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General Discussion


Can't think of any specific topic that interests me today, so I'll keep this up through the weekend. Next week we'll start to focus on Nicholls State.

Oh, one thing bugging me: I decided to split the cable bill with my family back east (they have Comcast) and watch games online. Figured this was a way to save a few bucks, and since I don't watch any TV other than sports/Beavs it seemed reasonable. Well, it is a week from kickoff and Comcast still doesn't have the Pac-12 network online.

Looks like it's going to be Parker and I. If that's the case, observations might not be so good this year. Comcast has laid an emu sized egg, and the fact Larry Scott gave providers the choice in how to distribute…well, that's an ostrich sized egg.


    • Mariota is a good fit for their system. Remember a couple years back when I was hyping Duke Bukoski. He was a RS at Idaho State last year and will sit out this year due to transfer to Hawai’i, where he should have gone in the first place. Well, all that tape I posted was of him making great catch after great catch by adjusting to poorly thrown balls and wrestling with DB’s to win those balls. Mariota was the kid throwing to him. Marcus was smooth and had a decent arm. But he was pretty much an on the move space chucker who feasted on Bukoski’s ability to scramble.

      Bennett was the same in HS. When he was signed by Nikegon, they were smack talking up and down about how Mannion sucked eggs compared to Bennett. But Bennett showed nothing of an arm. He was basically a short Vanderveen who couldn’t hit the water if he was standing on the shore. Yes, I’m exaggerating. But skills which translate to the college level as a passer were not there for either kid. But they are there for running the ball. Mariota has a better feel for running to space than does Bennett. Bennett is faster and quicker, and he uses those traits too much instead of using his head to find places and spaces where he won’t get hit. He was due for a couple good smacks before his season would prematurely end.

      Mariota is a little more heady and throws a much better ball. He has nice enough touch that he can be coached up to hit the seams, deep sides and bubbles. And that’s where their offense plays. But I don’t think he’s as accurate as Thomas was when throwing those crosses and drags into traffic.

      He’ll have several years to learn, and he may do the same as Thomas–run early in his career and less later as his passing efficiency improves. But I think he’s in trouble due to Thomas’ career. Thomas learned to play the game because defenses learned to defend against his running. Mariota gets to be the immediate beneficiary of that learning.

      Still, that offense is plug-n-play. So he’ll see success regardless.

      • Almost?

        First, there is no room for “new heights.” Unless they add another period to the game of football, their offensive numbers are saturated.

        Second, unless you have the size and will of a Tim Tebow or the size, speed and accuracy of a Vince Young you will not last a whole season on the NCAA level running the option like these teams do. Just like Dixon, your QB will either be broken in an instant or, just like Thomas, he will be chipped away in both mind and body until he starts making decisions to protect himself first.

        That offense is plug-n-play. Period. TE and RB are the only positions which can raise or lower the actual efficiency of that offense. Obviously, the QB level of play needs to be a certain level to allow for it to succeed. But his tools (TE and RB weapons) define his abilities more than his actual abilities define his game.

        • I agree with much of what you say, and that’s why I used the term absurd in reference to the article.

          But where I differ in opinion with you is that I think the way to take the offense to new heights requires two things – a QB (and a durable one as you mention) who is as dangerous a passer as he is a runner, and about two more possessions per game, meaning turnovers or faster 3-and-outs.

          And actually, considering DAT’s increasing role, they may actually score more quickly and get an additional possession per game. If the D could give them one more per game on TO’s (or close to it), they might put up increased yards and points.

          • I’m not saying Mariota is bad. I’m just saying he’s not an upgrade over what they’ve had by any stretch. And he will have a learning curve first. He was certainly a better passer than Bennett in HS.

            But I think the value of Mariota is in his hands and feet in the pocket. He is like Thomas with his hands and poise during and after misdirection. Bennett has always looked like a jackrabbit scared out of his wits back there. So I’m thinking Mariota brings a better head for the system Chip’s running.

            If Mariota steps in and contributes at 60% Thomas’ efficiency, then they probably don’t miss a beat. Compare that to what would happen if DAT or Barner (or both) were to go down. Or how would he do if Lyerla didn’t get his schoolwork in order?

        • Speaking of saturation, I wonder what was the most “saturated” offense of Riley II? Best year of yards and points?

          We all remember the CW beatdown where the Ducks scored 60+, but I actually think OSU may have had a slightly larger margin of victory the year they dropped 50 on the ducks and Anderson/Hass played pitch-and-catch like they were out on the school lot.

  1. I’m reading people rave about Tyler Anderson. IMO Riley is a year late.

    From 8/28/11

    I like Anderson better because he could be an offensive weapon. He has a little Larry Centers in him.

    From August 8

    Tyler Anderson needs to be the FB, too, but haven’t heard much about him. He’s a pass catching threat with good wheels.

    Looks like Riley is finally seeing what I saw (on film)!
    Clayton York? Really, Riley?

    • Ninety five percent of the job for a fb in 2012 on planet football is blocking. The fullback must be able to pass block but more importantly he needs to be the lead blocker on every running play. If Tyler Anderson can do this better than York then he needs to play. If he can’t lead block the middle linebacker or strong safety, if he can’t turn the corner and bury the defensive end or linebacker, then his pass catching skills have marginal value and he should therefore play five percent of the time. York may not look sexy, but at least he can put a hat on a defender. A pass catching fullback is kind of like a one armed paper hanger.

      • on Joe Beaver Show Parker did the play-by-play of a TD run by Terron Ward, but mentioned that Anderson missed his first block, but kept playing and they scored. But they mentioned that Brasfield was chewing Anderson out, because his assignment is to block the first guy he sees and he didn’t do that.

    • he started the stanford game, or at least had a couple catches. i like him as a short yardage receiver type, but he can’t be that good of a blocker if he hasn’t been able to beat out york.

  2. Trent Bray, likes Rueben Robinson as backup MAC, veteran, Jabral Johnson is up and down, some days has a good day in the right spots, other days he is a little off. Expected for a young guy.

    Welch and Dr both have the speed for the league, now they just have to be in the right place. This is my biggest concern. We have the speed but often times see them overrun the plays or be in the wrong place. Bray said they have doing well this camp.

    Mannion play action pass completed perfectly to Wheaton! Sounding good.

    • I think Welch is the best LB since Doggett….
      Not sure about Doctor. I’m high on his speed and coverage ability, but he isn’t a great tackler and is out of position a lot.

      • that would be the other thing tackling, they can get there but can they make the play? Also, can they hold up, neither one is tremendously big can they hold up without getting hurt?

    • That is one thing that I have heard Bray stressing in the interviews he has given starting in the spring and now. Making sure the players know where to go so they can utilize their speed.

    • I also like that Welch might have a little bit of a nasty streak in him. I wouldn’t mind a few penalties if guys are flying around ripping heads off.

      • Heads no. But if we get a couple sideline fouls for good late smacks where the ball carrier is pretending to tightrope and suddenly steps out, then I wouldn’t mind making that ball carrier think twice the next time.

  3. @OregonStateMBB

    Beavs lead 22-14 after first quarter. Eric Moreland with 6 points, 5 boards, 2 blocks. Devon Collier with 5 points, 3 rebounds.

    • Starting all the frosh and sophs? Heh heh… having some fun.

      Beaver starters: Challe Barton, Victor Robbins, Eric Moreland, Jarmal Reid and Daniel Gomis.

      • Up 43-31 at the half. Roberto has 10 points and Moreland with 10 points, 6 boards and 2 blocks. It’s nice to know Roberto is playing well again. I think he’s the key to the Beavers having a great year. Always been a fan, he might be ready to take the next step.

      • Jack,
        Does this team have enough height? I am really liking the skill level of these new guys, but wonder if Taller teams might give us a problem? Center position looks like Brandt and Moreland?

