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Discussion: Oregon State @ UCLA


The schedule started with a fury, and now we're in the lull of Washington, California, UCLA, and Washington State.

This is a critical juncture of the season. If the Beavers are to have any chance at a Rose Bowl berth, they need to use these games to their advantage, focusing on improving their weaknesses and refining their strengths.

For example, the second half of the Washington game saw the defense make strides, only to wear down in overtime. The positive is that they found their inner will; the negative is they eventually tired. The lesson is that they're going to need to be a lot more conditioned to run with Oregon. Hence, conditioning needs to become a priority. Along the same lines, developing depth should become a priority. A deeper Beaver team means a fresher Beaver team, and one that likely would have beaten Washington. This is why it's so important to get players in the game when there is a blowout. Now is it clear why I was so furious at Riley last week for keeping the starters in? It was a missed opportunity. Sure, you could say leaving the starters in conditioned them more, but that is something that needs to happen in practice, not games. Another point worth mentioning: UCLA runs the pistol with some elements of the read option. They're not very good at it right now, which presents the defense an opportunity to see that offense once again, stop it, and build confidence.

On offense, long, sustained drives needs to become the norm. Throwing bombs versus Oregon, even if the Beavers convert them, will be doing the Ducks a favor. Riley likes to wax poetic about the identity of his squads. Well, we're seven weeks into this thing and now know what the Beavers are. They are not winning with talent, so they better start out-executing. If Oregon State wants an identity that will work this season, it's ball control on offense and a non-stop motor on defense. Both require mental toughness and discipline, the traits of all great underdogs.

And finally, Ryan Katz needs to grow up, starting this weekend. It's finally clear what the team needs him to do, so the period of no criticism is now over–at least from this blogger. Any quarterback can throw bombs. I'm sure we've all done it on the school yard…it's the natural inclination to tell your pal to run a fly route and then you throw it as far as you can, but it's not smart, efficient, or disciplined football. The passing game is a strength of this team. Refining it would entail check downs, converting 3rd downs, scrambling when the opportunity is there, and essentially taking what the defense gives. To feel confident about the final quarter of the season, the Beavs must use these glorified scrimmages against UCLA and WSU to define, refine, and develop the small semblance of an identity they've managed to build. What I want to see is a maximum effort, executing machine.

So yes, I am expecting a win, but the measure of victory will be in the details.

34-17, Beavers

Mindset: Oregon Ducks vs Oregon State Beavers


I was looking at the Ducks' schedule earlier trying to guess where they'd slip up. While scrolling through the games, it hit me that Beaver fans have had an excuse for every Duck victory. Maybe excuse isn't the right word. They just find a way to abate Duck victories. I thought it would be interesting to ponder Beaver fans' mindset playing the same schedule. Correct me if and when I'm wrong.


Duck Fan


Beaver Fan


New Mexico


"We're going to blow these guys out 72-0!"

"We should win big, but who knows? New Mexico has some legit DI talent!”



"Am I crazy, or do these guys stink?"

"Mother $%!# Bob D!?! scheduling an SEC team on the road in September!? Let’s just hope we save face on National TV."

Portland State

“Wake me up when the Season starts."


"I've been curious to see what ____ (insert 5th string running back) can do."

"We're probably going to win 45-10, but remember Appalachian State?"

@Arizona State

“Our first decent challenge. I'm a little nervous, but we’ll win. We always win.”

“We never win at Tempe.” [Beaver fan begins to ponder all the loses]. "Something will go wrong."


“Sure, these guys could theoretically beat us, but they are slow as whale shit, so we’ll probably run around them and win big. National TV, you say???”

“Their offensive line sure is physical. This is a scary game. We need to pressure Andrew Luck, establish the blah blah blah. ESPN Gameday? Forget it.”


“Let the Heisman race begin!”

“This is the one game we can relax. Or can we?”


“ESPN? Ha ha ha, this is going to be a fun statement game.”

“We never play well down there; we never play well on ESPN. UCLA always has one guy tee off on us and take over the game. I’m optimistic but scared.”


“National TV? Again? Did we mention we like attention? Let the love begin, Hal.”

“Barkley is crap."….("I hope that's true")…"USC has nothing to play for"…("I hope that's true…"). Oh crap, ABC picked the game up??”


"No Jake Locker? Thanks for the bye week."

"No Jake Locker? Nick Montana was a 4-star prospect–we better show up ready to play!"


“We’re going to crush these midgets.”

“Trap game!”…or “We have their number, but they’re capable and talented blah blah.”


“The have a fast, physical defense. This is the hardest game on our schedule. But hey, we’re the Ducks and they’re not.”

“We matchup well against this team. Feels like a pick ‘em. But can that be right?”

