Home Football Washington State @ Oregon State (Game Thread)

Washington State @ Oregon State (Game Thread)


If you missed the Beaver Juice clip on ESPN this morning, here is a link

Nice to see the Beavs getting pub, and hilarious that Beaver Juice has gone mainstream. The sexual innuendos ( "In and Out" (no explanation needed), "Burger" (fur burger?? lol), "beaver juice", and "put a Beaver on it") are pretty bizarre, but they're better than sheep jokes, and I haven't stopped laughing weeks later. Seems they have good staying power. Here's to hoping In-and-Out opens a shop in Corvallis and sponsors the Beavs somewhere down the road.

Anyway, nothing else to add that wasn't said in the pre-game thread.

Go Beavs!


    • Stadium is starting to get fill up a lot more people than usual. Warm ups are looking sharp. I would be surprised if we came out flat. Beautiful day for a game!

  1. Redzone woes.

    Get Gwachum, Cummings, or C. Smith in there for a big target over the middle. Throwing to the RB on a wheel pattern two times? Yuck.

  2. Why not run with Woods and not force the ball to him in the passing game. We have huge TE’s and awesome receivers to throw the ball to.

    • Riley is making things way too complicated. His calls on 4th down this season have been poor. Just run a slant or a toss. He’s been calling plays on 4th down that are easy to defend.

  3. Good day! Do you know if they
    make any plugins to protect against hackers? I’m kinda paranoid about
    losing everything I’ve worked hard on. Any recommendations?

  4. Mannion sucking horribly. Can’t throw, ran into his receiver on the fly sweep(Which he’s done several times this year now). And now throws a pick. Wow.

    Classic Beavers, making a game out of a potential blowout.

  5. what happened? I had to step away for phone call from Poyers INT til now, did they just collapse in red zone twice? Someone summarize…penalities…crap playcalling in red zone as usual? What?!

  6. The play calling has been fine, but the throws have been atrocious. Seems like Mannion has about 2 completions. Agnew running the ball well; he’s the most talented back we have, I think, if he can just hold onto the ball.

    If Mannion hits his throws, this game is over. If not, we’re going to have a long day.

  7. We have three capable backs in Woods, Ward, and Agnew and so far Wazzu hasn’t been able to stop the running game. Just rotate those guys in-n-out and run, run, run. Build the passing game off that with some play action. I don’t think there is a need to get fancy with double fake screens, RB wheel routes, and the fly sweep in this game. We’re straight up better than Wazzu.

  8. Maybe Wazzu tying this up will wake the offense up. Only thing stopping the offense is mistakes. Play smart and sound and the Beavers should score.

  9. Were these guys out late drinking or something?

    Pressure from being the favorite + folks back east watching?

    This is some sloppy football. They are dominating the lines, but that’s going to change if WSU hangs around and gets more and more pumped up. Better hold here and then score or this could get scary.

  10. Pass blocking has sucked. Penalty and drop led to the third and long. So many mistakes. Only team stopping the Beavers is the Beavers.

  11. Ugh.
    What did I just say. RUN IT AND TAKE WHAT YOU GET.
    Even if it’s a long FG, gotta try that to get momentum. Bad play calling.

  12. Kill me now, this is so hideous. Let Vaz play for a fucking quarter, maybe Mannion will wake up and stop making stupid decisions.

  13. If this is how the game is going to be, I am going to have a coronary.

    Weirdest game ever. Maybe this is the game that Mannion gives everyone a scare and he plays lights out for here on.

  14. If this wasn’t the Beavers I would turn this game off. Just a bad game all around by both teams. The defenses have looked good but I think that is a product of bad offense.

    • That was a really poor half of football.

      But, many years, that half of football results in us being down 28-3. Hopefully we can make a few adjustments.

  15. Just wow. Crazy sequence, and this game is just ridiculous. Not in a good way, either.

    Hopefully we wake up and score about 20 in the second half.

  16. Why didn’t Riley call a timeout before that FG attempt? If he missed (which he likely would have) Beavs would have had the ball near the 50. I don’t get it.

  17. 140 yards of offense, 140 yards in penalties.

    They’re sleepwalking. You’d think they wouldve taken Wazzu a bit more serious after the past two years.

  18. Cooks with another scrub play. Love the guy, but having a rough day like most.

    This really, really does look like that game from Varsity Blues after they went to the strip club.

  19. A statement game or a trap game…doesn’t mean shit right now…let’s just win this fucking game and move on…Get it done! Win by one, I don’t care anymore…this is the worst game we’ve seen since BYU last year.

  20. Dumb call, but a lot of confusion by the wideouts. Just about everything that could go wrong today has, offensively. Not running the ball well right now, turnovers, penalties, guys are getting confused. Focus just hasn’t been there.

