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Nicholls State vs Oregon State


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Oregon State @ Kansas


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Civil War Thoughts


I feel better writing about this game after having a few days to think about it.

The loss doesn't bother me that much since the Ducks are the better team.

What bothers me is that Riley had a much improved team this year and lost by almost the same margin. The gap hasn't closed at all. With better defenders and/or defenders a year older, Mark Banker made no progress in slowing down the Ducks. It's the same ol' where they can scheme pro style offenses or mediocre option offenses. The quotes in the paper leading up to the game bothered me, too. Does Georgia Tech's coach imply they have to play a perfect game to beat Georgia? Did Mike Leach say the Cougars had to be perfect to beat Washington? Does Oklahoma State feel so inferior when playing Oklahoma? That's what bugs me–the inferiority complex. The confidence this year was all a sham that was exposed on Saturday (and via the quotes leading up to Saturday).

Read this Langsdorf quote:

"We've had to hang in there and win a lot of games late," Langsdorf said. "We want to keep this game right where we want it and win it in the fourth quarter."

Why even put that thought in a team's head? Why not win it the game in the first quarter?

And Riley:

"You have to be perfect on (defensive) assignments all the time, but especially against Oregon. Then, fundamentally, you have to do some of those simple things that are hard to do: tackle in space, and make sure you have responsibility in the gap and responsibility in the option."

Perfect? That's giving the Ducks too much respect, don't you think? Quotes like that turn respect into palpable fear. Players sense these things. Beavs played slow, indecisive, etc. Their mindset is all wrong in these big games. That's what bothers me the most.

Montana State @ Oregon State


Game thread.

Will Montana State rub salt in yesterday's wound or offer healing? Find out at 3pm.

Go Beavs.

Civil War Oregon @ Oregon State


Game thread.

Go Beavs