Home Historical Share Your AB Memories, Lurkers Unite

Share Your AB Memories, Lurkers Unite


I thought this would be a fun start to the New Year.

Share how you found out about AB, your first or best memories, etc. If you’re a lurker and read the site but never comment (there are hundreds according to the stats), now is your chance to shine. Speak up.

Remember: if you sign up for an account (free) you can change your avatar, edit comments, and other benefits. Under “Dashboard” hit “Register” and then “remember me” to keep logged in at all times.

Also, feel free to go off topic.

Go Beavs.



  1. Hey, I turn 80 tomorrow — does that mean I get a free post? (and how do I turn off the “click to edit” thing under my posts?)

  2. Not sure how I came across your site the first time. It was back around the time when Katz was the starter at QB but Mannion took over, I believe.
    I remember not really liking you at first, because you said things about my team that I didn’t want to believe. But the more I came across your posts, the more I began to accept you were just pointing out the truth about Riley and our program and I began to realize I was just bothered by you because I was used to having sunshine pumped up my ass by local media.
    Best memory was making up a fake screen name and fooling everybody into thinking I was one of our former punters doing a Q&A with our fans. Had most of the people on this site believing I was him until the real guy showed up. Fortunately he had a good sense of humor about it.
    Trying to remember who the player was now. Been several years

  3. Hey, angry, when did you add the “jump to bottom” feature? That’s about when I came across the site, been hooked ever since.
    That was at a time when you often asked writers to provide a link when they referred to a bit of published info.

    On the topic of links, I sometimes wonder if readers get weary of my off topic posts of items relating to general OSU news, hopefully some have seen worthwhile nuggets they’d otherwise have missed.

  4. I was on pure-orange.net for years, and didn’t know much about this board except that it was anti-Riley and I didn’t agree with that. But around 2010 when the wheels came off for Riley (which I am now convinced corresponds to the time Jovan Stevenson knocked up his daughter) I was ready to be done with Mikey. Then pure-orange seemed to get more censor-happy about anything negative, then I realized AB had more good relevant inside info – good and bad – than anywhere else. Then pure-orange started sputtering and shutting down completely maybe 2012 or 2013? Since then I get just about all my Beaver news here. Good info here and lots of good opinions. Far and away the best Beaver site to find open discussion of different opinions.

  5. Apologies for going off topic, but found this a little interesting regarding Jaylon Redd and Lance W at UofO.
    Interaction from Rob Mosley(the oregon athletic department’s official media arm) regarding the rumors about the 2 players who missed the Rose Bowl.
    He doesn’t confirm anything, but he also avoids denying it, most likely because he cannot lie about the topic since he works for the school. Surprised he even engaged.
    Also sounds like scoopduck posted a brief piece about the same topic yesterday but then had to take it down for some unknown reason.
    Something stinks in Eugene.


  6. Guilty as charged of lurking.

    I think I actually saw the agnrybeavs.com on a shirt or a flier on a windshield at a game.

    I’ve been coming here since the early days. Commented a couple times but really don’t have much to add to the conversation.

    I enjoy the site, enjoy the folks who post. Yes even once in awhile….even Jack (RIP?). A few I think are off the rails…but provide some comedic relief to the day….

    I’ve learned things here, outside of OSU athletics, been turned onto so music or artists I never would have come across, and been challenged to “challenge” my thinking on OSU athletics and other topics.

    I thought Angry was a bit of an ASS at first, but an ASS that I found I had similar views about the state of OSU.

    I’ve often wondered if you hung out with people from this blog, would they get along or punch each other in the face. Some folks are Key Board Warriors and some folks are who they appear to be online.

    I appreciate the site. Nicebeaver has been great on the recruiting side. as well.

  7. 5

    Something always stinks in Eugene and it’s more than just the weed. Nike is paying these guys under the table, over the table, through the table and Oregon continues to get away with it. Oregon could hardly attract 3* star basketball players for MBB and now they’re pulling 4-5* star guys away from Kentucky, NC, etc. Yep, money talks and the kids know it. Phil’s got an open checkbook and the NCAA also knows it but won’t do anything about it.

    • 2

      Also, I’ve become suspicious of all players that stay for all four years. Herbert accomplished nothing by doing so and the media is trying to hype the Rose Bowl as a storybook ending to his career now.

      • this is what I mean about how we are in dire need for some legitimate mainstream (un-co-opted) journalism. Maybe Angry should ask Canzano about how Oregon finances is on the field product.

      • 4

        I’d personally come back for a senior year after taking out a large insurance policy. College is more fun than the pros, per all reports. If you think you have a special team it makes even more sense.

      • I’m sticking my with NFL-related anxiety theory on Herbert. We’ll see how he does in the NFL. I could see him ending up like Josh Allen.

        • Eugene is a small town, hell Herbert’s dad coached my step son a few years back.

          Herbert is a really nice kid, probably too nice and devoid of the killer spirit/warrior mentality that will be expected of him in the NFL. I figure he’ll make his money but I really don’t expect great things.

  8. I came from OLive Beaver posts from Lindsay Schnell, and followed Mamma Machado/BeaverBlitz for the recruiting updates. I ate up all the St. Riley junk they threw at me. Came on this site because of a tweet I think? and like NB said above, I didn’t like it at first. Thought it was too critical of Riley and Beaver Athletics. Until one day it just clicked. It was almost like swallowing the red pill for Neo. The veil the media portrayed was finally lifted and I was able to be critical.

    I enjoy reading all the thoughtful posts/comments everyone makes, especially the recruiting updates (thanks NB!). I honestly think the @BeavRecruiting twitter handle has been instrumental in getting recruits hyped up, or on the radar of our staff (#TraJonToCorvallis anyone?). Re-reading some of the game threads is fun, especially when the Beavs pull out a close one. All the high and low feelings are what it’s all about. Sure I’d like the Beavs to be dominant every year, but the journey is just as fun.

    Thanks AB/NB/OBB and the rest of contributors.

