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Civil War Post-game Thoughts


This was one of those games where the final score wasn't indicative of how close the game was. The defense did some positive things. At times they looked like Cal, getting in the backfield and stymieing the option. But, Oregon is relentless and won't take no for an answer, much like the guy who walks into a bar and asks a hundred different girls to sleep with him. Eventually one will say yes. Well, eventually Oregon broke some big runs.

The Beavers played their tails off. It was refreshing to see, but also frustrating, because if they had played that hard all year they'd most likely be going to the Alamo Bowl.

Regarding the coaching staff, there were some terrible gaffes. Riley should have called a timeout with 50 seconds left in the first half. Possessions matter versus Oregon. It's possible Poyer gets a big return and sets up points. I'd like to see a reporter ask Riley why he didn't call timeout. I suspect it's because he was afraid Oregon would change their mind and go for the TD, or he feared a penalty that would give Oregon a first down. He coached scared. Will someone in the media ask a difficult question please? The calls to kick field goals were weak. I understand that Riley knew Katz could not make the plays on 4th downs, but you still have to try to make that play if you want to win the game. At the time I thought, "not the worst thing, since it cuts it to two scores", but at the same time another voice was saying "field goals will not win this game." Riley got caught up in the game and situation. Before the game kicked off he knew field goals would not win it. He was lured by the temptation of the two score game. He should have used his unemotional, pregame reasoning. He's been coaching long enough to know better.

Danny Langsdorf has become a liability. The Ducks knew what plays were coming based off tendencies (i.e. watching film) and formations. He needs to go. Based on how many WRs the Beavers have recruited, I think he might be handed his walking papers. How many years does a kidney get you? It's another difficult question that needs to be addressed. Media, dare you ask it?

That must have been the fifth game this year where the telecasters commented on how poor the line looked. Too much has been asked of Cav. He needs some talent with which to work. Offensive line is the last place to skimp scholarships. The special teams have been so solid this year, but how do you not prepare for a fake in that situation versus a team that's probably only second to Boise State in trick plays and the standard for aggressive play?

Banker had the best game of all the coaches. The score doesn't support that statement, but the phantom PI call blurred what was a good defensive performance. It was encouraging to see tackles for a loss and disciplined play (at times). Has he figured it out, finally, and now just needs the team speed to execute better? On the flip side, his body of work has been so poor of late that maybe it's time to let him go? His contract expires after next season so he'll definitely get one more shot.

I don't have an issue with the Ducks going to the title game because they are the best team in the country and earned that distinction on the field. The Beavers are content just thinking about the big game or being involved with other teams associated with big games. At some point the program needs to take a step and be the team in the spotlight, not the competitive opponent big name schools schedule for an easy yet respectable win. TCU used Oregon State as a stepping stone, as others have in the past.

Finally, it's hard to be excited about 2011 with Ryan "Dirk Diggler" Katz at the helm. His football IQ is low, probably in the 30 or 40s. Can this be corrected in the off-season? Evidence suggests QBs under Riley improve, but that doesn't make me feel good about what I saw, nor does it make me feel confident about next season. My biggest hope from this season is that everyone from fans to coaches to the AD now realizes the importance of confidence and psychology in sports. If lessons like that are learned then the season wasn't a total wash.

In-game Comments: Civil War


Who's up early watching Gameday? I was about 50 minutes late to the party, but what I see so far is a lot of Duck fans in attendance for this game. The campus looks awesome behind the set. Can anyone fill me in on the first 50 minutes? Any compliments for the good guys?

I'm curious if you're all going to watch the game today. I've heard a lot of Beaver fans say they won't watch due to the Beavs having no shot and the Gameday coup/duck love. Eh, that's a crappy mentality. If the Beavers win they're going to the Alamo or Holiday Bowl.  Wouldn't it be ironic if they went to their best bowl game in one of their worst recent years?

And just think, if the Beavers go down in defeat, the basketball team plays later today so we get to see an easy victo–. ;)

Load up on the gin and any other feel-good materials you may need.

Rating the Recruiting Class (thus far)


This is a slow day. The calm before the storm. I thought it would be wise to discuss talent coming into the program, since tomorrow we will likely witness a talent deficit on the field.

1. Tyrequek Zimmerman–he reminds me of Sammie Stroughter combined with David Boston. In other words, a monster. He should be at least a 4-star prospect.

2. Bradin Cooks–I don't see the reported top end speed on film, but I do see great body control, agility, and hands. He'll be a perfect compliment to Zimmerman and Mullaney.

3. Darryl Jackson–Ideal size for a tackle. Mature and intelligent football player.

4. Dylan Wynn–Some argue he should be a 4-star. I think high 3-stars is correct. Intense, high motor type player who gets a lot of his production off of effort.

