1. Pitching change for Winthrop, runners on first and third and 1 out. Beavers need to get at least 1 run here. Beavers have blown too many opportunities to really blow the game open today, wouldn’t be close if they hadn’t. Need Hayes to come through here.

  2. Hayes walks. Bases loaded and 1 out for Dunn. This is a spot where Dunn has struggled so far this season. For whatever reason he’s been bad with the bases loaded, at the very least he needs to get a sac fly here. A ball in the gap could really bust things open though.

    • Nevermind they’re pitching him now.I don’t understand just bringing him in at the start of the inning. However, I’m really confused as to why Matt Boyd is not starting tomorrow. I don’t get what Casey is thinking.

        • 1

          If he had a healthy Adam Duke and Jace Fry I could understand him keeping Boyd in the pen but he doesn’t have them available right now. There’s nobody healthy in the rotation that you can say is a “Better” option than Boyd. Hell, I’d take him over all of the current starters.

          • Luckily Fry should return next weekend.
            Beavs don’t have one good starter. This could be a bad year. Only bright side is it’s early and the Childs/Wilkerson’s of the world might not be as bad as they’ve looked. Pitching is usually ahead of hitting, though…

          • True. Child pitched well today though. First 6 innings he breezed through things, then his defense let him down in the 7th.

  3. Tony Bryant comes in and gets the job done and keeps the game tied at 4. Time for the offense to come alive and put multiple runs up this inning.

  4. Tony Bryant is the man. Came in and stabilized that game. Love that he throws multiple change ups (or a palm ball?). Either way, old school, heady pitcher. Love that. Most guys at this level are throwers.

  5. Is this the longest a thread has ever gone on this site without Jack commenting? Something seemed wrong when I was reading along and I realized that Jack is yet to comment. Angry, is this a record for him? I think Jack is a bright guy and has good comments, but did you notice that sometimes he uses the reply option on his own comments to carry on conversations essentially with himself? Does anybody know Jack’s address or phone number? Perhaps a quick check to make sure he is alive is in order.

    • Jack was alive and well this morning. We had a nice conversation about the possibility of the Beav’s accepting a CBI bid.

      Also.. covered with others was; Matt Courts relative suckiness, Elton John and some obscure high basketball prospect the Beav are pinning our future hopes upon.

      He may be exhausted after a very busy morning but I’m sure he will rally. JB

      PS: Check prior thread with about 53-54 posts.


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