As this article points out.
My questions are these:
- How does any decent human support “force” of any kind?
- Aren’t they implying students are too stupid to figure out how to treat people on their own?
- How do we as fans of the sports team continue to support a University that uses force and brainwashing, then at the same time claims college is a place to create well-rounded students and foster ideas. So it’s the old, “You can foster new ideas so long as they mesh with our ideas”, which is straight out of liberal boot camp.
It’s hard to ignore that almost every name on the SJW team is a woman, and that this is likely just an extension of feminism. As they note, if you have questions for the Development Team, please email Jennifer Dennis at
These satires proving scarily true. They’re hilarious and well-done.
And the great John Clease on the subject.
My suggestion is to that if you take issue with this then don’t support OSU in any way, financially. Now whether to support the sports teams by watching, that’s something I need time to think about. My initial reaction is I’m done with OSU, but we’ll see if that’s just a knee-jerk reaction or something I feel strongly about as time goes on. I find this repulsive, so it’s probably permanent.
The topic has been receiving alot of public backlash on twitter all week.
Seen several prospective students from all walks of life say they’ve crossed OSU off their list since reading about the forced social justice classes.
Good, but it won’t make a speck of difference in the end. Rather, the self-anointed “enlightened” people in favor of this whole thing will use it as (specious) evidence for why we need more of this training. After all, how can anyone be against “inclusion” and “diversity”? (Never mind what it actually means here or how it will be applied, or the double-standard it promotes, or the effects of these programs… nope.)
I only give a crap about the (usually crappy) sports teams because they are tied to OSU. If I don’t like OSU, I don’t care about its sports teams. Simple.
Remember, students, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything… unless it’s against white/male/cisgendered/heterosexual/Christian people. Then it’s a-okay :) If someone has a problem with that or points out the double-standard, they are an evil bigot deserving of re-education and/or ostracization. And if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem, so vocally witch-hunt away so everyone knows you’re one of the Good Guys!
(oops, I meant Good People – male, female, or of other identification, don’t sue me)
I haven’t read about the faculty behind this, but I would have to think Kathleen Stanley is involved? Anybody know?
She shoved anti-white male social justice propaganda down out throat back when I was at OSU in the late 90’s. Seemed very one-sided back then and this feels like an extension of those teachings. I always felt guilty of being a white guy in her classes.
Maybe you should file a Bias Incident Report. There is a button for Alumni. I’m sure everyone’s concerns will be treated equally regardless of the genders of parties involved, and they’ll get right on that. LOLOLOLOL
The list is there:
I don’t see her.
The overarching question is how the hell we’re supposed to support OSU sports when this is their Uni ideology.
Really, isn’t the question “how the hell are we supposed to support OSU” in any capacity?
Thanks for this angry, I’ve already sent 2 emails to Ms Dennis sharing my opposition. I’ve also sent links to the main article to all my friends who support OSU.
Holy shit, I thought Hildebeast would be bad…
Exactly. I’m done with OSU until this forced-PC crap ends. Which means I’m done pretty much forever, since 90% of it is to cover their spineless asses in case someone’s fee-fees get hurt on campus and they take it to Twitter or sue.
Nice to see Oregon State take a brave stand in favor of the free speech, independent thinking, and debate that should exist on college campuses. /sarc
Yes, but since I don’t support OSU in any other capacity, and would like to watch football this Fall, I’m asking just in a sports related sense.
It’s going to be hard not to watch the games, and yet it will be hard TO watch the games knowing those players [and every student in the stands] are going through indoctrination the university is forcing upon them.
It seems like this is a proposal and not set in stone. Let everyone who has ties to OSU know about this and encourage them to email Ms. Dennis and make sure Ed Ray is copied on the email. I have no problem if they offer this class as an elective, but forcing them to take it is ridiculous. Especially since this is a public university.
This stuff is not okay. If they want to have a class about social justice, fine. But to make it mandatory for all students is a HUGE over reach. Also, students already report harassment since that has been and still is a crime. So why the need to have it re-defined as a “bias incident”? That sounds creepily like thought police and it could easily be abused. I feel lucky to have graduated several years before people lost their fucking minds.
According to the Reason article:
“It will let them know about the Bias Response Team, which provides a website where students can report each other for perceived harassment.”
According to “tolerance” (LOL) .org:
“A bias incident is conduct, speech or expression motivated, in whole or in part, by bias or prejudice. It differs from a hate crime in that no criminal activity is involved.”
Alright so it really has nothing to do with harassment or actually committing a crime. It only has to do with people feeling offended by something and the need to control what people say. GOTCHA, that sounds cool guys. Nothing scary about that at all.
What people seem to forget is that people have a right to free speech, but they don’t have a right to not be offended. Tough luck?
As John Cleese said above, “Those who can’t control their own emotions begin to control others’ behavior.” That sums it up well. Anyone supporting SJW crap is a mini tyrant who wants to tell people what to do out of rage and/or superiority complex.
Liberalism – it’s a disease of the mind. It’s absolutely amazing and truly sad that so many people do not see this.
And for the record how could we have not seen this coming??? You guys are aware of how extremely liberal the Corvallis/Eugene/Salem and People’s Republic of Portland areas are aren’t you?
To me this is more a product of the regressive left, not liberalism, but I suppose you could argue they are now one and the same at this point.
I’m a fairly liberal person, and I wouldn’t call this truly “liberal”. It’s more “regressive left” like BeavGirl stated, using liberalism as a guise.
You can call it whatever you want. Regressive left is just a liberal sub group. Still liberalist thought and agenda. And still wrong.
Biggest problem I have is trying to control how people think. Liberalism is exactly the same as the church. Just the other end of the spectrum. Think about that and let it sink in
Right, well there are many other ideologies besides religion that try to control how people think. I don’t know the full history of liberalism and conservatism but at this point in the U.S. they both represent systems of controlling behavior and thought. Conservatism’s control comes from a religious morality (as you said) and Liberalism and/or regressive leftism comes from the guise of social engineering based on “equality” and “justice.” Not a fan of either since they both achieve the same thing–limiting people’s behavior, thoughts and choices.
Well said. And this is why some folks are so enamored with Trump. They’re tired of the same old bullshit from both sides. Why neither the libs or conservatives see and understand this is beyond me. People are fed up
Trump does not seem like a candidate who would ascribe to limited government and staying out of people’s lives so I think people are being sold on something with him. He was in favor of WI increasing taxes to fund their budget deficit for example. To me he actually seems like a big government candidate with undercurrents of Nationalism. I still can’t figure out whether the guy is actually a Republican or a Democrat lol. The parties are blending into one another and don’t really make sense. Candidates like Bernie and Trump are definitely a message to the political system that there are some major issues with the two party system as it stands.
Side note: As you can probably tell I have no fucking clue who to vote for (if at all) this upcoming election lol.
