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General Discussion (& Database Issues)


Apologies for the site being down most of the day. It was my fault….was tinkering in the home directory and accidentally deleted an important fie. I was able to restore, but my most recent backup was a few days old. You'll notice we lost a few days worth of posts. Oh well, it could have been a lot worse (typical Beaver attitude!). It was a really bad deal by me.


I lost the post about large donors. I liked that one, so if anyone has a copy in their browser cache email it to me.

Anyway, another slow week upon us. We're semi-following baseball, but I feel like most of us are just waiting until fall to see if the team tanks, and we can tee off on Riley…let's be honest: it's the most interesting sport and story. Oh to be a Beaver.

Repost: Why Does Oregon State Lack Large Donors?


Note: Database error caused me to lose this post. BeavGirl found it in Google's cache. Reposting for posterity and because there were a lot of good comments lost, and I'm hoping people rewrite 'em.

Oregon State alumni base consists of:

The founder U-Haul
Co-founder of E-trade
Co-founder of Classmates.com
Co-founder of Nvidia
Inventor of Leatherman tools
Former president and CEO of Hewlett-Packard

Here’s a more complete list: click me

And here’s a list of notable athletes: click me

There are many small, successful (i.e. multi-millionaire) businessmen who aren’t on the Wikipedia list, so it is far from definitive.

We’re stuck with Riley forever because “nobody wants to cut a check”, and OSU doesn’t have basketball (practice) facility because nobody will pony up (twittering Gary Payton??).

I know some higher end BASF members read this site. I freely admit I don’t understand or relate to the opulent lifestyle, but if I had that kind of cash I’d donate generously to the athletic department. So, my question is this: why does OSU seem to lack large donors (more so than other universities of this size)? Is it that the donors aren’t interested in athletics? Is it that the AD has rubbed people the wrong way? It is a combination of things? Is it something else entirely? Or perhaps I’m wrong all together and the amount in donations OSU receives falls within the realm of normal. But it seems like we’re always broke, never hear of large donations (since Al Reser’s passing), and the university is out of touch with past alums. And speaking of Al Reser–who received his estate, and are they still actively involved/donating to OSU?

Mike Riley Makes Rival’s “Hot Seat” List


Coming in at #10.

Nice to see the National media getting over the neat story (i.e. OSU "doing more with less") and instead telling it like it is.

See the complete list here.

Oh, and he is now #2 on coacheshotseat.com.

Something tells me neither site understands the terms of his contract…

Baseball: Stanford @ Oregon State


The projected pitching matchups:

Friday: Wetzler (5-2 3.18) vs. Appel (6-1, 2.73) 5:35 pm
Saturday: Fry (4-3, 2.25) vs. LHP Mooneyham (5-4, 3.98) 1:05 pm
Sunday: Child (4-3, 2.65) vs. TBA 1:05 pm

Regarding hosting: they'd have to win every series from here on out, and IMO they'd have to sweep Stanford this weekend to get the necessary RPI boost. So at this point it's just a matter of fine-tuning their game and gaining confidence for the tournament. This team doesn't feel elite…seems like they'll play the role of gritty "tough out" in the tournament rather than favorites.

Pat Casey continues to have a rough year. Having Conforto bunt in the 8th inning last weekend goes beyond head scratching. Let's call it like it is: the decision was flat out stupid. Casey needs to show more confidence in his players.

Go Beavs!

How Does the Mike Riley Era End?


It is a thought I've had many times over the years.The thing is, in the past when I pondered this question, it was always, "Hmm yeah I wonder how this will end?", and that was the extent of it. Before Mike signed the lifetime deal, I figured he'd work one more short contract (2 or 3 years) and then retire. That seemed like a reasonable path for all parties involved.

But now? I want to see an amicable split, but the (inevitable) breakup is looking uglier with each passing day.

Does Riley coach this lifetime contract until we're beyond 2019 and he misses enough bowl games to nullify it? I mean, that seems unlikely, doesn't it? Riley will be 60 next year (he'd fit right in if he just moved into the stands).

So what other options are there?

What I consider most likely now is Riley becomes persona non grata, feels betrayed by his hometown, and retires. It's passive-aggressive and non-confrontational, which is how OSU and their fan base like to work.

Some other possibilities and the odds I give them:

  • He dies on the job (70%)
  • He gets promoted to AD (15%)
  • He gets fired (10%)
  • He coaches out the entire contract (5%)
  • He wins a Rose Bowl and rides off into the sunset (<.001~%)

What other possibilities are there? What do you think is likely? Do you, like me, find it interesting to ponder how this era ends, or, like most things OSU, is this topic boring?

PS. We hit 1 million views (on the new site) today. We had 250k on the old wordpress blog before moving over. Good job maintaining enough passion to care about this crap. It's hard. Rage on!