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General Discussion (& Stats Inc)


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What's going on here: I just got off the phone with Stats Inc.

I'm trying to find if there's a correlation between coach's challenges and win/loss record. My hypothesis is that coaches with weak personalities (e.g. Wulff, Riley) use fewer challenges and lose more games than aggressive, challenge-happy coaches. I'd also like to analyze if coaches who more often hold their timeouts going into halftime have a higher or lower win percentage than those who don't. Unfortunately, Stats Inc told me they don't keep track of coach's challenges or timeouts. If anyone knows a good resource for this let me know.

There might be no correlation. It just seems like Riley is afraid to insult the refs, and therefore never challenges. He also holds timeouts into the half, and in my opinion that has cost the team points if not games. There might be a correlation, if not in W/L then at least in points scored.

OSU Marketing is Spamming Me


OSU marketing has emailed me multiple times per day for the past month. Is anyone else having this problem? Very convenient that when Bob D/the Athletic Department wants something they harasses me day and night. But, when I want an answer, Bob's suddenly unavailable. Just to prove I'm not making this up, below is a screen shot of my angrybeav email account for the past ten days (i.e. the last time I cleared my email). Click on the image to enlarge it. Dates and times included without further commentary:

Wulff and Erickson Fired


Mike Leach to WSU rumors swirling around.

ASU interested in Kevin Sumlin.

I find it interesting that two coaches we've mentioned repeatedly on this site could wind up going to foes. Especially interesting is Leach…when I mentioned him in 2009 people called me crazy. Well, maybe, but someone is going to get a great offensive mind on the cheap. And I don't see Riley or Banker containing a Mike Leach offense, should that happen.

Meanwhile, OSU staying put for now. No rumors, no changes, everything is fine…

The Illusion of Improvement & a “Soft Landing”


With the Euro about to implode, there's a lot of talk about whether the technocrats can engineer a "soft landing" that doesn't blow up the entire financial system.

Well, I think we'll see the same philosophy from the OSU athletic department.

  • Bob D signed Riley to a horrible lifetime contract. Now it's all about damage control: how many years of Riley's contract will OSU be forced to eat? The longer they can extend the charade the better.
  • Convincing donors to fork over money will be increasingly difficult given the football team's performance coupled with current economic conditions.
  • Therefore, he will have to engineer the "illusion of improvement" to keep donations flowing. E.g. If Riley wins 4 games next year, he can tell donors there was improvement, and their money is required for continued improvement.
  • Now that expectations are so low (i.e. 3 wins) it should be easy to execute this plan. If Riley can win just one more game per year they'll get the soft landing, and in 4 years the Beavs will be back to 7 wins and in a bowl game.

If the Beavs can somehow improve to 6 wins next year, then scrap all the above: things return to "normal" as the lower bar will have been met. However, the engineered soft landing implodes if Riley somehow only manages 3 wins (or fewer) next season. At that point it's chaos. Bob D would have to fire him. After all, Beaver fans love them some Emerald Bowls.

Bob D wants Riley as long as possible for one reason: he doesn't want to be paying two coaches. It'll be interesting to see how long the powers at be can keep up the illusion of improvement. Do they make it to 2019? I doubt it, but the average OSU fan is so gullible and meek that they might just pull it off.

Civil War (Game Thread)


Keys to a Beav upset (ha ha):

  • Ball control offense
  • Converting every 3rd down
  • TDs over FGs
  • Attempt and convert 4th and shorts when in borderline punt scenarios
  • +3 TO margin
  • Slowing the Ducks on 1st and 2nd down/forcing long conversions (imperative to keep the D fresh)
  • Monster games from Wynn and Crichton
  • Good game plan from Banker (would like to see the Wide9 combined with 8 in the box)…force Thomas to win the game via the air.

That's how you get a monumental upset. Good luck doing all that, Beavs…if you do, you will win.

Go Beavs…?