        • Brandt, Moreland, Gomis are all 6’10”. That’s plenty of height Collier is 6’8″ but that’s just fine for a power forward in the college game. I don’t think you’ll find too many taller teams.

        • We’re not going to face many teams as tall as we are. And given the physicality of our 6’7-8″ guys, we’re not going to find many who can push us around either. I have to check, but I think our average height is the tallest in the conference and one of the tallest in the nation.

  4. No AT&T uverse either. I looked into switching today. What are people paying for these services anyways? My Comcast Internet+TV is 155.91 in Napa, CA area

    • Yikes!

      I have Directv with all the movie channels and the premium sports package for $115. Of course, I’ve been a customer for almost 10 years, and I call every two months or so to “change” my package in order to “trim” costs… at which time I let them talk me into saving all the premium stuff I have with the latest promo they have going on.

      • And I don’t think that’s just because I’ve been a customer that long, though, it might help. I think what they’re shooting for is subscribers to these premium channels so they can have leverage when contract talks come up. There’s no cost to them to give me an extra package. They can just switch it on or off immediately. But there is value in the leverage with their subs when they can point the number of households they serve.

  5. I had the Comcast Triple Play last year for $109. That was a 2 year agreement.
    It ran out and they tried to bump me to $159. I complained immediately and they moved me back down to $129 with no yearly agreement.
    I am going to see what Frontier offers for a special before deciding whether to switch providers in Portland

    • Yeah, Comcast offers us 139 for a commitment. That doesn’t include taxes and fees. A bs offer cause it ends back up at the same total but now includes a time commitment.

  6. Comcast is waiting for the football season to officially start before firing up their online coverage of the Pac-12 Networks. I have comcast and my roommates and my bill is under $100 because we got the starter up price. Also, there isn’t much to watch on the internet right now other than soccer and volleyball.

  7. Dennis Erickson at practice today. Only good bowl game we ever went to was the Fiesta. Everything since has been crap. No Rose, Alamo or Holiday Bowls. Sun Bowl in crime infested El Paso, where I will never go back to again in my life. PAC-12 needs to get out of there and find a better city/bowl.
    Hopefully Erickson is wearing his Fiesta Bowl ring and showing it off to the players.

      • Isnt Juarez just across the border, in essence an El Paso suburb, and a very nasty place?

        Dennis Erickson getting prepped to take over for OSU when Riley blows this season and is fired….lol.

        I dont expect that to happen, but nice to hear Erickson put in an appearance. That Fiesta Bowl was sure a high point in Beaver football…. Thanks, Dennis!

        • Erickson did some great things here, but I would not be thrilled if he replaced Riley after this season. That would also mean that we lost more games than last if they are going to fire Riley.

          • No, I am not. When two cities are side by side like that, they reflect on each other. El Paso very safe, Juarez one of the most dangerous in the world.

            Thousands commute between them every day.

            The movie Backyard is very interesting in that regard.

        • What all of you don’t understand is that Erickson had riley’s recruits in 2000. So really, Riley knows how to recruit, but you have to remember that riley’s biggest regret was jumping to the NFL. I think he realized that riley had a good thing going for him at Oregon state. Now he’s trying to play catch up and try to bring us back to the 2000 season the same way he did it in the late 90’s.

          • I dont think that is meaningful.. Riley never did with years of his own recruits, what Erickson did. And werent later ProBowlers Johnson and Houshmandzadah JC transfers? If Riley had stayed on, I bet that Fiesta Bowl never would have happened.

          • That’s just a lie. Erickson brought half the El Camino CC team to OSU in his first year, and most of the starters were from there or other JUCOs or his recruited frosh and sophs. 60% of the O-line and the WR’s were his. The presidents were his. One DT and the MLB and most of the secondary were recruited by him. He even recruited McCall as a transfer from Michigan.

            The best argument that can be made is that we played only three teams with winning records, including the bowl game.

            Maybe there’s something to be said for easy schedules and the BCS?

          • Exactly. The Riley fans keep saying Erickson won with Riley’s recruits, but it’s completely bogus. One of those things a few clueless Pollyannas said years ago that’s stuck because people are too lazy to look up the facts.

          • QB-Jonathon Smith (Riley)
            WR-Housh-commited to Riley decommited, Erickson got him back
            WR-Johnson (Erickson)
            WR-Prescott (Riley)
            TE-Mauer (Riley)
            OL-Cornell (Riley)
            OL-White (Riley, he committed to Riley before he left)
            OL-Gibson (Riley)
            OL-Sykes (Riley
            OL-Sandoval (RIley)
            DL-Jackson (Erickson)
            DL-Grant (Erickson)
            DL–Manning (Erickson)
            DL-Atkinson (Riley)
            LB-Seigler (Erickson)
            LB-Robinson (Riley)
            LB-Allen (RIley)
            CB-Weathersby (Erickson)
            CB-KHJ (Riley)
            S-Carlye (Riley) or Cookus (RIley)
            S-Carrol (Riley)

            16 Riley recruits and 6 Erickson

            Facts. Use them. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

          • God damn it, between you and angry, you’re gonna make me look up the facts myself aren’t you?!
            Angry, in the name of me doing my own research, what say you to Pollyanna’s claims?
            I’m busy, I’ve got a new Bayern brewing beer to judge, I haven’t got time to do my own fact checking. I rely on posters here to feed me reliable info and let me stay lazy.

          • Riley wouldn’t have gotten that team past the Sun Bowl. Erickson came in and there was major momentum and energy in the program. He got every player to buy into being part of a special season and they played that way every week in 2000. I like how Erickson says he got outcoached when he loses and or that frankly they made to many boneheaded mistakes. He says it just like it is instead of being so general and constantly describing growth like Riley.

            Growth is supposed to happen in the 9 months of the offseason and be fine-tuned during camp. Wins in OOC are more important than scheduling TCU or it is very hard to get off to the kind of start where the better bowls are within reach. Another thing that drives me nuts is calling a timeout for a half ending or game ending field goal with 4 seconds still left instead of 2 and then we actually have to punt the ball away afterwards. Riley is the only coach in America that has done this on multiple occassions. The ref is standing right next to him but internally he is too chicken to call timeout with 2 seconds left and trust it.

            Even something as simple as this takes years for Riley to figure out and adjust for some reason. Look for him to call timeouts multiple times this year before kicks with 3 seconds left and the refs having to huddel to decide if they should say a second is left and make us punt. So ridiculous to even play it that way. Our game behavior is too conservative when we have leads and we are all too happy to squirm out wins instead of increasing our lead and getting the more impressive victories Beaver Nation would really feel good about and that make people notice.

          • Not talking numbers, talking impact players. Erickson raided the JCs. Without Erickson’s recruits, that team goes nowhere. Anyone can land bodies (though obviously some of Riley’s players were good, too). DE put the icing on the cake, something Riley has never been able to do in recruiting.

          • Fact: Mitch White and Housh were both gone when Mike Riley decided to leave OSU in the lurch a couple weeks before signing day. Erickson got them back. Score two for Erickson.

            Replace Atkinson with Edwards (Erickson). Replace Allen with Barnett (Erickson). Add one for Cesca (Erickson). Hell I give one to Erickson for an outstanding long snapper in Murdick as well.

            Now remove Prescott, Sykes, Cornell, Robinson, Carroll and Fessler (not that you remembered him). Give them all to Pettibone.

            Where does that leave your non-wasted mind?

          • Hmmm… Erickson 12, Pettibone 6, Riley 5.

            Even with the two disputed (White and Housh), your facts don’t compute. And ST was a whole different story with players like Roberts and Happe roaming the field.

          • And I had to talk to a friend who knows much more than I about football to be reminded that even though Riley only recruited 40% of the starting O-line, that didn’t mean Erickson recruited the rest.

          • And the Barnett/Allen question is up for debate as well. That one is probably a wash in the end given that they split starts that year. But Allen missed half the season while Barnett started, and Barnett played considerable minutes when Allen started. So maybe I shouldn’t yield so quickly.

