• 2

      Not sure why anyone would think this.

      Other than Texas, who just ran all over them with a RB room that is on life support, they played a FCS school, a really bad football team, and a team that just doesn’t run the ball, but gashed them for almost 6 ypc when they did.

  1. Maybe it’s just a rumor, but there’s some stuff out there about Smith attending the game today. Is he that dense? Although come to think of it, the Beav “generic set” will probably applaud him.

    • 4

      He would only be there to try and poach players or coaches. Bray should slam the door in his face and Barnes needs to not take the call.
      The Riley crowd would be the only ones foolish enough to welcome the guy and it is due to the softness of losing for decades that created a form of Stockholm syndrome in them.
      Of course JS would think we would be welcomed back. He is that odd, and there is a segment of the fanbase that would welcome him… so dumb

  2. Beavs go for the throat today. Wanting to set a precedence to this future PAC12 rival, Rams will only find misery in trips to Corvallis.
    OSU 42-10

  3. Other predictions:

    -Angry contemplates skipping part of the game for a cardio endeavor

    – studentbeaver, high off a Friday night W, comes to AB to keep the vibes high with some (in their mind) well-executed trolling

    – taking the over of >7 posts about how our future pac-12 mates, including CSU, signify the end of meaningful competition at Reser

  4. Could they drag out this racing shit any longer? Is the game starting on that news channel that the CW has? I haven’t seen anything on the ticker yet.

    • Shakey start. I would almost prefer them to take the kick-off and grind out a long drive against a team like CSU. However, it looks like a fluke play and video review is going to stop their first drive.

    • We need to keep in mind that Gulbranson was playing with some quality Power 5 players two seasons ago. In the bowl game against Notre Dame, he was not and it showed. I think the results would be similar this season. At this level of competition, McCoy has been an asset in the QB run game.

    • 3

      SEC won’t allow that level of upset, but if Vandy pulls it off they’ll jist use it as evidence that Vandy, Alabama and Georgia all belong in the playoffs

  5. Beavs offense looks about as bad as I’ve seen them. Gary Andersen era bad. Hope it’s just bye week rust and they can shake it off.

    • 1

      Gunderson’s offense is offensive! My daughters can come up with more imagitive play calls. I love his explosive offense!

  6. 3

    We have a bye week and still have dudes out. WTF is with our secondary? Bunch of china dolls out there. DB room looking like a scene from M.A.S.H.

    • 4

      That’s because it’s college football, which is pretty much glorified HS football, with more students.

      That’s all it’s ever been.

  7. My God, Boys! You’re not in prison anymore! Stop acting like you love men because you don’t have a choice and attack them!!! Attack!!!

    • What’s with the projection?

      You know the rest of us can’t empathize with your prison experience, even if any of us had been to one stateside.

  8. This is still a 7-0 game. Just lost Jam with a possible knee injury. CSU had a short field td. Relax everyone. Beavs need to settle in a begin to make a few positive plays and they will begin rolling. CSU is pumped like BSU of old, but it will fade. Bray is the leader we know he is.

    • It’s distressingly close except for the o-line. The defense is shockingly slow and assignment-poor. The results won’t be as pronounced because the level of competition is lower. I am concerned about blowout losses to UNLV, Boise St, and Wazzu. They may very well win this game, but it doesn’t change my perception.

  9. If the Beavs are tough they will drive down and score here and start the second half with another scoring drive and put the pressure on CSU.

  10. Hopefully got the rust off and can come out and execute better on offense. Coaches need to make some defensive adjustments and stop the run and double Horton or bracket him in passing situations.

  11. 2

    On track for my 10 point win prediction. CSU matches up well against us. Our defense clearly has a talent deficit. Passing game doesn’t have enough talent to be explosive.

  12. I don’t know what the answer is but if the coaches can’t fix our defense, particularly the defensive line, it will be a not so fun rest of the season.