  9. I came because I commented a few times on O live when OOB invited me. My comment density has waxed and waned over the years. There are a handful of topics that I probably know more about than the average person and so I feel like I can make a valid interjection. Those topics rarely arise. Most of the time I just read because the people on here know more about stuff that is on this site… like sports (and apparently economics).

    I really appreciate that the discourse is usually civil.

    And, yes, I miss Jack. Like one might miss banging one’s head against the wall when you’re in a padded cell.

  10. I think it was 2011, when I moved from Newport to Corvallis, that I somehow stumbled across AB. I can’t remember how. I started out as “Yaquina Bob”, but gave it up for Old Yeller after a year or so because it just didn’t seem to suit me not living on the coast anymore. I got really pissed off at my brother one day and he said something to the effect of, “Calm down dude, you got the hydrophobie? You look like Old Yeller.” I kind of liked the reference.

    I comment occasionally but pretty much only about the local perspective on Beaver sports. Corvallis is a small town and I’m an Uber/Lyft driver. I meet a lot of athletes and staff on rides. Get a ton of interesting inside info.

    I enjoy reading AB, pretty much check it out ever day.

      • Lots… just a few tidbits. Hamilcar is a friendly guy and tips generously. Big Witt is hilarious, when he gets in the car I’m down to the springs. I picked up Mike Leach’s wife and son in law at the Hilton. She identified herself but said she was “down on business for Mike”, refused any details. Jonathan Smith is very introverted but is friendly enough. Antoine Vernon is “working hard in practice to get my minutes”, seems to like Coach…etc etc…Rideshare is an interesting gig. I could write a book about the things that go on.

  11. Here is a non-paywall link to Jon Wilner’s thoughts on the new president of OSU, F.King Alexander, who replaces ” longtime OSU boss Ed Ray, who has been one of commissioner Larry Scott’s staunchest supporters (along with Arizona State’s Michael Crow).”

    Wilner feels this is a positive for fans of the PAC12 and opines, “The more votes cast in CEO meetings by presidents and chancellors who understand the impact successfull football can have on a university, the better. “


  12. I think I started early in Craig Robinson’s tenure on the old blog (I kind of liked the black background and orange font). Angry was not afraid to come out and say that CR could not coach. I agreed and we started up a good conversation despite Jack trying to take it sideways on numerous occasions. It was a feel-good time for OSU hoops because of the national notoriety but it was still the same crappy product on the court.

  13. 2

    Josh Allen is a pretty bad QB with moments of brilliance. Definitely a bad pick in 1st round. If you get that guy in the 5th round or something maybe. I’m not sure how you take a WY QB 7th overall and sleep well at night.

    Edit: Great game, though. OT.

    • The media panned them drafting him that high. Their reasoning was he was a raw tools guy without any high-level experience. You can see in some of his brilliant moments the tools are there. His deep ball looks like Luton’s and his decision-making today has looked like Seth Collins.

      The weird thing is, you have to have a stud QB to win in the NFL now, but college QB’s are so different that there’s no such thing as a can’t miss QB prospect anymore. The NFL really needs to control its own developmental league.

      • The media does a lot of harm and influences decisions. You’re exactly right.
        They could have had Lamar Jackson, who is clearly more mobile and a much better passer and not as raw. Teams like to get cute and speculate. Even the less mobile Darnold would have been a been a better pick.

        • Everyone panned the Jackson pick, too. His completion % and accuracy through college were mediocre and the conventional wisdom is “you can’t teach accuracy.” Plus he’s short (and we all know taller QB’s are better!)

          I haven’t seen him play this year, so I’m curious how he boosted his completion % so much. Is it just a product of easier routes?

  14. With that crazy end sequence in regulation during the Bills/Texans game, anyone interested in more dialogue about when to go for it on 4th down?

        • The odds are stacked in your favor on 4th and 1. When you have an athletic QB and a terrible D, you go for the one-play knock out punch.

          They weren’t in a great position for a FG and a punt doesn’t net you many yards from there unless it’s really good (which has a lower probability than getting a first down on 4th and 1).

          • All I saw there was Buffalo had no chance (Josh Allen going 80 yards?) and Houston was giving them a chance by playing into the strength of Buffalo (their D).

      • I thought they should have kicked a field goal there so that Buffalo couldn’t sent it to overtime with a FG; especially since Buffalo was challenged getting into the end zone.

  15. on the stated topic, I first became aware of this site when I retired in 2011. A friend had sent me a link to an aggregator called one click sports, which I think is now out of business, but that site, in turn, had a link to AB. I’ve been here ever since. (Hey Angry, is it possible to list the contributors by seniority? I mean, who goes back the farthest?)

    My favorite moments on this site’s history are (1) Angry’s “Is Mike Riley Depressed” post, and (2) helping, with OOBie’s assistance, getting Martin Meyer’s expose of the mainstream media’s misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance relative to their coverage of Luke Heimlich’s involvement with the juvenile justice system

    • I’d always see people coming in from “oneclicksports” in the stats and wondered what the hell it was, and why people were finding me there. Lol.

      • Remember, I mentioned that One-click was aggregating your topics a few years back and then they stopped doing so. I was surprised at the time that you didn’t know they were doing that (I assumed they had to get your permission)!

        The One-Click concept was great, they had other college teams on the platform. I wonder if it became a licensing issue or so many online newspapers quit giving content away for free?

    • I noticed that One Click Sports went down about the same time that Jack disappeared and always wondered if there was a connection…

      I liked the site because it had links to writers other than our local yokels….i.e., Clownzano, Goe, etc.

  16. 1

    This Patriot game looks interesting. It looks like spooky, Ichabod Crane weather. I miss upstate NY and New England.

    Even though I’m a Jets fan, I love Brady. Best QB ever by a landslide, and a lowly 6th round pick no less. I don’t buy he’s done and think it’s more the lack of talent at WR/TE. I’d gladly take him on the Jets. Would make for two fascinating weekends per year.