@Oregon State

“The Reign of Terror continues. Poor Beaver fans. See you losers in Glendale.”

“We’re going to lose a 3rd straight Civil War. We’re going to get killed. They're unstoppable. They're going to win a National Championship. Kill me.”

That's how I see it. Am I off my rocker?

I don't think so. Beaver fans are quick to dismiss what the Ducks do, yet their team could not accomplish the same feats. It's a second rate mindset that reeks of bitterness. The reality is the Ducks are not only better than the Beavs; they are better than everyone. There is no room for criticism. That is the weight a #1 ranking carries.

One final point: I contend the Ducks' success is good for the Beavers. As a Duck fan astutely noted earlier, it means more revenue and respect for the conference as a whole, but more importantly, the Ducks dominance (and a 3rd consecutive Civil War) puts pressure squarely on the Beavers program. Put another way: the larger the Ducks' footprint, the less patient Beaver fans will be with the status quo.

Cal Post-game Thoughts


It's hard to imagine a less impressive 35-7 win than the Beavers' "thrashing" of California yesterday afternoon. There was one clear improvement–the defensive intensity. How much that intensity had to do with the outcome is debatable. I think the Beavers still win the game even if Kevin Riley played, but a lot of the positive defensive stats were the byproduct of Brock Mansion playing quarterback.

The glaring issue yesterday was once again team attitude or swagger. After taking an early lead, the Beavs let off the throttle, managing just one score in the second half. To say this team "lacks killer instinct" would be putting it kindly. Under Riley, they have never finished teams off, but that doesn't mean fans should learn to accept it or make excuses. What makes Riley's approach doubly frustrating is watching the team in Eugene run over their road kill until it ceases to exist.

Run blocking is another area that showed no improvement. Sure, on the surface Quizz's rushing statistics looked good, but the reality of the situation is that his blocking was horrendous. Cameron Jordan, defensive end for Cal, essentially made fun of the offensive line after the game, calling them soft and not up to par with prior vintages. He is dead on. Rodgers' better runs came when he looked at the point of attack, disliked what he saw, and cut outside. He improvised his way to big gains. If he followed his blocks, many of those better efforts would have instead been 1 to 3 yard dives. What happens when teams realize this, contain the outside, and he actually has to follow those blocks?

Finally, what is Riley thinking putting his starters in with 6 minutes left and a 4 touchdown lead? Not only does this kill team moral and curb future development, it puts the entire season at risk–if Rodgers, Katz, or Wheaton went down early in the 4th there would be outrage. I don't understand it, and think it warrants an explanation. As of this evening, I haven't heard anyone in the media ask the question, though. In fact, they're all writing that the team is now fixed and poised for a Rose Bowl run. It's amazing what those orange glasses can do…

In-Game Comments: Cal @ Oregon State



It's too early. Too early for football. And too early to be counting marine mammals at the beach, which is what I'll be doing come kickoff.


Working on a Saturday should be a felony. Since it isn't, I'm going to miss the first half hour of this game, which is always a scary proposition. You know what I mean. You rush home, throw your gear on the floor, hit the "on" button not knowing what to expect. You see a "14-0" score but it doesn't register; your eyes dart back and forth in a panic trying to figure out if it's the good guys. It all happens within nanoseconds. You look for cues. Why is the crowd so quite? Why is Riley shaking his head? Is that…Katz…in a sling? Finally, you settle down; you compute.

"*^U&G^&H#!@! Fire Banker!"

Nah, things are going to be alright (*insert HOUSE OF HORRORS cliche*)

Speaking of Halloween, what are you all dressing up as tonight? Around 5pm tonight I'll be Mark Mothersbaugh, energy dome and all.

Off to work.

Cheers, Beavlettes.

Fred Thompson Cleared & Recruiting Notes


He will begin participating during the winter term.

This is great news, as he's a legit DI defensive tackle. The thought of him and Castro side by side next season is intriguing, and will help many a Beaver fan sleep better tonight.

4-star prospect Stefan McClure is taking a glance at the Beavs and they will likely get a visit. They've made some headway with Viliami Moala, due to available playing time. I still don't see either being Beavers (McClure will likely be a Bruin, but possibly a Duck), but it's nice to see some 4-stars on the list. At the very least it gives us something to be excited about before the yearly disappointment that is signing day.

There have been a lot of rumors about Davon Moreland, saying he's a soft commit to SMU. There's no concrete reason to believe this; the rumor is based off the oddity of an LA kid committing to SMU. Agreed, it is strange Moreland committed to SMU, but he hasn't shown any sign of wavering, so these rumors are simply wishful thinking that recruiting sites dangle like a carrot in order to lure in new membership. Given his offer sheet, it's equally strange Moreland would commit to OSU.

Some basketball recruiting news: Nick Faust chose Maryland.