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College Football Playoff


Four team playoff system just announced.


"A four-team playoff doesn't go too far; it goes just the right amount," said Virginia Tech president Charles Sterger. "We are very pleased with this arrangement, even though some issues … remain to be finalized."

Doesn't go too far now, but when are people ever content leaving well enough alone? When the SEC has 4 teams in, when the selection committee screws the small guy because their fan base doesn't travel well, or when the #5 team beat the #4 team on the field, then we'll see if it's "just the right amount".

This doesn't really affect OSU since the odds of them finishing in the top four are close to zero. It affects them indirectly via their arch rival, though. Meaning, Beaver fans are in for more angst since the Ducks now only have to finish 4th to have a shot at the National Title. Their odds just increased.

This is also another step in the college football death bed (though I am sure it'll be wildly popular for a few years until its flaws are exposed). A playoff will generate huge largess, especially for major programs, and with it more "pay for play" arguments (and everything deliterious, such as recruiting scandals, that follows big money). For the small guy, making a meaningful bowl just became more difficult. Why? Because this increases the number of haves. Borderline top 10 teams can now become elite (i.e. the battle will be between ranking 4 and 5 instead of 2 and 3). By increasing the haves, fandome becomes more difficult for everyone else.

Marty Lees Leaves the Baseball Program


Headed to Oklahoma State. Now they have a bad third base coach!

It would be nice to get Scott Brosius on staff, but in typical OSU fashion the position will be filled from the inside.

Recruiting is Notably Slow


So far, the Beavs have landed a UCLA plan-B reject, and a transfer from Hawaii with one year of eligibility. We're almost into July. "A-list" players should still be on the table. They're not even paying the Beavers mind. What gives?

When Rod Perry was hired, my fear was his ability to recruit. People said to give him time. Okay, but he is getting older if I do that, and I'm not sure his personality was ever dynamic enough to relate to players in the first place. So now I'm asking: where are the results? Bottom line: he's being paid more than Heyward so he needs to produce more. Beavs have the worst recruiting class in the country right now.

I know OSU typically starts slow (go figure), but this is different. If A-list guys were even sniffing the Beavs I wouldn't be concerned, but there is zero interest from any Pac-12 caliber guys. As we hit July, it's time to end the silence, acknowledge the elephant in the room, and worry about the state of recruiting.

Safety Terin Solomon Commits


He has a UCLA offer, so he's probably a decent recruit. Right now he has 0-stars.

Here are his highlights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_FRD-Cv1qo

Rooting Against the Ducks = New Rooting for the Beavers


I feel like being a Beaver fan has been reduced to rooting against the Ducks rather than rooting for the Beavers.

I realize Beaver fans have always rooted against the Ducks, but with the Ducks' National Title game, Rose Bowl, CWS run, etc, the ante has been upped. Beaver fans are, figuratively, "on steroids" in their anti-Duck rooting. They have the mindset "I'll deal with the Beavers woes, so long as the Ducks don't take the next step and win any titles." Or something? Just like 40 is the new 30, it seems the new Beavers' winning is the Ducks' losing.

A perfect example is how happy Beaver fans were that the Ducks' baseball team lost yesterday. Our own team had a worse season, and has been home for days. Instead of discussing how our own team could improve, we're discussing the Ducks. I do it to some extent (especially with the Lyles scandal), but I admire the Ducks' approach [when they aren't cheating]. They're aggressive, set high goals, and have made Eugene a destination. That wasn't all just money and/or cheating.

I get it that the only thing better than a Beaver win is a Duck loss, but we have to make sure Duck losses don't fill the void left by the lack of Beaver wins.

Just saying.