      • I spent a lot of time in all those areas as a kid, though I lived in NJ. Hudson Valley is one of my favorites. I believe it was Tarrytown that was the original setting for Washington Irving. I went to his grave there. I think? Just from memory…

    • You think Brady is the hands down GOAT? I think he has had a some pretty legendary defenses backing him up and a ton of luck like Seattle not running it in or winning the coin flip against the Chiefs in OT last year int he conference finals (or the Saints getting jobbed and letting a mediocre Goff led Rams into the SB). I am not a TB hater, and I agree he is in the GOAT conversation but to me it is not so hands down, think you got to look at more than just super bowls though.

  17. Came to AB 2010-2011? Not sure. Have never been a big poster so i guess more of a lurker. Keep coming back because of the simple fact it is a good site. Thanks angry for the time you put in. Also nicebeav and the others that step up here. Site opened my eyes and mind. Honestly think i was seeing beav sports through rose colored glasses and some of the frustration i had with riley and Robinson were made more clear by seeing others that felt the same way and had a great way of expressing it. As for now im all in with Smith, over Tinkle , excited for Canham, and think Rueck is a great coach and better human being. Thanks again Angry. Go Beavs!

  18. I first found AB just by Googling “Oregon State football blog.” Probably around 2012 or so when it was starting to become clear MR would never win the conference.

    The Keith Kostol saga was fun. I love the collective memory here, for example: the ability to look back at what recruits we were all excited about and why, and why they did or didn’t end up panning out.

    I’m a big believer in dialectic and sports journalism these days is garbage so I think with the collective intelligence here, this is probably the best source for OSU coverage out there.

    One suggestion: if someone writes something really good in the comments, or there’s insightful discussion about something (like 4th down decisions!) one of the admins should create a post dedicated to that to give it visibility. I understand why angry isn’t writing as many full-length posts as he used to (life happens), so this could be a way to add a little more “content” to the site that’s easier to access.

  19. I’m pretty sure I started reading AB in 2011. I was vocally critical of Mike Riley and his simpleton style. Everyone around me was saying we should be happy with what Mike Riley accomplishes because it could be a lot worse. That made me angry so I was glad to find there were other Beaver fans out there who refused to accept mediocrity from OSU athletics. I don’t always agree with everyone’s opinions on here, but we’re all Beaver fans and want the best for our teams and our school, so we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.

    • 8

      Brady is a modern Barry Bonds with a touch of Lance Armstrong. He may be the GOAT in the minds of many, but his stats will have an asterisk — playing for a shady organization, doing as much as it could (even cheating), and winning in possibly the worst division in the last 40+ years, dudes got shot stains all over his legacy. He would have had 3-4 SB rings without cheating and the shady shit. As I type this, the NFL is about to give them another punishment regarding yet another spygate against the Bengals…..really!?!? Would love to give the Patriots and Brady a pass, but I would rather give that to the more deserving Drew Brees.

  20. I think I found the site around 2012. Frustration over the Alamo bowl loss and the same problems year in and out on the football team never seeming to get fixed. At the end of 2014 with a senior laden defense that I felt was average, our good qb graduating, a complex offense that seemed to take a new qb two years to learn, a five win season and Riley’s forever contract had me ready to quit on beaver football.

    The Andersen hire gave me hope. Haha.

    Love the informed info and interesting opinions. Love the leeway given for free speech.

  21. I found AB when you would comment in Oregonian articles and would leave the link, thinking ‘this guy has some sass’. This was probably 2011. Many early posts from me were butting heads with you and others regarding the subject of whether Beavs football sucking was due to Riley or the players skill, or lack thereof.

  22. I found the site pretty soon after it was started I think and followed closely since I was in school and through the recruiting of Owa back in 2010. I’ve posted a bit, usually when I’m mad about something ridiculous that just happened (which is often), but mostly lurk. I like following along with the threads whether or not I’m posting. I remember some mob mentality that accused me of being a troll and I think I was banned or almost, so I kinda just stopped posting. But, I am a Beaver, alum and all. My favorite early memory was being in agreement about Banker and his inability to adjust to a spread.

  23. I discovered the site sometime around 2009/2010. I was deployed to Afghanistan at the time (where my name comes from). It was the year we played TCU and BSU when they were both top 10 teams.

    I remember I almost got into a fistfight in Kyrgyzstan with a guy from the Air Force because I was watching the BSU game in the MWR tent and cheering for the Beavs and he would not stop talking shit (he was a BSU fan obviously) ever since then I’ve fucked hated BSU and their fans.

    Similar to what others stated, I thought Angry was a bit of a dick at first. The longer I stuck around I realized how correct Angry was on pretty much everything.

    I’ve since converted to full blown “critical” fan. I’ve visited the site almost every day since I found it. I post a bit, but not a lot. I’ve contributed a bit with some scouting of the team when I was in college.

    • 2

      You tend to cut through the shit and challenge views. Most people don’t take that well right off the bat hahaha. You are basically a high inside fastball, not fun when its coming at you but undeniably effective.

    • My sentiment echos NB, you challenged my views, and I ate up all the BS the media spread about Riley. The more I read of your stuff the more I realized how correct you were lol.

      • Well most of us are alums and love OSU so sometimes it’s hard to look at things objectively. I think it’s hard for people to understand that you can be critical and still love this university. These things are not mutually exclusive. It took me a little while to understand that your negative criticism was because you (we) deserve better. Keep up the good work. Frequent visitor and reader for at least 5 years now.

  24. Yes former student here thank u can you expand on the tournament selections for for basketball and please do about possible football recruiting thanks. When I attended we were excellent at . Also this thanks

  25. Gosh, I think I found AngryBeavs just before the amazing Gary anderpants hire. I did a lot of lurking and very little posting. Like quite a few of the other guys/gals I thought Angry was a bit over the top but came to realize he wasn’t and my orange colored glasses had been blinding me to the real state of all athletics at OSU.. I never really followed or watched baseball until after reading all the posts about it. Now I can’t wait for baseball season. Thanks Angry for having all of us!

