Home Football Oregon State @ Washington State (Pre-game)

Oregon State @ Washington State (Pre-game)


On Saturday night, buried within the obscure, lo-fi Fox derivative channels, the Oregon State/Washington State game will air. People flipping through might mistake it for a high school game. This is small time football, folks. Nobody seems too upset. Everyone has an excuse. Okay, whatever, the game must be played, unfortunately.

When scouting Washington State last week, I noticed a couple things:

  • Their QB, Jeff Tuel, is mobile. Not Nelson Riley or Darron Thomas mobile, but more like Jake Plummer. A savvy guy who moves around and breaks the pocket when necessary. Obviously this is bad news for the Beavers, as once again they will be at an 11 vs 12 disadvantage. Tuel isn't a bad passer, either.
  • Washington State runs some read option. Uh oh. Mark Banker will be exposed (again).
  • The Cougars play with passion. The crowd didn't seem especially large, but they were into last week's game, and the Cougars played Stanford with fire and passion for all four quarters (even when they fell behind by 17).
  • Their WR, Marquees Wilson, is a beast. I'm not confident Poyer can cover him.
  • They play with confidence. Amazing to write this given their track record the past few years, but it's a fact, this team has confidence, and they've come together nicely. Credit to Wulff for changing the culture.

On paper this game is an even match–both teams recruit the same type of player and both teams are young. However, Washington State plays with attitude and confidence. Taking from my last post about chess, Mike Riley and Paul Wulff are just about equal as "candidate masters", but Wulff has engrained a Sisyphean mentality in his players. They lose, they get up, they do it again. No skin off their back. In fact, they get better and tougher with each loss. It's something I'd love to say about the Beavers, but I don't print lies.

This is a very close game, and one I am reluctant to pick. Gun to my head, I feel Washington State is a more "put together" team right now who play like they have a unified goal. That psychology does wonders when going up against a physically equal opponent who is in a mentally lesser place. It wouldn't surprise me to see this game go into overtime, but I respect the Cougs enough to give them the standard 3 point home field advantage and then some.

29-24, Cougars


  1. I didn’t bother picking last week because I figured it would be a replay of the Vegas Bowl. But I have an irrational feeling which tells me we win this game. It’s that same feeling I get when I see us at 2nd and short but expect Remmers to get called for false start or holding.

    I think our o-line circled this game before the season and play out of their minds… which would be just good enough to beat Wazzu… and make fans wonder if they might be turning a corner… finally… which they won’t.

    • I don’t think it’s that irrational to pick the Beavs. This is a tough one to call. My first reaction was the Beavs should win, but WSU is a more cohesive team. That mobile QB (12th man) will likely be the difference.

  2. Final score was 44-14. Cougs played Stanford tough for a half, then they got worn down. They didn’t play them tough til the end. It was a 30 point blow out, not sure where you’re getting your 10points from.

  3. WSU has put up some points on teams this year. We have not. We will not be able to keep up with them. This one smells like a 30-10 loss to me. Remember, they beat us last year in Reser and seemed to play with a lot of emotion. If we fall behind early, look for this one to get really ugly. I think WSU is on the rise and we are in a tailspin. We never do well particularly when the QB is moblie. After this weekend, I am afraid the season will offically be a lost cause with only one more game on the docket that we can win: Cal.

    • Utah is below average, so they’ll have a shot in that game. Washington has no defense…a win is possible if Mannion is done turning the ball over by mid November.

      That Cal QB is soooo bad. They’ll probably yank him by the time the Beavs come to town.

      • Washington’s QB will destroy us. He is extremely underrated. He is also a running threat. In short, bad news for us. Beavs have no chance. If the Utah game was at home I may buy it, but on the road…. Not likely. We always seem to do well against Cal and they are possibly as terrible as we are. They went to overtime with Colo.

  4. My prediction is Washington State 31, Oregon State 28. Trevor Romaine misses two FG’s in the 4th Q and Agnew fumbles the ball in the red zone with under a minute to play when the Beavers are going in for the game winning score and the Beavers lose.

  5. I have the Cougars in this one as well. If somehow the Beavers can pull off the win it may be the 2nd Pac-12 coach we will cause to lose his job. Rumor is if Wulff loses this he will have a much tougher time holding on to his job after the season. We are considered a patsy at this point and losing to us can cost you your head coaching job.

    • I doubt Wulff loses his job with a loss. There has been a ton of improvement with the Cougars this year. They’ll be in a bowl game this season. They’ll beat the Beavers, Cal and Utah and win 6 games. Even if they lost to the Beavers and won just 5 games no way he gets fired. WSU knows there has been a drastic improvement. Tuel will be a senior next year and if they don’t win 7 games next season then he probably would be let go but no way he gets let go this year.

  6. From Puker – Wilson, Robinson, and Doctor are the starting lb core at practice right now. Chalk this one up as a loss.

    Is it to early to switch my focus to OSU basketball where they actually set aggressive goals?

    • Well, that’s basically because Unga and Collins are hurting right now. Still, watching Robinson play is not something I wanna see.

      Man, even asking the Beavers to believe they’re gonna win a game is too much. Riley has never been one to instill the belief that they will every game and it shows.

  7. Yeah I am going to have to pick WSU also. I think they are at least as good if not better team then BYU. The Beavs will have to come out fired up and make no mistakes to have a chance.

  8. Jeff Tuel is coming off a shoulder injury. He will not be running very far. Keeping Wilson in check will be the more difficult challenge. Beavs may win but cannot lose the turnover and penalty yardage battle as they have for most of the year.

  9. Has anyone else noticed this year that in every post game interview Riley mentions something he should have done during the game but didn’t.

    Last game it was “we should have run Agnew more.”

    Against ASU it was “we should have tried to establish a run game more.”

    Against Wiconsin it was “we shouldn’t have tried the QB rotation plan.”

    These are pretty simple items that the coaches should understand prior to the game, not after.

  10. Hi BN,, it’s me again, former and pending future coach. This is a SPECIAL ALERT!


    The offices of Pettibonehead low-Performance Labs were struck last night by a vandal!!!
    He/she left this piece of doggerel keyed into a bathroom stall:

    There once was a fan named JackBeav
    Countless internet posts he would leave
    Pedantic and boring
    Beaver Nation left snoring
    “He’s such a huge tool they all grieve”

    He/she left behind this note “I can’t take the losing..win a f*****g game! Signed Scratchy Beaver

    With another loss… err game scheduled for Saturday, can another strike be far behind?

    There is a reward for the apprehension of this malicious little devil. JB

    PS: Please limit your suspicion to human beings. There has been some irresponsible speculation that the offender, aka little devil, is a dog.

    DISCLAIMER: If above referenced “little devil” is an employee of Pettibonehead Low-Performance Labs, he/she will be disciplined or rewarded per HR Policy 500 Sub-section 35

  11. Tough game to figure, im not sure that its so unreasonable to expect the beavers to be in this game if teuls not 100 percent and the offense doesen’t give the ball away four times the receivers (and maybe agnew) will be able to make some plays against washington states defense. Anybody going to be at the game?

  12. John Hunt’s article on OSU’s O-line contains some interesting stuff:


    Here’s a quote from Riley:

    Oregon State coach Mike Riley said beefing up his offensive line is priority No. 1. “Our numbers are down,’’ Riley said Wednesday. “It’s a major league priority.’’

