Home Media Site Redesign

Site Redesign


Apologies that the site was down all day. The blog needed some major work. We now have these features that were sorely lacking:

1. Users can edit their own comments.

2. Users can delete their own comments.

3. There is now a clear log-in/log-out/register area.

4. Overall the site has better functionality…it's easier to navigate and find your dashboard, forums, chat, search, etc.

5. You can now give a "Thumbs up" to comments that you like.

6. Built in spell check.

7. Archived older posts instead of relying on the cumbersome calendar.

I spent 14hrs today hacking apart code, and while I finished 99% of the tasks on my list, I am more annoyed about the one I didn't. I wanted to make the site a "fluid" or "relative" width, meaning it would expand depending upon the user's screen resolution. I tinkered with it, but ultimately quit for two reasons: don't have any large monitors to try it out on…and my corneas are shot.

So, if you own a large monitor (1600+ resolution) let me know how it looks. If you're willing to do some resolution testing shoot me a note. If you're a web designer and want to code the resolution yourself, check out the "Jobs" section. We're hiring!


  1. Good job on the design of the site Angry. It’s not perfect but a definite improvement.

    I checked out the “Jobs” section I would be the perfect fit for Journalist, except I will be attending MHCC and not OSU. Oh well lol

    • Really?! Can Beavers Athletics get any good news at all. Is Rahmel Dockery going to be the only CB the Beavers get in this class?

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        It’s not even a given we get Dockery.

        Boise State handed it to our wrestling team today, too. And the gymnastics team lost to UCLA at home. Cliff told me earlier that it’s practically impossible to lose a gymnastics meet at home. When was the last OSU victory in any sport?? When will be the next?

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          The next win in Beavers athletics probably is February 19th when the baseball team takes the field. Till then it will be brutal for OSU Athletics. Being a Beaver fan, good news is tough to come by these days.

          • I’m sure you heard by now that we landed Akeem Gonzales. That was good news yesterday. I’ll take anyone Nebraska has interest in.

            Losing Foster is big, though. He is a great prospect.

          • Yeah, that was good news I like him a lot. That was the lone good news though as of late. Would’ve been big to land a guy like Foster. Beavers have been missing too much on key guys. How are things with Juda Parker at the moment? I’m guessing the Beavers will lose out on him to Colorado.

          • Last I heard Parker was 70% CO/30% Beavs.

            The dead period began at midnight, so the only thing that’s going to change his mind is a good night’s sleep.

          • Landing Akeem Gonzales is great news! Pretty much the only great news this past week for OSU athletics. Jackbeav informed me on http://cliffkirkpatrick.mvourtown.com/2011/01/30/cliff-recruiting-update-5/ That Akeem Gonzales and Malcolm Marable are cousins! i thought that was really cool! What I like about this 2011 recruiting class is that OSU is recruiting the “lines” heavily, 3 OL , 1 DT, and 7 DE’s, which I think some will move to DT in the future. OSU’s weakest links are the OL and DL.

  2. I was thinking that if OSU wants to land more quality athletes Corvallis really needs a strip club. Springfield has quite a few and they treat the athletes well from what I have been told. Hopefully we can get an adult club established in Corvallis.

    • I’m sure that’s high on Riley’s agenda. Why isn’t there a strip club in Corvallis? It would obviously have some potential. Is there a city ordinance or something?

    • OSU/Corvallis doesn’t need one. I’m proud that this is one thing that separates us (OSU) from them (uo). OSU needs to focus on better marketing. Corvallis could use more restaurants and a killer sports bar near campus, IMHO! Having a strip club won’t make it any easier to draw better talent to OSU. I highly doubt uo’s recruits from Florida, California, Texas, etc…. reason for committing to uo was because of the strip clubs in springtucky. OSU doesn’t have to be the “Evil Empire” they just have to beat the “Evil Empire”! lol.

  3. Rumors have DeAnthony Thomas telling Fink to stuff it because he wants to be a Duck. I don’t know if it’s UO boards flaming or if there’s any truth to it, but it’s funny watching the SC angst going on right now.

    • Jackbeav, please don’t take this the wrong way, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the ducks sign an all world recruiting class this year. For me personally, it depresses me the more time and attention I spend reading information regarding them. They’ll probably sign a Top 5-10 recruiting class this year, They just built a $227 million dollar (most expensive in NCAA history) arena, They’ll probably expand Autzen before we expand Reser, they have a $100+ million dollar football operations office in the works, they’ll go to another BCS Bowl before we do, I can go on and on……!

      But, I am convinced that eventually it will all catch up to them. There is not a snow ball’s chance in Hell that they are running a clean program at uo! The same NCAA that nailed USC, will be the same NCAA that will eventually nail uo. It is okay for there to be owners in professional sports, but not in “amateur college sports” supported by the NCAA. Phil Knight is the best owner in college sports. It is what it is, uo is the Yankees (sorry Yankees fans) of college sports.

      • I’m not worried about the Ducks. They can’t play everyone on the depth chart at the same time. So why worry about who they’re putting on said chart.

        What I like is seeing USC squirm. I like it more that the reason is the UO arrogance conflating rumors to make them squirm. If true, it’s just fun. If it’s just Duck flamers, then that will make this story fun for years to come.

