1. What do people think of I-bonds as a savings vehicle for the years ahead? Granted you can only buy 10k a year but seems like it is a safe way for you to at least not lose purchasing power.

    • Inflation is 10% right now (CPI keeps everything that rises out of the calculation and has super shady calculations for “substitutions”), the I-bond is like ~2% yield. You’re losing 8% purchasing power per year. You won’t lose on the nominal value of course just the purchasing power (i.e. real value). So if you don’t like seeing things go down, you won’t. But you’ll feel it. Generally speaking, the only people buying bonds these days are people trying to front run the FED for a capital gain rather than the yield. If you’re buying a bond for capital gain I’d go for whatever the FED is buying most (haven’t looked recently, but probably 30 year treasuries since at 1.3% nobody wants them).

      It could be a place to park some money while you wait for better assets to correct. I’m parking some money in bonds, even though they are garbage, because stocks are so overvalued. By doing this you’re basically banking on stocks falling a larger % than the dollar falls over a given time frame (and given dollar shortage right now, I think this is smart). In the meantime, you collect the “front run the FED” premium, which is way better than the interest rate in a bank.

        • It is, and I think Tips do the same, but the CPI is always wrong and not in our favor. So two incorrect adjustments aren’t going to matter much. Just change my figure to -7.5% instead of -8% if it adjusts an extra 50 basis points. I highly recommend reading up on CPI calculation and nominal vs real return if you’re considering this.

  2. 2

    Is anyone else worried that both the basketball programs are in big trouble with the departure of Tinkle Jr. and Slocum?

  3. Speaking of TIPS, remember that brief I shared a few weeks ago about how the CCP stole the virus from Canada. Check out the story on the CBC news website referencing Winnipeg’s National Microbiology Laboratory. Here’s a tease:

    “Work at the lab includes research on SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.’ Of course, labs all over North America are doing that research but what you won’t read anywhere is that’s where the theft occurred.

  4. 1

    Was just thinking, this year’s NFL draft is about to become the most watched NFL draft in history. And the NFL won’t have to spend hardly any money to pull it off since the whole thing will be done via in-home video calls.
    This was the year they were supposed to have that elaborate floating set out on the lake in front of the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Now, all they need is a Zoom account and the entire country of sports starved fans is going to tune in because there’s nothing better to do.

  5. 3

    CNBC’s Tim Seymour today said “society fails[…]fiat currencies are maybe an endangered species with this activity[FED buying everything].”

    Yet they all agree the FED had to do this to save markets. Boy oh boy. Well he got the end game right, but it’s strange he can’t make the connection that the FED keeps causing the problems that they have to “fix”. On Fox, Charles Payne laughed when the guest said to let Capitalism self-correct the market. People have no idea how society changed this past week with the FED actions. It’s going to be a seachange. It’s way bigger than the virus.

    Ironic that Trump, who was elected for being a businessman and Capitalist, along with his elected FED chair are now the biggest socialists in world history. This should be a story; I haven’t come across it.

        • I am not sure on that. As much as I love Cooks he has to step into Hopkins shoes. Hopkins is a top 5 WR. Plus with Watson wanting out the might trade him rather than let him walk. I guess we can hope they come to their sense and fire O’Brien.

          • Honestly I think O’Brien is the worst GM in the league. Trading Hopkins for a spent up Johnson was an awful move. I mean they could have thrown money at Gurley and saved their pick. The Cooks trade wasn’t the worst in the world but he makes a good bit of money, is too short to ever be an ideal WR1 in the NFL and has had 5 known concussions.

          • Cooks averaging about 14 YPC and 6 TDs a year, playing with Brees, Brady, and Goff. Those don’t strike me as special numbers with 2 HOF QBs and Goff, but I think he does create quite a bit of opportunity of opportunity for his teammates. I remember Belichick respecting him and saying he was tough for NE to practice against and they traded a 1st rounder for him. In NO, Cooks was productive, but I think they had a lower round pick (Colston?) put up as good or better numbers, and he was bigger.

            I think if Cooks can’t avoid concussions this year, and Texas flounders, Cooks should retire and move on with his health and his brain. He can succeed at other things if his brain remains intact.

    • He has now netted two 2st round picks and one 2nd round pick in three trades. Pretty unusual.

      I would like to have seen him go somewhere else too.

    • 2

      Wow. Good for Cooks:

      “The Rams assume $21.8 million in dead money by unloading Cooks’ contract. They have already paid him a $4 million roster bonus, with the Texans taking on his $8 million base salary and salary-cap figure for their 2020 books.

      Cooks’ contract is manageable with $12 million base salaries in 2021 and 2022 and $12.5 million in 2023. He has a $1 million roster bonus due on the third day of the 2022 league year and a $1.5 million roster bonus due in 2023. Cooks has a $1.5 million base salary escalator clause in 2022 and $2 million in 2023 that’s triggered if he reaches 1,000 receiving yards and the Texans make the playoffs.”

  6. Great to see CNBC having some guests who understand the realities of bankruptcy filing and Capitalism on.

    CNBC also admitted hyperinflation due to FED policy yesterday. Glad to see the mainstream is “getting it”…

    This is exactly what Chomsky writes about with socialized loses, privatized gains. Deplorable, amoral. All due to Federal Reserve. You also get to see Chomsky’s thesis that you don’t get to be an anchor on these shows unless you ask the questions they want you to ask. Just look at the anchor’s face and tone when the guy says hedge funds and poorly run companies shouldn’t be bailed out. Bravo to Palihapitiya.

      • If you see anything like that in the future please do. Can’t see everything, and that was INCREDIBLE!
        The host is desperately trying to tug on heartstrings by talking about the workers. Palihapitiya rightfully points out how bankruptcy actually works. Just incredible.

      • NiceBeaver…..Are you sure no Pac-12 Tournament games were not played for the women? You still have time to change your answer. Moe ron. Besides….. SC played in a garbage conference

        • As you reply to the wrong post.

          Meant to say mbb. oregon mbb were handed the Pac12 tournament championship despite not playing in a single game. You probably could have figured that out. I’m sorry your team didn’t get to play for an NCAA title. Not sorry for you, but I am disappointed for them. They had a good shot at winning the whole thing as the #2 ranked team in the nation. We’ll never know.

          Why are you here again? You’ve posted more in 2 days than most Beaver fans

          • 2

            Have you counted my posts? Keeping a tally? Why? I just asked a simple question about osu men’s and women’s basketball and you got upset and defensive for some strange reason. I’m guessing insecurity

          • I see every post come through my inbox. Your name has been popping up frequently the past few days in a few of the more recent threads. Before that I’d never seen a “Fanno” post before.
            It’s not difficult to recognize patterns. You’re one of the more active posters on this site in recent days, despite being a duck fan.
            I think it’s fair to ask why you even bother?

    • That guy was great. And entirely correct. We need more of him and his analysis, especially the fact that Black Rock, other hedge funds are the major owners/manipulators of the stock market.

      But let’s look at a little history. Back in ’08 when some conservatives suggested that GM, Ford, Chrysler, (the list is longer) should simply declare bankruptcy, Obama, Biden and others decried the heartlessness. Remember: “Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.” Romney was skewered in ’12 for having been on the record that those corporations should have just declared Chapter 7, 11, whatever.

      • I don’t understand what Obama has to do with it?

        That’s not really the history of bailouts. The first bailout I know of was the Savings & Loan fiasco, which was originated by Carter being desperate to end stagflation, and then Reagan deregulating to heat up his economy. Since then, it’s created a moral hazard where everyone in finance making bad decisions knows they will be bailed out. This is why Chomsky, in the videos I linked that were produced in the mid 90s, talks about “privatized gains and socialized losses”. This has nothing to do with Trump or Obama except they’re both continuing a now long tradition of bailing out hedge funds and degenerate gamblers who don’t know how to manage risk, and they all tug on heartstrings and create panic “you will fail and starve if we don’t do this!” (we saw this in ’08 and now in ’20) to a means to get it passed. If anyone knows of a bailout before S&L let me know. It might go back even further.

        • when the Republican mainstream back in 08 (McCain, Romney, etc.) suggested that rather than huge bailouts of the corporate sector maybe the companies should just go bankrupt, they were skewered for saying so. The Obama/Biden tagline in ’12 was “Bin Laden in dead, GM is alive.” GM alive = corporate bailout. Simple.

          • What does that have to do with bailout culture that dates to 1980? I’m pretty sure both guys voted for the bailouts in the end, btw. Will check.

            Obama was an enormous problem with bailouts. Everyone knows that. So were Reagan and Clinton.

            Edit: McCain voted for Tarp.

            Romney didn’t have a vote since he was just a governor then. But you have to realize Romney’s history is as a “vulture capitalist” who buys troubled companies for pennies on the dollar. So I see why he’d be against it. I kind of like Romney, actually. Anyway, you can see the full list of who voted and how there. A lot of Republicans voted “yea.” A lot of them in “red” States, too. So I’m not sure where you got that info.

            Edit 2: Just looked up Romney’s vote for the Corona bailout, and he voted yes.

          • It was probably just spin man. Politicians say bullshit then vote differently constantly. The biggest moderates typically come from purple or close districts and the biggest outrage artists come from the safest. Generally their greatest care is the next election.

  7. 2

    By the way, in the prior thread I wrote this about Libertarians.

    Watch how many “Libertarians” apply for small business loans, accept the $1,200 check, apply for unemployment, work at corporations accepting huge bailouts, voted for Trump who just expanded govt 10x, etc.

    If someone here is a Libertarian, I’d like to know if they plan to send that check back to the Government because they want small government, if they plan to not us UI, quit if they work for corps getting huge govt bailouts, not apply for a small business loan because it expands government, etc. This is why I ultimately rejected that movement. There are some great ideas, but when push comes to shove, every Libertarian I met was a hypocrite who just made government larger when it was in their interest to do so (a natural reaction, but don’t act above it when others do the same). I’m not saying this to offend anyone. I like the ideas. They’re just a luxury of “good times”, IMO, and when it comes down to it these people will not abide. I also had a Libertarian steal my property once, because it was an item he liked (bullets)…no joke.

      • Really? Elaborate?

        I still see tons of them on Zerohedge. My guess is every one of those commenters is gladly accepting their $1,200 and all the other big government stimulus handed to them, not understanding they’re a walking hypocrisy.

        If someone here is a Libertarian and not doing that, please let me know! And provide proof. :D

        • the libertarian sector of the GOP (more specifically, the economic libertarian sector, because the social conduct libertarian sector on the other side is doing just fine) was for open borders, free trade, etc. Do I really need to point out who put an end to that in the Republican party?

          • That’s interesting, because I read ZH just to get perspective from that contingent, and they’re all against open borders and they think the tariffs are a good thing (they seem to think it will bring jobs back to America). Seems they just changed with Trump’s agenda to me. That site associates itself as Libertarian. Though, they have become more radical over the years, so I’m not sure what they are anymore. Occasionally they have some incredible articles so I still read it for that an sentiment of that fringe group.

          • There was an article a while back that was sort of a peek behind the curtain of ZH (some former writer tried to make a few bucks by exposing them and the founder fired back with some info to “set the record straight).

            My understanding is they don’t have a strict editorial process, so they don’t end up with a well-defined editorial ideology. They know their audience, for sure, but you see them post and re-post columns that contradict each other all the time. There’s plenty of Trump criticism, too.

            Their content is diverse enough that they definitely don’t have one monolithic target demographic. There can’t be that many conspiracy theory/prep fetishists that care about deep in the weeds market commentary.

          • I don’t think libertarian ideals have really been hashed out well enough to develop a coherent perspective of how trade should work in a world like ours. We’re too far removed from an ideal lib state. As an example, the US couldn’t have actual free trade today because every other country has contradictory policies. The problem with open borders is that free flowing immigration exploits all the government programs that libs oppose.

            Maybe libertarians are secretly globalists, they just want to be the ones in power!

          • Maybe libertarians are secretly globalists, they just want to be the ones in power!

            I actually think that is spot on. I’ll read the comment section of ZH out loud to my lady sometimes, and she says, “Good grief, like the world would be any better with them in charge.” But she senses that’s what they actually believe and want. I think that group has been marginalized. And they actually keep putting themselves behind the eight ball further with this bizarre mix of indignation, self-righteousness, and conspiracy.They refuse to participate in financial markets because “it’s rigged” (yeah, well get your piece — you just missed 10 years of historic gains because you read ZH), they buy into all the gold bug arguments (“you will buy a block of houses with 1oz!”…no you won’t), believe in every conspiracy (“Biden is a pedo! Pizza Gate!”), etc.

            When I started reading that site in ’11 it had some good discussion. It’s just lunatics now. They actually banned me for being critical of their spin, and then a month later they got banned on Twitter and whined about it. Again, hypocrisy? I find more in that segment than in most others. I’m not sure why yet but trying to figure it out.

          • 1

            and Trump is the quintessential anti-globalist. That’s why he is such a pariah in the Bush/Romney/Ryan wing of the GOP, and why Wall Street will be backing Biden not him.

    • Trying to find an old video from the 90s of a political theorist discussion ng libertarianism vs solcialism. I don’t think it was Chomsky bit I saw it in high school (was libertarian) and it made some really interesting points. Basic summary is socialists in good times and bad tend to be concerned with the good of larger segements of society (empathy arguement) or had a direct and obvious gain from programs (like food stamps not fire fighters/roads). Libertarians tended to be more concerned.with their personal and direct circle good (family and close friends). It didn’t make a moral equivalency but it pointed out that people of both ideologies tend to be more generous than moderate segments but just with different targets (socialists give to charity organization or help homeless stranger vs libritarian would go to extreme lengths to help a close friend or family. It also made the arguement that when there is extreme circumstances that disallows a practical ideological stance most people will accept socialism if it directly helps them or their circle.

      If it rings any bells holler, I can’t find it!

    • I don’t think the Libertarian view would be as simple as just sending the money back. If the creation of the money has already happened and the individual can’t do anything to change that, it’s his responsibility to do what he thinks creates the most value with that money. They’d also argue that they as an individual can more appropriately decide what to do with that money than the government would.

    • 7

      I’d like to see Amy as the VP. Sharp, reasonable and gets the female vote out. People could get used to a woman in power via the VP since some aren’t ready for it at the top.

        • 2

          LOL. She is my senator. A machine politician who owes her career entirely to her last name and putting a D before it. Her dad was the major sports writer and columnist for the newspaper in Minneapolis forever, when it was still the king of local media. Another fucking lawyer. No thanks. I had an interaction with her when she was County attorney at a local town hall. All of a sudden(after a change in the section 8 housing rules…must be a coincidence) there started to be graffiti on businesses in my area of Minneapolis. I asked her what they were doing about it. “If we catch them we make them write a letter to the business owner apologizing and explaining why they did it!”I laughed at her and said “they do it because they are assholes with no respect for property and there are no consequences for doing it.” She is another political whore like Hillary Clinton, without the abrasive personality.

    • I honestly think Cuomo for president with Biden as VP would have a better chance than if those roles were flipped. Don’t think it will happen, but Biden is much more polarizing.
      Cuomo has really raised his stock this last month.

        • 2

          Polarizing to democratic voters. Most people will vote blue regardless, but quite a few people would rather not vote than vote for Biden because they think Bernie got shafted or Biden creeps them out with his “hands on” approach.

          • 3

            I think that’s short-term. He’ll pick a good VP who those people like. And people will realize it’s all about, like the mid-terms, anyone but Trump. That movement is extremely strong. Radical left is just butthurt right now. If someone like Amy or Warren is VP, they will get behind it just for the cred points of a woman. Biden will pick a “good” VP to get those votes and people on board. He’ll get the black vote just due to Obama connection (e.g. he killed the S.C. debate for this reason).

            My baseline is Biden wins in a landslide but Trump refuses to leave office and uses the judges (possibly 3 by then if Ginsberg dies) to keep him in. I mean Hillary won the popular vote in a landslide and almost won the EC, and she was an awful candidate. Biden is more likeable than her. Dems killed it in the mid-terms due to the anti-Trump movement. If Biden picks the right VP should be a lock. Trump is an evil genius, though, so there will be some rigging or refusing to leave. Bank on a 2001 Florida situation just on a more massive scale. It’s going to be really nasty, possibly blood in the streets. Egomaniac with wounded animal syndrome…good luck getting him out.

            Do you guys know any moderates who say they’re voting Trump? I don’t know a single one, and I had my first (R) friend convert to Biden yesterday due to “This shit is not funny anymore and now is getting scary”…

            I also don’t see how his base can even support him when he claimed to drain the swamp, and then put Goldman Swamp Creatures and Kushner in key positions. Claimed no Bernie socialism ever in America, and then printed 10 trillion dollars in two weeks. I mean, how? Not even sure what they rally behind other than “fake news!” ?? Hilary’s emails again?? It’s getting impotent via repetition.

            Another thing is Trump fatigue is real. People want boring/stable. I see and hear this over and over.

  8. I’d imagine as the stimulus money starts getting rolled out, we’re going to be seeing a ton of these stories.
    I’m picturing scenes on the news from black Friday sales, where people are getting trampled at the door to get a deal. There will be so much money flying around with so little oversight, people are going to try to snatch up everything they can get their hands on.


    • Moral hazard yet again.
      Yet more FED-induced malinvestment and instability introduced to the system. When that fails, they will “fix” the problem with more instability/money printing, as Arcadia and other hedge funds walk away with huge tax payer profits. End the FED.

  9. They can send me as many $1200 checks as they want but i still can’t find Toilet Paper to buy in Los Angeles / Orange County. We are getting the wash rags ready LOL.

      • I’ve been thinking the same thing for awhile now. All those people who get desperate and use baby wipe or paper towels and flush them are going to get sewage backflows into their basement drains. What a mess.
        My kids flushed a bunch of baby wipes here a few years ago and I had to rent an industrial 50 ft auger from home depot with a blade attachment and and literally chop through all of the backed up shit in our drains to get the pipes cleared. What a disgusting job.
        Draino and lye won’t cut through those clogs.