          • So to be fair we’ll call White, Housh and Barnett/Allen all .5 for each. And we’ll encapsulate the ST players in the LS position.

            That leaves us with Erickson 10.5, Riley 8.5, Pettibone 6.

    • you know, I’m wasn’t any happier having to go to El Paso (twice) versus San Diego (let alone Pasadena) than the next Beav fan, but El Paso was a good experience. The local fans were friendly and the Mexican restaurants in old Las Cruces (Mesilla) are as good as any in the country. That bowl has a bad rap, more a function of the fact the 3rd place team went there than its intrinsic merits as a destination.

  8. ?@OregonStateMBB
    Beavs lead 56-46 through three quarters. Moreland with 12 points and 8 boards. Collier has 9 points and 5 rebounds.

  9. @OregonStateMBB
    Beavs defeat CB Santfeliuenc, 81-63, to go to 2-0 in Europe. Roberto Nelson with 17 points, Eric Moreland with 16 and Angus Brandt with 12.

  10. Found out 4 other Oregon State basketball nonconference opponents. They are Montana State, Howard, Texas Pan-American, Towson, all at home. Please try to contain your excitement.

    However, as we all know, Oregon State makes a trip back east around the Washington D.C. area, if they do that again this year, it appears the game will be @Georgetown. I checked every other school’s schedule in the area and OSU isn’t traveling to their school. So, there’s a good chance Oregon State will be going to play Georgetown. The fulls schedule should be released within the next week, I really hope the Beavers have Georgetown on the schedule. The nonconference schedule would be looking really good. Tough, but definitely would be some fun games to watch.

  11. Redshirts question for Cliffy

    ?@CliffGT@beaverkman Only a handful of freshmen will play: LB Joel Skotte, C Isaac Seumalo are set to play. WR Malik Gilmore is in the possible role

  12. On Gavin Andrews being 2nd string RT, playing this season

    CliffGT@beaverkman He’ll probably redshirt. He’s on the emergency list to play early in the season. If they don’t need him, he’ll redshirt.

    • DeCarolis asked him to visit OSU, to put pressure on Riley…..lol.

      …..”shit, here comes that fukker Erickson, to show me up yet again…!”

      • BDC isn’t smart enough to invite Coach Dennis Erickson to OSU. He was invited by a booster group. Dennis is the only person that has any “class” at all.

        He took young players and with discipline and coaching skills installed the will to win in each and every one of them. Erickson set his goals high and the team followed suit. He showed class when losing a game by taking the loss on his shoulders saying “I got out coached today”. He did not blame his offense or defense, kicker or anyone else…..like Mike Riley does.

        Bottom line is he wanted OSU to win games, to achieve greatness and national attention in a BCS bowl game and he got us there. Deal with it.

        • First four words gets a thumbs up from me. If Football TV money runs all things PAC12 then why is the first game not on tv outside of Oregon? And there is a big fat empty time slot on PAC12 networks at 330pm.

        • Right on. Erickson got his players going with the swagger — felt they could or even should beat anyone. They looked at Notre Dame and just thought “bring it on!”.

          Damn, I wish we could get that back.

          • Hmmm… aren’t we the hypocrites. The Pollyanna’s aren’t allowed to give Riley credit for getting us out of the 28 game losing streak and to call riley a great coach, but Erickson with the words class and discipline in describing Erickson is forgetting his players. How many late hits celebrations, personal foul penalties did Erickson’s 2000 team get!? A LOT!!!! Erickson ran up the score any chance he could which is not much like the ducks do nowadays and look how boring their games are to watch as well as their arrogance. If winning comes with arrogance, than I don’t want a winning program.

          • There is a difference between arrogance and swagger. Erickson never came across as arrogant, and I didnt see that in that Fiesta Bowl team. I have a video of that Fiesta bowl and recall no late hits, much less a celebration of it.

            Riley doesnt get credit for that bowl for the simple reason he never got there. He has been the head coach for years now — where is his BCS bowl game? No hypocrisy at all

        • Erickson is an alcoholic and incapable of dedicating the time to maintain a program or even run one for a full season.

          Heard he was in town because his son coaches in Albany.

        • Not smart enough? To have Erikson swing by a pre season practice? I sure would like to meet the fellow who orchestrated that little piece of genius.

        • so you’re saying that erickson is the only one with class? do you not remember leading the nation in celebration penalties and the constant personal fouls? or the fact that he was the head coach at miami in the early nineties, considered by some to be a completely classless program for years? or the fact that he’s ditched multiple programs in the middle of his contract (including the beavers) to take a different job? THAT guy is classy to you? i’l stop asking rhetorical questions now.

          • What? Who said Riley has no class. He has too much of it….to the point he blends in with the background…. cant be seen…..

            As to jumping jobs, thats what a hot coach will do, if he wants to advance in salary, and situations. Riley did it himself, soon as he got the chance….lol. If that is low class, to you, then you need to think they both are.

  13. According to Scout, Skotte and Akuna have both been making a push. Akuna has locked down the backup Strongside spot, and Skotte is pushing hard for the backup MLB spot.

    Robinson has been doing time on the 3s, at MLB and weakside. (!)

        • He may be more athletic numbers wise. I mean Unga ( or however you say/spell his new name) isn’t exactly a physical specimen. But he plays fast and is a sure tackler…which Robinson surely is not.

        • Scout >> Rivals. For spring and fall camp, they have detailed reports that are comparable to Silverstream’s. Every day they provide a depth chart with 1s and 2s based on that day’s PT.

          A lot less kool-aid in the analysis too, though you see some from time to time.

          I’ve been buying a one month scout subscription, just for fall camp.

        • Beaverblitz… What a joke! I’ve played basketball with Unga and he can run circles around RR. While Unga is not as physically talented as Scotty Crichton, watching those two BEASTS guard each other is as intense as it gets.

      • RR was not very good his career here, he might be better this as he is a Senior and things might be clicking in for him. But I don’t put the total blame on him, I think he felt victim to a lack of depth at the position. We had nobody else to turn to and he HAD to play as a freshmen when he wasn’t accustomed to the speed of the game, nor had he had time at the training table to beef up a bit. But due to poor recruiting and some bad breaks, the MLB position was thin and he was forced to learn on the run. I think that hurt his confidence too out there, because he was bad.

        • He was thrown into the fire a year or two early. We lost David pauahui (sp…#45) and tiny Wilson was always injured and never recovered. If he is called upon this year I will be hoping thigs click for him and can make some plays.

  14. Also, the 2nd string Dline is Fifita / Lopez / Rosa / Braun. (Fernando for pass rush scenarios).

    FWIW, (coach) Seumalo claims to be happy with his depth:

    “You know to be honest with you, we’ve got eight starters – and that is the way it should be,” Seumalo said. “I would have no problem starting (Joe) Lopez or Mana Rosa – or Rudolf (Fifita) and (John) Braun.”

  15. At CB, Martin has supposedly had a great fall camp, with significant improvement. B. Watkins and R. Handford fill out the 2s there.

    • I was hoping Scott or one of the freshmen would step up and challenge for a number two job. It also doesn’t sound like any of the freshmen safeties at this point are ready for any action either. Though Skotte was dogged somewhat as a recruit here, he now appears to show real promise. Film does not tell the whole story. A recent article about Nick Saban indicates that video/film is not top of the list for recruiting tools for Alabama.

  16. If I remember correctly the Sacremento St. game was not televised anywhere last year, so I guess many of us will be in the same boat listening to Parker next Saturday.

    It seems like us “non-Comcasters” are actually regressing with Beaver football coverage. A few years back you could count on Fox Sports NW to pick up the Beaver opener even if it was a FCS opponent like Eastern Kentucky or EWU. I even remember Beaver replays on Sundays, so if the game was not televised you could listen on Saturday and at least get the visuals on Sunday to see how the action went down.

