1. What did Angry call this team? Dipshittery and loserdom if I recall correctly? I’m sure the Beavs choke this game away by five points or so after they let some player who’s done nothing all year torch them for 20+. I’m getting hard pressed to see where the Beavs get enough wins to get the seven I was hoping for, doubt they reach it without this one.

    • I do. The shots are FINALLY starting to fall.

      They will likely run it out by halftime. With Lockett in foul trouble, ASU needs Jahii to come in for them to have a chance in the second half.

      Nice to see Rhys eh? Coach Rob know we just need shooters on the floor. ASU has no athletic ability to speak of.

  2. Well, I don’t want to be cynical here. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.

    I hope they will win. I’m usually a happy beaver fan, its just everyone that says we’re better than we are cause me to go into antipode mode.


  3. That 1st half was ugly basketball. The beavers have so much more talent then ASU but lack discipline and that means they lack coaching. They throw up shitty shots, run no offense, seldom look to pass inside, and play out of control most of the time. It’s sad because they have talent.

    • Completely incorrect.

      This team is sulking. They had innumerable good shots by running the offense from rote memory. But they exhibited no effort.

      If it continues, then it will be a coaching thing. The walk-ons deserve a chance to play if the talent doesn’t feel like it.

      But right now it’s all about the team feeling sorry for itself.

    • More.

      That ASU team completely sucks outside of a glimmer of talent in Lockett.

      That was just an embarrassing game. If I didn’t lose two hours of my life earlier in the day watching Nikegon and UA pretend to play something resembling hoops, I would say the Beavs were the worst team in Arizona yesterday.

  4. I’ve backed Craig all season but it might be time to let him go. Performances like tonight are inexcusable. This team starting 1-5 in conference play is inexcusable with this talent.

    • Right now I’m thinking I’ll be posting this on at least a weekly basis or until Angry tells me to stop OR until I get sick of posting it.

      Based on the Trib story and what Jack posted, during this past week the gross pay of my “heroes” were as follows:

      Bobby D ~ $9,615.00 ($500K annual)
      Mike R ~$22,000.00 ($1,151,667. annual)
      Mark B ~ $6,933.00 ($360.5K annual)
      Craig R ~$18,269.00 ($950K annual)


      Are OSU and the fans getting their money’s worth?

      Does Dr. Ray care about OSU athletics?

  5. They run no offense , it doesn’t matter if they face man or zone. It’s 1 on 1 and throw up some shitty shot. There is a huge lack of coaching with this team.

  6. Besides the lack of coaching this team plays with no emotion. I’d like to see someone get pissed and act like they are tired of this shitty basketball.


    Listening to Parker is bad enough, if I had to see it I’d probably have a stroke.

  8. Craig has completely choked at coaching this game. Entirely too much zone(same problem as last game) that the defense just annihilated. Our lack of good shooters(Develop a midrange, Jared!) biting us in the butt. And Burton playing more than 10 minutes means bad D and O.

    These losses are on Craig.

    • The Beavs lose these games before they even hit the court. Practice! Practice your free throws!! Practice mid-range shots, Christ practice something.

  9. Really starting to have serious doubts about Robinson’s coaching ability. Looks like we may be headed for another losing season and another coaching change in the next couple of years.

  10. Wait a minute, did you see the hostile environment that the Beavs are playing in. There must be at least 30 in the student section that is harrasshing us. Totally uncalled for behavior.

  11. Stuck with…
    Dr. Ray’s ignorance about sports
    Stuck with…
    Stuck with…
    Riley’s refusal to evolve
    Stuck with…
    Stuck with…
    less than mediocrity

  12. The ASU announcers (yes I switched over to see what they were saying) said in the pregame broadcast the ASU coach said the talent of the OSU players is as good as any in the league.

    After the game the ASU announcer said he doesn’t understand the play of the OSU guards.

    Come on CR. Get a clue!

  13. We won early games against little sisters of the poor. This is now embarrassing. I say that we now cannot make the Big Dance, and that is the only thing that counts in basketball. Has it ever been worse in OSU athletics?
    Why would anyone with high aspirations come here?
    You say that we can not vote with our dollars by not going to games. I say BS on that, I will not attend another game this year. If everyone would join in, that would send a message as attendance is very visible. While I don’t donate very much, I will also suspend my donation. It is not that hard to get good seats at any game without a donation.

