Home Recruiting Zack Robinson & Caleb Smith

Zack Robinson & Caleb Smith


Robinson isn't a Beav…yet.

Caleb Smith is visiting UCLA this weekend.

Haven't heard any reports about his visit. Mora and staff seem like great recruiters, though, so I'm nervous. We'll see. If we lose any of these guys the class takes a big hit. Right now it's a very solid class, though it notably lacks speed.

PS. Seumalo visits USC next weekend.


  1. Smith is “soft” again. That is a serious problem for an 18 yo. Really going to a major problem when he is 50. He should talk to his doctor or sit in a bathtub next to a woman in a bathtub.

    Arkansas and now fUCLA. Doubt we get him on signing day. Hope I am wrong. The next few weeks will be interesting.

  2. Did anybody else catch the Oregon State clips used during the Saturday Night Live sketch last night, poking fun at the crappy NCAA Bowl season? They had several shots from the Oregon State/Stanford game, including the huge hit Poyer put on Owusu.

  3. Hmmm. Riley has identified LB as an urgent need, requiring JC help. So you give a scholarship to a developmental project who requires a position switch and weight gain. Clearly he’s unlikely to contribute within two years. Why not just recruit a legitimate, fast LB?

    And this in spite of the obvious need at DT.

  4. Barry Sanders Jr.’s commitment to Stanford is interesting. Though I doubt Stanford will maintain the high level of play they sustained under Harbaugh, this is a good pickup and could make for some interesting viewing at Reser.

    • I think of it as a momentum deal. Stanford under Harbaugh was on a roll and making a name for Stanford football. Time will tell if his replacement can keep it going or will end up like a Riley and have the quality of his recruiting classes slowly diminish.

  5. The greyshirts are free to go anywhere after they qualify or develop valuable skills. Is OSU committed to bringing in the 2-3 guys that they have stashed at Arizona Western? Was the Arizona Western lb set to visit OSU a UW greyshirt at one time? Is OSU contractually bound to a scholarship for the qb/de on Morman mission and is he contractually bound to only come back to OSU? At this point in the recruiting process, a greyshirt is an illusion used by a university football team pr department to pump up the image of a recruiting class.

    • I’ve wondered in the past about kids being offered and committing to OSU who OSU knew weren’t qualified and more than likely would never be. Often they were 4 or 5 star players. It sure shut up the fans who were worried or complaining about the lack of talent in a class. Then by the time folks realized that the kid was nowhere to be found or in a JC somewhere practice had started and the fan’s attention was diverted elsewhere.

      • There may be a few kids now in school that will transfer out and OSU does not need to tell us the particulars at this time. And there may be some decommits or nonqualifiers, so that OSU needs to have a few extra cards in the deck. But, it would appear to be that OSU is way over committed (remember the Humboldt State punter should be on the current list) due to the short list of seniors. I hope that they are not taking lessons from Houston Nutt.

        • It’s also likely that many juniors have progressed to the point where they are graduating this year, and OSU can pull some ships. Just speculation at this point by me, but those kids can either graduate and move on or spend a year paying their own way post-bac.

          I guess we’ll see where it all pans out.

          Still, I like the news that Aluesi will be here. i like him as an athlete. And for those worried about Smith moving on before he gets here, I think Nate Iese is more than viable at the TE, and I’m hearing that he’s only interested in OSU because we’re the only ones offering him as a TE.

          • That somewhat proves a point we raised earlier. When OSU redshirts an entire class (or close to it), they are reducing their ability to compete by thinning out the depth chart. Those graduating juniors are usually redshirts. If your ratio of 3 year players with 4 year scholarships is high, then your return on investment will be low and your ability to sustain a progam will be weakened.

          • I’m not arguing against your logic. i’m just using the same logic to assume that this might be the case. I haven’t looked at any of the data concerned, but I just have a feeling that there are many upperclassmen who didn’t get the time on the field but did have the time to study and progress toward their degrees.

