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Baseball: Oregon State @ Georgia


Georgia wins 5-4 in 11 innings.

Tonight's pitching match up is Josh Osich (6-4, 3.57) vs Blake Dieterich (3-3, 3.43). Whatever pitching Georgia had is being taxed. Rumor has it Hershel Walker was warming up in the bullpen…lol.

The Beavers will be the away team tonight. If they lose, they'll be the home team tomorrow.

I don't know about you guys, but I wasn't impressed by Georgia or Creighton. The Bulldogs pass my "eye test", and I keep hearing they're battle tested, having played the toughest schedule, and come into this tournament with momentum. Yada yada. All that might be true, but what I saw this afternoon was an average team.

The only way I see the Beavers losing this game is if Josh Osich gives it away. The offense should be good for at least 5 runs.

Prediction: This is a tough call. On one hand, I feel the Beavers should win this game somewhere in the 5-3 neighborhood. On the other, I can't stand Josh Osich and have no faith at all in him. It's easy to envision him throwing this game away and putting the team in a bind come Monday. Which do I go with? Well, I am going with what I expect to happen. And that is the better team finds a way to win. Pat Casey, please have a short leash.

5-3, Beavers

Stream: ESPN3

Baseball: Creighton @ Oregon State


This post is essentially a placeholder for comments on today's game with Creighton.

Game time is 6pm, and the Pitching match up:

Sam Gaviglio (11-1, 1.95) vs Ty Blach (10-2, 2.72).

Like yesterday, the game is streaming on ESPN3.

Creighton has a good club. They're fundamentally sound (.980 fielding %, which is 5th in the nation), have a legit Friday and Saturday starter, have a deep bullpen, and can execute small ball. In fact, they're much like the Beavers…probably a bit more fundamentally sound, but with slightly less raw talent. It's that match up of talent vs sound play, within the framework of a similar overall style, that makes this game intriguing.

My main concern as a Beaver fan: will the offense be able to hit Blach. I think Gaviglio throws a good game and will keep Creighton under 4 runs. Then it's on the bullpen to hold them there. If that happens, I think the Beavers eek out four runs and steal this one. Don't be surprised if the home crowd gets to see free baseball. Load up on the Inderal, boys.

Prediction: 4-3, Beavers.

Baseball: Arkansas-Little Rock @ Oregon State


There's a cliche in sports that it's not what happens, but how you react to what happens. With that in mind, it's time to begin our second season.

Game time is 6pm, and the pitching match up is as follows:

James Nygren (8-3, 3.18) vs Travis Henke (1-5, 5.12)

ALR went 18-32 during the regular season. They pitch to a 5.84 team ERA (247th nationally). The short of it is that ALR is not a very good team. They caught a fire late and won the Sun Belt Conference tournament, earning the automatic bid as an unprecedented 8 seed. Now, they did beat some decent teams in Florida International (#27), Troy (#50), and Florida Atlantic (#51). So, they are likely riding that high and feeling a mix of confidence and "nothing to lose" swagger.

Even so, I am not concerned about this game. ALR has earned respect, but there's no reason to fear them. The Beavers have a large talent mismatch, and I just have a sixth sense that things are going to click tomorrow. I'm more worried about Creighton…they've won 9 of 10 down the stretch, have two great arms at the top of their rotation, and a diverse, efficient offense.

Predictions: Oregon State 7, Arkansas-LR 1 | Creighton 6, Georgia 3

Video Stream: ESPN3

Regional Announced


The Beavs will host:

(4)Arkansas-Little Rock

This is a very winnable regional.

Also of note: Oregon didn't make the post-season.

Reflection on the Baseball Season


Today capped off one of the biggest collapses in Oregon State history.

And it caused me to wonder: is this really a bad thing?

Some will be offended I even ask the question. "You are not a true Beaver!" they will blindly balk. I suggest these people just stop reading the site, because I'm not going to waste time defending myself anymore.

So, back to the question. Is this a bad thing?

Well, on the surface, yes. It's terrible. The Beavs choked away the Pac-10 title. Think about it some more, though. What is the biggest underlying problem at Oregon State? In my opinion, it's that everyone, from the athletic department to the fans, hopes programs do well instead of expecting it. I don't think it can be expressed more succinctly than that. Think about that for a moment before you continue reading.

Okay, now I ask you: what do Beaver fans consider a successful season? This is more tricky. But, I read a lot of websites, forums, newspapers, blogs, etc with diverse opinions from all age groups, and it seems to me the only thing these people can agree upon is that beating the Ducks makes everything else okay. The football team could go 1-10, but if the victory is against the Ducks…hip hip hooray!

In other words, Beaver fans care more about the Ducks failures than their own team's success.

So, when fans sit back and say, "Bob DeCarolis is the problem" or "Mike Riley should be fired!" they aren't completely wrong, but the problem doesn't start with those guys. People at the top rarely lead; they cater to opinion and expectations at the bottom (follow politics cursorily, and you'll accept this as a truth). Therefore, the problem is the fan. That's right. The fan is the problem. You'll see me lash out at the old, dying guard often because they harp about "28 years of losing", and frankly it holds us back. Well, now I am dedicating an entire post to this topic because it really needs to be drilled home and engrained in your mind. The problem is not an individual at the top. The problem is a group of individuals at the bottom and it begins with you and people you know. By purchasing a ticket, Beaver gear, or a hot dog at the ballpark, you are saying, "I support this product." The dollar is your voting card, your chance to veto the current path, and to force change.

So, why is the collapse a good thing? I think it drills home the two points above:

1. The hope vs expectation paradigm.

2. (Jealous) obsession regarding the Ducks rather than self-improvement.

Until these things change, it will be the same ol'.

Players need to come into our programs knowing fans expect them to win. Right now, players come to Oregon State knowing it'll be nice to win, but since the fans are so agreeable and supportive, it's not a big deal if they lose. What needs to change is the culture. There needs to be a winning culture. When your school isn't naturally blessed with this, losing (especially to a rival), ironically, is what angers people enough to act and start down that path. The past decade has proved mediocrity or moderate success doesn't move the fan base. Even after two National Titles, our baseball team only hopes to win. That is flat out sad.

I think this latest (see gymnastics team) Beavers collapse at the hands of the Ducks will enrage fans. Someone in the comment area already mentioned he's handing in his season tickets and calling it a day. He is an empowered fan. People sometimes ask why I've only gone to two Beaver games ever. The answer is simple: the product isn't up to my standards so I don't support it. I don't want to hear excuses or strawmen or misplaced blame. Today's result is as much on the fan as it is on any administrator, coach, player, etc. Never again write, "I hope we win" or anything like that (there are a ton of comments like this on the Oregonian)…instead write, "we are going to win", "we should win", "we better win or else I'm not supporting this anymore", etc.