo.”…..that can’t hurt!……..lol, well, I guess it can.

          • cousin
            while the boys team had a three-peat, the girls have won two of the last three in 1A. And they were good enough this year to punch well above their class. Some of that is because Kortney Dorman (and her sister) can shoot lights out. The other part is Cody’s frosh sister Kaitlyn is good enough to be a co-captain.

      • I had to chuckle at an article highlighting that he was a “two-way player” at Crane. I think that is almost a requisite for 8 man football!

    • Wasn’t he a recruiting guy? Maybe it’s related to the recent quick OL flip. He’s just frustrated that we can’t compete for recruits anymore.

    • Strange out of the blue announcement.

      I’ve heard rumors that Jalen is very “passionate” and has been quick to lash out at recruits/transfers and their representatives when shit goes south and that it’s gotten him a bit of hot water at times. I wonder if Tapu decommitting put him over the edge and he took it too far and had to resign?

        • to be clear, this wasn’t recent. someone here said they saw him doing this back before the December signing period.

          That kind of temper can be toxic.

    • 4

      Thanks for posting. It is a little disarming to hear Rueck say in essence that coaching at the WCC level is not what he signed up for, but I completely understand his sentiment. In reading between the lines, I took it as he will give Barnes and the administration a grace period, but at some point, he has too much talent not to be coaching for a major program. Despite his love for OSU, I think the clock is ticking.

  21. 4

    July 8 is the commitment date for Beavs top qb target. Final 4 of Cal, Boise State, Beavs and Utah State. Dude looks legit and would be a huge pick-up for the Beavs. They seem to be all in on him…Haven’t seen a ton of other activity in the QB area by the Beavs.

    • Really need this kid to round out this class. I think he said that the Beavs are sold on him and only targeting him and he likes that from them. A risky move that might pay off but his stock is rising quickly too so would be hard to hold on to.

      • 5

        Yeah he’s just going to be poached by a team with more money later if his stock is rising. Maybe even after freshman year like the last hotshot QB we brought in.

        Following recruiting is kind of pointless now.

  22. 3

    Last day of the P-12 Network. I’m getting my money’s worth out of Sling TV until the bitter end. I’m watching a documentary about the Beavs 44-41 1998 victory over the Quacks. Not a bad way to go out. I guess I’ll need to find out who carries CBS Sports Network to watch the non-CW games for the upcoming season.

    • I think you have to subscribe to Paramount plus, but splurge for the higher end sub with the sports channels and showtime. If you get the basic plan it won’t have what you need to watch sports

      • Looks like Hulu Live TV might be the best bet for me. In addition to CBS Sports Network, it has ESPN Plus which I assume will be where the WCC Basketball games will be televised.

    • 1

      Isn’t there still a Pac-12 facility that can potentially be a money maker – they hired a top notch CEO etc. Per usual, we get a headline from OSU but no followup. I wonder if Streameast will have the CBS games.

      • 2

        If I understand correctly, the facility isn’t going anywhere and will be keeping a minimal staff for outsourced production. Maybe the CW games and other events.

    • “Jade Carey

      Age: 24
      Height: 5′ 2″
      Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
      Best event(s): Vault, floor exercise
      What to know: Yet another veteran of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, where she won gold on floor exercise, Carey went on to compete collegiately at Oregon State before returning to the elite circuit ahead of Paris. She’s struggled at times ? including a 15th-place finish at the 2023 national championships ? but shown steady improvement in recent months, including at trials. Carey will likely be counted on to deliver big scores on floor exercise and vault.”

  23. I wanted to be there at the end of the network. It must have went down at midnight EDT, because it was off at 11pm Pacific.

    • 3

      I guess they were playing the ‘best of’ of the last PAC2 teams last night. Watched the 2008 Apple Cup that was in Pullman that year. I know I watched it the first tim in ’08 but it was the year that Losingham was coaching the dawgs and they went 0-12 that year-which no PAC10 team had ever done. We had gone to the Beaver-Coug game in Corvallis that year and we kicked their ass so bad the 2nd and 3rd string was called in early on and they looked like they should have started. I remember one Coug fan was wearing a paper bag over his head ala the ‘unknown fan’; it was so bad and the fans even knew it. The Beavers were pretty damn good that year. I’m going to miss the PAC: a pox on all those bastards that left and destroyed this conference! I hope their atheletic departments alll suffer deficits that they never recover from!

  24. “Carey, the reigning Olympic gold medalist on floor, anchored the trials with a high-energy floor routine. She was second on floor at trials, bested only by Biles.

    The teammates are hoping for redemption in Paris, which means something different to each gymnast.

    “We all have some redemption that we want so it’s really exciting for the four of us [Tokyo Olympians] to be back, with Hezley too,” Carey said.”

    • Back when bowl games were more scarce. They didn’t have the “Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl presented by Bridgestone” back then, but if they did, the Beavs would have been all over that

    • A little trivia about that game, both teams wore basketball shoes during the game because the ground was so hard from freezing their cleat wound grip.

    • And the Nemec and company reporting will go something like this:
      He went to Utah as a 4 star, transferred to OSU as a 3 star and is now leaving OSU as a 4 star who never got to see the field, and this reflects on the demise of OSU not being able to hold onto 4 star talent after scheduling/playing the MWC.

      Probably my loser mentality surfacing again.

      • If they choose to project, it would be a major loser mentality.

        It might be why some people are stuck with a life of squeezing GAs for info.

    • 2

      He always seemed like a big labradoodle on the court. Lots of movement and energy without much planning or design. But good for him. He is Tinkle’s big man claim to fame and the only recruit Tinkle
      signed who has a legitimate NBA career.

      • Which is wild because iirc most people thought he came out too early and would flame out. Goes to show an extra year under wt probably would have crushed his nba career.

    • sounds like it might be another Baylor type situation, where the athletic department tried to cover up details of a sexual assault involving football players.
      Maybe not quite at the same level as Baylor, but similar systemic issue.