  26. I’ve been lurking on here since the beginning but mostly just watched the twitter feed. I was pretty active on the scout.com boards from 2006ish-2012 when the owner revamped stuff and the failing team had decimated the user base interest. I remember some of the user names here from the scout boards (angry, OOB?, BG?, wanna, Doozle maybe?). Angry was always one of the more critical users (assuming its the same person) and when the blog started I checked it out. Scout tended to be more Riley loyal with the mods usually backing him (OrangeAttack). Anyways I don’t love negativity so I pretty much stopped posting on message boards while the Beavs were terrible. With Smith showing a culture shift his first two years and my life becoming a bit easier to manage I figured why not jump back on the horse and try out a board again. I mostly like the mostly clear headed analysis that goes on here. Nice that it stays true to its purpose as a critical view of OSU sports.

  27. 11

    One day at Parker Stadium in the mid-90’s we were down by a bunch, in the forth quarter, and Jerry Pettibone continued to run the option. There was no way he could score enough in the time remaining to make it a game. A buddy said, something like “coach should change his name to Pettibonehead, hasn’t learned a damn thing.”
    Flash forward to 2011. Sitting at 0-4 after the season opening loss to Sac. St. I was reminded of the Pettibone years of futility. I had been reading AB but never ventured forth with a comment. I simply couldn’t resist. On about 10-1-11 I submitted my first comment as ‘pettibonehead” suggesting that the old coach was ready to come back and restore the two win “glory years” of OSU football.
    That original somewhat light hearted comment was met with a full scale Jack attack. He went by Jack Beav then. It went back and forth for about three weeks before he directed his wrath toward another target. It was fun toying with him, however.
    I have been a regular reader/commenter since that time. I believe that following sports should be fun, so I stay away from the heavy duty political, economic and social topics. I could never believe or understand how anyone had the time to create and post a 10,000 comment. What does that person think that the affect will be? Persuasion? Not going to happen, quit wasting your time.

  28. 12

    I can’t remember when I came across AB. It must be over 10 years. I think I was just searching for Beaver info. I haven’t commented much, especially in the last 5/6 years.

    What I like best:
    1. Nice Beaver and other FB recruiting info.
    2. The story behind the story, ie Heimlich, Anderpants, L. Wagnor.
    3. Baseball
    4. Different Perspectives (not just Sir Angry).
    5. Button to Jump to Bottom and Button to exclude certain people’s comments (hello Jack).

    What I don’t like:
    1. Jack. I hope he is fine but what a waste of time and energy.
    2. Off topics like music, guitars, economics, politics that cause 300-500 comment sections and force me to avoid the site for a week.
    3. Overreaction to events (one FB loss, one bad coaching decision, Casey warts?). These are college kids. We are not a Blue Blood. In Baseball like all sports, the SEC gets the media, umps, and dollars.
    4. Angry’s know it all arrogance and can’t admit he is wrong as much as the rest of us (Luton this year, Adley his freshman year, Jake Thompson, Richie Anderson)

    This site can make you feel in the loop.

    • 4

      Nice summation, although I will say that the overreaction is the fuel that keeps the internet burning! I would put Jack on ignore for months at a time, especially after he accused me of being a racist and then when he could not find any posts to back it up, he offered a less than sincere apology.

    • 10

      If I weren’t arrogant and know it all, would the blog be as good, though?
      I’ve been kicking around the idea of modesty as a new year’s resolution, but it just doesn’t seem to suit me!

  29. 2

    I was very critical of Riley towards the end, then I found this forum and read other people shared my point of view. All my buddies I went to OSU with were complacent, and thought I was”angry” ha ha ha. This site just gathers the honest opinion from fellow beavs, which I appreciate. Joined when jack kept calling MCM a quitter since I understand transfers are part of the game. Kids get one shot and I sympathised with MCM since he had done what was needed and should have got the nod over Luton imo. For what it’s worth angry, I always liked ya!

  30. I’ve followed AB since 2006-2007 I believe, and I think it was an Oregonlive related find, of Pure Orange. Loved how it was honest about our pitfalls as a program.

  31. Per football scoop- “Blue Adams, who coached the defensive backs at USF last season, has interviewed for the Falcons secondary job, Alex Marvez tweets. Adams previously coached the secondary at West Virginia and with the Dolphins before joining the USF staff.”

  32. I found it sometime after my reconnect with Beav football at the ’09 CW. It was linked on the Oneclicksports site. First thing I read was an argument in the comments between Angry and Jack. What a prelude of things to come! Starved for info about OSU in the midwest, I kept coming back when I figured out that the premise of the blog, don’t settle for mediocrity being ones ceiling, aligned with my own thoughts. One of the first things I remember was a recruiting class breakdown for the football team. I remember there being some thoughts that Angry was actually Jack and the back and forth was contrived to get hits on the blog. I have met and becomes friends with a couple of the posters on the site who are great dudes.

  33. I’m way more recent, maybe joined 2-3 years ago (not positive)? Though I’ve been following the school’s football program for some time (I remember seeing Pettibone triple Wishbone offense in person lul).

    The site didn’t open my eyes per se, it was more the assessment of coaches — Riley, in particular, since he had one of the most recent, long tenures with the program — that was in line with what my experience was watching games in person when I was in SoCal.

    If I can comment on ppl’s reactions towards Angry– I think Angry is just /very passionate/ about Beavers football, and he is /very passionate/ in expressing his personal take on what happened/is happening.

    I get where that can come across as him being intimidating, or being unwilling to admit when he may be wrong on a particular subject.

    On the whole though, I think where ppl have presented a different view and provided valid reasons that support that view, Angry does moderate/modulate his stance, and “takes in” those points when he joins in the conversation further down the line.

    I do try to stay away from politics, as I think I’d get into a lot of arguments with others here. I do that enough elsewhere, and with everything being hyperbolic as it is, I find it hard to create/maintain spaces where it isn’t central!

    Good positives for me from visiting here this past 1-2 years is coming to know how amazing some of the other sports programs (WBB, Baseball, etc) are.

