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Baseball: Civil War (Oregon State @ Oregon)


A lot of uncertainty around the pitching matchups. The picture is incomplete, but right now looks like this:

Date Opponent/Location Pitchers Time
05/27 Eugene, OR Sam Gaviglio (11-1, 1.72) vs Tyler Anderson (7-3, 2.24) 7:06 p.m.
05/28 Eugene, OR Josh Osich (6-3, 3.44) vs TBD 2:06 p.m.
05/29 Eugene, OR TBD vs TBD 1:06 p.m.

Beavs have a (long) shot at a national seed. Depends on them sweeping and some help.

Teams to root against: Georgia Tech, Texas, Florida State, Texas A&M, and Rice.

Clearly it's more likely they'll be hosting a regional. That's fine. They've played tight at home with pressure on, so being on the road might relieve some of that.

Based on their comments, the Duck players seem pumped about this series. The key to beating Oregon is getting to their (bad) bullpen early. Beavs better come ready to play. This fan base can't absorb another Civil War defeat.

Man, Things Sure are Boring…


"So…Big Gulps, Huh?" –Lloyd Christmas


Is there anything worth discussing? Not really. Maybe the only thing worth discussing is how there is nothing worth discussing. Slow times or something greater?

Can't say I'm intrigued by even the baseball team right now. Maybe that will change by the end of the week, but it looks like the Beavs will be hosting a regional whether they sweep or get swept by Oregon. Well, maybe not if they get swept, but with one win. That means there's nothing too exciting for a couple weeks.

I guess I'll use this down time to mention something that's been bothering me. It has to do with Mike Parker and booze. There, fair warning…if that topic either bores or offends you: stop reading and leave now!

Okay, so basically, I am having a doubly hard time listening to Parker since the napkin incident. Everyone knows I hate his "should have been out of the inning" and "what if" subjunctive mood pontifications. But my latest gripe with Mike isn't due to his mentally draining homerisms. No, it's about the booze and the napkin. It's not that I believe drinking booze and eating napkins are horrible offenses or foibles. My friends drink. Squirrels and pandas gnaw on tree bark, and I love both just fine. It's that in the past, when things didn't go well for the Beavers, I could dismiss the dejection in Parker's voice, but now when I hear that dejection I take notice and have an emotional reaction. I think, "Wow, he is so depressed about that missed bunt, he's probably going to get hammered ex post ballgame because of it." This is not what a listener wants to think or feel during a game. I don't like to imagine a 60 year old man lurching and hurling because teenagers and small-town life have left a cavern in his soul. Listening to such a person makes me depressed.

I just can't stand knowing a guy is a sad sap. It changes everything for me. It's why I don't want pictures or information about anyone who reads this blog. The less information, the better. The less information, the more I can believe you're an upstanding citizen who doesn't lurch and hurl.

And full disclosure: I drink about zero times per month. Essentially quit cold turkey after the football season when I began to feel the buzz just wasn't as good as it used to be. But yeah, during football season, historically I have three cocktails while watching the game, and I write things like "load up on the gin, boys" on the blog. But, I've enjoyed sobriety so much that I might not even do that this year.

Okay, glad I got that off my chest. Talk about anything you want since there's really not much to talk about. (Prediction for the first comment: "WE NEED A POWERFUL BRAND"). Lol…

Baseball: USC @ Oregon State


The pitching match ups for the weekend look like this:

Date Opponent/Location Pitchers Time
05/20 Corvallis, OR Sam Gaviglio (9-1, 1.85) vs Andrew Triggs (4-3, 3.68) 5:35 p.m.
05/21 Corvallis, OR Josh Osich (6-2, 3.46) vs Austin Wood (4-6, 5.48) 2:05 p.m.
05/22 Corvallis, OR TBD vs Logan Odom (4-5, 3.56) 12:05 p.m.

While the USC rotation looks unimpressive on paper, keep these notes in mind:

  • Andrew Triggs has a 1.11 ERA in his last four Pac-10 Conference starts, allowing only four earned runs in 32 1/3 innings. He has allowed 24 hits with seven walks and 29 strikeouts during that time.
  • Austin Wood is rated as the No. 26 college prospect in the nation by Baseball America.
  • Logan Odom threw a complete-game three-hitter against No. 6 Arizona State on May 15.

USC has good arms, and that makes them a dangerous team.

The Beavs, meanwhile, still haven't figured out their rotation. It's discouraging to see "TBD" as Sunday's pitcher this late in the season. Nobody has stepped up and grabbed that spot. I'm still not convinced we have a #2 starter. Josh Osich has thrown just 4 quality starts in 13 tries. For perspective: James Nygren has thrown 4 in only 8 starts. It's hard to criticize Pat Casey since he has the team sitting at #2, but my knock would be that hasn't developed the starting rotation. Luckily, the bullpen has been dominant. Scott Schultz's ability to eat innings in long relief is a big deal.

