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General Discussion


So, things have been quiet, and I don't want to force the issue by writing about topics not worth discussing. Also, I've been working on some other hobbies during this slow period, and I'll be taking some vacation time this week (going to Sequoia and King's Canyon National Parks). Okay, that's enough about me.

You all can use this post to discuss anything you want or break any news that might spring up while I'm gone. Just over two weeks before things start picking up…get your weekend trips and chores out of the way now, fellas.

Why “The Cleaner” Has Been Deputized


This response came from someone I consider a definitive source on both Oregon politics and the University of Oregon. His name was omitted. After you read the first sentence you'll understand why. Sorry, gotta respect privacy or I won't get answers like this in the future.

Hi Angry,

Feel free to post this. If you use my name I am worried they will burn down my house.

UO wanted to hire Glazier in part because of his insider NCAA connections, in part because as an attorney UO can hide his advice, emails, etc from release under Oregon public records law by claiming attorney-client privilege.

But state law gives the Oregon DOJ a monopoly on providing legal services to state agencies. And the attorney-client exemption only applies if he's providing legal advice.

The only way around this conundrum was to deputize him as a "Special Assistant Attorney General". Such deputization is very rare – obviously some UO booster has a lot of pull with Attorney General Kroger!

I have a public records request in to UO General Counsel Randy Geller to find out if athletics is going to pick up any of Glazier's $150,000 cost, or if the academic side is going to be left with the bag again. So far Randy won't answer that!

This actually supports the rumor (and that all it was at the time) I posted last week that several high profile boosters were involved in this fiasco. Looks like there’s a little more meat on that bone as of today. It also highlights the depth of this cover up. Despite what they're saying publicly, they sure aren't acting like a team that believes they did nothing wrong. What's that old saying about actions speaking louder than words?

Duck Fan Backlash


There's been a lot of backlash via email, (Duck) web forums, and the comment section. I'll address some of the public complaints here.

Look, I really used to like this site because you kept it real and I even help support it. But you guys have seriously gone the way of all fan-atical sites regarding your rivals and have now traded in good insight into tabloid journalism for, "ya, and guess what else I heard, Phil gave Lache some rare shoes…".etc.

If it were football season and there was anything going on, I probably wouldn't have written about the Ducks at all. But what they did was too interesting and can't be ignored. We're (a) having fun with it and (b) making sure the media does their job. Of course you hate the site; you have a vested interest in these "rumors" going away. You're misdirecting blame, and this is a you problem. I'm not going to allow your attempt at manipulation via claiming disappointment with me.

Its been a fun ride, sorry to see the site turn into "just another Beaver love fest.

Hilarious. Beaver fans still call me a Duck.

Beaver fans should stop pretending like there is any reason, moral or otherwise, that they spend more than 5 minutes on this story, other than a rivalry over a game. I can list 30+ issues in the world involving morality that have far more substantial implications than whether or not Lyles represented the UO while being paid. If this was about morality for Beavers, this would be the last issue they would be frothing over.

This is a flawed argument. To say morality x is more important than morality y is a logical fallacy (i.e. association fallacy). Also, even if I accept there are moral issues with more substantial implications happening somewhere in the world, why make the jump and deduce that it means we shouldn't look into this moral issue? Should a detective only investigate murder and ignore robberies?

Also, I have yet to see "angry" respond to the central complaint casey has made. That starting unsubstantiated rumors about people is unethical.

This is how my mind works: it's more unethical to out a source who wants to remain anonymous than to start substantiated "rumors" based off a figurative (hey, one has to make this distinction when discussing the Ducks) "smoking gun". I am not a journalist. I don't abide to a strict set of journalistic creeds. Again, your argument runs into a logical fallacy because you are treating me like a journalist when I am, in fact, a blogger. You are also attacking me rather disproving the story. This is called an ad hominem argument.

Really? This is what you are now writing about? If you have proof you should post it and allow it to speak for itself. Or, better yet, send whatever proof you have to the NCAA and let the authorities deal with the matter. But posting rumors and innuendos is just fishing for attention.

Nope, I can't legally share any more than what I did. End of story. If I could, it would be in the Oregonian right now since they approached me asking for the story. And, for what it's worth, I believe the original source did send the information to NCAA compliance. With regard to fishing for attention, that is called histrionic, and it's the opposite of my personality.