          • Agree completely with you and not trying to argue. I am just speculating that the cost of poor recruiting in the past might have hidden costs and overrecruiting may have hidden costs as well. I like the look of this class. I think it is fair to ask what the limit is in terms of numbers. How many new toys can you buy on a fixed budget?

  6. And if you all missed it, NDSU took out SHSU on Saturday in a classic game. Congrats to the Bison!

    I still like Scott Stoker as a D1 DC. His defense played their hearts out.

  7. Holy cow, ESPN Game Day has Chip Kelly and Gene Chizak as guest commentators. Looks like a recruiting advantage to me. How can this be allowed?

  8. LEFT HAND: What Championship game? I’m not going to watch your stupid championship game. Who cares.. it doesn’t matter.

    RIGHT HAND: Gosh.. I hope we get the 6’3′ 210 kid from East Armpit High School so we can be relevant on a national basis.

    Cognitive dissonance… much? JB

    • 9-0 Bama.

      The QBs for the most part look like shit, if they do manage a pass the reciever usually drops it. Bama got a few strung together and actually almost looked like an offense before the half.

  9. I’ve got a liquor promo… an NBA promo… and some NHL promos….

    Apparently this game is really important….

    Wait…. Tebow…. LSU vs. Bama… Brady… Barry Larkin?

    Uh huh… great game?

    • Remember that’s just the local media, Chippy ALWAYS has time to kiss ESPN’s ass. Especially if Erin is running around in the background wearing her tight little outfits.

      You would think if the NCAA invesigation goes south, the local press will show no mercy (that’s assuming they have any power). Chip treats them like crap. I hope karma is a bitch for CK one day soon.

      • It will never happen. You/we haven’t heard a single word from Phi Knight about any of the NCAA questions, but be very sure he’s in the forefront of the background (yes, I meant to say that) and will safely steer the UO into the clear.

  10. The Bama-LSU game has left me wondering about a few things to be sure.

    first, why is Alabama so much more intelligently coached?

    Alabama coach Nick Saban has chosen to put his trust into one kicker and one kicker alone. He did this based on what factors play into the kicker position. A lot of it is psychological.

    LSU coach Miles is trying to do the same thing with the quarterback position. This is not intelligent, as the positions are very different. He should count the minutes that Jordan Jefferson has screwed around for as a sunk cost. If Jarrett Lee plays worse than this… then they should pull out Mettenberger.

    But in all reality, this is the last game of the season. Miles seems to be a loss about what to do. This game is quite a bore to be entirely fair. If nothing changes, then 12 points is too big of a hole for LSU to climb out of. With the Bama D, thats like being down 100 points to Washington.

    • LSU deserves to lose. Lee should have started the second half. Jefferson still in. Miles must have chewed some grass with weed killer on it. Keep calling the same plays that aren’t working. Kind of like watching the Beavs.

    • Those guys never know when to retire. It doesn’t matter on radio or announcing at games, but it’s hard to watch on TV. Bob Costas’s botox and dyed hair really make me squirm.

    • Hey MR, ‘Bama just won ANOTHER national championship. You just went 3-9 after a 5-7 season. Come on, show some pride in your alma mater and your home town.
      Make one last push towards a magical season, a BCS season, a Rose Bowl season. Recruiting appears to have been vastly improved this year. Let’s make a push… let’s plan on the Rose bowl in the next 3 years! It’s do-able! Your great coach Bryant would believe in you that it is do-able. What a national story and all time Oregon hero you can become. It won’t be easy, but it is possible. You’ve shown greatness in the past. Sacrifice WHATEVER IT TAKES over the next few years to make this happen. Take a chance on greatness. Cement your legacy!

    • I wish I could say that LSU has lost steam because the game is practically over, but it has been essentially pathetic since the first quarter. Alabama has dominated both sides. LSU Defense had nothing to play for.