        • Baby wipes are convenient. They have mild disinfectant properties, usually alcohol or perhaps some chlorohexidine. Most infants and toddlers are now in child care while their parents are away working and baby wipes have become a necessity. With the initial buying rush of toilet paper, etc., the loudest wailing was about baby wipes; literally. I had popped into a gas station/convenient store and a young woman was sobbing because she had spent most of the day searching for baby wipes. It was as though a world without them had never existed. I thought of suggesting that she use squares from an old sheet but I concluded if she hadn’t figure out something on her own, it would be pointless.

  10. angry,

    I have been researching precious metals. I agree on the coming inflation and am looking to add metals to my investment.

    Where do you stand on bullion vs. investment grade coins?

    • People are conflicted on this, and it has to do with the 1930s confiscation. Investment grade coins weren’t confiscated (or if they were, they allowed a certain amount, maybe 10oz? I forget). So some people think investment grade is better because of that. I personally don’t think they will confiscate. There is no need. Gold isn’t money anymore, in the government’s eyes, whereas back then it was, so they had to confiscate it first before repricing it (Roosevelt repriced it from like $20/oz to $35/oz after confiscation, basically halving anyone’s purchasing power who was dumb enough to hand their gold to the government). I think the more likely case now is they windfall tax gold profits. Gold is already taxed as a “collectable” and thus subject to higher tax than normal investments. Many people are actively trying to change that law, and it should be changed, since it’s legal tender under the Constitution.

      So because of the 1930s, there is this idea investment grade coins are better. I personally have 90% bullion. Lowest premiums, it’s gold, they’re not getting mine under any circumstances…so why not go cheap? I keep a few numismatics because I like the coins themselves. IMO one of the best sleeper coins is an 1885 Carson City Morgan Dollar. I think they had the 2nd lowest mintage after the 1893 San Fran one…but if you can find one of those for $750 or under in MS64 I think it’s a good one. I haven’t checked the prices in a while so it might vary a bit. A few MS65 Mercury Dimes are steals, too. In general you want MS65 or higher if going into collectables. I will grab some MS64s since there’s a huge difference in price, and many plebes like us can’t do 65s so 64s will gain in value.

      Anyway, I like bullion. There are some arguments against it, but IMO gold is gold, and there won’t be a confiscation most likely, just a tax. My plan is to hold through any nasty tax regime and wait them out. There is a lot of pressure to change gold tax laws being lead by wealthy people, and since they own most of the gold, I think this will change at some point.

      Unless you can find metals near spot, I’m not sure buying here is a great idea. I was looking at the charts last night, and it looks like gold should correct a bit in May/June. Much of the premiums are due to mines shutting down and planes not being able to carry gold (silver is generally transported by ground, whereas gold generally via air). This would explain that backwardation we saw, too. I think Beav in DE was on that, and it looks accurate. Search CL for people selling closer to spot, and if you can find that, grab it.

      Also, silver is much cheaper on a historic basis right now. So it should outperform in a bull market. Smaller market, more people can afford it, etc. Since silver has an industrial component to it, that’s dragging it down for now. If I were buying anything here it would be 1oz silver and 1/10oz gold, both on CL where I could negotiate close to spot.

      Look for low premium coins (just google a list of lowest premium coins and you’ll find them).

    • you didn’t ask me, but I recommend what’s called junk silver (old quarters, halves, silver dollars). You aren’t going to be able to slice off a sliver from your gold bar if you need to buy some gas or food on the black market. “junk” is currently 14x face value.

      • Wanna, bullion is just a coin valued by weight rather than any collector value. So junk falls under bullion.
        Agree it is good to have, and you might find it for slightly less of a premium than say a silver eagle…but it’s all bullion for the most part unless you have a special Eagle or visa versa a special pre-65 minted coin.

        Junk dimes seem especially useful for small day to day stuff as you mention.

    Found this on Lundeberg’s twitter, MonkeyLuven may weigh in (please):

    “How can you become something, if you don’t believe in it?” very well written by Kyle Nobach.
    Takes you through the scene and thoughts surrounding Kyle’s 3RBI HR on Senior Day ’18. Pointing out that “Nobody talks to you more than you.”

    Concludes: Take some time to reflect during this time, develop mental routines, have a self-talk mantra, and do not let the thoughts you can’t control dominant your internal voice. Create who and how you want to be using your internal voice.
    “The happiness of your life, is determined by the quality of your thoughts”


    • This didn’t age well.

      angry July 17, 2019 at 11:49 am
      That league had disaster written all over it. Another misallocation of capital due to cheap credit.

      mckalk mckalk July 17, 2019 at 8:36 pm Edit
      I would rather take the over/under on Riley returning to the program (for the fifth time, I think) after the XFL folds then trying to figure out how many wins the Beavs will get this season.

      Avatar youngorst July 18, 2019 at 1:18 pm Edit
      The XFL won’t be folding anytime soon. The AAF demonstrated a market for spring football but was rushed, chose markets TV didn’t want (they had to pay to be on TV), and didn’t have the capital needed to last.

      The XFL made none of those mistakes. The XFL may fail but it will last 3-5 years minimum.

  12. 102,300 worldwide deaths now. Wasn’t that Fauci’s base case? I think he said 100k to 200k.
    Looks like we will be well beyond that before this is all over.

      • Ah.
        I guess that’s possible once we all go outside and/or a Fall return, or worse it never leaves in Summer. The South isn’t promising. Pretty warm there and huge numbers. Did he give a timeline? Like it might return next year, too.

        • 5-10% of confirmes cases dieing has been fairly accurate all over the place while testing is still strained. Likely the US is in the 30k-40k range just based on total positives. Hope it’s lower but it’s not looking good.

    • The Fauci 100k number was his domestic deaths estimate, rather than world wide. I think more recently he has revised that domestic total to a lower number(around 60k?)

      I’m curious why India is so low?
      Huge population(roughly the size of China at close to 1.4 billion) Tightly packed cities. Huge number of people living in slum like conditions. Only 200+ deaths attributed to Covid19.

      Am I missing something?

      • They have an oppressive government. China deaths haven’t risen in almost a month, and they also have an oppressive government. This is why I think US, France, Spain, Italy (all shady, but the best of the worst) have to be extrapolated rather than we rely on those governments.

        • It’s because things like this happen all the time there. 2000 people dieing of a respiratory disease in India is a Tuesday afternoon.

          • I don’t get what you mean. Even if 2,000 people die every Tuesday, what’s that have to do with not reporting Corona?

            The answer is they have a shady government and a bad medical system.

          • No its. Normal occurrence in India for diseases to pop up and kill a bunch of people. They’re desensitized to it, because its so common.
            I think India is the country that has regular bouts of the black plague.

      • Maybe it is them not eating meat… Lol. Can you imagine if we were forced to choose between social distancing and being a vegetarian?

  13. Any oldschool Danzig fans here?
    Not sure how I didnt know this, but I just learned that James Hetfield of Metallica sang backing vocal on a few songs from Danzig I back in the late 80’s. I’ve listned to that album 1000 times over the years and never knew that bit of trivia. He didnt get credit because competing of record label contract issues.

  14. 4

    They are breaking down the army hospital at CenturyLink field. They put it up 9 days ago. Not 1 patient was treated. The Navy hospital ship mercy in LA has treated 31 people with 18 hospitalized.
    On Thursday, military doctors and nurses were treating 189 patients at the overflow hospital at the Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, including 15 patients who are being treated in an intensive care unit inside the facility. The Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort in NY currently has 53 patients, including 10 who are critically ill with COVID-19.
    NY is getting hammered but not like was projected, and thats a good thing. Lets start cutting some areas loose and get people working. This is nothing like we were told it would be. Also the amount of deaths by heart attack and pneumonia have dropped by a whole bunch. I believe they are calling many deaths wuflu when its not. Fits the narrative. Keeps the sheep scared.

    • 15

      It’s a good thing that many states acted quickly to issue social-distancing and shelter-at-home directives when the feds buried their heads in the sand.

      It’s a good thing that enough people participated and we’ve mostly avoided the worst of worst case scenarios fatality wise, although many more will die.

      It’s a good thing that we won’t have to make use of many of the emergency field hospitals that many states and cities prepared.

      If we had done nothing it would have been catastrophic. Because we took drastic action, the worst of the worst scenarios are now avoidable.

      It’s not rocket-science.

      The bad news is our actions were short-term suppressive strategies, and not long-term mitigation (because we didn’t have a choice).

      The bad news is that now the virus will continue to break out again and again as soon as we lift our suppressive measures (like we are seeing already in Wuhan). It will have lots of time to evolve and become more lethal if it so chooses (just like the 1918 Flu).

      The bad news is that because we were unprepared and incompetent and had to use a suppression strategy, we won’t be able to achieve herd-immunity.

      The bad news is we will have to continue to suppress on-going outbreaks with more social-distancing over the next 2 years until a vaccine is available.

      Biology doesn’t care about our cultural biases, political ideologies, or desires to generate and hoard piles of imaginary currency.

      • 6

        We had 80,000 flu deaths in the 17’18 flu season. We have flu’s every year that kills 10’s of thousands. It is not a new phenomenon. Its flu, and its here every yesr. This stuff was here before the big shutdown, as in last fall. They can say all this mitigation worked because not as many people died than what was predicted. There is no proof in that, they were just wrong in the projections. Yet we have millions without jobs and and congress trying to spend my grandkids future. There is very little to celebrate here beyond the day to day American people who just keep rolling.

  15. I see that someone with the moniker of Fanno is now posting on this Beaver Blog. But what I don’t know is whether or not it’s the original Fanno66 that was a regular contributor on HackLive or an impostor of Fanno66 who regularly tried to pass himself off as the original Fanno66 on HackLive. I found the original Fanno66 on HackLive to be very reasonable and not an apparent Duck homer, but if the Fanno that’s now posting here has a strong leaning towards the Ducks, then it’s most likely the impostor who went by literally 100 or more monikers on HackLive. If that’s true, the guy is a complete turd and will eventually prove the jerk wad that he is. Hopefully, it’s the real Fanno….if not, the guy can smooch my butt after I take a crap of course.

    • 3

      Sounds like you have mental issues my friend. Still reeling from what your cousin did to you? Yikes. Btw, I gave you the info on the post player that will never play again. Your buddies daughter told me 2 years ago yet you won’t believe it? How come. If I am so wrong, why hasn’t she played? Exactly Dbag. Wake up. How has your beaver sports experience been going? What happened to your squads? Underachieved yet again

  16. Hey angry- any reason my comments are not being posted? Nothing telling me i was blocked like before. Published something 2 hours ago and nothing. It has acouple links. Thanks.

    • Just wait. Or do you have a south facing window by chance? You can do starts in various old containers( think growing beans in 3rd grade). A little potting soil some water and add sun.
      Do this inside btw.

      • I thought you were only allowed to grow pot in Colorado?
        Funny that a “study” hasn’t claimed CPD prevents and and cures Corona virus. It seemed to be the magic potion to cure everything from ED to hair loss.

      • Yeah have a front window south facing. that’s the plan just wondered if any seeds could go in the garden yet.


        PS. How long do seeds last? I’ve seen “1 year” to “they found seeds in king tut’s tomb, and they germinated.”

        I bought these seeds in 2012 to put in a survival pack I was building. They’re sealed in mylar and have been in mild temperatures indoors all these years. I read that you should test them by putting them in a damp paper towel inside a ziplock. I’m seeing a white sprout on the tomato one after five days. Still waiting on the other plants, but I just got around to starting the test last night. Think these are still viable or should I get new seeds?

        • 1 year is considered the standard life but that just means the germination rate will fall to “unacceptable” levels after that. Seeds last much, much better if stored where they can breath (that’s why you see them in paper envelopes when you buy them). Seeds from ’12 stored in sealed container are unlikely to have much of a germination rate (at least that is usual advice).

          Trusted way to check germination is to lightly wrap 10 seeds in a damp paper towel, place it in a dark, warm place and don’t let paper towel dry out (on top of refrigerator often is ideal). Five days to sprout your tomato seed is about right, 5-8 should be enough of a test for most veggies.
          Good luck with your garden.

          Unless you have lots of room (or fear a total collapse of food chain) you may want to leave out corn, takes a lot of room for the return. I’ve got room and friends still tease me about “wasting space” on corn….but they don’t refuse those fresh picked handouts!

          • Awesome, thanks. I am doing the paper towel thing now. I’m at day 5 on the tomatoes, and there is one sprouting out of the 10 seeds. I read 3 out of 10 is normal so if you get that the seeds are still good. Does that sound right?

            Do you have a recommended place (online would be best right now) to buy good seeds?

            Yeah no corn. I love corn, watermelon, pumpkins, etc but man way too much space. Tomato is as big as I’m going. For year 1 we’re doing Tomato, Onion, Peppers, Cucumber, Lettuce, Beets, Carrots, Zucchini, Peas. All of these are pretty easy from what I read.

          • Seed sellers usually claim 80% or more for new seeds. If you are dealing with a lot less than that you can adjust seeding rate and hope for the best. Should work just not ideal.

            I have bought from Territorial Seed in Cottage Grove primarily cause they have a variety of corn I really like. They are slow shipping now and I bet others are as well. Can’t believe they charge $7 or $8 to mail a couple packets of seed but that’s the deal.
            Others here may have additional sources for mail order seed, I’d only give Territorial an overall grade of 6/10. They do have a lot of varieties though.

    • explains low numbers all over the Pacific Coast. British Columbia has a lower/slower outbreak than the eastern Canadian provinces. See we now know, or strongly suspect, that the virus was circulating in Wuhan in early to mid-November, folks were showing up in this country from Thanksgiving through New Years, when and only then, doctors in Wuhan started spilling the beans.

    • explains low numbers all over the Pacific Coast. British Columbia has a lower/slower outbreak than the eastern Canadian provinces. Since we now know, or strongly suspect, that the virus was circulating in Wuhan in early to mid-November, folks were showing up in this country from Thanksgiving through New Years, when and only then, doctors in Wuhan started spilling the beans.

    • Hillary called them our “strategic partners,” so of course we should believe them. It would be racist not to. Might as well sell them more missile technology while we’re at it.

      • Biden is pretty close to them too. Chided Trump for considering them a threat, even though they have been stealing intellectual property for decades. We can’t get our supply chains out of there fast enough, and I don’t care who on Wall Street loses out.

        • China also applies huge pressure for single source supply chain. I think this brutal rebuke or just in time and single sourcing is going to backfire intensly for China. They are also a mostly developed economy now so the race to the bottom game, to lure business back, is going to be much more costly than when they were building from scratch.

          100% agree Wanna, we need out of there.

    • I trust them to lie, look out for the interests of elite party members, steal whatever they want, blackmail and use brutal suppression tactics.

    • Nobody likes them.
      You guys are missing the forest from the trees, though. It’s not the politicians or the Parties; it’s the Federal Reserve. Until people diagnose diseases instead of symptoms this will all continue.

    • Just thought of this one. If you are in a country where symptoms gets you and possibly your family in a truck I am willing to best you will report no symptoms.

  17. US now leads every major COVID statistic except deaths per per capita, infections per capita and tests per capita. China not included.

  18. 10

    sorry, but I can’t help patting myself on the back. Please read the short paragraph below and then ask, didn’t someone say that on Angry Beavs?

    From Dr. Joseph Ladapo, UCLA School of Medicine:

    “The belief that it is worth sacrificing anything and everything at the altar of flattening the coronavirus curve is foolish. But many leaders are behaving that way. We need a clearer picture of all that is at stake before those at the helm burn down the village to save it.”

    Cue the thumbs down.

    • I’ll give you a thumbs up for using nearly the same idiom a Dr from UCLA used.
      Don’t know that I necessarily agree with the thought. There are other doctors relaying a very different message as recently as yesterday.
      Keep in mind, I’m not in the camp of keeping the economy shut down long term and really don’t understand why there isn’t a bigger push for widespread antibody testing to get people comfortable with the idea they can get back out, if they aren’t already.

      “Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said Friday that the U.S. has not “reached the peak” of the pandemic but that there were “encouraging” signs that the curves were flattening or lowering.
      “This is not the time to feel that since we have made such important advances … that we need to be pulling back at all,” Dr. Anthony Fauci added at the Friday press briefing. ”


      • Birx is becoming more believable than Fauci. She’s following actual data on a county by county basis. Fauci is still focused on models and the particulars of virology. For him there’s no success until there are no more cases. I like the guy, but he’s got his own set of blinders.

        • They’re not conveying differing messages though.
          It’s not as if Dr Birx is saying “the curve is flattening, it’s time to feel confident we can open everything”

          I guess I don’t see how one’s message is more believable than the other when they don’t contradict each other? Both can be believable simultaneously.

          • it’s a matter of emphasis. They are not disagreeing with each other but if you watch the press conferences it’s clear that Birx is looking for a logic model to warrant a gradual, regional re-opening strategy and Fauci is only interested in eliminating the outbreak.

          • NB They aren’t conveying a different message but they are. Brix appears to be looking to get us back to normal and have a reasonable way to get there. Fauci seems to want complete eradication or a vaccine or something and predicts this is the new normal that is my takeaway.

            Not speaking for Wannabeav but I believe I understand his thinking. Here’s my observations.

            1) early on in this, the news reported a presumptive case of a 60 year old woman in Eugene. She was rushed to the hospital and died of a heart attack. They tested her after she died and found she had corona. There were no deaths on the Oregon Health Authority web site in Lane County. The next day when the OHA page was updated….1 death. It’s still the only death in Lane County. So did she die from C19, with C19, linked to C19…..or did she just have a heart attack? couple this with reports of health authorities listing any respiratory issues/death are C19.

            Everyone in our family had something nasty in Dec/Jan. Went to dr to get flu test. Negative for flu. Asked what it was… Answer “you have a virus”.

            2) Initially the cry was to “flatten the curve”. It now appears the modeling by the Imperial College and the IMHE were flawed. But if you use the IMHE Oregon and Washington have flattened the curve. Oregon Gov. Brown was asked when she’d lift restrictions. Her answer was when there are 10-14 days of no deaths from Covid. That’s moving the goalposts and that’s beyond flattening the curve. Using the IMHE latest predictions the last Oregon death would be around May 25 so no reopening until sometime middle of June.

