Would you take the over/under? I’m taking the over on that.
Also, what about the Ducks at 8.5? I’m not a believer at all in Mario so I’d take the under. Herbert will probably be special this year, though, so maybe they do hit a higher mark, but I think everything starts with the head coach, and Mario is simply a dud.
Here‘s the full list.
I’d take the over on the Beavs, simply because they were actually “in” more games last year than their record would indicate, and they return some key players from injury and have quite bit more depth this year via transfer and just not losing many guys to graduation.
I think the 8 1/2 for oregon is a pretty tough line to play. They’ve been a terrible road team in conference play during Herbert’s tenure. I think he only has something like 3 conf road wins, and 1 was against OSU last year, which should have been a gimme.
They play UW, Stanford, USC and ASU on the road next year and Auburn at a neutral site. I think I have to take the under for them, but wouldn’t feel good about putting money on it.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nulla neque, ultricies id purus ultricies, lacinia elementum massa. Proin ut neque ac ipsum elementum tincidunt a auctor sem. Nullam ullamcorper dui non nibh euismod pharetra. Nullam eu hendrerit est. Duis elementum feugiat sapien vel ultricies. In scelerisque, ligula non laoreet varius, neque dolor aliquam leo, at laoreet est dolor et neque. Duis id augue a enim rutrum eleifend. Ut non aliquam nisi. Mauris tellus sem, placerat at nisl vulputate, aliquet interdum metus.
Duis scelerisque eros elit, nec dictum lorem consequat sed. Ut fringilla ipsum a ipsum auctor dignissim. In nec nisl eget tellus accumsan porta. Vestibulum nunc lectus, porttitor vitae urna quis, vehicula porttitor nisl. Mauris vulputate ultrices efficitur. Vestibulum aliquam, metus id volutpat efficitur, magna mauris malesuada elit, vel sagittis est quam vel justo. Aliquam sed est malesuada, consectetur diam non, lacinia dolor. Aenean laoreet rhoncus mi, sed mattis metus posuere sed. Sed hendrerit mattis mauris. Vivamus pharetra a tellus sodales dignissim. Duis at congue metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed nisi tincidunt ligula molestie congue. Vivamus gravida, sapien ac viverra rhoncus, dolor odio consequat turpis, a cursus nulla velit ac ipsum.
Etiam placerat faucibus lectus quis feugiat. Cras non lobortis enim. Duis tincidunt orci vitae magna vehicula, eu iaculis est imperdiet. Donec elementum pulvinar urna, vel sollicitudin lectus euismod non. Sed non consequat turpis, sed porttitor quam. Ut feugiat consequat odio, et gravida sapien blandit sit amet. Quisque at efficitur nisi. Etiam non tincidunt leo. Suspendisse placerat felis metus. Cras quis maximus nunc, eget sollicitudin ex. Proin neque lacus, tristique eu augue quis, faucibus maximus magna. In maximus placerat vehicula. Sed a sagittis nulla, id blandit neque.
Maecenas finibus dignissim quam. Proin blandit risus at laoreet tempor. Etiam at turpis et mauris volutpat finibus non ut metus. Proin mollis risus quis elit venenatis sodales. Nunc consequat hendrerit laoreet. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam fringilla dui id nisl lobortis, id fringilla est sodales.
Curabitur sodales, nulla at finibus molestie, ligula risus rutrum odio, sed mattis quam sem at risus. Cras vel dapibus nibh. Sed aliquam, urna ut tincidunt pretium, dui sapien fringilla mauris, non dignissim ipsum ipsum a lacus. Phasellus pulvinar lectus et augue pretium, vitae bibendum tortor dapibus. Morbi commodo vestibulum turpis eget ullamcorper. Sed eget nisi purus. Sed tristique finibus dui et dapibus. Vivamus et rutrum sem, id sollicitudin mauris. Ut eget molestie dui. Quisque non ipsum a ipsum varius malesuada a at nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent vestibulum enim vel velit porta maximus. Maecenas condimentum dapibus nisl, vel dictum metus pulvinar nec. Nunc sit amet dapibus turpis. Vivamus tincidunt molestie ex, at auctor turpis imperdiet a.
Mauris eros purus, consectetur eu fringilla quis, tincidunt at turpis. Nunc at mi nisl. Mauris eu maximus dui, sit amet facilisis ex. Phasellus lobortis, odio vitae dignissim interdum, justo quam suscipit orci, quis elementum libero urna iaculis est. Donec luctus varius nisl eu lobortis. Ut malesuada ornare eros a viverra. Vivamus gravida porta ipsum, id pharetra purus accumsan vitae. Nam non ex nec orci tincidunt aliquet eu at erat. Vestibulum et justo vel libero convallis luctus at vel felis.
Donec eu risus sollicitudin, hendrerit orci at, mattis est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed et odio dui. Duis pulvinar, orci nec placerat dapibus, ipsum lorem consequat quam, et viverra ante sem id nibh. Donec ornare nunc vitae eros finibus dapibus. Phasellus in feugiat tellus. Etiam sit amet suscipit mauris, sed malesuada quam. Fusce eleifend ipsum vel convallis congue.
Duis at ultrices erat. Donec nisl risus, semper quis lacinia sit amet, venenatis quis velit. Nulla imperdiet dui id purus luctus porttitor. Sed a sem lectus. Aenean consectetur suscipit mauris, quis fringilla tortor lobortis a. Sed eleifend dolor ligula, ut posuere lorem faucibus sit amet. Ut finibus eros non tempus dignissim. Cras malesuada nibh orci, nec feugiat risus aliquam at. Mauris sagittis varius ultrices. Maecenas lobortis, tellus sed accumsan malesuada, felis tellus consequat risus, at dictum felis est at tellus. Nam elementum rhoncus est, a gravida mauris dapibus in. In mollis bibendum nulla, ut rutrum dolor. Sed tortor erat, tristique quis ligula in, auctor mattis tortor. Morbi a odio nunc.
Vivamus faucibus vulputate ipsum, facilisis suscipit mi pulvinar in. Suspendisse egestas bibendum cursus. Nullam ut purus facilisis lacus vestibulum posuere. Quisque in ligula ligula. Nulla vitae bibendum risus, dignissim tristique tellus. Sed eu felis dignissim, facilisis erat vitae, vehicula felis. Proin sed neque molestie, commodo quam sit amet, finibus massa. Nullam non scelerisque magna. Etiam a enim at velit finibus eleifend rutrum et nisl.
Nullam luctus purus vitae justo imperdiet, et tincidunt lectus interdum. Aliquam vulputate gravida viverra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc sodales, quam id pulvinar accumsan, turpis justo pellentesque eros, et gravida nulla diam vitae enim. Donec eget urna suscipit, mollis est in, lacinia ipsum. Duis in felis placerat, luctus nibh ac, consequat metus. Donec condimentum arcu eget arcu blandit placerat. Maecenas in tempus est. Nunc aliquam fringilla lorem, eu rutrum quam aliquam quis. Etiam vitae rhoncus eros.
Aliquam eget ex non nisi viverra tincidunt ut ut sapien. Nam sagittis lobortis lacinia. Ut commodo tempor elit, eu imperdiet orci dignissim vel. Vestibulum quis suscipit sapien. Cras eget pharetra nunc. Nullam vestibulum lectus eget neque vehicula viverra. Maecenas tempus ornare felis, vitae mattis ipsum cursus non. Vestibulum condimentum, metus rhoncus lobortis rutrum, diam tellus commodo orci, eget dignissim metus odio ut lacus. Vestibulum scelerisque ipsum pharetra feugiat mollis. Curabitur nec leo quis mauris pharetra iaculis. Sed interdum diam non augue faucibus, a eleifend diam feugiat.
Ut neque ex, ullamcorper id nulla vitae, vestibulum tempus ex. Nunc ipsum ex, molestie sit amet vulputate eu, volutpat sit amet dolor. Cras faucibus efficitur orci, vitae consectetur neque imperdiet in. Duis non est nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed viverra sit amet felis in porta. Sed aliquam justo et urna faucibus maximus. Nullam gravida varius odio, non finibus mauris sodales vel.
Mauris eget dictum lectus. Fusce mattis dictum auctor. In laoreet metus erat, eget consequat elit mollis at. Mauris eget lacus vel turpis euismod congue. Nullam accumsan mi vel tortor dictum tincidunt. Donec nec turpis auctor, facilisis metus ut, volutpat tortor. In eget enim fermentum, lobortis nisl sed, posuere justo. Aliquam aliquet mauris quam, non ullamcorper ipsum elementum id. Nam a dolor gravida, hendrerit ex sit amet, porttitor mauris. Ut sed nisl lobortis, tempor augue eu, tincidunt nibh.