    • Yeah. The linebackers not much better. Are front seven is pretty weak. Disappointing. I was under the impression that they would be decent.

  13. That was a good bounce back second quarter by the Beavs. Maybe some adjustments coming for the d-line/linebackers on how to slow down the Rams running game.
    It seemed like the offense was very scripted to try and avoid predictable play calls and it messed the whole flow. Once Gundy worked through his first 15 things looked a lot better.
    I kind of wonder why they don’t do more of the wide runs with option, fly sweep as a balance to the power running into the line.

    How do we keep losing bodies on the defense? It seems like each week we lose another 2 guys from either the line or the secondary.

    Go Beavs!

  14. Geez, McCoy has happy feet. That blitz was picked up pretty well. He was a very successful FCS QB, I don’t know if that was his tendency when he played at Idaho. Something needs to give in the passing game. This can’t continue against better competition.

    • Start watching the ball placement after any run and you’ll soon have some material. Good to get through the 3rd quarter with a stalemate. Score here and push it out to 2 score lead and we should be good.

      • I’m amazed they actually had replay for one of the spots.

        Someone is noticing what we see every week with that spot coming up a yard short a lot. It happened a lot after that, and Bray was chewing on refs for most of the game. The phantom d-holding didn’t help.

      • The orange thumb on the game clock at the end was amusing after all those ball spots; one spot was a full two yards in CSUs favor.

  15. Is Skylar Thomas the only starter 0laying in our secondary today? We’re hitting the 3 deep for sure this game. Dam. Also, i think Foster is better than Chisom.

    • No he’s been getting caught up inside and slow to read the play at times. Maybe after some more time tho. What is going on with chisom?

  16. I don’t know why the announcers are babbling about how great the Beav D is playing. Take away the bad CSU penalties and it’s not been good. I’m sure the Ram yards per play is very high.

      • Yeah, true. The “D” was completely confused on CSU’s TD play. Injuries are taking their toll on the secondary. I would have called a time-out because they tried a similar play on the two-point try and the blitz blew up the play.

  17. I cant remember a game with so many plays where both teams just look lost with what they want to do on offense. Delay of game calls. Timeouts spent to avoid delay of game. Players lined up incorrectly. Looks more like a week 1 game than mid-season.

  18. This is not good. CSU has a chance for a game-winning drive. From what I’ve seen, the Beavs are not a team to give it to the defense to win it.

        • All the highlights of long runs show defenders trying to tackle him at shoulder pad level and getting a face full of the best stiff-arm in glorified HS football. If rhe Beavs make sure they tackle below the waist they’ll at least make him hurdle them. Haven’t seen him go to far with his legs wrapped up.

  19. 5

    This defense feels like a fart that unexpectedly squirts juice. It’s a mess. It chafes. It burns. It stinks. It needs to be cleaned up…

  20. I talked about our defense being suspect many times this year. Today the Beavs didn’t control time of possession and it really exposed our defense. Stats are revealing.

  21. 12

    Yay we won. Adversity is good. Anybody catch the left tackle and guard do an illegal chop block on that last play? That was a great defensive stand, 7 plays inside the 7. It’s better then a loss.

    • Offense found their groove to score 18 points to finish the game.

      Get two more wins and I’d consider the season a success with all of the injuries. Defense needs another offseason to be respectable.

  22. 20

    Credit where due. I didnt think they’d come back in that last 2 minutes of the 4th and didnt think Hayes would make the kick. Gutted out an ugly game. Hope Jam is ok

  23. 9

    Never apologize for an ugly win. Especially one that had 2 very suspect PI calls at the end. Beavs now at 4-1 with 2 very winnable games up next.
    This was one of those games that would have built in excuses for why they lost- defensive injuries, lots of underclassmen learning on the fly… But they gut out a nice finish and get the win.
    Good game Beavs.

    • 4

      “2 very winnable games up next.”
      Umm, OK. Seems like many felt this one was “very winnable” before the game, not so much while watching.
      Agree though, even an ugly W is still a W after all.