Hit the nail on the head, wsn. The far left simply cannot wrap its head around how it works: The more Trump makes their heads explode by rebelling against political correctness, the stronger his support becomes. They are used to shaming everyone, threatening with labels of bigotry and various -isms, and silencing people with even slightly-differing views.
An ever-growing segment of the American population is absolutely SICK of being told what to think and what to say, having to tiptoe around the proliferating eggshells and mines scattered about the arena of speech and thought. It is such social conditions created by the far left that allow even a joke of a candidate like the Don to become viable.
Hey Scotty, want to start a political blog against this movement? I’m kicking the idea around with some buddies. Might have bigger things to fight than the Riley thing now that we won that battle.
Scotty, totally agree with you on Trump. He is a great entertainer and frankly the way insults/shaming rolls off his back is admirable. More public figures (like stand up comedians for example) should follow Trump’s lead and be completely impervious to all the usual liberal shaming mechanisms.
The thing is, I don’t think the regressive left can last. Maybe I’m wrong but it seems like this shit is not sustainable and they will all wind up devouring themselves.
I’ve never heard of this “regressive left”, but it sounds like they blow, and are trying to make OSU blow.
I really don’t want to hate my alma mater, and I really want to be able to watch football games. This is a rough day.
if you do decide to dedicate a blog against this idea and the social justice warriors, be prepared to be called a racist, homophobe, bigot or any other label they like to throw out to “small minded people” in the eyes of those that do not conform to their thoughts and ideas. They’ll dig up any information they can on you to smear your name. With these people/group, the end justifies the means.
Sorry, but I have little will to spend a lot of energy fighting it. This crap is inevitable. As much as I would like to believe these reverse-bigoted hypocrites will devour themselves, I see little chance of that happening. Take a look at Europe and the crap they have to deal with there, having travelled much farther down the liberal PC road than even we have. I could post a dozen links to news articles ignored by the PC media illustrating this, but if you aren’t already aware, you are wilfully ignorant and probably beyond hope, anyway.
Want to know why this will persist? The threat of lawsuits. Organizations don’t want to risk a civil rights/discrimination suit and the corresponding press, whether the plaintiff has a legitimate case or not. Therefore, they parrot the PC groupthink to be one of the “good guys”. I know a woman who was a manager and wanted to fire two woefully underperforming minority employees but didn’t for fear of getting sued. This is America, ladies and gentlemen.
Of course, contacting people’s employers, smear campaigns, and harassment are also in the Ends Justify The Means bag of dirty SJW tricks. If you want a career, you better fall in line. Hail Political Correctness.
Actually, U of O, OSU and PSU are liberal. Salem always votes conservative. Republicans always win for governor in every county statewide except Lane, Benton, and Portland’s tri county area.
I’m sort of indifferent on this. I transferred into OSU this past Fall and had to do mandatory sexual harassment and sexual abuse “training” via online modules. I honestly haven’t looked to deep into this “Social Justice Training”, but it sounds like OSU is using the same formula as with the sexual harassment/abuse, but with a different topic.
I do think this is mostly done by OSU to cover their arse, started because of complaints about pro-Trump chalk messages. I saw/ heard of some of those messages and the worst one I know about said “We’re going to build a wall! Trump 2016”. To my knowledge, there was nothing that was explicitly anti-immigrant or Muslim, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I think most of the offense being taken had to do with interpretation of the messages rather than outright racism/xenophobia or whatever you want to call it.
Of course you’re indifferent — your avatar is a Swedish flag. Lol.
We don’t roll like that, though.
Damn. Got me there. At least I’m not as indifferent as the Swiss.
It’s not in response to the Chalkening that recently happened; this has been brewing for some time; things really heated up after race-bias incidents at OSU – the Oklahoma edition last spring. Then again here on campus it ramped up ever farther with November’s Speak Out in Gill Coliseum.
The Chalkening had little to do with this at all, except give some folks a more specific item by which to be triggered.
Thing is, if someone had chalk-written “Let everyone in! Bernie 2016”, there would be basically no reaction. How horrible that someone dare promote national border enforcement. How evil and over-the-top. Oh the shame. Someone supports a political candidate backed by tens of millions. Gee. How will we ever recover and move on with life.
Some thin-skinned people complain, and now everyone has to pay their tuition money to have ideology crammed down their throats? Even if it’s CYA (which it probably largely is) doesn’t make it right. An educational institution like OSU should remember the lessons of history regarding appeasement, stifling of free speech, and witch-hunts, but apparently not. Disgusting.
It’s pretty amazing people are getting so riled up over politicians in any partisan context, btw, when the current crop of candidates ALL blow.
All great Countries control their borders. It’s the norm.
It’s freaking impossible to get into Switzerland, for example, but is anyone getting all over the Swiss? Nope.
What’s worse than the wall Trump wants to build is the fact we already have internal walls/border controls — they’re called “Check points”, where they stop sovereign citizens and their right to freely travel (on roads they paid for, by government goons they’re paying to stop/search them).
Need to know your rights and tell them “no”. Most of the stuff they do at “checkpoints” is not legal. They try to intimidate folks into doing what they want them to do. Like Cleese said, “1984” and jack boot tactics at play.
And, people, its only going to get worse!
Oh, I know my rights, but the problem is many don’t, and they allow the check, which then sets precedent and a snowballing attitude of “well if you have nothing to hide just let they check you” that’s hard to stop.
Always know your rights, because the cops either don’t know the law, or they know and don’t care.
Fun one from right down in Eugene:
Thus the reason I have a CHL and carry concealed. Don’t have to worry about someone getting all butthurt at the sight of a gun on my hip. I have no problem with those that wish to openly carry. Does not scare or offend me at all. But you’re just asking for trouble imho. And that’s trouble I prefer to avoid.
Edit: I watched the video. The guy was totally right. He wasn’t breaking any laws or doing anything wrong. I laughed when the officer said something like, you do realize that people see a man walking around with a gun and they might not understand the law or get scared or concerned.
My response would have been, well…………no one gets concerned or bats an eye at you walking around in public with a gun on your hip in full display of everyone.
Yeah open carry is tactically stupid, I’ll keep mine concealed. But he knew his rights and twisted that cop’s titty with em. I thought it was funny.
It might be tactically stupid, but isn’t it considered gentlemanly to disclose/open carry and kind of ghetto to close carry?
#1 rule, if you find yourself in a fair fight your tactics suck. I don’t give a rat’s ass what’s gentlemanly or ghetto, I won’t be giving up the element of surprise that I’m armed and lose all chance of getting the jump if things go sideways.
I like the way WFO thinks. I personally think waving your gun around is irresponsible gun ownership. And I think this in the literal and metaphorical sense.