    And this follows:

    As of now, the Beavers have one of their two best groups of offensive line recruits in the last 10 years, on paper, anyway – only the 2009 group was as deep and it’s the only other class with a four-star recruit. Rivals.com ranks OSU’s collection of 2012 offensive line talent No. 10 in the nation.

    And finally this:

    The worry now is that losing will be a turn-off for the recruits, even those who have committed, but Riley said his staff is staying on top of it.

    “There’s kind of a rhythm to what we do anyway, and that rhythm involves staying in touch with guys,’’ Riley said. “But I think the point is well taken, and you have to keep an eye on it.’’

    Took Mike Riley a while, but looks like he’s finally focusing on the O-line problem…..

    • I noticed that article too, and it is about time Mike Riley addressed the lack of talent and depth on the offensive line. I wonder, why Mike Riley and the coaching staff couldn’t or didn’t see this coming 2 – 3 years agon? With the Hawaiian pipeline OSU has, I’m surprised OSU hasn’t received more O-Line commits from Hawaii. Especially since Mike Cavanaugh coached O-line at University of Hawaii.

      On the otherside of argument, why do the Service Academies (Air Force, Navy, and Army) have undersized, unranked Offensive Lineman, yet they run the ball extremely well? Is it technique, scheme, coaching? I really can’t explain it. All I know is that they are very productive at running the football.

      • Service academy’s have so much success cause they focus so much on the run, plus the triple option is so extremely difficult to stop. Teams rarely see it, therefore teams who run will have a ton of success on the ground. Defenses absolutely despise that offense. Usually no matter who they play a 50-60 yard will be broken. Navy had a lot of success running against an SEC defense in South Carolina.

      • “I wonder, why Mike Riley and the coaching staff couldn’t or didn’t see this coming 2 – 3 years agon? (sic)”

        Please remember our OL recruiting class 3 years ago…

        John Braun – moved to DE.
        Michael Beaton – in the rotation.
        Joshua Andrews – starting OG, barring injury.
        Tyler Thomas – kicked off the team
        Michael Philipp – freshman all american, started at LT until he suffered a few injuries
        Grant Enger – In the rotation

        That was a big O-Line class, so evidently they saw this coming. What’s more difficult to see coming is injuries, guys getting kicked off the team, guys failing to make the transition, guys flunking out of school.

        Let’s go back another year, you’ve got…

        Colin Kelly – Starter
        Colin Lyons – in the rotation until injuries ended his career.
        Vili Nau – Never made it due to grades.

        Go back one more year to the guys who should be 5th year seniors.

        Michael Cole – in the rotation for a year, left the team
        Castro Masaniai – moved to DT where he has excelled
        Marcus Perry – good long snapper
        Rory Ross – was in the rotation, got hurt, quit
        Una Smiley – got shot, went to JUCO, went to Western Oregon
        Gerald Parker – bad grades, never enrolled.

        The problem wasn’t that the coaching staff is so completely stupid that they can’t see that we lacked depth at O-Line, it’s that we kept losing guys to various things and even after recruiting more and more guys, we had fewer and fewer bodies to fill the gaps.

        You can’t give 1/4th of your scholarships to O-linemen. And if you offer to guys you don’t believe will help the team, just to create depth, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

        • Brownale9000,

          Thank you for explaining in full detail what happened to the O-line depth. I never knew what happened to the previous classes O-Lineman. That really explains everything that is happening now.

        • Good post.

          Lemme axya this: How many of those Oline recruits had ANY “stars”? And of those with stars how many had a snowballs chance in hell of making it on campus?

          Michael Phillip seemed like a good land at the time…so that’s one. Any others?

        • You’re being a little easy on the coaches with this assessment.
          2010 – only Sapolu
          2008 – only three recruits? Nau was a JUCO x-fer who enrolled before he was eligible… like Nomani did this year. Regardless, he would have been gone this year anyway.
          2007 – Cole, Ioane, Parker, Smiley… all JUCO x-fers who would be gone now. Ross? Seriously? Kevin Pankey was actually a better prospect than Ross, until they moved him to D. Castro was recruited to be a DE along with Bubba. I sure miss Bubba. Anyway, Perry was a preferred walk-on, and we had several other walk-ons in this class as well.

          This is what kills me about the calls for JUCO o-linemen these days. “Why is Cav against it?” people ask. Well, it’s because he’s tried to go that route, and that route sucked. Last year a little, but especially this year Cav has been let loose to find his own recruits instead of being stuck in just Arizona. And it’s paid off.

          Hell, look at 2006 – Nomani, who could have been good, spent two years here then went on a mission… Timi and Pohl? Again… who? Linnenkohl was an outstanding get (Grant Bays sure does remind me of him… style, size, aggression, even looks). Just four when you know one will mission?

          The coaches dealt this hand to themselves.

        • There is a place called junior college which many universities use to fill short term needs. Ever heard of All American Danny Watkins? Baylor needed short term help at LT and so grabbed him. He was there for OSU. There are many more examples if OSU staff had tried a bit harder when problems first cropped up. The staff is smart. They just do not want to get out of their comfort zone.

          • Two types of players that go to JUCO: 1) can’t make the grades 2) not high enough quality out of HS to merit a scholarship. Offensive linemen that are good are most often intelligent. So, those athletic specimens that need to go to JUCO for academic reasons, typically come out as DE/DT prospects. The kids that go for physical development are spending their first couple of years at a place that doesn’t have the facilities that help their bodies develop. OL is a tough place to go for OL. Occasionally, you can see an OL that can come out of JUCO prepared, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

      • “I’d rather have a J.C. guy that was a qualifier coming out of high school that maybe had to go develop, or a guy that bounced back from somewhere who’s a smart guy, a good player, a good citizen,’’ Cavanaugh said.

        That’s not really coach speak. Cav’s using the media to talk to Stan Hasiak. He’s saying that he would rather have a JUCO player who has proven he has the brains to qualify, but needed a late growth spurt… or a player who has already proven his worth on this level and just needs the right home to reach his potential.

        • I would disagree with you on Mannion but I can understand why you think he’d throw two picks. Only getting 7 points from the offense would be awful. I just can’t see that happening but who knows? Anything can happen.

          • Can’t score points if you hand the ball to the other team every possession.

            Here’s my wild card: if Agnew gets his shit together and actually holds on to the ball and gets through a whole game the Beavs will win.

            I don’t even know if he’ll get the opportunity. So as of now my call is blowout wth WSU putting 500+ yards on em.

  13. After following news and blogs about the beavers during the winter, spring and summer, most stories seemed to indicate that Vaz had the most poise and was the most consistent of the backups. With Katz on the sidelines, the reports on Mannion (maybe faulty memory) were that he was erratic and error prone. Until Vaz hurt his back, I do not remember reading about the rapid development of Mannion. At least in one summer/fall scrimmage Jack Lomax had better stats. I do realize that reports on preseason Katz were not great. So where and how does the legend start about the clear superiority of Mannion?

    • Yeah Matt B I remember everything as you from summer but I gotta say I don’t think anyone is saying Mannion has clear superiority at this point. But what most are saying is Katz didn’t seem to improve last year or through the summer. Mannion, a kid just out of High School, seems to have a lot of upside and he, with no experience and no o-line (granted Katz had no o-line), seems as good as Katz already.

