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Recruiting Notes


1. As expected, Happy Iona will not be attending OSU due to academics. He was a DT and one of two 4-star recruits.

2. On a more upbeat note, Gio Bernard is considering OSU again. Apparently it’s between ND, UNC, and OSU, but since he’s opened up his recruiting again (after Brian Kelly was hired) you can pretty much write off ND. So, UNC or OSU. Distance vs family ties. I think distance will win this battle and he’ll wind up at UNC, or Miami might get involved again, but the odds of him landing at OSU have definitely been raised. I’d rate it 40% UNC, 35% OSU, 25% Miami (and a darkhorse).

3. Owa has written off USC and has Oregon in his final 4 (Nebraska, OSU, Oregon, UCLA). This is perhaps the most interesting nugget and let me explain why.

a. He’s not going to Nebraska. Someone probably got in his ear about Suh and has him thinking, but I’d put Nebraska’s chances at 1% right now.

b. UCLA seemed the team to beat for the past month, but it looks like it might be Oregon now, and this is why: the fact that he has two schools from Oregon in his final 4 screams one thing–he wants to play close to home. Since academic reputation and school prestige are important to Owa, I now think he has to be considered a Duck lean. The good news is that the final two schools are looking to be Oregon and Oregon State so the odds are probably fairly close, think something like 40% Oregon, 35% OSU, and 25%  UCLA. I think the drama in LA may hurt the weasel’s recruiting in general, since he’s known for similar antics and some recruits will have their eyes’ opened.

4. Quayshawn Buckley is no longer a Beaver. That lasted what, 3 days? It’s interesting timing, with a bunch of defensive players visiting this weekend. I think the Beavers know they have a few verbals in the bag. Expect DT Fred Thompson and Safety Ryan Murphy to commit on the trip, and keep on eye on news regarding Christian Thomas and Kirifi Taula–both have serious offers from around the PAC and serious interest in the Beavers. I would not be surprised to see either or both commit.

Leave it to OSU to Extend the Contract…


of a coach who doesn’t want to leave.

Funny that the blogs and papers are spinning the move as brilliant. Yeah, brilliant if you’re a masochist who enjoys being pinned into a corner with your hands tied behind your back. Hey, maybe that’s your thing. But I digress.

The truth is that it’s short-sighted to call this a good move. The Beavers are now committed to Mike Riley for 9 years, and if he continues to reach the Las Vegas Bowl, Emerald Bowl, and Sun Bowl, well, tack on another year for each of those. Essentially this is a lifetime contract for a man who didn’t want to coach anywhere else. Such a scenario begs the question: what motivates Riley now?

Is it reaching a bowl game higher than the Sun? I guess you can make that argument. But I know quite a bit about human psychology, and the fact is that people lose their passion, fire, and motivation when they have security. Insecurity, the energy that comes from the unknown and unstable, fuels momentum and greatness.

Another argument I’m sure to hear is that stability is good for recruiting. Sure, that is true. But Riley was locked in for 6 years, which I consider a pretty stable situation. Why add 3 more before you have to or even know if you want to? Remember 2005? Each of us was calling for Riley’s head. It happens annually after the slow starts and bad loses. Say we have back to back years like 2005 and Bronco Mendenhall comes on the market, then what?

The bottom line is that in the world of athletics it’s never good to tie your hands for this long. Was signing A-rod a smart move by Texas? What about Giambi and Oakland? What about Beltran and the Mets? I pose this question: when has a ten year contract ever been a success? It’s always disaster, because things go wrong over long periods of time. In this case it was especially stupid. Why? Because you have the horse’s mouth saying he was never contacted by USC and would have rejected their offer had he been contacted. And shame on Riley if that isn’t true. That is, if he was contacted and used it as leverage. He knows the athletic department is strapped for cash, so to lie about being contacted and hold your athletic department hostage would be a cold negotiating tactic. Before you praise Riley for being a good, shrewd businessman think about that.

This entry will be archived and in a few years people will want Riley gone after some bad games/seasons and say, “Angry was right.” I take pleasure in little things like that, but I also take pleasure in being wrong when if it benefits the Beavers. Unfortunately, history hints that this signing will be disaster, and the beautiful thing about patterns like that is they are unbiased and simply do not lie. Of course, now I’ve set myself up to have to defend the Joe Pa argument. Oh brother.

Pete Carroll Signs 35 Million Dollar Deal


According to sources on the USC insiders board.

This came out of nowhere. Had not heard a single thing about this until yesterday when Mora was fired, then all the sudden, boom, the best coach in the Pac-10 is plucked.