      Also, i did a little reading up on GA to see what happened when he left Utah State before Blake Anderson took over.
      Looks like Utah State fired him, and he signed a separation agreement where he essentially walked away quietly, leaving his remaining salary unpaid by USU. Very similar to when he left OSU. And very odd.

      • It sounds like Blake didn’t immediately report a SA involving one of his players which USU requires and choose to get involved by investigating himself which USU strictly prohibits.

        • The way to be innocent in a situation like that is obviously to insert yourself, instead of letting professionals do the job… or even know about it.


    • You’d think coaches would quit trying to cover up sexual assaults and domestic violence from their players, as it hardly ever works out in the long run.

      I looked up the Utah State fan board (usufans) and had to laugh at the Mel Tucker of all people being on the top of their short list for replacements.

      Could be a disaster scenario for them as after it’s official players will be able to enter the portal just a few weeks before Fall camps starts.

      Wonder if we could poach Jalen Royals?

  25. Does anyone know where Gavin Turley is playing summer baseball? I’m having trouble finding where any of the returning Beavers are playing this summer other than Caraway in Cape Cod and Keljo / Segura are pitching on the USA team.

      • 2

        I’d prefer a staff of all righties if they all threw strikes and threw to contact for outs.
        Having a few lefties who hit 96 but walk every other batter is a recipe for disaster.
        Dorman needs to find guys who show production in getting outs no matter the style rather than prizing high 90s fastballs without any control. Use the analytics to recruit guys who get outs efficiently.

  26. 4

    Baseball has seemingly escaped the fate of the other programs. No major transfers out. There is a second window in Dec but those who enter then are not eligible to play next year.

    Trosky staying is a bit of a surprise.

    Pressure is on the staff now to fill out the roster with quality transfers. Need pitching the most but also a bit of hitting. Don’t have any incoming freshman that are expected to be impact hitters. Swanson is the only incoming freshman that has a chance to be drafted high. Hopefully he has a high dollar value he wants.

  27. From what I was able to gather across various internet sources, these are the guys baseball lost to the portal:

    C Tanner Smith (Miami)
    RHP Aiden Jimenez (Arkansas)
    RHP Tephen Montgomery (Western Kentucky)
    C Evan Gustafson (North Dakota State)
    LHP Tyler Mejia (Undecided)

    Over all, not as many transferring as I expected. Anyone that I left out?

  28. Hope Casey gets two decent seats in Texas. Having two Beavs start is pretty damn cool. How many other Beavs have played in the ASG? I know Ellsbury made it one year. Any others?

  29. 4

    I can’t find the article now for some reason, but Canham picked up one of the better relievers in the WCC in the portal from Portland. Had 10 saves this year and he’s a lefty.

      • 2

        Yeah, Oregon Fireworks are Lame.

        That being said, if we didn’t have a bunch of dummies blowing their hands off and starting wildfires, I’d be way less lame.

        It takes awhile for fireworks to degrade. Light em off in the winter time, still the same amount of fun.

        • 4

          I’m really sensitive to loud noises, and they smell. As a kid it was cool to see on the east coast because being close to NYC everyone was competing with them, so you’d get cool shows in the burbs. I’m always surprised how major cities in the West are so lame compared to burbs in NJ.

          • Fireworks were crazy in Salt Lake City. I used to be able to see 7 or 8 cities from my deck because there were so few trees to obstruct the view. There were also big fireworks celebrations on July 14th for Pioneer Day which is a major holiday in Utah. Mid-June to mid-July was fireworks season in Utah, not sure how it is now as this was 15 years ago.

  30. 9

    How is Eugene so cool to attract a top 5 recruiting class? Hole already has three 5 star commitments, they just got the #1 wide receiver yesterday and is tied with Ohio State with the number of 5 stars. I think it’s because of NIL and the school (Phil) allowed to pay the players directly. This is one of a long list of reasons why OSU should stop playing them in football. They’re getting stronger and more talented than they’ve ever been, while whatever talent OSU still has will fade away and they cannot compete. September 14th will be a very ugly game and OSU will lose by at least 30 points, it will just become a guaranteed win to help UO. There is no benefit or upside for OSU.

    • 5

      Let’s wait for these five star guys to play… wherever they transfer to.

      This is what… their 25th off-season championship?

      They’re gonna need a bigger trophy room.

    • 2


      Nix made $1.5 M, didn’t go to class. Studied film.

      Oh, and he ran meetings.

      UO, and OregonLive are sure quiet about UO women vb team lawsuit. UO says it has no control over the collective….would be fun to see the disparity in the distribution of NIL money but OLive doesn’t seem to investigate.

      In the last 2 years, hasn’t UO had about 23-24 transfers annually? Continuity could be an issue for them.

      • 1

        Last year, when Deion and CU were all over the news for turnover in the portal, UO was “quietly” second, with a massive amount of transfers.

        They just weren’t relative to the singular amount of CU.

    • And yet the AD chooses to honor OSO Athletic Hall of Fame inductees at halftime.

      Have to hope Beavers upset them rather than expect a competitive home game again.

  31. 1

    They had the same level of recruits with crisco as HC, imo those ranking services are bs. Jury is still out if Lanning is a good HC, of course same goes with Bray

  32. Beavs get a commitment from a 2026 QB, Deagon Rose. That’s really far out there considering we’re working on the 2025 guys but I guess it doesn’t really mess with their primary qb target for the 2024 cycle.

    • 1

      WRs are bullshit. RBs are a sketch list as well. QBs are also a questionable lot, if we’re considering wins.

      I’ll give a nod to Keyshawn, but some Belitnetkoff winners should fill out the rest of the list.

      His “all-purpose” list should be his RB list.

      He has a little too much love for USC at LB. There are others who were better.