Anyway, I promised not to talk about Osich and the rotation. I just can't help myself…grr.

As far as the National Seed…contrary to what some people are saying, it's still within reach despite the weak RPI. That decision will come down to humans vs computers, but as long as the polls and national writers like Fitt and Rogers remain on the Beaver's bandwagon, the committee will not pass them up. Beavs need to take 4 of 6 to cement that reality. Keep in mind that when the wins occur matters, too. The committee is biased toward teams playing well down the stretch, so losing a series would be precarious. In other words, the 4 wins need to be split between USC and Oregon. That's quite a bit of pressure (unless they're content hosting a regional). Curious to see how they handle it…

Mike Riley Described as “Slow” in Oregonian


In an article here about Barney Graff and the medical staff.

Riley seemed slow to acknowledge all of this – perhaps because he valued Graff as a co-worker and as a friend – but the school finally acted on all of the unrest in the department.

I'm not exactly sure what the bold portion means. Did Ed Ray override Riley and the AD to demote Graff?

Either way, there are three issues here:

1. The slow adaptation is classic Riley. Clearly the medical staff has underperformed for over a decade, yet change was only made in 2011. Greg Newhouse hadn't signed a recruit for four or five years, but he was only asked to change roles this year. And then there are the players (#28, Pankey, Quizz getting 99% of the carries, etc). Waiting for Riley to make a change is like waiting for watched water to boil.

2. The players (and their families) are victims.

Guys like Jeremy Perry are what make this story sad. A guy with an NFL future who received questionable medical treatment, and ultimately had to retire.

3. With regard to point #2, did Riley know his players felt this way? If "you should ice that" was a running, inside joke, surely he heard it. I mean, yeah, he had to have known. But there will be people who defend him to their death, just like there are still people who condition themselves to believe Nixon didn't know about the Watergate burglaries. Do what you must to get through life, I suppose, but I don't understand how this fits into good management or the "family" atmosphere. If I were injured, mentally or physically, my family would want me to receive top notch care. Or, thinking back to early childhood when we were poor, at least competent care if the best were unaffordable.

Reading between the lines, this is what I'm thinking: OSU hired Graff because he was a Riley crony who came at a cheap price. That's how OSU runs their athletic department: Money is their God and Riley their Jesus. This report leaves many unanswered questions: who stepped in and made this change? Who is the new head trainer for football? Why did this take a decade to sort out? Was this so well known that schools used it against OSU on the recruiting trail? Why didn't Riley protect his players' health, career, livelihood? The answers can mostly be deduced, but I'd rather hear them from the horses' mouths. The (typical) silence leads me to believe there's contention and disarray in the athletic department.

With the windfall profits headed their way, OSU sees an opportunity to ditch the cronyism in favor of a meritocrasy. Of course, this is a good thing, but while the end result is positive, the means is extremely questionable and demands more answers.

Public Embarrassments & Baseball


I guess the big news is Castro Masaniai being charged with 5 offenses, ranging from kidnapping to criminal mischief. Uh, what the hell happened there? That's the second public blemish this week. Not good. If he kidnapped a farm animal I'm seriously switching allegiance.

The Mike Parker thing…I didn't/don't care too much, but I've seen people blowing up and saying the guy should be fired since he's the public voice of athletics. Eh, I agree, and wouldn't care if he were fired. But, I also disagree due to pure apathy. Meaning, I just don't care if he isn't fired, either. I'd rather spend energy on other things, but sure, gun to my head I don't see how you can keep a self-proclaimed, public drunkard on payroll. Plus, is it me or has Parker become insufferable? I can't stand listening to the guy…more so than ever. I was actually enjoying the Washington announcers yesterday. They were light-hearted, funny, unemotional, all business, and self-deprecating. It's no wonder Parker gets tight and eats napkins–his entire emotional being is vicariously wrapped into how 18 year old jocks perform.

Moving on…

As high as the baseball team was riding (people writing it was a "lock" OSU would be a national seed), they're plummeting just as fast, now sitting 20th+ in RPI and probably out of super regional discussions. Conclusion: people, including Kendall Rogers and Aaron Fitt, don't understand RPI. News flash: a team can drop significantly despite winning a series. Anyway, it is still possible the Beavs earn a top 8 finish depending on the next six games and how the top 12 teams shake out. GaTech has played strong down the stretch. I think have a shot to overtake the Beavers for a national seed. I'd say the Beavers are 9th or 10th right now, on the outside looking in. They better screw their heads on straight and just worry about hosting a regional, because even that isn't a lock at this point unless they win the conference. The ASU sweep was a long time ago, and people are beginning to notice OSU ambling toward the finish line.

Speaking of ASU, they lost to USC again today. The notion that the Beavers are going to cruise through the USC and Oregon series…well, I don't like it nor am I buying it. That ASU lost again increases the odds of hosting a regional…

Talk about this stuff or anything else you'd like. There's nothing going on for the next week.