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Ryan Leaf Calls Mike Riley “an Idiot”…


Leaf isn't exactly a great source, but interesting comments nonetheless.

But he holds back nothing when assessing Mike Riley, who was Chargers head coach from 1999 to 2001. He laments what he described as Riley’s lack of discipline and wishes he had been allowed more time with Kevin Gilbride.

“I know the Chargers made mistakes, but I made a bunch of mistakes myself, and I’ve got to take responsibility for that. I mean, Mike Riley is an idiot, but I can’t do anything to change that. He wasn’t supposed to be a head coach in the NFL. Why was he there?”


Most interesting bit is the lack of discipline comment. I've written many times Riley pays no attention to detail. Now confirmed by an ex player.

On a similar note, this is what Riley has to say about the new coach:

“In this hire the priority is what they can do in coaching,” Riley said. “Then, how they can aid in recruiting, how they fit in with the staff and if they buy into the philosophy of what we are trying to do.”

Personally, I think there are enough good coaches on the staff. Recruiting should be the priority. But hey, what do I know, I'm just some idiot, right?

Describe Oregon State with One Word


I thought this would be a fun game on a quiet day.

If someone asked you to describe Oregon State with one word, what would it be?

My word would be: "Slow"

I can give countless examples:

  • Reaction to Heyward leaving
  • Hiring new coaches
  • Firing ineffective coaches
  • Smaller things, like Riley slow to call timeouts, never running a no huddle, etc
  • Slow players, such as Keith Pankey
  • Slow to adapt to modern recruiting
  • Slow to embrace a new image
  • Etc. It goes on and on…I can think of a dozen more examples.

Oregon State is just…slow. They should probably consider changing their mascot from a beaver to a sloth. Just saying. Interesting how "fast" is the first word that comes to mind when I think of the Ducks.

On a positive and unrelated note, OSU did get some well-deserved recognition today, bringing in the #5 class at both offensive line and tight end. I agree with Rivals assessment. http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1327327

Back to the topic at hand: I'm giving you one word to describe OSU. What would it be?

Basketball: Oregon State @ Colorado



Has anyone else noticed that we get the tougher of the two match-ups to start each and every weekend in league play thus far?

It doesn’t get any easier tonight. The Beavs get to face off in Boulder against a pretty good Buffs team. As many of you know, I thought Wake Forest’s stupidity two years ago was CU’s gain. Jeff Bzdelik is a horrible coach. Instead of CU fans griping about another pathetic season under him, they get a coaching star on the rise in Tad Boyle. And he has done wonders with his team in the short time he’s been there.

There will be little fooling the Buffs with the 1-3-1. They tore it to pieces last year in Boulder. And a whole game of it will likely result in the same. It will be effective when mixed with predominantly man and 2-3 sets. The Beavs defense looked a little renewed at the TTATT on Sunday. So it will be interesting to see what our boys can do against a team who takes care of the ball.

The Buffs are led by three seniors, Carlon Brown and Nate Tomlinson at G and Austin Dufault at F. Other than that, they are young with soph F Andre Roberson and frosh G Spencer Dinwiddie filling out the starting five and frosh G Askia Booker being the primary threat off the bench. They have three other bench players who will take about 10 minutes each. But they are not the primary focus.

Brown, Dufault, Roberson and Dinwiddie are the scoring threats along with Booker at the bench energy role. Tomlinson is the facilitator. And every one of them will launch the trey, with Dinwiddie and Roberson being the most likely offenders.

Their weaknesses are three-fold.

Outside of Roberson, the team is only good at rebounding when the guards get involved. But Roberson is a good one on the boards, and their guards will try to get involved. Since they like to run a pressure defense with a transition game, they play into the Beavs hands should they over-commit to the glass.

But they will likely need to over-commit, because they are very undersized. They play bigger than they are, but only one big routinely comes off the bench to spell two already smallish bigs. And their game takes a serious hit when their primary six are not running the court.

And other than Tomlinson and Dinwiddie, they’re susceptible to turnovers. Brown will dish as much as he drops. But they run such a frenetic pace that they make some interesting mistakes when pushed to the edge.