      His D selections, other than LB, seem okay. Return specialists show his age. Dwayne Owens was the best return specialist in the Pac 10/12, ever. There has been no equal.

  33. Deagan Rose is a legitimate pickup by the staff. You would not think he’s a sophomore in his film. Looks like a QB in his SR year, very polished.

    Excellent pickup by the staff, worry about the poaching next year.

    • I like that they’re still consistently and mostly signing 3*s.

      Just have to hold on to them.

      I wonder if Gundy’s recent past in SoCal and his relationship w/recruits is helping there…

    • 3

      For perspective, the kid just finished his sophomore year in HS. No one should get mad if he changes his mind in the next two years.

      I didn’t know where I wanted to go to college as a sophomore, that’s for sure.

      • It’s fine to not know where you want to go to college as a sophomore in HS, but if that’s the case then don’t fucking “commit” to a school as a sophomore in HS.

    • Geezus. BeaversEdge, talk about sloppy editing:

      “On Friday, Oregon State got their 2026 recruiting class started with a big pickup by landing 2026 quarterback Deagan Rose out of Clovis, California.

      The 6-foot-2 signal caller chose the Ducks over the likes of Arizona, Arizona State, Arkansas, Auburn, Cal, Houston, Iowa State, Oregon, Utah, and Virginia Tech.”

      ..chose the Ducks…”

      A Building Block In 2026 & At QB

      Landing a marquee quarterback to build a recruiting class around is easier said than done but that’s exactly what Oregon State, head coach Trent Bray, and offensive coordinator Ryan Gunderson did in securing a pledge from 2026 quarterback Deagan Rose.

      He gives the Beavers a terrific starting point in the ’26 class and he may become a catalyst for recruiting other guys to come and join him as well.

      The Beavers haven’t typically had a quarterback locked in this far down the road in some time, and that says a ton about the vision the coaching staff sold him on and how he feels he fits in Corvallis and with the program.

      Considering that he won’t arrive until the spring or summer of 2026, the quarterback position will look a bit different as by then Gevani McCoy and Ben Gulbranson will have exhausted their eligibility, with Gabarri Johnson and Kallen Gutridge as the scholarship QBs on the roster.”

      • These aren’t really “commits” as we’ve seen. If a wedding is the equivalent of signing an NLI, a commit has as much weight as a “like” or follow on FB.

  34. 3

    I picked up a Lindy’s College Football Preview out of curiosity to see how they present the new era of realignment.

    They do acknowledge all of the changes and have a feature article of college football historically changing from the 1920s until now.
    Top 10 is a pickem of even teams Big10, odd teams SEC.
    SEC has 7 teams in top 20. ACC and Big12 are fooling themselves if they expect to be treated as equals any longer. Notre Dame is still hyped because both SEC and Big know that ND is the last big fish to reel in.

    Beavs are picked at #78, Cougars at #76 and discarded pretty much from bowl consideration.

  35. Of all of the former schools, Utah may have the best record entering the Big12. If Utah goes 10-2, UW goes 5-7, UO goes 9-3, USC goes 5-7, UCLA goes 4-8, CU goes 5-7, ASU goes 4-8, UA goes 6-6, Cal goes 4-8, Stanford goes 4-8; the former PAC12 schools will have a dreadfful showing. However, if OSU goes 10-2 or 11-1, will they be penalized because the rest of the old PAC12 is so bad in their new conferences? I somehow expect a negative linkage in voter’s minds to punish OSU even though OSU has no ties to those schools anymore.

    I know, I’m too optimistic to think 10-2 again, but consider it a hypothetical.

  36. On YouTube, toll was on locked on cu, said again Beavs and Cougs get invite. Then another YouTuber for acc, claims we go to acc.

  37. Speaking of a Thompson brother. ET has had two big games for the Warriors summer league team. Does anyone know if a good summer league showing ever results in a contract?

    • Eubanks got a contract after the summer league and made the Spurs roster that year.

      GPII and ET got training camp invites after the summer leagues but were sent to the G league after.

      ET has been grinding away in the g league for a bit. Was one of the higher scorers last year.

  38. ESPN is “is in a spot of bother.” They decided to bestow this year’s Pat Tillman award upon Harry, the Brit royal who moved to LA. Why is that something ESPN is doing? Harry established the Invictus Games but that’s not in the realm of Pat Tillman anything. Now the British military is in the fray. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13612663/Prince-Harry-turn-sporting-Oscars-gong-honours-war-hero-military-chiefs-say-Ex-Navy-boss-Lord-West-says-duke-think-long-hard-accepting-award-wont-travel-members-Armed-Forces.html

    “Some of the blame must lie with ESPN. They like picking him because it gives them immense publicity. But this is rather bad publicity for Harry.”

  39. For those who enjoy subjective lists, Another Jon Wilder article for the end of the Pac was each team’s “Mt. Rushmore.” For OSU:

    Coach: Protho
    Players: Terry Baker, Brandin Cooks, Steven Jackson, Stephen Paea.

    Also considered: WR Vern Burke, WR Mike Haas, QB Sean Mannion, Jordan Poyer, RB Quizz Rodgers. AND Derek Anderson, Ken Simonton, Ioke Brecterfield.

    Considered up to 15 (USC) for each school.
    No kickers/punters.
    Did not include players if they played before their school joined the PAC.
    NFL performance not a factor.

    • 1

      I think he hasn’t watched us much, since some good D players are nowhere near this list.

      How about Swancutt, Barnett, Weathersby, and Seigler?

      And how do you watch Fuaga play and leave him off a list like this?

      You know he knows little about the history of the team, given no mention of Enyart.

  40. 4

    No comments on us losing out on our “only QB target” to bankrupt Cal?

    No big deal. We have KG waiting in the wings.

    • 5

      People finalize realize we don’t matter?
      I think unless the Beavs are invited to play meaningful football people won’t care much about who we get or lose.

