Home Football Mike Riley Makes Rival’s “Hot Seat” List

Mike Riley Makes Rival’s “Hot Seat” List


Coming in at #10.

Nice to see the National media getting over the neat story (i.e. OSU "doing more with less") and instead telling it like it is.

See the complete list here.

Oh, and he is now #2 on coacheshotseat.com.

Something tells me neither site understands the terms of his contract…


  1. I would hardly call that a scathing report. The reality is settling in, the bleeding has to stop, but even if it doesn’t I don’t think Riley will be gone after this year.

    • I agree, which is why I said I don’t think they understand the terms of his contract.

      How many wins do you think Riley gets this year?

      • I wasn’t trying to imply that you thought that it was a “scathing” report. I think the Beavs are between 5 and 8 wins this season, very little room for error. I agree that they do not really understand the terms of the Riley lifetime contract. But #10 is probably not far off. I think if there is another 3 win season – Coordinators are gone at least, and it could be close to Riley being gone. 7 wins + and I don’t see any changes.

        • I agree, in theory. If some of the freshman OL can start (i.e. replace Kelly) the line should be better, and they could win some games. It’s all about matchups, though, and looking at the schedule I don’t think the Beavs match up well versus many of the teams. e.g. WSU is going to be tough this year with Leach. Will the Beavs be able to get off the field on 3rd down versus that team? Utah doesn’t look very good, but their ‘system’ is one that matches up favorably against the Beavs. Arizona will likely run the spread now with Rodriquez. Etc.

          UCLA is going to be tough with Mora. So that’s not an easy win anymore (not that it ever was except on paper). Oregon is a loss.

          So, where do the wins come from? Nicholls State, but after that…?

  2. #2 is too high. #10 seems about right.

    He was nearly fired in 2008, but nobody was willing to write a check.

  3. I agree with you Angry. The most we can take from this is that at least a few national people are taking a glimpse of what is going on in Corvallis, albeit just a glimpse.
    I worry that this could actually have a circling of the wagons effect amongst the old guard though. We’ll see what happens when these lists start getting some local attention.

  4. If OSU doesn’t start well the rancor will grow much louder. We get too many excuses and not enough results or improvements. BDC has stated a few times how much fans have expressed their desire for Truax to be open on Gamedays, but will it? I doubt this year. If the effort to succeed or try new ideas was obvious it would help but it isn’t. Our spring ‘event’ got lower attendance and is never inspired as a production. New fans are not being added at the rate they should.

    If we have another losing season OSU needs to be ready to go after new leadership. Giving coaches a pass independent of results just breeds further mediocrity and the we can wait attitude to winning. It is time we rise up and become a real rival to Oregon. The right coach can get us there. New vitality is needed at OSU and short of that we won’t see the results wanted.

    Will OSU fans get an open Truax this Fall?

    • That is the situation I would prefer. I thinking just replacing Riley would have a negative effect for a couple years, but bring in a guy to eventually be his successor, I think that would work the best.

    • Wow look at those records/championships. I can’t believe more schools aren’t gunning for him. I doubt he’d leave for OSU for anything less than a coordinator job though which means Riley would have to get rid of one of his buddies…

    • I like Leipold. My favorite is Justin Wilcox because I think he would make OSU a sexy destination program and he is a very strong recruiter and take no prisoners type. I also like the aggressive statement of taking one of the best from a rival. Leipold is a winner though and would be an upgrade. He knows winning and obviously can’t stand losing. Both should be high on a list of candidates.

    • What kind of system does he run? Anybody have a link to offensive highlights of that team?

      I cannot believe someone isn’t snapping him. Somebody will, not OSU….

    • to be fair, to hire a someone who’s only experience at the D1 level is as a graduate assistant is sort of the type of thing that a lot of people would say just shows how the beavers are a small time program.

  5. It’s not just Riley – BDC is so ineffective. I hope that if Rileyhas a mediocre 2012 season, he would have the pride to quit. How many more millions does he need?

    • Riley is set for life regardless. He wouldn’t miss out on that much from being bought out and he looks like he could use a break from the stress for a couple years. Having more time to spend with his father should be a priority. In the grand scheme of things he will appreciate extra time spent with his dad much more than one final 8 win season fighting against the tide at OSU. You’ll never regret taking more time for family.

    • “having the pride to quit” is in my opinion an oxymoron. as much as i like riley as a person i’m ready for whenever he gets replaced, but your implication that he’s continuing to coach for the money is inaccurate. given his lifelong ties to the oregon state program and his widely known assertions that he’d like to be the beavers’ joe paterno i thinks it’s pretty clear he really does loves what he’s doing and doesn’t want to be anywhere else.

  6. to me, any “hot seat” watch list that includes riley must not be doing there homework. those that want riley gone (i’m about there myself) are going to have to be patient because it isn’t going to happen all that soon as long as he remains in good health. my hope (and this is something that might be semi feasible) is that if/when banker leaves he’s replaced by nigel burton and he’s given the title of “coach in wating”, then has the patience to wait a few years after that and let riley go on his own terms without feeling like he’s being forced out.


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