Home Basketball Basketball: Oregon State @ Washington State

Basketball: Oregon State @ Washington State


Not much of a writeup today given the early tip (3pm local).

I'm going to be out cycling with the lady, so check out OrangeExpress for an in depth analysis (though it looks like JackBeav is busy, too).

Areas that need improvement are obvious:

1. Interior D/boxing out. (Easy to fix. Just give max effort and stop being lazy).

2. Free throws (Hard to fix. Requires recalibration of space/geometry and muscle memory).

Max effort today, guys. Salvage the road trip.


  1. I am hopeful we will beat the Cougars. We match up better but they won’t be wanting to start 0-2 either. OSU needs this one pretty bad if we are to have any realistic odds to make the NCAA tourney. Respect is earned and today needs to be the start of learning to win on the road in the Pac-12.

    OSU 82, Wazzu 78

    Oregon St. @ Wazzu Preview:

    • Agreed. He was good out of conference, but back to his old self now.

      Beavs D effort is horrible. Looks like these guys just don’t like giving the extra effort.

    • He’s playing the save way he was against Washington. Burton keeps playing zone instead of man and he’s making TERRIBLE passes!!!

  2. After 1st game and a 1/4 in PAC 12 play….some glaring weaknesses, Burton no defense, to’s galor and Cunningham just waiting to dunk a ball. to’s and not finishing. Guys don’t appear to be ready when the ball goes up….too soft of a preseason?

  3. Rotations on defense are getting better, rebounding is getting better and the offense is looking better. Barton in for Starks is paying off.

  4. Imo Burton and Starks are spot players and nothing more and until CR comes to grips with this OSU is not going to do well. Like I said jmo.

    • Burton was a big part of the comeback and I’m sure that’s how he plays in practice and is why CR starts him but it IS time to re-evalutate

  5. Burton just can’t keep getting tons of playing time. He has spurts where he makes good plays and other spurts where he makes bonehead plays left and right. I can live with Starks getting a ton of playing time cause he has times where he can get hot and go off. Burton kills this team at times.

  6. Driving home from today, I turn on the radio to find out what the score is. 6:00 left in first half, Beavs down by 9. I let out a gasp/chuckle. Not surprised.

    I used to be the unrelenting eternal optimist, always finding the good, always hoping. And, going to most football and basketball games.

    Now, I can’t stand to watch almost every team look more prepared and have a better scheme than OSU does, year after year, after year, after year. I can’t remember the last time I said for basketball or football that I thought “wow, OSU sure looked more prepared and had a much better plan than the other team”. NCAA team? Quit fooling yourself Robinson.

    Why am I saying this you ask? I don’t know. Maybe I’m getting closer and closer to just ditching it all together. I know I’ll never do this but I’m sick to the core of this crap and it’s causing me not to watch, listen, and go.

    By the way Angry…why don’t you show your face? Canzano does it. Kerry does it. Brooks does it. Just make sure you look angry when you reveal thyself.

  7. Force motum to go to his right because he is not good with his right hand. Also, I would drive into the paint more and force wsu to foul. Finally, someone needs to tell collier to get it together and be more aggressive on the boards and have starks shoot less.

  8. Wow. Lenny Wilkins is a horrible analyst.

    Beavs suffering from the same malady as on Thursday night. Down big early, expending energy coming back, can’t get over the hump, etc. Add the same poor D and free throw shooting. Closer because WSU isn’t that great, but this feels like a loss. Good news is I have no pulse for the hoops team…been wrong often. Hopefully again.

    • All to often if they foul CR jerks them out and it might be a long time before they get back in. That’s unless they’re Burton or Starks.

  9. 3 possessions: 2 attempts at circus dunks and a poorly advised 3. Perhaps too much effort at getting highlight shots? If so that’s coaching or lack thereof.

  10. Cunningham has to get his game under control. Ill advised attempts at layups, casting off ill advised 3s, etc.

    Come on CR get control of your team!!!!