Yes and no. They like to use this thing called “probable cause” to justify getting around search warrants. It’s a slippery slope and one most citizens are going to lose in a court of law. I’m not saying all authority figures are bad. But I’ve seen a police officer “make something up” or “stretch the truth” to get around a warrant. It’s called the art of persuasion. And something all law enforcement, lawyers, politicians etc are well versed in
Yep, and if you don’t obey, they throw a dog on the car and say it gave a positive, etc. Next thing you know you have ten officers balls deep in the junk in your trunk.
All great Countries control their borders. It’s the norm.
Agreed. And I have the immigration reform solution. It’s fair to all parties involved currently here illegally. It’s so simple but yet I have heard not one politician even mention it. If average Joe idiot can come up with this simplistic idea it’s incomprehensible that a politician is so short sighted that none of them have.
I’m on the toilet right now, but I’m going to have a fun time smearing shit all over this thread.
You gonna smear it on your own walls first? To see if it sticks?
Yeah, no reason to treat this thread differently than all the others :)
here’s some food for thought. From a highly liberal rag mind you, but he’s not wrong….
I am all for free thought, speech, choices, decisions etc. I for one do not like being told what I can or cannot say, how I must conform, live my life and raise my children. Fuck all that. I am so sick and tired of the hypocrisy being spewed by both the liberals and conservative christians. But until they all start shutting their mouths and opening their ears, nothing will ever change or be accomplished.
Here’s the hypocrisy at it’s finest.
Christians – “homosexuality is a sin”. Hate or intolerance because someone believes differently than you.
Liberals – “Christians are homophobes. They hate gays because they believe it is immoral and a sin.” Isn’t that quite one in the same?? Hate or intolerance because someone believes differently than you?
Ask a muslim baker to make a cake for a gay wedding and he refuses, no one bats an eye. Because they’re muslim and believe something different than you or I. A christian bakery owner does the same and everyone loses their shit? Because they believe something differently than you or I? Until some of these individuals learn to stop acting like spoiled children that don’t get their way, this shit show will continue. Frankly it scares the shit out of me to think that some of these SJW will be running the country soon.
Here’s an idea, try treating people based on how they treat you. Regardless of skin color, who they fuck in the privacy of their own home or what little man in the sky they pray to. If more people followed this rule we’d all be better off. Everyone needs to take a look in the mirror.
This concludes your public service announcement
Brilliant article. They should add that to the social justice training, since it points out discrimination. Oh wait, but that’s the approved kind of discrimination – never mind! Carry on!
They should talk about the modern day version of white knight syndrome, too. Where beta males pretend to support feminists issues just to get female attention and pray that leads to vagina action, which of course it never does, because what type of female respects a guy like that? None.
Does that have anything to do with a sprained vulva?
this was a south park episode. PC principal. The PC does not stand for politically correct….
Your argument is flawed in multiple ways.
Your Christians vs Liberals argument is a non-sequitur. When Christians say homosexuality is a sin, they tend to have actions that build on that. I remember for Measure 36 in Oregon in 2004, churches would get together and encourage their congregations to vote a certain way, which ultimately outlawed gay marriage until a few years back. You see how these things have power and unity behind them? People simply stating that “Christians are homophobes” aren’t making a hateful statement, it is a declaration that needs to be addressed. Those people saying that don’t usually have the power to bring down or disadvantage Christians.
When is the last time that Muslim baker decided to not make a cake for a gay wedding? That would surely make the news. In addition, Christians are the dominant religion and have an infrastructure in place that advantages them. People of Islam do not have this same setup. They are the chastised and are still looked down upon and stereotyped. They do not have a support system built to protect them.
The Muslim bakery thing was some comedian pretending to be one of the gays and going to bakeries in Michigan and getting the run-around. None of the bakeries actually said no, but about half essentially said no.
Hate is hate. Period. There is no flawed argument
Then hunt them, not Britain.
I think I went soft for the first time in a 5000 years.
This sucks. We have no good sports teams this year. At least in the sports I watch. I tried getting into WBB but I can’t watch that crap. Tired of OSU athletics never competing for anything tangible.
Maybe we’ll be #1 at social justice warrioring.
maybe that’s what Oregon State university should change their name to? The Oregon State University Fighting Social Justice Warrior(ettes). Oh shit! Wait. Can’t use Warriors as that’s offensive to native americans. How about the Oregon State University Non Offensive, Non Denominational, Trans gendered friendly, anti biased, non homophobic, fighting, but peaceful protesting, as long as you agree with us, social justice pushers of society.
What would our mascot look like? And what would go on the helmets?
Mascot = Sprained Vulva
Feminists do not approve of your shenanigans
What would our mascot look like?
A fairy?
And our cheerleaders would all look like RuPaul.
For the first time in decades I have no real connection to any of the current football players. Nobody stands out as a go to guy or a known commodity. I have no “favorite” players on this team. I would not be able to tell anyone “this is what the beavers do” as we have no real specialty, very little scheme that can be described. No discernable strengths or weaknesses besides personnel. It’s like “we’re gonna run some random plays that we’ve seen other teams run, but we’re gonna do it with a roster composed of lightly regarded tweeners and big sky/D3 level prospects.”
Are you one of the football coaches?
Coach Baldwin?
Ryan Nall could give the run game an identity. A few of the WRs do, too. There are a few guys on D who are intriguing (that Napoleon guy looks like a beast, for example). When it’s closer to opening day I’ll give a full list of guys who will make a difference, but I don’t think you’re totally accurate. Will it be a bad team? Probably…many of these guys are undersized and need another year of development. I think it will be better than last year with the sprained v at QB, though.
Does the “D” stand for downer?
then there’s this little gem I read about in the paper this week. Way to go Oregon
I’m trying to find an actual university webpage that confirms this class but I can’t seem to find it. Are we sure this is an actual thing?
It’s a proposal that will likely take effect:
This is a really interesting discussion and I applaud Angry for posting this. Here is a (really long) essay on Vox by Emmet Rensin that you may find interesting. Personally I am politically homeless. I am not “centrist” but find myself embracing ideas from many (not just two) sides. I abhor the idea that I have to choose a side. Pick a team and swallow the platform whole or have no place in their ranks.
This thing is just an online module you could finish in 25 minutes. I just graduated from OSU, and I could really care less if I had to do one of these.
I think you’re missing the point. It’s not about how quick and convenient it is, it’s about indoctrinating students with political ideologies, likely in a manner that allows for no real debate or non-conformist objections.
Oh, and don’t be fooled by the innocuous-sounding buzzwords. If you’ve ever seen how these matters are presented and “violations” selectively enforced (never mind the forced indoctrination), you know they are NOT innocuous.
It’s a bit like the “Patriot” Act (how can you be against the country? are you a terrorist sympathizer?) in that they try to frame the language in a way that the words themselves stifle dissent.
I agree that there is a real risk of stifling debate in this instance. I think it’s important that students are still educated about the problems with discrimination etc. because it definitely existed during my time there, and I’m not referring to the Trump chalk thing.
