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Two for Two Today


The Beavers have moved Cameron Collins to linebacker, as I wrote they should do on August 15th. He could have been learning the position; that's two weeks wasted.

Moving the oversized-for-his-position Cameron Collins to MLB would have been the proper strategy this off-season. Collins is too bulky to be chasing down and/or covering WRs and TEs…[…]… Tuimaunei is making a push this fall.


My guess is that Roberson moves to MLB, while Pankey and Collins are outside. Poyer backs up #28, who has come on strong.

This is a smart move.

The Beavers defense just got a huge upgrade with Roberson at MLB. The criticism due is in questioning why it took this long to make the change.

Mark Banker Criticizes the Defense


This article simply cracks me up, mainly because it's exactly what I've been writing for three weeks.

Most of this blog's readership agreed with me, but a bunch of dissenters showed up vehemently denying there were problems with the defense, stating that the scrimmages only showcased the potency of the offense.

"Angry, you know nothing about football, I think the coaches know more than you and they aren't complaining about the defense!"

"Angry, you are an idiot, scrimmages mean nothing. You can't deduct anything from them!"

What I can deduct from that train of thought is that Mark Banker, too, must be an insane idiot who knows nothing about football. Right?

Looks like Angry is once again proven to be a Cassandra, as now the defensive coach has come out and essentially admitted that his defense (specifically the run defense) stinks, validating the past three weeks of my work. It makes me wonder what excuse the Pollyannas are going to come up with next. For those who are unfamiliar with the terms, here you go.

To be honest, I can't wait to hear the orange-colored optimists' new delusions (ironic, aren't the Cassandras supposed to be the delusional ones?). The mental disease that is fandom has become somewhat of a subplot on this blog. Isn't it interesting how more people are going to be concerned about the defense now that a person of authority said the defense is poor? Can you say The Milgram Experiments?

If I had to guess, I'd say that instead of admitting my assessment was correct, or of admitting that one need not be a coach to have a correct assessment, the new delusion will go something like this:

"Angry, Paea makes all the difference! He wasn't in the scrimmages!"


"Angry, the players are going to read that article and step up their game! You just watch!"

Or they'll stick to the notion that the offense, breaking in a new, sophomore QB, is just that good.

Can't wait.

Oh, and no need to say it: apology accepted.

Riley Quote on TCU


"I don't know, typical coaching paranoia sets in,'' said Riley when he was asked how good he feels about this first game.

 "We kind of go back and forth with that.'' 

As Riley said, the million dollar question is "what are they going to try to do to us in this game?''

TCU coach Gary Patterson knows, but he isn't telling.

Correct answer: "I feel confident in my team."

If you're the verbose type and need expounding: "Our offense gives them a lot to think about."

Riley's fear is palpable, and thus, it once again becomes clear he isn't the guy to lead us to the promised land. Riley hopes to win instead of demanding it or expecting it. Hate to have to write that since he's a great guy, but every time he opens his mouth he proves me right. Needless to say, it's disheartening to hear such deflating comments from the head coach just days before the most anticipated kickoff in recent history.

Pac-10 Predictions


1. Oregon-Opportunistic defense, team intensity, and uber confidence trickling down from the top. The QB issue isn't an issue. Remember: Justin Roper put up numbers in this offense, proving anyone can. Oh, and look at the Ducks first six games and tell me how they're not 6-0 and being hyped as a darkhorse National Title contender. Beaver fans: when you think you have enough barf bags buy one more.

2. Arizona-Other than the game @ Oregon, the schedule lines up aces. This league is still all about QB play, and Foles is the best in the conference. Arizona also sports an intriguing defense; it's loaded with high caliber JCs. Can all seven of those guys gel fast enough? Not sure, but I imagine they do to some degree. Legit contender in conference.

3. Oregon State-The Beavers have too much to overcome to win the conference. A green, sophomore QB, shaky run defense, and a remorseless schedule (forget the out of conference games, they also play 75% road games between October 9th and November 6th). The (poor) punting game, which could theoretically help mask shaky defense, isn't going to help the cause. The conference is down this year, a fact that will negate some of these problems, and the Rose Bowl motivation is omnipresent and cannot be discounted. But in the end, this is a flawed team. The Rodgers bros will their comrades to a 3rd place finish.