Morbi at diam consectetur, sodales enim a, sodales mauris. Vivamus in molestie mauris, eu iaculis ligula. Curabitur feugiat urna sit amet magna mollis, at euismod erat condimentum. Mauris in lacinia risus. Pellentesque dapibus risus at fringilla maximus. Sed efficitur dui ac lacinia vulputate. Donec laoreet lectus sit amet neque hendrerit viverra. Fusce congue tellus vel cursus porttitor. Etiam nec commodo velit. Nunc imperdiet odio et magna lacinia ornare. Etiam malesuada eros sem, sed malesuada nulla auctor ac.
Donec a dolor vestibulum, sollicitudin odio eu, posuere purus. Nulla vel felis vestibulum, egestas ex sed, sodales enim. Sed dapibus purus at ligula porttitor vestibulum. In ut congue erat. Mauris in libero venenatis, pharetra quam quis, ullamcorper diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur quis diam sit amet quam maximus pharetra. Morbi hendrerit ex nec urna dictum euismod. Fusce pharetra ante convallis est ultrices elementum. Mauris sed mattis arcu, at imperdiet tellus. Phasellus eu nulla scelerisque justo ultrices efficitur id vitae tellus. Sed sed nunc sit amet augue faucibus faucibus eu et urna. Mauris imperdiet nisl augue, id condimentum libero molestie non. Pellentesque a vehicula nisi. Proin pellentesque, odio ac laoreet accumsan, leo lacus ultricies tellus, quis sodales diam metus in lacus. Nulla egestas commodo felis quis fermentum.
Proin nec iaculis urna, at consequat justo. Phasellus gravida congue dui, non tempus elit ultrices a. Vivamus blandit pulvinar finibus. Mauris imperdiet nisl felis, lacinia feugiat quam maximus in. Etiam id dictum nisl. Mauris at nunc sed ex accumsan posuere. Sed orci ante, ornare vitae urna quis, auctor vehicula eros. Sed tincidunt, metus et finibus interdum, ex sapien tempor lacus, sed dapibus augue dolor ut mi. Fusce sit amet cursus justo.
Vestibulum vel sem in est finibus laoreet. Nulla in est non massa posuere tempor. Curabitur sed lectus diam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi lobortis pharetra nulla interdum vestibulum. Donec vitae tellus scelerisque velit rhoncus convallis efficitur vel enim. Nulla facilisi. Aenean eleifend augue non pulvinar tempus. Nunc egestas tristique dignissim. Sed bibendum pulvinar metus, a vulputate arcu auctor in.
Cras risus est, finibus non iaculis vitae, sagittis a est. Quisque quis mi eu nulla vehicula maximus vitae non ante. Nullam luctus commodo ligula, nec bibendum mi viverra non. Curabitur fringilla, ante vitae condimentum condimentum, tortor odio rhoncus magna, vitae feugiat erat lacus et arcu. Cras fermentum ligula vitae sem congue auctor. Curabitur neque risus, suscipit sit amet blandit luctus, porta at purus. Nam id fermentum tortor. Donec a est sit amet mi aliquet laoreet non vitae turpis.
Vestibulum ac cursus elit. Quisque eu porta justo, quis condimentum turpis. Aenean rhoncus, ex in ornare placerat amet.
Translation: Humbled and blessed to receive an offer from the University of Oregon State. #gois liquidididus rodentia
Every year I’m filled with optimism and predict the beavs to win 5 to 7 games. This year is no different. However, I fully admit I will be wrong.
I think 4 wins should be doable to beat the line.
After that, I’m not sure. If we get QB play there’s an argument for a bowl season.
They should have won three last year, so I’m going out on a limb and say they win four this year; 2 non-con, two conference games.
What he said.
What he said he said
I really feel this team will be 2-1 heading into conference play.
The games I have as wins:
@ Hawaii
Vs. Cal Poly
Toss up games:
Vs. Stanford
95% chance it’s a loss:
Civil War
Washington State
100% loss:
Oklahoma State
We played WSU pretty well last year, actually. I don’t even know who their QB is this year(don’t think they know either), but with Gardner Minshew out, I would think they take a step back this year. I’m leaning towards that game being more of a tossup.
It’s a bummer we don’t get Colorado on the schedule again this year.
I would have taken Colorado over Utah. Arizona State is a home game in November. The Arizona teams do not play well in November games in the NW; so that’s why I chalked that one up as a W.
I’ve been very critical of Luton his whole tenor here. I was in the MCM camp going back to Seth the Great days, and always felt Luton should be our second stringer.
That being said, something in my gut tells me he has a Matt Moore style breakout senior year and leads us to 5+ wins. I think between Smith and Lindgren we have real QB coaches that actually have helped him develop into what he can be with his tools. We’ll definitely cover the over.
Plus it’s like his 7th year of college football so the game will have finally slowed down for him.
I’m always overly optimistic with beavs so it’s probably the case here too (insert shoulder shrug emoji)
With Oregon: I have to believe Cristobol has a win cap and I’m thinking it’s 8-4 regular season
Well Luton has been improving, and he’s always been good at the 10 yard pass. We have good WRs who can do something with those throw after the catch. I can see a case for Luton. If he’s the starter it’s a bad sign that we haven’t developed the superior QB talent (Gebbia), but he could be decent to good in that system. Every year we do something daily we should get better at that thing. Right? So he has to be better this year. It’s like his 20th year in college.
I feel there are a lot of “what if’s” riding on Luton this year. My gut tells me it will be all about strengths and matchups. If Luton has different strengths than Gebbia and vice versa, then play the best QB leader that will match up against that defense.
For example, if our run offense matches up better against a weaker rush defense, obviously we’re going to go more of a RPO which I give the nod to Gebbia. If it’s more of a weaker passing defense, but a stronger run defense, I give the nod to Luton for his ability to get it to the player in space in the shorter passing game. If it’s a stronger pass rushing defense, give the nod to Gebbia who has the ability to get the ball off quicker.
Passing game comes down to our OL and how they have improved their pass blocking ability in the off season. Looking forward to football season starting up in 6-7 weeks!
I feel that Luton will be named the opening day starter, then he’ll get injured by about game 3, and both QBs will end up starting half the games each.
I agree Luton will start against Ok State. The next two games, I could see them alternating series or halves depending upon how Luton does against Ok State. 1 and done, or give the helm to Gebbia who has a few more years to play, or give it to the veteran who has been injured most of his career? It’s actually nice to be in a position to say we have 2 QB’s who we would like to ‘throw out there’ vs. Hope our starter doesn’t get injured because we don’t really have a solid #2 QB on the roster. Well, we now have two solid #2 QB’s on the roster. still no solid #1 at this point.
Beavers injury bug @ particular positions is rather notorious. =\
Over all day. This isn’t GA’s show anymore
You must have on your big boy pants to make that prediction. You sir, are a true war daddy.
He also brought his ‘A-game’ with that comment as well.
Someone knows how to respect the process.
Now I need to find me at cheerleader.
Oh you devil you…
Lots of injuries to o-line or QB <= 3 wins
Minimal injuries “ “ <= 6 wins
Effective run heavy offense would be the quarterback’s best friend. Especially if it’s Luton with his strength being the intermediate passing game. There appears to be a couple of legit burners on offense now.
Overall team success will ride on the defensive line’s shoulders. The offense can only do so much playing 14+ points down after the first quarter of every game.
I’d take the over for OSU.
I’d take the under for UO simply because Arroyo is still the OC.
I think overall team success will ride on the entire defensive unit. I’m still drinking the Tibesar kool aid and counting on good seasons from McCartan, Morris, Elu, and some of the new DL guys.
Like dwill03 and Afghan, I’m usually overly optimistic but right now I expect at least 4 W’s.
As for the ucks, I’m not sold on either Herbert or Cristoball; 7 or maybe 8 W’s for them. If Herbert goes down in the first three games then much less than that is likely.
Oh yeah, Beavs need a kicker!
I’d take the over. Maybe 4 wins, but I think we could be pretty competitive in our losses.
I read today that Adley Rutschman came down with mono which is why he hasn’t played yet. Expected to debut next week.
I’ll take the over but Hawaii scares me. They return 24 players with starting experience and will score points. With recruiting issues of a couple years ago, they’ll have chip on their shoulder. That said, I could see us pulling upset against Okie state.
If the D is not substantially better, I could see us lose to Ok State by thirty.
Win or lose, at least Smith doesnt have a mullet. Thats a moral victory if there ever was one.
Is he a man?
Is he 40?
Lol, I forgot about that one.