  11. From the urban dictionary under Brent Musburger– A jack-ass commentator for ABC who has a fast growing drinking game named after him as of 2007. Known for his use “Parder” and horrible banter with Jack Arute, this man has clearly been exposed as the lesser half of the team since his “Pardner” Keith Jackson retired in 2006

    If I ever saw Brent Mussberger at a game he was calling, I would punch him in the face while he over-touted the Big 10.

    • You guys can boo and hiss me, but I actually think the kid at Wyoming, Brett Smith had a better season as a true freshman, but it’s a valid argument to point out the level of competition difference. Smith passed for 2600, rushed for 700 with a 20/11 TD/Int. ratio. Also, a Oregonian to boot. It is nice to see Mannion be recognized for what he did under tough circumstances though.

      • Boo hiss! Smith probably had decent plays called and didn’t play behind three walk ons. Probably had a running game that could get more than 0.5 yards per carry.

        • I don’t agree that Mannion not getting all the first string reps made much of a difference. I do think the competition that Mannion faced was a bit different than Smith in Wyoming. That being said, Mannion performed admirably as a freshman in the Riley system that is notorious for being tough on underclassmen and performing behind a poor OL with a terrible running game, but it is hard to imagine this year was an award winning year for him though.

          • No he didn’t. At that time I believe Cody Vaz was still ahead of him on the depth chart and was taking the majority of those snaps.

      • Hey, why the hell didn’t Riley recruit Smith? Oh, I forgot….a pro style offense can’t have a mobile QB at Lunch Pail U, it upsets the genious play calling of Danny boy.

        • He’s only 6”4″ – probably not quite tall enough.

          Wyoming also has a player on the OL from Helena. Josh Leonard. Guess OSU had no need for someone 6’4″, 296# who helped block for UW running back Alvester Alexander, who gained 792 yards and scored 14 touchdowns on the season.

    • Also cool for Crichton and Wynn.

      But this isn’t the NFL, and major drop-offs in talent due to a set of walk-ons and a a one-dimensional offense don’t translate 3 Freshman All-Americans into a winning season. Even if those 3 are at at two of the most important positions in football.

      • Yeah, I always thought it was weird when the Beavs had Hass as the Blitnekoff winner and Serna as the Groza and it was a 5-6 season. Sometimes the individual honors don’t tell much about the team story. In this case, let’s hope it points towards a better future.

  12. You guys can boo and hiss me, but I like Chip Kelly’s attitude.
    I am an Oregon business owner, and the attitude of Kelly is exactly what wins in America. Any breaking of ncaa rules aside, THAT is a man I would love to lead my team. No fucking excuses, no namby- pamby pussy-isms, just results, period.
    Liberal wussy fucks need not apply. As long as you’re playing by the rules anything else is fair game.
    In the end what matters? Pride in what you’ve accomplished, playing by the rules, and your own personal happiness.
    He may be abbrasive to us Beavers, but in the real world he is a winner, period.

    Now I don’t know the behind-the-scenes facts of possible recruiting indescretions, but barring any violations, Chip is the man.

    • Agree on Kelly. I like the take no prisoners approach. Well, to be fair, he does take prisoners……………………..on his team.

    • Your analysis is flawed. You are saying his style is great if “you’re playing by the rules” but that can’t be separated from a man like chip. He cheats. It is part of the package. He wins because he cheats. If he wasn’t like this he would win less. Then you wouldn’t think he was the man.

    • So, why get political without provocation?

      Also, as mentioned ad nauseum, don’t mention the honor of playing by the rules and then bring up Chip Kelly. You seriously made yourself look like a fool. You can say that you like Kelly but actually use some logic in your argument.

      Following all of this, why be loyal to the Beavers? Were you the fellow that mentioned that you didn’t attend OSU? (I may be mistaken on this one). If you didn’t, why not switch allegiances?