      • Don’t know that OSU will allow that to happen again. There’s some history behind why OSU guards the goal posts with extra security these days that I’m sure some of the younger fans aren’t aware of.
        In the late 90’s there was an incident after one of the Civil War wins. It was the 2OT game where fans rushed the field and tore up the old turf.
        They also climbed the goal posts and shook them down to the ground. But one of the uprights snapped loose from the horizontal bar and fell down into the crowd below. It ended up hitting a female student in the head amd cracked her skull pretty bad.
        I was at the game and remember seeing that thing fall into the crowd and thinking somebody had to have gotten injured. It was the rowdiest game I’ve ever attended. People dont understand just how wild thay stadium got at times.
        Since that time, OSU has been pretty serious about keeping people off the goal posts and surrounds it with a human shield of extra security

        “Following Oregon State University’s win against in-state rival University of Oregon in 1998, an Oregon State student was struck in the head by a 700 lb. goal post that fell 40 feet. She suffered a fractured skull and had bleeding in the brain. The 18-year-old mentioned that she rushed the field with other fans and was near the 10-yard line when the goal post toppled and hit her head after pushing her friend aside”


        • It happened in 1972 at Parker Stadium when the ducks crushed the favored Beavers 30-3 behind Donnie Reynolds opening play 72 yard TD run and Dan Fouts’ passing attack. Duck fans rushed the field at the end of the game and tore the south goal posts apart and were parading around with the upright until they got too close to the Beaver bench, which emptied and some Duck fans paid the price. Ahh, for the good old days!

  24. Huge stand by the defense. Credit where credit is due.

    I’ll say it again: CSU matched up well with us. Better than Purdue did. They’re better than they get credit for, too.

  25. Defense found some mojo there. Excellent job stopping the run in overtime. CSU has clearly improved from the team they were at the beginning of the season. The defensive playcalling was also way more aggressive in OT. I think this could be a turning point for them defensively.

  26. 2

    Holy shit, Cal is dominating Miami at least for a half. Up 21-10 with about 4 minutes left. Beavs are going to have a lot of trouble with the Bears.

    • A Cal int of Cam Ward results in a 28-10 score early 3rd qtr. Agree, Cal looks to be a handful when Beavs face them.

      UPDATE: 35-10 due mainly to a 56yd completion by Mendoza to Thomas. Halfway through 3rd qtr.

    • 9

      UCLA could go 1-11. Looking at their schedule, I’m not sure who they beat. Maybe Fresno in their last game of the season? Hope their happy with their decision.

  27. 3

    Great win especially considering injuries and bad start. Hayes comes through for once. McCoy was great. DBs played good. D stepped up at end and coaches made great adjustments. CSU is better than I expected. Horton, RB, QB, and OL are legit. I figured this would be a tough game but didn’t expect us to get off to such a horrible start. Need to get healthy and improve week to week. I think 7-5 will be difficult given our weak DL. Remaining games are all tough. Nevada is incredibly important. Cal, WSU, AF, and BSU are likely L’s. Got to sweep Nevada, SJSU, and UNLV IMO.

  28. 5

    Cal may be ready to come back to thre PAC sooner than we expect. They just got robbed by the refs and Miami is gifted another win. Clear targetting call on Miami is waived off and Miami gets the ball with enough time to win. Vegas money is riding on Miami apparently.

  29. Perspective:
    Cal looked in control for most of their game, leading by 25 before Miami comes back late to get the W.
    Beavs looked overmatched for most of regulation but finally get the W in 2nd OT.
    A wins a win!

    • Except Miami won on the benefit of a clear targetting call being waived off. They had no timeouts left and Cal was going to salt away the game if that was called for an automatic first down. Pretty bad call, and somehow Miami benefits by 2 really obvious missed calls 2 weeks in a row and the hype for Cam Ward for Heisman is on full throttle. He is so bad, and a lot of garbage by ESPN trying to avoid the obvious.