      I think going to Mannion was about the only real smart move on Riley’s part this year. A throw away year to get the new kid on the block ready for the years ahead.

      • I can’t imagine what is going through Katz’ head right now. He’s on the cover of my NW edition of Athlon for godsake? I’m sorry, but I feel bad for him unless there were some work ethic issues that we don’t know about. Mannion may ultimately be a bigger talent, but Katz has nothing to be ashamed of, he had one of the better sophomore campaigns in OSU history..

        I would not be suprprised if he transferred after this season and tries to go light it up at the D-2 level somewhere and get some notice. He may never play another meaningful down for OSU barring an injury.

  14. Considering I dropped a decent amount of cash in Mesquite last weekend on the Beavs -1′, my credibilty is suspect. Given that, Beavs 23-21.

    However~winning a gold medal at the World Senior Games minimized the damage on my ego…

  15. I see the Beavers winning this one, perhaps big. There will be a ton of emotion with the home loss last year. I may be drinking the koolaid, but I have some faith. If we lose this one though, I think its all down hill from here(as in we might pick up one other win). If we do win and big, we could actually do some damage. I think Agnew learns to hold onto the ball, after a pep-talk from Quizz…. and we run over WSU, 38-18 Beavers.

  16. Does anyone know why Mike Riley doesn’t recruit mobile Quarterbacks like, Grant Hedrick, Kevin Prince, Andrew Luck (ok exception here) Jeff Tuel, Jared Zabransky, Andy Dalton, Jeff Fleming, Darron Thomas, Riley Nelson, Jake Locker, Russell Wilson, Tony Pike, etc…; or any other running QB that beat us, or OSU didn’t recruit?

    It seems like this would add another dimension to the offense, without changing things up much.

    • Ryan Katz?

      Don’t forget, Jake Gelakoska could REALLY run in high school…he was our 2007 QB commit. Faster than Darron Thomas. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it on campus.

      We offered Dennis Dixon (and settled for Ryan Gunderson – oh boy!) We offered Jack Locker, Kevin Riley and Colin Kaepernick in the same year. The list goes on.

      Sure…recruiting a guy who can run is good. Recruiting the QB we that gives us the best chance to win is even better.

      • Ryan Katz is not mobile.

        Have you ever seen him run?!??? It is not pretty. He takes forever to get moving.

        Just because some media hack says Katz is mobile doesn’t make it true. They told me Lyle Moevao was mobile, too.

        • Yes, I’ve seen him run.

          Oregon wanted him to run their offense, I think he’s plenty mobile. I’m not saying he’s Mike Vick, but he’s quicker than Andrew Luck.

          • Ryan Katz is definitely mobile. He has the quickness to bust off some decent runs but he’s uncomfortable doing that because he wants to stay in the pocket and throw the ball around.

          • He’s uncomfortable doing that because his coaches have told him under no circumstances should he do so.

            I remember Moevao doing the same thing. Had a good game and made the defense pay for not covering him. The rest of the season it was stand in the pocket and take the sack.

            100% coaching.

            Riley wants tall clunky lumbering quarterbacks. Smaller more agile Katz/Zabransky style guys don’t get used to their potential.

          • Just out of curiousity (too lazy to research) was Riley coach when Seneca Wallace left the program? Anyway, pro-style offenses only work well in college when teams have very talented offensive lines. Looks like Riley is comfortable sticking to his guns and “surviving” a couple of lost seasons until that type of talent is back on the field.

          • Wallace was a Riley recruit in 1998. He signed and worked out with the team in the summer leading up to that year. Riley was really high on him… high enough that he was going to start at CB as a true frosh. But the NCAA pulled a Roberto Nelson on him, and his mother got sick at the same time. So he went the JUCO route. When Riley left for the NFL, Wallace dropped off the OSU radar.

        • I disagree that Katz is not mobile. He is. But, he doesn’t have the feel to know when and where to run. when he did pull it down, he was effective. But, he took way more sacks than Mannion and that was when defenses actually had to play against the run.

          I also think that Riley likes more of a pocket passer than a runner. I don’t see Riley changing who he is.

      • BTW, What ever happened to Jake Gelakoska? I heard he went the J.C. route, but I never heard how or what he did? Did he quit playing football?

    • Ryan Katz is more mobile than 90% of the guys on that list. Lyle Moevao was too. The problem is that Riley refuses to adjust his offense to take advantage of it.

      Does anyone actually think Katz’ scrambles vs Arizona last year were by coaches design? Did they ever happen again?

      • And if they teach this, or have it in the play book, I think Katz walks/dives into the endzone vs. UW instead of forcing a pass to Joe Hal…and the downward spiral began…

  17. off topic: for some reason I just went to osubeavers.com-that is the most cluttered, “busy” website I’ve seen in a long time. reminds me of mid-90’s web styling of multiple gifs with various sizing thrown all over the page-

    I gave up looking for what I wanted….

    • This part of http://www.osubeavers.com must be updated.


      OSU must show off and talk up the strengths of their facilities. Other colleges talk about historic games, unique traditions, largest crowds, capacity, and offer numberous photos from various angles. OSU fails to do so. I have written letters to the OSU athletic department about this issue for over 2 years now, and still no changes have been made. This is the same athletic department that turned their noses to Nike Executive Tinker Hatfield (the brains of Air Jordan) for wanting to help re-brand and better market OSU, so who am I? Go figure.

      • OSU4Life – Ditto your thoughts. I’ve sent numerous e-mails to the AD and have never received a reply… We absolutely have no sense for branding/marketing. I also wrote to Pursuant – the firm responsible for much of osubeavers.com design and at least got a reply. I mentioned the facilities links not working correctly (Truax and the Sports Performance Center in particular) and they said they’d get it fixed prior to the season but it’s still a mess. I believe the AD needs to hire a sports marketing firm to do an audit and get us on par with the rest of the league/21st century. I don’t want to be known for Randy the Logger or a Bugs Bunny opera, if you know what I mean. The ucks are light years ahead of us in branding. Sure, having a larger budget and PHK on board makes a difference but it’s not all about $$$’s. Lastly, take up Tinker’s offer and have him rebrand OS athletics.

  18. Nobody is talking about the home field advantage for this game. They’re playing in Seatttle in front bof a crowd that doesn’t normally get to see WSU games unless they’re willing to spend their weekend traveling to Pullman. Its a huge stadium and sounds like its nearly sold out. Not sure how much of that will be Beav fans, but Coug fans will be making some noise, especially if they go up early. Plus, how will the players react to playing in an NFL stadium? Advantage WSU for sure.

    • I haven’t heard actual numbers either but I know there is a pretty big Oregon State fan base in Seattle. Hopefully a lot of those will take advantage of having the Beavers in Seattle and we’ll have a good showing.

    • I would be surprised if this was anywhere close to a capacity crowd. Who thinks OSU and WSU would attract 60K+ fans? Question is which team forgets where the game is played? Is OSU’s travel to Seattle shorter than WSU?

    • I expect UW fans will turn out to cheer OSU. And it wont be like a home game for WSU. But they did just fine in Reser last year, so it doesnt look good, either way. We will find out if our players have any guts.

      • I saw a WSU fan, decked out in his Cougar gear at the Colorado/Washington Holiday Bowl back in the Koy Detmer/Cory Dillon days going to the game specifically to root against the Huskies. That’s dedication. I’m not sure I’d do that.