Hard bet to take personally, I think this team is a year away from a breakout. But I think we see improvements all over. 4 win cap, and competitive in 3 or 4 more. But I’d be happy to be wrong on the wins side.
Since it’s slow and I live in Nebraska, the “hype” here of the Scott Frost kool aid and Martinez being touted as a “Heisman contender” is starting to annoy me here. Not because Oregon State is down, but just because everyone thinks “they’re back” to the Scott Frost days of winning. It takes any team rebuilding a brand and identity a minimum of three years to be relevant again. Took Oregon State 2 HC’s and 3 seasons before going 11-1. Riley 3.0 made Husker football softer than it was under Callahan days. They will need to cycle out the players who don’t want to play for Frost before they get a healthy locker room.
Oregon State had more transfers this last season than they have in awhile and 95% of them were players that honestly didn’t pan out or should have been a Preferred Walk-on. With that said, GO BEAVS!
Frost did take UCF from 0-12 to 13-0 in his second season.
Was he fortunate in terms of the last couple of years recruiting before he took over (able to reap the benefits)?
Not quite, unless I’m not reading your comment correctly. UCF was 0-12, 6-7 and then 13-0, so it was a bit of a progression. Impressive accomplishment nonetheless.
My comment was poorly written. My point was that they were 0-12 the season before he arrived and 13-0 in year 2.
My bad, now that I read it again, it makes sense. UCF is a weird program, quite a few double-digit win seasons since they became D-1 in ’96 and a few clunkers mixed in. I remember when they beat Alabama in 2000. Frost was not the only coach to have success there. I think there are a ton of good football players in Florida.
Frost had a lot of good players he inherited. Did a great job with them. Better grades and they are P5 material.
An injury to Martinez and I suspect the O becomes very average. He is a difference maker and a great player. But as we saw with Chip’s teams at hole, the QB takes a lot of hits and they got injured quite a bit. With an year to digest that system, I would guess the conference will defend it better.
Neb lost a lot of key players and their D was very suspect last year. I don’t get the hype either.
yes, but look at that league, it’s Memphis and who else? Pac-12 and Big 10 are two P5 schools. it’s not apples to apples, but apples to Oranges….they’re both round and that’s the only thing they have in common. Is Frost an arrogant coach? Yes he is, but he at least gets his players to play better football than they’re talent level. That’s what makes a coach a good coach. Coach Smith is a competitor that let’s the play on the field do the talking. Playing better football than the previous week is his goal, not let’s just go out there and have fun and work on getting a win with the lazy practice approach(standing around and goofing off at practices under Riley). There’s a time and a place to have fun and games, but the practice field is not one of them IMHO.
I consider the AAC to be in between the Power 5 and conferences like the MAC, Sun Belt, etc. I enjoyed watching Cincy punk Chipster and the Bruins last season!
It’s way too soon to start the annual football frustration festival. Wait until practice starts in a few weeks. Enjoy the lull.
Here I’ll start it off…..run the goddamn ball!!!!!!
SI weighs in on this topic:
We really sucked last year on D. That was a painful read. Thanks!
Speak for yourself, but I didn’t suck on any D last year.
Don’t ask me about 2018 though.
Usually Dad’s Weekend falls on the last Saturday home game (not including the CW) which is ASSU this year, which is winnable. This year, they put it a week earlier, on a Friday night game against UW which is certainly a loss. Why Beavs why?
I’m taking the under on both teams this year, but I’m usually pessimistic. The Beavs are going to be better this year with fewer blowout losses but still have to achieve something before I can bet the over. The avg point diff in the Pac12 losses was over 27 points with our closest game coming against U$C. Yikes….
Washington is always Dad’s weekend when it’s a home game. Has been for quite awhile. Also, ASU is the last home game which is Senior night. So it’s not OSU’s fault, it’s the Pac-12 for not scheduling Washington as the final home game of the season. This schedule is very reminiscent of 2014 schedule in some ways:
2014 home opener: Vs. Portland State W 29-14
2019 Home opener: Vs. Oki State L
2014 @ Hawaii W 38-30
2019 @ Hawaii W
2014 Vs. San Diego State W 28-7
2019 Vs. Cal Poly W
2014 @ USC L 10-35
2019 Vs. Stanford L
2014 @ Colorado W 36-31
2019 @ UCLA W
2014 Vs. Utah L 23-29
2019 Vs Utah L
2014 @ Stanford L 14-38
2019 @ CAL Toss up
2014 Vs. CAL L 31-45
2019 @ Arizona Toss up
2014 Vs. Wazzu L 32-39
2019 Vs. Washington L
2014 Vs. ASU W 35-27
2019 Vs ASU W
2014 @ Washington L 13-37
2019 @ Wazzu L
2014 Vs. Oregon L 19-47
2019 @ Oregon L
2014 Record: 5-7
2019 prediction: (4-6) – (8-6)
I don’t see the Beavs beating UCLA in Los Angeles.
UCLA’s schedule looks just as tough as it did last season:
Does that mean they are planning on recycling the Beav’s?
How would a “Zero Waste Day” even work on a game day? They won’t let people throw food on the ground like peanut shells, force everyone to put their plastic nacho tray in recycling bins, any left over food put into a compost bag/bin, and use only memorabilia plastic cups and not paper cups?
Who’s sponsoring the game, Waste Management?
Crap. After looking a little deeper, it’s hard to see more than 2 wins. That’s a tough schedule for this team. I could even see 1-11. Our D has to be a lot better than last year to get more than 2 plus our QB play has to be waaaay better. I just don’t have any faith in Jake and the D is a mystery
Sportsbookadvisor(whatever that is) weighs in on the Beavs line too.
(whatever that is)…….No Kidding!
Here is what they say about kicking, “The kicker and punter are returning starters so the kick game should be in pretty good shape.”
How hard would it be to look at field goal accuracy from last year and then draw the conclusion that the kick game is NOT in good shape?
I’m intrigued by the predictor, watch list, awards, ratings, number crunchers in sports, even for high school – Who pays all these people?
Uhhhhhh wow.
I’m struggling with a prediction because of how historically shitty the defense was last year. Only UConn saved the Beavs from the record books. I guess I will go with three wins. I hope Tibesar knows what he’s doing.
His little bro is part owner of a brew pup in St. Paul that makes some righteous brews, so he’s got that going for him.
Maybe that’s why the kool aid mentioned above has a hoppy bite to it? Smooth finish though!
Are you saying drinking will make Tibesar a better coach or drinking will help him survive the season?
Hope isn’t a strategy (unless you’re a beaver.)
Maybe we should go easy on Tibesar. Didn’t someone say part of Riley’s duties was scouting opposing offenses and providing reports?
I noticed that too. Tibesar joined the TPB club.
It’s called a coping mechanism.
I’m thinking that with over half the D upgrading their starters from last year and Aydon being in decent shape, we’ll be C/C- on D. I know that’s a big step up from a F earned by last years defense but hey, I’m drinking the Tibe-aid! Better D means more shots on O and we’ll definitely be scoring some points. I think they’ll be running up the middle and left quite a bit this year. Luton will hit those deep balls as the D will have to respect the run.
5 wins will come from somewhere with no big blowouts
Speaking of Riley, where is he now? In San Antonio coaching that shitty league or still lingering around Corvallis infecting the Beavs?
As posted in the last thread:
Hmmmm…… “He decided”.….gotta hope JS is the decider, and that he is just giving his ol’ coach a chance to save face.
More in the piece, confirming baseball moves already posted here by beavergopher (who should henceforth be referred to as “rodentia duplicita”)
Missed that great news.
Like the Terminator, he’ll be back after this league goes tits up.
More like herpes, It never really goes away.
If he is in Corvallis this autumn, will he get to be on the field? Get VIP seats. My preference is that he will be out-of-town or simply lost in the crowd if he’s in Corvallis.
Riley is OC for the Seattle XFL team
He’s in Seattle now? Damn. Too close.
What happened to that San Antonio gig?
League folded I believe
Lol. That was fast.
Add another failure to Riley’s resume.
Just read up on it. Kind of funny, but sad at the same time. League kicked off Feb. 7th. They we’re going to make payroll the following week so a big money investor (Thomas Doundon) set up a 250 mil credit line with the caveat that he can cancel at any time. Demanded the league set up an aggressive expansion goal.
April 2nd (season wasn’t even finished yet) he contacted the founder (Dick Ebersols son) and told him he was pulling the credit line and everyone was fired as of 5:00 pm (over 1000 players and employees).
Players found out via twitter. Many were evicted that day out of the hotels they were staying in.
Fucking shit show
*Weren’t going to make payroll
That league had disaster written all over it. Another misallocation of capital due to cheap credit.