Then there is this site:

http://ducksattack.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=10681 "You're a moron." etc etc

Enough with the ad hominem arguments. Attacking the source because you can't discredit the claim is weak. If I were to go to a psychologist and tell him, "Doc, people told me I am a moron" he'd probably come back with, "What evidence do you have to support that claim?" at which point I'd be speechless. I did well in school; I have a respectable career; I live with a beautiful woman; I've written and published a well-received novel; etc, etc. Why would I believe I'm a moron when there's no evidence to support the claim? You are wasting your time with these ad hominem arguments. They make you, the Duck fan, feel good for a few seconds. They are the sugar high of debating. If you want an argument with meat on the bone, come at me with proof and sources proving me wrong or don't come at me at all, because anything less is at best a (transparent) jab to make yourself feel good, but more likely it is a complete logical fallacy. And I know what your retort will be: "Angry, you have no proof to support your claim." Choosing to withhold evidence is not equal to dispossessing it.

Finally, don't get on Beavers' cases for having fun with this. As a rival, they have that right. Sometimes I feel bad for Duck fans, and sometimes I feel they're getting their due. Punishment is complex. Sometimes I want to seriously analyze the Duck's situation, and sometimes I just want to poke fun. Human nature is complex. I'm not going to "write to the audience" and tailor opinion so I don't lose Duck readers. If I lose you that is a you issue, and I mean that in the kindest way possible.

Interview: Brandin Cooks


How was Oregon State able to earn your commitment over large market universities like Washington and UCLA?

Oregon State earned my commitment over those types of schools because the program here is just built off character, and that's my type of people. And the system ran here fits my style.

Coach Brennan was hired after your commitment. Has that change amongst the staff affected your development in any way?

When Coach Brennan was hired it was still the same expectations as before.

When the Oregon State coaches were recruiting you, did they point out the negatives of competing universities, or did they focus on Oregon State’s positives?

When Oregon State was recruiting me they focused on Oregon State and nobody else.

On a similar note, do the coaches use the Oregon fiasco as a teaching experience? How much time do the coaches spend emphasizing how to stay out of trouble?

Coach Riley is a strong guy on character and the teaching of staying out of trouble.

Oregon State has recruited a large number of WRs the past few cycles. Will there be 4WR sets or an Air Raid attack in the future?

That question is out of my hands I have no info on that.

Going into fall camp, where are you listed on the depth chart? Do you think you’ll see the field this upcoming season?

Going into fall camp I know I will be competing for a spot, and as far as seeing the field this upcoming year that's in my hands on how I perform.

Cooks also added that God and his mother have been the biggest role models in shaping who he is today.

Overall, I am slightly disappointed with how this interview turned out. I was hoping Brandin would shed more light several topics. To be fair, when we first spoke he asked if his doing an interview would be illegal, so I think he might have been spooked by the fiasco down south. No worries. Goodspeed, Brandin Cooks.

Beavers (quietly) Collecting Rose Bowl Caliber Talent


I'll wait until after fall camp to make a prediction about the 2011 season, but on paper the 2012 team looks all-world.

Have a look at my predicted roster and see if you agree:

QB Ryan Katz, Sr. (The importance of an upperclassman QB cannot be overstated).
RB Storm Woods/Terron Ward, So. (hard to say, but I like this combo best, with Ward acting as a scat back).
FB/HB Tyler Anderson, RS So.
WR Markus Wheaton, Sr. (if he doesn't bolt for the NFL).
WR Jordan Bishop, Sr.
WR Obum Gwachum, RS So. (Tyler Trosin/Brandin Cooks, So. (or red-shirt freshmen) should be in the mix)
TE Tyler Perry, RS So.
OT Grant Enger, Jr. Darryl Jackson, So.
OG Michael Phillipp, Sr. Josh Andrews, Jr.
C Roman Sapolu, RS So.

K Trevor Romaine, RS So.
P ? Keith Kostol, So. (hopefully this problem gets rectified during the current recruiting cycle).

The offense looks explosive, but green at a few key positions.

The defense might be even better.

DE Scott Crichton, RS So.
DE Rusty Fernando, Sr. (not sold on this guy, but everyone else is so I'll roll with it until I see a better option).
DT Castro Masaniai, Sr.
DT Fred Thompson, So.
LB Michael Doctor, Jr.
MLB Tony Wilson/Feti Unga, Sr.
LB Shiloah Te'o, Sr. (Akuna and Welch will be in the mix)
CB Jordan Poyer, Sr.
CB Rashaad Reynolds, Jr.
S Anthony Watkins, Sr.
S Josh Lagrone, Sr. (or Ryan Murphy, So.)

Look at the combination of talent and seniority on the defense. It's impressive. Most of these guys weren't elite recruits, but they're solid 3-star athletes who will have prepared for two or three years in the system. This reiterates a key point: the Beavers don't need 5-star recruits. They just need legit 3-star athletes.

Also, guys like Wynn, Zimmerman, et al could step up and play early, but most likely they'll fill out the two-deep rather than win starting jobs.

While 2011 could be rough, 2012 looks to be a perfect storm of both talent and experience.