      • I wish I could be happy in your world. But I live in a place called reality. Try it for a month.
        This country needs “fools” like me, why?
        Without us fools who would provide jobs?
        Without us fools who would pay the lion’s share of taxes?
        Without us fools who would donate to BASF?
        Without us fools who would get things done?

        The most foolish thing I do is allow myself to get drug into conversations like this.

        • Ummm… you started this conversation.

          But your argument is boring right now… and it’s easy pickings. You get a pass since you called yourself the fool already.

    • By “liberal” I was referring to financially liberal people, not socially liberal. I should’ve made that point more clear. I’m actually quite socially liberal myself so that part of my statement was less than clear.
      Everything else I said is spot on. If you don’t like the facts of what it takes to win then that is a “you” problem. To hold some of you idiot’s hand through this argument, you can’t win and cheat at the same time. It is mentioned in my original statement three times.
      If Chip is a cheater than I still like his on field leadership attitude. My only knowledge of his leadership skills is what I see on TV.

  13. May favorite Chip moment this year was when he turned around during an on field interview after a game and told the ignorant Yuck students yelling behind him to shut-up (yelled). I laughed out loud and thought golly gee what would Riley do, and laughed some more. Priceless.

      • I agree that Chip Kelly is much more assertive than “Smiley Riley”. You see it everywhere and leadership is something that is demonstrated and not annoited to a head coach. When you listen to the post game comments by the Oregon players they all say how prepared they were by Kelly. We don’t hear the same comments from the beaver players. Preparedness has nothing to do with having more money, it has everything to do with who is on your coaching staff and vision set for by everyone on what is to be the end result. Kelly talks about having a process that they stick to. What is the OSU process? Anyone hear MR talk about one?

  14. Jack, what fall out is Robinson talking about?
    “Apparently, they’ve had quite a big fallout at the safety position,” Robinson said. “So hopefully I can do my thing and earn a spot in the rotation.”

    • I haven’t heard anything about attrition other than Mitchell graduating. LaGrone re-retiring? Ashton, Storey and/or Sanders disillusioned with playing time prospects/position changes? Murphy upset like Sammie was after the death of a friend/loved one?

      No idea…

      But we are grabbing three at S if Robinson doesn’t project to LB. My thought is that we really haven’t had that S/OLB hybrid position for a couple years. Maybe his discussions with our coaches were pointed toward that, and he doesn’t quite understand what they are talking about?

    • I do like that our younger coaches are finding ballers with speed who can project to different positions as they develop. I’ll take those players over the ones who don’t ball but have played a position for years… projecting to mediocre ball at that position in college.

    • Definitely would like to see what a CK NFL spread would look like. Even more, I’d like NOT to see him in the Beavs backyard!!

      The question is, does he take money over power? Or more importantly, how concerned is he about the NCAA investigation? Does he bail in advance like Carroll or feel he “owes” something to the team and stick around??

      • I think Chip will take the offer it they give it. Dolphins have some talent, just need a good coach – #1. Challenge is there. #2. NCAA heat is coming…. it is time to Pete Carroll. #3. He finally won a BCS bowl game, good time to bail. #4. Florida vs Eugene. #5. It is the big time, media and chance to increase his name by going to a superbowl or something.

  15. Simply want to guage how many our satisfied with the current angrybeaver logo and the script below or if a simple change to another look could be better should we not come up with a great secondary logo anytime soon.

    Better AngryBeaver Logo?

    • What about using the block O like Ohio State’s at midfield for Reser Stadium, but it’s Orange instead of Black? I think that would be a better logo than the OS or the Angry Beaver logo. although, if OSU is sticking with the interlocking OS logo, having that at midfield would show that the interlocking OS is our logo since now we will have nationally televised home games. I say the OS or the block O would be the two to use for that and whichever one we don’t use should be a secondary logo on the pants while the helmets be matte black with a single orange stripe down the center of the helmet and possibly a newer version of the Angry Beaver on the helmet….