        • I hear ya! Also, OSU has their own problems/issues to deal with rather than trying to keep up with the ducks arms (facilities) race. I don’t care if OSU has 11, 5 star players on the field at the same time; if they remain one dimensional on offense and can’t stop anybody on defense, it nullifies the effectiveness of the talent on the field. OSU needs to win with what they have. Eliminate slow start seasons. Eliminate losing badly every time ESPN is airing the game (AKA: laying eggs on national TV) Eliminate the looser’s mindset. Eliminate excuses. Expect to win each and every game. Expect to compete for the PAC-12 championship. Eliminate trying to find an “identity” in mid October. Expect to find your identity before spring ball starts. There is my .02 (two cents).

  4. Angry, Nice updates by the way!, The new site looks really sharp! One problem, I couldn’t find the “wipe Eugene off the face of the earth” button. Let me know when that is included! Ha Ha!

  5. Thanks for all your hard work on this site. BTW, I didn’t watch the ProBowl game, but for anyone who did – you might have noticed Marc Mariani – from little old Havre, Montana. A walkon at U of M., 7th round NFL draft pick and rookie season ProBowler. The ultimate in feel good stories.

  6. Anyone read the article on Kellen Clute in the Oregonian today? Seems like there could have been a better picture of him to post….my first thought was “Crap, what’d he do?” Then…he goes on to call out the Ducks in the interview…I can get behind a few well placed, brash one-liners in the media, but how about you actually make it onto campus and DO something first?

    I’m going from warm to tepid on this guy….

      • Nope, not saying that at all…but as a relatively unheralded recruit, I’d probably try to prove a few things first. I agree with his perspective, just seems a little premature. I’m glad he’s shed his duck love. The CW is NOT just another game, and I don’t think Chip really believes that either.

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          He’s done all he can at the high school level. Unheralded is only a condition of recruiting service failures, not one of spectator’s of his game. He received several accolades for his play at TE this year from both coaches and press. The picture of him in the O is one of him standing with the Spokane area all-region team. Sure, it looks like he would break Hannibal Lecter in half for looking at him sideways. But don’t we kinda want that in a football player?

          I mean, did the world go cold on Mike Singletary because he had scary eyes before every play?

    • I liked the comment, and I didn’t think it was the least bit inflammatory. Frankly, the Beavs could stand a little more brashness in the program. Hopefully he has a bit of a nasty streak on the field.

  7. Settle down there OSU4life, in the world of college sports, TV bucks and Donors build the empire. Fair of not, that is the reality. This is going to sound condesending, yet I don’t intend it to be – but it’s human nature for those living in small houses down in the valley to take shots at those living in big houses on the hill, makes em feel better about themselves. But the reality is, who’s fault/luck are cause of the two circumstances? Uncle Phil/Oregon made a plan to take the UO to a higher competitive level, and implemented it. OSU simply stayed the course and felt it was great fun to tease Oregon about silly uniforms, gimmicky play…and to keep OSU traditional in every way….. That is not bad mind you, but it is not progressive. On the other-hand, Oregon is now reaping the rewards of it/Phil’s plan. As a Duck fan, I have put up with my share of teasing, but in the end, “brilliant”.

    • Against my better judgement, I tend to agree with you UoDuck. I know that as a Beaver fan, I’m openly jealous of the facilities, national recognition, and success of the Duck program. It’s time the Beaver athletic department joined the 21st century – the old tried and true is getting the same old mediocre results – across all the sports it seems.

      All that glitter isn’t gold…but sometimes it is.

  8. Where are all the DBs? Are they hiding?

    I believe one of the other reasons Rahmel Dockery hasn’t committed yet (besides waiting for offers from other schools), is that OSU does in fact want him to play DB but Rahmel wants to play WR. He said himself in his OSU camp interview he wants to play WR. OSU is stacked at WR but thin on DB….

    Too bad Jeremy Reynolds went to Texas Tech.

  9. Uh oh, we have a “negative thumber” amongst us! The trolls seem to love the thumb up/down feature. They left when I removed it, and now they’re back.

    • Its not me (thumbs down stuff)- promise. Greatwhite and Angry, you guys are a freaking hoot. Love this site for all the right reasons, not because I’m Duck and the site is “angry”. You guys just have great personalities and crack me up – even if I have to endure “f” the ducks sometimes from Greatwhite and crew. Its all good, cuz you also take realistic shots at your own squad. All’s fair in love and war and I love it.

  10. BTW, I suck at predicting who OSU will get to commit…. I’ve only been right about Akeem Gonzales, and only because UW pulled his offer, haha.

    What a sad time to be an OSU fan…

    Lets just pull in some desperate 0 star No-Namers from JC and call it a class.

  11. angry,

    are you now a fan of firing Coach Rob? I know in the past you have said let him coach until his first class has graduated but now I see a post on O-live were you say fire him. Just curious as to what your stance was at this moment. Thanks.

  12. I think we pretty much all agree that CR gets his five years just like all the others ARM (After Ralph Miller). On second thought, given the struggle with finances, maybe the program could save money, fire CR now and just put a cardboard replica of Ralph on the sidelines with one of his famous scowls on his face. It would probably be enough to at least cause Omari to soil himself the next time he misses a layup!


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