    • They should have run there anyway and taken the 3 points. The way this game is going they just needed 3 there. Bad call IMO. I think you have to call a conservative game plan since the QB and Oline are playing badly.

  21. Someone tell our dumb returners to stop bringing it out of the endzone. We get killed every time.

    Driving 85 yards is hard, stop making us do it.

  22. Wheaton!!!

    I don’t think there is a better receiver in the Pac12. There, I said it. Lee and Wilson can fight for 2nd place.

  23. Jesus Romaine…

    The way I look at it, we have two options with this guy.

    1.) Hire a sports psychologist exclusively for his kicking game.
    2.) Just ask someone from the Men’s soccer team to kick.

    such a weird weird day for Beaver football.

  24. Beavers are going to win but I’m pretty annoyed with the performance. Team didn’t show up in the first half offensively. Way too many dumb penalties. Focus by the offense today was awful. Unacceptable. Riley needs to get on his offense. Cannot show up for games like this. Felt like they just didn’t take Wazzu seriously and thought it would be easy. And of course, Romaine is still terrible.

  25. Poyer got too tired of making interceptions on that run back. Should lock up another player of the week honor. And of course it wouldn’t be a complete play without another Beaver penalty.

  26. Most annoyed with a Beavers football win that I’ve been in a while. A win is a win and all that, but the focus needs to be there next Saturday in Provo. BYU can play some defense.

  27. Do you guys know anything about Riley Harper and Ryan Cope? They’re our back-up kickers… something has to be done about Trevor. I don’t want to always win in spite of him.

  28. Here’s my concern/complaint:

    During the game the talking heads were mumbling about how Riley said he likes having one back as his main guy.

    This just drives me up the wall for the following reasons:

    1) wear and tear – When SJ announced he was leaving OSU early one of the things he said was something to the effect that the knees were good for only so many hits. At the time that happened I thought he was saying that but there were other reasons he didn’t want to get into. For example, the quality of the turf at that time.

    2) keeping players from transferring – I’d hate it if some of the RBs who are on the active or taxi roster decided to bail because of MR’s attitude about having one back get most, if not all, of the PT.

    3) RECRUITING – I can see other coaches telling next year’s recruiting class that SW has X number of years left and Riley likes to play only one guy so if they want playing time………

    So that said imo considering the quality of the running backs on the active roster, currently there’s no reason why Riley has to use SW, or any other back for that matter, for a large percentage of the plays.

    When a team has talented RBs why not do the RB by committee thing? Keeps the #1 guy fresh, cuts down on the chance of them getting injured, keeps the moral of the other RBs up and shows recruits that they have a chance of getting meaningful playing time if they attend OSU.

        • As I recall, the Agnew/Woods carries weren’t rotated that much. Agnew was in there because Woods was a bit beaten up -so each of them played a concentration of carries and then it was all Woods at the end. I agree with the rotation comments (I think uncanny made a similar suggestion, that with 3 capable backs – including Ward – that the Beavs could do more with their running game.

          I just hope the Beavs haven’t reach their level of competency and that it’s downhill from here.

  29. Huge crowd at the game, but it was quiet. The defense did it’s part to win this game, though even they made some mistakes with penalties and blown coverages.

    The second quarter was one of the worst I’ve watched with the penalties and turnovers. And OSU still led at half. Amazing.

    Seemed like WSU was getting a lot of pressure on Mannion. Not sure if there was confusion at the line or what.

    Fortunately, BYU seems to be offensively challenged, so maybe it will be a defensive battle. Then again, who knows.

    • CVO, you’re right, but one must wonder if the team that showed up today could have pulled this out against anyone except the Cougs or Buffs.

      Great to be 4-0, but the takeaway here is that there is plenty of opportunity for teaching this week! The near total lack of focus on the part of the O was a surprise to me, I wondered if Andrews was channeling his inner Remmers!

      I hoped for a blowout and time for Vaz to get some experience; guess we must settle for a gut check for Mannion. Long term, Mannion has his head on straight, he’ll be better for this pathetic episode.

      Re: Lettuce………nothing printable to say.

  30. We are also undefeated in the tailgate category. No one in the country could have better weather into October.
    Met with great friends yet again and saw some old ones too. If this ain’t a great time to a beaver, go become a duck. This is what it’s all about kids.

    Game observations: record attendance at Reser, but as someone else said, not as loud as other games.

    Great orange-out!

    Sloppy win. We seriously needed to run it more, and between the tackles. They showed that this is a major strength of this team against Arizona, so why are we passing and consequently going backwards instead of the proven 4-7 yards we get running it?

    Lettuce…. Get that kid that nailed the 25 yarder at halftime to win the Hawaiian Airline tix at the Wisconsin game in there. That thing was money from 45.

    Fresh, California avocados make all the difference in your guacamole, don’t even bother with the
    South American ones, Mexican only in a pinch.

    Peacock for breakfast tomorrow.


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