    • Name a team in the Pac-12 that sucks more? Talent doesn’t mean much if it is untapped. I question our talent level. We certainly have some with talent that are raw, but they are stymied by shitheads like Burton (should just play in garbage time), Starks (streak shooter at best) and Roberto (the disappearing man). You can see the frustration in Cunningham’s body language.

      I don’t want to see this team attempt another free throw. If you get fouled just politely decline the free throw and give the ball to the ref…same difference. I know when I’m going to die of a coronary…while the Beavs are at the line. CLUNK!!

  14. He really needs to do what Steve Lavin did at St. John’s and that is get coaches that are good X’s and O’s guys to help him in game preparation. Lavin, I think, learned from his time at UCLA that you have to be a good recruiter and strategy guy in order to be successful in college basketball, so he went out and did just that, which is find good x’s and o’s guys. He’s having success at St. John’s.

    I really don’t know who would be a good candidate. I definately would not want someone like Bruce Pearl, who is a rule breaker, even though OSU took a chance on Erickson in football. I don’t think Erickson is as unethical as some make him out to be though. Pearl is a proven liar and cheat though, plus he chokes in big games, so that is not someone they should look for.

    One thing I do think though is that if BDC resigns for health reasons or Ray finally grows a pair and fires him, I do think Oregon State can get a decent coach. I believe part of the problem with the last time they were looking for a coach was DeCarolis’s personality, which does turn a lot of people off. Plus there has been a lack of commitment towards basketball at OSU for 20+ years. It wasn’t until the administration and athletic department showed a serious commitment with football (see my previous post about Risser) that things began to turn around. The program can get better with the right attitude from those in charge. It has happened before.

  15. Even if Thomas does go pro, Bennett is probably better because he is a much better runner, which makes the Ducks better. Not good news for the Beavs.

      • They just go out and get another QB with the talent to run their system. Oops they already have it and are getting more. While we only have one QB of talent because we ran Katz off, they have a cupboard full. Wonder why any talented kid would want to play for a Conference Champion, don;t you?

          • Lets be honest…

            ANYBODY can play in chip kelly’s offense. LMJ can play, Barner can play, and DAT can play. Even Tra Carson can play.

            Those are guys with very different skill sets.

            But played as the lead backs, they can all get about 5.5 YPC. As could have Lache Seastrunk.

            QB isn’t too different in his offense.

            The difference is nominal, why upset it?

            Really, Kelly is that good of a coach. Your kid could probably run for over 1000 yards per season in his offense too. Yeah, the third grader.

          • Both LMJ and Thomas love their Ducks so much that they will probably just donate a bunch of cash back to the football program to make them even stronger. Again not good news for us.

          • Bennett is better than Thomas in every department.
            I doubt Thomas will be donating back to Oregon since he won’t be drafted. He might have a shot getting drafted as a WR…

          • It’s a curious decision by Thomas. The schedule stacks up nicely for a “natty” run with USC being the big obstacle. Could Thomas know something about the NCAA investigation that we don’t know yet?

          • If he knew anything then Barner would also know and he is coming back so I doubt it. I think he was worried that Bennett would beat him out like Harrington did to A J Feeley. Funny how Feeley couldn’t beat Harrington out but lasted longer in the Pros. A great college player doesn’t always make a good Pro.

          • Chip Kelly could play QB and beat the Beavs right now! They have so much talent down there. After the three games they start the season with, their new QB will be rolling. I hear that the ducks think Bennett is the real deal. I think he was highly rated out of HS. My bet is that the Beavs improve to 4 wins and the ducks play in another BCS game!

          • Agree about Bennett I thought he looked better in every facet of the game. No dropoff on the radar at QB, RB is another story. Barner is good in space but he NEVER puts out the effort in traffic like LMJ. That dude just kept his legs moving til the bitter end,every play.

            I’d guess that the NCAA is coming or Chip is leaving,or both.

          • While I’d love to see sanctions and dip chip go pro, my random guess is its simply Darron Thomas has fallen behind in classes and doesn’t see himself doing the work to be eligible.

  16. I make predictions at the beginning of this thread and they all come true! I’m prophetic! This team is so pathetic that I can make a prediction that a dude that’s been a benchwarmer all year will torch the Beavs for 20+ and be 100% confident it will happen. It has happened in every Pac game so far; at this point you might as well look at the roster for every team left on the schedule, pinpoint the benchwarmer that’s known as a sharpshooter and pencil him in for 25. I see maybe five more wins for this team, the Ducks will sweep this shitshow easily.

