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Discussion: Letters of Intent (Morning)


Signing day is finally here. Feels like the second coming of Christmas, doesn't it?

*Insert lame, obligatory "I hope we don't get coal" joke* Har har har. A real knee-slapper right there.

Anyway, the official site will be posting real-time signinas LOIs filter through the fax. That link can be found here:


I'm sure our fellow readers will post updates, too. And finally, I'll do my best to contribute, but I'll be working until about noon Pacific time so I'm unsure how active I'll be.

There you have it. Sit back and enjoy, and let us cheer the good prospects and boo the bad as they come together to form the class of 2011.

Recruiting Roundtable


We're in the dead period until Wednesday, which means coaches can't make contact. The kids will have time to ponder their future, which is why we're starting to see decisions trickle in.

So far:

1. Akeem Gonzales to the Beavs.

2. Rudolph Fifita (0-star DE) is our J.C. defensive tackle in this class.

3. Earl Foster reaffirmed his commitment to Houston last night.

4. Darryl Paulo has decided on Washington State.

5. Juda Parker is Colorado unless there's a last minute change of mind.

6. Vivii Teofilo wants to sign with Oregon State, but his family has pressured him into an ASU commitment.

7. Kyrie Wilson was dropped by Oregon. He's a darkhorse to sign.

8. Samson Kaleikin, a offensive lineman from Hawaii, is in the mix. I think the Beavs will offer him once they officially strike out with better prospects. I think he'll sign after the Wednesday deadline.

#4 probably means Lopa accepts his greyshirt offer to Cal, so cross him off the board for now.

All of this can change in the next two days, but as of today it's looking like we sign the status quo, and strike out with the entire foursome from Grant. People keep assuming Rahmel Dockery is a lock. At one point he seemed to have high interest, but if true, what is he waiting for–a Washington offer? Do we really want someone so obsessed with the Huskies? I find it off-putting and sad. He has grade issues anyhow.

So who do we have to cling and hope to this year? First, there there is Davon Moreland. Some "in the know" insist he'll be a Beaver, but Moreland hasn't spoken a single word about Oregon State. He has academic issues, so at best would be a greyshirt, and more likely would be a sign & stash at a Junior College. That leaves Todd Peat Jr as the lone big fish to accept every egg from our basket of hope. How do you like that mixed metaphor? No doubt in my mind he'll wear an orange shirt on signing day; an orange shirt WITH A PITCHFORK ON IT.

Site Redesign


Apologies that the site was down all day. The blog needed some major work. We now have these features that were sorely lacking:

1. Users can edit their own comments.

2. Users can delete their own comments.

3. There is now a clear log-in/log-out/register area.

4. Overall the site has better functionality…it's easier to navigate and find your dashboard, forums, chat, search, etc.

5. You can now give a "Thumbs up" to comments that you like.

6. Built in spell check.

7. Archived older posts instead of relying on the cumbersome calendar.

I spent 14hrs today hacking apart code, and while I finished 99% of the tasks on my list, I am more annoyed about the one I didn't. I wanted to make the site a "fluid" or "relative" width, meaning it would expand depending upon the user's screen resolution. I tinkered with it, but ultimately quit for two reasons: don't have any large monitors to try it out on…and my corneas are shot.

So, if you own a large monitor (1600+ resolution) let me know how it looks. If you're willing to do some resolution testing shoot me a note. If you're a web designer and want to code the resolution yourself, check out the "Jobs" section. We're hiring!

Basketball: Oregon State @ Stanford


The PAC-10 is bad this year. Stanford 10-9 (3-5 in the conference) is further evidence of that. The Cardinal have lost 4 straight games, but they are another of these teams that will demolish any opponent who doesn't come ready to play. Conversely, if the Beavers decide to exert energy, they should win the game. Notice I use the word "decide"…that's what it seems like they do, correct? When they fall behind by 17 (every game!), they decide to turn on a switch and play catch up. On the same note, when the game tips off, they decide "No big deal, there's a lot of time left" or "We can play catch up and pull it out in the end."

It's almost a gambler's mentality. Think about it. A gambler will start off even. Now say he or she loses the first bet. The next play would be betting double in order to win back the lost wager. Soon they are betting the boat to win back the car and the house to win back the boat. Now think about the Beavers. They start games even, fall behind early, then exert all kinds of energy and force bad shots in a desperation to break even. Much like a gambler, they're constantly playing from behind. And much like a gambler, it's pretty sad to watch.

How to avoid it? Well, the gambler simply would stop gambling. The Beavers, equally simple, should start playing basketball when the game tips off, and then stop playing basketball when the buzzer sounds. The inability to play a complete 40 minutes is on Craig Robinson. Do you think Ralph Miller, John Wooden, or Bobby Knight's players would have the nads to even ponder such a stunt? Craig Robinson has gone from East Coast aggressive (5AM practices, hard-nosed attitude) to West Coast lazy. He's been allowed to slack because that is the culture in Corvallis, and that starts at the top with Bob D.

The Beavers need to start winning some games and fast. Robinson's seat has a slow-burning oil lamp under it, and he's just beginning to feel the warmth through his well-insulated ass. Watch out Craig, the rainy season's almost over.

Back to the game, from what I have seen of Stanford (admittedly little) they run a methodical offense and prefer the halfcourt game over running. I think the Beavers would benefit from slowing down to Stanford's pace over forcing the notion they're a running team. Players to watch for Stanford include Dwight Powell, Jeremy Green, and Anthony Brown; all can drain a three against the zone. Inside they have Josh Owens and a 6'11 freshman by the name of Nastic who should see increased playing time versus the height-challenged Beavers. What I am saying is this: Stanford might play a slow tempo, but they have guards who can shoot well, and big men who can play down low. They're also smart (duh), and will know exactly how to exploit OSU.

My advice is to load up on the gin. Tonight will be another rough game. The Beavers simply don't match up well..again. The lack of a legitimate big man is killing this team. I suppose one could make an argument that the Beavers best chance would be to force their tempo upon the Cardinal, but they turn sloppy and make too many mistakes when they do that. As I've noted before, getting a turnover is just wasted energy if the team can't parlay it into points.

Anyway, Stanford by 15 is my pick. 69-54.

I'm going to enable the chat around 6:45 Pacific Time. It's the first chat session for a live event; it should be fun.

When: 7PM


Radio: KPAM

Test Live Chat


Some of you may have noticed the site was down today. I've been working on some improvements.

1. Permalinks are now better. Instead of weird links like ?>?4521 each post now has the category and post id in the URL.

2. I installed a chat for live events: http://angrybeavs.com/chat

It's a pre-written WordPress plugin, but I had to customize some code to make it mesh with this site. The chat is only available to registered users. After logging in you'll sync with the SQL database, which should allow you to move seamlessly between the blog and chat area). Test it out. Get back to me if you find any issues.