*Sorry, that was meant to be Trump.
There will probably be some redeeming content hiding in the courses. Doesn’t outweigh the encouragement of persecuting those with non-PC beliefs based solely on one’s own feelings (see Bias Incident Report Form) and the double-standard about which groups get to speak freely about which groups.
I found the most egregious instances of bigotry in my ethnic studies courses at OSU, and they were officially sanctioned. Even the course about a minority group to which I belong left quite a bad taste in my mouth. Constant embrace of victimhood and a one-sided pointing out of every ill majority groups have engaged in does not bring people together. It drives us apart.
Just announced they are changing their name from Oregon State University to Oregon State Diversity.
This has been going on for a while, albeit not in such a brazen manner. When I was a student there, everyone was forced to take a “Difference, Power, and Discrimination” course where we basically got force-fed SJW logic no matter which class was taken. I just said what the professor wanted to hear and got an easy A out of it, but I see now that they feel one class isn’t enough. A ton of students aren’t going to like this, and we’ll likely see some sort of rebellion from it.
Worst of all is that this is probably going to come to most of the PAC-12 universities if it hasn’t already. Oregon, USC, Washington…none of them will be exempt.
Angry, you should start that political blog. The more forces allied against this kind of tyranny on the web, the better. There’s lots of places (like Kotakuinaction on Reddit) where people have organized to push back against this kind of thing, and having more voices always helps.
The article sounds like case of conclusion in search of evidence.
Having a traditional web forum layout would be conducive to having more effective off-topic/political discussions such as this. Things get buried and forgotten about in the layout we have currently once a new article is posted.
Angry, I know you were tinkering around with the site a couple of months ago. Any thoughts or progress on that front? I like the color scheme you have now (creates a good identity–ha), so as long as the site isn’t as ugly as Pure Orange you should be good IMO. I’m just thinking out loud here. Anyone else have some thoughts as we broaden the conversations on AngryBeavs beyond athletics?
Somewhat off topic but this has been trending on Reddit today:
“Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News”
“Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section, according to a former journalist who worked on the project. This individual says that workers prevented stories about the right-wing CPAC gathering, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, and other conservative topics from appearing in the highly-influential section, even though they were organically trending among the site’s users.”
I’m not even “conservative” and I find this shit really gross. imo this is worse than a traditional news network injecting its own bias into their programming (which is definitely bad too.) This on the other hand is actively suppressing topics individuals are discussing on FB which feels more like active censorship.
Interesting story about a new ticket sales model OSU is starting this year, where a certain small group of buyers can elect to pay a small monthly flat fee and have access to all osu events. Only 300 people are allowed to sign up, and they have to be recent graduates.
Sorry, meant to post in one of the general threads
I ended up signing up for this and so did a friend. Its perfect for those of us in Portland that want to go to a lot of games (football) but not all of them due to the crazy times. You also get access to all other events the beavers host including the far west classic and dam city events. Its extremely reasonable too.
I’m assuming it’s just a one year trial deal at that price point, to track the behaviors of the ticket owners. Any idea where your seats would be located for football/basketball? If you have friends going, can you sit near them or do you have to stick to an area segregated for other flex ticket owners?
I messaged the ticket office and listened to (I forget who it was that the Joe Beaver Show had on) a interview earlier where they said this was just to get it started and that it would be available to renew. It sounds like their demographic is people like myself that are somewhat recent graduates living int he Portland area that will want to go to many games but not all.
They said you will be asked prior to games if you want to go and if you say yes you will get a ticket. Depending on whats out there you may get front row or many be nose bleeds. I think its a sweet deal at that price as I was paying more than that for my football season tix. Now I won’t have a problem not going to some games and can actually go to what ever bball and baseball games I want as well at not added cost.
I think this is kind of a big deal and that some other universities might go this wrought too that aren’t located in major cities.
As to the friends, if you have other friends that sign up, you can group up to 4 people in a “squadron” (cheesy, I know) and one person gets designated the leader and makes the ticket requests. Everyone would sit with each other in the squadron.
Is Jack sick or did they catch the little pedophile and lock him up?
Fuck you.
We all know I’m no Jack(s) fan, but that’s not cool
que the social justice warriors
Suck my 10″ dick, is that “cool” enough for you? “Cool”, are you in high school? Grow up, boy.
I am doing it now.
And here I am doing it again.
Oh look… your unicorn is in my mouth once again.
Jeff Perry was the only person who introduced pederasty to this blog before now… minus your general Jared, Sandusky and Catholic priest references. If you are Jeff, then I call typical. If not, then you can hope you never ever act upon your ideations in view of me or anyone who thinks like me. Nutless pricks have no place in my world.
Wow. You guys man.
First off, your source is already biased in description, so those students who have crossed OSU off their lists are probably students we don’t want anyway. They clearly can’t do their own research.
Secondly, did you guys even read the damn PDF file that came from the university? I feel as if most of you did not. It’s not a class students have to pay for, it’s a quick online set of modules that you get through.
Saying that you’re “done” with a university that encourages forward thinking and equality speaks more about you than it does the university. It’s not like we’re going “PC” or whatever crap you’re spewing. We are simply giving students tools so they make sure they understand the context of who they are and how they *might* stand to benefit or me disadvantaged by pre-existing conditions like their gender or race.
The university does not plan to indoctrinate students and force one way of thinking. It stands to give people more knowledge from which to be better people to each other.
So why not call it “Applied Victimhood” training? That is the essence of the message. A bunch of hogwash.
You’re incorrect in stating that it’s “applied victimhood” training.
From the release: “This training initiative is intended to provide all students entering Oregon State University an orientation to concepts of diversity, inclusion and social justice and help empower all OSU students to contribute to an inclusive university community.”
Where you getting victimhood out of this? You’re extrapolating super far. All I can get out of it is that they want students to realize how their words and actions can make other students feel unsafe or unwelcome. That’s an important concept.
Not it’s not. It is creating mega pussies via “micro aggressions.” Unless somebody tells you they are going to kill or beat the shit out of you, how can words make you unsafe? Because somebody has different views? Grow a pair.
You’re not safe snowflake. Welcome to Earth.
The article’s source is biased (much like the courses will be, mind you) but it links directly to the Oregon State sources.
If you believe the rest of the stuff you spewed and refuse to see the double-standards in the application of the education and policies that arise, plus the other negative effects it has (on minorities included), I’m not going to even bother. BeavGirl’s post regarding “Bias Incidents” (which is exactly what OSU is calling them – straight from the source) sums a lot of it up well enough, and I’m not writing another essay here on the rest.
You could also stand to read that article on liberal smugness because you’re pulling the old “everyone who disagrees with me can’t do their own research” blah blah… tiresome. Just enough. If you disagree, fine, but I’m tired of the old “you’re ignorant/bigoted/blah blah”. I’ve spent waaaaay too much time looking into these phenomena, which is how my opinions on it changed to begin with. I used to be where you are, so I understand. I don’t even blame you.