I would rather take the over/under on Riley returning to the program (for the fifth time, I think) after the XFL folds then trying to figure out how many wins the Beavs will get this season.
The XFL won’t be folding anytime soon. The AAF demonstrated a market for spring football but was rushed, chose markets TV didn’t want (they had to pay to be on TV), and didn’t have the capital needed to last.
The XFL made none of those mistakes. The XFL may fail but it will last 3-5 years minimum.
3 downvotes for stating that a pro football league has enough funding to make it 3-5 years. That is good stuff…..
Just my worthless opinion, but I think you are being “down voted” because the point isn’t whether the XFL is going to fold or not. I doubt anyone here cares that much about it. The idea is that we can’t kill off Mike Riley. The XFL and it’s future failure will be another conduit for his eventual return!
Are you related to Jack?
Maybe people just don’t like you?
While angry, couldn’t care less of a bunch of people on the internet like me…especially you since you are nothing but a clueless wannabe that hates Oregon State but thinks you’re cool because you have a shifty blog.
As to my comment about the XFL surviving, to people with functioning brains discussing the survival of said league is directly related to Riley not returning but I wouldn’t expect a bunch of dumbshits that think angry knows anything to have basic thinking skills.
Someone got triggered.
Looks like someone used the mute/ignore option; thus 7 downvotes on the first comment and only 6 on the followup at 7:22pm.
I’m not trying to insult anyone. Some of my comments are just me being sarcastic or absurd which doesn’t always translate. My Jack reference had to do with him usually leading the league in downvotes until he disappeared.
youngorst says:
JUNE 21, 2018 AT 3:09 PM
Rating: -2 (from 2 votes)
“No NFL funding but the idea that the league won’t be able to pay its bills is absurd.
Its got plenty of financial backing and a sound business plan.”
Yet the AAF folded after what? 3 weeks or so after the games started?
So your initial comments about the AAF were 100% incorrect. Yet here you are calling posters here dumbshits without functioning brains when they say the XFL will likely meet the same fate as the AAF.
Nah. The negative votes probably have nothing to do with the fact you’ve proven you know nothing about how business actually works.
Well he’s a snowflake socialist, so of course he doesn’t understand how business works.
I’ll take that bet (name your price) that it fails before 3 to 5 years.
Looks like pitcher Drew Gilbert has flipped to Tennessee
Well that pisses me off. He talked his best bud into coming to OSU and then leaves him high and dry. There were a ton of articles were he called OSU his “dream school” and Yeskie told me in Surprise they were in on him early. I guess Casey was the dream. Another MN kid off to the SEC.
I wonder what the back story is?
Maybe it is a sign Yeskie will be poached?
Doubt to Tennessee since they have Frank Anderson, but I could see him being miffed about being passed over for the HC job.
One of our readers messaged me yesterday asking if I’ve heard anything about Yeskie leaving(I haven’t) but I have no idea where that question was originating from either. Seems a little out of the blue
Of course he will leave. I don’t know the time line – was there ever a Yeskie/Canham overlap?
I guess another rumor is that Greg Brown(who turned down a Yankess draft selection to play college ball) was set to sign with OSU this week, but changed his mind because Yeskie is supposedly leaving(or has already left?)
All rumor at this point. If the person who messaged with me has more to add, maybe they’ll comment on it in this thread, but I don’t want to out anybody in case the topic is sensitive.
*Ryan Brown*
F that. I’m sour grapes. Lol
Came across this guy on twitter who found one sportsbook offering +125 on Oregon state under 2.5 wins, and next door another sports book pays +125 for the over. So he bets both and is guaranteed a pay out. Max bet is $2K, but he makes an easy $500k for doing nothing more than waiting a few months.
Lol I’m not sure your math is right on that one.
How so?
He only wins $500 not $500k
Not if the bets and payouts are in lower case consonants.
Ha, yeah. The k was unintentional. Point being, it’s easy money if you have the funds to set aside for a few months
Isn’t it a real PIA signing up for gambling sites these days?
He was at the physical sportsbook location(s) in Atlantic City.
I imagine if you had the time/bank roll and wanted to a person could quit their job and make a decent living finding these situations where you bet both sides with odds and guarantee a payout.
The ticket would be to create a web crawling program that finds them for you.
Not seeing the logic here.
If OSU wins three or more games you win one bet but lose the other.
If OSU wins 2 games or less you win one bet but lose the other.
On a pair of 2K bets it’s a net $1500 loss by my math.
Not seeing what ya’ll are seeing.
+125 means 125% payout.
So you’re guaranteed to lose 1 bet resulting in -$2000
But you’re also guaranteed to win 1 at a payout of $2500 (125%)
Net gain +$500
Still not seeing it. If you make two bets at $2000…..
$2000 x 2 = $4000
You lost 2 grand. Yet the 2 grand bet you won only netted a $500 reward.
$4000 (total spent) – $2500 (win payout) = $1500 (net loss)
How is getting $2500 back from $4000 spent considered a smart move? That’s how I’m seeing it.
*not a gambler
The win was 125% of total bet, so it returns 2000 x 1.25 = 2500(rather than $500)
bet #1. You turn $2000 into -$2000
bet #2. You turn $2000 into +$2500
Net $500
Still don’t see your point. Simple math tells me at the end of the day you spent $4000 on a pair of bets but only got $2500 back from both bets.
Like I said, I’m not a gambler.
$2000 x 125% = $2500
Are you saying the return on the $2000 bet is $2500?
Is the reward 125% of your initial $2000 bet or in addition to it? Maybe that’s my misunderstanding?
The total payout on your $2000 bet gets you back $4500 (2000 bet + $2500 reward)?
Is that correct?
Both betting tickets were attached in the Twitter image and show the payout for winning. The payout is $4500 for a win so NB is correct on a net $500 gain. You get your wager back ($2000) plus 125 ($2500).
Stick to the whisky
“And if you order right now………..we’ll double the offer. Yes $1000 guaranteed.”
Not sure what the OSU Board of Trustees does or can accomplish but I’m delighted Lamar Hurd is now a member.
Luke set to pitch tonight, will have to break in a new catcher; according to manager Alfonso “Houston” Jimenez:
“#Tecolotes catcher Luis Flores was placed on the reserve list after getting a great job with the government”
cue the Federales jokes
Hmm…. Maybe Jack left for a great job with the government too.
Guess that weekend on Shore Patrol finally paid off. Can you imagine Jack with the TSA? Or the Federales?
I think I have solved the Jack mystery. I was looking at granola a few days ago and there is a company that makes a product called “Classic Bircher Mix.” No sugar added and tastes like ground up dry wall. He is in the food biz.
Maybe Bircher is someone who emulates a Birch tree? Goes off into 3 different directions/tangents?
The season is just over a Month away. Crazy.
Yes, and the ABeavs are wrestless.. Bircher Mix… One upvote. Classic.
Dr Gregory Colburn and his wife Amy of Palo Alto, California are two of the very few parents who have elected to fight the charges filed against them by prosecutors, even after being hit with a superseding indictment in the case.
The couple have been charged with both conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering conspiracy for offenses they allegedly committed in hopes if boosting their son’s chances at gaining admission to colleges including: Indiana University; Texas Christian University;
University of Oregon, Eugene; and University of Arizona, Tempe.
That must be one not-very -bright kid.
I’m surprised there haven’t been more comments about the D. It HAS to be better than last year, but the D-line is mostly a mystery and the coaches are on record saying they’re concerned about CB. Those are the levers for both your run D and pass D. The LB and S talent is pretty good, but the last few years we’ve seen both position groups get absolutely crushed because of the incompetence at DL and CB.
I’ll go with 3 wins and another close loss that feels like we should’ve won.
And Riley is no longer scouting opposing offenses. Some big addition by subtraction there
I feel like we have a lot of potential at DB.
Shawn Wilson
Manning Jr.
Kaleb Hayes
Isaiah Dunn
Jaydon Grant
They have enough talent there to do fine. All those dudes have been on campus for 2+ years.
They moved Kee back to Safety. Mason Moran a safety (which he was a 4* at but came to us to be a QB), Moore, Moku Watson, We have a lot of potential to be solid in the secondary.
But questions remain I guess.
Looking at Numbers I’m more concerned about DL for sure. Hopefully Wittley is a difference maker this year and Elu drops some weight and puts it all on the line like he wants a shot at the league.
LaMone Williams is finally a senior. Surprised that guy never panned out…. Maybe he comes out of nowhere.
So anybody up on the current roster, what will our starting OL look like this year?
I’m assuming Brandel/Lavaka/Eldridge will be starters, but who else? And which spots will they be lining up? Eldridge is obviously starting C, but what does the rest look like?
