Home Recruiting Owamagbe Odighizuwa

Owamagbe Odighizuwa


Rumor has it he’s made his decision and will announce at the Army All-American game on January 9th.

Riley apparently had an in-home visit this week.

That sounds promising, right?

I wouldn’t get hopes up. Still think it’s between Cal and Florida with the Ducks being his 3rd (and rising) choice. Odds the Beavers land him is probably at 1% right now, which is pretty sorry given he’s from Portland and could start next year. Need a better recruiter on this staff. If Stoops, Tedford, Harbaugh coached the Beavers to four straight 9 win seasons you can bet they’d land this kid.


  1. Angry, is there any room on the staff to bring on a better recruiter? Is Heyward-Johnson the recruiting co-ordinator or is it someone else?

    As for next year and the speed of the defense, is there any way to get Poyer on the field full time? I assume Hardin will take Clark’s spot, but it is not the corners that are hurting us. When Maehl had his big reception, and when James went on his long run where in the HECK were the safties with angles trying to run those guys down. The safties never even entered the picture. It is as if they get locked on to their basic responsibility and do not see the football action ocurring around them.

    • It doesn’t seem like the speed is the bad thing it’s just the tackling. I’m prettu sure the coaches wanted the players to floo through with their responsibilties because worse things usually happen when you don’t play smart against offenses like UO has. I don’t remember who it was, but whoever was trying to tackl James needed to actaually tackle him down.

      • It was Gabe Miller, a DE trying to chase from behind, literally a no chance opportunity. He did not really have a chance on the play.

  2. I hope, but I don’t expect. I think your short list is correct, but we have as good a shot or better than UO from what I’ve seen over the year. He’s visited OSU several times in the last year, and only a couple times to UO.

    Unless Lupoi leaves Cal, I think he’s in there. I thought he was supposed to official to USC, but, since he’s already decided, I wonder if Florida was just that good.

    • I thought that might be the first place Riley went after the Civil War. I also expect Banker and Seumalo to be in Hawaii all week.

      “Uh… yeah honey. It’s a vacation.”

  3. I know you tend to be, well, angry, but please note, I do not believe Stoops, Tedford, or Harbaugh have yet to have 4 consecutive 9 win seasons with their rosters as they have them. So to be throwing out criticisms of the staff is not fully warranted. Yes we want better recruits, but the consistency of the program will bring those kids around. This was Harbaugh’s first winning season, Tedford has yet to win 9 consistently, and Stoops has yet to work with a bullseye on his back. We will see if he warrants part of this discussion next year. As it is, he is still losing in state talent to DE even though his teams have out performed ASU for the most part.

  4. 1

    whatever happened to recruiting JC players? None last year and zippo so far this year. As for the safeties, the beavs play a press man-to-man coverage so that maehl TD is all on dockery but lance mitchell did have a chance to stop masoli on fourth down on that final drive and got absolutely trucked. but he is only a sophomore so im hoping the tackling problem will go away as he gets bigger cuz hes already a good cover safety in my opinion

    • OSU is recruiting one JC CB is Markus’ older brother. No new about him for a while, but he does have ab offer. Also Dunn was a WR JC, but he’s greyshriting and is on track to be at OSU in Januaury.

    • Mitchell probably doesn’t need to make the stop if Pa’aluhi and Hardin are still in the game. That said, I think he’ll spend some time in the weight room this summer. He’ll probably buy the poster and hang it for inspiration.

      JC players are usually one of two types of recruit. The first is a re-recruit… had him interested when he was in high school, and he’s still got us interested. The second is usually one who is sought to fill a need. When someone leaves the team for whatever reason, there’s a gap where you planned to have at least some experience, and you need to fill it for continuity.

      We haven’t really had that need as much lately. And when we did, we found a freshman to fill the void, and the JUCO left town because of it… and other factors I’m sure.

  5. I see Portland State is hiring Nigel Burton to be their coach. He was with the Beavs for 5 years and left, what, 2 years ago? Burton is touted as being just about the best recruiter around. Was he the main recruiter for the Beavs? Did his leaving OSU create this huge recruiting hole?

    • “Did his leaving OSU create this huge recruiting hole?”

      Yeah. Now the only halfway decent recruiter is Cav. Heyward, Burton’s replacement, has signed nobody.