      Like these:


      This without the white stripes on the sides of the helmet and make the orange stripe a little bit thicker:


      What about this? lol


      Here’s a site that plays off of the Pro-Combat uniforms the Beavs wore in the Civil War. I like everything EXCEPT the stupid horizontal sleeve stripes. those need to go…otherwise, the numbers are better, the OS logo looks sharp and the socks should be white with a white and orange stripe to match the Helmet stripe…if we wanted the orange and white helmet stripe…otherwise, we should do an all orange sock with a thick black stripe or a black sock with a thick orange stripe.


    • I’ve been leaning lately to an eye-shaped O for a single letter logo. I would do it in the same font as the Cincy Reds or Chicago Bears C.

      I think there are a many more option with something like this. Though i like just the clean look, we could put SU or numbers inside for that old school feel.

      I’m disturbed by the cartoon… especially since those who designed it knew that nobody would know what it was, so they told us in that crappy 70’s cursive font underneath.

      And I don’t like us wearing Okie State’s interlocking OS. I refuse to buy anything that has one of either of these logos.

      If we’re going with the OS, then we’re simply missing the obvious opportunity…

      • Interestingly, to me at least, I drove behind a car with an O while it was dark about a month ago. My mind went to “another mindless Duck fan”, but as we came to a stop sign I noticed that the O was a block OSU O. The problem with it was that it was not very recognizable until you got fairly close. I think UofO has claim to the single O, at least here in Oregon.

    • As many have said before, I think OSU lacks consistency with their logo marketing. Pick something and stick with it! Dabbling in a little of everything dilutes the effect. Angry Beaver, interlocking OS, old classic block O, or some new logo design, pick one and flood the market.

      As far as unis, I like the retro civil war uniforms from 2010. Just don’t call them giant killers.

      • Yeah, even that which none or only some of us don’t like would be more solid if we were consistent. I think brand management is what spurs most of these discussions in the first place. There are going to be detractors for every design. You just can’t please everyone. But they should be in the business of management, not pleasing everyone.

        I like the concept of the jersey and pants alone, and I liked the solid black matte helmet.

        But the font is a little bulky. And all the white stripes on the helmet, arms and socks make it look like junior needs to wear safety apparel when he goes out… so cars can be aware of where he is at all times.

        • I think the typeface/numbers are amazing, but I’m biased bc my best friend designed the uni (in part) and he paid close attention to that detail in particular. I’d just do away with the white stripes all together. Get rid of the College block letter O as awell and go logo-less. In that way the identity is the uni.

          • That’s pretty much what i was throwing out there. Maybe it’s not the font? Maybe it’s the size? It looks better with some numbers than with others. Just play it down a little.

          • I like it, however I would get rid of the white stripes or at the very least make them thinner. I like the inter-locking OS better than the block O. I also like the angry beaver logo, I don’t like the sailor beav. I think to distinguish us from others is that we are the only Beavers nickname, so run with that, and don’t worry about OSU. The two things that identify the beaver are the teeth and/or the tail so if you want to bring those out in the marketing. Those who don’t like the chainsaw can change it to the tail slapping the water or something like that.

          • I’m really high on the idea of no logos on the uniform. That’s seems the most blue-collar, workman like thing to do.

            The only way to have tradition is to establish them. I’m not opposed to ditching the lunchpail U identity; I just tend to think, why should we run from it. It’s part of our history and I f*k with it.

            It would also distinguish us from all other college football unis save for PSU, tOSU, and Bama… I think. Not bad company to be in.

            I really hate *innovative* as a buzz word to describe the identity we should adopt; especially as I take it to mean: UO, ASU, BSU style unis/branding. It seem too empty to me… like green-washing. We should do the opposite and in so doing innovate in our own way.

        • To be honest, that uniform is such an improvement that I’d be fine with it as-is.