  11. Think back to the pre-season swagger coming from all the Beavs players and coaches including the cool video they did and that “Beavs are definitely making some noise in the conference this year” mentality…yeeeah…I’m badass…yeeeah. I’m tatooed. yeeeah.

    Well they’re definitely making some noise and some stink too. Like Uncle Bill’s room clearing farts!

  12. God, this is horrible to watch. Moreland blows lay-ups cause he can’t stop turning it over. There are unnecessary passes in the fast break that are leading to turnovers. Can’t blame Craig when players are always traveling. Players need to get their shit together and wake up.

  13. This is Burton’s offense:

    1)Flash the top of the key and call for the ball.

    2) stand at the three point line to “set a screen”.

    3)stand in the way while others are trying to drive to the basket.

  14. CR must have gone to the Riley school of time out management. When things are going bad it’s all right to call a time out instead of standing on the sidelines clapping your hands.

  15. Angry…admit you were wrong! Robinson is not a Pac12 level coach. At OSU. Riley>>>>>Robinson. Easy OOC schedule fooled the fans and you!

  16. Game.

    I don’t see what CR did wrong this game. Players missed shots, FTs, etc. Beavs are real close. A handful of plays decided this game.

  17. Well, I think the Beavs just saved me some cash, I was considering the PAC-12 package but Burtons second airball on the hook clinched it for me.

  18. Honestly, Beavers have some soft big men. When things get tough they melt down. It’s pathetic. That’s on the players. They need to man up and fight through.

  19. Starks is stepping up and is making plays. They need to look for him. He’s hot from three and when he gets hot he can hit 4 or 5 in a row. Him or Cunningham should be shooting the shots from now on.

  20. It would be awesome if Craig taught his players how to play the game of basketball. I long for he days that people could pride themselves on solid fundamentals. Without them players are nothing more than athletes trying to play pick up games. Defense, crisp passes, court awareness, free throws, rebounds all lacking. I wish OSU would hire teachers of the game. Instead they get faces that say the right thing but don’t deliver.

  21. Back-to-back awful defensive possessions. Cunningham for some reason is more concerned with Reggie Moore than Motum who has been killing OSU and then no rotation D at all and Motum has an uncontested three.

  22. Truthfully I’m really disappointed in Moreland. When things have gotten real Moreland has disappeared. He flat out has not done his job at all.

  23. Starks with a big three. Three point game with 51 seconds left. The Beavers just need one possession of great defense and get the rebound and they have a chance to force overtime.

      • The fundamentals were average. Neither good nor horrible. WSU looked just as bad, it’s just that you’re not a WSU fan so you didn’t notice it. OSU’s style is wide open/motion offense, so of course they’re going to look undisciplined. I’d love to see more set plays. But, that’s not the style. Thing is they have the guys who can pull this style off. They just need to tighten it up.

        OSU’s biggest problem in both away games was energy level…they lost this game in the first five minutes. If they had just played intense from the start, they’d have the win. Some of that is on Robinson, some on the leaders like Cunningham. Overall CR did fine. Recognized defensive mismatches and got bigger guys in there, etc. One mistake was fouling late–he should have played man D and just forced WSU to make a shot. I didn’t see any other glaring problems. Guys missing shots or FTs isn’t a CR problem unless you want to argue he should recruit 90% FT shooters.

        Too much “CR is great. Now he’s horrible”/”The midget is great. Now Starks is horrible” vacillating.

        I don’t think it’s all doom and gloom here. This team still looks much better than last year’s squad. If they bomb the homestand, I’ll reassess and begin to concede. I think the Beavs will be tough at home, and the crowd will have them in it from the start.

        • wonder why Barton got more time than Nelson, is Roberto in the doghouse or is he hurt again? Barton did earn his time, but I don’t understand it? Where’s Collier been, he has been very ineffective the last five games. I also thought Brandt should have been in there at the ned sooner. It still is a long Conference schedule no need to panic, but its disappointing as I thought the team was more mature then they showed, their youth is showing on the preparedness for league play.

