Home Media Recoup Teen Wolf Royalties?

Recoup Teen Wolf Royalties?


The other night I was watching Teen Wolf, a childhood favorite. Michael J. Fox goes up for a dunk, and who do I see? Vintage Benny! That's right. Couldn't believe my eyes. But then I saw him again.

So I look it up today and sure enough:

The beaver mascot logo used in the film was the Oregon State University Beavers' logo, in use by the university at that time.

Teen Wolf grossed $33,087,700. Does anyone know if OSU received any royalties or what type of deal they signed? Also, ask yourself this: do you think any movie would use the current cartoon beaver?

Look closely behind the backboard.


  1. One of my favorite 80’s flicks too. I’ve always wondered if that was the same Beaver logo. I mean, it looked the same but wasn’t sure if it was a direct copy.

    If you watch teen wolf again, pay attention during the closing credits after he hits the game winner. The crowd starts leaving the bleachers, and there’s a dude with his pants unzipped and part way down who stands up and starts to pull his pants up. It’s really bizarre, and not sure how it made it into the movie.

  2. OT – Gutierrez from Cal won POY. Romar is coach of the year. Cunningham first team and all-defensive team. Kind of weird they have ten players as first team all conference though.

    • Gutierrez and Cunningham were the two best players, so I’m okay with that. Gutierrez was a little more consistent and on a better team. Cunningham disappears at times. He could win it next year if he returns (likely will).

      And you’re not off topic. Teen Wolf is a basketball film!

      • Ha good call. I think Cunningham will be back too. Gary Payton was saying he’s planning on working with him over the summer. Maybe some of the Glove’s attitude will rub off on him for next season. He needs that killer mentality.

      • I still think Cunningham deserved POY. He was more consistent than Gutierrez was (22 straight double-digit scoring performances… I think Vandy was his last single-digit output with nine points). And he was a force on the defensive side when he disappeared on the offensive end.

        Gutierrez was a force on both ends when he was in, but he found himself in foul trouble a lot. So he was highly efficient on a per minute basis. But his weakness was that he wasn’t always available for his team. Monty has more to do with Cal’s success this past year than anyone. Then Crabbe and Kamp were the second and third tier variables. When Gutierrez did show up, he was a force of nature. So I guess he was great for the seven or eight games which put Cal over the hump. If Jared does the same for even three of our seven close losses, I think he gets it hands down.

        Still, I think it’s ammo for Jared to stay one more year. Gutierrez was pretty much indoctrinated as the POY before league play began. And observers only found the evidence to justify that bias. I think he’s a helluva competitor. I don’t think he has much future in the sport beyond now. So congrats to him for a great career.

          • The two go together in reality. A POY should carry his team to a good record. Cunningham didnt. In those OT games, it should be Jared pulling it out at the end.

          • I can understand that if it’s an MVP award. But POY doesn’t add subjective conditions. It’s just about who’s the best player.

            It’s not semantics. I agree 100% that Gutierrez was the Pac 12 MVP. But he was not the best player in the league this year. That would be Jared by all objective measures.

          • It’s a tough debate. When I watch Cunningham in his grade A games, there is no better all around player in the league. But he disappears often, and isn’t clutch (i.e. he doesn’t single-handedly pull out games). Gutierrez has those intangibles. The guy always seems to be in the right place and willing his teammates to victory when he can.

            Really tough call. I’m okay with how it played out. Curious if they have a runner up in the voting, and if so, did Cunningham place second? He should.

          • I see your point. But I still think a player with the maturity to “bring it” every night, gets the vote over a guy who sometimes isnt there. Isnt that part of being a player? Or is it all just physical athleticism.

            I hope and think Jared is maturing, and can be a more consistent factor next year. Seems to me he showed the athleticism a couple years ago, but almost never gave it 100%. This past season he made it happen a lot. I suggest it will be worth big money to him, come NBA draft time, if he learns to bring it every damn game.

          • Did you guys watch Cal this year? Yes, Gutierrez was the leader on his team. But he was on the bench during several games for foul trouble, and the team chugged on.

            But when Crabbe didn’t show up they lost.

  3. my favorite oregon state hoops movie tie has to be gary payton’s cameo in the unforgettable classic mid 90’s comedy “Eddie”. if you haven’t seen it you must.

  4. As a sidenote… first, I miss Benny. He’s an iconic emblem who transcends time.

    Second, who’s in the know about the interlocking OS? I’ve heard we leased it from oSu when they abandoned it circa 2000. But we don’t put it up on buildings (except Goss?) to promote that insignia because of the licensing agreement. I’ve been told that Goss is allowed to put it up because it was used by oSu’s baseball team primarily, and it was meant to stay as a baseball insignia.

    Please… someone tell me I’ve heard horribly wrong info.

  5. http://oregonstate.scout.com/2/632831.html

    Here’s some info from when they first came up with it. I’ve never heard the part about leasing it from Oklahoma State so not sure where that information is coming from. By the way, I like how the story makes it sound like the OS was going to be THE logo for Oregon State, but we still see all different variations of the O, OS and OSU around campus. How little things change.

    • Seriously?

      “The change to the “OS” came from conversations with these key stakeholders about creating a unique look – a look that could not be confused with any other university in the nation.”


      OK… there’s confusion everywhere about it.