    • Someone should forward this article to the Pac 12 office with a note about how ugly this game will be now that we know these cheap shot shits think it’s cool to be a total prick instead of a good sport. We all knew what it was at the time, and I think it would have motivated our team anyway. But now that we know they’re just going to do it again?

      Mizell is just a shit.

      • I am glad to hear these comments by WSU. This puts the fire/heart/intensity issue on center stage. It will give us a chance to see what the Beavs are all about. It they can’t get up for this game it will be even harder for the fans to chear them on the rest of the year. I’m looking forward to it.

        • Most coaching staffs would feed off this. Even allow a PF on that shit head once (maybe a crack back to the knee?). But this staff won’t.

          The Pac 12 is a flacid bunch of jack offs too, their reffing has been bad for years and this shows. However, when the Duckies had to face Burfict, boy, they didn’t let him fart without getting a PF.

          I’m guessing the Cougs and Beavs won’t get the respect. The refs will probably just be irritated that they didn’t get a ‘good/meaningful’ game to ref. It’s likely going to the lowest rated refs in in the Pac.

        • I think James is the guy who will have the guts to start things again like last week, but Halahuni will finish it. James has that knack for talking shit with opponents when appropriate, knowing it will fire up his teammates. Considering Mizell called his brother “just a little guy” and James is the same size, I fully expect James to get in his face whenever possible.

          • Does anyone doubt that Riley will spend more time using the Mizell incident to explain the need for “self control” than to fire up this team?

            Silver and NCAA_viO are, I hope, on the right track. James to start things and The Tank to finish.

            Jeff Tuel is quoted as saying, “That was the play last year for me.” Kevin “the mouth” Frahm, whose on field performance has been such a disappointment, should go out Saturday and prove what a tough guy he really is. That could be done by putting a hit on Tuell which becomes “THE play” for this year.

      • What would be more inspiring to both the O and D than watching Wynn, at H-back, blow this punk up, freeing James, now wearing #1, fora big gain or td….

          • Beaver Q&A at OregonLive pretty much says no one on the team is at the “bad ass” level to take care of Mizell yet. John Hunt references Jeremy Perry as a guy from the recent past who would have snapped Mizell’s neck off for pullling that out of bounds crap..

  19. 44-13 WSU
    OSU isn’t worth watching this year.

    On a side note : people need to put their money where their mouth is and put their money back into their pockets. People can call you fair weather for pulling your donations but I would liken donating money to Osu athletics is like handing money to a junkie that blows it all on heroin instead of paying for a suit to hit the job market. Sure you love your kid but you are better off cutting them loose or at least pay for rehab.

    Writing emails to Bobby D is too passive, unless of course you demand a response or you will pull your funds outright. People need to write Ed Ray, call the Athletics department, or write group letters and petitions with the actual signatures of donors. Or heck…maybe students should actually show some knowledge and Passion and do these things or even hold rallies.

    But this asking too much of the fans…who to be a “good” fan, according to the Pure Orange morons, should be okay with the way things are going and invest money in a poor product.

    • Sorry…blakesgotanewface’

      But I can’t accommodate your request. As I’m sure you have noticed JackBeav needs some rest. He often responds late at night after a few bottles of “imported” beer. (pause here to be impressed) Sleep deprivation is indeed a form of torture. It’s not as bad as actually wading through his responses, but close!

      He is unable to keep his response story lines straight. He has totally abandoned the dog domination theme, lame as it was.

      Based on this site’s voting he seems to be aware that he is losing a home game and is just “mailing it in.”

      I’ll give him some time to rest and recover. Expectations remain low, but he is fun.

      I’ve tried to “coach him up” but he seems unwilling to accept feedback. JB

      PS; I had hoped that I could promote him this year from “tool” to “master tool”

      PPS: This is not, I repeat not to be considered a response.

    • Can we do it in the poetry format? That’s some cool stuff. It’s definitely better than the obsessed stalker format.

      And I’ll take those odds. I quickly got the kid to respond to me when he swore he would never do it again. And I now have him referring to himself as a dog. Next challenge please.

  20. If we avoid the repetitive dufus plays on offense, we might put up significant points, but the BYU game showed we are not done with that, despite the AZ win. I think that will be the real difference in this game, and we lose. We only beat weak teams this year, and at Reser….and clearly, eg UCLA-Sac State, we dont win them all, lol.

    Those dufus plays are not on the young players, either. Not when Hekker and Remmers etal, are making such.

    • It’s been a well rounded FAIL this year. Let’s hope basketball can break the order of the Universe and OSU can actually get better with all the talent they have…by better I mean win games.

      • Basketball is hard to watch with Burton as our starting center. I really hope one of the younger guys has improved enough in the offseason to take his spot. don’t get me wrong, i like that Burton at least plays with confidence and isn’t afraid to shoot, while his teammates just sit and watch, but it would just help if he had the skills to make those shots on a consistent basis.

        This hoops team will be intriguing this year. Will Nelson start to show why he was a highly touted freshman? Will Cunningham learn to use a soft touch around the rim, rather than bouncing layups off the backboard? Will Starks improve his consistency at PG or be replaced by Challe Barton? Has Collier learned how to harness his athleticsm?

        My starting lineup this year consists of:


        Problem is, this makes us an outside/in team, but I really think we need to be the opposite to find success. Our shooting is just too inconsistent to bomb away from outside.

        Can we start a hoops post? Or is angrybeavs.com supposed to stay on football? (i mean, we’re talking about dogs, beer and poetry already, why stop there?)

        • I was pretty disappointed in Brandt last year too. He had every opportunity to take time from Burton and never really did. I think though if Brandt can rediscover his show a lineup like that could work well with the guards slashing and kicking out. I hope that the new PG coming in is a distributor as advertised. I am not a big fan of Cunnignham or Starks decision making and think those guys play best off the ball in the half court offense. Maybe run the offense through Nelson?

          • Wasn’t Brandt hurt for much of the season? I thought he was playing injured much of the time but it seems like he showed improvement as the year went on. Also, I don’t remember seeing the Oak Hill guy Chris Brown much last year. Is he any good? Or how about the other Oak Hill guy Daniel Gomis. Does he break into the rotation this year?

            I do like that the only senior on this team is McShane, so this year will just be a warm up for what could be a really nice 2012-2013 season.

        • I agree that should (will) be our starting five, and those players definitely have no excuse to not at least make a fickin NIT tournament. I also agree that we really do HAVE TO do a better job of playing inside, close to the hoop. This really shouldn’t be hard because Cunningham and Nelson have good enough ball handling skills to be able to drive to the basket and cause the defense to collapse on them. In theory this would leave players like Collier and Brandt wide open for close range shots. I’m sick of watching our offensive possessions consist of passing the ball around the three point line until the shot clock runs out, and then throwing up some fade away three pointer.

          • Coach Rob has said in interviews this year that he’s ditching the Princeton offense and fitting the offense to his players athleticism to play more up-tempo. Of course EVERY coach says this in the off season and they usually go back to slowing it down. An up tempo offense should allow this team to get more easy baskets at the hoop and draw more fouls at least. Hopefully we won’t see as much perimeter play to drain the shot clock.