Let’s put that shoe on the other foot for a change: If you think there is no political agenda or indoctrination going on with college campuses, these modules just the latest example, you are the ignorant one. We’ll have to agree to disagree because no way are we changing each other’s mind here.
From Davidson College’s site, these are the types of things that would be addressed:
Racial and Ethnic Stereotype Theme Parties – Student organizations and Greek letter organizations that host theme parties or Halloween parties that encourage people to wear costumes and act out in ways that reinforce stereotypes create a campus climate that is hostile to racial and ethnic minority groups.
Bias in the Classroom – Professors who make pejorative comments or stereotypes about a protected class of people, i.e. females, religious minorities, racial minority groups, or people with disabilities are also guilty of commiting a bias incident. Because of the power dynamics that exist between students and professors, students may be reluctant about confronting the professor about the offense fearing that it may negatively affect their grade in the class.
Harassing Comments in the Work Place – Making sexual comments, jokes, or gestures may create a hostile work environment. Even displaying pictures and items that convey sexually inappropriate messages may also contribute to the climate in the work place. Various people can be negatively affected by these comments and images, including bystanders.
Do these not seem like incidents that should be covered and addressed? The environment we create can have a profound effect on how students will be able to be successful in what they are doing.
There is a political agenda for college campuses. They HAVE to be supportive, and welcoming, and a safe place. If they are not, and become hostile, then the reputation as a place for intellectuals goes down. So if you want to call the modules biased for giving students more information about what can cause a hostile environment, then by all means.
So your saying none of those things if happened right now at OSU would be addressed? They would just shrug and tell the person to walk it off? You’re high, it would be on the news by Wednesday. And by the way bias in the class room is already happening against white males. Do you think this new program will help them? Not a chance in hell.
Lest we not forget that some of these alleged “bias” cases at college campuses across the country were completely fabricated and never fucking happened.
“Safe place” on a campus used to mean somewhere you’re physically safe and can safely express ideas.
They’re twisting “safe space” to be somewhere everyone else has to protect your feelings. (Rather, everyone must protect minority members’ feelings – minority members can get away with saying remarkably bigoted, aggressive things.) It’s patronizing, ultimately divisive, and fosters a generation of people who think virtually ALL their problems are someone else’s fault. It’s a siren song that is easy to succumb to, as I did in the past. It didn’t help me. It set me back. Only by rejecting the poor me, evil white people default mindset was I able to get past some obstacles in my life and grow.
It also fosters a generation scared to speak honestly and openly with others for fear of inadvertently causing offense and the resulting consequences.
I have one foot in each group, and I firmly believe these (probably) well-intentioned policies do more harm than good. Never mind the free-speech and other ideological arguments.
“Professors who make pejorative comments or stereotypes about a protected class of people, i.e. females, religious minorities, racial minority groups, or people with disabilities are also guilty of commiting a bias incident.”
What in the Fuck is a “protected class of people”?
Isn’t this supposed to be a constitutional republic, where personal liberty as laid out by the Bill of Rights is the law of the land? All men created equal? Freedom of speech? Or does that now only apply to offended minority groups?
Agreed. That language is more than weird and likely not a sustainable policy under scrutiny. While those groups deserve not to be attacked in any way, that’s because they are consumers of a public service at great personal cost. Anyone who pays that cost should be afforded that comfort.
Is there a list somewhere that identifies these “protected” classes? If there is one, what are the metrics for choosing said classes?
I just can’t wrap my head around it.
We are all protected by the constitution. We all have the same rights. No where in that constitution does it say that anybody has a right to not be offended by the words or actions or opinions of another person. Quite the contrary, the words and actions and opinions are actually what is specifically protected.
Seems like the university could add some actually useful required classes like personal finance, to help better prepare it’s students for the real world.
Skills like how manage credit card and student loan debt after college, how to purchase a home, how to create a budget. I think that would actually benefit students once they leave the school and have to face the harsh realities of the unfair world.
While I agree that we should have personal finance and management courses, you are pulling a really lame trick. You’re diverting attention from the issue at hand. “actually useful” and “harsh realities of the unfair world” gives you a sarcastic tone.
It’s not a trick. I’m sarcastic by nature
I think you violated his safe space…………………sarcasm is soooo hurtful.
And sarcasm is bad because…..?
The sarcasm is ancillary. I think he meant it was a tell. But it’s still ancillary.
But he is correct about the red herring.
Honestly, that stuff should be taught in high school. Among many other important life skills…
Whether you like it or not, the fact of the matter is that public universities are inherently liberal. They must serve the general public so they must create an environment that is inclusive of all students.
Problem is, they are selectively “inclusive”.
I go off grid and come back to a festival of sprained vulvas… over future perceived sprained vulvas? A sort of pre-emptive spraining, I guess?
You guys keep using the group-think term SJW… and other cutesy, inefficient and conversationally corrupt terms that are related. I see the same on the other side. And then I see someone conflating being a homophobe with just calling a homophobe what s/he is?
Magnificently confusing!
What, to you, is a SJW? Are you being intentionally corrupt in your language because you think it’s funny or belittling?
It’s not. It’s confusing and stupid, just like what John Cleese says above… just like George Carlin talks about. People take the good ideas that actual warriors for social justice wielded in the past and distort them to the point of this stupid confusion.
Christians who cite poorly translated texts in order to specifically do what Jesus (or whatever the hell his name was) tells them not to do? Wtf, man? Gandhi was a SJW. MLK Jr., Chavez, Mother Theresa… this Pope Frank guy… those are warriors who fight the good fight. We don’t have to agree with all of what they say or do. But they’re closer to the truth than we are.
And too often we have to read about or watch as someone who views these people whose ideas made them great takes the person to be a figurehead for something they never would have endorsed. So keep the short-hand for your groupthink, and I’ll just replace the W with whiner.
Y’all are a bunch of SJWs.
Someone above suggested that there exists a manager who does not know how to discipline, train, document and fire poorly producing employees. What do I think when I read this? I think this manager does not know how to be a manager. Is that a hateful or intolerant statement? Or is it just what it is? Shouldn’t a manager know how to manage? Why would you have any fear of firing someone who refuses to become minimally efficient? I don’t. I do it all the time, and I give reasons. It’s not different as an independent contractor or in the corporate world. You have documentation outlining your employment contract. You abide by it, or you suffer specific consequences.
It seems pretty clear some of you don’t know what truly happened with the gay cake deal. And no… I’ve never heard anyone say anything about Muslims refusing to make the same vehicles of evil propaganda… ever… not several dozen times in one day… not in a car… not in a tree.