  17. I recommend that every Beaver fan get “good next year” tatood on their forehead so that we always remember that we are not supposed to be good this year.

      • Wait, my new wife who is a Duck, says that Oregon won 4 of 5 from OSU last year in baseball. If that is true, it explains why the Oregon coach is paid more than Casey. Pay for performance should be instituted for football and basketball as well.

        • Your new wife is correct. However, the pay difference is more likely due to Horton’s past and Uncle Phil’s desire to see baseball succeed than to the results of head to head games last season.

          Congrats on your marriage.

        • Beating the Beavs was about the only highlight for Duck baseball last year. It was nice to see them actually underachieve in a sport for once.

  18. omfg…I’m a bit stunned by this game. OSU just looked really bad. If the Beav’s couldn’t win there at ASU, given the turmoil, then I wonder how they’ll win a road game this year? Reality is there is a good chance they won’t.

    Starks is that guy you used to play pick up ball with. The one who you never wanted to pass to because you knew that he would immediately shoot it, not matter how shitty the shot. He’s more worried about his numbers than helping this team win. I see zero assists in the box score , not bad for a starting PG.

    This team ends up at .500 at year end, maybe.

  19. I’m in Texas at a meeting and I just saw the score flash on the CBS Sports ticker. WTF????? They could only score 66 against ASU? I recorded it, but it sounds like it was a freak show that I don’t want to watch.

    • We shot somewhere in the 30% range. Rudy, from Notre Dame, came off the bench and hit 7 or
      8 threes for ASU. No offensive scheme; got a lot of O rebounds and then missed the put backs.

      Burton was a one man wrecking crew…………..for the other team. CR conserving his timeouts for a future timeout drought while the other team pads their lead. He is a shitty game coach.

      • This team is so soft. They couldn’t handle the two tough OT losses, so they go out and get blown away in the second half by the 2nd worst team in the league.

  20. Remember the Ralph Miller days…. ahhhhhhh…. day dreaming. I was at UCLA’s court when OSU beat UCLA, AC Green was playing, and Miller was the man. Those were the days.

    • I was in middle school in Corvallis at the time and my dad used to take me to games. AC Green and Charlie Sitton were awesome back then…

      • They used to move the ball all the way up the court to the basket with the ball not even touching the floor many times. Miller was a great coach and had competitive teams.

        • 84 grad. That was really was beautiful b-ball to watch. This is so sad. Never thought the hoops team would ever suck like this.

        • Miller was also a big discipline guy with a “my way or the highway approach.” He absolutely loathed the bounce pass (Joe Burton are you listening?) and guys did not cast off like we say a lot of guys do today otherwise they would have found their asses on the bench and probably off the roster at the end of the season.

          In my opinion, Tommy Prothro and Ralph Miller were the best football and basketball coaches the school has ever had. They built great game plans and were not afraid to yank underachievers out of the game. Pat Casey is also a legend and a great guy. OSU is going to really suck when he hangs it up, especially if we have the same administration we do now.

          If you really want to see a good defensive team, look no further than Billy Donovan’s Florida Gators. They play great man-to-man and are really in the opponent’s faces. I watched them against Georgia the other night and thought a lot about Ralph and how his teams played defense. The Gators also know how to get rebounds too!

          • Miller didn’t mind the long jumper, if you could make them. The 27 ft. three point attempt with a guy in your face was another story. That had would have got you sent to the end of the bench, and Miller would have walked down to chew ass to boot.

    • Shit, I’d take the David Lucas/Lamar Hurd team that made the NIT at this point. How scary is it still that Jay John is the only coach since the end of the Gary Payton era to coach a Beav team to a winning record.

  21. I have come to the conclusion that Oregon State athletics are going to suck as long as Ed Ray is still the President, and Bob DeCarolis is still the Athletic Director. They both seem to be clueless about what it takes to run a successfull athletic program. Why? They seem to be out of touch with the fanbase, and with reality. The truth is that the other schools in the Pac-12 are doing whatever it takes to strive for a Championship. While at OSU, they are satisfied with staying the course.

