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Fall Camp (week 2)


The biggest stories so far this week:

1. Malcolm Agnew making a push.

2. Trevor Romaine's inconsistency.

3. Kevin Frahm on crutches.

4. Brandin Cook's domination.

5. Zimmerman's shift to safety.

6. Lamb beating out Ellis.

Seriously, why  has it taken over a year for somebody to unseat Ellis? Let's not get too excited. Lamb is almost as bad…though, to be fair, he is a slightly better run blocker.

Fans on other sites were raving about McCants since camp began. That to me comes off as wishful thinking, especially since a freshman is making a legit bid for the job. McCants was given the starting job with the hopes someone would unseat him. Can't blame Riley there, it's a smart move. Fans love to rave about McCants frame and potential–we go through this every year. My conclusion: McCants is simply not a winner.

I never thought I'd say Kevin Frahm being injured is a big deal. But, that's what it's come to. We actually need Kevin Frahm. That was painful to write. I really don't want to witness Ben Motter (who??) trying to tackle LaMichael James. God save the queen.

Oh, and on the topic of inadequate backups…if Romaine can't get it done, Max Johnson is next in line. Reports are that he's missed almost every FG attempt this fall. I saw him kick in pre-game warmups once. He looked like Charlie Brown trying to kick Lucy's pigskin.

The good news is that the defense is ahead of the offense.

Weekend Practices


Great updates, Silverstream. Keep them coming.

It's disheartening to hear Romaine is struggling. I hear he has the leg, but can't find any accuracy or consistency. We need to keep an eye on this situation. Is Max Johnson the answer? Uh. I hope not. This is so unexpected. Romaine came with high praise and looked the part. Hopefully it's just a case of nerves. For those of you who have been to practice, share your impressions of Romaine. Convince me not to worry.

Disappointed to hear Grant Enger is at LT and Philipp is #2 at RT. The correct move is Enger (or Kelly) at  RT and Philipp starting at RG. Rumor is Philipp won't change positions, but I find that hard to believe. If he said that to people in the program, the media should be able to get a quote and confirm, or at the very least confirm his disgust and frustration. At that point we could read between the lines. Of course, if Philpp is being a sour puss or prima dona then he deserves to ride the pine. Oregon media needs to step it up and get an answer.

Word is that Castro is back practicing (1 game suspension is pretty light if you ask me), but according to Joe Seumalo, he is not in football shape. With just three weeks before kickoff, that is obviously bad news. Makes you wonder what he's been doing while waiting for his court date.

Anyway, things will be low-key for the next couple days as I have family in town (through next Friday). I'll check in here and there to respond to emails, keep up on what's developing in camp, and create these placeholders once the old topic gets cluttered. But don't expect anything too enlightening until I have some more time to actually sit down and think. Thankfully you guys have been doing a great job of keeping things interesting in the comment area.

Rethinking the offense to fit personnel


I don't think I'd garner much backlash if I said the Beaver's biggest strength is their wide receivers. Right now, it looks like Wheaton and Rodgers will line up in the base formation. It would be a real shame to have Cooks, Gwachum, and Bishop sitting on any given play. So, the question begs how do the coaches get them all on the field at once? A popular solution amongst fans is the Air Raid offense. It would get at least one more WR on the field, and would give the Beavers and identity. Less considered, but more importantly, it would masks some of the Beaver's biggest weaknesses. For example:

1. Short passes replace the running game.

Why it fits Oregon State: The Beavers don't have a dominant running back on the roster nor do they have an offensive line that can run block.

2. Short passes negate the blitz.

Why it fits Oregon State: There is nothing to suggest the Beaver's offensive line won't once again be the weakest link.

3. QB lines up in the shotgun.

Why it fits Oregon State: See above. Any way to buy time is a good thing.

It's a compelling case. So, the question becomes, why not run this offense?