    • I mostly agree with everything you said, except Angry sticks to his assessment and does not acknowledge that things change and kids grow. Adley’s freshman year he missed the important fall training due to football. His position is difficult to transition to college and takes time to develop hitting as it is not the focus of the position (see Logan Ice). He struggled at the plate as a freshman but the potential was unquestioned. Angry did not consider this. With Luton, yes he struggled his first two years, but finally got the same QB coach and OC two years in a row. Lingren did a good job with him. Angry wanted to be right and focused on games that the whole team was overmatched like Utah and UW. Jake Thompson always had the stuff. His first two years he was dominating at times but lacked stamina, had minor injuries and had to learn how to pitch in college. In the postseason Angry was right in his mind because in the College World Series he was gassed at the end of the year (see Heimlich, Moore, Wetzler, and others as well) Gambrell had the same development curve. Able didn’t figure it out until the playoffs and was fresh due to low innings. I feel Chamberlin is in this category and could be an All American this year. Larnach need time to develop.

      Angry is in a hurry to be right and won’t acknowledge time often tells the truth.

      • I have to admit, I didnt see Adley becoming as prolific at hitting as he did. I think Casey had him hitting towards the bottom of the order as a freshman and our overall team hitting was down that season. The bottom of the rotation seemed always kill our offensive momentum.
        His defense was never a question though. As a true freshman he was already a really good catcher.

        But I dont remember Angry being any more critical than that? Hitting wasn’t very good early on, but it did improve drastically over his career.

      • 2

        I change sometimes. Luton and Thompson are not guys I’d ever want on my team, so I’m not going to change on guys like that. Not sure what there was to change with Luton since I said he’d put up numbers. Never morphed into a winner, leader, or clutch player, though. Same issues with Thompson. You might have seen the stats change, but I didn’t see the mental side change, and so I never changed my opinions on them. From memory Thompson put up great numbers then mentally caved in the biggest game of his life in the post-season?

        Adley was terrible early on, but he became great in every regard.

        • I understand you really like Gebbia and didn’t think Luton had the “it factor.” I don’t understand the hard-on for Thompson. You were correct when he was a sophomore, he was a mid-week starter with only have five innings in him but wasn’t fully healthy. Going into his junior year he had a great fall, the coaches and players felt he was going to have a break out year. He was a First Team All American which was well deserved. Unfortunately, like many of our AA pitchers, he was overused by the time of the playoffs. Although I respect Yeskie this happened too often.

      • I think it takes switch hitters a little while longer to adjust to the better pitching. You basically have to learn everything twice and make all the adjustments twice.

  34. 16

    I found Angry Beavs while in training camp for the 2011 season. One of the guys was google searching himself I guess and came across “Grading the Special Teams” during the 2011 season preview. Had a good laugh at that one and got a little bit of personal motivation from my mention. It was also interesting to read the speculation while still being on the team and actually knowing what is going on day to day. I’ll just say that there are lots of things that never make it to the media (good, bad, neutral, or factual reporting), especially for a lesser known team like the beavs, and some of you guys sounded like 9/11 truthers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iUq8V2-fD8 . I’ve kept up with the team a little bit the last few years, and am still up to date with what’s going on with the specialists, so I still got to see both sides of the coin when you guys mentioned kicking or punting. Maybe I’ll do a post-game review of the specialists, or a preview or something. I think it might help if there were comments by someone who had actually kicked a ball before.

    I’m not in tune with the rest of the team now, but I will say one thing about Smith: I think he’s the real deal. What he’s been able to do in the last two years is impressive, and I’ve seen changes in the program that indicate they are headed in the right direction. Its still possible to field winning teams without Uncle Phil money, we did it many times in the past 20 years, just could never break through. If a coach can energize the players and get them excited about competing every day, then they have a chance to win no matter how many stars were next to their names in high school. That’s what I saw this year, and that’s what got me the most excited about the beavs.

      • My first reaction was that we should have punted, however after thinking about it more I think that call was probably a coin flip. We hadn’t been able to stop WSU the whole game. Their regular offense is basically a 2 minute offense anyway, so they do this all the time. At the end of the day the call doesn’t bother me. I think WSU still could have scored after a punt and no matter what happened we would still be here debating it win or lose, punt or 4th down attempt.

        When I was playing, after a 3rd down play I would walk up and look down the sideline at Coach Riley, and he would point at me to send the punt team out. I can’t remember what games or plays they were, but there were definitely a few times I wanted to wave him off, though of course I never did. I like that Coach Smith is more aggressive with 4th down plays, because a fringe team like the Beavs needs to be more aggressive and take chances. Boise State is a good example of this, the ducks under Chip (not now though), and frankly so is WSU with Leach. It does more than just give you another chance, it instills a mindset in the team. They need to be mentally prepared to go for it on 4th down, and even expect to go for it so that their minds are clear when it happens.

    • Here’s the post in question. Sorry, buddy.

      Did/do other guys on the team read AB? Like was it a known thing that some jerk was out there criticizing ya’ll?

      When we all get together and play a pickup game, you can be on A@A’s team. He’s going to need a punter.

      • I think a few guys end up searching for their names and find AB, but not too many. There’s too many other things that require their attention: school, football, women…

        If we get a pick up game going, I would be QB. I taught myself how to throw those first two years because of Hekker and you better believe that I put the time in to compete with him on everything.

      • 7 years? Wow.
        Gold miners should do well tomorrow, but rising oil is going to curb them a bit. Crude is up 1.5% right now. I like gold royalty companies better for this reason. You get the royalty no matter the price of oil, labor, etc.

  35. cueing myself (can you do that?), Philly goes for it on 4th and 4 from the 20-something yard line. Like Buffalo yesterday, should have tried a FG there.

  36. The producers that go up the fastest are the ones that barely make money at $1450 gold and then the prices goes up to $1550. Makes that bottom line jump.

    • Those are also the companies that kill their shareholders with capital raises because they can’t manage a project or operate a mine (or the deposit is just a dud).

      You better be sure gold is going up before buying them, and examine their balance sheets/hedges carefully.

      • Volatile stufff. One should not be all in just a small % of a portfolio.