    Or, maybe we the fans are clueless? Are we all a bunch of fools for thinking that Oregon State can be successfull in a money making sport? (Yes I know OSU is a Baseball powerhouse)
    Maybe we should all lower our expectations for football and basketball? Maybe we should include moral victiories (at least we didn’t lose by 50! or we almost won, etc…) I expect OSU to win 3 games in football next season, maybe? I wouldn’t be surprised to see their only win next season come vs Nicholls State. ( Still no offensive or defensive lines, and lacking a Pac-12 quality Running Back, no running game, too one dimensional, and another slow defense) Honestly, I really wouldn’t. For basketball, I wouldn’t be surprised to see OSU finish no higher than 6th, and lose again to our rival.

    We the fans want to get behind the Athletic Program, and be true “Beaver Believers” but, I’m sick of hanging onto hope, and having the “wait until next year” approach! I would rather stay at home and never purchase season tickets, than to support this inadequate mindset. That way I can save money, and turn off the games when they get ugly. I’m afraid, even darker times are coming for OSU football. Reser Stadium will only sell out during the Civil War, and average around 34,000 next season at best, wait and see! If OSU miraculously beats Wisconsin, or somehow has a winning season, attendance might increase as the season goes? But, don’t count on it. We should just be proud of OSU the institution, and not as an athletic program. Be satisfied beating the *ucks maybe once per decade, and making 2-3 bowl games per decade. Maybe we are the fools, not Ed Ray and Bob DeCarolis? Thoughts?

    • The only “it’s O.K. after all” scenario that I can currently come up with is, perhaps, maybe, looking at the OSU situaion from a financial perspective.

      I’m not up to speed on OSU’s financial situation but am of the impression that it’s in the red and bleeding money. IF (you’ll not the big IF), that’s true then I want to see what they do with the financial windfall which will come about as a result of the new TV contract.

      Will they pay down the debt and try to live within their means? If that’s the case then I will cut them (Dr. Ray) some slack because, for what it’s worth, I think there’s a very good chance our economy and our nation are headed for very difficult times. Possibly as bad as the great depression.

      It could turn out that the financial commitments WSU has taken on might come back to bite them if the S does HTF.

      Imo, when it comes to individuals, companies, etc. the smart ones are battening down the hatches financially, spiritually, etc.

      That doesn’t mean that I don’t think drastic changes need to be made in the athletic department (starting at the top) it just means I don’t want to see OSU take on big financial commitments at this time.

      If my pipe dream is true it would be nice if Dr. Ray came out and explained what it is they’re doing and why. He has a PhD in econ so I would hope it’s more than a pipe dream that I’m having. Otherwise I’ll have to conclude he really doesn’t give a damn about OSU athletics.

      • P.S. FWIW – In the early 80’s I took a physics or math class (can’t remember which) from a person who’d attended Stanford and somehow the topic came up about Stanford degrees. The teacher told me that Stanford didn’t have a masters program. The only time they awarded a masters degree was when a PhD candidate didn’t make it but had taken enough classes so that they qualified for a masters. I see that Dr. Ray has a masters and a PhD from Stanford so I wonder what the story is. Maybe the econ dept. at Stanford did things differently.

        • The way it works in economics and other social sciences is that you get a Masters degree in passing. So you get your masters degree but you are still working towards your Ph.D.

          If you don’t get the PhD, then you stay with a masters. Otherwise you get a MS/PhD.

          Plus, I think that may be mistaken info. Stanford does give out certain masters degrees from what a quick google search comes up with.

    • I think De Carolis is the biggest part of the disaster so far. In my mind he soon won’t be needed. Once the track and basketball practice facility are done what do we need his limited skillset for? His bonehead extensions to coaches who are not winning, along with his and Riley’s resistance to change means we are practically guaranteed to suck. The “it” factor is sadly exactly the opposite of OSU right now. We are uncool and De Carolis and Riley have more to do with that than anyone else. But it is BDC who really is not doing his job the most. When coaching is this bad it is supposed to be replaced. Fans are not supposed to sink into the depths of being disgusted with the Athletic Department. That’s where I am at though. I bailed on my season tickets. Without significant change I will not return. I won’t support an approach so clearly doomed to fail.

