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Is There Anything Positive About OSU Athletics?


I woke up on the right side of the bed today. All the negativity around the athletic department–is it overblown? Are there things to be positive about?

I'll let the Pollyannas have their voice today.

My opinion: Overall trend is down, but there are pockets of positivity. In the football program, the fact we will likely never have sanctions, have a good QB and WR corp, have an improved O-line, and from what I hear, a good chef (/sarc) are all positives. I don't even feel comfortable mentioning the positives because they are all things that should be expected at this level. Some fans still think the expected are blessings, and therein lies much of the problem. It's always good to hear the other side, though, so as not to become too insular or myopic. Plus it's always good for a laugh. Have at it, Pollyannas.

What Ever Happened to 12,000 by 2012?


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Was the number so embarrassingly low that they quietly pulled the plug? Is this another failed marketing campaign, or do we give them 'til years end to meet the quota (using a defunct website)?

It’s Official: We Will Never See the “Dealth Penalty” Again


According to ESPN, Penn State will not get the Death Penalty.


No amount of scholarship reductions or bowl bans will fit the crime and coverup. Washington's Mark Emmert (President) and Oregon State's Ed Ray (Chairman) have done the sport, fans, and victims a disservice by allowing that program to continue. 

If this incident doesn't receive the death penalty, then it's official, we'll never see it again. And we all know the reason is money. The NCAA has traded (what little remained of) its soul for dollars. You'd have to conclude from this that Oregon will either get off entirely, or receive a slap on the wrist.

This is a historic moment. We're witnessing the pinnacle of turning a blind eye. Precedent has been set: universities can get away with anything. Get ready for the ugliest era yet.

Pac-12 Network Business Model


Looks like the Pac-12 network will not be available in online only format. In short, this means you'll have to order 3000 channels you never watch and don't want in order to watch a dozen Beaver games.

The interview with Reynolds basically nixes any short-term hopes at an online-only subscription are pretty much dashed here.

Jeff Taylor: If you live outside of the Pac-12 footprint (say in New Jersey), will there be the possibility to get one of the regional networks or an al a carte package with cable or online to allow you to view only the games of university you graduated from?

Kirk Reynolds: In order to get the Pac-12 Networks you do need to be a subscriber to one of our distribution partners. We do not have a la carte options. Subscribers outside of the footprint would likely get the national network through a sports tier and would have access to all of the regionals on your computer, tablet, smartphone through your provider’s TV Everywhere service.

Jeff Taylor: Has the Pac-12 Network considered the possibility of having a stand-alone subscriber service where fans could pay a subscription fee and get an individual login to watch games online?

Kirk Reynolds: This question has come up quite a bit, but a la carte is simply not an option. You do have to subscribe to one of the distribution partners to get the networks.

Online only would have been great for fans (especially those far away from Oregon/the West Coast and those without the means to purchase full cable), so it's no surprise it didn't happen. We live in a "the corporation is always right" world and this is about Comcast et al gutting fans for $70 a month to watch Jersey Shore and other trash when they'd only be able to charge 1/10th of that for online-only network content. I'm not against Capitalism, but I am against monopolies and cartels.

So much for innovation and putting the fans and universities first, Larry Scott.

By the way, this is the same Kirk Reynolds who used to be in charge of public affairs and wrote this canned response when I complained about the officials in 2010: http://angrybeavs.com/athletics/3637

Looks like he got a promotion.

Source: http://www.pacifictakes.com/2012/7/18/3166671/pac-12-networks-online-tv-everywhere

Hasiak (Likely) Out; Ostling Out


Ostling is an academic casualty.

Hasiak will soon be an official academic casualty. I'm hearing 90% odds on that one.

I'm neutral–it really depends how each coach uses the freed scholarship.