        • Unfortunately, they are playing two tough well-coached teams in Cal and Stanford. An 0-4 start is not out of the realm of possiblities, even at home. A very crucial early season test especially the way the team played man to man defense in Washington.
          I’m not completely sold that this team does have what it takes to play 100% man in league play, notice I didn’t say “the athletes to play man” because I don’t think it’s exclusively about athleticism. I think it’s more about court awareness, positioning and understanding the tendencies of an opponent.

    • Whether or not CR is to blame, this should never have come down to two misses on two good looks. cf: the Ucks performance against these guys.

  24. Very disappointing. The ucks run them out of the gym and we just make a late run to make the score respectable. Would have been more interesting if the Beavs would have made FTs. Early slow start dooms them again. Maybe that would argue for a new starting lineup??

  25. Crap! 0 for Washington. I feel like a schmuck for buying the preseason hype. Now watch the non-hyped Ducks beat the Huskies and ruin News Year Eve.

    O… S….U… wave hands like a spaz… no never mind, don’t do it. JB

  26. On a positive note, the Cougs dance line had some very cute girls and good outfits that my wife was complaining about. Great camera work!

  27. The scheduling is to blame here. When the only two road games you play before conference are against teams that are a combined 0-27, youre gonna get a big slap in the face when you play legitimate teams on the road and thats exactly what happened this weekend. I just pray that the players took these games as learning experiences and that they didnt have their confidence demolished for the future.

  28. I said this team wasn’t for real before the Washington game, nobody believed me. I didn’t even bother watching this game because I figured the Cougs would win by 10. Maybe some people care about making a run to keep it close, all it means is the Beavs look less terrible on the scoresheet than they actually did if you watched the game. Every decent opponent the Beavs play, some unknown player has a breakout night, without fail. The PSU game exposed the holes, nobody wanted to acknowledge them. This team isn’t even going to go the 10-8 I predicted. This is a 6-7 win team at best.

    • “Every decent opponent the Beavs play, some unknown player has a breakout night, without fail.”


    • Last year we started 2-0 in conference and everyone was drinking the kool-aid. What we learned from last year (at least some of us did) is that two games is far too small of a sample size to determine the outcome of the season. You could be right about this year but after 2 road losses (one against the most talented team in the conference) throwing the season away is a major reach.

    • For me it’s very frustrating to watch a team that’s not demonstrating the fundamental skills that they should be. Imo their level of talent exceeds their level of play so for me it’s more vexing than entertaining.

      Then again maybe I’ve drank too much of the kool-aid.

      “The greatest of all gifts is the power to estimate things at their true worth…”
      La Rochefoucauld, “Reflexions”

  29. It seemed to me that in the post game interview CR was a little more reserved re his opinion of the potential of Roberto.

    He did say that the reason Roberto didn’t play more was because he needs to develop his D skills.

  30. Now everyone can jump off the bandwagon just in time for some home games! Good thing because I was going to be pissed if I actually had to get a ticket before ariving to the stadium.

  31. That’s what I was thinking, besides Barton played well enough. What this team is lacking right now is some leadership, and since we don’t have any Seniors (who contribute) that falls on the coach to build these confidence level up and identify who is going to be the guy that leads the team. They don’t have that right now. One minute its Starks leading the team, then its Collier, and then its Cunningham. They are almost to unselfish and share too much. What happens is that they all have their moments but they have all disappeared too. We need somebody that will consistently be there offensively and defensively. I have not looked at the numbers, but Collier doesn’t seem to be effective lately. Cunningham had his best second half in the last several games, and Starks is streaky and even when he’s on his defense on the other end is sketchy. They have been turning the ball over at a much higher rate than they did in non-conference where their assist-to-turnover ratio was near the top in the league. I think they need to have one guy set the tone early, go to him often early and let them establish a presence, whether is Starks, Cunningham, or Collier or Brandt. Then the others can get theirs in flow from the defensive pressure.

    • Does this “unselfish” terming remind you of the heat last year? I don’t mean to say that we are as talented but that ultimately, we need someone to be “the guy” (just as you are). It is hard to have 3 great guys, we need someone who can just carry the team when need be. That guy should be Cunningham, he just needs the greenlight to do it.