        If you really like excitement the junior explorers can fulfill that need. Less than 10% of them ever find an economical deposit.

  37. A memory from April of 2010, “CallMeJack” responds to angry and Jack being happy to have hit the 100,000 hit milestone:

    “Yeah buddy, we totally rule!
    Doesn’t matter that nobody takes us seriously, but I love it that you created this site where I can be a reactionary bitch and back up every crazy thing you say.
    Don’t worry that it’s really just you, me, WhoreGirl and a couple other short bus retards that take you seriously.
    This place Roxx with a big R and two x’s and I am about to uncork a bottle of the finest $5 champagne I could find/afford at my Eugene Rite Aid to celebrate this utterly meaningless occasion! “

    Some sceen names I’ve missed over the last few years: OneEyedKing, silverstream055, Mud&Sticks.
    And, a couple good folks I believe are still lurking: BeavGirl and MonkeyLuven–(nominated to be our resident sports psychologist).

    EDIT/ADD: It must be noted that BeavGirl didn’t waste time smacking back at CallMeJack!

    • Jack would write me privately after those outbursts and claim that his friends had his password and would hack his account and post. His “friends”…

      • 1

        It must have been Jack or one of his aliases that posted that “Jack” was actually a collaboration account of sorts, with multiple people responding. It always seemed weird to me that one guy would have so much semi-useless knowledge of so many different subjects.

        The shit taste in music never wavered. Maybe that’s the single thread between all of them.

        • 1

          I’ve mentioned it before, but the “real Jack” ran a Beaver hoops blog called Orange Express. It did not get much readership for whatever reason, but his analysis/posts were straight basketball and pretty good (even though he was way off on his opinions regarding CR’s coaching abilities). He got more bizarre on here after Orange Express ended.

  38. 14

    Beavers are a joke with their offensive sets against league competition. So so sloppy. Tinker’s time has run its course. This game has turned pretty ugly against Colorado and team played lifeless against the Utes also. If I was Barnes I would have self respect and consider ending this charade midseason. Beavers need life and much smarter play. A coach who has some kind of offensive plan and identity.

    This fanbase is far too apathetic, but we have got to rally around the need for ne leadership in the MBB program. This team withers against almost every team that is in the Top 100-150. Wayne needs to coach at an Eastern Montana Technical Institute or something. Sloppy play all around.

    • 12

      This comment didn’t age well…

      Huge Q1 win on the road against a top 30 team tonight. Unfortunately, this team will go wherever Thompson goes.

        • That 1-3-1 is disruptive at the college level. I mean if teams prep for it, it should be easy to beat but going into that look from time to time, or even flashing it is not a bad tool to have in the pocket.

        • Except it was the only D he knew how to run. Once he went away from the 1-3-1 we had no D. Robinson should have just stuck with the Princeton offense and 1-3-1 D. Think he would have still eventually been fired but would have won a few more games. Not that I think it is a winning formula, analogous to the triple option in football. You can catch some teams off guard and win a few you had no business winning.

  39. Angry, regarding this football game. If there is going to be a collegiate punter playing I think we should shorten the field from 100 yds to say 30. And maybe a timeout after every other play so I can catch my breath.

  40. Not sure how I came across your site the first time. I think it was around the Luke Heimlich fiasco in 2017, maybe longer. I mostly lurk, drop a few comments every now and then, sometimes a nice haiku.
    The period between Andersen going down in flames and the hiring of Smith was the most memorable time on the board. It was such a long period of time, allowing for so much speculation from so many “red assed” fans. Best thread was when we all tried to find Jack.

  41. Keeping an eye on a Gatorade D2 player of the year, from Alaska. Could be someone we hear more about as we get closer to signing day. Played QB in HS but build more like an OLB.
    Jace Henry is his name.

    • Same high school as Reggie tongue, safety for the Beavs in the early 90s and the last Gatorade player of the year for Lathrop HS

    • At his size, he’s a TE or LB. Doesn’t seem to be too explosive, but he definitely seeks out contact. He’s a more physical runner than a few of our RB prospects!

      Watching Alaska HS football tape is always entertaining. I’m not sure you’ll find a bigger size disparity anywhere and one of Henry’s opponents was called North Pole HS!

    • 1-year extension every time he makes a post-season tournament. Doesn’t matter which one! Golly, we’re lucky not to be worse than we are!

  42. 10

    Been lurking on this site for over ten years. I kept seeing someone with common sense posting comments on The Oregonian website and then leaving a link at the end. Lured me right in.
    I was raised a Beaver. Dad played for Dee Andros, was a proud giant killer, and tackled OJ Simpson (He brags about it in that order). We tailgated every game since I can remember. He would coach my Pop Warner games, then we’d race down I-5 to see J.J. Young and company run the ball all over the field.
    Angry, hats off to you. You’re honest, stubborn, almost always right, stubborn, and you give a platform for us to vent, critique, and be angry beavs. Keep being you dude!!
    My dad’s 2 cents, we’re on the up and up. My 2 cents, Beavs need to make the rose bowl one last time before he passes. I’ve never seen my old man cry, but that’d definitely bring a tear to his eye

    • Future topic idea (for the slow times): How did you become a Beaver fan? I assume most of us were alumni… but, maybe not.

      • Good idea! I was raised a Beav, I didnt know I had a choice until about 13 or 14. Then realized the other “enemies” were actually other schools. Got offered a preferred walk on at OSU, but took my “talents” to the beautiful Eastern Oregon University. My old man didn’t hold it against me, as long as I kept rooting for the Beavs!!

      • 1st- sweatybeaver is first team all angrybeavs name.

        2nd- on the off chance your dad is the wrestler that grabbed OJ’s ankle to prevent a TD in the Giant Killers game, I’ve heard my dad tell that eyewitness story 10000x.

        3rd- I’m not an alum, both of my parents went to OSU, I lived in Corvallis and played football in Parker stadium in middle school. There was never another team for me to root for.

