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Riley Makes Changes to Seem “Proactive”


See Cliff's article, mentioning how Riley has once again made changes to practice this year.

Remember last year when Riley made changes, and fans were like, "Hey, he's adjusting to the modern game, yada yada"? How did that turn out?

The reality is that Riley is making changes just to look proactive. I wrote this comment on Cliff's blog:

Riley makes a change that doesn’t work every year just to look like he’s doing something pro-active. This will fail, too, because he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. Success starts with recruiting. Riley can’t recruit. He also can’t even put the best players on the field (#28, Pankey, R. Robinson, etc).

I think that sums it up. New year + same philosophy hidden behind "new changes" + same head coach = same capped results. I'll stop criticizing when he puts the 11 best players on the field, has an ideology change, understands the importance (and value) of recruiting talent vs "coaching up", etc. Slowing down practice to focus on detail a year after he thought speeding up practice because he believed reps were important doesn't scream "man with a refined football philosophy."

Now granted, I've been harping that his teams have no attention to detail, so that part is good, but the point is that Riley is all over the map, and it comes off as change for the sake of change, to rally his supporters by suggesting that with the "changes" this year it's going to be different, or to have tangible effort to show Bob D when they sit down at season's end. You're already seeing the media buy in: (paraphrasing) "Riley is changing around practice, and he looks invigorated!" These people have to sell content. Riley can't even put the best players on the field, and the media is too dumb to realize that and question it, yet I'm supposed to believe their reports? Give me a freaking break. This is the same coach pulling the same "I'm a nice guy who's adapting to modern football" illusion he's been pulling for the past three years–ever since the Pac got stronger and exposed him for what he's always been–a mediocre, aging coach.

Day Three Practice Notes


From various sources:

Derek Nielson stepped in for Colin Kelly. Nielson is a walk-on. Gavin Andrews has looked good, and I expect he'll start to see time at RT.  You can see here I had Andrews as my #2 prospect in the 2012 class.  Looks like I'm going to be spot-on with him (and Cowdin, hehe).

Isaac is ready to start. Philipp is back in shape. Beavs now have two 4-star talents on the line. They should be better for that alone, and Josh Andrews is no slouch. Enger and the RT need to step up their game. Enger will be fine, IMO, though he should be a tackle not a guard.

Trent Bray is having an impact already.

Punting situation is still a nightmare. Both guys (Kostol and McMullen) are shankapotomuses…I think McMullen wins the job because he can rugby kick better. Hopefully the kid they just signed, Garrett Owens, gets in the mix next year if not this…either of the current two guys will cost the Beavs games this year. Historically, Riley would rather have a 5th string LB than a scholarship punter…fine, but realize it's going to cost the team wins and possibly his job.

Riley wants Chris Brown to be the RB but wants him to earn it. I think Agnew is in his doghouse. Woods and Brown are the guys right now. I think Brown needs to start, and Woods should be the 3rd down back. Tyler Anderson needs to be the FB, too, but haven't heard much about him. He's a pass catching threat with good wheels.

Zimmerman is running with the first team (Didn't I/we just mention he should supplant Watkins?). Riley, you reading this?

First Day of Fall Camp


Dylan Wynn the first player on the field. No surprise there. Michael Philipp right behind him, a good sign.

Riley's father passes away the first day of fall camp–more Beaver bad luck.  RIP, Bud…

Silverstream, will you be attending practices this Fall?

General Chat


I'll probably keep this topic up until fall camp starts and there's more to discuss (unless anything interesting pops up between now and then).

Some things I'm pondering: why is the Oregon media so lame? Why do Beaver fans misspell so many words, and why do they mix homonyms (it's painful to read comment sections on O-live)? Who will supplant Colin Kelly (he's so bad!)? How will we mentally cope with another year of Reuben Robinson, and will the media continue to talk this guy up as a viable P-12 talent because they're too nice to tell it like it is? Anthony Watkins has gotten a free pass–he never plays the ball, and as of today he's a starting safety (I say give Zimmerman a shot!). How will I pay for the P-12 network (running out of time to find a good scam)? Etc.

Discuss any of these or anything you'd like.

Riley Interview on OregonLive


Q: There are a lot of fans having panic attacks online after the last couple seasons, but you have really exuded a lot of confidence in your program and what you’ve built. Going into this season, what makes you confident things are going to get better?

A: First of all, you are always optimistic about how you’re going to do. I see the growth of individuals in the program; our business is player-focused. We’ve got a lot of guys back, a lot of great hard work, what I see as great intentions from our team. What I hope for is growth from the guys who had to play last year and were young. I think growth is the key element in how you do. Our job is about helping guys grow.

What is he talking about, his job is "helping guys grow"?

I wonder if that's even in the job description, or is this his paternal instincts taking over again? His job is to run a football program and win games, but his desire seems to be being a surrogate father to adult men.

Also, phrases like "great intentions", words like "hope", and excuses like "guys were young"…not good, folks. Think Chip Kelly would be spewing this crap?