            3) The initial stated purpose of the drastic measures was NOT to stop people from getting the virus nor to eradicate it. The purpose was to slow the spread to not overwhelm the health care system/hospitals. I believe early on even Fauci said it’s most likely you will get this.

            I think that’s where Brix and Fauci appear to be diverging….the health care system/hospitals are not overwhelmed in OR/WA and many other locations…but Fauci appears to want to continue drastic measures for the foreseeable future.

            One thing that’s disturbing to me is that anyone with contrarian view to the Government orders (not conspiracy theory nuts) gets shouted down and shamed. We call it covid shaming in our neighborhood. My wife told me the neighborhood app has people passing out a state number to call and turn businesses in if they witness lack of social distancing etc.

            I’ve always loved this blog for it’s critical thinking and opinions. At times it’s challenged me to rethink my positions and analyze things. I love that. But it seems like critical thinking, not necessarily here, is being lost in all of this in our communities.

          • I fully admit, I don’t watch every state media press conference, so I don’t see everything Dr Birx says vis a vis Dr Fauci.
            From what I have seen, their messages have been very very similar. For example, 10 days ago, when Fauci claimed around 100,000k would likely die due to Covid19, Dr Birx was saying between 100k to 200k, ” if we do everything perfectly”. And if we did nothing, she was projecting totals in the millions. I’ve linked an interview with her here. I don’t think there’s much room for interpretation.

            A lot can change in 10 days, but the message then was very much the same message from both Fauci and Birx.
            I haven’t seen any examples to date of their viewpoints being drastically different.


          • Another more recent example of Birx. This time at one of the press conferences. Asking for solidarity from everyone in the country to practice stay at home/social distancing measures. Not just some people, not just certain cities.
            She shows empathy in understanding this does mean people are making great sacrifices. Gives an example of her not visiting her sick grand daughter out of an abundance of caution to keep Potus and VPotus safe during this time because they’re too important to put at risk.
            Potus asks her to clarify that she did “NOT” actually visit her granddaughter. She confirms and he says “Good, I hope your “‘grandson'” is ok….”
            Smh…I’ll let that response speak for itself.

            But again, I’m not seeing Birx relaying a message to the public that we need to get out of our houses and fully re-open the economy.

            This was 4 days ago, so again, a lot could have changed since then, but I haven’t seen evidence of that from Dr. Birx.

            Linked an article with video and subtitles from the press conference.


      • 1

        if you liked that one, Nuke, here’s another blast from the Wannabeav past:

        Joseph Sternberg in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal:

        “Politicians on the right made a pragmatic political calculation. A media incapable of sophisticated thought would never forgive them if they made a reasonable bet in favor of policy modesty and it backfired. Conservatives aren’t wrong about the media’s general inability to process multiple variables.”

    • 3

      I read: “we need more testing and contact tracing” in that statement.

      The economic situation is unsettling, but going back out with our pants around our ankles is unlikely to help.

  19. The way I see it this massively levels the playing field for football. Between the “get in your face and punch you in the stomach” mentality of Coach Smith and all of the blue-collar minded players this is the exact type of team to come out and not just win but absolutely crush most teams that will have a weaker mentality and less aggressive and cohesive coaching staff.

    Just because our players were undervalued by every single recruiting service and scout doesn’t mean they can’t win the conference. Counting transfers this will be the most talented group in the pac 12, especially in the trenches! We’ve got a few guys weighing around 300 pounds some serious monsters! Bet all the “experts” are going to be changing their minds fast oh boy!

          • Idk. Say what u want but Luton had a very good season protecting the ball and that’s what last years team needed with the bend don’t break D and inability to create turnovers. I would guess gebbia will be better but not necessarily this next season.

      • there won’t be a season, at least not everywhere. the president of the University of Washington is already laying the groundwork for cancelling it.

        • Seriously? Is there a link?
          September is so far away. The idea of a shut down extending throughout the entire summer is crazy. At some point in the near future, people are going to say fuck it, I’m not staying home anymore. I mean, quite a few people are already saying that a few weeks in. Imagine a few months.

          • The nice weather…it’s easy to stay in when it’s freezing out.
            I don’t think that continues once it’s girls in mini skirt and bikini weather, and I’m thinking we will see cases spike at that time.

          • Colorado is still freezing, but here in Portland it has been nearly perfect weather the past few days, after a pretty cold March/early April.
            People are getting anxious. In the city limits, I’d say people are still doing a pretty good job of following the recommendations, but the times I’ve ventured out into the burbs, it’s almost like business as usual(other than restaurants only offering takeout)

            It’s a pretty noticeable contrast between the semi-urban communities vs the suburban.

          • It’s been 70s the entire past week. People seem to associate CO with freezing winters (I did before living here), but it’s not like that really. You’ll get plenty of days and even weeks in the 60s in the dead of winter. I think it depends if the winds are coming from the south or west (Texas/Nevada desert…warm) or north (Wyoming/Canada…cold). So those fronts create crazy patterns and variations. You will see people here in January in shorts and T-shirts throwing Frisbee in the park. It can get cold. This past winter was unusually cold and those warmer weeks much rarer, but the locals tell me that’s an aberration.

            It’s 70 today and tomorrow’s high is 35 with snow, btw.

          • 4

            So true about Denver weather. I traveled there for business for about 10 years. Snowstorms in October and 60-degree weather in January. I never verified, but locals would tell me the two snowiest months on average were October and March. Snow in May is not uncommon. My plane was delayed one time for two hours in April because the day before it had been 70 degrees and some of the workers who would typically do de-icing showed up in shorts and t-shirts (before cell phones, apps, etc were common) and had to be sent home to change when the weather dropped into the ’20s with snow.

          • Nice- its straight up politics. Nothing more. And your right its complete BS. Your right people are growing tired of it. If it was anywhere near the projections for death then people would be less likely to say KMA. But since this is shsping up to be less then a mid range year for the standard flu then people are going to say no. And rightly so.

          • I would expect it to be less than a mid-range year for pretty much any communicable disease this year. Not because people are hiding the stats, but because we are participating in measures designed to limit the transmission of communicable diseases.
            Of course the flu will be down this year. We’re all sitting at home or wearing masks when we do go near another person. Schools are closed. Every event with a typical large gathering has been cancelled. The flu doesn’t stand a chance.

    • speaking of Bernie, isn’t it interesting that after touting Scandinavian socialism as the model for our political economy for the last five years, the post-modern progressive socialist set hasn’t endorsed Sweden’s approach to the outbreak? The difference, of course, is that Scandinavian socialists are actually concerned about the working class, not the urban professional class. The latter are all comfortably working from home, while factory and construction workers, baristas and retail clerks are out of work.

  20. Has anyone used Paste Finishing Wax on a shellac finish? If so, what were the results?
    I’m building a new guitar, and I went with shellac finish. It’s a bit overly shiny. I don’t want to buff it with steel wool — afraid of scratches. I was thinking the paste might knock down that sheen a bit. I want it to be fairly shiny, though, just not this much. Would rubbing it out with a little paste knock back the glistening sheen but still keep some shine?

    Where is Jack when I need him? He knows everything about everything!

  21. 2

    another great Cuomo press conference today.

    The Good: he gently praised Trump for the federal response, and swatted down De Blasio rather bluntly. Context: the mayor, earlier this morning, said NYC schools were closed for the year. Cuomo: “that’s my decision” (rough paraphrase) Media question: (direct quote): “Can’t you see how parents are confused by the mayor saying one thing and you saying something different.” Cuomo: “I just provided clarification.” That’s why I like this guy: decisive.

    The Bad: he ruled out replacing Biden at the top of the ticket or even agreeing to be the nominee for VP

    • That could change by convention time. Biden is not capable of being president though he is capable of being led around and directed on what to say and do. Its going to be pretty interesting if the have the convention which i believe will happen.

  22. We hit 20,000 deaths a few moments ago. ~1.4k new deaths today and we’re not halfway through the day. 7% of total deaths (and rising) in one day seems unusual. Is this the worst day yet?

    • I think we are in the midst of the peak. Shit will look bad for a few days to a week then it should start to slide……hopefully.

    • Angry you can expect the worst day to occur about 10 days after peak infections. It looks like we are flat nationally with a peak at 35k in a day. I think that was 5ish days ago so we are probably reaching peak deaths sometime next week. I would expect peak to be 2.5-3k in a day.

      • Do you mean peak phase 1 infections, and that’s just due to staying inside for a month, not peak infections? I mean the odds of this not coming back for a Phase 2 in the Fall or when we step outside again are zero, no? I’m skeptical society isn’t changed socioeconomically for ~ two years.

        I guess a quick vaccine changes that, and herd immunity, but you’re not going to get the latter with everyone inside.

    Anyone seen results from the Stanford study of antibodies in the 3200 people tested a week ago? Report was expected “in about a week” and would be of some interest regarding uncounted cases.

    Also, here is a Stanford study which may be of interest to some here, the title:
    Pandemics & Propaganda: How Chinese State Media Shapes Conversations on The Coronavirus

    Excerpt: Early in the global outbreak, Chinese outlets declared a local victory over the virus, stating that China’s efforts had prevented coronavirus from infecting the world, boasting: “Were it not for the unique institutional advantages of the Chinese system, the world might be battling a devastating pandemic.” As global coronavirus infections near two hundred thousand, and cases of infection and deaths outside China surpass those within, this narrative has become less defensible.

    Lots more in the study, interesting graphic presentation.

    NOTE: this study was published just over three weeks ago.


    • > Anyone seen results from the Stanford study of antibodies in the 3200 people tested a week ago? Report was expected “in about a week” and would be of some interest regarding uncounted cases.

      Haven’t seen it yet, but I did read about a similar project in San Miguel County, Colorado. They’ve drawn blood from ~6,500 people in and around Telluride. They’ve reported on some partial results. They’ve tested 1631 people. 1598 negative, 8 positive and 25 inconclusive – which they believe means folks are in the early stages of antibody production but hard to say.

      If those inconclusive results are all actually positive, that means 2% have had it. San Miguel County is about 8200 people. That’s about 165 people infected. So far, they’ve got 12 official cases in that county. That means over 90% of cases are undetected at any time? That’s what the Germans have been saying for a while, so maybe that’s true.

      Could be closer to herd immunity than we’d thought?

  24. Half sports half COVID topic


    Beavs do have several international players who have tough choices. If they leave to go home, there’s no guarantee they’ll be able to come back anytime soon. If they stay, they will not see their family for an extended period of time.

    Could be an issue for WBB as they have three international players.

    • Glad Texas and Arkansas are still in the Union err, Confederacy err, ok, The Nation.

      Of most concern, from a team performance standpoint, would be Jasmine Simmons. As I read the article, Australia was mentioned once with the SA who returned home there being required to “go into 14-day isolation at her home,…”. Of course, an open question as to returning.

      Any international recruits set for next year?

  25. @Ean – saw your comment on health reasons and being a vegitarian. I agree that meat is a good call for most people’s diets, specially if they are not proactive about getting protien and minerals from other sources. My arthritis just flares when I eat meat. The degree depends on the type and quality but it’s a 100% phenomenon that If I eat meat my swelling and pain increases. If a burger didn’t make my fingers and toes grow 30% in diameter within acouple hours I would still eat them.

    • yeah that makes sense. I don’t have anything against people that choose to not eat meat or that can’t for health reasons. I just think for your average person some meat consumption is good for health, when combined with lots of vegetables at least.

    • Have you ever read “eat right for your type”? It basically says that you should base your diet around your blood type and depends on what your ancestors used to eat. Whatever your ancestors ate your body grew accustomed to processing and is why some people can’t have dairy etc. Maybe that’s why meat does that to you. Might be worth checking out.

      • It’s the ferric chemicals and hormones in meat aggravating my immune system and constricting blood supply. Didn’t bother me a bit tell the autoimmune disease and my ancestry is french, German, Scandinavian so I should be good to go.

        I’ll check it out though.

          • I’ve tried gluten free, Paleo, diary free, vegan, Mediterranean, South Beach, Vegitarian, pescitarian, ketogenic (typical and vegitarian), intermittent fasting, raw and mayo clinics liver health diet. Coupled that with two years of symptom and food logs to find food that gives me trouble.

            Vegetarian is the option that gives the most options that don’t give me trouble. Been a long journey haha

      • It’s not really a cause for AI but it can definitely aggravate and accelerate conditions for some people. There’s basically no diet, mineral, hormone or chemical that is guarenteed to hurt or help everyone.

        Latest research says AI are basically ancient and most people have the genetic potential for many of them. Some have a low probablity gene like MS but most of them don’t appear to be a familial trait. The biggest predictor is childhood stress and onset is almost always caused by a cortisol Spike due to stress (break ups, deaths, accidents, illness, job loss). Big current theory days that cortisol and other stress hormones can disrupt the bacteria biome and suddenly you are missing an essential micro protien or other chemical. Evolution isn’t dumb so we have genes that can be turned on that make up for they.loss. for the unlucky those genes can come with side effects like arthritis.

        Likely more info than anyone wanted but there ya go haha

  26. I really hope to have a football season this year as I’m sure all of you do as well. The team has a real shot at winning the north this year IMO. The fact that there is so much coaching turnover in the division and we have none makes things interesting. Also a lot of teams will be breaking in new QBs. The way I see it as of now these are the things that would have to go right.

    QB- Gebbia can’t have too many growing pains and needs to stay healthy.
    RBs- will be solid very deep there.
    TEs- Quitoriano is solid and a very good blocker and I think Musgrave will emerge as a weapon in the pass game.
    WRs- A lot of speed and experience but not much height. Someone will need to emerge as a true number 1 but I think Gebbia will spread it around more. Hopefully we see more big plays with the deep ball and more YAC with the speed at the position this year.
    OL- Probably my biggest concern on offense. They have 3 solid experienced players in Keobounam, Kipper, and Eldridge. They will need some guys to step up and fill the other roles. This group really needs to stay healthy. I think this group will make or break the O. They’ll need to give Gebbia time in his first year starting and open up holes for the RBs to take pressure off the passing game.
    DL- Really need Whitley in better shape and Moore to be able to play. The jucos from last season need to take the next step and hopefully Shippen is the real deal.
    LBs- Extremely deep. I’m curious how Tibesar will use all of this depth and who the starters will be with Murray and Gumbs coming back.
    DBs- Hopefully we see a lot of growth from the young guys that got playing time last season. If 2 of the 4 jucos can make an impact and Morris can stay healthy I think we’ll see quite a bit of improvement here from last season.
    K- Can’t get much worse than last season. Choukair did a nice job on onside kicks tho. Just need a guy that can make 35 yds and in and make his XPs.
    P- Should get about the same production as last year I would guess.
    KR PR- wonder who we will see back there. I’m not a fan of flemings back there personally. Do we see one of the transfers back there if they qualify? I have always preferred to have one of your fastest guys back there. While flemings is fast he isn’t fast enough to make up for his lack of size IMO. He goes down way too easy. I love the kid tho.

    • Good thoughts there, BleedO.

      The OL would seem to be the biggest question mark for the entire team. We have a very good coach there but even he will have difficulties if Eldridge can’t be counted on for 60 minutes. Any other injuries will be serious as well.

      Defense, said it before, I expect Beavs D to be among the top 3 in the PAC. Sold on Tibs.
      Whitley is a big factor, but not the deal breaker for the D as Eldridge is for the O.

      Punting….I’ve learned it’s hard to find fault with Bill’s positions here; this is no exception. No matter what wannabeav says, I support “go for it” (inside roughly the 45).

  27. Football questions:
    1) Sure, Beavs have an advantage with continuity of coaching and many key players but, will reduced preseason preparation force niner to dumb down his playbook? Cut out all “trickeration” and focus on simplicity?

    2) What kind of schedule do y’all expect?

    ..A) shorten season by eliminating all non-con games
    ..B) shorten season even further
    ..C) keep season schedule as published prior to virus concerns
    ..D) play full schedule but set back all games 3-4 weeks
    ..E) eliminate 2020 season entirely
    ..F) other

    3) What about fans in the stands? None? Limited to those with no fever? Reduced capacity in effect to provide for a degree of social distancing?

    • As far as 1 goes Lindgren pretty much said that a simple playbook would be used the first few games to eliminate mistakes.

    • I expect a full schedule. If and when they can play, they’ll play all the games. Just pushed back. Can’t give up that revenue.

      With that, there will be a full camp but play will still be sloppy due to the time off.

      Doesn’t make sense to play in front of no fans. Players will still be at risk on the field and in locker rooms.

      • Doesn’t make sense to play in front of no fans…
        Was thinking of the safety of fans, makes sense for them.
        Players risk likely less than thousands of fans; players can be monitored but hard to do that for crowd of fans which changes every game.

        TV money’s the same w or w/o fans in stands.

        And, right after I said it’s hard to disagree with you! lol

        • Sad to say that I don’t think we’ll have any sports this fall and very likely all online classes at all universities. For the games, it’s more than just monitoring the players, it’s all the support staff from the referees to the equipment managers, admin, catering, etc. So many people to account for and in the end, all it takes is one person to infect others.

      • Without a vaccine, no one in their right minds should go to a football stadium. Look what happened in Italy when they allowed Serie A matches to be continued to be played despite all the warnings. Go to any mass gathering like that where people are screaming and shouting, and it is basically like you are signing up for getting the virus.

        • That’s my concern. If scientific evidence support that covfefe 19 is aerosolized by people singing (i.e. hooping and yelling at a sporting even/concert), then any large gatherings are pretty much toast until maybe summer 2021 at the earliest. Sucks. Maybe games with an empty stadium?

    • What I’d be in favor of is a shortened and or pushed back season. Not sure who makes the decision anyway. You can be sure if it’s Larry Scott it will be wrong.

      As for fans it seems like if reasonable precautions are taken (masks, plenty of access to hand cleaning) fans could attend. How many would though? And are the typical blue hairs going to risk their lives? But just think of all the revenue from beaver logo masks!

      • there won’t be fans at athletic events until September, at the earliest, even if the games start up. That will be a function of natural hesitancy on the part of fans, even IF state governments lift the bans on large events. ask yourself this: can you see Governor Brown lifting the lock down before then?

        • Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I think the state wide lockdown gets lifted between may and June. They may still have a public gathering ban for certain crowd sizes, but those will eventually be relaxed too.
          People who havent been anti bodytested or test negative will be hesitant to go out, especially without masks. Those with positive antibody testing and those without much concern for the virus will be out and about. Personally, I plan to attend college football games in September and think it will be happening.

          • I think mid June is the spot

            Agree on the rest though

            Of course I had opening day tickets in Seattle and had already been yelled at by my at risk mom for it (was gonna take my nephew and sister who live there for his 21st) if not for the shutdown so I’m probably not the best example of typical human reaction.

  28. By the # of down votes he received, it looks like Fake “Fanno” is as popular on this Beaver Blog as he was on HackLive. And, he’s still searching for that oh so elusive affirmation and validation from the Swammi that he so desperately craves. He’s so desperate for attention that he’s resorted to signing onto a Beaver Blog and that’s UnBeaverable and totally RiDuckulous. Wow, just wow! Pucker up Sally, pucker up. LOL!

  29. 2

    Good one swamms. I am not looking for any validation from a numbnut like you. I just enjoy yanking your chain. You’re as dumb here as you were on Olive. Constantly changing your moniker over there really had to get old, then denying you did it. Classic swammi. Can’t fix stupid eh swamms? You’ll never change. Dropping names to feel important, pretending people want your opinion. Laughable as usual you Roseburg doofus. Bahahaha. When will you stop using that clinically retarded tag line?

    • 15

      Swammi and Fanno:
      Maybe you two should send emails back and forth and keep your Olive memories/arguments between you. Nobody cares who had what names or what ridiculous squabbles you had over the years. Contribute to the site or move along, let bygones be bygones and be adults not childish about your fandom. If you are a duck homer, be honest about it and have the debates.

      Save your mocking, name calling and generic barbs for other sites but please don’t wreck this site with that non-sense. Jack alone had that privilege, and he is irreplaceable.

  30. Great column in The Atlantic about how the WHO and CCP COLLUDED to cover up corona. The tide is beginning to turn, in terms of opinion, about where the recriminations should be directed. Trump, of course, comes in for his share, as he should, but one aspect of this situation now seems incontrovertible–we’ve seen PEAK China and that is, unqualifiedly, a good thing.

    • 8

      Trump was praising China’s response in February and he also NEVER actually institute the travel ban he claims he should get credit for, hundreds of thousands of people came from China since that so called order was issued.

      China is a totalitarian shit hole, Trump trusted that totalitarian shit hole until it was too late to be properly prepared here.

      Trump deserves more than “his share” especially since he also claimed to know it was a pandemic “before everyone”

      You can’t insist on all the credit for everything while refusing to accept responsibility for anything.

      For Americans, the buck stops at the POTUS which is Trump.

      It is Trump’s job to protect us from totalitarian lies from China. Or at least stop lying to use every day now about his own personal fuck ups.

      Simple as that.

        • 2

          Donald Trump says he is smarter than everyone and knew this was a pandemic “before anyone”.

          Since Trump knew it was a pandemic “before anyone” why would I need to read an article about people that figure me it out after Trump
          (Again, by his own statements he knew “before anyone”)

          And now he is bragging that being the 1st President to declare a 50 state national emergency is “winning”

          Sorry, Trump owns this fuck up. Period.

        • 1

          Already did.

          Doesn’t excuse Trump for any of his lies.

          Why are you okay with being lied to by POTUS?

          How is defending a lying POTUS the reasonable position?

          America is so fucked

          • Because of Hillary’s emails!

            You’re not going to get people to see the light. Only way a cult leader breaks the cult is if he messes up and shows weakness. Lies aren’t a weakness since the enemy uses them, too. The dear leader is just using them to offset the enemy’s lies. A weakness to open eyes would be “inconsistency”, which he’s beginning to show lately, and I think why some people are converting (I had a (R) do so recently).

            Trump is pretty good at pretending he’s strong. Uses every manipulation in the toolbox.

          • 1

            I feel like a leader saying

            “I take no responsibility”

            Should demonstrate weakness.

            I’m just sad that a shitty businessman and textbook obvious conman can get such a strong hold over so many people.

            It is what it is I guess

    • Pretty disappointing speech. Generic and still being a lizard person/politician even after a 50/50 bout with death. If he’s not going to be a real human after that I don’t think he has hope.

  31. This morning on youtube, I saw a recent video of Fauci being interviewed in the last 24 hours about his views on what would he the ideal plan for allowing people to get back to their normal lives.
    Yesterday we were discussing Birx vs Fauci, and a couple of you were telling me Fauci is looking for complete eradication of the virus before we would start to re-open things.
    Again, I’m just not seeing or hearing that message. This is him, talking about a measured and gradual relaxing of the current guidelines, antibody testing being key ingredients to us being able to re-open things, and he expects to see these efforts happen within the next month. He’s not saying a 100% all at once relaxing of all rules, but a coordinated plan that makes sense to cautiously/safely return to normal life.
    Still sounds like Birx and Fauci are very much on the same page.
    Video linked below.


  32. (Continuation of the gardening discussion above)…

    This morning about 80% of the tomato seeds are sprouting. Very good news. So these 2012 seeds appear totally fine. Still testing peppers and onions, which are only in the damp towel a day or so.

    So at this point just move the sprouted tomato seeds into a starter cup inside, right? I’m putting in 2 per cup. Any suggestions on that? Thanks for the help, Beavos.

    • Yup, their culture and social programs allow them to have very little intervention. They stood by it and it seems to be working.

      I would be careful applying their solution to other places, there’s very few places that compare well socially.

        • interesting piece. But some, like that youngster, like certitude rather than inquiry and discourse. he should have become a theologian.

          • 5

            I’ve read every piece mentioned even the medium article.

            But keep telling yourself it’s just uninformed hatred.

            I don’t deny the hate but it’s informed.

            Of course I can remember when flubs like wearing a tan suit or saying 57 states (instead of contests) was unacceptable in a leader.

            I forget those rules don’t apply to Trump who can lie with impunity.

          • 3

            Take it from me. many people here are not overly interested in passionate, source backed, logical, evidenced based, morale or data based arguement if it is against trump or their entrenched world view. Save yourself some aggravation and downvotes.


            Your local cautionary tale.

          • 3

            Thanks for the advice. I understand reasoned debate with said cult is impossible

            But sometimes you gotta get shit off your chest which is all I’m really doing here to be honest.

            Couldn’t care less about up or down votes

        • Exactly. Socially and culturally Denmark and Norway are the only places that compare well to Sweden. Sweden is doing 30% worse despite having objectively better social policy (in terms of safety nets and policy). The difference is they are not mandating mitigation terms.

          Wether that is worth it or not is probably up to morality theorists and economists to debate.

  33. 5

    Back to the trope of destroying a village in order to save it–

    NPR Sunday edition with Lulu had an interesting interview with a Dr. from Stanford. If I was capable I would provide a link, but that’s not my game. Anyway, this guy was touting research from the Great Recession last decade that indicates we’re at the tipping point where the health damage will switch from Corona induced to economic dislocation and poverty induced. I was surprised to hear this interview because it runs counter the narrative NPR usually posits, that the only person worth blaming for this predicament is Trump. (Read youngorestate above.) Ditto, the Atlantic article I referred to earlier.

    What the NPR interview tells me is that I think there are some people in the media, by and large a dim-witted group, that are beginning to realize the catch 22 we are in. As Holman Jenkins writes in the WSJ: “Imagine a problem that can be solved by holding your head underwater but stops being solved when you lift your head out.” As unpopular and unconventional as it is to state, every once in a while, like the blind squirrel, Trump actually stumbles upon a truth. He can’t verbalize it effectively because he’s verbally and intellectually challenged, so let Jenkins say it: “even the most tunnel-visioned epidemiologist must admit the lockdown cure will soon be worse than the disease, imposing social destruction beyond imagining.” Again, check out the interview on NPR.

    • Re: Capturing links. What type of operating system/browser are you using?
      If on a mobile device, you should be able to hold your finger on the web address and then will be prompted to copy/paste/delete/share/etc.
      Choose copy.
      Then, when you make a post on this site, hold your finger within the text window where you’re typing your post for 2 seconds, and when the prompt comes up, choose “paste”.

      If on a PC, right click provides the same options as the finger holding described above.

          • that’s funny. But since I didn’t have a chance to reply up above because the prompts were used up, there’s nothing reasoned, sourced, or logical about young ore state’s rants.

          • I had other options lol. Plenty of passion. Plenty of morality based arguement. It was a dick way of saying you are not going to change some minds or alter views with any kind of arguement on some subjects.

            That’s pretty obviously the case in this site (and most places) with regards to the President or political ideology. Just a recommendation for Young’s state of mind to not bother.

          • 1

            Sure wannabeav

            I get it, Trump is the only one telling the truth.

            I am so glad he is saving all this poor mole children that Hollywood and Democrats have been using in their extensive child sex ring


        • I’m confused. This site is hosted by wordpress and we’re all using it. There’s no need to embed hyperlinks. Copy/paste works well.

          • I’m also confused. I know 3 ways to copy and paste and they all work on PC. Haven’t had trouble with either of the two methods I know on Android and Apple devices. Cake knows how to do embeds, hoping I find out someday haha

            Edit: Cake has delivered. Html works to create embeds!

    • 1

      My childhood buddy, the epidemiologist, agrees with that sentiment. Aberdeen, SD is different than NYC. Let the the states, working with local governments decide this based on local conditions. Better to deal with this in the northern half of the country when you don’t have to worry about freezing to death. Woke up to a 4 inch snowfall. Merry Easter?
      How come none of you sent me a birthday present?

    • 9

      I NEVER said Trump was the “only” person to blame.

      I am taking Trump at his word.

      At his word

      Trump knew before everyone

      If Trump would announce at his daily misinformation conference that he in fact didn’t know before everyone (ie tell America the fucking truth) I’ll stop blaming him.

      Even the Atlantic article you mentioned, why has the USA had a representative with the WHO since 2018? Isn’t that Trump’s job to make sure someone is appointed?

      But if he a was wants credit for “knowing before anybody”

      Than guess fucking what? He gets the fucking blame.

      Not my fault he won’t man the fuck up and tell the truth like an adult.

      • 7

        I’d also point out that Joe Biden won’t an op-Ed in January telling Trump what to do…meanwhile Trump still believed China at that time.

        We would not be in anywhere near as big of a mess with a competent President regardless of what China and the WHO did.

        You are free to disagree

          • 10

            Trump wasn’t listening to anyone because he “knows more than anyone” about everything, that’s my point.

            Look, I get China covered shit up (shocking) but they doesn’t excuse Trump for…

            Not having a US representative with WHO
            Not having CDC representatives in China
            Not have a pandemic response team

            And most importantly Trump was publicly defended China in January.

            I’m sick of Trump fucking up and everyone blaming everyone but Trump.

            Harry Truman placed a ‘the buck stops here’ sign on his desk

            Donald Trump shouldn’t be rewarded for being the first President I know of whose motto is “I take no responsibility”

            I’m sick of it.

          • 4

            I don’t watch CNN, MSNBC, or Foxnews.

            Trump is a liar period.

            I don’t need any news organizations to tell me something I’ve known since the 1980’s

            Thanks for the advice though

          • 5

            The cult TDS is stronger. And Im Not trump fan at this moment. I just don’t care for people posting lies and half truths as fact and not backing them up. As soon as you post an out right fabrications as fact, your argument has failed.

          • Angry,

            I know this and try not to vent in the internet

            Mimosas and wanting to leave my fucking house has set me off a little today

            Happy Easter everyone (from an atheist, yes, we still value holidays)

          • Black Bandits- surprised thats still even available online. But honestly, to many it just doesn’t matter. TDS is a strong affliction. I have just posted that and a couple other things. Havent showed up yet. I let angry know.

  34. 4

    Dr fauci was interviewed by newsmax on January 21. He was talking a bit differently a few weeks later. But during this interview he said the virus was ” not a major threat to the people of the US.
    Ten days later Trump starts restricting flights from China including quarantines. I think that could be “doing something”. And doing it in January no less, and not to long after Fauci said all is well.
    The chinese new year party in Manhattan was held on February 9th. That didnt go so well, but Trumps fault im sure.
    Mardi Gra kicked off febuary 25th with people from all over attending. N.O. is a hard hit area. Trumps fault im sure because, well its Trump.
    Nancy Pelosi on video saying its all ok. Come to frisco. Feb. 25th. Trumps fault though damn him.

    • 4

      Trump is the one that has claimed (again, I’m using Trump’s own words)

      “ “I’ve felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic”

      Those are Trump’s own words.

      If that isn’t true, why’d he lie?

      And more importantly, why do you not care that he lied?

      • 5

        Read what i wrote. “Started restricting flights”. He had people quarantined for 14 days. And all flights went to 7 different airprts. I never bought into the they shut every flight off BS. Never. But he sure was a racist for it. I think it was a smart move, and he never will get credit for it from the fevered.

        • 4

          I’ll give him all the credit for it all he wants.

          All he has to do is admit he lied when he said he knew it was a pandemic before everyone else.


  35. I see loads of discussion on eonomy vs death debate thing. I don’t think it will be a productive discussion so please avoid it in this chain.

    I’m curious what people’s thoughts are on the economic responses used around the world. I see two main strategies.

    1) Bailout, stimulus and bond backed loan programs (US) response. Heavily relies on direct action by treasury, central bank and unemployment.

    2) Directly funding employers with full or partial salary compensation. Also generally backed by issuing bonds but not necessarily loan programs for companies. Basically uses already in place methods in reverse to make sure people do not lose jobs. Seems to mostly rely on IRS/Treasury type agencies.

    • What they’re buying is time, and time is getting more and more expensive.
      In option trading there’s a variable called “Theta”, which is “time decay”…every day that passes the option is more worthless (if all other variables remaining equal). By printing 10 trillion they basically purchased the theta on an option and bought time. Like most options, this won’t work. Printing money today = borrowing future prosperity from tomorrow. The stock market views the FED’s actions as bullish, and they might be for the short-run, but in the long-run it’s extremely bearish. Again: printing money today = just pulling future growth forward. When you get to tomorrow, that growth isn’t there. Eventually we hit that phase, once they can’t buy theta.

      The correct response is to restructure debt right now, let insolvent banks fail, let poorly run corporations fail, let levered hedge funds fail. You go through five dark years, and you come out the other end of the deleveraging stronger than ever as all the malivesment is wiped out. What they are doing is a lot like forest managers trying to suppress fire cycles. You just get bigger fires when they do happen. Hence what we’re seeing every ten years is a larger bubble with a larger fiscal/monetary response.

      There are only two ways to default:

      1. Declare a default and bondholders take a haircut.
      2. Hyperinflation.

      • I get all that but I’m more interested in which of the two methods is going to work better. I think model 2 will allow for economies to come back online faster with less disruption to average Joe’s income.

        I agree that failure/bankruptcy would be better in many cases but that’s just not reality of most government policy atm.

        Edit: There is also the dreaded taxation where you just go ahead and pay for your spending. Not the same as default but an option.

        • Doesn’t really matter to me; it’s just do you want to be unemployed today or in five years?
          Whichever of those is “better” answers your question. You’d have to define “work” and “better”…

          If you want to be employed today then you pay the enormous theta premium. That’s what they’re doing. It will have severe consequences.

          Personally I’d rather get the bad out of the way sooner and have a brighter future than present. But I’m a long-term planner. We should be defaulting on everything and restructuring.

        • 4

          My only comment on this is that I was not happy to hear Brown cancel the remainder of the school year so soon.

          I think for kids the damage or missing about 40% of the school year (online school is only gonna cover maybe 50% of what was planned and about 50% of kids won’t even do that) is gonna be long lasting.

          Brown’s stance that we need 10-14 days without a death from the virus is too extreme.

          But ultimately I get it, she knows she doesn’t have the tests needed for contact tracing.

          I just can’t believe the USA is fucking up so bad.

          And I really don’t care how it compares to other countries. We are richer, we should be doing better.

          • Even if we were richer, you can’t buy your way out of a pandemic. The virus don’t give a fuck.
            Also, aren’t the kids required to do the home schooling in order to advance grade levels? That was my understanding from our girls teachers. Maybe its not true?

          • BB – Yes in Oregon. It’s just reality that online school can’t get through as much material or have great quality when it’s janked together in a few weeks. Parents and teachers will do their best but you can’t replace in class teaching that quickly with no prior preparation.

          • Gotcha, it was hard to understand one of the teachers because she was crying and a mess in her little speech she posted for the kids. The other teach wasn’t very detailed other then where to find the week lesson plans. Apparently the teachers were blindsided by this it seems. We were confused on exactly what needed to be done, we are calling them to confirm in the morning.

          • My daughter is, well was, a senior. Their year is officially over. Apparently she and most of her class officially were graduated out with the latest decree.

            Any classes seniors were taking …if they were passing when school closed, they passed and, assuming had enough credits, will be completed with high school. Only seniors needing more credits are continuing with distance learning.

        • There is also the dreaded taxation where you just go ahead and pay for your spending. Not the same as default but an option.

          That would be a good option. It’s akin to earning more income to pay off your Visa card instead of opening up a Mastercard to pay off your Visa card (i.e. what we’re currently doing). The reason I don’t list it is it wouldn’t prevent default, since we’re too far in debt for taxation to work. We need to default first, then have a proper taxation to spending ratio.

          • I think we would just default then carry on as normal if we don’t attempt.to normalize a functional tax rate before hand. Really like the metaphor.

          • I think we would just default then carry on as normal if we don’t attempt.to normalize a functional tax rate before hand.

            Yes that’s very true. Except that the rest of the world wouldn’t touch our bonds after a default, so we couldn’t. At least not for a while until their younger generations forget…but I get your point.

            Another idea is to just reprice gold. Right now the Federal Government prices gold officially around $35/oz. (lol??!). If they reprice gold to 20k and silver to 3k, they could actually back every outstanding dollar. This would be inflationary, but I don’t think it would be hyper-inflationary since most people don’t own gold.