When a patron of a bakery wanted her favorite bakery to make a cake for her wedding, she got shot down because of discrimination. Never mind that her money was good there until it wasn’t. It’s just law in this state that your public dealings are borne of equity under the law. That was in the law when you applied for a business license. And it should be that way everywhere in this country after reading the COTUS. You have a right to say anything you want in your business. But you don’t have the right to refuse service because of fairy tales that are incorrect at their root (see: difference between pederasty and homosexuality and biblical translations).
If that patron would have been told, “I have beliefs that say what you are about to do is a sin, but I’ll make you the best damn cake anyone has ever made,” would said patron still have the cake made there? Would anyone do that at a Muslim bakery? I would tend to not have something made somewhere I think they might pee or spit in the food. Mmmm… McDonald’s.
But maybe that’s just me?
Anyhoo… that’s not what the bakery did. And the patron filed a complaint with BOLI. Yippee! Now they’re headed for some probationary slap on the wrist, a public apology and an offer to make the cake which will be politely refused because feelings were hurt… and the wedding was months ago.
But that’s also not what the bakery did. They decided to go out on social media with the personal info of the claimant. They went all scientology on the person whose money they decided was no longer any good in their world. It happens on both sides. You know it’s harassment when you’re receiving death threats, let alone silent calls. Besides being a bullshit way to go about life, those tactics are also illegal. It’s just hard to prove anything that isn’t pasted all over social media with specific laughter at specific incidents and inducing further such behavior.
Which path do we think our cuddly little victim-bakery took given their past intelligent moves?
Yeah. They just went all dickhead, and they didn’t even try to hide it until suddenly the former patron filed a lawsuit and BOLI told them to shut the fuck up. And then they took that perfect advice and complained that they were being told to shut the fuck up because they are good Christians.
I need a smfh emoji.
I guess whatever grift pays the bills without breaking further laws is okay. More power to them. It’s not like I hear dailly anything about how white males should make their own country clubs and see how that makes minorities and women feel (actual argument someone who thinks he isn’t a victim of groupthink came up with one day).
When it comes to this training, I think it’s just liability coverage. The university has to show that it levels the field for the students. And part of that is hearing the views of others with whom you wouldn’t normally spend time. That way you don’t have to claim ignorance when you offend someone. You can say you meant to do so. That way you avoid the whole “PC” argument and cut straight to the chase. And you can also be armed with information to combat other Bowdlerisms.
Oh yeah… you guys think it’s a new and exclusive phenomenon. That’s okay. It happens to everyone once?
30 years ago, the stupid one du jour was “rule of thumb” being sexist. We used actual language and history to put that one down. But I wouldn’t touch a bet that you couldn’t go find someone who is blogging/troping it somewhere out there. Another one at that time was driving around and dragging people who looked gay out of their cars and beating them in the street… and having local cops look the other way.
Good times. It makes me wonder how conservative professors can feel like a gay man in Mississippi in the 50s. Weren’t they stopped on some bogus traffic charge then driven to the woods or swamp and buried or fed to the wildlife. I fail to see that equivocation.
So if you think anyone is hiding behind words like equality, liberty or justice, remind yourself that those words have specific meanings. The videos were alright. They were a little over-acted and sparsely comedic. But they kept a good pace. I just couldn’t suspend reality enough to allow for privileged white women to be born into a world without any white males… and a couple other absurdities.
Bottom line, you have the freedom to say what you want (minus fire in a theater and blah blah blah). People also have the right to hear what you say and react however they want about it. They also have the right to assemble and protest if they so choose. Could it be for silly reasons? Maybe it’s legit, but oops my bad? Maybe it’s legit, and fuck ’em anyway? Maybe it’s bogus, and I can easily counter the lack of reason?
And what I think most of you miss when some of these celebrities speak about being against “PC” is that they all believe that there are underlying issues which can’t be corrected by just changing the language… that it actually confuses the issue more than it helps. It’s a distraction in itself. And I would say it’s a cynical play for power and/or money, just like the SJWs you all like to link. Face it. It’s a cottage industry with all sides benefiting from detente. The pendulum will never swing so far away from the constant struggle in Eurasia that all the people who make money off said pretend struggle can’t continue to keep making money or gaining or retaining notoriety or power.
You give this “article” and its subject too much credit. If you want to talk about universities forcing students to do anything, why not talk about how you need to buy a certain book for a class to receive a grade instead of sharing books?
Forcing, my ass. Right ass? Where is A@A? I saw he posted something above.
I do have a question about these modules. Do students receive credits for completing them? I don’t understand why a school would use a learning tool to teach about something and not give the consequential reward for said learning. I know students don’t have to stand in line… uphill both ways… for four days while registering for classes any more. But how can you have a teaching unit without the incentive of a credit? Or is this just some ten minute online doohickey that nobody would pay attention to were it not for SJWs getting their panties in a bunch over it?
It has become political, that’s the problem. Don’t like gays? Muslims? Lazy assholes on welfare? Your an homophobic, xenophobic,rasicts, sexist republican. It doesn’t matter who you are or what political party you identify with…..your a scumbag republican. And how do you stop a Republican? Forcing them to take a mandatory class on how your a bad person because you don’t agree with them. No discussion, no debate.
You had me up until you said republican. I fail to see what that has to do with anything.
Calling someone who hates gays a homophobe is not hateful. Calling a tree a tree does not exhibit hate for the tree. Why does calling a homophobe a homophobe do such? They choose to be one. Should they not be proud to be what they choose to be?
Again… what does that have to do with what party someone belongs to? I think you’re blaming correlation for causation here.
And education is how you combat ignorance, not some political party. Even von Humboldt agrees that one cannot have true liberty without being minimally educated. Or have we all forgotten some of the basics?
We’re did I say hate? Not liking something one does not agree with does not make one phobic. I can understand the correlation/causation angle, but it’s a hallmark of the left. And I agree on the education part. But forcing students to take a “class” (I admit I’m not sure what the diffrence is) is not right. Forcing them to conform to Ideas they may not agree with, is not right.
Whiskey claims calling a spade a spade is hate. Your interesting reference to scumbag repubs lends support to that canard. I’ve not heard it being packaged that way on any forums over the years. That’s why I suggested some may see causation within correlation.
You and I and anyone with any sense know party has no place in the discussion. There is always a percentage of people in any demographic who act and think irrationally, the bad apple thing.
But I think you’re on to something proper here. The use of the suffix -phobic is likely incorrect when labeling most of those irrational people. It would suggest a pathology instead of the irrational ignorance it is. To be sure, there are people who have actual anxiety. So there does exist an actual homophobia. But we’re wrong when using it as a blanket term for negative attitudes as well.
The same could be said of Islamaphobia, a term I’ve never liked. The ignorant and hateful might be afraid of Muslims. But their irrational ideations of fear don’t manifest in a loss of motor and mental function due to anxiety. More likely they get aggressive and go yell at the local Ahab they see on the street every day… never caring enough to know they just went all jagoff on a Sikh.