4. UCLA-I think I am one of the few who likes this squad. Prince improved in every game last year. The RB (Franklin) is good, and the defense has great potential with Datone Jones, Akeem Ayers, and Rahim Moore. Their special teams are rock solid. Dark horse team, and if Prince makes a quantum leap they're a conference contender.

5. USC-There are a lot of predictions that these guys are going to win the Pac-10. That is ludicrous. Coupled with the off the field turmoil, they severely downgraded at head coach and have an overrated QB. Fifth is generous and based solely on talent and reputation. The other 9 teams who were pushed around for a decade? Oh, they're going to be out for blood alright.

6. Washington-Jake Locker this, Jake Locker that. Jake Locker, sixth place.

7. Stanford-The loss of Toby Gerhart is huge. This team is not even average without him. A slow defense, an overrated QB with few weapons, and a head coach who is going to compound expectations (i.e. pressure) on his talent-starved squad by running his mouth.

8. California-The Pac-10 has become more defense oriented over the past five years, and that's been bad news for the Bears. A mediocre QB plus a new defensive coordinator should spell a down year in Berkeley.

9. Arizona State-Does anyone know what to make of this team? I sure don't. I do know that most of the players I see on paper either stink or are unknowns, and that's enough to warrant a 9th place finish in my blog.

10. Washington State-They are improving, slowly. Expect a lot of fight, improved D, and a solid ground game. The Cougs loathe being a mockery, and that just might be motivation enough to leapfrog Arizona State.

Second Scrimmage Blues


Now it's time to say good night
Good night sleep tight
Now the sun turns out his light
Good night sleep tight

-The Beatles

The second and final fall scrimmage is in the books. Sure, the fact that the defense gave up 182 yards and 3 touchdowns to a walk-on running back concerns me, but that's not where my rationale leads me tonight. No, what is most disconcerting is Beaver fan's reaction to the offensive bloodbath. They are actually excited that the offense is running roughshod. But more about that later.

Pleasant surprises from camp:

1. Katz has settled in nicely. He's going to make some terrible mistakes this season, but the best player at the position is starting, and that's all you can ask.

2. Jordan Jenkins appears legit. He's not as good as the defense is making him appear, but he's serviceable. It's hard to believe any defense in the Pac-10 would yield 182 yards and 3 tds to this player.

3. Mitch Singler will be a good possession receiver.

4. Obum is an engaging talent. I think his routes ultimately hold him back and make him a (goal line) specialist, or maybe even expect conversion to an Antonio Gates type TE.

5. Jordan Poyer can start.

The disappointments: well, you guys know my complaints about the defense, so I won't reiterate. Cliff Kirkpatrick, who both follows the team on a daily basis and watched the scrimmage, had this to say:

The defense, well, I’m worried. LB Dwight Roberson said stopping the run was an issue last scrimmage when Jenkins and Ryan McCants combined for more than 100 yards. This time Jenkins topped 100 on his own. He had runs of 41, 25 and 22 yards.


My opinion: Move Roberson to MLB with Doctor and Pankey at OLB. All things considered, it's the best possible corp. However, if history is an indicator, it's not going to happen. Riley won't start Doctor. At least not until he has a few losses under his belt and he becomes desperate. The more probable  "solution" will be a rotation at MLB (Wilson, Robinson, Unga) based on game situation. I still feel Unga is the most well-rounded of these three.

Back to Beaver fan real quick: their excitement over Katz toasting CBs for 60 yard bombs is akin to being happy your ace pitcher gives up back to back to back home runs in spring ball. It is not the norm, and it means something is drastically wrong. What it doesn't mean: that your team has the best QB and WRs on the planet. Do you realize how irrational that belief is? Having to outscore opponents is both a bad game plan and season strategy. Sorry to crash the parade.