      The only reason I can see that they run things like they do is either foolish arrogance or because it is better for two people (BDC/Riley) if OSU has limited success that is easier to replicate and keeps positions safe enough when 3-9 seasons occur that get you fired everywhere else. The sickness is still in its early stages unless we get atleast some other changes to hang our hat on and prevent mass disillusionment. I don’t see Riley having any special years anytime soon. All these issues will only get worse as he and BDC get even older and fail to deliver anything significant.

      I think Ted Miller stated once he has a feeling Riley won’t last past 2015. I think it will be best if he is right. We don’t need a coach well into his 60s as they get younger everywhere else. If Riley or BDC wanted to make it more likely fans could suffer through a few more years with them at the helm they would atleast get our branding/marketing improved and our image up to date with the times. I think having an old and stale image is the dumbest thing you can do and only worse when you are struggling as bad as Oregon State. When they were playing football in 1912 did they try to have a look that said 1860s? No.

      BDC is a mess. The status quo state of OSU Athletics is a mess. Riley’s only chance of being mildly interesting is if the recruits we get do a tad better and then BDC allows enough change to occur for Fall 2013 with branding. I already know he will mess it up and the change will be so tame as to be laughable. How someone as clueless as BDC can sit in a room and think his ideas, which are the death kiss for OSU, are the creme de la creme is beyond me. Most high schoolers in the State could care less about OSU Athletics. When your brand is the Beavers it may not be easy but there are plenty of ways to become more relevant. Sadly for us, it is obvious BDC doesn’t have any conception of what those ways are. Don’t be surprised to see 1200 at our Spring Game and 45,000 at Oregon. That’s just business as usual for BDC and Riley. Hip Hip!

  22. I went into hibernation on OSU sports for a lot of years putting the minutes of my life into less depressing things. I was and have always been an OSU fan. But when things looked like they started to turn to the better, sports wise, I got back in time wise. As things stand now it looks like another hibernation period possibly… this year will tell. One day in the future OSU will get their head out of their hole and hire a Leach or someone who can do the job, both in Football and Basketball. Meanwhile, I’m getting my bed ready… let’s hope I don’t have to use it.

  23. I’m not going to read this thread or listen to any of the post-game interviews. I’m willing to bet most here are blaming the coach. And I’m even willing to bet Coach Rob is blaming himself.

    He and you all are wrong.

    This loss was squarely the fault of the players. You’re not going to hear me say this often, so take it in now. This team not only mailed it in before the game started. They then left the post office and went straight to the party store for all the decorations needed for a pity party.

    If it continues, I’m all for Coach Rob letting the walk-ons start and play. But it’s not a coaching thing right now. It’s a team thing. The players are all about how sorry they feel for themselves. And if they don’t stop, then even John Wooden couldn’t save them from themselves.

  24. Hi BN… This week brought news about both OSU’s and UO’s 2010 starting quarterbacks. Katz opted for a competition downgrade to the Mountain West, while Thomas is leaving early for the NFL.

    Say what you will about the ultimate wisdom of Thomas’s choice (and I have my doubts) I think it illustrates key differences in the two programs.

    The difference in recruited physical ability speaks for itself but Thomas’s choice seems more about aspiration, goals and motivation. The Ducks, as a whole seem to aspire to larger goals than the Beavers.

    Until, and if, the Beavers can elevate their overall mindset we will continue to operate in the second tier of competition.

    • Don’t know about that, Katz transfered to get his shot at the NFL. I doubt there are many D1 players who don’t aspire to reach the NFL

  25. Anyone know when baseball tickets go on sale? I want tickets to opening day in Santa Barbara (so cool it’s here this year!). I don’t see any way to purchase them on the official site.

  26. Do you guys still think Coach Rob is a better recruiter than Riley? I mean throwing out what Scout or Rivals say I see 2 four star guys, a couple 3 star guys and a bunch of 2 and 1 star guys.

    • CR is a better recruiter than Riley, not even close. As far as his coaching skills go, though, he is not getting the job done. I love his intensity and the way he picks and chooses to jump on the refs, but he really needs to go to off-season clinics, along with his assistants, who I think are good quality. CR has the makings to be a very good coach, but he needs to take advantage of these clinics during the off-season. Good coaches do this.

      Jack, what is going on with the players? Are there chemistry issues?