Does anyone know more about the clinical designation for an irrational fear which manifests as aggression rather than anxiety? That clarification interests me.
tl;dr, Jack also has sprained vulva seeing how much he wrote about what ever he actually wrote.
And you would know how?
By a holy wall of text.
That makes little to no sense.
muck like all of your posts
>When Jack writes an over 1500 word essay and calls out sprained vulvas
1500 word essay? You counted? Please explain the relevance.
I spent 10-15 minutes typing stream of consciousness and no proofreading.
Whaddya want? You want for me to break down every silly sprain on the thread? They are hilarious and far outnumber my words. Oh… and a lot of them are redundant.
“I spent 10-15 minutes typing stream of consciousness and no proofreading.”
Yep, well that much is obvious.
I took one look at how much was written and said to mysefl, “sefl, you’re not fucking reading that”
This would be different from your m.o. how?
\the same as your psycho babble that says nothing and means the same
Is that your final answer?
Tl;dr, but at least now I know why this page was taking forever to load
*Ti; wr
TL;DR – I looked it up. Apparently it means “Too Lazy; Don’t Read.”
Angry have you ever thought about putting a “skip Jack’s comments” button in? Just wondering.
On a post about what exactly?
Oh, the horror!
Some of you may have seen in the twitter feed, coach Bigelow took another job. Bigelow was a big piece behind the creative graphic artwork you saw last year that OSU sent to recruits. (Comic books, movie posters, bed coverings, life sized posters)
He was also good at helping OSU get national exposure in social media. I’m expecting a big drop off in those regards this year.
Was he the only on coming up with these ideas or just the guy who needed to execute an idea from someone else?
A little of both. I think he was the artist in many cases, but he also coordinated other artists to do work for the team.
I have to say…..the ideas were great, but the styling is very common. I have a friend who is a graphic design artist, the layout were very similar to some brochures and leaflets my friend has been doing for several years. That being said, he will be missed. Let’s hope the ideation dudes come up with even better stuff.
By the way I saw an edit that was done by Notre Dame to that QB that left aTm……fucking awful, like really really bad. I’ll see if I can find it.
Holy sh*t, Bigelow left Oregon State for a high school coaching job?
Something isn’t right.
I was just talking today to a fellow Beaver and regular donor and he said there is definitely something amiss with the new regime.
Yeah, something feels weird about all this.
He’s grew up in that area, and he wasn’t exactly in an awesome position, assistant of football operations isn’t a “coaching” position. Sounds like he wanted to coach and not sit in an office.
You guys need to chill for a second today…
An assistant recruiting coach leaves to be a head coach at a high school- not a big deal.
We get a QB commit who isn’t a 4* with 20 offers and you guys think its the end of the world.
The “woe is me” and the “sky is falling” type crap is a little over the top. IMO
Its a Knee-jerk reaction. Having 5 or 6 years of good teams in a 40 year span can do that to a guy.
By the way…….a ball boy left the program to take a job at a grocery store…….the season is now lost.
Forgot to mention. It could be worse like the community college I went to and have a “Whiteness [shaming] history month”.
Your witness sickitates me.
New QB commit. See twitter feed
Here’s his film. Meh.
I’m getting worried about GA.
Rivals had a piece on him earlier today, something about having ties to the team. Not sure if that means family or friends. Too busy to read about it right now.
Sweet, program-crushing nepotism, back in the house.
Perhaps he will fail his Orwellian thought police course brought to you by dear old OSU and pull a Kuli?
Hopefully he doesn’t fall victim to the jack boot of social justice.
According to Nemec the connection is both of his parents went to OSU. Also seems to be friends with Joah Robinette
Looks like he played on a 7 on 7 team with Isaiah Hodgins also.
That’s not bad for a junior. Can’t figure out if he’s deceptively fast or deceptively slow. Need a full game film.
he’s deceptively……………..flow?
I keep watching it…….I think he can move, it’s his long stride that’s messing with me. By the way, how about that hurdle on the 3rd play?
He is listed as a pocket passer. Didn’t GA do his best to get rid of all those? Doesn’t seem to fit the mold for the offense, what ever it may be.
A pocket passer that ran for almost 1000 yds.
It was a moving pocket.
I just came to see what people thought of the new QB recruit…
He looks to have a good arm and decent legs with alot high ceiling. 247 3star scout 2star.
He has decent touch, not exactly a cannon of an arm. He is a physical runner, with out top speed. Nemec thinks he can develop with a high ceiling.
This kid is a turd. Straight up. He’ll never see the field. If he does, means we’re screwed even more than we are now coming off a winless season. This is not a player that will ever lead a team to a Pac12 win. Same can be said for most all of the players on the roster this year.
Aidan Willard –
3 star QB
Positives – Decent arm. Release looks clean. Won’t have to worry about adjusting his mechanics. Has enough legs to extend plays. Short/medium passes look good.
Negatives – Competition level is suspect. Not asked to carry the offense. Completion Accuracy under 50%. Lofts the deep ball instead of driving the ball.
Bottom line – He’s a low/mid 3 star guy. Needs to have a strong senior year to show growth. He’ll need to add more arm strength so he can complete more passes. With good coaching he could develop into a part time starter.
Projection – Backup QB. Compete for job as a JR or SR.
A sub 50% pocket passer will never succeed, unless it’s all on his WRs. I don’t think they track drops at the HS level.
This is a pretty crappy signing all around.
Good analysis. I think he has a little more arm than is shown here. He showed in a couple of the early plays that he could whip it with little effort over longer distances than would be expected. So there’s upside there. And he exhibits that innate escapability and running to where they ain’t that so annoyed me when watching a Banker D chase it.
I like Moran more. But I like him as the next guy, eventually a solid player who can and likely will get some time.
Just saw this post. So now having pre-requisites is offensive to white guys?
Yes, when it’s aim is to shame them for being white.
Who said it was only to white guys? Putting words in peoples mouths. This doesn’t only apply to racial issues (slanted towards whites albeit), but for anything offensive to gender, and all that horseshit where free thinking is being limited to what the regressive liberals want.
How does this oppose free thinking? And I said white guys because thise are largely the ones who play victim to this, when actually it’s more about coming to terms to losing white privilege. And if feeling shame comes with learning about history and sociological theories, the only person responsible for that is the one feeling shame. More went into our country than hard work and flag waving.
They have many straw men built from allegories that may or may not have been true before they entered the echo chamber. But now they are the argument themselves.
I don’t know where it came from, but the one problem I have was pointed out. There is something in all this about some “protected classes.” I have zero clue what that means because if I were to support understanding and equity, I would only do so if understanding and equity were the goals.
I think they fear the lottery winner syndrome. When someone who experiences life through a non-white lens gets to a place where it is encouraged they act and be themselves freely, they might end up understanding the power gifted them and abuse said power to such an extreme that they blow their wads in a frenzy of excess.