      Its so gross.

      • FWIW, Wilner who is a Bay Area writer said it wasn’t targeting because the runner is not defenseless in that situation so different criteria apply. I have no idea if any of that is accurate.

  30. God it’s fun to read the comments about the Bravers we made early in the game…….

    and compare those comments with those posted after the win

    • 3

      I like the complaints about how bad the QB play was after we had run like eight plays, and two were passes, with one being a great play by the LB to put a helmet on the ball as Terry was tucking it.

      • McCoy is excellent running the option. My only concern is he’s only listed as 180 and initiates contact with linebackers 50 pounds heavier than him.

        Otherwise, he’s an improviser (unlike BG) and does an okay job making reads, which is good enough.

  31. 2

    I wish the highlights package the Pac-12 puts out was more than just scoring plays for the Pac-12 team. Would it kill them to bump it up from two and a half minutes to 6 to 8 minutes?

  32. Entertaining game. Hand it to CSU, they turned it on. Beavs won even though they played like shit for most of the game. Gotta give credit to the coaches.

  33. 5

    Colorado State came into our game ranked 10th in scoring, 7th in rushing, 9th in pass for an over 9th in MWC. Yet they had more total yards then us, 439/398, passing 263/147, rushing 176/251, and TOP 28:40/31:20.
    Not good overall, we were lucky to win this one.

  34. PFF “fun” after CSU:

    CSU was given a better game grade than OSU (73 vs 68). As much as we want to be a run-heavy team our run blocking grades the last three games have been poor. We run the ball a lot, but not particularly well. I’m trending down on Devan.

    Top players were McCoy, Starck, and Hankerson
    Bottom players were Noga, Caufield, Redicks

    Top players were Saluni(!), Jordan and Jordan
    Bottom players were Chisom, Kane, and White
    Kane was only 25% successful on tackle attempts…ouch

    • Initially Mason White was tasked with matching up Horton, but then the switch was made to Jordan in the second half.

      Kane’s listed as 5-10, 184 lbs. That’s just way too small to play free safety at this level.

      • Kane played well against FCS-level competition. He’s a smart player, but so often he just doesn’t make the plays when he’s in position. Ideally, he would be a good backup.

        Again, talent deficit on defense.

      • I think Saluni was a mission guy, originally committed as part of the 2018 class but took a few years before he arrived.

        Did anybody else hear the kicker for CSU was something like 32 years old? I think that’s what i heard on the broadcast last night

  35. 2

    Yesterday I could only listen to the radio broadcast due to the fact that Hulu CW had a two hour delay on the game to watch it. I recorded it and watched it this morning and the one thing I gotta say is these refs really sucked. In the fourth they called two off sides on the beavers, but I swear the guy got back in time before the ball was hiked. That and the two giveaways in the first quarter plus loosing Griffin really hurt us in this game. The TV announcers continually talked about how good the offensive line is for Colorado state. I’m not sure if that was a contributing factor to our defense not looking that great or we’re just not that great but probably both. I don’t think McCoy is very comfortable yet. He had some missed throws and some delayed decisions which kind of hurt us. Let’s hope the defense comes together based off the overtime play going forward. Penalties for both teams showed both teams need some discipline. Believe it or not the game viewed better then the listen. I thought they looked better then they sounded, but not by much. I expected the Beavs to man handle these guys based on the comments here prior to the game but Colorado looked pretty stout. Glad we got the W but wish it was more one-sided to us. But games like this can spark a team so let’s hope it sparked us.

    • The defense was more aggressive in overtime calling a couple blitzes. It’s amazing what pressure will do and I don’t understand why we don’t call more blitz packages. Maybe they’re worried about our corners can’t cover the receivers for 3-4 seconds until the blitzers get to the QB??? Most of your good defenses play aggressive like that.

      • 2

        I don’t get it either.

        The dline was on an island most of the day. And if the DBs can’t cover for 3 seconds, then DBs and LBs aren’t going to cover for 5 seconds.