    I enjoy the B-10 Network on DirecTV, so I hope something is worked out this week similiar to that scenario, but if not my guess is that something will pop up on the vast world of the internet like when DirecTV and the Versus network were in their pissing match a couple of years ago there was still a work around.

  17. In a high-end Seattle restaurant a few years back the waitress saw our Beaver attire and mentioned quite casually that her brother used to coach there. Sure enough, she was speaking of DE. She said that he loved it in Corvallis and wished he never left for his 2nd stint in NFL.

    Remember when he returned to reser with his Idaho state team and got a huge ovation?

  18. The while Riley vs. Erickson debate is interesting topic. I don’t think either of them are top tier coaches. He brought us the fiesta bowl, which is still the greatest osu highlight for me, but he wasn’t able to build on that success. Numerous times I read posters say about Riley how he wasn’t able to capitilize recruiting a big tile running back after quizz and the best we could do is Agnew also how can we go from playing for a rose bowl to not making a bowl? Erickson the two years after the fiesta bowl the best he was able to do was get blown put by Pitt in the insight bowl. Erickson didn’t take over an Oregon state team with an empty cupboard, the 1998 team was damn near 8-4. And when Riley took over for his second stint, he had players from Erickson. To me Erickson is a great short term fix for a team, he was perfect for what osu needed at the time. But I not convinced he is a long term coach, look at all of his teams he coaches, the longer he stays the wins decline. Still I wonder what would have been if he had stayed.

    • Pitt had the star receiver in that bowl, like we had in the Fiesta bowl.

      Erickson may have been up and down, but his ups were higher thatn Rileys. Two titles at Miami, and dang near one at OSU.

      I think they are both good coaches, but Riley not able to get the pieces together for the peaks that Erickson can get.

      But it looks like Riley is rising to the cause now. and so may do ok this year, and have job security. So this Erickson visit is just a classy good will appearance. Good for him.

      • I think there is a little more than who has the star receiver on a team. I assume you are talking about Chad and Larry Fitzgerald. Chad was pretty good in college, but no where near Fitzgerald.

  19. FWIW Cliff and Riley seem to agree that this camp has been different. “Riley said. “We had no problems with dorm problems, lateness problems. I thought they were as good as I’ve been around. We were able to focus on football with no distractions.”” Cliff then adds his own corroboration.

    Also, looks like Tyrequek is gonna get his shot.


  20. Some good updates here. Most notably, Freshmen who will be playing Andrews, Smith, Seumalo, and Josh Mitchell (I need an update on him I don’t remember him). also, some defensive players to play on ST but not announced yet. Watkins is out for Saturday, with Zimmerman in his place hope he learns fast! Where’s Ashton been, I thoughthe would be a difference maker. I am worried about the Safeties even with a healthy Watkins. Murph and Zim for now. Good little tidbit no trouble this Fall camp with tardies, curfews, or drinking.

    One week before the opener, blog notes out of Saturday’s practice: http://bit.ly/PJl4nP via @gtnews

    • I believe Josh Mitchell was the heavy weight wrestling champ from Washington who they were saying would likely play DT. I haven’t seen his name mentioned in the practice reports though. Anybody know which side of the ball he’s been playing on?

      • After reading the article you linked it sounds like Mitchell is still playing offense. That’s too bad because I really thought his size combined with a champion wrestler’s mentality would make for a nice defensive tackle (not to mention we’re scarily thin at DT…).

  21. Just got an email that the Truax center will be open to the public now. Thought I remember someone bitching about that earlier on here. Still not my scene for tailgating but it’s a good spot to vet out of the weather and I guess the Beaver walk is now going to go right past the front now.
    Also, alcohol is available to purchase too, not sure if this is new or not.

  22. Anyone able to read Cliff’s commentary headed “The Beavers have little room for errror…”? For me, the background made it unreadable, is there a workaroud?

    Notice that Kevin Hampton has been writing more about Beavs FB, has the team at 7-5.

  23. I get the sense that nobody really knows how the pac 12 network will work, but if someone knows the answer to this it would be greatly appreciated.

    I live outside the pac 12 states but have time warner. Only the pac 12 national network is available so it doesnt appear we can watch the opener out here. Ive heard that there is something called “TV Everwhere” that would allow a subscriber to watch online. Would i only be able to see the national network online or is this intended to allow people to watch any of the regional networks? Is TV Everwhere an ipad app or is it thru the pac12.com website?

    • The ability to watch PAC-12 network online is tied to you being subscribed to it on your tv (cable tv). If you are able to watch it on TV then you can watch it online. In case of some people who only get PAC-12 national and one regional network (PAC-12 Oregon for example) on their tv, they are able to watch all 7 networks online.
      It is rumored the PAC-12 iPad app will be available before the end of this week. However the android and iPhone versions will be a couple more weeks. Meanwhile, if you are with a provider other than Comcast, you view the network through the PAC-12 website. Comcast customers need to go to XfinityTV.com which from what I heard is not yet available, possibly before the start of the first game.

    • If you are getting the PAC-12 network on your tv, then you will be able to access the channels online. This is regardless whether your provider only made the PAC-12 national and one regional network (say PAC-12 Oregon) on your tv, you will get access to all 7 network online.

      The networks are accessible through the PAC-12.com website with the exception of Comcast subscribers who has to access it through their own website at XfinityTV.com (which is not available yet but they are working to get it available before the first football game)

      From different sources, they mention the iPad app will be available before the start of the first game. iPhone and Android apps won’t be for another few weeks.

        • Good to know. Any word if the website will be an HD stream? If it is it should be as simple as plugging the laptop into the a/v reciever right?

          • Hope so. I haven’t tried it yet but I read that the stream is better than the one comcast is making people use. I used to have my laptop hooked up to my tv for netflix and that picture quality seems okay. Hopefully it’s like that.

  24. Beavers in Madrid playing Alcobendas today. They’re leading 50-39 at the half. Angus has 15 points and 8 boards. Starks has 11 points and 5 assists, and Collier has 11.

    • @OregonStateMBB
      Beavs defeat Alcobendas, 85-69. Now 3-0 in Europe. Angus Brandt with 16 points, 10 boards. Devon Collier with 17 points, 4 blocks.

      Looking like a successful trip, yes?

      • It is. Some other teams have lost some games overseas, Beavers haven’t played a close game in the 4th. They’re having a good trip and taking care of business.

    • Makes me much more optimistic about the season. Danny did not have the magic. Downside is the team will need to remember more than five plays. Hope they’ve been studying!

  25. Riley has call plays in the past and its nothing to be impressed with. Remember, If Riley didn’t like Langdorfs play calling over the past two years, he would have told him so and had him change things……..nobody changed.

    By pulling the offensive coaches job it just shows how big a whole is in the OSU football program under Riley. If you can’t trust your coaching staff then change them out. You guys are hanging on to threads which will soon break as you see our teams performance over the next few months. It’s not just play calling that is a problem, its preparing our team for each game, making sure they are in shape to play a full 4 quarters, making sure they can execute plays and have an attitude greater than obtaining a toiled bowl.

    I thought Riley was a good Christian. But stating that he is taking over play calling because he likes it is a joke and a lie. He is taking it over because he can not trust his offensive staff and he thinks he can do better……..another words the pressure was on to have Riley do something.

      • LOL … yeah. Christians are always truthful? What a joke.

        And there is no logical connection between boring play calling, and Riley immediately correcting the problem. He is slow to do anything.

        But I do agree that he has resumec the play calling because the pressure is on, not because he got nostalgic and just wanted to experience that again.

        • And also if you believe the rumor that was posted a few days ago that Riley was calling plays against Washington state, that could be seen as coordination between Riley calling plays vs langsdorf. That game was definely our best offensive game both executed and called (and least boring/predictable) I don’t know for sure if it’s true, but if the style from that game is what we are going for, I have no complaints.