It’s actually a fundamental difference between liberals and libertarians. I giggle at those here who complain about liberals being “leftists” then shouting lib-think. The most liberal thinker in the early 20th century, the defender of liberalism… some Von Mises guy. Hayek conceded the welfare question to Keynes. That’s a more conservative notion than the short term empiricism they proclaim is best.
It’s like playing nine ball against someone who dances and poses in your face after sinking the two… and then misses the three while the nine sits on the edge of the side pocket.
Jack, when you present me an actual argument to rebut I will do so with pleasure. I don’t know where you got this notion that you are somehow enlightened or gave any sort of message in that essay of incoherent babble.
That made little sense.
Present an argument… never mind… present an idea.
Tell me why you think that idea is valid.
Tell me what “enlightened” means.
And please tell me up front if I’m dealing with some parrot. You don’t need to say the words. The words you use will say.
I stopped reading when you mentioned white privilege as if its a real thing. I think you attended too many SJW modules.
Get a friend who is a minority, young and male and ask him to walk down the sidewalk in the “rich” part of town some time after the evening rush. Your control would be getting a friend who is white and dressed similarly to do it the day before.
See what happens.
In fact, in the last couple days I’ve seen valid discussions about police ignorant of the law (willfully or otherwise) with check-points and open carry. What if we did our experiment and involved all this?
Yeah… white privilege doesn’t exist.
Other than being completely predictable to anyone who knows half a thing about anything, what is most damaging is that whites are okay with this because the face is dark. Police feel entitled because of this, and it spills over into their associations with whites. That’s why there is distrust among anyone who rolls up on a check-point. You don’t know if those cops are going to screw you or the guy behind you. But you now they’re out to screw someone. If you don’t allow them to do what you see above, then you take away their entitlement. If you don’t allow them to empty large cannisters of noxious fumes into the faces of peaceful protesters, you take away their entitlement. If you stop fighting darkie overseas because it’s better than fighting darkie at home, you scale down military spending. That diminishes military surplus which is used to militarize police forces… which invariably end up fighting darkie at home anyway.
Walking around with a mammothboner is not recommended, however
Yeah… you gotta stick that thing in the dirt of your end zone.
Wait… what were we talking about?
It opposes free thinking because you would be FORCED do a module that has ideas in place for their agenda and there is no room for interpretation or answering differently than what they have put in placed to pass it.
How do you know there’s no room for interpretation? Or maybe you just mean denying the existence of something, like white privilege. I live that one every day. But I also understand a person’s beed to deny descrimination exists. It’s not themost fun thing to talk about.
Everyone has equal opportunities to do what they want. If you have a problem with the country being white dominant go to whatever continent houses your race. America was founded white / European and to change that at the core you will have to remove it completely as a country/culture. That’s like me going into a muslim country as a minority and demand that their religious/racial overruling be thrown out the window and accommodate me. Not going to happen. Or say I pack up a white or asian group and go into an African country and demand integration. Not going to happen. You have this view of what you think society should be versus what society and the world really is. That’s the problem with modern liberals.
And before you try and quote me on “contradicting” myself on equal opportunities and the majority group having their own preference let me clarify. The laws and rules in place allow every person of race or gender, etc, to have the same opportunities at a base level. However, what people choose to have about their opinions about race, gender, etc, is purely up to them and at their own free discretion. If we want equality, I don’t see why then I can’t celebrate my own race for it’s own accomplishments without being criticized. Or is it only okay to have racial pride if you are a minority?
So you’re both saying that there’s no racism and discrimination, since we all have equal opportunity, but at the same time knocking others who want society to be different, i.e. be less racist? And even though there’s less racism and society has changed over time, you’re saying society can’t change? Or just stop trying to change it? And I’m curious what your white pride celebrations would look like and how it would be different than the other 364 days a year?
It’s because of people who don’t have much understanding of discrimination and culture and how that plays into our history and current state that schools do this. If you’ve spent time on a campus, there’s a lot of people who also think like you, mammothboner. It would be like having a bunch of students thinking the sun orbits the earth, so the school decides that everyone needs to take astronomy.
Laughable. Just like the other 364 days a year? Please name me a true white pride holiday or month (sorry holidays involving white individuals specifically do not count? You use the same rhetoric we always hear and the more it’s said doesn’t make it anymore true.
And you are right, many people do think like me. I am not a bigot or a racist, I just value peoples right to personal beliefs and to express their own beliefs as fit. The ones who are getting the flak are specifically white christian males. I’ve taken plenty of diversity courses and none of them changed my opinion, in fact they reinforced them. As I’ve mentioned, the law at a base level has everyone on an equal playing field, outside of that is up to societies free thinking and freedom of speech. If you are against that then you are against personal freedoms.
Don’t forget people’s freedom to discriminate against others, which is still happening. You’re free to say it’s not happening, and I’m free to say it is. The next question is which one of us has actual facts to support our position? And to deny racism exists is a form of collusion with racists, so in that sense, you will probably get some heat. I’m a white Christian myself, and I don’t feel like I’m victimized by that in any way. I think you may be confusing bigots who attempt to use religion to justify their bigotry, and then of they cry about their “religious feedom” being denied.
I’m still curious what this white pride holiday would look like? I mean, as a white guy myself, I really need even more validation than I already get.
“Don’t forget people’s freedom to discriminate against others, which is still happening. You’re free to say it’s not happening, and I’m free to say it is.”
In fact, that is exactly what I am saying. People have the freedom to discriminate against others. It’s not nearly as much as it used to be (obviously), but people still have the freedom to do it to whomever they please. Get over it.
But you don’t want people, who are at a school, to learn about it?
They can learn about it, that is what classes are for and the mandatory class in bacc core that requires you too take something in diversity/discrimination.
The rhetoric spewed at PCC during “Whiteness History Month” is enough to make me say a big fat NO to further forcing of the issues in any other college. Kids are well aware of these issues as it is pumped non stop in media, and they are exposed to these rules even before they reach college.
Don’t we get December? I seem to remember something about a white Christmas. Hell, they even turned some guy who probably looked like Arafat into a WASP.
So I watched your videos. Other than the first guy being scatterbrained and ignoring the history of slaving for a narrow view, they don’t say anything controversial. I can think the last one is wrong as I stand in line for food at the Scandinavian Festival in Junction City… or visit Leavenworth for some good brats and bier. Mmmm… cheese curds!
I don’t know why we’re spraining vulvae over this. I was expecting some militant, in-your-face crap. But it’s just varying levels of communication on a community college level. I could probably make videos of some of their math classes which are much more egregious in terms of communicating the subject matter properly.
If you disagree with the policy you should let OSU know.
I am late coming into this conversation.
Many classes are mandatory and could be seen as indoctrination. Science and social science are like that.
Frat boys should learn that rape is not a date. White guys should learn that black and brown guys and women are equal.
White guys always have a problem with this.