          • Need to correct myself, as JackBeav pointed out, they’re ditching the 1-3-1 defense and playing more man to man. Sounds like the old offense is still intact. That’s good news for Burton, bad news for those of us who dislike the perimeter hot potato game.

          • That perimeter game was due to the players (Haynes and Wallace) just standing around like lumps. Telegraphed passes? Seniors. Lunk head lay-ups? Seniors again… but it can be contagious.

            When you have better athletes with greater talent executing this offense, it looks like what Georgetown is doing. When you have lazy ballers, it doesn’t matter what offense you run. It’s going to look like crap.

        • We’ll be on hoops soon enough. I think we will do a weekly Pac 12 pick ’em in the forums with the Beavs games being the tie-breakers.

          Don’t underestimate Burton’s value to the scheme. He really turned it on late last year in terms of what a C is supposed to do in this offense. It probably had more to do with the senior perimeter players riding the pine than it did him finally getting it. It’s amazing what correct spacing and execution by your backcourt can do for passing.

          Starks also hit his stride in the last half-dozen games. He averaged 14 ppg to finish the season.

          Cunningham and Nelson both showed they could fill it up, though Jared did it consistently.

          And Angus started banging. He was in danger of fouling out every game, but he was also close to averaging double digits in the scoring column.

          Collier was just a frosh last year?


          Add Moreland and Barton to those six, and that’s a solid core. Throw in Brown, McShane, Murphy and Gomis for spot/specialty duty (or more), and we’re looking at a team who can make a decent run this year.

          And Coach Rob has definitively said we will be running 70% man D. That more than anything should get you excited.

          • The small glimpse we had of Moreland last year was exciting to me. He looked like the same type of player as Collier. Athletic with a nose for the ball on the defensive end.

            Burton is fine when he isn’t trying to do too much. He really has nice touch and decent awareness, he just tries sometimes to fit the ball into small spaces.

  21. Baseball Recruiting:

    Top 25 Recruiting Classes
    1. Vanderbilt
    2. Texas
    3. Southern Mississippi
    4. North Carolina State
    5. Mississippi
    6. South Carolina
    7. Oregon State
    8. Virginia
    9. Oregon
    10. Texas Christian
    11. Southern California
    12. Louisville
    13. Oklahoma
    14. Mississippi State
    15. Florida
    16. Pepperdine
    17. Central Florida
    18. Arizona
    19. Fresno State
    20. North Carolina
    21. Georgia
    22. Arkansas
    23. Loyola Marymount
    24. Alabama
    25. San Diego State

  22. I”m watching the UCLA vs Arizona game and the announcers Craig James, Jessie Palmer and Reese Davis are giving Oregon State no love. They said Arizona shouldn’t have lost to OSU, and earlier they were talking about losing to Oregon State was the straw that broke the camels back, for Stoops being fired. When the game first started they managed to get in a little jab about OSU losing to Sacramento State.

    These same announcers cream their pants anytime they talk about the team down south and that wonerful (cl)ass act of a coach Chip dip Kelly.

  23. More fuel for the fire…

    I just recieved my latest Sports Illustrated issue today. There is an article about Kellen Moore, who will become the all-time winningest college quarterback this season. This small segment alone tells much about Mike Ryley and Danny Langsdorfs ability to recruit and assess winners.

    Here it is from page 52:

    “…things were looking up with Oregon State. Beavers coaches had invited him to workout for them in Corvallis. But when he got there, coach Mike Riley and quarterbacks coach Danny Langsdorf, “took the 10 quarterbacks who were 6′ 3″,” according to Tom (Kellen’s Dad) Kellen and the other 10 quarterbacks were instructed to go to another field, where “a couple of graduate assistants basically told them, ‘you guys just sort of play catch,’ ” says Tom. “That was a long drive home.”

    Five years later Boise State is coach Chris Peterson has a record of 67-5 overall and Kellen Moore is going to claim the title of all-time winningest college quarterback while his Boise State Broncos stay in the national title conversation.

    Nice job to Riley and Langsdorf. Really great talent evaluation here guys.

    If you haven’t read the article about Moore, you should. The kid was destined to be winner.

    • How many recruits did Oregon State pass on, yet they played stellar games against Oregon State, and beat us playing for their team?

      Here are a few that come to mind.

      Boise State:
      1) Kellen Moore
      2) Jared Zabransky
      3) Grant Hedrick

      1) Cody Hoffman

      I know there are more, I just can’t think of them right now.

        • I was thinking more recent vintage as Moevao would have been a little before Moore and Riley certainly knew he had a gamer in Lyle despite any height concerns. But yes, you make a good point that Riley had success with Smith also.

          I’m not sure I totally believe that the story played out exactly the way described, players parents are not the best sources for reliable and objective information. Epic “nice guy” Mike Riley throwing Moore over with the scrubs makes for good copy, but the truth is probably somewhere in between.

          • Moore is on record saying he wanted a Beaver offer and would have committed if offered. I’m looking for the quote, but Google sucks.

            Here he lists them second to WSU:

            “Washington State is my favorite school right now, I’ve liked them since I was a kid,” Moore said. ” I also like Oregon State, Idaho, Boise State and Eastern Washington.”

  24. This Arizona/UCLA game is like pro wrestling. Just before halftime, a streaker sneaks onto the field in a referee uniform and strips while running around. While the real officials are distracted with their heads turned, some of the player start fighting. The refs turn around and try to break it up but its too late. Both benches clear and start fighting up and down the field. Good stuff. And only 1 player from each team is ejected for all that.

    • I was thinking the same thing! I really don’t have an answer.
      The only thing I can think of is…. that Arizona got the ball first and scored “TOUCHDOWNS” every offensive possesion. Their defense forced 2 turnovers, and Arizona scored 14 points from the turnovers. Arizona’s defense also forced either turnovers from UCLA or forced 3 and outs.
      When OSU played UCLA, OSU was down 21-3 at one point. Against a running team the worst thing you can do is get down big, early in the game. Also OSU gave up over 200 yards rushing and their defense could never get off of the field. OSU also only had one, yes one offensive Touchdown!

  25. -Angry

    Time to give up the site brother. You really aren’t a Beaver fan anyway. Anybody that shows up in 2003 has no right to say anything about what it is to be a beaver. You are too naive and young to even have an opinion. Like Walter said in the Big Lebowski, ” You are like a child wandering into the movie theatre in the middle of a move, you have no frame of reference”. Being bad sucks, but what gives me solice is getting rid of the fat – fans like you and your followers. I would have been more specific about football but you never played, nor any of your followers. So wouldn’t do much good. Like teaching calculus first graders. Will give you one thing, you have created a small following on no merit, very hard to do. Put it on your resume for your next job, by my guess you are 25 or so. Happy hunting in So Cal buddy.

    • A movie by definition is an illusion, something made up to entertain. So, quoting dialogue from a made up event to prove a point is rather shallow. If there is somehow a minimum age limit , or if you have to prove that you are a 30 year season ticket holder before you are allowed to speak or have an opinion then I guess we should all just move back to the plantation and let our masters speak for us.

    • Actually, you just delete your link from your favorites menu and never come back. Talk about late to the show…I don’t think I’ve ever seen a post from you but you show up to tell someone to quit a blog that you simply don’t have to frequent.