          • That rumor surfaced in the days after that game as well. personally i don’t believe it. i refuse to accept that riley took over the offense for just that one week and got them to hang half a hundred points up on the road and then decided he’d rather let langsdorf call the rest of the year. it just doesn’t make any sense. i do hope it’s true though because it would give a definitive reason why that was far and away the best game of the season. not to mention it supports the idea of firing langsdorf.

          • Yeah it was weird how that game was so different in terms of play calling. But why didn’t Riley keep calling them for the rest of the season if he had called them in our best offensive game? Or was wazzu just that much worse than us that day? I forget who posted that rumor, but he has been pretty dead on with the things he said. So I don’t know for sure.

          • Its conceivable that Riley wanted to show Langsdorf what could be done with his offense in hopes of “teaching” so he would not have to take over play calling duties(it does take focus away from overall strategy, time mangement, etc). Perhaps by the time he realized Langsdorf could not “get it”, it was already too late to save the season and chose to take corrective action this year, perhaps saving face for Langsdorf so he could get a job somewhere. That could be behind the shenanigans with Riley saying he just wanted to call the plays because he missed it. I think there is probably a lot more to the story, but its a behind closed door thing. All I know is that Riley is an upgrade in play calling… it may hurt our overall team management, but we will put points on the board.

    • Sounds to me like the truth, just not the whole truth (or the main truth).

      He’s an offensive guy, and probably does miss calling plays. But if all were well on the play-calling front, his loyalty to the OC would trump that desire.

      • I think Riley is a class act regarding loyalty to his staff ( to a fault as has been discussed here before) and he’s just trying to make the move in as quiet a way as possible. Riley knows some change was/is expected, so here is his version of change. Time for the results to reveal whether it makes a difference.

        • I don’t understand what the big deal here is. I love Lang’s play calling. 3 and 12 Ward off tackle- 2nd and way long screen here. I love it, but many of you are probably not into cutting yourself as a past time.

    • Look, we should be concerned about what we can do to improve things this season. If Riley is an upgrade in play calling, even if only a slight upgrade, this is positive news. Maybe this change should have been made earlier, or maybe Danny should be gone, but he is here now for better or worse, and if this move helps the team, good.

    • You forgot to mention your… um… I mean the Ducks… again… in another of your silly little rants.

      Your irrational thoughts might be entertaining if you didn’t try to make it sound like Riley was Stalin reborn.

      But hey! Go ahead and keep making up shit in your head, and keep laying it out on our screens. It’s a free country, and only something with a grain of truth can really start any serious conversation… which is why you’re not getting one.

  26. One thing I question is this (from the langsdork story):

    Is Storm Woods ready to be the guy?

    “Ideally we want one guy. Storm has shown he can be an every down back. Malcolm has improved his catching the ball and he’s a pretty good pass protector.”

    Imo, if talent permits, the team would be better off if they didn’t have the philosophy of having one back play every down.


    • Agreed. If you have multiple backs use them. Especially if you can keep one fresh for the 4th quarter. Have one guy be your main back but don’t run him into the ground.

      • i actually thought they did a decent job of using several running backs last year in place of having one really good every down guy like quizz.

  27. @TGold_PG
    2013 MIF Trevor Morrison (Bothell, WA) going off @ PG Northwest Showcase. 4-for-6 w HR, squared ball up everytime. #ORState commit

  28. I thought we already knew Riley was calling plays?

    Anyway, yeah, that will improve the offense. The offense isn’t my concern, though. It’s depth, especially on the Dline and CB.

    Beavs should score 30 per game on offense.

    • I agree, I think the offense will be fine (if the OL makes the expected jump in production). I am less concern with the depth at DL and CB as I am more concerned with the depth at Safety and LB. Reynolds, Poyer, and Martin look good at CB (although there is little proven beyond that). But who do we have at Safety? Zim is the backup and he’s starting, Watkins is hurt and how much he plays is anybodys guess. Outside of them who do we have? We are much more unproven at LB, we have RR behind Feti which is OK. Akuna and Skotte are total question marks? I don’t think we have any lettermen behind the starters?

      • See, I don’t like Martin, and I like Jabril Johnson at LB. Safety is thin, but Watkins should be back at some point and be a serviceable backup.

        I think we only have 2 CBs and 0 Pac-12 quality DTs

        • I look at the depth chart, Martin, Cummings, Marble, Handford, B Watkins all with ST experience so that should help with game speed, and thus serviceable most are upperclassmen. Then you Zach Robinson, Tyler Hasty, Larry Scott, and Naji Patrick for third string and redshirting.

          I am not sure about Jabral Johnson but he sounds like he could be good, but I think I saw where he is third string behind Unga and RR, I am more concerned with the edges. I think Dyllon Mafi is a help and an upgrade. So those two should be solid, but neither has pac12 experience. With Saulo and Magaeo redshirting, you are left with Jashawa James, Charlie Gilmur, and Kyle Gardner?

          At Safety you have Ashton and Audiss backups to A Watkins, Zim and Murph, redshirting Hedgehock, Hill, Norland, and Miller? Only A Watkins and Murph have played the position in games.

    • But now it is offical.

      If our defense performs the same way it does last season (30 points per game). We are going to need to average more than 30. But I think there is going to be better play from our defense this season.

    • When asked about calling plays during camp, spring and fall, he always said it was just happening in camp and that it was not a permanent move. People speculated I would be permanent, but this is the first time Riley has said so.

      • Yes, and until the official word, now, I nursed the fear Riley was only calling plays in practice to get the pressure off Langsdorf, and then would go back to letting him call plays when the season started.

        I really had the impression that Riley had stopped caring about winning, I expect he always knew he could call plays better than Langsdorf, but didnt care. It is looking now like he has recaptured his will to win.

        Positive signs!

        • I like it the sense that it feels like Riley taking more ownership of things. We will see what the results are, but the more engaged Riley is, the better.

          • You’re singing my song Kroger. The more engaged Riley is the better!

            Even though he is slow to make changes we now see evidence that he is responding to the poor records of the last two years and whatever outside pressure has been applied. Riley has to be competitive at his core to have gotten as far as he has; I simply believe he has been unfocused since the Civil War losses which cost the Rose Bowl.

            While Angry has opined that he makes changes only to appear pro-active I believe he is just so darn conservative and loyal that changes come s l o w l y. The result may be that it is now too late to turn things around, but I’d much rather have Riley (and the team) be engaged than not.

            There will still be L’s for this team but if the changes Riley has made, along with his demeanor, cause the team to play with fire, passion, and focus then I can accept that.

          • Hm. Interesting point about the post-almost-rose-bowl period. Maybe Riley got it in his head after two times being *that* close to the big show that he didn’t have what it takes to get his team there and he needed to hand off more responsibility to subordinates….now he’s been watching the steady decline and realizes he can and has done a better job with his hands on the reins.

            Fuck if I know. Decent theory anyway.

            I’ll make the bold call. 8-5 this year mostly by outscoring opponents,not stopping them. Hah.

  29. There should be noticeable differences in play in 2012 with Perry’s and Bray’s coaching and Riley’s play calling.

    Depth will continue to be a problem for this team and could dampen the on-field results, but Riley’s conservatism, these changes seem fairly significant and positive in the context of the post-2006 Sun Bowl decline.

  30. What if Riley went up to the booth like Pa Joe did? I know Riley isn’t 142 years old but I have always thought the head guy should be up high to see the whole picture and sent in the orders. Someone egde-u-ma-cate me why there isn’t more of this???? Tradition?

    • Did anyone ever see Paterno’s mouth move when the camera was on him in the press box? He seemed pretty out of it last season and I think they were just putting grampy in his rest home up there.