          • Dafuck $35/0z? Isn’t that what the gov offered during the depression? Why hasn’t it ever repriced? We dropped the gold standard under Nixon ffs lol

          • It has repriced. Spot is nearly $1700. The government doesn’t recognize that. When Nixon took us off the gold standard, gold was free to float. Before that, the price was fixed at $35, where it’s remained ever since FDR.

            And no, during the Depression FDR offered $20/oz. Once they got everyone’s gold, they then repriced it to $35/oz, basically cutting in half anyone’s purchasing power who was dumb enough to hand it in.

            Anyway, doing a similar repricing could back every dollar. Anyone holding gold would do well. Though they’d get hit with a windfall tax I am sure of it. Anyone not holding gold would experience inflation. But it is an option is all I’m saying. I actually think it’s a likely outcome at some point, though not for a while. If you remember Obama wanted to mint a Platinum coin and price it at 1 tril and put it in the treasury during the ’11 debt ceiling crisis.

        • We are richer, we should be doing better.

          Define “richer”…

          We have the most debt in the world, 115% of our GDP is debt, and the average us citizen owes 70k to the national debt. That’s not how I define rich, but I am all ears…

          • 7

            To be clear: I am voicing what politicians claim about us and our capabilities

            That’s it.

            If Trump knew before everyone and we have the “best” system in the world than this shouldn’t have been as big of an issue

            Best medical system in world + guy who knew it was a pandemic first = USA handling this with little interruption

            We clearly don’t have the best medical system in the world and Trump was clearly lying about knowing it was a pandemic first so here we are…..

            I hate being lied too

          • 4

            I know all that, but you said we’re rich and therefore should do better. We’re pretty poor by all metrics of wealth. I’d say we’re rich in natural resources and intellectual property. Not much else.

            Trump lied because he has an election to win in November. He was hoping it would go away. I take issue with that, but his cult followers will not. They’ll blame Fauci, the media, Epstein, the Clintons, the Rothschilds, etc.

          • 2

            When I say “we’re rich”

            I’m implying the rest. Sorry, I know that was less than clear.

            I agree our wealth as a nation is largely useless to us as citizens

      • 11

        Theta schmeta! Here’s the way I heard it:

        It is a slow day in Corvallis, and streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody is living on credit, no Beavs baseball to cheer folks up.

        A tourist visiting the area stops at the motel across from the Angry Beaver Pub, and lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms to pick one for the night. As soon as he leaves, the motel owner grabs the bill and runs across the street to pay his debt to the butcher, who frequents the AB.

        The butcher takes the $100 and steps across the room to pay what he owes to the pig farmer who is enjoying a pint.

        The pig farmer takes the $100 and heads off to pay his bill to his supplier, the Co-op.

        The guy at the Co-op takes the $100 and runs to pay his debt to the local prostitute, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer her “services” on credit.

        The hooker rushes to the motel and pays off her room bill there.

        The motel proprietor then places the $100 back on the counter just as the traveler returns. Traveler says the rooms are not satisfactory, picks up the $100 bill and leaves.

        No one produced anything. No one earned anything…

        However, the whole town is now out of debt and now looks to the future with a lot more optimism. GO BEAVS!

  36. 3

    Anybody here know any adult film producers? I have an idea for a pandemic themed title I’d like to pitch. I only ask for a writer credit.

    The Silent Spreader

    • Is it about an amoral, creeper dude who has STDs and sleeps with women without telling them, or a nerdy, bookworm librarian who likes to have a little fun on the weekends?

      I’m asking for my producer friend.

        • Childhood friend had an older brother who fried his brain on drugs and moved back with his dad after their mom died.
          When my buddy and his wife went back for his dad‘s funeral they found this ginormous porn collection of VHS tapes that the brother had purchased with their dad’s money. The names were all based on recent mainstream movies and were pretty hilarious.
          The two that stuck with me were…
          On Golden Blonde (On Golden Pond)
          Romancing the Bone (Romancing the Stone)

    • Can we have a “what we’re drinking during quarantine” thread?
      Since I’m home so much and barely drive anymore, I’m finding more time to try out new things. Wouldn’t mind some good cocktail recommendations from other users.

      Been trying to limit the beer drinking, just so I don’t have to take in so many calories. My liquor cabinet hasn’t been this stocked in some time and I’m ready to chip away at it.

      • Sure.
        Man, I have been drinking way too much. Usually I have 2 a week, say on a Saturday. I’ve been having like 2 on a Monday, 2 on a Thursday, 2 on a Saturday…even Sunday, the day of rest! Ugh. I think alcoholism is going to rise due to this.

      • Hey NiceBeaver, I created a drink menu a couple years ago to entertain guests. Here are a few recommendations:

        If you like Whiskey, try these:
        Spiced Chocolate Old Fashioned (not as heavy as you’d think)
        2 oz. Bourbon, 1/2 oz. cinnamon simple syrup, 2 dashes angostura bitters, and 2 dashes Aztec Chocolate bitters. To a rocks glass, add simple syrup or sugar. Muddle the bitters in the sugar. Add bourbon and ice. Garnish with a cherry.

        Coal Miner’s Daughter
        2 oz. bourbon, 1 tsp ginger syrup, 3/4 oz. lemon juice, 3/4 oz. lavender honey, 1 dash lavender bitters and sprig lavender for garnish. Add all ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into rocks glass with ice. Garnish with lavender sprig

        If you like vodka/gin, try these:
        Aperol Gin Fizz
        1 1/2 oz. Gin, 1 oz. Aperol Liquer (you can also use Campari), 1 dash grapefruit bitters, 1 dash rhubarb bitters, 3 oz soda and a grapefruit peel. Combine all ingredients except for the garnish into a mason jar with ice. Garnish with a grapefruit peel.

        Elderflower Fizz
        1 1/2 oz. Vodka, 1 oz. St. Germain Elderflower liquer, 2 dashes cucumber lavender bitters, 1 oz. lime juice, 1 lime peel and a splash of club soda. In a mixing glass, combine all ingredients except for the club soda in a mixing glass with ice. Stir until chilled and strain into a tall glass over ice. Add a splash of club soda on top and garnish with the lime peel.

        • Thanks for the ideas. I should confess, I’m a pretty lazy cocktail maker. Often times I just ended up drinking my spirits neat or on the rocks.
          That Coal Miner’s daughter sounds right up my alley though. Will have to give it a shot. I’m sure I have a neighbor nearby i could get some lavendar from. It’s south east Portland, after all.

          • My rum collection is my weakest are. Any good recommendations? I almost never drink it but would like to sample it more.
            A friend gave me some of his Pyrat once, which was pretty good. I think it’s basically the rum version of Patron. But I’m sure there’s much better out there.

          • 1

            Nothing worse than a bunch of jealous middle aged men with no prospects whining about a rich and very good 21 year old that just dominated college basketball. Nobody remembers Pivec. In fact, nobody outside of the state has even heard of her. Is that why you’re mad? Lol. Cj- Why do you search for Sabrina articles on Yahoo? Obsessed much? Your teams might actually be successful if their fan base devoted as much time to them as they do the Ducks. You know this right?

          • 8

            Says the crybaby duck fan on a beaver website. Does it hurt your feelings OSU has been more successful then the ducks.
            And you still don’t have a championship.

    • Blackbandits…… The beavs are “more successful” than (not then doofus) than the Ducks? What planet do you live on? Please provide a link. I can provide several that say you’re way off base dipshit. You are posting about a Duck player that dominated you and making disparaging comments about her because she is already more successful than you in life. Who is sad? Who’s the crybaby? I think we all know the answer to that. Lmao

        • Just points alone: 14, 15, 21, 35, 29, 21, 23, 19. I won’t even mention rebounds, assists and double teams she drew. Looks pretty dominant to me. 98% of the players on both teams would kill for those numbers.

        • Taylor Jones had one good game in the series so far. At her height, she should. Second game she was dominated by Hebard and Sabally.

        • 1

          Why is it hard to admit that Sabrina was successful. She dominated her whole career. I think the numbers, awards and pending 1st overall pick in the draft support that easily. Jones can be dominate but she will have to be more consistent

          What does win/loss have to do with anything. Karl Malone never won a title. I would definitely call him dominant at his position. Would you argue that? By that logic, Taylor Jones is 0-2

          • She’s a great player and dominated.
            My question would be: why are you obsessed with this girl?

            She also has very large feet, destroying her floor joists as she pouts about.

          • Regardless of success…she was whining! Like it was a foregone conclusion that she was going to win…what is it that quack-land calls it…oh, yeah – the natty.

            Too bad we’ll never know, but rest assured she’ll whine about it the rest of her life! As will you.
            Now go back to your pond and lay an egg.

      • 4

        check the team records over the last 8 years and get back to me. The ducks had 1 player, yes she’s good. When did I disparage her? I said she’s probably shoving her roommate like she shoved her own teammate last year during the Civil War when they were going into the locker room at halftime and the beavs were tearing her up.
        Also I love that you’re so insecure you have to resort to personal attacks. Typical duck fan, not smart enough to defend their argument so you resort to name calling.

        • “They have one player”. Wow, you really are an idiot. They have 3 top 8 draft picks heading to the WNBA on Friday. One was the best small forward in the country and the other a two-time best power forward in the country. But they only had one player. Gotcha chief. Good call there. Do you read your own posts after you hit the button? Personal attacks? You realize you’re personally attacking me with your post right? Irony isn’t lost on you snowflake

          CJ- They have the #1 recruiting class in the Pac12 and country. 5 of the top 25 players in the class. 5- five stars. Plus Shelly, Chavez, Sabally (who is supposedly better than her sister and on film looks like it). You’ll see, again. Oh, and they would have won it. That’s why you’re so bothered. You know it and so does everyone else.

        • Yes only one great player. Princess Sabrina will have a nice long career in the wnba. The others won’t last more then a year or 2 and will be slumming it in Russia or Italy for $15000 a year.
          And your #1 recruiting class? Cool dude, were so excited for you. How many games have they won for the ducks? None? Its a little early to be suck your own dick. Odds are they won’t do shit for 3 or 4 years but keep dreaming.
          There you go with more typical duck temper tantrum To bad Phil can’t buy you a championship then your sore ass might heal up. Tell me how big is the toilet seat cover you call an insignia on the back window of you 98′ Accord? Like full window chrome? Or do you have the one with fairy wings on it?
          And I see you never responded to the last 8 years of records or the fact that Sabrina the teenage bitch is a giant bully shoving her own teammates? Too much truth to handle in one post? Or are just have a mental health crisis for not being able to purchase a national championship t-shirt from Walmart? Ok your turn.

          • Lmao. You are so triggered. You must live on the streets of Philomath. Is that what you meant by “off the grid”. Playing in Europe like literally 90 % of WNBA Players do? Same thing Pivec will do if she gets drafted. Keep up the little brother syndrome you got going there. You do a great job. Were you going to provide a link proving that the beavs are more successful or not? Will you be basing that on NCAA titles the school has won? Hope not. Pac12 titles? Hope not. Winning % of the athletic program? Hope not. Recruiting? Hope not. One school steals recruits from Alabama and one steals from Fresno State. Sabrina is competitive. Much like Pivec who got a couple techs this year for losing her temper. Losing will do that I guess. Your turn one-toothed Philomath street person

          • You must be that Nebraskan beav guy. Lol

            Black bandits….up at 4am posting and collecting cans on the streets of Philomath. Your football team is struggling to steal recruits from Fresno. Ours Alabama. Pretty sure you knew that though. Sabrina has a degree and is working on her masters. #1 pick in the draft and shoe contract. She will be fine. Sabally going #2. But they only have one player according to you. Laughable just like you. Your little brother syndrome is strong boy. By the way, your “bully” is now the state of Oregon’s most decorated college athlete of all time. You should pay some respect. Adley who?

          • Its cool you like bullys playing for your team, whatever and they don’t throw technical fouls for shoving your own teammate in the back during halftime. Super classy, just like the typical duck fan.
            Why would your women’s basketball team be stealing players from Alabama or is it Fresno state? When were they perennial powerhouses in WBB?
            And Pivec actually has a degree in something other than “communications” unlike your duck players. Whether she goes to the WNBA or not, she’ll be fine.
            You never answered how big that toilet bowl is on your Accord? Or do you have the ScoDucks hastag back there?

    • Wellllll….I guess that’s better than them purposefully holding them and profiteering. Hope juwtic is served to the scammers, pretty sick.

  37. 2

    So, about truth . . . .

    We are definitely in the “post-truth” era. But here’s the thing. The demolition of verisimilitude didn’t begin in the conservative movement, and even less with the current resident of the White House–it started in institutions of higher education when the post-modern (po-mo hereafter) crowd began dominating academic philosophy, literature, history, and political economy departments. There is no objective truth, the po-mo’s say, that is just a social construction, one of many, any one of which is no more valid than the other.

    But (sigh), trying to reason with people (reason? the po-mo’s say? that may be YOUR truth but it’s not MY truth”) will just get you written off as a cultist. That’s exactly the kind of twisting of reality the po-mo’s specialize in.

    • It’s the argument anyone makes when it’s easier to sling shit than be patient, listen and discuss. When entrenchment is too strong people can question sanity or walk away.

      We see on this site that different conclusions can be made from data sets or statements and there are good reasons fo that. First is there are multiple conclusions that can be gained from any data set or statement. Second is our own beliefs, experience and exposure to others opinions on a matter affects what conclusions we cling to.

      • I think you know this Nuke, but I don’t consider your posts to fall within the scheme of “argument” that I’m criticizing. Our dialogue is the way it’s supposed to work.

        • Yup, just adding to social commentary not really a comment on your specific arguement.

          All I really have to say to that is picking a group that is ‘wrong’ is probably missing the real problem. Wrong is just a specialized group with a specialized world view that a person doesn’t like. There are basic wrongs like murder but ‘post modern’ thinking has plenty of good and bad just like conservatives or any other diametrically opposed group. Humans pick simple things and then call bullshit on an entire group. It makes sense but it’s cave man tribalism posing as intellectual advancement. Idk how to fix it but I do know labeling someone as one thing is lazy. Most of us have ideas from hundreds of groups and writing someone off because of a few ideas we don’t like will get no one anywhere.

          A good example is me and BB. Politically we agree on very little and we even draw different conclusions from data. We have slung shit at each other a few times. That said I have come to respect his arguments as considerable, resesrch as credible and I think he’s a good dude. Pretty sure we would still get in a row if we had good booze and a campfire but I think information gets through the haze of our ideologies.

          • yes. One good thing about post-modernism is the tool set it brought to the analysis of texts–in a word, deconstruction. Its political manifestations, however, are ruinous, especially in higher education.

          • I still think they depends on your own experience. Post modernism is why using slurs and making sexist jokes isn’t acceptable in general society. To someone who is subject to slurs and sexism that’s a really good thing. To someone who has lost 90% of their jokes about kitchens it’s a real pain in the ass. Post modern thinkers would say the inconveince to one is worth the advantages to the other.

            It all depends on where you are standing and how well you understand other experience and ways of thinking.

          • I don’t know, Nuc…it’s not just those jokes. Great comedians can no longer step on a college campus. People look for a reason to be offended by any jokes. Like instead of thinking about the punchline they’ll think why it’s offensive…

            Just like in law, intention is 9/10 of a joke. Horrible intentions go after, but comedians and satire, etc? No way. Those people are almost always poking fun at life not people, plights, or conditions.

          • ethnic slurs (I know, I got lots of them as kid) were never cool, and same for the sexist variety. But their banishment isn’t a function of the post-modern crowd. It was good old fashioned 1960’s liberalism, the kind I grew up in, was educated within. Us early baby boomers may have been the last generation to benefit from a genuine liberal education wherein the goal was research and analysis of fact patterns, not moral posturing posing as social science.

          • Like I said, it’s all about where you are standing. Im not making a stance of what’s right or where the line is myself. It’s not even a new idea it’s just applied more broadly. A pleb speaking out a king could be beat, jailed or even executed.

            Inconvenient for comedians. Advantageous for the people who may have been offended or possibly receive discrimination later.

            Wanna – just because it’s a liberal education that you like doesn’t mean liberalism hadn’t evolved since then. In the 60s liberalism had very little influence from minorities at all on an intellectual level.

          • Where I stand is if I don’t like what someone says I tell them to fuck off, ignore them, etc. Sticks and stones, yada yada.

            Losing comedians is detrimental. They actually use satire to expose much of the ugly truth in the world and make people think. George Carlin was especially great at this, but there are many. None would be allowed near a campus now, and if they were, they wouldn’t want to go due to all the snowflakes complaining on Twitter afterwards.

            That’s a loss for society, the masses, to the gain of a few overly sensitive people, the minority. It’s anti-democratic.

          • Yup to me that’s the point. Comedians and performers (famously Carlin) used to be beaten down for moral reasons (cussing, sex jokes, taboos) and anti government ideas. Now they are for how they say jokes and who they offend. They live on the line purposefully and people should tell them what they don’t find okay. It should be a discussion that never ends as society finds compromise and balance.

            It’s not that different from capitalism. There is always a demand and comedians have to evolve to supply the proper product. If they don’t then they will get a contraction of their viewing audience (Louie, Chris Rock, Ron White). If they do evolve they can grasp more market share (Ali Wong, Aziz, Kevin Hart). Same goes for the venues. If they restrict their demand requirements they get less acts.

  38. So, one trusty leftist who doesn’t subscribe to post-modern strictures (in this case, politically correct speech) is Bill Maher. To wit: “What if people hear Chinese virus and blame China? The answer is we should blame China. We can’t afford the luxury anymore or non-judginess [sic] towards a country with habits that kill millions of people.”

    One of the more deleterious aspects of post-modernism is that it deems all cultural systems are of equal value. How dare we in the West criticize that culture for their “otherness?” The irony (I’m big on irony, and pointing out double standards) is that the po-mo movement, which can be reliably counted on for pointing out every mistake its culture makes, is ignorant of the fact that pluralism itself was one of the great outcomes of the Enlightenment, Western Civilization’s greatest moments. Vaccines would be another.

    • 1

      If you’re big on irony, why not point out that without the media Trump is nothing?