    • He’s been expected to be a CAL commit for a couple weeks now.

      NIL $ doesn’t come from university funding or athletic dept budget.

      CAL (like Stanford) has a pretty anemic fanbase but many wealthy benefactors, so they aren’t hurting for NIL cash.

      CAL is “bankrupt” only in the sense that their funding is tied to the State of California and the UC system which will have to decrease it’s allocation to athletics in order to “balance” their books at a time when expenses must go up a lot to meet the costs of moving to the ACC and participating in the “Power Conference” arms race.

      FY 2024 numbers:
      OSU spent $87 million against $83 million in revenue with $11 million allocated from University funds. (#54)

      CAL spent $114 million against $118 in revenue, with $30 million allocated from University funds. (#34)

      Oregon spent $140 million against $153 million in revenue with only $500k allocated from University funds (#19)

      Ohio State spent $225 against $250m million in revenue with $0 allocated from University funds (#1)


      • 2

        Yeah… that Oregon number is a fudge of large proportions, given that back of the napkin deal Kilkenny made with whatshisname Prez at the time for capping maintenance costs.

      • 3

        Yeah, but you’d have to think there’s some relationship between NIL money and fan interest (leaving aside outliers like Nike).

        My comment was somewhat in jest, as HS recruiting (especially at QB) is way less important now and we have a good one coming in this year and someone kinda maybe sorta committed in c/o ’26.

        Following HS recruiting is one step above meaningless now.

      • 1

        Cal is one of the worst offenders amongst power conference schools in terms of needing university funds. Over 20% of their “revenue” is charity from the school.

        That’s why I’m calling them bankrupt. It’s not that they’re actually bankrupt, but their revenue is going backward when they already needed sizeable handouts to survive. If those handouts are threatened, then what happens?

    • 4

      If he ever actually plays there, he’ll have to whisper in the huddle at empty home games and travel to the east coast.

      Schedule them in Reser and beat them….

    • 1

      I pretty much figured Rose was the target, and Gutridge will be fine.

      They seem content, given they only pursued one QB for 2025.

    • I don’t know that Root is the answer to anybody’s problems. The main issue I’ve seen with that network is Comcast is not making it very accessible to their subscribers unless they sign up for a specific package above and beyond a normal cable subscription. Which makes the product unavailable to much of the fanbase who wants to follow their teams. Blazer fans have been seeing this for years, where they can only see Blazers games on Comcast and if they pay the extra high cable fee. So anybody who doesn’t fit that criteria is SOL.


      • ROOT sucking is part of the opportunity.

        While they need production assistance, so do teams who will be breaking away from them, like the Kraken did.

        And it’s not just our region where teams are scrambling to find media companies who can produce their non-national content.

        • 1

          How funny would it be to see the Pac12 network infrastructure be the sole production entity for the Mariners and Blazers. We have the equipment already to put together quality broadcasts. If the Pac2 could produce for those teams, that could represent a fairly sizable revenue stream considering how many home games those 2 teams would need to produce (around 30-40 NBA games and 80 MLB games)
          The Pac2 conference may decide college sports aren’t worth producing anymore and move exclusively to more professional content

          • With everyone whining about PE being introduced to the sport, it would actually be a positive in this situation, since the PTN is already streamlined. A firm run by someone like, oh, Wes Edens could bring capital and connections within sports ownership on that level.

            Most of the M’s revenue comes from ROOT, while they milk cable distribution in its dying days. And they don’t have the capital (also likely no will) to construct an infrastructure which could support a DTC/OTA distribution in an RSN model, without having to charge their customers way too much. Utah’s owner happens to own a media company, so they just rolled their games into its portfolio, and they charge their customers about $10/mo, just for Jazz games.

            In a $1trillion market with good direction, us and Wazzu could make enough revenue to possibly just stay independents. But if it’s about money, losing the PAC branding would be a hit to the books, as well.

      • 1

        I should have read the full article first, didn’t realize Root was looking to find new distribution. But seems like the same issue, they don’t have very good distribution. And Comcast has been a shitty distribution partner
        I like the potential with the CW network, at least from the fan perspective. But I still haven’t seen any specific details about what will be available via CW streaming app, or CW broadcast TV only, or CW On Demand. The potential is there to have replays of games available On Demand, which would be awesome for those of us who don’t have DVR and also don’t want to watch trimmed down youtube replays.

        Here’s how they broadcasted some LIV Golf content recently:
        Stream Live on The CW:

        Rounds One, Two and Three
        All three rounds of each LIV Golf live stream will be available on The CW, free, with no login, on Roku, Fire TV, Android TV, LG TV, Samsung Smart TV, VIZIO Smart TV, Apple TV, iOS, Android, and web. No subscriptions, no credit cards – simply install The CW for free on your preferred device and tune in on the days of the live events to watch. You will be directed from the home page to access the live stream.

        Watch Live on Broadcast TV:
        Rounds Two and Three (Round One is exclusive to The CW App)
        CW stations will also broadcast Rounds Two and Three of each live event – check your local TV listings to find your channel and confirm availability and event times.

        Watch On Demand:
        LIV Golf highlights and event extras will be available to stream free on The CW after each event. Watch current and previous season highlights here.

  41. I guess Boise St released some video clips from the new NCAA game featuring their team and one of the opponents is Oregon State in a few clips. Now internet sleuths are wondering if this is an inadvertant preview for upcoming uniform changes for OSU.
    I dont really care, but figured someone else might.



        • 4

          It’s just… so many years with grumbling over how poor the marketing has been, and then to go through the death of the Pac and have all of the worst fears come to fruition.

          Somehow even in the aftermath of all of that they can’t navigate a much anticipated uniform “refresh” reveal without totally bungling it in the most Beavs way ever.

          • 3

            Sorry, but how is this our fault, as if it matters?

            This isn’t OSU managing shit.

            It is Nike managing shit and pissing on our legs and calling it all money.