      • Ultimately I think this falls on Coach Rob, he has done a great job of getting some talented players in here, however I don’t see some of the fundamentals being taught. IMO the team needs to have a gameplan to attack the other team. I agree Cunningham should be the leader, but I would like to see us start to go to Collier early in the game to get the offense going and establish the inside game getting the opponent in foul trouble then going to Cunningham later in the half when we get closer to the bonus, because he is the one who can shoot free throws. Now it doesn’t have to be these guys all the time, once teams scheme to stop that we have capable teamates who can do the same thing. If they take Collier out then go to Brandt, and likewise if they overload on Cunningham then go to Starks. What I see now is they go out on “feel” with no direction and they look apprehensive and then on defense they are constantly getting out of position especially for defensive rebounding. They help so much that teams just draw them in and kick to the open man in the lane or out by the arc. Now those gambles lead to steals, but it also leads to easy buckets. Maybe throw a zone in there to be more discipline in there blcoking out?

  32. I just finished watching the game on DVR, it sucked. This team should be able to play better defense then what we are seeing. This was a winnable road game where you have to punch a lesser opponent in the mouth. I see a soft, soft team that likes to steal the ball and run, but not body up and stop the opponent. A team with NCAA aspirations should have taken this game. It’s time to play with some intensity next week and get two wins.

  33. For the most part I usually agree with Angry’s opinions / assessments (especially when it comes the football program) but I do not share his optimism with the BBall team and CR as a coach. This team is bad on D and does not rebound very well. Throw in the fact that the FT are below average and the team comes out flat for the 1st 2 conference games of the year and you have 1 of 2 issues, a talent issue or a coaching issue. Much like Riley I am not seeing attention to detail that is required to win consistently in the PAC-12. I am SO sick of us “settling” because we are Oregon St in Corvallis. It is time for wholesale changes throughout the entire athletic department. Think small you will be small. I can’t stand the toilet seats as much as anybody but at least they think BIG and the results show (even though they cheat).

    • I agree. Riley probably should have been gone after this year for the health of OSU. More so for hope With change than that he is washed up. Still, Riley is a Sun bowler at best no matter the years. That approach does not contain the seeds of growth. BDC in the meantime is being too conservative and if there are any branding changes it just seems they will be far too conservative to make any difference. OSU has reached the point where it is time to rock the boat. There are all kinds of possibilities that would be bold and still be Oregon St because of our colors. Take a chance and try a new way for a few years. It might surprise you how much our fans would like Oregon St. to stand out. Good things only happen to the upper third of teams in conference. Our current ideas make it hard for us to not be bottom third often and rarely out of the lower half. You have to show recruits you are serious about winning and are an exciting school to come to.

      Get aggressive BDC. And start having a vision besides the same stale mediocrity year after year and just hoping for the occassional upset. Put OSU on the map!

  34. Coming out flat/nervious in the first part of our first two conference games, and losing because of it. We outplay the other team the rest of the way. Is that coaching or just young guys having to gain experience.

    The fact that they fought back in both games is a big plus in my book, and a sign they can improve. They want to win.

    So I say the coaching problems are not the same in football and BB.

    In football the coach actually seems to not care. Riley is a Sun bowl coach? Yeah, in the past. But the Riley we have now doesnt look the same at all. We lose to teams we should beat.

    In basketball, the coach does seem to care, and talks rationally of our progress. This year we play MoM defense and are doing a decent job. I say give it time, for the coaching to bring these guys along. We are slowly moving up from an 0-18 conference season. This season will hopefully give us our first winning season in a long while. Two opening losses arent good, but we didnt give up in either game. Lets wait and see a few more games.

    Riley is steadily declining from a Sun Bowl, while Robinson took over an 0-18 team and is doing better. I have no further patience for Riley, but do for Robinson.

    But if Robinson doesnt get these guys winning some games, and at least even up in conference, give him the axe. If Riley doesnt bowl next year (he clearly gets another year) give him the same.


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