All in all, I think this should be one of the better games in the Pac this year. It should be on TV for pure entertainment value alone. We have two teams who like to take chances on defense and run it out when they can. I want to say the Beavs should win this game by winning the equalizer, the half-court set. But last year’s blow-out is still fresh in my memory.

This is a “prove it to me” game for the Beavs.

Until further notice…

Buffs 84 – Beavs 78


I agree with JackBeav on this one–should be a wild game. Would just like to add that the win at Oregon was a step toward winning this type of game. That is, the Beavs finally closed an away game, and they may finally understand what it takes to win road games. They can't just show up, and now they know that. I expect a motivated team that is high energy from the get go. They'll be right in it, but will they play enough defense to win it? That's still the struggle.

From what I gathered, the game will not be televised, but it is available on Colorado's website (for a fee).

Ranking the 2012 Recruiting Class


My “star” system works like this:

  • I’m using + instead of stars this year because it’s easier than uploading the image.
  • Recruits are listed in order, so if two guys have three + marks, the one higher on my list is the better prospect.
  • I give +’s on my belief the player will be all-conference before graduation. Five +’s means definite all-conference player, four +’s means 80% chance of being all conference, 3-stars = 60% chance, etc. The % would decrease as you go down the list. E.g. The top 3-star has a 60% chance, the next guy a bit less, etc. For example, I think Weinreich has a 60% chance to be all-conference, Josh Mitchell less, at 55%, Gilmore less at 50%, etc.
  • This is just one man’s opinion. I think over time these rankings will be more accurate than Rivals or Scout, but we’ll see.


Isaac Seumalo +++++

Gavin Andrews +++++

Caleb Smith ++++

Grant Bays ++++

Chris Brown ++++

Garrett Weinreich +++

Josh Mitchell +++

Malik Gilmore +++

Chase Eldredge +++

Dustin Stanton +++

Brent VanderVeen +++

Kendell Hill +++

Tyler Hasty +++

Stanley Hasiak +++

Zack Robinson +++

Chris Miller +++

Garrett Owens +++

Joel Skotte ++

Cyril Noland ++

Dyllon Mafi ++

Caleb Saulo ++

Rommel Mageo +

Cade Cowdin +

Noke Tago +

Post LOI Thoughts


Nothing ground breaking here. As anyone can see, a very good offensive class, and a very poor defensive class. The best DT signed is Josh Mitchell, an offensive tackle. That's pretty bad. Mafi looks like the best LB in this group, and he was picked up off the scrap heap today. No Pac-12 caliber DEs signed today. Hasty looks to be an okay CB prospect. I actually like Kendall Hill at safety. Chris Miller? Who knows–can't find any reliable film. Noland? Nice/smart guy and all, but a borderline talent.

Just a really bad defensive effort, and this after a dreadful season, defensively.

There are a lot of delusional fans out there. For example:

Thank You Coaches!
I really appreciate their efforts this year. I can't remember getting so many recruits that also received multiple offers from other top programs. While we lost a few battles, we won many others.

Thank you coaches for your effort? Really? Like the effort in putting a fence around their only solid defensive players? Or the effort in hiring a coach within a 28 day window? Or the effort in game planning last year? Yeah, great effort guys. Bravo!

And this gem:

Rather than lament who ain't with us, I say WELCOME NEW BEAVERS!    
I'm a dad of an athlete…these are always tough decisions.

Your parents clearly raised you right…you chose US!

Welcome to you and may your career and education at Oregon State exceed your wildest expectations.

That's just insane. Whatever helps you wake up in the morning, buddy.

I'm trying to be positive about the class. When I do that, I think, "Okay, great offensive lineman, great set of tight ends, and a nice RB/WR combo." But then reality sets in, and there's no way these defenders stop any D1 team. No playmakers in the group, and a lot of low hanging fruit (or even worse, rotting fruit that fell off the tree all together). Hiring a DB coach probably would have made a lot of sense. When will the Riley apologists run out of excuses?