          Put the orange block O from the pants on one side of the helmet and the players # on the other side. Done,1000% improvement.

          • I kinda like the Block O sometimes myself as it is seen the same all around the stadium and best goes with Weatherford. Bobby D won’t let the OS go easily though. It is decent. It is pretty good on a hat and people figure out we are Oregon State quicker than with the Block O probably.

            I really like Tim O’Briens mockups. They are very similar to what I think is our best bet. I actually reached out to another designer yesterday and was requesting he come up with something quite similar. I’ll see if he gets back to me. I think having some contrasting white can be a good thing but they just need to be thinned out.

            In Obrien’s mockup another road option should be an all white body. That makes 5 looks. Then I say we atleast need an alternate helmet. White(sail) is the smart choice for our first add. I agree that we just put the logo on only one side of the helmet (OS or O…BDC will choose OS unless Nike sells him on something else which I doubt as of now). Then we have the option of the other side being all black or white or having the players number in orange. I would give a slight edge to going ahead with the number which would then be universally orange on all white and black helmets. I also like orange numbers for white and black jerseys and only black numbers for orange jerseys.

            The look is a winner and is a solid identity that is traditional and tough but would be seen as fresh by most of Beaver Nation. The concept just needed to be rounded out with all the multiple looks and combos. With 2 helmets and those looks we should have 8 or 9 looks we could use. Then it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a very special occasion (like a Civil War) orange helmet with black number and logo probably just to occassionally give the fans a breath of fresh air and make it stand out from the rest for a special game. Since a couple of the possible combos wouldn’t be used much I would go ahead and also have an orange pant option. It has proved popular enough in my polling and will prevent any staleness in the look.

            Then you will now definitely have atleast 10 looks to choose from, you rarely repeat an exact look 2 weeks in a row, and there is much less room for staleness to creep in. The usual combo amount would get between 10-12 which I think is a wise target for the base look. The orange helmet combos should add beyond this 10-12 since they would not be used much. Then at the ultimate end you have 12-15 looks overall you might get to see with the base 10-12 more common and the foundation.

          • No white helmet,go with orange instead.

            Same with all white unis, they’re hideous. They can certainly have white tops and bottoms,just pair them up with black or orange for different combos.

      • did anyone look at the last link i posted?! I’ll post each uniform individually that the guy created off of the Pro-Combat uni’s:



        Home Alternate:

        All Black Alternate:

        I feel the OS is the logo that should be used more for now until we can figure out something better. Do away with the angry beaver all together and utilize the block O in small ways.

    • It makes me despise UofO even more every time this forum turns into a fashion discussion. Ten years ago you would never have a group of football fans talking about uniforms, period. And I’m not saying I’m any better than anyone, I weighed in above. But, good grief, this is football and Nike has been able to change the culture to make fashion be a legitimate topic of conversation. Curse you University of Nike.

      • lol I bring up uniform changes and what not because our “image” is weak and scattered…like our football team in general. Once we have a solid look to where the players feel good in what they’re playing in and get a sense of “new” as in “new direction” than perhaps that will translate into on field play? If you feel good, look and, then you’ll most likely play to the same feeling. Right now our identity is confusion.

        We’re confused about what changes to make(if any) as a football team. We’re confused on which positions to recruit. We’re confused on which logo is the face of OSU? Is OSU’s logo the block O, the Angry Beaver with BEAVERS in script underneath, is it the interlocking OS, is it Oregon State, is it OSU, or is it Oregon State U, or Oregon State University?! See, we have WAAAAAY too many logo’s and phrases that we use. Oregon’s is simple…the O and Oregon…that’s it.

        • I wasn’t really bagging on the thread, more of just an indictment on society as a whole and specifically college football for buying into image affecting how you play. I don’t buy into the premise that it affects the players, I cannot however dismiss the effect that it has on fans and recruiting. Thus, it is a relevant topic. I hate that it is a relevant topic because I’m an old school man that just can’t give a flying fig about thin white stripes or fairy feathers on a shoulder pad. It is just another reminder that the times are probably just passing me by.