  6. So I’m interested in what Sark is doing up at UW. Like Kiffin at Tennessee, he’s been in hot water for skirting recruiting rules–wonder where they learned those habits.

    But I’m looking at the list of verbal commits totaling 28, and thinking that there are at least two more recruits who are solidly going to commit. On top of that, there are another four or five who are seriously considering UW including a couple who received offers as late as last week.

    Since you can only bring in 25 scholarship players in a year, where do they plan on parking their excesses?

    I think there’s a rule that a school may take the previous year’s total less than 25 and early enroll that difference so long as it does not push them over the 85 limit for the previous season. I don’t know their scholarship status, but I think they pulled in less than 20 players last year, which would leave 5+ positions open for early enrollment so long as their status complies.

    Either way, they must be doing some hard attrition to replace 15 seniors with even 25 new players.

    • For the record, their roster breakdown is as follows:
      Seniors – 15
      Juniors – 18
      Sophomores – 34
      Freshmen – 27

      …for a total of 94 players. Jake Locker may be leaving–or not–but he’s a walk-on. So he’s not vacating a scholarship if he does choose to leave. I have to imagine they have more than 10 walk-ons, but I wonder how many of their recruits will be early enrollments.

    • So here’s what they were at a month ago:
      By the numbers, they can bring in 20 w/o attrition… including early enrollments.

      If they lose 10+ to attrition then they are taking a chance on their APR. Say what you like about UW, but they have a modicum of pride in graduating their students. 12.5% attrition is huge.

      I’m interested in all this because these actions belie Sark’s building of a long-term relationship with UW football.

    • I can see that, but a gray shirt is a conditional offer. How would you like to commit only to find out three months later you need to wait another year to even show up. You could have remained open to all suitors during that time… even those who play on the same level and could guarantee you playing time.

      Riley is careful to make that condition known upon an offer. He’s so careful that he tells the gray shirts what priority they have should someone de-commit ahead of them.

      I’m thinking Sark is pulling an SEC here. Houston Nutt and Steve Spurrier both over promise to their recruits on an annual basis, causing them to pull offers at the last moment. They seem to target academically challenged athletes who might end up at JUCO’s or preps, but some of these kids can actually play and gain an education somewhere other than an SEC–or D-1–school if they had the time to pursue those options instead of thinking they were solid with these schmucks.

      Besides, if he’s going to gray shirt half a dozen guys, then his numbers for next year will be ridiculous. Wazzu is already suffering from a loss of scholarships due to attrition. Is UW next?

  7. To go along with our seven all-conference players…

    Michael Phillipp gets the nod for Freshman All-American first team. Cool!

    Who’s it going to be next year?

    I can dream…. can’t I?

    • I just noticed that. I’m wondering why Molesi and Sapolu aren’t as well… especially Molesi. Maybe the yahoos at rivals just haven’t made it there yet. I could show them a thing or two–or five–about gathering and distributing information. And I’m playing without Nexus.

      I also saw on scout that the Florida writer gets the sense that Owa is leaning toward Nebraska. With all the attention paid to Suh recently, it makes sense. But Owa is quite able to keep a poker face. “It was great. I had fun. See you later,” is all you get from the kid.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if he chose any of his seven finalists… well, if he chose us, I might have to check the calendar for April Fools.

  8. I heard from a friend that Jordy Johnson of Sheldon is getting a hard look from OSU. I personally think he’s the best dual threat QB in the region, even considering Hedrick up in Salem. But he’s not the type of QB to work in a pro-set. Honestly, UO would be scary with this kid in the backfield. He has some serious wheels.

    He’s also the coach’s son. And you can tell by his awareness on the field as a starter for the last three years. Curtis White is supposedly the big recruit from Sheldon, but you can’t take your eyes off Johnson when you watch a live game… unless he passes to John Campbell. Campbell is beyond fast. White takes too many plays off… like any which don’t call his number. And he looks like he’s afraid to tackle sometimes. Johnson has a knack for finding the ball on D and finding a usually wide open Campbell on O.

  9. Hawai’i home and away (2014 and 2011 respectively) announced.

    Is this a reward to the boys from the rock? Or is it also an enticement for those still there?


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