      • It’s funny Riley has the reputation on here of not getting on a ref’s case over a bad call, yet he does it in games very frequently. He didn’t challenge some plays he should which should have been reviewed by the booth anyways, and gets this reputation. When Owusu got knocked out on a legal hit by Poyer and Poyer took it back for 6 only for it to be called a penalty, Riley went off on the officials about it and you saw him get fiery on the sidelines. Riley will definitely go off on officials for bad calls, the reputation that he sits back and just let’s things go is a little undeserved.

  31. Angry- What can you find out about the two new players OSU added to the roster? Garrett Southan and Jake Hatcher. It seem that between Cliff and Lindsey, they have the locations mixed up and Garrett might actually be Southam not Southan.

        • And if you’re outside of the Oregon p12 region you get cal/Nevada instead. Followed by women’s soccer. I may have mentioned this before already, but I see it as the biggest athletic depaertment no brainier blunder of the year so far.

          • A couple things genius boy. Comcast doesn’t control any of what’s on what channel. They control which channels they provide to maximize income. The stations(networks) control content. It’s the athletic departments fault for not getting the game on tv. Especially with a PAC12 network guarantee to show available games. There is no 330 game on the PAC12 national network. The AD realizing this and simply moving game to 330 would have made it available nationally… A side screen in a good sports bar, but available. Instead we are left with a 1230 game, limited tailgating, and tv exposure limited to Oregon region. Ahhh but what the heck, majority of viewers are in Oregon and won’t realize the lack of national exposure. I’ll be watching Cal/Nevada on my big screen while squinting to see our season opener on the iPad. Sorry for the beginning insult. This topic really has me steamed and the idiocracy.

          • why don’t you just hook your fancy iPAD up to your TV? It works with my Android tablet, so seems like the iPAD wouldn’t be any different.

          • wait, if you were planning to watch CAL/Nevada anyway, how would you have watched Oregon State? wouldn’t you have been stuck squinting at the iPad in that scenario too? or do you have 2 tv’s running in the same room?

          • Yes, but my primary focus is the Beaver game. So it would’ve been a glance at the iPad in between plays, not iPad as primary display. Also, the android phone is kept on national scoreboard. It’s a big effort, maybe I do need more tvs :)

          • You’re right that comcast doesn’t control it, I meant to say Pac-12 network. The local affiliates (stations) have nothing to do with anything, since there isn’t a local affiliate involved in the 7 Pac-12 channels.

            Sure, they could have moved the game to 3:30 to get the national feed, then you would have had everybody in Oregon pissed off because we’re forced to watch the shitty standard def feed from the national Pac-12 channel…because that’s all they are offering in the vast majority of the state of oregon at this point.

            I’d prefer to watch it in HD and I would have been more upset at that move, catering to the relatively small amount of people who live outside this state who care about oregon state football. Sorry you don’t like in oregon, but hey…that’s the breaks – you don’t get HD until the national feed goes HD.

            And they’ve said they won’t be broadcasting the same programming on two channels at once, so you can forget about the OSU game being on the Pac-12 Oregon and Pac-12 national feeds at the same time.

          • What numbers is saying, is that OSU should have set the game time for 3 so that there was not another competing PAC12 game at the same time.

            EDIT: What he said

  32. An interesting article by cliff comparing last years defense to this years. To everyone who said banker did not have a defensive sceme, well you were right. Turns out last season they were spending so much time learning the basics that there wasn’t time to game plan or sceme, mostly learning on the go. And that article reminded me of during the spring I was in Corvallis and ran into rusty Fernando, I asked him a few questions about spring and the upcoming season. One of the questions that I asked is if there is a difference between last seasons team and the team for the upcoming season. And he said “people know their stuff”. I am hoping that is the case for the defenses struggles last season and this years plays much better assignment and fundamental football.

    • Thanks, bone, that is encouraging and doesn’t sound at all like a scripted response. Anything else significant from Rusty?
      Less than a week to go!

      • Nothing to significant. It was mostly chit-chat, he talked about how he liked osu and the coaching staff. But I would say the theme of the conversation was how he/the team know had a grasp of the defense.

    • When the going gets tough, just roll over and die. Not a great way to install a winning mentality, but so far as this season is concerned, I hope you’re right. And your theory could be supported by lack of Riley calling for changes after his thorough off season review. I truly hope youre right.

      However my basic senses of right and wrong screams that thats so wrong. I believe a better coaching strategy would have been to adapt for personnel and adjust and scheme to match strength, hide weakness. But maybe that’s why I’m just a track coach and not involved with football currently.

  33. The article made the point that recruiting classes are being built earlier and earlier each year which means that many of the best players are committing to someone. For OSU to end up with a really good class, it means that we will have to take committed kids away from other schools. Our history doesn’t show that we have a good track record of that. In fact, history shows that we lose good recruits. So while it is too early to hit the panic button, getting a class that is rated in the top half of the Pac-12 appears less likely with each passing day. Bottom line is that it is harder to win games with lesser talent on the field, no matter how good the coaching.

      • I don’t believe they have in recent times, like the last 5-6 years. But if you look at where they finished according to Rivals in 2008- 8th, 2009-8th and in 2010- 9th and you look at the results of the last 2 seasons where those players would be on the field, you see that we are falling farther behind in talent. To close the gap, we need to move up into the top half or we will be a perennially mediocre team. Kraft Hunger bowl in rainy San Francisco.

          • That was also a game where Sean Canfield showed his toughness. Had a messed up shoulder and played with a lot of pain. Had to get shoulder surgery soon afterwards, but really sucked it up and got the win for OSU after Moevao went down.

  34. I called Direct TV again today and they still haven’t signed agreement with pac 12. They just told me to check back later in the week.

        • Looking pretty good considering the competition. Moreland, Angus and Berto look like they’re stepping it up big time.

          Robbins is a nice surprise as an offensive swing man… though we’ve only had Seth and Omari in that role, and they were limited in what they could do.

          And the other three frosh will contribute quite a bit in different roles. Reid and Gomis just need to acclimate to the physicality on the NCAA level. And LMW just needs to get comfortable gelling in the back court with Starks, Berto and Barton. But it sounds like all he needs is a green light and he’s gone. It looks like we’ll be 11 deep this year. And that’s not an 11 with a specialist here and a role player there. Gomis may be the only role player on the second team, and I have yet to see what he can contribute on offense.

          Berto taking on more scoring means Starks can play hot and cold and do a little more cutting to get the bigs involved. And the bigs are a huge plus for us with a great mix of experience, size, depth and toughness.

          I’m going to wait until I see actual games before I can say how fluid they are as a team, but the reports are good thus far. I like the high shot percentages from our bigs, but I dislike the foul shot numbers. And I like that we’ve won easily while cool beyond the arc. In fact, Berto has had a decent average despite his trey shooting. He’s putting up a lot of shots, which means he’s comfortable doing so.

          Starks is doing the same, but he’s not in his game mind yet. He left off well last season, so he’ll get the work in to be ready. The nice numbers for Starks are his A/TO/S numbers. He was 15/5/10.

          FT’s and treys look like our soft points. Treys will come around. FT’s are going to be on Collier, Moreland, Gomis and Burton.

          • Thanks! Yeah, gotta work on the FT’s

            Dont the European pro teams play fast, with 24 sec clock and all? I was pleased that we were still going strong in the 4th quarter. Depth helps, of course.

            This could be a fun year for hoops.

  35. Was just checking out the Huskies schedule to see if they had a time set for the Beavs game up in Seattle. Just realized how brutal Washington’s schedule starts out.

    9/1- vs. San Diego State
    9/8- @ LSU
    9/15-vs. Portland State
    9/27- vs. Stanford
    10/6- @ Oregon
    10/13- vs. USC

    I could see them starting out 2-4 this season. Luckily for them, the rest of the schedule is pretty easy, but they’ll have to survive murder’s row to get to those games.