I saw Kipper during spring ball. The guy is huge, and given his experience he seems like a good candidate to start. After that, we have alot of big dudes but all pretty inexperienced, right? Is Cordasco any good? Will the GA era trio of Clarke/Mackay/Wellsfry make an impact?
I feel like OL is the key question mark on O this year, as every other position has a pretty good mix of talent/depth.
C-Eldridge- Keobounnam
I think the OL could be good this year, especially the left side but the depth really concerns me
I know they were a little concerned with OL depth this year because they had Bush convert from DE to a RT, and I feel like there’s one more D guy they asked to convert, but can’t think of who it was. Plus they lost Fifita and Yanni to retirement(not sure either would have contributed much, but that’s 2 bodies they could have used)
I’m just not very optimistic they can put a quality line rotation together this upcoming season. most of these guys don’t have much game experience together, outside of Brandel/Lavaka
L side should be good, but I agree the R side is a question mark.The positive is that we have a very good and experienced coach for that position group.
Having a clear cut and experienced starter at center is, I think, an obvious improvement.
Angry, I picked up an Epiphone Dot Studio semi hollow the other day for $100. I’ve been wanting to pick up a semi hollow body for a while so I’m fairly stoked.
Restrung it and it’s getting settled in and it’s pretty cool so far. I’m going to swap my P-Rails out of my Les Paul in to it and finally stick my chrome Super Distortions in my LP.
Cool. I like those epiphone dots. $100? Never saw one near that cheap, though. If it’s a new one made in China I can’t vouch, but the ones from like ten years ago were pretty awesome.
Nah it’s an older one. It popped up used with the “just sitting here never gets played” ad so I jumped on it.
I never see Dots or the Ibanez semi hollows for less that $250, which is funny since a lot of them were right around $300 new. This one is the WB (worn brown), it’s all natural finish with rosewood fret board with no markers and black body binding. It’s really clean looking. I may put some different knobs and a set of chrome Grovers on it to break it up a touch.
Ooh. I’ve actually played one of those. Exact model. I didn’t care for it. The string tension was super high due to how they pin down the tailpiece. I had to raise the tailpiece up to release some of that. It helped. But the bridge would not go down far enough to get nice action (I like 2mm, and I couldn’t get it down that low). At $100 it’s still a good score because you can flip it for more, but I found the one I tried unplayable. In the late 90s or early 2000s they made ones that were almost indistinguishable from the Gibsons. Those are the ones I was thinking of.
Hey Angry, did you try top wrapping the strings on that dot? That can work pretty well for making the strings feel more slinky. It looks like I can score a new Gotoh bridge and tailstop for $50-60, I’ll probably get them coming and top wrap when I put them on. Bet that helps.
I forget if I did. I worked on it for a friend. It was his guitar. I remember raising the tail piece. If you can do that definitely do it though, yeah. Agree it helps with resistance and gives a slinkier feel.
PS. check your email soon, going to send you something regarding price of parts.
You got it.
Also keep your fingers crossed, I’m currently trying to hustle a deal on a 5×10 laser table. I can’t really afford it but if I can get in to it it will be a game changer and would pay for itself in short order.
Yeah messing with the bridge is on the list, if it sucks it should be an easy swap out. I usually have to adjust the truss rod after I restring with heavier strings.
Northwestern’s coach talking about the changing demographics and technology leading to declining attendance at college football games nationwide.
Personally, i think technology is the biggest reason people dont want to kill a full day to watch a football game. There are too few precious Saturdays in the Fall. Football isnt entertaining enough to take over my weekend.
Yeskie to UA as pitching/asst HC. Wow
The rumors were right. One of the AB readers messaged me about this last week and said Yeskie had talked with Arizona. Happened back when we lost Gilbert plus the local kid from South Salem over a 24 hour period.
Time for Canham to rebuild Beaver Baseball. No pressure
He was butt hurt all along.
I wonder how many recruits we lose.
11 years and probably being talked up by Casey, he probably just expected the job. I bet hes regretting that coaching job he turned down for a raise last year. I wonder if they gave him a hint that he would be the next hire if he stayed and took the raise?
No surprise, and Canham had to know this was coming. If he didn’t make all the necessary phone calls a month ago he’s not the guy for the job.
It was only a matter of time. Not surprising and if I were him would have done the same. Here’s the best way of thinking of this, on a scale of 1-10:
Casey retiring: 10
Yeskie leaving: 3
ryan brown from south Salem decommits from osu? Do you have the source? Can’t find anything about it.
Source was same guy who told me Yeskie was interviewing with Arizona. Happened same day, apparently.
I hate that guy….
Yeskie not being able to land a head coaching job seems to kind of validate the Beavers passing him over. Just hope they don’t lose many recruits. Wonder if they go after a pitching coach or keep Bailey and Jenkins on board?
Or, he could afford to choose his spot and not take a crap job just to take one.
He could afford to choose his spot so he makes a lateral move instead of waiting for the right head coaching job?
He gets to give a middle finger to Barnes on the way out.
I’m sure he saved one for Casey too. Casey almost seemed giddy when they hired Canham. I’d imagine the Yeskies didn’t love that.
who can criticize that?
Really! – money? Just needed to get out and then “choose his spot.” later?
I’m of the understanding that of the big three (Pat, Pat and Nate), that Bailey was the lead recruiter. Of course, he had Casey to sell.
That is true. Most of the parents say they had minimal contact with Casey during recruiting. Also had Yeskie to sell.
How could anyone, anyone at all, think Yeskie would stay? How could his heart and head be in the job. Recruits and players know he wanted the job but wasn’t selected and wonder why. I’m surprised he chose to go to another Pac-12 team and that it is pretty much a lateral move. Mitch Canham needs to get this really right.. Could he entice someone he’s worked with in the pros to come to a college powerhouse team, as OSU is often described.
Subject change: Beavers playing in Milb, especially those from the CWS championship team are doing really, really well. And Conforto. I think an enterprising beat writer might have a good story.
someone remind me, Please: who was the Pitching coach before Yeskie?
Dan Spencer.
Recently released from WSU, knows Mitch pretty well…
That would be the logical and easy move. Is it the correct one?
I forgot – Spencer is now HC at Linfield; he bounced up pretty quick after Wazzu. Some on other boards speculate he could be enticed, but I don’t think he’d stoop to those ethics, what with a deal being a deal and all. So I don’t think it would be the correct move. as much as it might feel good to some.
I was at a wedding a couple of weeks ago. A friend I saw there who helps coach high school ball (can’t remember where but the head coach is a former beav pitcher) mentioned if/when Yeskie leaves that same current head high school coach would be a candidate to work with Oregon State pitchers. It isn’t Gunderson but of course many former pitchers Im sure are interested.
I’d think Canham would have a good feel for a pitching coach but also being able to recruit a top catcher.
Cadyn called up to Keys
So the other shoe finally drops. Explains the Gilbert decision. To take a lateral move to a conference rival is a huge middle finger to Barnes and Casey. I don’t blame him as he did appear to be the guy in waiting to take over.
Mrs. Yeskie: Oregon State “introduced me to people I never want to be” and “opened my eyes to the fact that loyalty is a one way road”
Man, that is pretty vindictive. Yeskie is definitely a competitor which is nice and fine for a position coach but I think you need to be a competitor and of high character for long term success as a head coach.
Two points: It doesn’t seem that “vindictive” to me — I guess it’s how one interprets it. Also, it wasn’t Nate who made the post, so can we really address his character based on her post?
fair enough, the character thing is based on an experience someone close to me had and his past DUI though also.
Like you said…fair enough. Perhaps that went into the selection committee’s decision.
The “character thing” is also bound up in how that couple came to be Mr. and Mrs. That is, if rumors (and math) meant anything about seven or eight years ago…
She can complain about loyalty, that’s fine, but you can’t hire based purely on loyalty. That kind of thinking is why we got stuck with Mike Riley for so long.
It’s hard coming in second twice. Completely understandable that Yeskie would want to leave. He had to make the move. More money plus he’ll be a top choice as a candidate at other places next year.
Is it a big loss? Don’t know. Canham is going to get someone the fans and players will like. Can that person be successful with the players on the field is the big unknown.
Agree with both paragraphs.
Says a lot about Nate and the situation that he’d stay in the PAC12, even with what Rogers indicates is “SEC” type contract/pay.
Better to have things settled soon rather than if he’d hung around another 2-3 months.
Hard not to wish the guy the best except for three games a year.
I wish him well too. It will be interesting, however, to compare the number of Tommy Johns we face over the next decade compared to the last one.
If you’re having TJ surgery in college, the damage was done much earlier in high school or travel ball. I don’t put any of that on Yeskie.