      Also, I’m guessing about 75% of the fans in Autzen everyweek didn’t follow the Ducks until about a decade ago…that’s a dumb statement. Like you get tenure or added time value for being a fan. My Grandpa has been a Beavers fan for likely over 80 years. How about that. So I can have him come on and tell you to go somewhere else.

      And getting rid of fans that demand excellence won’t make the Beavers better moron. Go to the Big 10, or the SEC and see how much failure is allowed at those schools and how much tolerance their fanbase has for failing.

    • So Jackson, can you send us a specific document outlining the qualifications for being a “beaver fan”, so I can make sure I am in compliance?

      • Check all that apply:

        1. I have been a fan of Oregon State football since 2002 or before.
        2. I believe in a higher power called Mike Riley. Mike Riley is my savior.
        3. I shall not wont for victory lest my savior become angry with me.
        4. I shall not detest absolute defeat. Only in absolute defeat am I worthy of fandom.
        5. I shall accept without question that the Oregon State starting line-up on opening day is the sum of the best athletes in the world, as is only worthy of my savior. Any deviation due to injury requires instant (and acceptable) lament for a lost season. Any suggestion that my savior has other players who are better than his starters is dismissed out of hand.
        5b. I believe that any public criticism of a player’s performance is a personal attack of that player’s honor and his very being… as well as an attack on his great-great-great-grandmother’s honor and memory. Unless that criticism is done by the Savior, it shall be considered blasphemy.
        6. I shall not accept statistics as a basis for truth unless they are statistics which I know to be a basis for truth.
        7. I shall affirm my faith by either referring to or outright saying the words “28 years” at least four times daily.
        8. I shall believe that football is a really hard to understand game only understanded by people brainy enuff to play football.

        If you checked all of these, you are allowed to be a fan of Oregon State football. There’s a deeper, more intense and secretive society made up of true believers known as the Freelodgers. But little is known of their membership or rituals.

    • -Jackson44

      How could I have possibly thought that I was Beaver fan?! Since I didn’t really start paying attention to OSU athletics until I started school there in 2003, I guess the subsequent 8 years of what I thought was being a fan were something else entirely. How stupid of me!

      Seriously man, fuck you. I hope something happens to you that causes you to have a really, really shitty day. You’re just the worst kind of person.

  26. Well, I”m kind of glad I missed the BYU game – first beaver game I’ve missed in years. I got back on later Saturday from an epic back-country elk hunt, saw a bunch of mulies, big bull moose, two bears and we were able to take a couple young raghorn bulls – both 4 points. Six mile pack back to civilization. I didn’t check the score until Sunday night…and wasn’t that shocked. I don’t see us beating Wazzu either – they’re going to pop us in the chin early again, we’ll hop around like we’re mad, then play like pussy cats. But at least I’ll be eating backstrap.

  27. Poor Jackson44. He can’t even come up with valid reasons to support the Beavs anymore, so he feebly attacks what he incorrectly thinks is the problem with his team.

    Sine I’m in my fifth decade of being a Beavs fan, I apologize for Jackson44’s frustrated (and decidedly off-point) rant. Anyone who chooses to be a Beavs fan is coll in my book. I’m guessing that the bandwagon fans were gone after the Fresno game in 2001 anyway. It’s not like we’ve had those blow-up seasons which raked in the new fans since the Fiesta Bowl.

    By inference, Jackson 44 is completely wrong. I believe all the current students at OSU have a right to be fans of OSU as well.

    So sad.

  28. When asked if the team is ready for WSU, Riley responded with, “I feel really good about it. I thought the enthusiasm for this week was very good.”

    I am so SICK of bullshit quotes like this from Riley. I want to grab him by the shoulders and shake the shit out of him. Since when is enthusiasm the key to victory??!!! He says that every week and then they lose. How about something authentic and honest…”well we’re down two linebackers and have a starting safety operating at 50%. And the back-ups at LB are slow and untalented. So no, we’re not in the best place.”

    Am I the only one who wants to smash their computer monitor after reading this crap?

    • I would love to see a Beaver win just because in reading some of the Wazzu stuff, I think they believe that they are a better team then they actually are at this point in the “turnaround”. That’s not a bad thing from Paul Wolff’s perspective, but It would be nice if the lowly Beavs could knock them down a peg and say cool your jets on a changing of the P-12 bottom feeders, last year was a fluke.

      • The Beavs are by no means a lock in this season’s race for the bottom of the PAC-12. There are at least six other worthy competitors for that honor: Colorado, AZ, UCLA, Utah, WSU, and California. Tomorrow’s game between OSU and WSU should help clarify the pecking order among the PAC-12’s lower life forms, but there is still a long way to go (including OSU games against Utah and California) in a very competitive field.

        • I like your thought process Silverstream! In football as in business, there is something to be said for fighting like hell not to finish dead last.

  29. I see this game all and all fairly close to how Angry does. I think the final margin will be just a bit wider as OSU will try for a TD at the end to make it more interesting but turn it over and fail to do so. It will be fairly entertaining but the heavy trend of OSU being unable to come up with key wins against easier opponents will continue. Calls for Riley to start winning or take a hike should escalate as Wulff probably will come out the winner here and Riley the loser. I hope I am wrong and OSU plays inspired football with many contributions resulting in a ‘W’. But I think Riley and his hand-picked coordinators are outcoached yet again. 1-6 is the most likely outcome.

    WSU 34, OSU 24

    OSU vs WSU @ CenturyLink Field Preview:

    • Maybe Langs and Banks will be able to take advantage of this feature to plan their fishing trips together as I assume in five years they will no longer be coaching at OSU!

          • I’m at the point where I’m hoping that the actual talent we have on the team, the frosh and sophs, will shine next year and even more so the following year. The coordinators will get offers they can’t refuse, and they will be gone.

            Of course, Banker will stick around. He’s had that type of opportunity but passed on it. Maybe some serious discontent will make him think seriously about future offers.

            We take so much time degrading the work done by inbreeding that we forget to celebrate the diversity of new blood.

            The word for the season should be… syncretism.

  30. hello one and all- I have been reading the posts and comments at this site for a year or so now and have finally decided to sign up and put in my 2 cents worth.

    First off I really do appreciate Angry’s honest no B.S. Style and how that seems to be the overall angle of the people that post on here, regardless if there is agreement or not on whatever topic may come up. Secondly I decided to join up as things continued to get worse for the football program. These thoughts are nothing new and have been discussed often here-but for what its worth here is how I see it in Corvallis.

    I am not a fire Mike Riley guy- yet. I am tired of the excuses and the nice guy way that he approaches the game at times. In my opinion there is no excuse for the beavers to continue to come out of September with at best a .500 record. The media and the school have given the staff a complete pass on this and the staff itself does not seem to want to address the obvious- that there needs to be changes in how they approach preparing for the season when they open fall camp. Banker is absolutely failing- His lack of ability to adjust during the game is so evident and yet again no one seems to address the fact. If the personal that you have can not execute the defense that the beavs run in the manner that is succesful than you have to look to find ways to put them into positions to make plays. I know that is incredibly simplified but it is obvious little or no adjustments are being made. I have a hard time believing that there is no coach on the defensive side of the ball that has game time ideas that could make a difference- if there is not, then time for changes. Perhaps Banker is not open to any other ideas?