        • Nope, not my dad. The way he tells it, OJ ran him over and he was able to hold on until the cavalry showed up. To this day, he swears OJ was the best college running back he’s ever seen. And he was at Reser to
          see Reggie Bush put on a show, amongst others.

  43. Btw, thank you to all the regulars for their insight and work. 100% appreciate all the recruiting info, and opinions. Better than most professional writers out there!

  44. I’m not sure when I came across this site, but it took me about a year to finally post a comment. I’m in agreement with Angry about 80% of the time. It was refreshing to see a few like minds about the Riley dilemma. I felt vindicated that I wasnt nuts and was actually seeing a slow motion collapse of beaver football.
    Personally I was critical of rehiring riley back to OSU, I
    thought his first go around was great for the program but then he left. The Riley era should have ended there, although I’m not sure where OSU would be. It could be in a better position, it definitely couldn’t get worse as in the previous 3 seasons.

      • The coach from Boise State? Dan Hawkins?

        I was not as plugged into what was going at OSU, in fact I was totally out of the loop from 94 thru 98. I remember thanking who is this Riley guy everyone is upset over leaving. I thought Pettibone was the coach.

  45. OT: “From Baugh to Brees,” changes in NFL passing game over time. I don’t think this article speaks enough to rule changes and evolution of offenses, or in player and quarterback preparation (these days, seems to me some QBs are like OCs in their prep time and their ability to read defenses, make changes at the line), but its still a quick, entertaining read:


  46. After the season turned around for the men’s team by winning one conference game (sarcasm) my ticket for the pac-12 tourney is booked. Anyone else planning to go?

  47. 3

    Any Curb fans out there?
    I’m rewatching Season9 to get caught up before Season 10.
    Larry David is a genius. He somehow knew a fatwa would be headline news just as season 10 was being released and even created a Hamilton-esque style musical to tell the story.


      • To support your frustration, I read Disneyland had record attendance during the time you chose to visit, and actually had to close down ticket sales. And this is with the park expanding it’s capacity during the last year when they opened the Star Wars area.
        This week, the place is a ghost town.
        So basically, you couldn’t have picked a worse time to visit.

        • 2

          I didn’t pick the time. My wife did months ago and purchased tickets. Never had been there before and won’t ever again.

        • Not me. But i wanted to throw quite a few people off of a cliff. How they handled the new years eve party there was a complete joke.

          I probably walked 25 miles in 3 days.

          Disneyland just reinforces how i feel about most people in general.

  48. The Boregonian has a post on next year’s way too early offensive depth chart.

    Position Starter Backup

    Tristan Gebbia, 6-2, 193, R-junior
    Chance Nolan, 6-3, 200, R-sophomore

    Running back
    Jermar Jefferson, 5-10, 214, junior
    B.J. Baylor, 5-11, 208, R-junior

    Trevon Bradford, 6-0, 182, R-senior
    Jesiah Irish, 5-11, 173, R-sophomore

    Tyjon Lindsey, 5-9, 193, R-junior
    Champ Flemings, 5-5, 141, R-junior

    Kolby Taylor, 5-11, 211, R-junior
    Anthony Gould, 5-8, 172, R-freshman

    Tight end
    Teagan Quitoriano, 6-6, 256, junior
    Luke Musgrave, 6-6, 236, sophomore

    Left tackle
    Brandon Kipper, 6-6, 305, R-junior
    Jaelen Bush, 6-7, 280, R-junior

    Left guard
    Onesimus Clarke, 6-4, 310, R-junior
    Rob Vanderlaan, 6-5, 267, R-sophomore

    Nathan Eldridge, 6-3, 300, R-senior
    Nous Keobounnam, 6-2, 285, R-senior

    Right guard
    Nous Keobounnam, 6-2, 285, R-senior
    Jake Levengood, 6-4, 285, R-sophomore

    Right tackle
    Korbin Sorensen, 6-6, 305, R-senior
    Joshua Gray, 6-4, 287, R-freshman

      • I think the idea is ur better tackle is on the left so kipper would flip like brandel did after harlow. Its generally the QBs blindside unless they’re left handed so they typically face the best pass rusher.

    • Skill positions look solid enough. I’m really hoping we hear about one of the younger OL stepping up and improving a lot in the spring. Is Sorenson is good enough to start, that’s actually a surprisingly experienced unit. Clarke would be the only one new to a starting role, and he’s looked decent enough in spot duty.

      Another thing that sticks out: that junior class is really important. That’s going to make this year’s and next year’s recruiting classes equally important.

    • It stands out that we could use more height at receiver. A bunch of speedy munchkins that hopefully have sticky fingers because the qb isn’t getting much catch radius.

  49. 10

    Back on topic: I lurked for a few years between PureOrange, and Angrybeavs. I enjoyed the comments and recruiting info. I remember the day news broke and Riley left for Nebraska as the most enjoyable day to read Angrybeavs vindication of all things OSU.

    We sat through the demise from 2004 to 2013, as the Riley honks continued to make excuses. Banker not figuring out the spread, Chipster taking over Pac12, Riley aging more each year…then the Nebraska Miracle!!!

    This site is 90% of my OSU info and I’ve really enjoyed being part of the blog, and I agree with Angry 80% time on his sports takes. I didn’t start commenting until after Riley left and it seemed like there might be hope again. Thank you for the effort and the entertainment. Jack amused me until he went scorched earth on an off-topic comment and ruined the entire post.
    RIP Jack, I guess.
    Silverstream’s spring/fall camp evaluations were gold.
    CR was hot garbage as a coach. Luke got rail-roaded.
    Casey has warts and 3 Nat’l Championships.
    NiceBeaver is great on recruiting.
    Wannabeav is a kindred spirit for his repudiation of all things Canzano/Oregonian/UofO.
    Adley Rutchman is the GOAT of OSU baseball.
    Jim Wilson is elite level as a hometown announcer, and should be appreciated more.
    Rueck will win a national championship before Oregon buys one.
    JS will get OSU back to the Rose Bowl in the next 5 years.
    Larry Scott needs to resign.
    Pac12 must get more exposure beyond late night west coast, and Pac12 networks.