My guess is Riley sees it as unbalanced. But, there isn't a whole lot of difference between a 2-yard pass with RAC (run after catch) versus a handoff. In other words, the short passing game is your running game. From there, the QB can throw intermediate and deep passes, or handoff traditionally. That is a form of balance.

There are a couple legit cons. The first is the weather in Corvallis. Wet conditions aren't ideal for a heavy passing game. Also, the Air Raid requires the QB to be highly intelligent, read defenses, and audible. Ryan Katz hasn't shown he can do that. These are legit concerns. In fact, they're the two reasons I'm not completely gung ho about an Air Raid offense.

The best compromise is probably employing more 4WR sets (ace spread, trips, etc) and even 5WR sets so the Beavers can get their best players on the field. Another option is making Gwachum a hybrid TE. It would also be prudent to make each WR's positions interchangeable (e.g. each WR knows each others' routes), as this would give greater versatility and keep the defense honest. Riley could then find advantageous matchups depending on down and distance.

The bottom line is that the coaching staff needs to find a way to use this stockpiled talent. To have three or four potential all-conference receivers sitting on any given play is a problem. A good problem to have, but a problem nonetheless. The solution lies in outside the box thinking, something Riley is not very skilled at. What we do know is that the ideal solution will not come to be on it's own or via blind luck. As a great philosopher once wrote, "if the ship-building art were in the wood, it would produce the same results by nature." Riley needs to start thinking like a crafty artisan (see Chip Kelly) rather than an antiquated simpleton. He's been given the tools…

Fall Camp Begins (Week 1)


Uncertainty is the name of the game these days, and Oregon State has more of it than global stock markets. Unlike the U.S., Italy, or Spain, however, the Beavs will find answers starting Monday.

Check the comment section throughout the day for updates. If any of you are going to practice, take some notes and share them. Practice time is 2pm for the first three weeks. On weekends it changes to 8:30am/6:30pm double sessions.

Finally, the season is upon us! Things should pick up here in the upcoming month.

Various Updates


First off, apologies if you've come here looking for reading material and haven't found anything new. I've been using the slow period to work on some personal hobbies and take vacation. I've also been entrenched in this debt ceiling debate, and I find myself reading more about that than the Beavers right now.

Anyway, you might have noticed the ads are gone. Yeah, I didn't enjoy working with Google. Those ads were terrible and spammy, and I'm convinced the folks at Google run on algorithms. If you own a business and want to either advertise or sponsor, shoot me an email and we can discuss the site's traffic and negotiate a rate. Otherwise, I'm doing the no ad thing and loving it.

Moving on, Reuben Robinson has been moved to OLB. People are praising the move. Personally, it makes no difference to me. Robinson is not a player. He's an okay backup, but whether he's backing up at MLB or OLB doesn't matter too much. There's a lot of depth and interchangeability at LB.

In other LB news, Michael Bibbee has left the program. This is bad news, but it's not devastating. Bibbee's style was downhill and aggressive. I like what I saw. He looked to be a player, but again, LB is a position with depth so I'm not losing sleep over it. I do ponder what he could have done in the coming years, and it's frustrating we won't be able to witness his budding potential, but as far as the team, they won't miss a beat. By the way, I heard grades were the issue for Bibbee, but nobody has confirmed.

Moving on a second time…Dax Dilbeck left the program. I was never a big Dax fan. Cool name, nice Oklahoma pedigree, awkward athlete. People claimed he ran a 4.3 and had a great arm…I never saw any of that in his film. I saw a gangly QB who might project at safety in college. Was he a bad athlete? No. But am I losing sleep over this? No. I feel bad for the kid and his dreams, but the team will rise above his defection. Has anyone confirmed the reason Dax left the team? I left him a message but haven't heard anything. I'm assuming it's due to injury since he was an excellent high school student. What I hope is that he's not leaving the program for anything OSU related, or even homesickness, as we don't want a bad name in Oklahoma.

Looking at the bright side, we just freed up two scholarships in a year we're recruiting better than ever. And people call me cynical…