Most likely the rate will go up no matter who the new pitching coach is unless there are serious restrictions put on youth pitchers.
I thought the same thing. He was a draw for good pitching prospects, so Mitch better not screw up this hire. This program has been built on pitching.
It’s hard not to wonder the same thing, it really seems like we’ve had a lot of them lately.
Exactly! re: his hanging around for 2-3 months. I credit him (or maybe just the circumstances) for leaving now b4 working with next year’s team and then leaving. That would have been quite awful and unfair.
Been seeing Gunderson rumors/wish-listing, is that just typical homerism/nostalgia or because he’s had great success coaching young arms?
I’m sure Gundy would be a competent pitching coach but Yeskie contributed more than just that. He had a lot of input with the hitters and I believe he was the best recruiter as well.
What was Nate’s history pre-OSU? Was he known as an elite recruiter? Did that come with the success of the program?
Not to my knowledge. He had actually been let go by UNLV. Success of the program and his ability to connect with players probably both played a role. Not saying Gundy or another guy can’t do the same.
Pat C saw something in him. He did a fantastic job with the pitchers. I hope Mitch gets Casey’s input before making this hire.
Pat C saw something in Mitch, too. If I remember correctly he was one of the members of the search committee as well.
So Nate came off a firing at UNLV? Then came to a back to back Championship team, had some success and now has been passed over, twice, and is leaving for a lateral move?
I wish him luck but if he’s looking for a head coaching job, after one year in AZ, he better hope he doesn’t end up another Lees.
I thought we’ve always been told that Bailey is the best recruiter. He is the reason we got Adley.
“…Yeskie contributed more than just (coaching pitchers)…”
So true.
Yeskie was frequently seen counseling players other than pitchers and he was active on social media remembering birthdays and following players who had moved on to MLB.
His wife, also, was an active supporter of the team in addition to being a volunteer coach for Beavs volleyball. We are losing the kind of storybook family which every athletic department likes to point to.
Doesn’t mean Canham can’t pick someone who can quickly become very similar.
Skill as a coach and ability to connect with young men certainly is primary, but I lean toward a fresh face with no prior connection to OSU.
If you want to get Casey’s opinion you can try to buttonhole him Saturday night at Volcano Stadium in Salem. Special night to honor him.
would they bring him in as an unpaid GA, or does Jenkins have to find a new job too?
Gunderson worked with Mick Abel, our top pitching recruit in the 2020 class as well as Jaren Hunter, another 2020 commit. Also a few Ducks pitchers, some Wazzu guys, etc.
Sounds legit to me, but what do I know?
Who’s going to coach pitchers?
Mike Riley!
He cant, hes coaching the womens swimming team next year.
With Bailey and Gipson as the two paid assistants, the third will be a volunteer coach. Likely a pitching coach unless Canham handles pitching. That opens the door to many more candidates. I think the 3rd coach doesn’t do any recruitment, just on field stuff. Meaning Gundy could be a strong candidate.
I’d guess the long term plan is to bring in a young coach who can succeed Bailey when he retires.
Do we know Gipson is being paid?
The release stated Gipson will be in his 2nd season as volunteer assistant.
Mike Parker can relate.
Jenkins was a paid assistant last year. As far as I know he is still with the team. Meaning Bailey or Canham will be the pitching coach? An unpaid assistant as the pitching coach seems out of place. Unless they ask Jenkins to find a new job, hard to believe he would go back to being unpaid. I asked about this a few comments up but no one responded and some idiot downvoted me… lol.
PAC-12 announces that the Conference Championship game will be played in Las Vegas in the Raiders new stadium in ’20/’21.
“The empty new stadium” FIFY
Thought Jenkins left when Canham was hired, because he didnt want to go back to an unpaid assistant role.
But that was back when Bailey and Yeskie were still the 2 paid assistants.
To me, it sounds like Canham intends to fill the 2nd paid assistant coach role with a pitching coach, to be named later.
Bailey = Paid coach #1
Unnamed Pitching coach = Paid coach #2
Gipson = unpaid assistant
oh I don’t recall seeing anything official about Jenkins leaving is all. Not saying you are wrong but I believe a lot is still up in the air. Hope they get it sorted out soon.
Nothing much online. I did find this article, not sure how reputable the radio station is but they make it sound like Jenkins is a candidate for pitching coach which doesn’t make a whole ton of sense. Also they call him former Assistant Coach so maybe he is not currently with the University.
I don’t pay for this site but might be relevant.
This seems pretty official
oh thanks for the link, I missed that earlier.
OT: https://deadspin.com/adrian-peterson-appears-to-be-seriously-in-debt-1836646809
He should have bought bullion and junk silver…….
Lets see. Make 100 Million and end up millions in debt. He has a future in politics.
Conforto has been a disappointing pro.
26 yr old, .250 with 18 bombs?
Never seems to get clutch hits, and .250 is pretty bad in this age. HRs are a dime a dozen.
You’re contradicting yourself. Yeah guys are swinging for the fences, which makes .300 less
Likely. Not saying he’s been a hall of famer yet but as a mariner fan, he’d be a welcome addition to many teams. Again, only 26. And the Mets suck… so how many clutch hits is he really going to get
Currently only 16 mlb players are hitting .300 or above. Of those 16 players, only 9 have hit 20 or more HR’s.
Different era of baseball we’re in………………
Thanks for the numbers. Angry always disappears when wrong. Now he’ll come back with some stupid nuh uh Conforto still isn’t good.
I thought he would hit for a higher average in the pros, but they are paying for and want HR’s now.
Tuesday against the Twins he went 4-4 with the game winning hit and made a game saving catch crashing into the outfield.
I didn’t say he’s not good. I said he’s disappointing.
With his swing he should be hitting at least .285 career and hitting 35hr per year in an era where MLB admits they juice the ball. End of story. .243 last year and .250 this year isn’t acceptable. You can say “he’s only 26”, try to make excuses, etc, but it’s his fourth full season. With runners in scoring position and 2 out, which was the situation last night the mets needed a clutch hit, he’s hitting .179.
I know what era of baseball we’re in, and I know Conforto is average, when he should be much better given his swing, pedigree, etc. He’s a disappointment. If you don’t think so it’s because you are biased he’s a Beav.
His Wins Above Replacement statistic would indicate that he is a better than average major league baseball player. He is probably disappointing if you were expecting him to be an all-star or a hall of fame type guy.
His OBP is right around top 50 and his OPS is 70th. I think that is kind of what you would expect from a guy drafted number 10 overall (even though the MLB draft is a bit of a crapshoot. I don’t watch many Mets games but I assume he is not getting a whole ton of “protection” in the batting order. I don’t know that that is disappointment level, he has a long career ahead of him if he stays healthy. Be interesting to see how much he gets paid with his next deal.
On a side note what are the expectations for Rutchman? Lets here them now so in 5 years there is no debate on whether or not he is a disappointment.
I’m not sure on Rutchman. I’d like to see how he handles AA and AAA pitching.
Based on his approach and his swing, he the pro he reminds me most of is of Joey Votto (in his prime). He won’t put up those numbers because of the wear and tear of catching. So maybe Votto – 20% would be my guess.
I have been a Mets fan since I was a kid and watch 75% of their games. I read a lot about the team online. I’ve garnered that the overall sentiment is that Conforto has slightly under-achieved. He still has spotty plate discipline and strikes out too much. He did have a serious injury to overcome and he has been shifted around in the outfield. He needs to have a breakout season soon. It has not happened yet. I think that’s probably why he’s not an “untouchable” any longer as far as a trade possibility. Of course, the Mets being the Mets will trade him and he will hit .300/30HR’s/100RBI’s for another team.
That sounds right.
I don’t sit through whole games. My wife gets me the MLB package every year as a Father’s Day gift and it has a condensed game option. Three hours of the Mets this year would excruciating.
https://mobile.twitter.com/CJacksonLMT/status/1154216579997024256 Good night for Luke
Beavs looking at 2 DE’s up in Spokane, Idaho panhandle area.
Voightlander and Munyer
Hey thanks, both of these guys are non hackers though. They’ve struggled mightily against good highschool competition and both have a reputation for being an academic liability. No thanks! Next!!!
Batting average is becoming less relevant. Ops and war reign at least in the pros.
What is with Twitter?
The interface is now unusable, and I’m also not seeing any recruiting Tweets.
Careful of Twitter, they will ban you for looking cross-eyed…..
They did a format change. Guy on the radio here was ranting and bitching about it yesterday.
So horrible!
The gals, and Rueck, deserve “nice things” but, a million bucks sure doesn’t go as far as it once did!
Darn Birchers!
From the gadget times, the piece includes comments on several capital projects including the Gill “plaza”.
