Home Baseball Baseball: Oregon State @ Georgia

Baseball: Oregon State @ Georgia


Georgia wins 5-4 in 11 innings.

Tonight's pitching match up is Josh Osich (6-4, 3.57) vs Blake Dieterich (3-3, 3.43). Whatever pitching Georgia had is being taxed. Rumor has it Hershel Walker was warming up in the bullpen…lol.

The Beavers will be the away team tonight. If they lose, they'll be the home team tomorrow.

I don't know about you guys, but I wasn't impressed by Georgia or Creighton. The Bulldogs pass my "eye test", and I keep hearing they're battle tested, having played the toughest schedule, and come into this tournament with momentum. Yada yada. All that might be true, but what I saw this afternoon was an average team.

The only way I see the Beavers losing this game is if Josh Osich gives it away. The offense should be good for at least 5 runs.

Prediction: This is a tough call. On one hand, I feel the Beavers should win this game somewhere in the 5-3 neighborhood. On the other, I can't stand Josh Osich and have no faith at all in him. It's easy to envision him throwing this game away and putting the team in a bind come Monday. Which do I go with? Well, I am going with what I expect to happen. And that is the better team finds a way to win. Pat Casey, please have a short leash.

5-3, Beavers

Stream: ESPN3


  1. So, if you could decide, which team would you rather see? Creighton Jays must have the better “book” on this current crop of Beavs but I don’t know if that is enough for me to vote for the Bulldogs.

    Still tied, top of 8th inning.

    • Creighton has the better pitching and defense, and they seem to have focus and an “it” quality about them that’s dangerous. So, I’d rather see Georgia. It’s pretty even…you can make a case either way.

  2. Cal and Rice are in a rain delay in the middle of the 8th. They just put the tarp on the field. Zona already played their way back to the final series against aTm, and it looks like UCLA will do the same to play Irvine.

    I don’t care which team comes through against us. I just want to see us be consistent with our game. That should be enough to get them through tonight and carry over to next week.

  3. Still tied, top10.
    This just in from Cliff, “Should Creighton win, OSU is home in game 6. Should Georgia win, the Beavers will be the road team.”

  4. Can’t say it will be easier but i think a Pac-10 vs SEC matchup is pretty compelling. Let’s finish these east coasters off…Go BEAVERS!

  5. Damn, ESPN3 worked fine yesterday with my Verizon Wireless connection on my old work laptop, but today I keep getting the remote access window when I try to watch something. I guess I am stuck with Parker and Game Tracker.

    • If you have an Xbox360 you can download the espn app and watch on there. ESPN3 wasn’t working on my laptop but it was working on there.

    • Maybe it saved your Verizon settings and you’re no longer using Verizon? Clear out your browser cache and start over, choosing your correct ISP. There are hacks out there, too, for those savvy enough to find and use them.

  6. I just hope we win! I don’t care by how much. All that matters is we stay ahead of the game not 1 game to be eliminated! at least not until the Super regional!

  7. Beavers should have a nice day at the plate. They face Blake Dieterich. He has an ERA of 3.44 but opponents have a .307 avg against him.

  8. On the Vandy feed the guys are complaining about being the #1 team and being the away team more times than the home team. WAAAAH!!! Someone need a bottle?

  9. Must say, I really like Vanderbilt’s field. That wall in left field is definitely unique for college baseball. Belmont ties it up at 1 in the second.

  10. Arizona ties the score with Texas A&M at 2 in the bottom of the 6th and have two runners in scoring position with no outs.

  11. LOL Mt. Hood? It would actually been more accurately stated if the ball had gone towards the right field fence or out of play to the right.

  12. Josh keeps missing high. Gotta have a short leash on him.

    These Bulldogs are mashers and will kill Josh if he stays high. Lets see what effect Casey’s visit has.

  13. Schultz on for Osich. I feel bad for Osich. He’s got a lot of potential but he hasn’t been right since that no-no. And not always right before then. Hope he gets it together for the pros.

  14. Nash killed a potential huge inning. They took the lead at 3-2 but should be up by at least two runs. He doesn’t get a bunt down and then strikes out. Very unproductive at-bat.

    • Yes there is a reason, just not a good reason. Right now he’s probably their #2 guy if he would have gotten consistent starts. I’ve been wanting him to be in the weekend rotation for a couple months. He can be a terrific starter.