      He based his entire campaign on blasting them, and he gets all his daily narcissistic fix by interacting with or on media(yes even Twitter is media), especially when they write something nice about him. He also used it to divide people.

      • 2

        good point. that is ironic. the leftist media still hasn’t figured out that it empowers Trump. They always overplay their hand and they are becoming less capable at covering their tracks. More or more people see through their “double standardism.”

        • Why even bother saying leftist? It’s not like right media hadn’t been crying about benghazi, pizza and emails for almost a decade. Large media is just flawed.

          • I said it first, so he was just talking to that. But I edited mine because I think all media empowers him, and he hates all media, even right, if they are critical of him, even though they empower him.

            All media is flawed. Without media we get State media, which is way worse. So keep that in mind. We’re basically getting State media now, but at least there’s a shot someone filters or researches it further it given it’s in private hands. That’s why I said people should be careful what they wish for and that all leaders with Dictator tendencies go after media. They don’t even want that small chance of filtering or researching further.

          • I would like to see a funding model that rewards research and sourcing. Possibly remove viewership ratings/rankings completely. If we could find a way for ad funding being rewarded to factual content and intelligent analysis it would be to mass advantage.

          • Nuc, I had an idea years ago to develop a site that uses blockchain as a reward system for good data, comments, respecting others, etc, and visa versa you could use it to eliminate trolls, bullies, etc. Kind of like a Wikipedia for social media only using blockchain (not bitcoins but the backbone, blockchain). Tokens redeemable for what society finds the most useful comments, data, etc. Only downside is it could be used to completely eliminate unpopular dissent, which was the point of free speech, so that has to be worked out. Someone will develop this. If I didn’t have massive sleep problems I would.

            Jack Dorsey owns both Twitter and Square, so I’m not sure how he’s not seeing that link. Square even has bitcoins on their balance sheet, the first company I’ve seen to do that (maybe Overstock did it first can’t remember).

          • I have had similar ideas but the problem always comes down to what is rewarded. Obviously slurs are bad but what about talking about wealth disparity and racial derived cultural behaviors that are economically disadvantageous. Who decides the facts and morality would probably lead to branch sites and eventually partisanship.

          • 1

            Maher is a leftist. He loves criticizing Trump. At one point he was hoping for a recession to guarantee that Trump would not get re-elected. Well, he’s going to get his wish, many times over. A depression is on the way.

    • I haven’t followed the dialogue on the “racism against China” issue because I think it’s stupid, but my understanding wasn’t that the problem was criticizing their culture specifically, it’s the Left’s supposed aversion to cultivating any kind of negative sentiment against the other. There’s been pretty universal support for banning wet markets, for example, but once you start specifying where those wet markets are, certain people get upset and start throwing the R-word around.

      The whole position of not scrutinizing the other is, of course, complete nonsense, disingenuous, and intellectually lazy even if we do take it seriously. But there’s ample justification for not taking it seriously when you realize that those that espouse that view are very quick to criticize “the other” when it’s convenient to them.

      As it pertains to China, the cold hard truth is that there are many people in this country that are afraid of them and afraid of any kind of confrontation that could actually have real world consequences (see the NBA China controversy for an example of how this plays out). And we should be. We, as a country, no longer have any collective idea of what we want our place in the world to be. Most don’t want to be the World Police anymore, but can’t fathom the reprecussions of stepping away from this role. China knows exactly what they want to be and at least has some playbook for how to get there. Sadly, the closest we get is the Neocons (both R and D) who are still holding to the old doctrine underpinned by the petrodollar and our relationship with Saudi Arabia.

      AND if you adhere to Chomsky (and others), the way we got to our current position of global power was pretty cruel and underhanded in the first place. Now that truth has been brought more into the light, how do we go on if we can’t do what it took to get us where we are today? Unfortunately, there’s no past precedent of a world power that achieved a dominant global position with only trade and a strong, but defensive military posture.

      • 4

        What Maher and others miss about the complaints about calling it the “China virus” is that it isn’t the use of the word China.

        It is how the word is being used.

        Trump was saying China virus because he knew he fucked up and needed a scapegoat. Period. That is the only reason the used that term. No other reason. None.

        He could have even said Wuhan Coronavirus without issue since that was a common term for the virus in the early days but he used China virus specifically to scapegoat the Chinese PEOPLE. That is bullshit.

        Plus, I expect President’s to use actual scientific words not make up their own. Of course I expect a President that knows the difference between a virus and a bacteria so I expect way too much from President’s I guess.

        Oh and the Spanish Flu, not from Spain so names aren’t always accurate.

      • Gets taken to dumb extremes but it’s really very simple.

        CCP/Government: Evil fuckers
        Chinese: Just people.

        It’s well documented that demonizing a race or ethnicity leads to discrimination and violence.

        • Slight correction:

          CCP/Government: Evil fuckers
          Chinese: Either brainwashed or terrified people who back the evil government.

          That Country is ripe for a revolution once the mind control breaks, and as I mentioned above, cults break from things like those going on there now.

          • Idk, normal people are controlled all over the world. Something like 55% of the US subscribes to a party and it’s media machines. China is obviously an extreme case of ‘vote ccp or die’ but they are still just people in a terrible system. Also misses the point that there are millions of ethnic Chinese who do not live in China, hell Taiwan is an entire country based on that concept.

          • Agreed, never understand how you can blame the people in a country.

            I mean, I live in a democratic country where I certainly do NOT support the people/party in power. What are the people of China supposed to do?They have lives to live.

          • Well they could revolt, as people have done for thousands of years.

            I didn’t blame them, btw. I just pointed out they do have more power than they realize if they band together and stop listening to that shitty government.

            I get that they have to pretend to go along, like in 30s Germany, in order to survive. So some of it is that. Hopefully they have some underground revolutions brewing, though.

          • Revolting in a country like Chins (or even the USA) in 2020 has little to no chance of success.

            China has bigger guns than the people of China have.

          • Absolutely they could. Not easy with no weapons, organization or funding against a government that will kill you for dissent.

            Chinese uprising would be the biggest blood bath the planet has ever seen. Makes a lot hole lot of sense that most people would rather fall in line than die or watch their entire family die. They uprising would have no rules at all.

          • ^^^^yes! The way China goes down is slow change from within and economic failure from the outside. If the world learns from Covid and stops investing with that shitty government then it will be a massive boost for dissenters.

            Edit – reply to Angry’s post below. This chain has been slaughtered lol

          • has anyone considered the possibility the CCP loosed the virus in order to counter the Hong Kong revolt? another curious coincidence is the onset of Trump’s tariff driven trade deal.

          • Yes I edited my post to say I understand having to go along. I guess before you replied.
            I do get it. But there’s always a way if there’s a will. A lot of the revolt you’re seeing is without weapons. People reaching out via technology like Tor to whistle blow on the government. That’s a revolution that needs zero weapons. Those people are brave/awesome.

            And to YoungOrst’s point, it’s not about guns. As I said, where there is a will there’s a way, and we’re seeing that with technology and whistle blowers. People associate revolt with guns. Not in modern times. Another options is to defect, then tell your story about China. The more people informed on what’s going on the more the world gets involved in your revolt.

  39. Somewhat on topic in that it might pertain to OSU. The college bubble will pop somehow. A degree is worth little, and people pay a lot for them. We’re about to enter an era where I can put AB on my resume and YouTubers can impress with their channels, etc. College is almost dead. There are a lot of people to blame for the decline of college, and Corona is putting one of the final nails in that story. My prediction is college will be free within five years as it loses all (economic) value.


    • agree on higher ed’s future Angry. The combination of the mainstreaming of long distance education technology (a good thing to come out of Corona) plus the diminution of the foreign student population will destroy the finance model of the large “state funded” flagship universities. These institutions (UCLA, Cal, UO, UW) have floated their finances with a combination of out of state and international student tuition structures that yield 3+ time the amount of revenue that an in-state student does. I know for a fact that UO is already panicking about their “yield” for next fall.

      • Precisely. And that’s just the lack of enrollment. Then there is the force of “value” being questioned and ultimately exposed, and now corona making everything done at home acceptable. Social change there.

  40. The Portland Public School system last Thursday tried to organize a pickup time period where parents who need to borrow a Chromebook could drive to 1 of 4 locations(schools, with no parking lots opened) and wait in line to pick on up.
    You could imagine the clusterfuck that turned into. Everybody in cars showing up at once completely clogged the streets in those areas. People sat in their cars for hours, barely moving, and many mever got their chrome book.

    So today, they are doing a 2nd round. But this time they split up the crowd alphabetically. Read this message they sent out to families and tell me if anything looks off.

    “PPS computer distribution will resume next week. We are asking families with last names A-M to show up on April 13 and L-Z on April 14. Thank you.”

    • The other thing I don’t understand is why they insist on clogging the streets with cars waiting in these never ending lines?
      There are several gigantic parking lots sitting empty across the city. Why not coordinate with a local shopping mall or movie theater or the zoo to have people queue up in an organized setting? Why can’t we anticipate these problems or at least learn from them?

      • >Why can’t we anticipate these problems or at least learn from them?<

        Possibly cause the job security and retirement of the "we" involved is not impacted by poor decisions?

        Oh, and how many administrators and board members have buddies with last names beginning with either L or M ?

      • Customer in the business of providing technology to schools was amazed at how poorly Portland (and to a lesser degree Corvallis) rolled out their distribution compared to say Beaverton.

        There will be lot’s of good lessons learned in the cluster-f.

        As 509J keeps emphasizing, it will require grace from all of us to get there.

  41. 1

    Gold hits $1710 this morning. Highest I can remember since ’12 or ’13.
    I told people here in the 1200s/low 1300s it was cheap and about to pop. People laughed. Just saying. I’m not sure it’s cheap anymore, but it’s reasonably priced if you can find anything near spot. With the premiums bringing it over 2k I wouldn’t go there. Could always trade GLD or some kind of spot paper gold until premiums come down for exposure, I guess. Not advice of course, just observations and opinions.

  42. 6

    #FireFauci is now trending on Twitter. Preliminary read looks like Trump is going after him because he told the truth. Right wingers are going after him rather than blaming Trump. The guy is working 20hr days on this, maybe more than Trump’s worked in his life. Come on.

    • 3

      I’d be surprised if Trump fired Fauci. But if you are one of those folks who think we aren’t courting disaster with this lock-down, consider that meat-processing plants all over the country are closing down. The problem with Fauci (who is actually moving to the Birx constructive engagement model) is that he has tended to yield to the tyranny of the binary choice: we either shut down the economy to kill the spread or we let’ er rip. There are multi-variant options which some of the smarter governors (Cuomo, Newsom) will start experimenting with while others (Brown, Inslee) will let er rip in another way. They like the power they have accrued.

      • I don’t think I was trying to divert blame from Trump. Not a fan of Trump but I still want to apply critical thinking against what is going on. I find it interesting there’s a blame Trump and believe Fauci. Yet Fauci has changed his tune as things have evolved. And that IS reasonable as more information/data becomes available. Yet if the message Fauci was giving publicly was the message he was telling the president….then why is the president blasted for his message at the same time. Notice the president changed his tune too, and I guess I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt that he listened to his advisors (would have done the same with Obama).

        • 3

          Because Trump claims he knows more than the experts and Trump claims he knew it was a pandemic before anyone.

          I blast Trump because he LIES about everything. He lies about small meaningless things (crowd size) and he lies about big important things (perfect call)

          This is NOT a leader, leaders don’t lie about everything.

        • I didn’t mean you. Trump just tosses people under the bus often or threatens to as a court of public opinion test. Wont be long tell he’s never heard of Fauci.

        • Smarter than what? He literally throws people under the bus all the time. Who’s left from his original cabinet? How many people has he never met, not known well or claimed to never like that he most definitely did have relationships with? He never accepts blame, never apologizes and lies about relationships. He’s either out of his mind or a liar.

          This whole Fauci getting fired is cause of his misguided retweet. Lemme guess…it’s the media’s fault cause he’s responsible for nothing.

    • In other hashtag news #FireTrumpNotFauci is now trending. Many characters will be lost in this senseless conflict. #RememberTheLost

    • 7

      Gotta love the literal Monday morning quarterbacking going on with this one. Cherry picking a soundbite from Fauci on Jan 21st, to make it sound as if he was giving the country bad advice.

      Can I play? Here’s a sound bite from the same Dr. Fauci, in an interview on the same day(Jan 21st) where he is saying we don’t need to panic at this time “but we need to be prepared for the worst”

      But did we prepare for the worst? I think we landed somewhere in the middle, but most closely towards the side of doing little to nothing. We did limit incoming direct flights from China( people could still make it in from China pretty easily) and we eventually limited travel from Europe. Testing preparedness was almost non existent, however. Hence, the state governments going into shut down mode, because they didn’t have any other way to handle or measure the impact of what was coming.


    • The president is testing the waters to see what kind of reaction he gets for the suggestion of firing Fauci. See responses to Angry’s post.

      If there’s enough political cover, he might do it. Otherwise he’ll say he only endorsed part of the tweet. So he never appears to be wrong and his supporters will back him up.

      That’s the game he plays all the time. and he wins at it consistently. The most common phrases he uses are some people are saying, a lot of people are saying, etc. He can float the idea and see the reactions without having to take responsibility for what he said.

      • He is an idiot if he fires Fauci. Plain and simple. Fauci is playing politics but he has done a good job and Trump himself has said so.

      • wrong. He saw a tweet who’s underlying message he wanted to highlight. If you saw tonight’s press conference you will see that you are wrong.

  43. 8

    As this whole mess turns even more political lets remember who said what, and when they said it. Fauci said in January and February that this is nothing to worry about. Trump restricted flights from china and started quarantining people at the end of January. NY had a huge party in Manhattan with no worries from local or state officials. The speaker of the house was on video in late February saying come to Frisco and lets party, nothing to worry about. N.O. kicked off Mardi Gras on February 25th.
    But yet Trump killed people by not acting fast enough. Could he have done things differently? Everyone could have but if you are honest about it no President has ever had to deal with this ever. Pandemic with a massive shutdown of the country and economy? No one ever. And now the knives are out. Not a surprise but disappointing, but that is where we are at as a country.
    Angry you wrote a post earlier in this thread that said Trump supporters are cultists and that if Trump loses in November he wont give up the presidency . Your opinion. Fair enough. But when I see what has went on the last 3 1/2 years and continues to this day I have come to the conclusion that the left as it is today, is the biggest threat to liberty and freedom that the people of this country face.

      • 2

        Jan. ” not a major threat to the people of the US. Said Fauci on Jan.21. He said essentially the same thing about a month later.

        • 3

          See my cherry picking comment above. Which Jan 21st 10 word or less soundbite from Fauci do we want to believe dig in on?
          Or would it make sense to listen to both interviews in their entirety and then digest the overall tone of the message rather than a few choice words with no context?

          • Cherry picking? So be it. Pretty clear thats kind of common on a forum such as this. I have provided links to the full interview with fauci. And he said the same thing a month later. Also links to pelosi saying no need to worry , frisco is safe. We were playing time line games earlier right? Who said what, and when? Who did what, and when? You and others want to lay blame on trump. Go for it. He deserves some. But to say he is the only one is weak sauce.

          • Have I ever laid blame on Potus?
            Or said he is the only one?

            My cherry picking comment wasn’t directed specifically at you. Sorry if it was taken that way. I was trying to point out how that short sound bite of Fauci from Jan 21st, where he said we don’t have to worry about the virus, was being picked up and spread all around by news sites like Red State Media, Saracarter.com and DailyCaller the last 24 hours.
            But they also completely ignored another interview from Fauci that was from the same day where he says we don’t need to panic at this time, but we do need to be prepared for the worst.
            Worry and panic were not necessary in January, as there was only a single diagnosed case in this country at that time. But being prepared was part of the message too. And I think it’s safe to say we weren’t prepared as a nation. Which then lead to worry and panic.

    • 5

      That’s bullshit that no President has dealt with something like this before. Most Presidents (Bush and Obama for instance) were competent and didn’t let it get to the point of shutting everything down.

      Look, if you want to believe Trump is doing as good as any President could, fine but don’t gaslight me.

      • No gaslighting here. Has any President ever had to shut down the country and economy? While dealing with a pandemic?

        • 5

          Trump hasn’t shut the whole country down, governors have.

          As to why?

          Because the CDC (which Trump oversees as President) was not prepared with tests and the ability to do contact tracing (and months into the epidemic they still can’t)

          H1N1 would have become just as serious had it not been for having those things ready day one. And many may not remember but shutting things down was on the table then too (over 900 schools did shutdown throughout that pandemic)

          • H1n1 wasn’t even close to becoming what covid19 is. R0 on Spanish flu was at a high 2.4. H1N1 was 1.6 at its highest. The initial estimates on covid19 are above 3 which is crazy high.
            Covid19s lowest death rate(which is probably bullshit) is twice as high as the highest death rate of H1N1.

          • 1


            Yes but H1N1 started in North America, a shitty response could have been so much worse than it was.

            You guys are right, no POTUS has faced the exact situation and no POTUS ever will.

            POTUS’s all face epidemics or other emergencies, I’ve never seen a POTUS handle any emergency as poorly as Trump is handling this one.

            I stand by that opinion.

          • Nuke the death rate of H1N1 was .02. Last time I looked at death rate numbers for covid19 was several days ago but I’m sure Germany was right around .18, yes I know several times higher then h1n1 but I’m thinking lack of testing and asymptomatic cases would probably bring it down to around twice the death rate. We really won’t know the total covers until its over but we have pretty hard numbers for H1N1.

        • Nope, had the US Government (led by the President who happens to be named Donald Trump) planned ahead (beginning last year if not sooner since everyone know a pandemic was a real threat since 2018) we could have been closer to South Korea in our response.

          The US government led by Trump made the crisis worse. I see no evidence of FDR doing anything close to making it worse.

    • 9

      I don’t really get into this who said what debate because you’ll go in circles. People are allowed to change their mind as data comes in. My big issues that have no excuse:

      1. Calling it the new democratic hoax.
      2. Saying it would magically disappear.
      3. Evidence Trump knew about this long ago and could have prepared.