          • Ok, now I understand what you’re getting at. I remember when I was in high school and we had uniforms that were our teams colors, but we had some dumb average “everyone is doing stripes on the sides of the top and pants” type thing. We weren’t unique. Uniforms are the first outward sign of a programs pride in high school and college because the stadiums can’t be updated as quickly as the NFL and the NFL has some pretty bad(not in a good way) uniforms. Their designs haven’t changed in YEARS!!! because they change their stadiums instead! So, the uniforms are the first things to change every 2 years at least in high school.

        • to go off my “that’s it for Oregon”, I also forgot that they used the interlocking UO for 1 design and that was their retro look and they only come out with that once or twice a year at most.

          • I like the interlocking OS rather than the block O. When I was moving my daughter to Columbus the week before the TCU game I was wearing my OS gear and all the tOSU fans recognized that I was an Oregon State fan and all, btw, wanted us to crush the frogs.

    • He was pretty up front about that a few weeks ago telling the media he was still going to visit a few schools even though he had given his verbal to OSU. Nebraska and I think washington state were on his list then, so not a surprise.

      • I think it just seems that way because Nebraska recruits very well nationally. They are encroaching on OUR territory… we are not encroaching on their’s to the best of my knowledge.

        • Hopefully Pelini forgets his meds, goes psycho and starts frothing at the mouth and scares him off. Good thing he is not there for a game. We would be screwed.

        • I agree Tennessee has been horrible, but they have alot to sell, including a huge stadium, SEC league, and great school.

          He also looks like he’s been soft on OS.

          Could be a scary few weeks. Keith Heyward Johnson (a strong recruiter) leaves for UW, Seumalo and Shelton are two highest ranked recruits sign elsewhere. Makes my stomach crawl.

  16. If you look at the Rivals break down of who we are losing to graduation and who we are bringing in for recruits to replace them it actually looks pretty encouraging.

        • It’s pretty much a recap of everything we already know. And Isaac is an OG. Maybe Rivals has him listed as an OT? I think all the pay sites have many different players listed at different positions. Isn’t Arik Armstead listed as an OT prospect, even though he will never play a down on the o-line?

          • What is amazing if you look at that list is how many of the players that most of us probably thought would be all Pac 12 level players underperformed due to injuries or whatever. Mitchell, Collins, Joe H, and Hardin(special teams) are the obvious ones. After his freshman season I thought Remmers would
            turn into a great tackle with pro potential due to his alleged athletic gifts. Instead became a penalty machine.
            The one guy who is really going to be missed is Perry, the long snapper. Did not screw up. Taken for granted. Like having Quzz and not have to deal with fumbles. See Agnew, Malcom.

    • I haven’t seen much about Vanderveen lately. Are the people that are in the know on this site happy with him, does he project to possibly be the man by his Junior year?

      • QB’s are just one of those positions where the kid either gets up to speed and has a natural feel for the game, or he doesn’t. I think you do your best to evaluate the kids, make a priority list with groupings of three according to your evaluations, and offer those three. Take the first to commit, and be done. Unless you’re in love with one kid and you know he’s swallowed the hook, that is. I would take one QB for every class. You just never know if they all pan out or not.

  17. Scout has bumped Isaac Seumalo up to a five star recruit. Wouldn’t be surprised if ESPN and rivals did the same based off of the reports that came out his performance during the Under Armour All American game. Have we ever landed a five star recruit before (that actually showed up)?

        • I do doubt it, but getting an offer from Fink is probably the only reason he got a fifth star. He could be all world at any all-star game, and he would only ever be a four star prospect at best since the Beavs have him committed.

          I would not doubt that they will take that star away again when he signs with the Beavs.

