Home Baseball Baseball: Illinoise & Connecticut @ Oregon State

Baseball: Illinoise & Connecticut @ Oregon State


Jace Fry is set to make his debut this afternoon at 3pm. He'll be going against Illinois' Matt Milroy (0-1, 3.52). If Casey elects to pitch him in game 2, he'll go against Connecticut's Jordan Tabakman (1-0, 3.86). Dan Child will start the other game.

The outfield of Davis, Barnes, and Conforto is holding its own thus far. Good to see, as that's clearly the best offensive option. Tyler Smith deserves mention. He transformed his (offensive) game in Pac-10 play last season, and he deserves a fair shot at the 2B job. Hopefully his 3 hits yesterday puts him on that path. Nice to see Wetzler get it together, but it's going to take a few more outings like that to convince me he's turned a corner.

Some notes about these opponents:

  • UWV was picked to finish 10/12 in the Big East, so take Wetlzer's performance with a grain of salt.
  • Illinois is currently 4-5 and projected at 6th in the Big 10.
  • Ucon was picked to finish 3rd in the Big East, but they're off to a slow 4-5 start.
  • And Oklahoma is currently ranked 18th in the nation at 9-3.

Beavs are right on the cusp of the polls, so 3 of 4 this weekend should get them back in the mix. This weekend will be more telling than the opening 12 game road trip (just a brutal way to begin a season).


  1. I was disappointed in their 8-4 start especially given the ducks 10 game winning streak but I attended last night’s game and came away thinking that this could be a very good ball club. I know that UWV isn’t a good measuring stick but the Beavs took advantage when given their chances. Scoring 7 runs on just two hits doesn’t happen very often even against bad teams. Wetzler looked very good. UWV hitters never could figure him out, they were late on just about every swing and never did get good metal on the ball. Ben moved the ball around and UWV only hit was an infield hit. One game doesn’t mean a turn around for Ben but it’s sure a good start.

    In other tourney news, OK was beaten by UConn 8-7 and IL beat the ducks 2-1.

  2. Rain and cold front is hitting the Portland area as we speak, not sure what it’s supposed do down south this afternoon. Too bad, it was gorgeous yesterday.

  3. Keep in mi d the Ducks haven’t played anyone of note, either. As far as the 12 game pad trip, this stuff is common for the Bravers due to the weather patterns in the Northwest to avoid postponements and cancellations. Casey is still trying to figure out exactly what he has, and the best place to use everyone. This is a better test, but the best measure will come tomorrow.

    • Ducks start has been fools gold. They’re good but not that good. Vandy stinks and they needed to catch some breaks to sweep LBSU. Easily could have been swept themselves.

      This weekend will be a test for the Beavers. If they win 3 of 4 I will be happy, but if they sweep them I would be ecstatic, especially with Pac-12 play starting up next weekend. Would be big for their confidence and have them playing well heading into a brutal conference. First two teams in conference they play are @ Cal and home against Arizona. Both those series will be tough tests against regional teams. Odd that the conference season starts so soon but with adding Utah that was bound to happen.

  4. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=dw-wetzel_robert_griffin_trade_redskins_colts_rams0309

    RGIII netted 3 first-round draft picks(including #6 this year) and a second round.

    I wonder if he’s going to crack under the pressure knowing that they bet the franchise on him. I feel this is happening to Isaiah Crowell. You are expected to be some sort of savior, and you are not. Then everybody hates you. The disappointment of unrealistic expectations I have heard it called.

  5. Dan Child looks like he has some good stuff today. A couple pitches were hit decently, the latter really carried which is a little strange at Goss in March. Just needs to get the fastball down a little bit. The breaking pitches look really good and almost unhittable.

  6. Beavers get a huge inning and lead 6-0 heading to the bottom of the second. Feels like there will be another 10 run rule in this game.

  7. After a HBP on Barnes, single by Gordon and an error by the right fielder, Conforto comes through with a two run single and it’s 8-1 Beavers

  8. Beavers win 8-2. Solid performance from the offense and a great outing from Dan Child. Really excited to see Jace Fry for game 2.

    • A good outing for Child, indeed. Anyone concerned about how long Casey left him in?

      I don’t have a pitch count, think around 95-100. Last year there was some concern that Casey left pitchers in too long early in the year. Myself, since Child already had an outing in the 80-90 range, I see no probllem.

      Also noted that Child seemed to get stronger as the game went on, the Ill batters didn’t gain any advantage today by seeing him over and over.

      • Both pitchers in the Illinois/ duck game threw over 100. With a 4 game weekend I suppose it’s necessary to get your starters to go deep. And the reply from Beavergopher is… that’s what she said.

  9. Jace Fry gets into trouble in the 4th but gets out of it and it’s 2-1 Beavers headed to the bottom of the 4th. Fry is probably done after his 4 innings. Nice debut.

  10. That’s a great catch by Dylan Davis. Huge play in the game. Would have been 4-3 UConn and they may have gotten more in the inning.

  11. Tyler Smith with a two out hit and almost made a base running blunder. But this brings up Conforto and Davis. Chance at a run here

  12. Gorton Sucks. If he was an outstanding defensive catcher it would make up for poor hitting but he is only an average catcher at best.

  13. 2 of the last 3 inning the Beavs have had two on and nobody out and didn’t score. And those single run innings should’ve been crooked number innings. Missed opportunities is the story here, not a single PH opportunity.

    • True to an extent but it was a big moment in the game and you have to put your team in the best position to take advantage of an opportunity.

  14. Conditions are so bad everyone is having problems.

    Probably should be playing water polo instead of trying to play baseball.

  15. Missed defensive plays have led to 5 of the last 6 runs for the Huskies and the offense hasn’t got it done the last 4 innings or so. That is the reason for the loss. Loss very similar to the one against St. Mary’s last week.

  16. ducks lose to OU 3-2. Had runners at the corners with two out in the B9 and Altobelli at bat and he popped out to end the game.

  17. This was a bad loss. UConn is an average at best team. Beavers lost focus tonight. Offense started out alright but the last 5 innings did nothing but blow opportunities. Defensive mistakes gave UConn some runs and the bullpen wasn’t good. Just a poor performance all around. They need to bounce back tomorrow afternoon

  18. With daylight savings time we only have to wait less than 12 hours to get the bad taste out, hope the team can flush this game and play solid tomorrow.

  19. Well, Looks like tomorrow I root for Beavs, Ducks and West Virginia. I wanna see the Beavs win this Nike Showcase. And at 3-1 need ducks to win over Uconn. WV to win too so that its a straight up series win. Also that average at best UConn team beat “#16” Oklahoma last night too. If they beat Ducks thats 3 road wins over “top 20” teams.


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