The Birchers are FOR the money going far, though.
Damn Jacks.
I was curious how the plaza in front of Gill was coming along, I sent a tweet to Gress the other day in fact.
Nice to see the progress being made and glad they’ll have it done before VBall. That plaza was a lawsuit waiting to happen. Leaving Gill at night, in the dark and rain, I’d always expect to see some gray hair go down, thankfully I never did.
Yeah, I tend to be a use something until it is completely fallen apart guy but the plaza in front of Gill was starting to get a little sketchy. I know some folks think they are putting lipstick on a pig but Gill still seems like a fine venue to me. The sound is not that bad, the site lines are good… my nosebleeds when I go to games could be a bit comfier but oh well if it were that big of deal I’d pay for better seats.
Hope they do it right.
https://mobile.twitter.com/nypost/status/1154548012259127296 Conforto update,
Re: Luke, for those that don’t feel like clicking through…
“Rookie left-hander Luke Heimlich tossed the third scoreless outing of his career, allowing four hits while striking out three and walking three in six innings. He also helped leave seven runners on base, which would be some of the most important pitches of his brief time in the pros.
Heimlich is beginning to find his own over the last three starts, recording two scoreless outings and a 2.37 ERA in that frame to lower his season ERA from 5.51 to 4.91.
“Memo has been working hard with him since two weeks ago. Since one month ago, he’s been working with him. He’s been doing some exercises, some crazy exercises that I don’t understand. He’s getting slow ground balls and he throws. His problem was he wasn’t having good command. The last three outings, he’s been doing really, really great. Today, again, he was throwing the ball good. We just didn’t give him a run. But we’re really happy for him.””
The Yale coach was quoted (on tape as I recall) as saying (or words to that effect) that Luke was the best college pitcher he’d ever seen – probably could go directly into MLB. Then in the post-mess write-ups – (or wtte) how Luke had command of 4 pitches, could hit corners with all of them, for 8 pitches.So, could someone enlighten me as to why he now has trouble with command?
The league he’s in is roughly equivalent to AAA. It’s pretty rare that a player would go directly from college to that level of competition. And he had time off. It takes even the most gifted player a couple years to get to triple a. The avg player in that league is in their late 20s. His command probably hasn’t changed, it’s that hitters won’t chase as much and mistakes are punished much more often.
Your wisdom to the contrary, I’m sure I will continue to opine that the Tecolote coaches have messed with his pitching. “late 20s?” Egad – I think, at that point, you might give it up.
AAA? How many Mexican League guys go on to the majors? I’m thinking probably closer to AA.
Apparently it’s a 2-way street
that features several former Major League players, including power-hitting first baseman Chris Carter, who hit 41 home runs for the Milwaukee Brewers in 2016, one-time Angels infielder Erick Aybar and six-time All-Star closer Francisco Rodriguez.
Who wants to go to a 8am football game?
At least they acknowledge the pratfalls of such a plan.
“For schools outside major population centers such as Oregon, Oregon State and Washington State, where large percentages of the fans drive from hours away and there is limited hotel space locally, the idea could be more logistically challenging. And there will surely be pushback from fans, particularly those fond of tailgating, who simply don’t want to wake up that early to attend a game.”
Although based on recent history, Reser is empty anyway and this plan would give fans a whole day of drinking to salve another loss.
Morning games? What kind of bullshit is that?
The team, band, and cheerleaders might be the only people in Reser.
Eggers interview with S and C Coach McDonald. A pretty detailed look at the S&C program.
“They’re getting better, and they’re in a lot better shape.”
It’s just the usual, the new strength and conditioning coaches are better than the last ones story.
Can’t count the number of posters who were excited about the last s&c guy under ga.
What you want is the s&c training the players to what the coaches want from players. More speed, more agility, more pure strength, more quickness, better feet, etc.
You’re right but I found the mention of yoga, McDonalds quiet relationship with Smith, the PRP structure, and the details of the day to day schedule interesting.
Good to know McDonald has the educational credentials to do the job, unlike the guy slick willie brought with him to U of Nike. Of course McDonald doesn’t have a handlebar ‘stach and I’ve not seen him running/screaming on the sidelines.
I don’t really care what he does as long as the guys don’t all look like freshmen like the Riley years and we don’t have to sit through another season wrecked by tons of injuries.
Story on Kyle Peko and his wife having cancer
Who down votes this? Condolences to him and his family. Fuck cancer
I didn’t vote, but guessing someone probably downvoted the cancer. Thumbs down to them going through that.
Beavs will be getting an unofficial visit from a state of Washington 2020 OLineman they offered back in June, Samuel Peacock.
Not a great offer list at this time, but has good size.
And no worries on academics with Columbia and Georgetown offers. Greyshirt possibly?
Parents should have named after the former Sooner great………….Elvis Peacock.
Best football name ever.
I.M. Hipp is pretty close.
Anyone watch the latest season of Last Chance U?
I couldn’t stand the coach (they do this on purpose, obviously) so not sure I want to invest any time in it.
I watched it. It was very similar to the other seasons, lots of cursing, lots of fights, lots of weed. The coach is still a douche. Adolph Hitler makes an appearance at the end and screws things up for everybody — that was a little different.
I apologize for the double post if my previous one shows up, but I watched it. It is pretty much the same as the first three installments. I would recommend watching at least the last episode if you don’t like the coach.
Your first comment went to the spam bid for some reason.
Thanks for the input. I’m 50/50 if I want to give it time, but since you said there are moments worth it, I might check it out and see if I can get into it at all.
Maybr wordpress has filters to suppress keywords related to nazis
Another explanation for Jack’s disappearance. Everything he’s trying to post is being filtered.
Lol. No.
Hes dead. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Theres no way he could resist political/investment talk in one thread.
Anyone lost on Mt. Hood recently? I can see Jack surviving a few months up there.
You might be on to something. https://katu.com/news/local/oregon-has-third-highest-rate-of-open-missing-person-cases-in-us-study-says
Yeah it seems like every week someone goes missing on Hood.
I’m currently halfway through it. My opinion on Jason Brown has not changed. Total douchebag. He’s the Willie Taggart of JC ball. Tries to win in talent alone. Shitty x’s and o’s coach. But that could be just because of what they show.
Still not buying his schtick
For those who have any interest in Austin Meek, recently departed RG columnist – it was reported he was going to the Atlantic magazine. Almost. He’s writing for University of Michigan Athletic. https://twitter.com/byAustinMeek
The pitching coach search has been very quiet. Wondering if the guy is in pro ball and we’re having to wait for the season to finish.
Jack was selected by (remains nameless) to head up the clandestine fake news department within the (remains nameless). We see his work daily.
with fall ball just around the corner, I think we see a new coach by mid August.
Conforto reminding Angry what a douche he is.. 2 bombs in the last 2 days. 3 RBI’s today
Yeah 2 days doesn’t make a career. Dope. Still a disappointment and will be until he hits .300 with 35 routinely.
Don’t you have more predictions to work on, like pretending you know Pat Casey and that he’s coming back (only to retire a day later), or McM never starting for the Beavs only to start a few games later and win the Civil War?
Hits .300 with 35 home runs routinely ? That’s a pretty high bar, considering Mike Trout is the only guy in the league to pull that off last year.
So, you’re saying he’s not Mike Trout? Well no shit.
You don’t follow baseball, huh?
Just off the top of my head some guys who do that: Yelich, Bellinger, JD Martinez, Acuna Jr, Mookie Betts, Arenado, Freeman, Bryant, Goldschmidt, Blackmon, Votto, etc. I’m sure there are many more given baseball is a joke offensively.
I’d settle for .290 and 30hrs. He’s a 1st round draft pick. Many of the guys above weren’t. He is not living up to his pedigree, period.
For the most part I agree with you. He’s been disappointing for his career so far. But……the Mets fucking suck. He gets little protection from the hitters in front of and behind him. Put him on a better team and you’d likely see better numbers. Or, the Mets could try sucking less. But that’s an ownership/management problem.
PS – where are all the Mariners fans that came out of the woodwork during the first 25 or so games of the season? Crickets….
In 2017 he hit .279/.384/.555.
I’m not sure the Met’s had a good lineup that year. They had an always hurt Céspedes, and that’s about it. Good hitters put up numbers in any lineup because it’s all about working the count and getting a pitch to hit, then not missing it (missing it is something Conforto does a lot).
That’s more in line with what I expected from him, and I thought he was finally living up to his potential. But since then it’s been two more disappointing years. At some point he is what he is, and after a large sample size of 1750 ABs that looks to be a .250 hitter.