      I used to think highly of Riley too as a coach and I remember him talking about meeting with Bill Snyder at Kansas St. and getting tips from him when Riley took over at OSU in 1997. Since Mike has come back from the pros, he has not been the same guy. Riley looked for help from other proven coaches when he was a young head coach and I don’t see why Craig can’t do the same. Talk to a Billy Donovan or Jim Boeheim, go to coaching clinics and learn new things. Hell, even talk to Jim Harbaugh about mental preparation. I don’t care, but I really think that the basketball budget can be better utilized by going to camps and picking up new things, rather than taking a yearly trip to the White House so the team can have a photo op with the President.

      BTW, OSU is going to continue to suck as a whole as both a school and athletically until Ray is gone. I have never been impressed with him from the moment he got here and some of his decisions regarding the school are less than stellar. He is a nice man, but he is not tuned in to what is going on. OSU needs a hands-on personality like a Steve Jobs or another Paul Risser to clean up this mess.

        • I think it has helped recruiting a little bit, but I think that it is more about Craig’s personality then the fact that he is related to the POTUS. Also, Stewart and Pomeday are solid recruiters as well. I really want this staff to succeed in the worst way, but if things don’t get better, OSU needs to move on. I was disappointed in Craig before last season when he could have been going to clinics, but instead chose to promote his book on “The Daily Show.” Getting a book on the NYT Bestseller’s list is not going to bring this program back on its feet.

  27. You really look foolish on this issue Jack. Not a coaching thing??? For the past 2 years you’ve had Calvin Haynes (and to a lesser extent the others of whom were not Craig’s recruits) being responsible for all that’s gone wrong with this basketball program. We were told all would improve greatly when Calvin, Omari and all the others who weren’t worth a damn were gone and Craig had all his own players. Now, according to know-it-all Jack, it still is not one bit Craig’s responsibility. The fault still lies solely with the players, all Craig’s recruits by the way, and how sorry they feel for themselves. An absolute crock! You and Angry hammered Calvin relentlessly the last two seasons and implied Craig was a totally competent D-1 coach which he would demonstrate once Calvin and his mates were gone. How has that worked out for ya? Oh, BTW, wasn’t Calvin a major contributer to the only .500 team Craig has ever had? Of course you’ll say no. Rest easy whever you may be today Calvin, for you have been somewhat vindicated. In addition, you are pretty much entitled to the last laugh. I know I’m smiling on your behalf! So Jack, is Craig, with the league’s best talent according to many, ever going to be in any way responsibe for this disaster in your mind? What does he have on you? You sure as hell aren’t shy about calling Riley out!

    • I’ve called Coach Rob out plenty for playing Calvin and the others. He stuck with them, and he died with them. You choose to ignore that point. I didn’t then, and I certainly don’t now. I can point to personnel decisions which are not correct, and I still do.

      But if you think this game had anything to do with coaching, then you just weren’t watching the game.

      We’ve lost before. Ask yourself this. How many times have you seen our players look like they smelled something bad or felt like shrugging their shoulders when a whistle blows before last night? They’ve had some games with some pretty crappy refs. But they have managed to hold it together as a team and gut it out.

      I have said often that I would have no complaints if I watched our football team lose in an effort in which it was obvious that it was truly an effort. Too often in the last two years, our football team has mailed it in, and I’ve called them out for doing it. If you go back and look at the progression, you will find that I blamed the players or talent level first, and I blamed the coaches when it was obvious it was a habit.

      The same holds true for hoops… this year, last year, the year before that. I gave up on this team last year because it was quite obvious they had given up on themselves. But their rebound after the senior-led mutiny in Phoenix was quite refreshing.

      And it was a wake-up call for Coach Rob.

      When I watch players who have D1 ships for hoops miss shots that you would make on your worst day, shots that they barely made an effort to create, yet they were so wide open that they had a day and a half to take them… and they miss… I don’t blame scheme. I blame me for not being on the court to take the shot for them.

      This team could run the court for themselves. They’re that good. They do not need a coach from this point on for anything but someone who can scout for them.

      They choose not to do so, and it is very apparent. They walk here and there with grimaces and pouty faces, hoping that someone will see that life hurts. They don’t have a killer’s stare. I don’t see body language which says, “We are here to win. I apologize to you now because you won’t want to talk to me after the game.”

      I’m not kidding when I say that ASU sucks. They really, really, really suck.

      I’m saying our players had to try really, really, really hard to suck more than ASU does. And they managed to do so.


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