    Langsdorf is mediocre and does seem at times to be way in over his head. Like some of you here I think Riley is having more of a say in how the offense is run. I wish they would go deep a little more- wheaton, cooks and rodgers are threats and the beavs fail to push it. This is due to mostly one guy in the passing game-Remmers. He has hurt the beavers countless times and I truely think he was the main cause for the loss to ASU-turnovers hurt and they always do but Remmers was special that night.

    It looks as if they are making some in roads recruiting wise but if they do not continue to address the needs on both the O and D lines than any chance for improvement in the future is slim- piss poor coaching just makes it worse. We all know it starts up front and they better get a couple of decent DT’s to go along with a supposed top tier O-line class. I have watched the younger Seumalo play and for those that want him at d-line I understand – he is pretty much unblockable at the high school level but he is going to be a fantastic O-lineman. His technique and footwork are tremendous and he has a bit of a nasty streak which Cav will enjoy.

    I do not accept the B.S. that Corvallis has nothing to offer some recruits. The beavs are not going to pull alot of 5 stars but every once in a awhile should be doable along with a 4. I know that the beavs have found some “diamonds in the rough” and have did well to develope them. But there is a reason that a certain kid has a 5 or 4 star next to his name. Most go to the bama’s, USC’s and the gator’s of the college world but there are others-sometimes I think the beavs just send a letter and then say “well we tried.” Hopefully changes will be made in the near future- if this year and last are not a wakeup call for a re-evaluation then they are in a dream world and it will just get worse.

    WSU 31-Beavs-23
    Beer- Black Butte Porter- Blue Heron Pale- Pike Kilt Lifter (when I can get it) Go Beavs

    • “I have watched the younger Seumalo play and for those that want him at d-line I understand – he is pretty much unblockable at the high school level but he is going to be a fantastic O-lineman. His technique and footwork are tremendous and he has a bit of a nasty streak which Cav will enjoy.”

      Agreed. I, too, have watched Isaac Seumalo play in high school games. In college, he is better suited to the O-line, where he should be really good (assuming he keeps adding strength and bulk without sacrificing quickness/speed — which seems to be a reasonable assumption).

    • Black Butte and Obsidian are the standards here. I prefer Sierra Nevada’s pale. And a good Scotch Ale is hard to find. Rogue’s XS is too nutty, and they hardly ever warrant their prices (their whiskey is top shelf though). I like the flavor of Pike’s, but it isn’t thick enough for my taste. There’s a brew pub in Maui that makes the best wee heavy I’ve had. I can’t remember the name of the place, but I think the beer is just called Wee Heavy.

      Oh… and yeah… we still have a football team… whose games I will watch to the last second no matter how much I grumble.


      • Don’t speak for everyone you elitist! I drink Cascade by the case and Hood River Vodka by the fifth. But sometimes I don’t make it until the last second (not as crucial this year).

      • Beer: Abita Amber (about the best Louisiana has to offer). And there’s a stash of Old Rasputin hidden away in the fridge for when I need a good pick-me-up.

        Jack: If you’re a scotch ale fan, see if you can find some Coldsmoke from Kettlehouse out in Missoula, MT. Damn good stuff.

        mckalk: Ugh, HRD vodka? I remember a time in my life when three or four of us would each pitch in a few dollars to get a half gallon, which we would take up the Molalla River and drink straight from the plastic jug. I’m really glad that time in my life is over. That shit is gawdawful.

      • Jack Beav: As a resident of OccupyDeschutes Brewery, I heartily recommend the underdogs in town ala Silver Moon or dare I say the trendy Galveston pick of 10 Barrel?

        However, if at all possible head to Newport Ave and pick up a bottle of Deschutes Fresh Hop Mirror Pond while still available…I will be imbibing in the same about this time Tomorrow night

        • I love it! Occupy DB!!!! I love that place. Don’t bother telling Gary that i love his beer. He already knows. The porter and the stout are too good. And they missed out on Dave’s brown ale recipe when he moved to Corvallis and helped Dave start Oregon Trail.

          Dave… if you’re reading this… you’re first batch of ginseng ale was not as good as we said it was. It wasn’t bad, but we couldn’t tell there was any ginseng in it. Frank and I stayed up all night talking about it.

      • My opinion is that anything Deschutes makes is (usually) good. I have had an evening or two where the first bottle of the Twilight seasonal puts me in a near state of euphoria-its so damn good on a hot summer night. I agree that Rogue’s prices are high but I was recently in Newport and had lunch there. I had a glass of the Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout- excellent by any standard and it went well with the burger. Here is to a good game tonight-home brewed Browns will be the choice of beer for the game.

        • I love the Mac N Cheese out at the Newport brewery. I felt like a little kid ordering it the first time, but it was so good that I’ve done it several times more since.

  31. Hello everyone.. this is May Kadoody. I am Coach Pettiboneheads Personal Assistant.

    He handed me this hand written note and asked to pass it on to BeaverNation.

    Here goes: “Hi BeaverNation it’s me again. The old and future pending coach. Two things:

    1.) Stay tuned for an important staffing announcement between 5 and 6:00 today

    2.) JackBeav is a tool! Sorry… that might be “K” no it’s absolutely an “L”. Sorry.. his handwriting is sometimes hard to read. I’m sure it was an “L”. MK

  32. According to SportbyBrooks, 3 teams have recently reached out to Leach to see if he’d be willing to drop the TT lawsuit if hired as head coach. 1 unnamed school is from the Pac-12 and I’m assuming it’s Arizona or UCLA.


    Could you imagine Leach as an Oregon State head coach with Chip Kelly in the same state? One gets his balls massaged by ESPN daily, the other wouldn’t even get a sniff from The Network.

    • He’ll get picked up by a Pac-12 team and dominate.

      I remember when I first mentioned Leach 2 years ago I was called insane.

      Time is a great equalizer.

      Also, I think he’ll end up at Arizona.

  33. I try to listen to Leach’s radio show when I can, he calls it like he sees it and he is not afraid to share his opinion about Craig James and ESPN. I think he is bat shit crazy is a good sense, but Angry is right. In two years, “Air Raid Arizona” is going to spew all over the Beav secondary and there will be another improved team in the P-12.

    • I actually don’t think Arizona will offer him the job. Kevin Sumlin would be a really good hire. He likely gets Houston their first BCS Bowl berth this season. He works miracles with QB’s. I would argue he is better than Leach. Leach has only won more than 9 games one time. He has beaten OK St in Stillwater 1 time in 5 chances, Sumlin has won once in two chances. They’ve played once in 2009 and Sumlin definitely outcoached Leach in a really tight game. Everyone is hyping Leach but Sumlin is the better coach IMO. With Houston likely headed to the Big East it may be tough to get him to leave Houston but the right offer would do it. I really wish he would be the Beavers head coach. Everyone would see monster improvement offensively and the team would be incredibly entertaining. I guess a guy can only dream of that.

      • I think Arizona is questionable because I doubt the administraton wants to deal with another “quirky” personaltiy, Maybe UCLA is the P-12 team, they could use a serious shake up. I heard a crazy rumour that Leach is listening to Florida Atlantic with Schellenberger retiring. I doubt FAU would care about his lawsuits.

  34. Hi BN.. It’s me again the future and pending future coach. It’s been a busy few days so I have a few items for you, my great supporters!