5. Richard Mullaney–I'm probably saying this because he is white and tall, but he reminds me of a young Ed McCaffrey, with a little Steve Largent thrown in for good measure.


Those are the five prospects I consider cornerstones. Expect at least 3 more to be added to that list before this recruiting cycle is finished. These are the best of the rest, in order.

1. Storm Woods

2. Rusty Fernando

3. Malcolm Agnew

4. Na'Alli Robins

5. Joshua James

6. Brandin Bennett

7. Peter Ashton

8. Justin Addie

9. Kellen Clute

How do you feel about the order? Criticize where you see fit, and I'll reassess that player. Also, feel free to share your own rankings in the comment area.

When the class is complete in February, I am going to make a recruiting card for each player and grade them out. I don't want to do it now, because it's a waste of time since players decommit.

Civil War Thread


There's been a lot of recruiting news to follow, so it slipped my mind that it's already Wednesday.

I feel more confident in analyzing this game than any other this year. I've seen every Duck game that's been on TV, and I've seen 99% of the Beavers' season, minus bathroom and cocktail breaks. I'll approach this discussion in two ways:

1. What is going to happen.

2. What the Beavers must do to win the game.

Okay, I think the first one is easy. The Ducks are going to cream the Beavs. At the beginning of the year, before games were played, it was somewhat revolutionary to call out the defense. At this point, even the proverbial blind squirrel can see the problems. I won't insult your intelligence or waste your time talking about that other than to say that this is the Beavers worst possible matchup out of all 119 DI teams.

What is going to happen is this: The opening kickoff will be raucous. Duck fans will out-noise Beaver fans–it's just the nature and mentality of the fan bases. Right off the bat the Beavers home field "advantage" will be gone. Couple this with the fact that Duck fans might actually outnumber Beaver fans (due to Beavers selling their tickets to Ducks), and I'd argue the Ducks have the home field advantage in Reiser. What will compound this advantage is Gameday and their hours of Duck love prior to kickoff. Brace yourselves for the worst day of Beaver football in history.

The kickoff will occur, it will be taken beyond the 50 by Oregon. The septuagenarians (i.e. 90% of Beaver fans) will sit down and shut up. Knowing the Beavers only hope is to sell out on the run, Darren Thomas will play action to LaMichael James and go over the top for a big gain. The Beavers will then start to get off balance, a gaping hole with a gashing run right up the middle follows, and the route is on. Beavers get the following kickoff. On first down, they hand the ball off to Quizz, a dive up the middle, hoping for lightning in a bottle. The Ducks defense is too jacked up, the Beavers' line bows backwards, and it only goes for two. 2nd & 8. Langsdorff calls a dump pass to Quizz in the flat, but Paysinger sniffed that out back at the hotel, and it once again it goes for two. It's now 3rd & 6, and the Beavs decide to get wild and vertical. Katz drops back to pass and…sails the ball wildly over Wheaton's head. Punt. Cliff Harris returns it 50 yards. And…the route is on…again.

What the Beavers need to do:

1. Hope the Ducks pull a USC 2006 and kill themselves with turnovers.

2. Watch Rudy before the game and get it the "us against the world mindset"

3. X and O wise, play disciplined assignments and let instinct take over rather than over-thinking.

4. Read my article on how to stop the spread. ("Angry, you don't know more than the coaches!"). Sorry, but my idea cannot possibly be worse than the coaches results.

5. Long, sustained drives that result in touchdowns. The Beavers cannot kick a field goal this game, unless it's as time expires to win it. The only Beavers defense in this game will be a methodical offense.

6. Complete 75% of 3rd downs.

7. Keep the Ducks around 40% on 3rd downs, and 10% on 4th downs. Understand the Ducks use all 4 of their downs.

8. Don't give up back breaking 2 point conversions.

Heck, I'll stop there since I'm wasting my time and your time. Just start preparing yourself mentally right now. The Ducks are going to the Title Game on our dime. We thought the past two Civil Wars were bad, but expect to puke a little in your mouth come Saturday. I beg the septuagenarians to stand up and make noise, and to tell their fellow septuagenarians to stand up and make noise, but I know bad knees are an issue at that age so I'm not expecting it.

∞-14, Ducks

Thanks to Commentor “ProgressiveBeav”


For the first donation to this blog, and a generous one at that.

The amount he gave will allow the site to stay up and running for almost one additional year.

He did not have to do this, but he did, so I think he should be recognized for it. And I think everyone who uses the site should give him a thanks.

Cheers to fighting the good fight, PB. My first gin and tonic on Saturday goes out to you.