      It seems they’re as embroiled in this same conversation as we are. For the record, I absolutely love that uni with the block O on the hat and STATE across the chest (at the end of page 1).

      Fuck individuality. THAT is one sharp uni that I don’t care if it’s ever confused with another. Hell, go ahead and think you’re playing oSu or tOSU. Maybe you apply some irrational fears or lazinesses associated with preparing to play against the other schools.

      And yes, lazinesses is a word. I lost Scrabble once challenging that one.

      • The thing I’ve always disliked about the current OS logo is it should have used lettering consistent with the block “O” logo. Instead, our O and S have curvy tops and bottoms, which make them look a little soft. I like the more bold blocky style. If anybody here is handy with graphics programs, would you mind putting something like that together?

        I’ve always thought we should mimic the coloring/style of the SF Giants uniforms when it comes to baseball. They do the Orange/Black/White look well. Not too much Orange, just enough to enhance the look.


        • Imagine STATE written across the chest with that orange shadowing for home unis… with the block O on the hat utilizing the same shadowing. And imagine the usual cursive Beavers for away games.

          • I love all of the ideas about using the STATE in block letters. I really like how we use the really bright orange versus the kind of dull/burnt orange that the other colleges use. I think STATE in the bright orange on the jerseys would look awesome.

          • I agree, though oSu used bright orange … road construction orange! YEAH!

            …But we need to start playing tough, like state schools are supposed to, before any innovation like you describe. 3 win seasons deserve no new unis.

  6. At home watching blazers pregame and during an interview on the court, I see jared cunningham walking by in the background. Wonder how he gets that kind of court access?

  7. why isn’t he in the library? and I can’t believe he would go pro after this season. and what’s the deal about him on the floor two times a game writhing in pain…?

    • Great idea… turn back the clock night to 1985.

      Do you think they would wear retro unis? 1985 tickets prices and concessions. Wait a minute your’e thinking creative marketing. It will never happen.

      Ralph Miller, AC Green and a trip to the NCAA’s. Despite the first round loss to Norte Dame..who wouldn’t take that today? JB

      PS: Forget football,. 1985 was about the same.

  8. Hey, wasnt the angry beaver (aka angry muskrat) brought in around 2000, when we started winning again, to help us forget that 28 year streak?

    But now we are back to that kind of ball, so ….hell, yeah, … BRING BACK BENNY!!

    Our team is only worth a cartoon beaver.

  9. Anyone see Doug Stewart is the candidate for the Brown job. If he gets the job and is replaced by a good x and o assistant it could be a good thing.

    • He’s been mentioned as a candidate for a couple jobs now. Brown might be the best fit for him though. We’ll see.

      And news on Grace and NAU yet? Last I heard, NAU set up the committee which will consider and interview based on a list provided by a search firm.

  10. There are rumors that Josh Huff is transferring from Oregon.

    If true, no doubt this is a case of ‘depth issues’ where a returning starter transfers for more playing time.

    • I thought he was at the top of their depth charts last season, but just didn’t play much because of injury? Maybe he’s anticipating the Kiko Alonso style indefinite suspension for the DUII and is deciding he’ll get more time by transferring? That team really has some roller coaster off seasons.

      • Yes, he did start and yes he was hurt and missed a couple games I believe. Mostly, I was making a mockery of ‘uck fans insistence that none of these transfers has anything to do with Willie Lyles. Could be the fear of suspension. Could be fear of NCAA taking away a year of eligibility.

        If Huff leaves, that’s 9 of the 10 players from Texas to leave early since 2010. Anthony Wallace being the 10th and he has known ties to both Baron Flenory and Willie Lyles.

        • Yet I just checked their last recruiting class and they signed 4 more players from Texas.
          So they are not giving up on that state no matter what happens.

          • The UO recruiting in Texas now has nothing to do with potential NCAA violations from past recruiting there. When the shit hit the fan last March, they suddenly wanted nothing more to do with Lyles….just before that they promised another 25k payment. Willie aint holdin his breath waiting for that one.

            The guys transferring or leaving otherwise could well all have had connections to Lyles and now UO is telling them they are, and were, ineleigible at UO.

            There is no problem with UO recruiting in Texas, but it really looks like everything connected to Lyles (James, Seastrunk etal) may be shit ready for the fan, when the NCAA issues sanctions.

            We will see….but its funny how, in the O live bit I saw, how all the duck fans mentioned every reason to leave…but the most likely one — oncoming NCAA sanctions.

  11. For a team with as many distractions as it has, you have to give Kelly credit for getting Oregon ready to play every week. He seem to have a system where different players can come in and perform at a high level and hide position weaknesses. I guess if you live football 24/7 it can be done.

    • The NCAA investigation was not a distraction, as it is done in private.

      I give Kelly credit for getting them ready …almost every weekend. Funny how they have trouble with the Boise States and USC’s. He has a great system, recruited the players to make it work (though that may be the end of him), and has installed a high energy, winning attitude. You have to love progressive coaching.

      But I truly think he stepped on his own dick, hiring and paying Willie Lyles.

  12. Portland State is leading a talented Weber State team in a 2nd round Big Sky tournament game. If they can pull it out today, they’ll play the winner of Montana/E.Washington tomorrow. Win that and they’re going back to the NCAA tournament.


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