    I’ve begun to assemble a short list of assistants. Let me run the initials RN by you. Did you all notice how he absorbed that beat down in Arizona last night? The guy sure knows how to take a loss. That’s always a positive at Oregon State. I know for a fact that he is looking for a backwater assignment where he can lose in obscurity. Sound like Corvallis, anyone?

    Good news! I will be in Seattle, goofy glasses and all, for the big “Reek of the Week” game against WSU. Unfortunately, I can’t sit with BeaverNation in their section. I might be spotted mixed in with the great BN crowd of 30-40. Remember… we need to keep this all on the DL. If Riley catches wind, he may decide to stop sucking and actually pull off an upset. (UW 85)

    Last item: My great personal friend and supporter JackBeav is looking for a ticket and a ride to Seattle. He has a box of raisins and a bottle of water, so the food is covered. He promises to deliver a 10 hour monologue on Sarte’s existential view of man. I know he comes off as an all-knowing pompous tool, but hey.. he’s our tool. JB

    PS: If any of you elect to drive JackBeav up to Seattle, let him wear his Beaver helmet the whole trip. It’s both a booster item and provides important protection to his tender little melon.

  35. This site is rapidly losing intrest for me, as Angry lets the Bonehead troll go on and on. Its looking like O-live these days. Instead of good football analysis, its folks trying foolishly to argue with, or intimidate, a troll. Trolls are on for the attention, so thats just feeding it.

    Block the troll, angy….please.

    • Wait… you don’t have that capacity yourself?

      I profusely apologize for not thinking you were emotionally dependent on this site.


      Not to be rude… Ok… not to be TOO rude, but if you can’t ignore internet stalkers, then what’s the point of going on this whole interweb thingy? They’re here for fun, or they’re here so we can ignore them. The one nice thing about them is that we already know they’re stupid shits. So we can assume that we own them instantly.

      Don’t be discouraged because there’s a generation who thinks Dane C.K…. er… I mean Dane Cook is funny. He’s not.

      • I suspect you know that whatever flashes in front of your eyes impacts your brain no matter what. You cant really ignore what you see.

        Yes, you can skip thru nonsense posts like Bonehead, but you complicate the issue by replying … I had got used to thinking your posts were some of the best on here. Now I have to skip some of your stuff as well.

        A point is … before Bonehead I got used to reading every post, as they all seemed to have something to say. Now its getting like O-live, where you indeed have to weed thru trolls.

        ps — you dont “own” Bonehead…..your replies are not that clever. Stop kidding yourself.

        • Who said I was clever or funny? That person should be shot. I did say it was hard to be mind-numbingly boring while pretending to be funny, as Pettibonehead is.

          I resorted to just stealing content from SNL. That made it easy.

  36. Beavs will win this Saturday. Also, putting up a new poll in the forum. Haven’t posted anything there in awhile…check it out to see what it is in about 5-10 minutes after this post time stamp.

  37. Totally agree…this is really getting old..I can handle the beaver suck, always sucked, will continue to suck crowd, but the troll is pushing it over the edge…all-star wrestling is looking to have more credibility than the site….BLOCK THE TROLL>>>

  38. I’m not a big fan of censorship, but at this point he’s like a little kid telling the same joke over and over expecting the adults to laugh as hard the 50th time as they did the 1st. If there was a way to just allow him forum access, I would be for that and he could start whatever topic he wants and we can choose to follow or not. To make matter worse, he’s not even our troll…he’s a “troll whore” plying is trade over on Oregon Live also.

  39. Maybe….the reason for not banning is because the troll is….angry? Both write complete sentences…take off the mask pettibonehead…sorry, not another word to dignify his existence

      • There have been times when I thought it was angry as well. Thus the “I am Stupid, and Stupid is me” posts. I thought as recently as yesterday that one post was an angry post. But I put it out of my mind.

        In the end, it doesn’t matter. If you can’t block all distractions from one of your blogs, then what focus do you give the blog in the first place?

      • AWESOME LINK!!!
        “B. How can you compete with USC or Oregon if you have 3 walk-ons starting on your line?”

        From two years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. But you fail to read both fact and context. I figured nobody would be looking at the oldest of the old posts, so I tested an html tag. And I followed it up with another comment telling angry what was up, because, as owner of his own site, he would see that comment and wonder what the hell was going on.

      • I’ve known angry since freshman year in high school, and I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is not pettibonehead (henceforth pbh). Pbh’s tenor is not at all close to what angry writes or thinks like. However it is what both he and I think is funny, clever, and light-hearted..something that his detractors lack. There is so much good, heavy, serious analysis on this site, that it needs a pbh to remind us not to take everything so ponderously. Its very playful and harmless and to want to ban someone like this shows just a self-involved, insufferable, and humorless streak. How could you ban someone that calls jackbeav’s head a ‘tender little melon.’ If there’s any justice in this world, pbj and jackbeav will face off on a techmo bowl emulator posted by angry in an upcoming entry.

        Viva la Pettibonehead

  40. i’m really bummed to hear robinson is starting at olb. welch seems like he could be a difference maker and w/o unga we need someone who has a bit of nasty (other than wynn) on defense. welch seems to have some of that. winning the turnover battle and dominating spt is the only way i see us having a chance to win tomorrow. so sad, how far we have fallen.

  41. I think the mindset will make the difference. The Cougs believe they are better than they are and all the Beavers have heard lately is a lot of excuses why they aren’t winning and probably won’t.
    Odouls, Coors NA and Sharps, Go Beavs

  42. There are several of you who have been through times with trolls. Why does this one bother you? He’s the least biting of them thus far. he doesn’t even register on the prick scale. What about this stalker makes you people upset?

    It can’t be his uni-joke. That just puts us to sleep.

    Is it that our football team is losing for a second year? That’s a little silly.

    Buck up people. We’ve had trolls who actually knew the English language, and we didn’t back down to them. What makes chicken-shit any different?

  43. Reporting in from Seattle prior to this week’s game: here is Phil Steele’s analysis for this weekend!

    CenturyLink Field. First time this game will be played off campus. Aided by
    2 Stanford turnovers, Washington State stayed with Stanford in the 1st half trailing by just 3 at halftime but was outscored 34-7 in the 2nd half (outgained 475-257). Despite the loss, Washington State did get back starting QB Tuel (17-30-145) for the 1st time since the opener (collarbone). Oregon State’s rough year continued with another home loss last week to BYU as QB Mannion threw his 8th and 9th interceptions to just 5 TD passes on the seaspn. Last year Oregon State (-24) was embarrassed at home 31-14 as they were outgained 378-261 (Washington State snapped a 16 game conference losing streak). Oregon State is still 9-2 against the spread vs Washington State (outgained them by 791 yds the prior 2 meetings) while the favorite in the series is on a 14-5 against the spread run. OSU is 15-6 against the spread on the road and will be seeking revenge here as not only do they have a large schedule edge (#18-69), they are also getting healthier on offense and continue to impress once the calendar turns from September going 33-15 straight up/against the spread from October on.

    Oregon State 28 WASHINGTON STATE 27

  44. i’m not worried about when poyer is covering wilson, it’s when wilson lines up somewhere else on the field and gets covered by reynolds or a safety.. i’d feel a lot better if banker had poyer follow wilson around like the jets do with revis..

    • Exactly, why don’t we do this? It seemed like last week everytime Hoffman came up big he was burning Reynolds. Make a damn adjustment and let Poyer mark Hoffman. That would have neutralized their entire game.


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