        • Sounds like it was just a typo. Was always intended for Friday but somehow whoever created it thought that was the 13th and didn’t double check before they posted.

  42. 4

    Am I the only one that hopes they maybe explore what Adidas would offer in 2026/2027? Nike consistently feels like they give the university low effort besides some sports like baseball for the obvious reason and last years football uniforms were better and these are at least a fresh design off those. It just doesn’t really feel like any love or effort is made like it is for other schools and a lot of missed opportunity especially with conference realignment now.

      • That is a fair point just feel like it’s a strike when the irons hot moment with a lot of other teams seemingly having ‘meh’ Nike redesigns.
        Would be a fair boost for their baseball portfolio which did set some records for viewership this year. If football comes with good numbers from the CW deal and increases from the realignment saga/drama they could partner with the beavs building a new identity as a disruptor (North American Headquarters in Portland/direct competitor with Nike with an incentive to one-up) as well as build good-will with avid college football fans if it’s a clean redesign. Women’s basketball we know does pretty well and is a seller and as for the men’s team…. Well all we can do is hope they get there.

      • 1

        Nike (and now Adidas, US) has helped make sports laughable…these dumb reveals where the athlete/models try to look cool and tough and get approval yet still not caring because they’re too cool to care…

        They should instead be posting their commitments and transfer portal announcements, leaping piles of NIL cash from small to large until they dive into the biggest one offered, ball extended as if crossing the end zone….

  43. Mason Tufaga leaving the program was due to medical retirement. Feel sorry for those athletes that have to hang the cleats up due to injuries and not being able to come back from them.

    • 2

      Seems like the smart move for the ACC would be to look at OSU/WSU and perhaps SDSU/BSU. If you could build out a “west” division that would help limit the travel for all parties. ACC travel wouldn’t be ideal obviously but if you could offset a lot of that by having 6 teams or so on the west coast that seems like a logical step to take. B12 already has enough teams to have a west/mountain group to limit that travel if they added the Pac2 but I’m a little surprised that the BIG10 didn’t add them to create that west coast pod even if we are “less desirable”.

  44. According to a SiriusXM report by Rick Neuheisel, Phil Knight, 86, apparently ready to spend whatever NIL money it takes to win a championship. “…unlimitedNIL resources…” Surprise. It’s showing up in their recruiting results so far at least.

      • 2

        I think Rick and Sirius both did…

        I think its kind of funny when the school says they can’t control the collective…seems likes it’s obvious what Knight is doing…

        As Jack says, they still have to play.

    • 3

      What happens to the holes post Phil Knight? I saw earlier in this thread that the school invested only $500k into their program last year. I am aware of trusts and estates, but who will be pulling the strings? They may be in for a real reality check

      • 1

        It stands to reason that Pac 12 Enterprises can’t be leveraged by us as an asset until we wholly own it. With that and two years of an outstanding separation package, we could offset lesser offers with these assets.

        It sounds like they’re already talking to the ACC, with the news about producing their content on the West Coast for CW.

    • 4

      Ugh those are basically the white GA era road jerseys. PTSD is still strong from Darrell Garretson and Nick Mitchell putting up their 7/20 for 30 yards 0 TD 3 INT performances.

    • 3

      Those are ok. I’d prefer to see Benny on the helmet….

      Actually, the doug fir wood grain, while it looked pretty good, didn’t technically make much sense for a rodent that focuses on species like willow, alder, cottonwood…

      : )

    • 2

      Apparently part of the issue with doing a bigger and better uniform reveal was that Nike was only “able” to send one sample of each uni in the same size all with #55.

      Overall I’m underwhelmed, but I think they’ll look better on gameday. Like the all-whites and graphite, not a huge game of so many stripes on stripes.

      • They should have used “44” and had at least one that said “Loyal” or “Loyalty ” on the back….the black jersey….

      • I could give two shits about uniforms unless they are embarrassingly ugly and I don’t think the new unis fall under that category.

      • They are mostly an improvement. White uniforms and helmet are sharp looking. I liked the cream color to the prior unis, but that didn’t allow for a white helmet or white pants with colored jersey. So any move that allows for something other than monochromatic is an improvement.
        The slightly less black uniform is unnecessary.
        Losing the wood grain texture to the numbers is a down grade (maybe it didn’t look as good on pure white numbers)

        • “…that didn’t allow for a white helmet or white pants with colored jersey. ”

          Good point. I think the white pants and white helmet w/colored jersey will look pretty good.

          Like the width and size ratio of this stripes on helmet and the pants. Nothing groundbreaking, but a slight overall improvement.

          Still don’t like the location and width of shoulder stripes, and they look like piecemeal holdovers that don’t quite fit. Kind of like Reser Stadium sections, so its on brand.

    • Kind of disappointing, to be honest. I was expecting more of a change since we’re entering a “new era” of OSU football, not virtually identical uniforms. I do like the new stripe on the pants and the striped white helmets. The solid black helmet looks “off” to me, but maybe that’s because I’m used to the orange stripe from the previous iteration. I’ve never been much of a fan of the orange helmets or the all orange look, especially since they’re different shades of orange. I thought dark grey was just alternate black at first, until I took a second look. I do like it, but only when paired with the white helmet. Any other combination would look atrocious. I think a lighter shade of grey like West Virginia would be better. Now excuse me while I go back to my day job as a color consultant.

      • 1

        “Kind of disappointing, to be honest. I was expecting more of a change since we’re entering a “new era” of OSU football.”

        I hope this is just an update, with a major change and a new manufacturer if they get into B12 or a reformed PAC with programs returning (which i don’t see happening, but who knows).

      • These uni’s have been in development for a couple of years and heavily influenced by Judas and his preferences, meant to be refresh of their 2019-2023 look.