        These are college football QBs we’re playing against. Some will be good enough to play in the NFL… some day. Most will not. But the reason they’re still playing is because almost all of them are comfortable playing pitch and catch, if you just let them.

    • 11

      I wouldn’t vote for us either. Our SOS is weak and the one good team we played steamrolled us.

      Two teams with similar resumes: Nebraska and Missouri. Both are 4-1 and have similar (but higher) SOS and better quality wins. If we win the next two and can actually notch a decent quality win over UNLV, then I would maybe we consider it.

    • 10

      Nahhhh. I agree with Beav in Ohio. The Beavers haven’t really played anyone and when they did, they got hammered. Shaky defense and one dimensional offense.

    • 9

      If you look at how many teams have 1 loss, and then compare those teams to Beavs, we probably should be ranked about 40. I’d say it’s BS that Boise State isn’t top 12 and WSU isn’t top 20. Could probably make a case that SJSU should be getting votes. But no way Beavs should be IMO

  36. to get a at large bid u will have to
    1 win out
    and 2 hope ND beat amay and navy but lose to usc and a 2 loss nd still might get in over u anyway

    • 1

      At large bids are set up to go to SEC teams like Georgia, Bama or Tennessee now that they all have lost. It just bumps them all into the second tier below conference champs and they will push the narrative of SOS and talent gap to justify it.
      In retrospect it would be better for 2 dominant SEC teams rather than 4-5 of them at 10-2, 11-1. Beavs have no shot to break into that club if they’ve already figured out how to game it through scheduling

  37. 4

    Interesting little note on the activity of Pac12 enterprises.
    Sounds like we’re not only producing the WSU/OSU games, but we’re also providing all studio content for ACC games on the CW. Plus we dipped into providing an NBA preseason game over the weekend in Hawaii.
    A year with that type of activity could provide a nice little extra chunk of revenue for OSU/WSU this year.

    • 1

      Remember, the studio will also be available during the summer, when professional sports leagues are still competing and may need production support.

      I think it’s starting to sink in, now that the six schools have joined, and Zags started talking about us being visionary. They’ve started to look into it, and the business side of a TV studio the Conference spent years developing and north of $100b building out actually has value built into it.

      Go figure.

      With all the rumors of PE here and there for whatever purposes they were rumored, this is actually a realistic PE investment vehicle, especially if the partner firm brings with it some connections in the sports business world.

      • Imagine the P12N becoming a gold mine for the conference. It’s less of a pipe dream than I once thought. IF managed correctly? Who knows.

      • Spot on. No other conference has the same kind of “distressed asset” situation the P12 asset portfolio does. It’s the right target for PE.

        The prior PAC leadership were so stupid.

        • It’s only distressed, in that it is already streamlined and only beginning to create future portfolios. The Pac 12 has created enough conference content to cover operating expenses into the future. The rest is gravy.

          That gravy and the enthusiasm to make more of it is very attractive to any of the long-term PE outfits willing to invest in and market such an asset.

          And the beauty is the Pac 12 media deal and distribution would be separate from the production overhead, so any PE investment has only an interest in any revenues gained on the production side.

          Even without, Molinari seems to be knocking it out of the park. That just makes it more attractive. Where our former conference was greedy and wanted 100% of a 2-star enterprise, we have reformed it to possibly extracting 100% of a 4-star… or somewhere between 85-90% of a 5-star, with the right partnership.

    • 3

      Here we go:
      “The biggest change is, we’ve switched from a 24/7 network model to a model where we produce programs for ourselves, our conference’s schools, and [third-party clients]. The charge for the past 12 years was to produce the 850 events for the conference network; now the charge is to create revenue for our schools. It’s a more entrepreneurial model.”

      Read the rest to find out how limited in vision our past conference mates were. There was a lot of wasted opportunity here, and it’s no wonder they all bolted without giving the PTN a second thought.


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