      None of this can be blamed on Fauci or anyone else, and Fauci can freely change his mind as he gets more data. So could Trump have done, but he didn’t, except when he was basically forced to shut things down. But he still never apologized or explained his ridiculous behavior above even then.

      • 13

        Exactly, hating Trump is NOT about left vs right

        It’s about right vs wrong.

        Trump refuses to take responsibility for the things he did fuck up.

        That is NOT leadership

      • I’m not blaming anyone. I’m just not going to leave the blame, if there is any, all at Trumps feet. As I posted above, everyone could have done things differently. We have never dealt with anything on this scale. Blaming Trump for deaths and everything else is just as ridiculous as saying Trump is never wrong.

        • 8

          But most people admit we could have done things differently.

          Not Trump.

          Trump gives the response a perfect score.

          I take Trump at his word and he thinks his response has been amazing. Do you agree with him?

          I don’t.

          • 5

            I think its pretty plain I don’t agree his response is amazing. I have stated twice that everyone could have done things differently. Which means mistakes were made, by everyone. Your letting your obvious dislike for the man blind you to the fact that he shouldn’t be made out to be the reason people died and that he didn’t do this, or didn’t do that. Its ridiculous. China and WHO could have let the world know a month sooner about the severity of the virus and saved many. Lets start the blame game there.

          • 8

            And Trump could have had representation within the WHO, maybe we would have know the WHO was lying had that position been filled?

            And Trump could have had CDC researchers in Wuhan, maybe we would have known China was lying had we still been doing that?

            You act as though Trump played no role in China’s propaganda campaign. Trump was defending China’s response.

            I just don’t see how you can let a President who “takes no responsibility” off the hook.

            The job is to take responsibility. If he doesn’t want that job he can resign.

          • Somehow can’t imagine the response being any better had the WHO delivered a warning earlier. The lack of effective leadership would still have been an issue.

        • 2

          I’d also point out, I have at no point blamed Trump (or anyone) for a single death.

          I blame Trump for a very shitty pandemics response under his leadership.

          If you think it’s been a good response so be it. But I do not.

      • Angry good points.

        Slightly OT:
        Yet part of the bigger problem is reports of medical providers being instructed to use the COVID19 in their coding because there is a higher reimbursement rate. Wish I could link to a story…but it is something I’ve heard from friends in healthcare.

        That goes to the reliability of the models and data that are being used to make decisions

        First death in Lane county and the only death that is attributable to Covid….was a woman in her 60’s how came to hospital in Cardiac Arrest. She died.


        It seems reasonable to question the validity of the data as well as the measures being taken as a result of that data. The decisions made are already being seen personally. My business is down 50-70% depending on location. We’re surviving. We’ve kept every staff member on with their same hours….even if we don’t have the business volume to warrant that. Not sure we can do that forever but we’ve made a commitment to our people for the foreseeable future. While I’m ok…I’m witnessing the destruction shutting the economy down is having on my staff and their families. They are grateful their job is still intact…yet are going through incredible hardships as well.

        Sidenote-thanks for the many years of this blog. I read regularly, comment almost never.

        • My wife has been an RN for 30 years and says that the money angle is real and is no surprise. She would bet the farm that many deaths are being attributed to the virus that had little to nothing to do with it.
          Best of luck with your business. I hope all is opened up soon for you and so many others.

    • 2

      I don’t disagree with most of what he says but we do know why we are flattening the curve.

      And it is to save our Health care system. If we didn’t flatten the curve thousands more would die and our health care system would become overwhelmed.

      Now, had we been ready with the amount of testing we need and if we’d had the 100,000 or so people in place that we need to do contact tracing he’d be 100% correct.

      Sadly, we don’t seem to even be trying to get those things up and running.

  44. Investment bank Morgan Stanley says second peak in December, that they think won’t be as bad as the first. No fully open economy until Spring of 2021. This all seems reasonable (barring a fast tracked vaccine).

    Welcome to your first and only chance to have a Morgan Stanley biotech analyst tell you what he thinks about the market. Over the past week it has been striking to see how investors have reacted to the first signs that new COVID-19 cases in New York are starting to stabilize. While we understand the desire for optimism, we also caution that the US outbreak is far from over. Recovering from this acute period in the outbreak is just the beginning and not the end. We believe the path to re-opening the economy is going to be long. It will require turning on and off various forms of social distancing and will only come to an end when vaccines are available, in the spring of 2021 at the earliest.

    With Italy finally turning the corner in its outbreak as the growth in new daily cases has started to decline, the market has turned its attention to the US. We recently completed a state-level model for the US which suggests it is likely to face a multiphasic peak. In particular, we expect the coastal regions, led by New York, to peak – defined as a sustained decline in new daily cases – over the next 3-5 days. However, we expect the rest of the country to follow slowly, trailing the coasts by around three weeks. While this “second” peak is unlikely to be as severe as the first (~10,000-15,000 daily new cases versus 30,000-35,000 in the first peak), it means the US outbreak will have a very long tail. This much longer tail would put the US time to peak at ~4x China and 2x Italy, driven by the slow uptake of social distancing measures and lack of robust testing (New York, with the highest testing ratio in the US, is still testing at a per capita rate just half that of South Korea’s most impacted city Daegu). This would put an initial US reopening on track for mid-to-late May at the earliest.

    Investors should realize that this won’t be a “normal” re-opening. In COVID-19: A Prescription to Get the US Back to Work, we argue that only after we see (1) adequate surge capacity in hospitals, (2) broad public health infrastructure to support testing for disease surveillance, (3) robust contact tracing to curtail “hot spots” and (4) widespread availability of serology testing (blood tests to see who is already immune to the virus) can the US confidently return to work. We see this happening in waves starting in mid-summer. Unfortunately, we think there will still be a large number of workers not able to go back to work until a vaccine is abundantly available as social distancing cannot be fully relaxed until we have herd immunity (~60% of people vaccinated). Furthermore, large venues such as sports stadiums, concert halls and theme parks are also likely to remain shut or have attendance capped at 10-25% of prior levels. This view on the delayed peak and slow return to work has led our US economists to revise their US forecast to a return to pre-COVID-19 levels not until 4Q21.

    Despite the significant concerns we raise about the path to a US recovery, we continue to believe the market is underestimating the impact the drug pipeline can have on the public policy response to the virus. We should stress that investors cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that only a vaccine will provide a true solution to this pandemic. We also believe that governments should invest in large-scale vaccine manufacturing prior to successful results for all viable candidates despite some not making it to market. Only by building production capacity now can governments provide the billions of vaccine doses we need to meet demand for the 2021 season. That said, in the interim there are promising antivirals and antibody therapies in the pipeline with data starting in April and continuing through the late summer. We believe that at least some of these drugs can be successful and help to turn severe cases into milder forms of the disease. Such an outcome could reduce the potential strain on hospitals and allow public health officials to support a broader re-opening of the economy before a vaccine is available. Thus, with therapeutics available in the near term and a vaccine on the horizon, the market could start to “look through” the slow US recovery and back to pricing in future US growth.

      • No, nor am I taking their financial advice. But overall that perspective seems accurate, which is why I posted it.
        It’s medical-economic hybrid issue, obviously, and it’s strange for a major bank to be bearish or realistic. Usually they’re trying to lure people into the assets they’re selling. So it struck me as noteworthy and thus shared it. If you don’t like it, move along.

          • Yes of course. So can anyone if you buy put options or otherwise short.

            Counter-intuitive, but the biggest money is made on the way down.

          • The mechanics are usually one of two things:

            1. Buy a put option, which is a bet on a stock declining. It has a strike price. Say it’s at 200. You buy a 150 put. 150 is the “strike” where you think it’s heading. The options has variables (theta, gamma, etc) that all determine if it’s moving in the direction you want, and gaining value, or visa versa. Good thing about an option when shoring is downside is limited. Whatever you pay for the option is the max loss.
            2. Short a stock via margin. Way more risky because you borrow the shares, so if the stock moves against you (say 200 to 300 in the example above) the guy you borrowed them from might want them back, triggering a margin call. Margin calls have made many a trader jump off bridges. Since a stock can theoretically rise forever, there is no downside risk to what you can lose. IMO margin is a terrible way to short. Most explosive rallies you see in bear markets are due to short sellers “covering”, which is basically closing out their margin positions. You can see how this drives stocks higher very fast.

  45. Stimulus money arrived today for our family. Sent a portion as a donation to the AB site to help ensure this site sticks around. It’s been an invaluable sounding board the past month, even if we can’t all agree on topics.
    Happy stimulus day everybody

  46. The mother of an NBA star, Karl Anthony Towns, died from Covid19 complications. I had read both of his parents were battling it about a week or 2 ago but had no idea it was progressing that direction for her.

  47. Interesting. I’ve been following the IMHE website daily to see how things were shaping up for OR, WA and the USA. The curve in WA and OR has been flattened. Gov Brown said she needed to see 10-14 days of NO COVID deaths before reopening things. That estimate on the IMHE website went from May 25 to now June 10th. So that would put the reopening sometime near the end of June. At least under those parameters.

    Today Cal/WA/OR governors announce joint plan to reopen.

    The IMHE website predicted 250 deaths in Oregon by Aug 4th. With a low of about 100 and a potential high of 400. Today they still predicted about 250 but the potential high has risen to 700.

    The IMHE website used to identify when the numbers were last updated. Today that information isn’t on the website anymore.


    IMHO (While this is a fluid situation) It appears the goals and the goal posts keep getting moved. People need a target date to help them maintain hope and optimism. that’s the frustration we’re seeing in our circle. We had many who were all aboard to flatten the curve and then return to some sort of normal…and they feel that happened but now we’re not returning to normal…we’re extending things indefinitely.

    • 5

      a couple weeks ago my county was having 2, 3, 4 cases a day. We’ve had one since last Friday. I call that flat.

      But don’t expect a lifting of the lockdowns. A lot of blue state governors would rather bring on a depression than contemplate the prospect that Trump might survive to a second term.

      • This is such a bullshit ridiculous take.

        As if governors don’t have their own personal politics to worry about.

        God, people that want to blame Democrats for all of Trump’s mistakes is such bullshit.

      • Or as sane Americans call it.

        Its the listen to science crowd.

        You would blame the Democrats if Trump launched a nuke wouldn’t you? I can see it already.

        ‘While if Democrats had just treated Trump like the king he believes he is he never would have felt the need to nuke the west coast of the United States for refusing to follow his re-opening order’

  48. A friend sent me this video so I checked it out. Let me just say I haven’t really been following the news and politics. I live off the grid and try not to be a part of it. But I’m curious what you guys think. It just seems no one can agree on how to handle the situation and everyone has different info.


    • well, its a little truth and a little fiction mixed with some conspiracy theories. Still makes you think. It would take too much time to touch on everything he said. He’s right about how it kills, the no ventilator theory is starting to get some traction now. We’ll have to see where it goes. Fuchi is kind of douchy, look above at his Jan 21st interviews. 2 different interviews with 2 different answers to similar questions. Vitamins curing everything on their own is skeptical at best. Big pharma shenanigans? I wrote something similar about 4 or 5 threads ago, they are untrustworthy. Coming down on bill gates is a weird flex, bill is spending his own money. I think Bill is funding like 8 or 10 different studies, unless Hes some kind of super villian his doing a good thing for the world.

    • 2

      Tell your friend to send you videos that aren’t filled with conspiracy theories from some guy selling books and running for office. The deep state sent out the virus to derail trump’s re-election? Ugh. This is second time I’ve seen the video referenced today from someone getting it from a friend.

      • 2

        Conspiracy theories are true sometimes just because propaganda has taught the masses to completely disregard them as outlandish and crazy doesn’t make them all nonsense. Then what do you do but lump this in with some crazy ass one to bring it down to the same level. Like I said I live off the grid and haven’t played much attention and have just been reading what’s been posted here. This was contrary to what has been posted so that’s why I asked. You don’t have to be a total drama queen about it. Ugh! So sorry you have to deal with these big problems. Lol

        • 1

          Then pay attention to what happens to the theory over time as facts and evidence come out. The conspiracy theory, by design, won’t be rejected because it’s now been disproven. Instead, the believers will add another layer and take it to the next level of conspiracy. Therefore it will always be “true”.

          • Didn’t I say I haven’t been paying attention and that’s why I asked? You make it so I never want to asked more informed people about anything for the fear of them making me feel stupid. Which ironically is why I’m here because I live out of state so come for sports news.

          • Sorry, my bad. I kinda breezed over the part where you said you haven’t been taking in a lot of the news. It’s a challenge to find reliable info vs. hyperbole. Even from individual doctors I find a range of info, and then you’ll also find a lot of range in the speculation about how this will play out. My questions about going forward are herd immunity and more specific information about how it’s spread, for example how easily is it aerosolized, regular breathing, heavier breathing, and then coughing sneezing. I’m also interested in how the virus seems to attack people’s immune system differently, that person’s history of inflammation, and what long term lung damage covid can cause, if any.

  49. IHME posits that the peak resource use, nationally, was three days ago. Forecasted fatalities up to 68K. Cali’s peak is April 17, Colorado (Angry) was March 28, Oregon is April 26, Washington was April 5.

    • “Generally speaking, people who become infected with COVID-19 make it to the hospital (for the small minority of people who need to go to the hospital) 10-13 days AFTER they get infected with COVID-19. … that means the peak hospitalization time should be 10-13 days AFTER the shelter at home order was given, possibly sooner, but really no later. Why anyone with a brain would think the peak would happen one MONTH after a shelter at home order was given is beyond me, …”

      That statement is from an argument several days ago against the idea that Oregon’s peak hospital bed usage would come April 26. Now IHME tells us it is 13 days till that same peak. I understand there are lags in reporting and other “noise” effecting these numbers, but the state has been under “shelter at home” since March 23, does this April 26 date make any mathematical sense?

      Are we being told the maximum rate of infections is happening right now and thus the peak is to come in 13 days?


      • The only way that makes sense to me is if stay at home orders were not followed well or if you assume everyone who was infected stayed at home with multiple people who got sick later. Those projections have always been rolling estimates so it’s probably wise to just use them as one tool when assessing the length of quarentine.

      • Why are u still here? Go volunteer or do something with your life. You being here makes me sad for you and it’s depressing.

        • You’re a beevur fan. You’re already depressed I would imagine. “You live in Maui”. Sure you do. Bath salt drug user capitol and a pretty view. Sounds enchanting. You’re a beav fan and on this site all day. Your life is definitely not looking up. Lol

          • Sports don’t run my life like it clearly does for you. I live in maui. It’s hard to be depressed in 80 and sunny everyday. My life>yours

  50. Everybody here is an idiot, except me and angry and I’m starting to suspect angry.
    Where is Jack when you really need him? Oh for those bygone days of glory…

  51. 2

    More “where did I hear that before?”

    Lance Morrow, writing in the WSJ, taking note that Biden’s 8 pt. poll lead over Trump has evaporated since the outbreak . . .

    “Biden has reason to worry. Including Mr. Cuomo on the ticket–a leader who is being battle-vetted as strong, calm, competent and blessedly non-ideological in the thick of a crisis–is the best bet to draw enough votes from the disconsolate ambivalents to give Democrats the winning edge.”

    “Mr. Biden’s age and appearance of fragility and weakness create shadows in voters’ minds. Mr. Cuomo’s strong presence on the ticket . . . would give millions of unhappy voters sufficient hope to abandon the exhausting Mr. Trump and take a chance on a Biden-Cuomo continuum.”

    • 2

      Evaporated lead? The only recent poll showing that is Fox, with them tied. 5 other polls that were done in the same time frame have good ol Joe ahead from 4 to 11 points.

        • Fox polling is pretty sound. I’ll back their models.

          Rasmussen? Nope.

          Look Trump probably will win. That was always the case regardless of who the Democrat is. It is the nature of incumbency.

          The last incumbent to truly lose a one on one Presidential race was Jimmy Carter. President’s get 8 years, it is what Americans do.

          Even the clearly criminal ones.

          • Yes and no. Bush Sr. lost. Trump just barely won in 2016 in key swing states. So the question is how is he doing with these swing voter in those same states? Not so hot. Trump’s chance of winning is less than it was the first go around, which 538 had at 19%. His approval is lower, his disapproval is higher, independent voters don’t like him. He’s way more polarizing and I think the majority of the country is sick of his shit. 60% of the country is pretty much on to his inability to take responsibility for anything that goes wrong, and his attempts to take credit for anything that goes right. Wait til he tries to take credit for the Covid death toll being 100k and not 2 million

          • For a while I thought Trump was a lock just due to his evil genius. Like he’d forgive student loans and do crazy shit to get millennials on board. He doesn’t care about debt or laws. We’re seeing that and people still hate him. Meanwhile, the mid-terms suggest landslide (D) win and the “anyone but Trump” thing is real with swing voters. Now I’m thinking he loses pretty badly, *but* he will figure out some way to stay in office. He’s already rigged the Supreme Court for that, and if Ginsberg dies he gets a 3rd and will be lock for obscure laws to keep him in. If that happens the Country goes full Marshall Law ape shit. It’s now my base case — Trump loses and stays in. And if you’re a (R) who approves of that you should move to another Country because it’s certainly not American. The Libertarians will be interesting since they generally vote Trump and yet claim to care about the Constitution/law above all…

          • @bend – there will also be 3 million less boomers and something like 16 million Gen Z. That’s bad demographics.

            Nothing a little voter fraud, voter suppression, and gerrymandering can’t fix!

          • I mean that was already a thing in 16 and 18. I doubt it’s enough to overcome sentiment and demographics. It will mostly increase in places it was already a problem (Georgia, Wisconsin, Texas, Florida).

            I hope you are not right and we get to watch the US Marshalls haul his ass off.

  52. 5

    I see where the toxic kid is already feuding with others on this blog. It didn’t take long and it will only get worse. Don’t say I didn’t warn you but I did.

  53. WSU coaches taking a pay cut along with a few admins.

    Expect this to happen at OSU. Especially if football season is delayed and once they know how many spring athletes plan to return.

    • Isn’t WSU athletic dept like way way in the hole. I’d assume any athletic dept in the red would ask coaches and staff do it.