    • 2-4 is where I see them at too. They aren’t beating LSU, Oregon or USC, but don’t see them beating Stanford either. Stanford will run the ball on them consistently and I think they’ll get solid QB play. Washington to me is a 7 win team.

    • Well, they certainly will be “battle tested” by the time they get to the Beavs, but hopefully bruised, battered and demorilized as well.

    • sidebar: I always pay attention to the context of where an opponent finds itself; the most obvious being “trap games,” back to back road games, and the like, and, of increasing importance, whether a team has achieved bowl eligibility or not. In the present case, UW will almost certainly not even come close by the time OSU plays them, which makes an already difficult matchup even harder. On the other hand, the Cal game this year augurs for a “who gives a damn performance” by the bears, and quite possible Stanford with a mix or wins and losses by mid-November and no great incentive to perform well, especially in a no-Harbaugh/Luck scenario.

    • Well, that sucks. I only live about an hour from Nicholls; I’ll go down there with a bullhorn and call them all pussies if they can’t make it, regardless of whether or not it’s their fault.

    • I was thinking this might be a risk. Brings to mind the 2001 season when, after 9/11, a game was cancelled and another re-scheduled for later in the year. No Nicholls state game also means having to win six other games of the remaining 11. Seemingly a (too) tall order.

      • i’m not totally sure but i can’t imagine that they wouldn’t be able to set up a replacement game with another FCS school who has a mutual bye week. it’s just stupid not to, even if it ends up being against a division 2 team.

    • Hmmmm, is the a foreshadowing of a threatening Storm?!? A signal to every opponent on the OSU schedule?

      Maybe we’ll have to classify his games based on his performance….hope to see some category 4 and 5 games, though the occasional 2’s and 3’s are more likely…

  36. It’s understandable what Nicholls St. is doing. I believe they are evacuating many areas since the exact trac of the hurricane is difficult to determine. Players going home to their families is the right thing to do especially if evacuation is involved. I wish everyone down in the storm area the best of luck.

    • I just came to this site to ask the same thing. A john hunt article today casually mentions that Nicholls St runs a 3-4 and it’s something OSU has been doing this fall. He mentioned it like an “oh shit, I forgot to mention”

      Maybe the reporters don’t mention it because they’re asked not to give away that sort of information? But if that’s not the case I’m baffled why this is only now being revealed.

    • Hunt made mention of the same thing today, first I’d seen it mentioned. Seems worthwhile to me, maybe this truly is an indication that the staff feels the players have the fundamentals and playbook down well enough to open things up.

      Also, Riley made a general statement on the radio tonight that (I believe in regard to game prep) it is the responsibility of the players AND the coaches. Gets my hopes up for a lot less blaming the execution by players for problems.

        • Castro has good size for that, but considering he is only going to be good for 10 plays before he sucking o2 and we would be undersized at de maybe not so much. Dylan would make a great 3-4 linebacker though Elvis Dumerville style. Not that many college teams in the 3-4 hard to get enough big enough dudes.

          • i think it could benefit fernando a good deal as well. i feel like using him as a 3-4 outside linebacker utilizes his talents more than having him be a speed rush end on passing downs who always comes off the ball from a three point stance.

    • Riley says the 3-4 is becoming more common in response to spread offenses and allow OSU to get more safeties on the field.

      So would that mean Watkins/Murphy and Zimmerman (who I expect is starting for Watkins Saturday)?

      I read positive things about Ashton, but then, as somebody pointed out here, he seems to get run over by RBs.

      I’m hoping its Zimmerman that gets the nod. In fact I hope Z wins and keeps the starting job, and Watkins is the third safety added in.

      • ?????

        3-4? That’s crazy talk! And the people on this site who have been clamoring for it for years on end are just loons.

        And like everything else OSU does, they do it too late for the proper effect. By the time we switch to a 3-4, the 4-3 will be back in vogue.

  37. I dropped my oldest son off at Baton Rouge about 3-4 days before Katrina. He was an exchange student and wanted to experience a fall season of SEC. Why doesn’t OSU just invite them out early and have them stay with the players? This used to be the norm many moons ago and did not require boatloads of planning or $$$.

    • A great idea but I believe a lot of players from that area will want to be with their families to help with evacuation, flooding, etc. It all depends on how bad the hurricane hits the area and what the extent of damage is. To players and coaches down there, safety of their loved ones is more important than a football game…….rightfully so.

      • I’m down here in the midst of it. This hurricane is a baby…. my university is only shut down for a single day. There’s no boarded windows, no big lines for gas, or anything like that. Everyone is just taking this as an excuse to get drunk in the middle of the week.

  38. Cliff quotes Rashaad Reynolds as saying there is “no problem” with N.State. While everyone may believe that, it’s not a smart remark to make publicly. Hopefully he just means that on film he hasn’t seen anything unusual about their offense.

    Regarding the offense of N.State, while Riley says they show elements of the pistol and spread, our “pay per view” guy Cliff says they run a standard offense with which the Beavs match up well.

    • Well Nichols state changed quarterbacks and the one that is playing now as cliff mentioned is more of a conventional quarterback and not the scrambler like last years. Oregon state does tend to match up well against non-mobile quarterbacks.

      And I’m with you on Reynolds, I’m hoping he means that he isn’t seeig anything that they can’t handle.

    • nice…..the funniest part about it is it’s not even a deal. $110 for 2 tickets to a night game vs Arkansas St? Wait, what’s that? you get 2 free sodas with that? Where can I sign up?!!!

      More power to them if they can get people to pay that kind of money to see a crappy game, but they seem to think they’re more big time than they really are.

    • Groupon is just as legit as anything else. At least the Ducks will stop at nothing to sell their tickets and make their audience happy with good deals. You are reaching really far to hats on them.

      • I agree that using groupon is fine, but at least make it a deal. $55 per ticket and coke is not a deal to see Arkansas State. Especially when the students aren’t even on campus yet. The atmosphere will be stale compared to the regular season.

        • It doesn’t need to be a deal. There are plenty of idiots out there who will buy because of the illusion of a deal. That’s called Sales :).

          I think slamming the Ducks, who will continue to sell out because they know how to market and sell their product, makes anyone who does so seem like they’ve been suckin’ on some sour grapes.

          • That’s the issue right there. They sell-out only half of their games, but they’ve “sell-out” every single game for the last 13 plus years.

            I guess if you repeat a lie such as:

            a) “University of Oregon is the flagship university in the state of Oregon”


            b) “We’ve sold out every game for the last 20 years”

            ….then people will just begin to believe you and accept it as fact.

            And mainly, I was just making fun of duck fan:

            “What I was making fun of is the fact that duck fan makes you think that “everyone” is flocking to see their games, “it’s the hottest ticket in town”, we have 10,000 straight sell-outs, we have the greatest fan base in the history of sports, “we are an elite school”, blah blah blah. We know that if this game is a “sellout”, it means that Phil bought the remaining tickets.”

      • Don’t get me wrong, I love Groupon and have bought a few myself.

        What I was making fun of is the fact that duck fan makes you think that “everyone” is flocking to see their games, “it’s the hottest ticket in town”, we have 10,000 straight sell-outs, we have the greatest fan base in the history of sports, “we are an elite school”, blah blah blah. We know that if this game is a “sellout”, it means that Phil bought the remaining tickets.

        • I think that with the big use of social media these days that the Groupon deal simply replaces the Bi-Mart promotion except that you do not have to drive to a store to get a voucher. While the deal may not be attractive enough to sell the extra 3000 tickets, it is another sign that the Ducks know how to do marketing. Our game is not sold out either and there needs to be more emphasis on getting people to the stadium. We are not just missing out on the ticket revenue, but also on concessions, souvenirs, and noise level. Also, if people go to the game, have a fun time, they are likely to come back. So there is no down side to promotions like this, but lots of upside.

          • Again Kenny Duck, right on cue. I know I can post something about the ducks, and you’ll waddle over with a defensive reply. You sure LOVE YOUR DUCKS!

