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Baseball: Oregon @ Oregon State


Don't forget, mid-week game today versus the Ducks.

First pitch is at 5:35 pacific time.

The Beavs are 10-2 since Oregon's reinstatement. A slip up here would be embarrassing, but not detrimental since it is technically a non-conference game. Expect James Nygren to start.

Spring Scrimmage Rumblings


I'm wondering how you guys feel about Oregon State's approach to the spring football game. That is, no approach. Conversely, the Ducks marketed their game, created energy for the upcoming season, and had 43,000 fans attend their spring game, which was broadcast on ESPN2 no less. The Beavs had just 5,000 fans. Only the die hards even knew about the game, and there was no video of any kind (it was broadcast on KPAM radio).

I listened to two plays before turning it off due to boredom. What was your experience with the game? Did you go? Did you listen? Do you care? Why is OSU's spring game such a failure?

I feel like this game symbolizes OSU athletics. Haphazard, no creativity, no energy, and just cross the fingers and hope for the best. In short, Bush League.

When I saw the Ducks astronomical attendance figure, I thought to myself that it's another sign of the chasm between programs. The Ducks have embraced technology, the 21st century, and their wild identity. They aren't a passive university. They force issues, make quick decisions, change or adapt when they see opportunity, etc. The Beavers realize they're dinosaurs, and they will adapt…eventually. But that is part of the problem: the Beavers can (and do) recognize areas for improvement, but they take years if not decades before they act. And this is not just an OSU versus Oregon issue. Look at spring attendance figures from around the country. Vanderbilt drew 10,000 fans! Slow and steady wins the race? Maybe that is true for a foot race, but not an arms race.

Looking around the net, some of the old, dying guard are in an uproar about the (lack of) a meaningful spring game. Yet the same people whine if a young fan stands up and makes noise at a regular season game. There is a contradictory, circular (logic) error within our fan base. The people who lived through the lean years need to either adapt to modern expectations or die, because right now they're sending the AD mixed messages that keep the program in perpetual purgatory. Old farts: you can't say you want excitement and energy, and then chastise the young, rambunkshus fan who stands up to cheer the team.

Baseball: Oregon State @ UCLA (Game 3)


Unfortunately, I have a friend in town, and we're about to hit the road (well, beaches) right now. Since the prior thread was becoming cluttered, I've created this one as a placeholder.

I don't have time to write any thoughts about the game. It's probably better that way since OSU's been making me eat crow.

Maybe I should keep doubting them since it's been working so well.

Hmm, yeah: Wetzler is garbage. He'll be done by the second inning after serving up a grand slam to the bat boy's sister.

There, that should do the trick.

Baseball: OSU @ UCLA (Game 2)


Since the game 1 thread has 150 comments, this will be the placeholder for game 2 comments.

I don't have much to say. Last night's game was another great comeback. It's become the norm. The Beavs are never out of any game.

Today's game is fascinating. Josh Osich is a thrower who believes he's a (power) pitcher. To me, he is KRhod, light edition. Now he's going up against, arguably, the best true power pitcher in America. Even though UCLA pitches Cole on Fridays, Bauer is their ace. That's just bad coaching, but it's a UCLA issue so I won't expound; hopefully for their sake they have a guy blogging about that decision.

The one positive for Osich: the Bruins can't hit. That should allow him to keep the charade going for another week, so long as he throws strikes. The only way I'm super gluing orange-colored glasses to the bridge of my nose and offering an apology is if Osich gives up fewer than 2 runs, has a sub 1 WHIP, and goes the distance. Given UCLA's porous bats, that's my expectation from Saturday's starter. Yes they are high, but the goal is now a National Title, folks, so raise your expectations accordingly.

As Guns N' Roses once crooned, "Sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse!"

Baseball: Oregon State @ UCLA


The big news is that the Beavers get Jake Rodriguez back this week. At least as a fielder. The guy is a masher, so if his hand is well enough that he can hit it would be a huge lift. Both UCLA and OSU have very similar offenses (OSU has a few more HRs/pop, but otherwise the offenses are identical). Therefore, I'll focus on pitching. It's what will determine this series.

The weekend rotation hasn't been announced yet, but my guess is it will look like:

Date Opponent Pitchers Time (PT)
4/29 UCLA Sam Gaviglio (7-1, 1.68) vs  Gerrit Cole (4-4, 2.78) 6:00 p.m.
4/30 UCLA Josh Osich (5-1, 3.30) vs Trevor Bauer (8-1, 1.42) 2:00 p.m.
5/1 UCLA TBD/Scott Schultz (2-0, 3.18)  vs Adam Plutko (2-3, 1.69) 1:00 p.m.

Game 2 is a perfect example of why OSU isn't built for the post-season. Say Gerrit Cole wins game 1. The pressure shifts to Josh Osich to beat Trevor Bauer in game 2. Bauer's statistics run deep. 127SO/82IP, .145 batting average against, .80 WHIP. The strategy should be to take pitches, work long counts, and try to get Bauer out of the game by the 7th. Osich is "gutty" and described as a power arm, but the statistics don't back up the latter. He has 45 strikeouts in 46 innings, 21 walks, and 39 hits. That is a poor WHIP, and a .231 batting average against is fairly high for a Saturday starter. These numbers explain why Osich constantly finds himself in trouble.

The Beavers are going to run into this problem often in the post-season where every team has two good/great starters, and they only have one great starter and an unpredictable headcase in the Saturday slot.

I know I am on record saying the Beavers have the team chemistry to win a title. I think that is true, and it's why I'm not making a bigger deal about Osish. The Beavs can (and have) overcome him to this point, and Pat Casey seems intent on leaving him there. But I'll say it again: Boyd needs to be the Saturday starter. Pat Casey's strategy right now is to start Osich and have a quick hook. That's a good way to blow up your bullpen, and in a tight three game playoff, that could be the difference between advancing and going home. Eventually Casey's strategy will backfire.

It seems like the Beavers matchup poorly with UCLA in every sport. Even when OSU has a better team, the Bruins seem to win. I see this series being no different. In fact, even though I've been burned by predictions of late, I feel enough conviction to say OSU will be lucky to win one. I'm not going to hear the end of it if Osich dominates game 2 and wins the series for the Beavs, but even if that happens, the problem would just be disguised and the solution delayed.