        Supposedly JS was a strict traditionalist and didn’t want them mixing it up too much, wouldn’t have allowed them to go with the orange helmets on the all natural unis they wore in the Sun Bowl last year for example.

        Bray could likely be much more open to giving players more options to choose from when mixing/matching the combos (Captains pick from given options most games).

  45. Canzano is teasing that there is most likely going to be a fan-pleasing addition to Rueck’s coaching staff. I’m assuming an ex-player? Has anyone heard anything yet?

      • 1

        I can live with the Sun Bowl since it gives the team an extra week of practice, and OSU/WSU need any advantage they can get at this point.

        LA Bowl would be a kick to the groin because the Mountain West has a tie-in to that game already.

    • 2

      Probably not. Still a dog and pony show OSU won’t win….

      “The Pac-12 said each of the league’s bowl partners will “continue its agreed upon selection process? among both current and former teams. The conference previously signed six-year bowl agreements that run through 2025.”

      Have you been paying attention?

      • How do PAC2 agree to that arrangement without considering their own bowl placement as the priority?
        It would be another kick in the teeth by the traitors 10 if bowl tie-ins are compromised to benefit a 6-6 UW over a 8-4 WSU for example.
        I agree on the dog and pony show aspect but how could Barnes and Schultz et all miss such a key issue? It simply allows them to downplay and ignore both OSU/WSU once they each get the first loss.

        Considering the schedule comparison for the 10 traitors, including travel and new stadiums, I don’t think any of them will be wildly successful. They all will have tougher time because they have lost the knowledge of tendencies and familiarity with conference schedules. This is the same for OSU but in the overall, OSU opponents aren’t going to be quite as talented or nearly as much travel.

        • Those contracts were signed until 2025 so I’m assuming they forgot too add language that canceled the contract if the conference imploded. Either they stay the course or get sued for breech.

  46. 2

    Shoot – I’d be fine if the Beavs get a matchup against one of the traitor schools – show ’em whats what. My guess is, if a Big 10 traitor falls to a bowl playing Oregon State, the coach is fired and half the team hits the portal before they get on the plane. Because lets be honest, sending a non-playoff Traitor to the East coast is nuts from a ticket-selling standpoint.

        • That has changed in recent years. GMs are now in charge of the draft versus Head of Scouting and GM want more pro ready players to help them keep their jobs. 1 HS player has gone #1 since 2018 and only 2 of the top 15 were HS players this year and 4 out of 15 last year. More Top Talent is going to College and that will increase with NIL.

  47. Bray on why he’s optimistic:

    “I do. I feel good about our last year. Good about our schedule that lines up not only with the amount of home games, but also where those bye weeks fall. It allows us a chance to stay healthy, which is what you need,” Bray said during “After Hours with Beavs & Cougs” last week in Las Vegas.

    What are the pundits missing about the 2024 Beavers?

    “I don’t think they know who we’ve got on our roster, both the young guys that we’ve developed over the last couple years, and the new guys that have come in, who are extremely talented,” Bray said. “I just think there’s an unknown, and unless you’re in it, living it every day, it’s easy to just go over, they’ve got a bunch of new guys who are going to struggle.”

    Bray’s top question that needs an answer?

    “You’re always going to say quarterback. But I’m looking at how, how can we take another step defensively?” he said. “Because early on, like always, the defense is going to have to step up in key moments to win games and kind of hold it until the offense gets going.”

  48. From what I can see our two best baseball commits, Zach Swanson and Dax Whitney, haven’t been drafted yet. Can anyone confirm this? I didn’t see anything indicating they were.

    • Swanson to the Tigers in the ninth round. Don’t see Whitney, which probably means one of the teams interested in him as a first-round pick might take a flyer on him in the last round.

        • Teams aren’t bound to the slot numbers. If Swanson went in the 9th round, he’s probably worked out a deal to get paid well over the slot number. Unlikely to see him on campus.

          Anyone drafted in the 11th round and beyond can only max out at 150k bonus. So Whitney and Haight are likely headed to campus.

          • Thanks Bill, that’s making way more sense now. The MLB is so different with drafts than any other sport. You can’t trade picks, you have slot value, you can be drafted and go to college and enter the draft again. So the Tigers can overpay Swansons slot value. He was projected as a 2-3 round pick. However, I don’t know how much they are offering him.

          • If you add up all the slot amounts from the first ten rounds and compensatory/competition picks, that’s what the team can spend on bonuses. The last ten rounds aren’t capped at $150k per pick, but if they sign anyone for more, it has to come from the pool from the first ten rounds. And anyone they don’t sign still counts against the pool for the amount of that slot.

            I think it’s unlikely any teams have saved enough to pay anyone first or second round money. But they can (and have) saved enough to pay some third or fourth round money for their last pick.

            So it’s not quite over.

          • In the last 5 drafts only 10 players total drafted in the first 10 rounds did not sign. So chances are Swanson has a deal in place already to sign. Teams know before they spend the pick

  49. 7

    I hope Canham is selling the results of the first day of the draft. If you come, you will get drafted.

    I think the Beavs had the most players picked in the first 10 rounds than any other school in the old pac12 footprint. There’s no reason Beavs shouldn’t own recruiting on the west coast now.

    • 5

      What I’m interested in is how the rotation will work for next year.

      Do we throw our Friday starter out there on Tuesdays, when we’re more likely to be playing the “power” schools? It would be pretty funny watching us pummel those teams, as they trot out the depths of their bullpens, while we cruise.

      I’ve always disliked the Tuesday games getting any real RPI consideration, for just this reason. But we could game the system.

  50. Greg swain x
    That’s a story coming out here probably Friday on why Yormark likes the P2.
    A not much more on feed, but cryptic

  51. Guerra goes in round 14. Would be nice for him to come back another year considering we’ll be down Bazz, McDowell, Hainline and now Guerra. Is Kasper out of eligibility? He never really got back on track after that injury earlier in the season and it would be nice to have another starter back.

