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Recruiting News


Will Storey committed to the Beavers. He’s a local product and a zero star athlete by both major recruiting services. His only offers were Portland State and Washington State.

Beaver fans, we are now recruiting PSU and WSU players. Every other coach in America, except the aforementioned desperate cellar dweller and a DII school, believe this player is a miss.  Yet Mike Riley felt the need to not offer a walk-on opportunity, but instead to waste one of a dozen scholarships available this year on this borderline DI player. Even though Storey is not a walk-on, people are sure to bring up Mike Hass in this debate–realize there’s been 1 Mike Hass out of hundreds of OSU walk-ons.

I’ve never seen Storey play, but I do believe in odds, majority, etc when it comes to recruiting. If nobody wanted this player there’s good reason. Can you say Kameron Krebs? Why are we recruiting these guys. We have three top 25 finishes in a row and the best we can do is PSU and WSU caliber players? Earlier in the week we signed Donnell Welch, another zero star athlete with no offers. This one looks like an academic casualty since he had a lot of interest, but it makes you wonder yet again about our recruiting strategy.

The only thing I can deduce from these late offers and signings is that we’ve struck out with our entire A and B list and we’re now moving to C (Welch) and D (Storey). This is a really sad state of affairs, and the more C-level recruiting I have to watch the more bitter I become about the Heyward hiring. Robin Pflugrad was out there for the Beavers taking. When a program continually makes boneheaded decisions it’s just a matter of time before they catch up. I think last years recruiting class was so strong that we might not see the effects of this years atrocious effort until 3 years down the line when we have major depth/talent deficiency issues, but we will see it. With the rest of the PAC-10 coaches, outside of Paul Wulff, being top 25 recruiters, something needs to change and sooner rather than later.

On a more positive note, Devon Collier committed to the men’s basketball team. Craig Robinson hauls in another top 100 recruit (to dreaded Corvallis, no less, where “no top recruits want to play”). Collier’s offer sheet includes full rides from Duke, Connecticut, Pitt, Seton Hall, Syracuse, and West Virginia. Enough said?

Oregon State @ Cal


Happily, I am going on vacation tomorrow. Sadly, I’ll be on the road Saturday and likely miss the game. Anyone know if the game will be broadcast in Vegas?

As far as who will win this game, I’ve got nothing. Not the slightest inclination.

I see a scenario with Cal jumping out early, Best gets some gashing runs, but then Cal will go into a lull and the Beavs offense comes to life. Also see a scenario where Best goes over 200, Canfield regresses, and Cal’s speed dominates the Beavers. It’s a coin toss. I do think the Beavs have an advantage in the return game this week, so maybe look for a TD from special teams or at least a 50 yard return or two. A top 25 ranking is on the line for the 3rd time this season. Three strikes and you’re out, Beavs.

On a side note, I’ll be up at the Washington game if anyone wants to get together. Also, you guys should make some good comments and predictions to make up for my lackluster effort this week.

Spread Offense


The spread offense is the scheme of the present and future. What most people don’t realize is that it’s also an offense of the past, dating back to TCU’s Dutch Meyer’s book entitled “Spread Formation Football” written in 1954. If you want to include option offenses into the definition of spread, and my belief is that you should, as Georgia Tech runs this version of the spread to this day, it dates back even further. Many fans call the spread a gimmick, believing it a sexy trend concocted by Urban Meyer in his days with Utah. But the fact of the matter is that the spread has been around at least half a century. What is new is that coaches of the past ten years are understanding the mismatches they can create using the spread, and so it is quickly replacing the pro-style offense as the preferred formation of (modern) college football. Looking at the AP top 25, twelve of those teams run the spread and thirteen run a pro-style offense. Teams like Ohio State have a hybrid, mainly due to personnel (i.e. Pryor), so really it’s split down the middle right now. Also, TCU isn’t officially listed as a spread offense, but from what I’ve seen they run a “spread pass” much like Texas.

Interestingly, there’s only one team running a pro-style offense in the top 5 and that’s Alabama. The other four run some version of a spread offense. If you expand the analysis to the top 10, six of those teams run a spread, but don’t be surprised if that number is seven after the BCS rankings are released tomorrow, as Penn State is #11 in the AP but could easily be in the top 10 BCS rankings. Georgia Tech runs the most unique version, with the triple option. They are the only BCS team running that offense, and it is highly effective. 48 of 120 DI schools run the spread at least 75% of the time. Just glancing at the top 25, it seems the coaches with NFL experience have been most resistant to implementing the spread. Nick Saban (Miami Dolphins), Mike Riley (Chargers), Dave Wannstedt (Dolphins et al), Pete Carroll (Jets, Patriots), Charlie Weiss (Patriots), Les Miles (Cowboys), etc. It’s interesting. Coincidence?

Anyway, I looked into this because the Duck’s spread option impresses me. It seems unstoppable so long as the QB has good speed. Beaver fans deal with the Duck’s prolific offense by throwing pejoratives to the wind, calling it a one-trick pony, a gimmick, a fluke etc. I don’t see it that way. I see it as a great way to create mismatches, and mismatches lead to touchdowns. As far as the spread not preparing athletes for the pros: I don’t think it’s Oregon’s or Oregon State’s job to be an NFL factory. Their job is to field the best teams they can at their level of competition. I’d love to see the Beavers implement the spread into their offense. With Sean Canfield behind center you can’t do that, but with Ryan Katz…maybe. We’ve seen the Wildcat, so the old, conservative Riley is opening his mind to some modern possibilities. I mean come on, if Joe Paterno can embrace the spread anyone can. The idea here is to bridge the gap. If a staff doesn’t have an uber-recruiter who can land elite athletes in Corvallis, then that talent deficit has to be made up for somehow. Bringing your “lunch pail” and hiring excellent position coaches (sans Keith Heywood) only goes so far; out-scheming (aka out-thinking) the opponent is a much better way to approach this particular problem.

Watching ESPN Gameday this Morning


Share your thoughts here. Seriously, I’d like to know what fellow fans think while watching this show.

My thoughts:

Despite having similar records on the field, Oregon has a better program than Oregon State, this being their second title run in 3 years. Sold out Autzen for 10 straight years, Beavers haven’t sold out a game this season.

Gameday=more great pub for the Ducks, Phil Knight, Nike. Rich get richer. Etc.

Oregon is going to win this game, and possibly big, and get in the national title picture, so we’ll have to deal with Duck-gushing the next five weeks. I predict the Ducks steal USC’s slot and are ranked #5 on Monday, possibly even leap-frogging Iowa and being as high as #4.

Beavs need to run the table and get the Holiday Bowl to salvage this season and get some national momentum to head into their recruiting season.


Since the Beavs are not going to run the table and reach the Holiday Bowl, they need to win the Civil War and destroy the Ducks season (don’t see this happening, but perhaps the defense will be a different/better unit in 5 weeks or the Ducks will be on their 9th QB by that point).

Finally, my gut tells me Lee Corso will don the Duck headgear, mayhem will ensue, and Angry will lose his breakfast.


Lyle Moevao


Lyle Moevao’s career came to an end today.

There’s just over a 0% chance Lyle reads this site, but nonetheless, I think I speak for all when I say thanks for the enthusiasm and effort.

On a more positive note, I think the Beavers should find a staff position for Lyle in the upcoming years. Imagine him on the recruiting trail? He’s exactly what the program needs–energy, youth, passion, an ambassador. He’d be great at it. Pretty much the antithesis of Heywood.