      • BB, my best advice is not to engage with the toxic kid. I baited him into disclosing his true identity and he took the bait. For those that aren’t familiar with him, they hopefully have a better idea now and realize he’s on this blog to stir the pot and find anyone he can that’ll argue with him. That’s his MO.plain and simple…no other explanation why a duck homer would be in a beaver blog. My advice for what it’s worth as he thrives on the attention because negative attention is better than no attention at all in his fantasy world.

        • Nobody cares! He clearly followed you here because you wrote angrybeavs.com on olive or something. I thought we were ignoring him.

          • Wrong….never mentioned angry beavs on oregonlive. He knew there was a beaver blog just like he knows there’s a duck blog. As evidenced above in previous comments he’s already started his routine stuff and will continue to do so. And, ohiobeaver cared enough to comment about it. You wait until sports gets going again and he’ll crap all over this blog unless Angry disposes of him much sooner than later.

        • Says the hypocrite that populated the Duck board with multiple monikers for years. Oh the irony. I love it. He’s a closet Duck fan that likes to pretend and make up stories. Cousin did it to him

          • Because BB had some exchanges with him above in prior comments. I’m. not going to try to find those comments among 500 posts and respond to BB in that particular thread. Being part of the solution is to let people know that he’s here only to argue and talk crap about the beavers. He’s not interested Iin talking anything but crap about the beavers as he’s openly admitted he HATES the beavers. So if he hates the beavers like he’s stated, why is he here? I know why and that’s why I’m posting this comment. Like I said, he’s toxic.

          • Because I run his life. Mind control 101. I’ve never seen a bunch of bigger hypocrites. You guys spew your shit about the Ducks on the daily for years on Olive and other places but when someone challenges the beavs in any way, you have a sissy meltdown. Too funny. It’s obvious that smarmi didn’t even sleep last night which is hysterical

  54. Angry- hate to bug you again but a post of mine, with a link, is blocked again. Its one with a question for you. Thanks

  55. 3

    so, to deconstruct the negative feedback loop between the media and Trump. All last week, “why aren’t you directing those hold-out governors into joining a national lockdown, or just issue it yourself?’ Over and over and over. Constitutional reasons, Trump says. Correctly. The outbreak reaches a plateau, and the conversation on Monday, through Cuomo and others, turns to starting up the economy. Trump, fearing that the some Dems might want to tank the economy in order to “save the village,” changes tack and says something idiotic like that’s his decision only. Incorrectly. The media is outraged. How dare you tell the governors what they can do or not?

    • 4

      I really can’t take any arguement seriously that says, “Dems want to tank the economy” during a pandemic. Governor’s have just as much on the line with protecting the people and keeping an economy going as a president. Just more deflection by conspiracy theory to protect Trump.

    • 7

      It used to be Republicans were for states rights and Democrats believed in the supremacy of the federal government. Now both sides pick and choose based on the issue of the day. All this back and forth is real tiresome. I feel like we’d all be in a better place if everyone recognized 2 things. One being Trump is a fucking idiot. Two being he is not wrong all the time, even D students are right more than they are wrong.

  56. 3

    so, about that polling result that Nuke and Bend Beaver scoffed at. . .

    Maybe the NYT analysis will get their attention.

    In a national average of six polls Biden leads by six. But in the battleground (working class-dominant) states, that lead is one or two points. Essentially even this far out and well within any margin of error. Indeed, Biden polls worse than Hillary with working class whites than Hillary did with that demographic, that, against a guy who claims to have a working class background. Perhaps worse for Biden, the NYT reports, there is a small but discernible shift among non-white voters toward Trump. Wisconsin, the bellwether state from 2016, shows Biden leading by just one point in an average of seven polls. Even, I’d say, just like the poll cited in my report from last night.

      • 2

        I thought you’d be more analytical than that, Nuke. I don’t like Trump. I think he’s often a loathsome figure, and largely ill-equipped for the job. I didn’t vote for him. I was a Sanders supporter in 2016, and Gabbard this time around. how many times have I said on this forum: Biden: get Cuomo! You’d think that with all the critical things I have said about Trump that this would be clear.

        What YOU and young ore state and others have failed to answer is how does a guy like Trump get elected in the first place? You can’t blame him for a circumstance he simply, and only, took advantage of. My theory: (1) the globalization chickens have come home to roost, the professional and political classes along the coasts were swimming along just fine what with the financialization of the hollowing out of this country’s industrial capacity (and they still, by and large, doing okay, working comfortably at home, while working class folks of all races are furloughed etc).. I come from working class roots myself. You’ve heard of a first generation college product? I’m a first generation HIGH SCHOOL product, who had the benefit of liberal arts education (when that term lived up to its promise.). (2) The patent dishonesty of corporate media.

        • I have already answered that question twice. Wanna you seem to think you know everything and make bold assumptions about others. I posted polls, do your own research and analytics. I pointed out that your arguement is based on bad analytics and you just spun it to something totally different.

          Trump got elected for many reasons there is no golden goose. I guess you think you know the root cause though so good for you.

        • 4

          I’ll happily answer how Trump got elected in the first place.

          Trump ran the most dishonest campaign any candidate has ever ran but the GOP’s failed to find a sane candidate led to Trump winning the nomination

          After that he used 30 years of character assassinations directed at Hillary, Russia bot farms to sow disinformation throughout the country, billions in free media (from both sides), along with cultural wedge issues and cultural fears of white America to convince them he was working for them when he was (and remains) only out for himself.

          Done and done.

          Got anymore questions?

          • 5

            And of course the fact that Republicans would vote for Satan himself if he had the R next to his name on the ballot.

            That helped too.

          • It’s probably more complicated than that and involved plenty of socioecomics and ideological divides. Democrats were not blameless either. Much like Corona there are many who hold a share of responsibility. Like the passion though.

          • 1

            Disagree with any contention that ‘economic anxiety’ drove people to Trump. It simply doesn’t show up in the analysis of who voted for Trump.

            Cultural anxiety for sure but Trump largely won with the same voters that vote for traditional Republicans. The new coalition he got to the polls were the alt-right. He didn’t grab a bunch of typical Democratic voters (even the Obama folks the media touted weren’t typical Democratic voters).

            Democrats share of the blame comes from not showing up to vote. Which played a massive role to of course.

          • 2

            The GOP’s use of the Green Party cannot be ignored either. Before you vote green, look at who funds that party.

            It is mostly GOP interests because they know Democrats are flaky and happy to vote for the shiny new 3rd party candidate.

            The GOP is great at politics. They know how to get and maintain power.

            Governing? They don’t even believe in the concept.

  57. NFL draft next week.

    Hodgins getting the usual local press he should go higher than he will article.

    Lots of things going against Hodgins. 1. Deep WR class. If there is a run on WR early, he’ll drop further as other positions will go in the middle rounds. 2. He didn’t get to improve his 40 time. A few tenths faster and he’d be a solid 3rd round pick.

    The highest I see him picked is the 5th round but likely 6th round pick. He’ll be lauded as a steal.

    • Great link, thanks! Now I know where to send some of my stimulus. Ashton Kutcher has a foundation called Them that also does good work in this area.

    • Excellent link.
      The story has been under reported for some time now, glad to see the word getting out to more than Beavs baseball fans. Matt seems to be a man who lives out his personal faith.

      As Christians, we are taught not to have pride in things of this world but it’s hard not to be proud of how Matt is putting his beliefs to work.

      Here is the website where you can learn more and, of course, contribute to the mission.

  58. 2

    Just a stable genius on his morning trip to the toliet dreaming about that dictator life. I’ll just cut out some of the dumb arguements now. These are his words not the media’s. He is saying get in line or don’t get help. He is saying that being in any opposition to him is a ‘mutiny’ and framing it as a win/lose proposition.


    Edit: I wasn’t old enough to know this movie so I looked up the summary. Trump identifies as the antagonist.


    • 3

      another failure to appreciate the nuance, Nuke. Bligh was a bad choice for commander, just like Trump was for commander in chief, but no captain in the Royal Navy of the 18th century was going to suffer a mutiny gladly. The root problem was the selection of Bligh the commander.

      • What are you even talking about. Ofc I think Trump is a bad choice? Do you think Trump thinks he’s a bad choice? Is that the nuance?

        • 2

          It’s interesting that this doofus potus considers himself the tyrannical Bligh. I’m guessing he’s never seen the movie? Maybe he read the Cliffnotes and assumed Bligh was the tough guy hero?

          • Or he’s just a garbage human that thinks assholes are heros. Your explaiation makes it way easier to sleep at night so I’ll roll team OJ haha

      • 1

        Except federalism is not a mutiny.

        I know you are going to claim that Democrats wanted Trump to shut the country down and now want to open it up without his input.

        But that isn’t what has happened.

        Democrats have been begging Trump to take a federal stance (mostly because Republican governors were refusing to do anything in several states with real issues) but that was only to give Republican governors that needed push (and Trump finally did do this). It was never intended to mean Trump had powers he does not have.

        Of course if Trump seemed more competent I am willing to bet most governors (of both parties) would happily let him set policy.

        BTW, it is not just Democratic governors ignoring Trump on re-opening the country. Republican governors in Ohio and Mass. also plan to set their own policy.

        This is yet another example of Trump demonstrating he is neither a leader nor respects the document he is sworn to respect.

  59. 3

    Chris Cuomo went on an epic rant where he basically announced he was leaving his job because he doesn’t want to peddle sensationalized BS and have to toe the CNN party line on everything.

    Good month for Cuomo family likeability.

      • He said “I don’t like what I do professionally…I’m basically being perceived as being successful in a system I don’t value (TV news).”

        Basically he doesn’t like talking to people in politics who always talk about stuff they don’t care about or say things they don’t really mean.

        He also said he’s never going to just echo dogma from a specific side “like Hannity or Maddow.”

        This seems to have been brought on by multiple confrontations he’s had in public where people have been rude or attacked him for his on-air persona and views. Maybe having COVID put things into perspective for him, too.

    • Wife listens to him on Siruis and said he had a melt down yesterday about people challenging him in person and have now started making threatening overtures toward his family and he is the type of person to take that threat head on which wouldn’t be advantageous.

      At least that’s my thrid hand knowledge of something from yesterday.

  60. 1

    Anyone think a civil was is a possibility in the future? I’m an independent, but as an observer, I really can’t see both parties ever working on something together. Too much hate coming from both sides before the virus, now it is past the tipping point imo. Personally I think this is what hard core supporters from both sides want, and wouldn’t be surprised if it happens eventually. I thought that maybe this virus would unite the American people against the true culprit of our current situation, (China). Instead it seems to be everyone else’s fault but China’s. If China had allowed help from outside countries when this first came about, the world would have known sooner. Instead, China denied the severity of the problem allowing it to become rampant on a global level. Perhaps the rest of the world could have been a little more prepared for what was coming if they knew earlier. Like I said I’m an independent, I think both parties are ridiculous in rooting for their “team”, and do not seem to be willing to work together for the greater good of the American people, and that’s why I fear a civil was could happen eventually. I truly hope not, as war never solves anything, but the hate in this country is massive.

    • 6

      Ugh, how is Trump failing to have CDC representatives in Wuhan (as we would have had going all the way back to Reagan) China’s fault?

      How is Trump personally saying China is doing a great job China’s fault?

      How is the USA sending tons of needed PPE to China, China’s fault?

      Look, I get it, you don’t see how incompetent and criminal Trump is. Fine. But don’t tell me to blame an evil dictatorship that I fully expect to be dishonest simply because the democratically (sort of) elected leader of my country was too stupid and incompetent to know China was lying?

    • Not really. There is no way for a traditional fight to work in the US without a massive destabilization. We actually have it pretty good and there isn’t many things worth dieing for in the average citizens life. I think at some point we will just have to realize left right is mostly a distraction and the real problems stem from up/down disparity (or the Fed!). There is severe lack of understanding or discourse, it’s mostly finger pointing and gotcha bs in loops. When I was an independent the world just looked crazy. Now that I’m a Democrat it just looks crazier haha

      • We have it pretty good now, but if the economic damage gets out of control, it becomes more possible. I don’t see how the chosen narratives change, though. Politics have filled the void that religion left behind. D/Left god is government; R/right god is the “free market.” There will always be hypotheticals of “if only the government had acted sooner” or “if only we had let the free market work properly.”

        • I think the current Fed/deep state playbook is a slow death, rather than a massive bust-up/revolution/civil war. It keeps them in power longer.

        • Ah yes the Right’s “Free Market” of printing 10tril in currency to…*brace yourself*…stop the free market from clearing out bad investment and debt.

        • Probably too broad a stroke with the diety metaphor but I get the point. Destabilization would have to be significant, more than a depression. More like a depression, massive terrorist attack and some Marshal law type stuff.

        • 1

          The Democratic position isn’t ‘Government is God’

          The position is that SOME things are better handled by government and SOME things are better handled by the free market. Even our founders felt this way if the founding document is to be believed (hence the Postal Service being the Constitution). Democrats have gone too corporate (money in politics) but at least they support getting the money out of politics.

          The position of Republicans isn’t “Free market is God’ either.

          The Republican position is that if we give successful people more resources (and even if they fail, they are successful so bail them out) they will provide the resources less successful people need (and if these people fail it is because they are lazy or want a hand out) through the free market. Republicans absolutely believe in unlimited spending to win elections because money indicates success so if someone raises more money they must be more successful and therefore more worthy of being a leader.

          At least that is what I have noticed in my 40 years on Earth.

          • Of course, I overgeneralized. But assuming you have a civil war assumes you have two sides that are united around some common ground. Neither would admit their ideologies are their gods, but we don’t really have religion anymore, so people need to anchor their identity in something.

            The left won’t claim “government is god,” but the solution to every problem is for the government to step in and do SOMETHING. Global warming, political polarization, unemployment, wage inequality, healthcare, are all things with political solutions.

            The right doesn’t believe in bailing out “successful people.” They believe in bailing out the whole economic establishment because it creates jobs, and wealth, which lead to emotional health, stability, growing 401k’s, etc. They don’t actually believe in free markets, but that’s their cover for wanting stability in the name of companies that continue growing and providing jobs/cheap stuff.

            At the end of the day, one puts their trust in the government to solve the problems they think are greatest, while the other trusts corporations and private business. The problems are largely different, so their saviors are different.

            I think both parties are more fragmented than the picture you paint. Just look at how closely the last two primary cycles were contested and how different the ideologies were on each side. Everyone votes based on the issues they think are most important.

            And if you really think D’s believe in getting money out of politics, look at who the leaders in the party are.

          • I disagree that Republicans don’t believe in bailing out successful people.

            Look into Douglas Coe and The Fellowship.

            And just because Democrats are smart enough to take money now to win elections doesn’t mean they don’t want to change those rules.

            It would be like Jonathan Smith always going for the extra point because he thinks the 2 point conversion is a dumb rule.

            You can use a rule while advocating for its change.

      • I didn’t read all the replies, but no, a civil war is not possible. There’s nothing significant enough that large groups of Americans will be willing to kill other large groups of Americans for.

  61. 1

    WWE declared ‘essential’ in Florida despite someone within the organization testing positive

    This is the type of self dealing I talk about when I call Trump criminal

    I know many will dismiss as Florida made the decision but the WWE was the biggest donor to Trump’s (fraudulent) foundation, Linda McMahan heads a Trump superPac and was in his administration. And WWE would have been in breach with its Fox deal costing it millions had they not had shows.

    The XFL already went under…Vince is desperate.

    Of course Trump got DeSantis to help a buddy….

    But sure, tell me Trump is basing his decisions on what is best for typical Americans

    • Sorry to bring up a sports topic but curious the chances we land Damir Collins. I see on 247 he has a crystal ball for the quacks (it’s only so I don’t consider it a true indicator) but I thought he can’t go there due to a former hs school of his now working on the quacks staff? I don’t even know if that’s a rule but thought I read it somewhere.

      We need Pitre to be hitting on some of these higher ranked targets. Will Smith get higher recruits outside of the portal? Finding a really good player willing to commit to the Beavs right out of hs would be nice. Even just 1 every year just to show we can get them (not Christian Wallace).

      Okay, back to politics.

      • I’ve read the same, regarding Oregon hiring former Jefferson HS coach Johnson to their staff. I think it was Nemec who said his former HS players cannot go to oregon now, and there are a few who could potential be Beavs.
        I think our chances are decent to be in his top 3, when Collins announces his top 3 list May 1st. From there, it will be a tough battle to land him and also hang onto him. He’s a pretty impressive athlete. Saw him play in person earlier this year and he definitely stood out.

        If I had to put a percentage on it, I can’t go above 50/50 at this time. But that still would mean we’re very much in the conversation currently.

        Also, I think this thread is about to die. It barely loads now

  62. Side note:

    If you have student loans debt and its set up as auto-pay. Take a look. My company tried to claim they couldn’t take payments till October due to the CARE Act requiring 0% interest.

    Law says the opposite but companies don’t want to lose that interest money. Might take a look, I only caught it because I happened to click in an e-mail from them that I’d normally probably ignore.

  63. 1

    In the spirit of Easter, Jack has risen from the dead……..as Youngorst…Youngjack?
    Trump kidnapped the Lindbergh baby..
    Trump offed Jimmy Hoffa…
    Trump blew up the Hindenburg..
    Trump made Smith go for it on 4th down at Wazzu…

    • 6

      Venting. Have no illusions anyone is changing their mind.

      I am just so sick of people telling me that nothing is ever Trump’s fault.

      i don’t have the distractions to keep myself from realizing how many Americans are in a fucking cult like I did before this stupid pandemic.

      • Not in a cult youngster. The dems ran Hillary Clinton. No thanks. They are now going to run Joe Biden. No thanks. Trump is far from what you or me may think a president should be. But honestly Hillary Clinton after the annointed one himself , Obama, was a non starter with me. Trump is the big middle finger to so much that i despise. The Fbi, cia, state department and many tried to get rid of him and broke laws while doing it. He is a big finger to them also. Hate all you want, i get it, but recognize that there has never been a man in that office that has had to deal with so much shit. Ever.

    • Hard to draw a solid conclusion from that information. But if the Pandemic Response Team is “stronger” from the “streamlining” then it must have been really pathetic before. That is hard to believe.


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