    • It’s just a visit. I think he will be a Beaver. I’m confident about that. Those fans are beyond idiotic. “In all honesty he’s too good of a prospect to play their” As if Nebraska even matters nationally anymore and he can’t differentiate between there/their. What a moron. Shelton will be a Beaver.

  18. If Seumalo’s coach-dad does right by him, he will tell him to go to USC. Right?

    Except for his dad, and being a Corvallis native, why on earth would he want to go to OSU?

    I think the rumored ability of our coaches, to make pros out of walk-ons, will be put to the test in the near future, as why would any decent player want to be at OSU?

    • We haven’t had any walk-ons make it to the NFL to my knowledge. A couple have done well at the skill positions, but none of them have made it to the pros.

      The players who make it to the pros are the ones who were thought to have that ability coming in. The same is true at most places, but they may never get a chance to mature depending on the depth chart where they go.

    • “Why on earth would he want to go to OSU?”

      Easy. Because he’s an Oregon State fan. Whether or not he comes to OSU will be a test of just how big of a fan he is, but if he does show up that would probably be a major reason. Of course it would be easier to get a Rose Bowl ring at a place like USC, but wouldn’t it be that much sweeter doing it on the team you’ve grown up rooting for? At least that’d be the pitch I’d be giving him if I were Riley.

      • I’d pitch the playing time available at OSU and hope the ghetto around the SC campus comes as an unexpected shock to him. The better opportunity at OSU to be a team leader and to be part of a program turn-around are also worth selling.

        I still worry about his mom’s desire to have him avoid being coached by his dad as well as the quote from him indicating that he never expected to be asked by a program of SC’s caliber.

        • What in heaven’s name makes you think Seumalo will be a beaver.

          USC is the biggest talent-waster in college football. Don’t believe me. Look up all the 5-stars they have recruited and calculate the percent who have gone on to be drafted. Very low percentage.

          That said, they do put a fair bit of OL’s in the NFL. and they are a stacked team. being a beaver fan doesn’t make him blind to the advantages of playing for a good team with a good S&C coach and other aspects that will be necessary to succeed.

          Seriously, I am quite worried about this USC problem.

    • Seumalo going to USC is an interesting situation.

      From a parent’s perspective,you want your kids to succeed and fulfill their dreams. If your kid’s dream is championship games and Rose Bowls then you can’t in good conscience ask him to choose OSU over USC.

      I wonder if it’ll come down to Mama not wanting him to live so far away…

  19. Do any prospects actually consider academic offerings at the schools they are visiting. What is Seumalo majoring in? He might want to be a farmer or veterinarian or forester and would be out of luck at USC. Hopefully USC coming out of sanctions won’t be a return to Trojan and the 11 dwarfs.

  20. LOL … I was being a bit facetious in asking why would Seumalo want to be at OSU. School attachments can come from all directions.

    Paea got to the pros despite being on a wretched OSU team. And this is the information age, and you dont have to be at an SEC school or a USC to have the scouts able to see you.

    On the uniform thing, I like simplicity, but also the business of developing a look or characteristic emblem that makes the viewer immediately know what team he is looking at. That is something some bigtime programs havent achieved.

    But in the state we are in now, no lack of creativity, please. We desperately need to show signs of progress back.

  21. A guy on OLive had a suggestion which I think isn’t half bad. Worth consideration. Basically we make the new helmets matte style with the OS on one side. Then to mix it up a little we hold onto our current glossy angry beaver helmets and work those in for 3 games a year. An idea like this may help to satisfy those who like the current AngryBeaver. They could be weened off over 2 or 3 years or we may find that it actually helps with the branding by highlighting the Beavers part from time to time. I think in that way it could be more tolerable.

    I am up for a beaver redesign probably just as much though for a secondary logo where we lose the script, have some fairly simple but better beaver and if anything else is incorporated into that logo at all it would be a component that explains it is Oregon State.


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