The move screams several things:

1. Pete’s been recruiting dirty for years and it’s finally catching up with him. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the NCAA come after USC for violations (e.g. Reggie Bush).

2. Pete has unfinished business in the NFL. I still think he’ll make a poor head coach in that league, however, as he doesn’t and can’t command the same respect from adults as he does kids.

As far as Mike Riley leaving for USC…well, apparently he’s one of their top 5 choices. I’d say this is true, and for two reasons:

1. Riley would never get a recruiting violation

2. Riley wins with little talent

While there may be a courtship here, in the end I really doubt he goes for it. Riley knows sanctions are coming. With OSU’s main competition in that kind of turmoil, his job at OSU becomes much easier. Most people think Riley won’t jump ship for the money. I disagree with that sentiment. Money motivates everyone. However, I think the quality of life, comfort level where he is, and shot at the school career win record ultimately win out. The man has maybe 4 or 5 years max left in the tank, so why would he uproot  his family and chase the dream job of a much younger man? He learned that lesson when he was said younger man and won’t make the error twice. Ultimately the exposure and (Riley) name-dropping will benefit OSU, as recruits and their families will see our ol’ ball coach is coveted by one of the most storied programs in the country.

Bottom line: chances Riley leaves are 5% in my mind–the only way it happens is if USC goes Godfather on us and offers Riley’s entire staff a lucrative offer he simply can’t refuse.

More Embarrassing Beaver Fan Posts


Regarding Texas putting in a freshman quarterback:

No doubt McCoy going down on the 4th snap changed the entire game and really put Texas in an almost insurmountable situation. But, how the heck can a program as “storied” as Texas not have ANYONE on the roster at QB behind McCoy better than an 18 year old true freshman? There isn’t a junior, soph or RS frosh who might have just a little more time with the program with any talent? I don’t care how much potential this kid may have; if he’s a true freshman and hasn’t been the starter, you don’t bring him in the national championship game. You bring in another QB who has more time in the system who knows more of the offense. Kind of shows short sightedness on Mack Brown’s part for not having a more prepared back-up QB. I feel for the Gilbert kid, this just isn’t fair to him at all.

What this says to me is that you have to be ready the minute you walk on the UT campus cause you won’t get better as you go through the system. Great recruiter. Poor developer of talent. I’d take Riley and OSU in a heart beat over UT if I want to grow as a QB.


Beavers I Dislike


There’s a sentiment in sports that if you like a team, you inherently like every player on said team. In an ideal world I’d like to agree, but the fact remains there are many personalities, playing styles, and ability on a roster and some are not going to jell well. For me it’s these guys:

Kevin Frahm–can’t stop the run, can’t rush the passer, looks over-matched versus division 2 schools (e.g. PSU). Hate the hair.

Keith Pankey–will never forgive this guy for the angle he took on Toby Gerhart in 2008. It was apropos, though, and Pankey’s career has essentially been that one play on repeat. He can’t tackle or cover yet he continues to start. Let me guess, Mike Riley knows more than me. Uh huh.

Ryan McCants–I haven’t completely given up on him, but I’m as close as you can get. Fumble problems, hesitant running, and the early Steven Jackson comparisons/hype (via Angie Machado) have made this guy a bust.

Wilder McAndrews–hate this guy. Never saw the logic in handing a broken-wristed guy a scholie. Luckily Riley’s patience is shot as well and he’ll be off the team soon.

Kreb Brothers–red-headed maladroits. Both are leaving the program. Yay.

Suaesi Tuimaunei–burned more than a Santa Barbara forest. Has no control over his body. Slow. No redeeming qualities. Found a niche on special teams, keep him there.

Unga Brothers–can’t get into these guys. I know a lot of people rave about them, but meh, I see mediocrity and more slowness.

Rueben Robinson–early, but I don’t like what I’ve seen.

Sean Martin–unimpressed with this guy’s game film. Played slow. Haven’t seen him in a game yet so the verdict is out, but it doesn’t look promising.

Kevin Cummings–I have nothing against this kid, haven’t seen any game film, etc. I just don’t like his measurables and the fact that he looks 40 years old in his Rivals photo. As of right now I don’t like him. That could change.

Malcolm Marable–hate this recruit. We’re chasing the little guys now looking for another James/Quiz. First it was Tremaine Thompson, now Marable. Seen this guy in person and he lacks speed, size, and shiftiness. Just a real reach.

So there you have it. The players above all exact ennui in me. Surely you have some of your own and want to vent, so go ahead.