People can argue all they want but that’s a huge sample and those are the numbers. It’s up to him to change it, and a good place to start would be shortening up the swing to cut down his strikeouts. He has enough power to have a much shorter/better approach. Career strikeout rate is ~ 25%. That only leaves you with 3/4 of your ABs to put a ball in play with a shot at a hit. So no wonder he’s so poor in that regard. Get that under 20% and you probably get an extra hit each week, and that’s about all it takes to hit .300 is one extra hit per week.
The game is changing angry. Very few are going for the batting average stat. It’s all about ops now.
Currently there are 19 guys in the mlb above .300.
In 2001, there were 45 guys over .300.
Pro baseball is all about the three true outcomes. Home run, walk or strikeout. A high batting average doesn’t get you paid anymore.
That point has been made ad nauseum.
The point is this – For a guy drafted 10th overall he should have a better career batting average then .251. ANYONE drafted that high and batting .251 has disappointing numbers.
Cody Bellinger was drafted in the 4th round and in his 3rd full season in mlb is hitting .280 for his career. And that’s after a big slump last season. That’s just one example.
I’m not saying Conforto needs to hit .300 like angry. But his average should be better than .251. And he’s been an all star just once. That IS disappointing. Along with the fact he strikes out a ton. Average up, strikeouts down. Pretty simple formula.
Some of it rests on him. Some on the Mets shitty organization. As stated, I’d like to see him on a different team.
The game changed long ago. It’s been BB, K, HR for over a decade now since Money Ball, which came out in 2003. The book was taken seriously a few years after that around ’05. So almost 14 years of this boring 3 outcome game.
But that’s a different argument.
He doesn’t have to hit an even .300. I was throwing that out there with the assumption of a variant (+/-10 seems fair). 5hr variant, too. So at .290 and 25hrs I wouldn’t consider him a disappointment, but I would think he had more potential than those numbers.
Saw him today, weird.
Nobody said 2 days makes a career, but it sure wasn’t a “disappointing” 2 days was it? Dope.
Coach Smith’s commitment signal has been tweeted out. Would suggest keeping an eye on the OL who visited this weekend, Samuel Peacock.
I think the Beavs are due to pick up several new commitments between now and August 15th
2 star prospect with a poor offer sheet, for those who care about these things (like I do).
Our overall recruiting is going nicely though with every playing earning 3-stars. I haven’t looked at their film or the offer sheets yet.
Any chance it relates to Newell?
I always used to like gambling on these kids with big frames that just need to fill out but it seems like we haven’t had one do the actual filling out part in a while.
Gary Andersen did the same thing with cheerleaders.
In the past, these types of kids had time to develop.
Yeah Peacock will be interesting but talk about underwhelming. He’s tall but This staff could be amazing, but not winning many games in the Pac-12 going after the same dudes as Wyoming A & M or Idaho State
Yeah, I’d love this kind of guy if he were a PWO, give him a redshirt… maybe a greyshirt too. 3 years to hit weights and maybe he ends up being a great OT. Seems like the OL is one of those positions that you hear about the most when you talk about walk-ons that become NFL players. Just kind of a crapshoot to predict what a 17/18 year old will look like at 21/22.
I’m working on pinning down the specifics, but it’s looking like OSU will be getting a 4* OLB from Minnesota in for a visit at some point. He seems to be a Wisconsin lean currently, but also sounds like his decision is still pretty up in the air.
Sadly, I think the only 4 star from Minnesota the Beavs will get is yours truly. The good news is when Angry re-rates everybody, I might our first 5 star since Simi Kuli………..and just as impactful.
The skinny on this kid is that he is a great athlete and very good B-ball player. I believe his is on the fence with the hometown Gophers and the BADgers.
In the Golden Rodents favor is that they have filled 22 of the 24/25 spots and his position is graduating two senior starters, one who will be a high draft pick. Johnson has been a high priority for this staff and potential playing time is there early.
The rumor about Wisconsin is that he is waiting to see who else verbals to them. They have a highly rated LB from HI, a good local kid, and are in the mix for some other good LB prospects.
Interest in our lovable rodent has to come exclusively from Tibesar’s reputation for putting OLB’s in the league, so that is a good thing. #rowthebeaver.
https://mobile.twitter.com/CJacksonLMT/status/1156394141309423621 OOB where u at
At 23 he’s the youngest pitcher on their active roster, and he leads the team in starts, innings, wins, and strikeouts. He’s 5th in the league in strikeouts. I think a handful of guys have been signed from the Mexican league to American AAA-ball this year. At least one pitcher has played in the Mexican league at the start of the season and then in the Majors this season for the Phillies. Somebody’s got to be noticing him there.
In contrast to MLB as mentioned above, in the 16 team Mexican league there are 75 guys batting over .300 so that league isn’t easy on pitchers.
Of course teams are noticing him, they noticed him before the draft. But the same reason he didn’t get drafted still exists, and it will exist forever. I guess there is a chance it will draw less attention if he’s brought up from the minors rather than in the draft, but once he gets a big money contract the SJWs will go on a rampage again.
Any word if Luke has been heckled or booed when playing in Mexico?
I haven’t heard of anything along those lines. But if it’s happening he’s probably starting to become numb to it. That could be part of the reason for his improved stats, but likely he’s just getting settled into his environment.
“settled into his environment” and what an environment change – sweet li’l Corvallis to Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and that doesn’t take into consideration his childhood, as reported. Shudder to think how China would have been. Brenda Tracy and gang got their way and it may have backfired.
I’m not going to track down the official statement from the Tecos when Luke signed but it was along the lines of not judging the past, looking to the future, no official record, wants to play baseball for us, we’ll see what he can do. The End
“Luke Heimlich tosses his third shutout in the last four games. His stats in that span: 1.73 ERA, 18 strikeouts, six walks”
Sounds like he’s starting to shake off the rust.
I was off the grid for most of yesterday, knew Luke was gonna start but wasn’t able to follow the game.
Did you learn anything about the “team meeting” the Tecos recently held? Gotta wonder how he is fitting in with the language, new catcher, change in managers.
“poncho, strikeout, or K”, the caliber of pitching Luke is showing overcomes those barriers. Seems “Houston” Jiménez recognizes that.
Received an email today to buy tix to see OSU at the 2019 PK80 tournament. Last tournament was great. Featured 16 quality teams, but no Beavs.
Beavs started their own tournament, the Dam City Classic.
This time, the PK80(is 80 really appropriate, given Phil Knight is 2 years older now?) only has 4 teams. Beavs, Ducks, Oklahoma and Memphis. Not much of a tournament considering inter conference matchups can’t happen. It’s really just 2 games. Oregon vs Memphis and OSU vs Oklahoma. That’s it.
And it looks like the short lived Dam City Classic is now dead.
My bad, it’s the PKI now (for Invitational)
Madrigal promoted to AAA. On a pretty fast track now. Don’t think he’s on the 40 man roster yet so Sept call up doesn’t seem likely.
No surprise. His AA numbers were good.
Elu Aydon is down 1 pound from last year, to 377.
He should be good for one more snap a game!
AngryBeavs knew this a couple months ago but the Oregonian is now reporting Colletto’s move to inside linebacker…
Position changes: Smith didn’t anticipate many position changes once camp begins. Most of the changes took place during the spring. But a couple have evolved in recent months, and are worth keeping eyeing: quarterback Jack Colletto and outside linebacker Matthew Tago taking reps at inside linebacker.
Colletto hasn’t played linebacker since high school, and hasn’t practiced at the position during season or spring practices. Smith said Colletto would continue to take reps at quarterback, however, as he’s part of the team’s short yardage and goal line packages.
I love seeing Crazy Legs Colletto taking over a stalled drive.
Looks like Jenkins has accepted a volunteer position with Cal State Fullerton. Not sure I can say this makes sense considering the cost of living.
Bummer for him he had to go back to unpaid. Wonder if OSU tried to keep him and he just didn’t want to go back to unpaid for OSU?
Not sure if any other school has this setup but Nike discussing buying out img/learfield Eugene property giving them full control over all sports marketing, tickets etc. l also heard the ok classic last year didn’t go well so Nike bought out the Dam classic for this coming year.
Bankston just received an offer? Thought that kid had one already.
Also, fall camp thread?
Teams can start sending out “official” offer letters today. Before today, everything was verbal. You’ll see alot of offers for all teams/athletes today.
Ohhhhh gotcha. Didn’t know that and appreciate the info.
Conforto must read AngryBeavs for motivation… his average keeps creeping up there.
New commit
3-star, but only other offers are from New Mexico and SJSU? Must be hard to project a position for him.
He is listed as an ATH on recruiting sites, but we recruited him as a WR
Looks athletic
New thread up, Football Fall Camp+