          • I’m not the paranoid one – you immediately replied when I posted something about the ducks. You failed to understand why I was making fun of your beloved duckies:

            “What I was making fun of is the fact that duck fan makes you think that “everyone” is flocking to see their games, “it’s the hottest ticket in town”, we have 10,000 straight sell-outs, we have the greatest fan base in the history of sports, “we are an elite school”, blah blah blah. We know that if this game is a “sellout”, it means that Phil bought the remaining tickets.”

            My post had nothing to say about Marketing.

          • Actually, your post had nothing to say. So you repeated yourself. Try screaming louder next time. The thread was about Groupon, marketing and promotions.

          • Kbeav’s point: Ducks claim every game is a “sell out!!!” Yet, as people here have pointed out you can walk up to the ticket office and buy a ticket at any point during the game. They consider something like 54,000 a sellout, but capacity 60,000. It’s just more of the Duck Marketing/spin machine saying “Look at us, we’re the most awesomest!!!” Although “creative marketing”, the Groupon shows that they struggle to sell out bad games just like everyone else.

          • This is just a desperate attempt by a desperate marketing staff to preserve a sellout streak. If they really gave a crap about their true fans, they would give the tickets away to a deserving group. I doubt we see this again. The Ducks like to pretend they are a premium ticket and would not need to resort to “promotions”. They lost a lost of season ticket holders over the last couple years with some price increases, so this is probably some fallout from that plus student not being on campus.

    • Hey Einstein, what’s wrong with selling more tickets? Groupon is the perfect outlet to sell excess tickets to a ho-hum game like this. It’s not a good deal I agree, but over 20 people have purchased them so far.
      Think about this when Reser is half empty this Saturday. Butts in seats helps the program.

      • “What I was making fun of is the fact that duck fan makes you think that “everyone” is flocking to see their games, “it’s the hottest ticket in town”, we have 10,000 straight sell-outs, we have the greatest fan base in the history of sports, “we are an elite school”, blah blah blah. We know that if this game is a “sellout”, it means that Phil bought the remaining tickets.”

  39. Riley said “All systems are go” today as far as the game being played at this point. I’d say it’s 95%+ that it will be played as scheduled on Saturday.

    • At this point it’s not up to mike riley to determine if the game is on or not. It’s going to be up to the Nicholls St. coach based on weather/flood damage conditions to make the decision. Like beaverbend says, we should get word from Nicholls State sometime late Wednesday or early Thursday.

      • Unless we see a dramatic upgrade to the hurricane, I am confident the game will happen. Too much money on the line for Nicholls. It could break their season not to get that money.

    • He’s getting letters for football, which is his primary sport. He was the CIF Northern Section MVP in hoops last year, but that’s a little misleading given the competition. That would be like looking hard at the best hoopster from Eastern Oregon. Still, he’s projected as a likely D1 WR/ATH.

      • Thanks. I do respect you analysis. But. Northern Section population and talent base is similar to Southern or Central Oregon. The Provincial point of view crystalizes why OS in athletics fails to see the trees in the forest…fails to understand principles of sustainable harvest as they apply to sports.

        • I think you mean parochial, not provincial. And if you can name the multitude of athletes from these regions, then I’ll gladly look more closely to see if there are any basketball players I don’t feel I could still whup in my slow and dilapidated condition.

          I’ll get you started:
          Carney Lansford
          Aaron Rodgers
          Mike Sherrard
          Jacoby Ellsbury

          That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Ah… Kyle Lohse… Kellen Clemens and Roy Schuening? Oh… Ashton Eaton… can’t forget him.

          Shall I make a “oh you’re just so [parochial], and that’s why your school fails at everything” list of athletes from regions surrounding Eastern Oregon and NE Cali?

          Or do we need to discuss how nobody ever discovered the athletes who did come from there… so that… they never… actually became big time athletes?

    • Best quote:

      “They’re big shoes to fill,” Kostol said. “He was amazing here. I’m proud to keep the punting tradition here at Oregon State

      That is really delusional. Who will forget the punt to nowhere, the only punt I’ve seen that didn’t even get back to the line of scrimmage without being blocked.

      • Well there was that punt by the giants in the 85 playoffs that the punter whiffed.

        Heckler was just way too inconsistent. He did have some great moments, but he had just as many bad. From the practice I saw last week kostol definitely looked better than the Aussie. We might have to wait till Wisconsin to see if kostol is any good.

      • You’re right. -4 yards deserves no criticism. And talk of the Ray Guy Award winner being better than him was just unwarranted. Shame on those people who chose Allen as the recipient of their award. Don’t they know he isn’t as good as Shanky?

          • Which was what?

            He obviously has the talent to be a good or even great punter. He showed it in one stretch from the Sun Bowl until about four or five games into the next season. But his performance otherwise was not good. Consistency is the name of the game as a punter, and he didn’t have it for the majority of his career at OSU. And the criticism he received here was in comparison to an OSU legacy who wanted to play for OSU but ended up taking his nationally recognized best foot elsewhere. More of that criticism was aimed at the coaches than at Hekker himself. Although, some games have made it hard to separate the poor personnel decisions from the personnel.

        • I was in Camp Randall for the infamous Negative punt. Wisconsin fans were laughing.
          He was pretty good……………….when it didn’t matter. When you needed a good punt was when he would dial up a really bad shank.

          We were actually in that game and playing fairly well when Shankopopolous handed them a TD.

          We can’t find a punter at the U of M either. Tell your kids to practice punting. The new college
          savings plan.

    • The one thing that I found interesting from what Riley said when questioned about “how does scholorship play into the starting punter?” Riley’s response, “No, it doesn’t.”

      Hmmm…So Riley only gives a punting scholorship every 4-5 years then?! That’s not a good decision when the one punter you have is inconsistent and you don’t remember how many bad punts he had compared to good punts. I just hope that they go past the line of scrimmage this season. If we have a negative yard punt at all this season…I’d question the special teams coach’s methods of punters practicing. Are they just running sprints like in the waterboy?! lol

      • I believe he gave a schollie to Kyle Loomis, who was somewhat recruited, and he left the team right before his Sophomore season, leaving us with Serna to do the punting.

  40. Chip Kelly is not following the Official College Football Coaches Handbook. The proscribed procedure when given a “quarterback controversy” is: a.) Start your second choice in the first game of the season. This is generally a guaranteed win, so he will probably not cost your team a victory. b.) Start your second choice quarterback in the much more difficult second game. Then very early, preferably after the first series, replace him with your first choice. c.) After the game (and for the remainder of the season) don’t answer any direct questions about the status of the original starter.

    This is pretty double secret coach stuff, but what the hell I’m not looking for another gig. JB

    SOURCE: NCAA Coaches Manual 2011. Section I Paragraph III.a all rights reserved, patent pending, ecum spiri 2.2.0

  41. ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where is our Nicholls State thread??????????????????

    This one is getting out of hand.

    You promised — most important game of the season! (surest win, that is)

  42. Oregon State should be able to get a large margin victory against Nicholls St. The Colonels haven’t been able to practice like the Beavs. Looks like this one is going to get played on time. Storm Woods needs to show he can be the man and get on track for 1000+ season yards. Mannion just has to play smart and lead a productive offensive unit. Defensively, I hope we are aggressive and can make plays on the ball. This needs to be a feel good win but also needs to start to erase past demons by being well and aggressively played from start to finish. Keep the petal down until late in the 4th and we should be able to score 42+ points and instill belief we can play with the Badgers.

    OSU vs Nicholls St. Preview:

  43. Per MLB.com:

    The Cubs’ Darwin Barney played his 113th errorless game Tuesday night in Chicago’s 4-1 loss against the Brewers to match a National League single-season record for consecutive games without an error by a second baseman, set by the Padres’ David Eckstein in 2010

    Handy linky.


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