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AD Report Good for a Chuckle



  • The WE CARE program. It helps you find lose and found items. (hehe)
  • Student athletes to greet fans at the game. (hehe)
  • Looking at ways to enhance tailgating. (Okay now you're on to something…but vague language)
  • Looking at ways to make the video board more interactive (Not sure it needs to be more interactive, it just needs less lame clips).

Read it here.

Overall, a bush league AD Report. No vision or definite plans on how they're going to improve tailgating or the video board. Just vague promises. Also, nothing about the other sports. Basketball could use an upgrade. Nothing about projects or facilities, etc. In short, nothing to get excited about.

Basketball: Oregon @ Oregon State (Civil War)



Let’s just start this one off with me thinking we will win this game. It’s a good match-up, and we should win.

That being said, this has been a disappointing season thus far by reasonable expectations. It’s not lost until it’s done. But it is still disappointing. These boys know how to play. They’ve shown up for some great play. But they’ve been lost in the wonder and mystique of “this is the Pac 12″ rather than just getting out there to play.

So let’s remind them of their pre-season goal.

They didn’t express a wont to win the conference during the regular season. I don’t know why not. I choose to expect the best and settle for whatever happens. But they chose not to address that parameter. They chose instead to concentrate on the Pac 12 Tourney. So I’ve been watching the games with that in mind. Who can we beat in a one-out situation?

The answer is everyone. But our boys have to want it. And it needs to start now. I’ve drawn comparisons t a Big East ninth place UCONN from last year. I don’t have the same expectations from our boys. But my expectations for winning and losing never exclude effort.

Much was made of Lamar head coach Pat Knight embarrassing his own players in public this past week. Yes, Knight as in Knight. What he said was 100% true. But it wasn’t like it was refreshing or eye-opening. It was your standard “don’t fail yourself” speech every kid hears in summer camps or pre-season meetings. The bottom line is that a team is insular during the season. They win, lose, die and try within themselves. When someone steps out of the team and chooses to destroy it, that is on them.

For the first time in Coach Rob’s tenure, I have not seen that from this team. When they fail, they do so as a unit. When they succeed, they do so with a flair.

This team can beat anyone. They won’t. But they can. And that’s what frustrates me more than anything.

Are they a year removed?


But that’s their choice.

Beavs 85 – Ducks 78


I just think the Ducks are playing better ball right now. Beavs have lost 4 in a row and 5 of 6. Ducks want revenge. Ducks have the better coach. Beavs were playing better at home earlier this year, so maybe they regain some of that magic, but it's in my nature to play the odds.

Ducks 72, 64

Oregon Ducks = Serial Killer Faced with DNA Evidence


True crime is my favorite genre, whether it be TV, books, or personal experience (just kidding!). So I know a thing or two about investigations. This is what happens:

Criminal: I didn't do it.

Cop: We think you did…we're going to be watching you over the next few weeks.

Criminal becomes paranoid/might turn himself in over the next few weeks. In the meantime, cops process DNA. If criminal turns himself in, case closed. If he doesn't, cop calls him in for a second interview:

Cop: We found your DNA at the scene. Can you explain why your DNA was at the scene?

Criminal: You didn't find my DNA.

Cop (*pulls out test results*): Look, we found your DNA.

Criminal finally caves in. Admits to the crime and becomes completely compliant thinking that showing a "human side" will reduce their sentence come judgment day. Criminal accepts fate, and is just grateful the cop doesn't know about the 20 bodies over State lines.

Well, the Oregon Ducks are that criminal.

How many times did we hear the AD says they didn't do anything wrong?


"We did something wrong, but we're going to show our human side and 'self report' the violations."


“We are in constructive negotiations with the NCAA on the draft of their proposed findings.”

This, folks, is a plea bargain. The Ducks are just glad the NCAA doesn't have the manpower or desire to investigate the 20 bodies across State lines, also known as the drug issues, memorabilia issues, and 1/5th of the basketball team. So in American justice terms, we're probably looking at 20 years to life instead of the death penalty. My guess is they will have to vacate wins (possibly the Rose Bowl victory) and face minor scholarship reductions. Moving forward, I don't think they'll get hit with any bowl bans.

Baseball: Oregon State @ San Diego


Game thread.

Not much to say other than the Beaver's pitching has been atrocious thus far. Better figure it out fast. One loss in SD won't hurt, but 2 or more will take them out of the top 25 and rightfully so.