    • Kapser is done. Likely headed to indy ball if he wants to keep playing.

      Guerra would be making a huge bet on himself if he comes back. I don’t see him coming back though.

      Next years team will still be a good team. Still lots of power. And there will a guy or two who come out of nowhere to have a great season.

      IF – Caraway, Haight, Trosky, Krieg
      OF – Turley, Macias, Talt/Reeder

      • If Turley can adjust to breaking balls at a slightly better rate, he will destroy the lesser caliber pitching that will fill the schedule next year. I predict that Turley will be on a season long heater and break Bazannas season and career homerun records, top 10 draft pick next year.

      • 1

        Guerra will be back… graduate, get better, and improve draft stock. Kid loves Corvallis and grew up a Beav. I expect him to have a great year. Not sure what the benefit of leaving would be.

        • He did have a tough year overall. And he was also given a longer leash than any of us thought he should get. So maybe those are factors, as well as finishing school before moving on.

          It makes sense he could up his stock with another year, better than last year. We know he can beat Mendoza, because of his soph season.

          • I think they stuck with him so long based on talent. The coaches know his potential. Has a great attitude and work ethic. If he stays, and it’s more likely than not, he’ll have a monster year imo

  52. 10

    Ok looking everyone of current players drafted are gone. Otherwise you would have seen Mason in portal.

    Brady gone will sign undrafted if not drafted Wednesday

    Tanner turned down draft as Miami gave him an extremely good NIL. They beat out ASU, Alabama, Memphis, USC and Kentucky after supers Kentucky really wanted him but Miami offer to good to pass up.

    Incoming you won’t see many get alot of reps. Hustyn doing ok with Knights but not top level playing. Vandebrick is subpar catcher when it comes to handling a good pitching staff. They will need him to improve quick as Weber isn’t a weekend catcher. There reason he wouldn’t play at any other D1.

    Jabin is promised SS but if he doesn’t hit look for that to change. Levi is infield option but lower baseball IQ.

    Pitching will be huge question mark as the portal gets were ok at lower divisions trying to get them to be studs at higher D1 is going to be tough. DeCremer isn’t elite pitching but will eat innings if stays healthy.

  53. 1

    A B10 preview of the Ducks, who roll into Reser week 3:

    Big Ten Championship Best Bet: Oregon (+210, FD)
    I rate the Ducks higher than the Buckeyes this season, who have a far more potent offense and a much better defense entering the 2024 campaign.

    Oregon replaced first round pick Bo Nix with a very similar quarterback in Dillon Gabriel, who can fit seamlessly into OC Will Stein’s system that ranked second in yards per play, second in EPA/Play and first in points per drive by scoring more than four points per possession.

    I see little to no drop-off between the two QB’s and the same goes for the rest of the offense that returns four of five starters on the offensive line and replaced now pro Troy Franklin with highly touted transfer Evan Stewart to complement the returning Tez Johnson.

    The offense will be arguably the best in the country and Gabriel is the rightful co-favorite for the Heisman Trophy entering the season with the numbers he can accumulate in this QB-friendly scheme, but its the defense that makes Oregon a legitimate National Championship contender.

    The numbers last season were impressive, 12th in yards per play and 14th in EPA/Play, but the team did allow 24 or more in five games, including 30 or more in both losses to Washington.

    This season, head coach Dan Lanning bolstered the unit that returns the likes of Jordan Burch by landing Jamarree Cladwell from Houston and Derrick Hammon from Michigan State. However, the biggest gets was in the secondary, fortifying the unit with Jabbar Muhammad from rival Washington and Kobe Savage from Kansas State.

    The schedule has some potential rest disadvantages, featuring a string of eight straight games between Week 5 and 12 that includes road trips to Michigan and Wisconsin, but the team hosts Ohio State in the biggest game of the year in the conference, one that I believe the Ducks will win, solidifying itself as the best team in the conference. “

      • 1

        I’m betting Bray has it circled on his calendar and wants to make a statement.

        I just doubt a new HC, OC, QB and offense can out scheme and outplay UO in only its 3rd week.

        Looks like UO hosts Boise State the week before @Beavers, then has a bye after Beavers, so no “trap” game issues…

        But hey, that’s why they play the game….

    • 2

      Gabriel is the rightful co-favorite for the Heisman?

      Are they talking about Dillon Gabriel, or the Arcangel?

      Because Dillon Gabriel is far from being a Heisman caliber QB. If he was, he would have been drafted last year.

      • 2

        I saw he is the current betting favorite…

        The usual “create the narrative, maintain it, and try to make it happen.”

        He’s a $1.3M QB with a veteran OLine and a $1.4M WR added to the roster…big $ NIL players are unlikely burdened w/significant class work, allowing them to focus.

        I suspect the OSU D will put up a valiant effort, but the offense will be too new to put up a consistent fight.

    • I haven’t looked yet, but how does their OL look compared to last year? IIRC they were really experienced last year and were losing a bunch of guys.

  54. @MHver3:

    “B12 has financial for private equity to show FSU/Clemson. Valuation close to 2.5 billion (20 % stake) adding those two plus NCST/VT. ESPN/FOX will agree to pro rata for those additions as well.”

    “Other schools espn and fox would approve pro rata for: Miami, Louisville, Pitt, Georgia Tech, Duke (espn will approve any current P4 school plus the Pac2 schools). B12 got valuations with multiple different combinations of 2 and 4 schools as well”

  55. My man Dogget! #45, 45 days until season opener.

    “Bio: Oregon State recruited Doggett out of University City High School (San Diego, Calif.).

    Key statistics: Doggett finished his career with 222 tackles, 32 for loss, and eight sacks.

    His 32 tackles for loss rank eighth all-time at OSU.

    Doggett emerged as a star in 2006 when the junior had 93 tackles, 14 ½ for loss, and five sacks. As a senior in 2007, Doggett registered 93 tackles, 14 for loss, and three sacks. His 14 tackles for loss that season ranked fifth in the Pac-10.