  15. Even with questionable calls at the plate, Beavs are beginning to get some breaks. Bell and Rodriguez plays sounded like the kind where inches could have been the difference.

    Bulldog pitcher has made a fair amount of pitches and pick off plays so far, I don’t expect him to last past the 6th. As I type he gets two outs with two pitches….what do I know.

  16. Schultz has gone 5 innings an given up just two hits and a run. If he doesn’t start next weekend(assuming they advance) then there is a serious problem.

  17. Good job by the Beavers to add a run there. I would go with Schultz through the 7th then hand the ball to Boyd and Bryant for the 8th and 9th.

  18. Wow. Boyd doesn’t get it done. Beavers have to win tonight. If they lose tonight I don’t like their chances tomorrow.

  19. Bell singles. Runners on first and second with 1 out. Golden opportunity to retake the lead now. Jake Rodriguez is up.

  20. Sac fly by Norris and it’s 5-4 Beavers but then make a dumb base running mistake to run themselves out of the inning.

    • Lees has ran them out of innings a lot this year. He just seems to get too excited and doesn’t use logic.

  21. Got to give Casey credit, earlier he uses the ‘ol busted bus thing to motivate the team and now pulls the switch on the lights to give time to treat Tony!

    Seriously, don’t know if he can be kept warm and ready to go during 10 minute delay.

  22. What I liked about this game: OSU didn’t have the opportunity to cruise, but showed that they can gut out a tough win.

    What I hated about this game: Starting Osich and baserunning errors.

    OSU should be pleased with themselves after this weekend.

    • Pretty crazy stuff. OSU would have an advantage with it being at home. Second time they would be expected to play a SR in Nashville and got it at home instead. The baseball gods don’t want the Beavers in Nashville apparently.

      • It’s the CMA music festival, actually. Bonnaroo is happening the same weekend but it’s about ninety miles away. And I wouldn’t get your hopes up. The NCAA might have booked hotels in advance, or they might not consider it justified to send the national seed across the country.

        I don’t think that it would be justified to send Vanderbilt to Corvallis for that reason, no matter what the hotel situation is. One of the advantages of a national seed is that you get to sleep in your own bed. Tough beans for the unseeded team if they’re visiting on a busy hotel weekend. If the positions were reversed and the Pope, Barack Obama, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were all coming to Corvallis next weekend, I wouldn’t want the baseball team to have to travel to Nashville.

        Maybe the guys can camp out in the outfield. They can play with silly string and glow sticks and ask each other if they believe in God.

  23. I find Osich telling Casey “I need extra rest” and then throwing one inning all a bit suspicious given it was the eve of the draft. Makes you wonder who’s in his ear. Casey’s patience with him seems shot, too.

    • Osich declined to talk to the media. His velocity was poor. The draft is tomorrow. Who knows what’s going on. Again, I think he’s got potential and I would love to see him play pro ball, but I don’t want to see him take the mound for OSU again this season.

    • FWIW…According to the GT Osich has had a stiff back.

      “Osich didn’t have his usual velocity and control. He told the coaches he felt stiff before recent games and needed an extra day off between starts.

      Since his no-hitter at UCLA on April 30 he has an 0-3 record and two no decisions. His ERA over that stretch was 5.32.

      “He has been stiff, sore in his back,” OSU coach Past Casey said. “He hasn’t used some of those muscle for more than a year. I really don’t know. I just know he didn’t look right. He wanted to stay out there because he’s a competitor, but I didn’t think that’s the right thing to do.”

      As for his availability in next weekend’s Super Regional against Vanderbilt, Casey didn’t know.

      “He’ll see the trainer (today) and team doctor (today),” Casey said. “I really don’t know. He didn’t have a lot of answers, but he didn’t have any command.”

    • That is just a dumb statement. The Beavs really have played just as well on the road this year as they have in the State of Oregon. I understand that many on this site don’t understand that critical doesn’t mean fatalistically negative, but let’s get a grip. This team has been a great joyride this year. Enjoy it, however long it lasts.

      Angry gripes about the Orange tinted glass wearing fans that feel OS can do no wrong. I fully understand that perspective and that annoys me as well. But I think it even worse the fans that feel that the sky is always falling and that OS only wins because Neptune and Saturn have aligned. Being critical is important in continuous improvement to make sure that nobody becomes complacent and that the right questions are being asked. Being negative is destructive and unfortunately extremely contagious.


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