    Doggett earned second-team All-Pac-10 linebacker in his final two seasons.

    Doggett was a menace against the Oregon Ducks. In 2006, he scored on a 34-yard interception return during a 30-28 OSU win in Corvallis.

    The following year, he scored on a 28-yard interception return against the Ducks during a 38-31 victory at Autzen Stadium.

    NFL: Doggett spent time with the Pittsburgh Steelers and Carolina Panthers but never appeared in an NFL game. He did, however, play two seasons in the CFL.

  56. 1

    Looked at early MLB mock drafts for next year, Turley and Caraway are very much in the mix as potential first round picks.

    Did not know Caraway would be eligible as a sophomore. He’s turning 21 before the draft next year.

  57. @MHver3:

    “ESPN has indicated to the ACC that the loss of 2 or more of FSU/UNC/UVA/Clemson/Miami/Duke will result in their option in 2027 not being picked up by the network.”

    When asked if the ACC would automatically fall apart if FSU/Clemson take the B12 private equity deal:

    “I don’t think it falls apart. They just will have to go to market for a tv deal. Stanford might get their AppleTV deal after all.”

    If ACC loses a 2-4 but Stanford/CAL don’t get invites to the B1G, they could backfill with the Pac-2 to make a west coast pod and revive the Apple deal.

  58. 2

    theory…b12 has to take beav/cougs so the acc can’t back fill. yormark wants more teams from acc, so it has to be destroyed to avoid buyouts.

    • Thanks for posting, good read. I came away impressed with his coaching experience and influences and now see him as more than an “internal/friend” hire. It will be interesting to see if all of those influences help him get his line to produce early and well.

      I also like that playing football in Boise for $200/game was “the time of his life.” It’s very often that while aspiring and on the ascent, and without tremendous resources, that an individual has a great time. I hope he can convey that to a squad that doesn’t have the NIL resources of other programs.

      I’m looking forward to watching the line develop, and curious/hopeful to see if that 6’10” LT ends up providing real security for the QBs.

      • Yeah, until this article I didn’t realize he held the title “O-line coach, associate head coach and run game coordinator ” last year with Charlotte.

    • 2

      I’ve been impressed with his work thus far. I was skeptical of the hire, until I found his hiring announcement for Charlotte. He was also promoted to AHC at Ball State, before Sumlin poached him.

      I knew about his coaching connections, but all the personal connections are great too. He just seems to have a great enthusiasm for what he does.

      Now… please… no bear crawls.

    • Interesting there was no mention of his time with Sumlin at Arizona. Must have been a mess.

      Devan doesn’t have much of a track record. He’s also the single most important AC on the staff. Hopefully all the good things people say about him and his great experiences can translate into success.

    • I don’t actively read Eggers; must say from the handful of pieces people have been kind enough to share, he seems to be the local journalist to follow

  59. If TB had asked for $500,000 more…Cleveland wasn’t going to sign him and he was going to drop to #4 Oakland. I’d take that financial hit every day of the week.

        • 5

          All the draft sites I read over the past few weeks had that scenario gamed out. It was a question whether Travis was going to ask for a higher bonus that what Skenes received last year ($9.2)–if so, Cleveland would have passed as their goal was to maximize the bonus pool they were allotted and use on it on multiple draftees down the board (ended up them grabbing four high school pitchers with upside).

          Neither Reds #2 or Rockies #3 had much interest in a 2B…I read that Oakland at #4 would be the absolute floor for Travis. Travis being Travis, he was doing major research on the first five teams in the draft…organizational goals/values, desired player profiles, etc…

          “I had this idea,” Bazzana said, “that the culture at the big league level, the young players, the intelligence of the organization and the consistency of winning over the past 10 years put the Guards in such a powerful spot for me in terms of where I wanted to be.”

          Yes, it’s a dream come true for Bazzana. But it’s also a dream for the Guardians to sign someone who seems so perfect for this organization, especially well under slot value. The team wanted to make sure it was able to spread out its financial resources all through the Draft and not just at No. 1. He was on board, and now the Bazzana era is set to begin.

          “We worked through that and got to a number that was right,” Bazzana said. “I wanted to be a Guardian.”

          TLDR: No insider knowledge from me–lots of reading instead.

    • 3

      Nice. I watch MLW, but I will check those guys out. I really do love amateur sports on YT. It’s about the only sports I watch anymore. They’ve ruined every pro sport, and now NCAAF so…

  60. 2

    Hilarious – I didn’t know Billings Montana had an Arena Football team. Ridiculous they traveled to New Jersey to play in a shopping mall. I am fairly certain Billings would have had the game in a real stadium, the citizenry would have thought it was great fun, and been most hospitable.

    • It’s very effective when the individual is not only loyal, but a high achieving student and athlete.

      Reminds me a bit of the story of Stroughter touring campus with his mother and asking “You feel it?”

  61. “The USA TODAY Sports Network’s preseason Player of the Year has never played a snap in the league. Oregon QB Dillon Gabriel was a unanimous choice for Player of the Year, and Ohio State’s Ryan Day edged Oregon’s Dan Lanning for our Coach of the Year pick ahead of this week’s Big Ten media days in Indianapolis.”

    Wow. People already picking anointing Gabriel …as Jack pointed out, he didn’t even start at his previous school.


    • He started.

      He wasn’t going to start this year at OU.

      There have been QBs in this situation who went on to NCAA greatness (Jalen Hurts), but they were also better players than Gabriel is. He pretty much maxed out at OU, and maintaining that level at UO is about what should be expected. If it was his second year in the system, maybe he advances his game a bit more. He’s not a Penix or Nix, coming from a crappy team/situation and having new success at a place primed for him. It’s pretty much a lateral move for him, and the expectations should be that talent translates to same same production.


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