    Thank you for the fun sports camaraderie that has become a habit. I see this site as a bit of the “Cheers” of the internet for OSU Beaver fans. We grouse, complain, critique, celebrate, speculate, cajole, annoy, and laugh with really good, timely humor. And the names are familiar, consistent and friends without faces. Happy New Year all you Angrybeavs.

  50. I think I started reading the site when riley left looking for info on the coaching search and conversation. I dont comment much mostly out of laziness because I’m generally on a cellphone and forget to follow up on comments when I leave them.

    I really enjoy just being able to read the comments and thoughts of fellow beaver fans as I live in maui and they’re are fans but not super into it and in the know. I feel sometimes people overreact about one game and what not sometimes but that is part of the fun about sports is the back and forth banter. Just look at all of the shows.

    Really appreciate nicebeav’s recruiting info. He’s ahead of the curve. I don’t know how u do it but keep it up nicebeav.

  51. I came across AB in 6th grade when I was looking for a practice report during the summer and saw one here. I kinda lurked around since then and don’t really comment a lot but I like hearing everyone’s different opinions on the state of the program, and hopefully when I go to college in 2 years I’ll be able to provide input from what I’ve been hearing around campus about the team. Go Beavs!

  52. I’m enjoying everyone’s story. OT: Movie: Dark Waters is worth seeing. I think ABs would like it. Jack, especially. OTOH that might not be a recommendation. Chronicles a lawyer’s long fight to hold DuPont responsible for the long fluorocarbon chain that is said to be in all our systems.

  53. 4

    The Pick ’em Challenged ended tonight. I finished first with 26-13 record, which was good for 1.2k place in the Nation. Four others tied for second with a very respectable 23. Put a Beav on it.

  54. 3

    Just watched a replay from early this morning i recorded from the Beavs/Buffs game.

    As another poster wrote, these offensive sets the beavs employ are pure garbage. Seems like it mainly consists of a high ball screen then 1 on 1 free lancing bullshit. Have I gone back in time and am watching Jay John’s beaver teams again?

    The first part of the final comeback the Beavs were more lucky than good. Buffs missed quite a few open looks and got just as many second chances with offensive rebounds.

    The 2nd part the Buffs were clearly rattled. As the Beavs were nipping at their heels.

    Why Reichle failed to drive to the basket when he had a lane with about 3:20 left and challenge Evan Battey is beyond me. Battey was out of position and at worst Reichle would’ve been shooting FT’s. Instead he kicked out for a terrible shot from Tres or Gianni Hunt (poor memory) that missed badly.

    Speaking of Gianni Hunt…..I don’t see it. This dude has a HORRIFFIC form on his shot. My dead grandma had a better shooting stroke from her wheelchair at age 70. Someone on this coaching staff please correct this ASAP!

    Despite it all, that is a good win on the road. To be successful in this conference you need to win at home and at worst split on the road. Big test with Arizona coming here this weekend. They’ll beat ASSU and HURLey. That guy is a shitty coach and a whiny bitch. His team is mediocre at best this season

    • I am not a fan of Hunt’s shot, either. I really like his on ball defense and ball handling. I like his potential as a true point guard.

      His shot can be fixed but maybe coach should work on helping him understand what a good shot is for him until it is better.

  55. 1

    Sorensen officially a Beav. Should give some OL depth at least. Speaking of OL. PFF liked ours. Coach M the best hire by JS?

      • Yeah, at one point he says Beaverblitz/247 was first to report Morano and Juergens were visiting. I had to email him to remind him both were posted on AB and Beavrecruiting 1 to 2 full days before blitz.
        Same with Griffin yesterday. Both blitz and Sedge took my reported upcoming visit and then put it in their paywall forums without a link.

        To his credit, Jared at Sedge responded to me and had the user remove his post an hour later. (Could have just added a link to beavrecruiting?, but elected to delete the post)

        Both sites have done this several times in the past, but now I’m going to start calling them on their shit. It’s funny because they always used to accuse me of “stealing” info from their sites. Yet when you look at the timestamps, it’s pretty obvious which direction the information is flowing.

        Also, there’a a chance Juergens wont visit anymore, but I’ll wait to report anything on that front.

    • Don’t get me wrong, he’s lived up to expectations so far, but a six-year extension after a 5-win season? Is six years a standard length for this sort of extension? I thought long-term extensions were usually done to give recruits more confidence that the staff they commit to would still be there in the future.

      We also thought we were making great strides after GA Year 2.

      • Not really a 6 year extension, since his original contract was through 2022. Not sure why reporters say it that way. Wouldn’t this be considered a 3 year extension?

        • Possible that they redid the numbers, effectively negating his current contract and offering him a new one. You could make the case, then, that it is a 6 year extension.

          Hopefully in 3 years, it will be a bargain. I’m sure that’s the bet.

          • Thamel technically calls it a “new 6 year contract through the 2025 season”, which fits with what you’re saying. Based on a report from Nick Daschel last month, the plan was to increase his base pay as well as that of his assistants.

            But elsewhere in the comments people are calling it a 6 year extension.

    • I’d give him a 10 year contract. He represents the university well, coaches up the players on and off the field, and surrounds himself with coaches that match his vision. If he can’t get us somewhere, who can. I’d hate to disrespect the guy by not putting the faith in him and having him go leave when his resume becomes more impressive. If he starts winning 8 games consistently, some better program is going to try and poach thinking he can do even more with better players/resources. I suppose he can still leave as contracts don’t really mean much.

      • Contracts like that create serious buy out issues. The buyout is based on pay per year so a 10 year contract is significantly harder to buyout than a 6 year. It serves the purpose of locking someone in the contract but also traps the university with that person. Anderson dropping his buyout was a god send otherwise we would still be watching him destroy the program.

      • Some reminders of what Smith (and his staff) have achieved, from the GT:
        “Oregon State’s offense averaged a school record six yards per play and led the county for fewest turnovers with six.
        The defense allowed 13.2 points fewer per game in compared to 2018, giving up 158 fewer points, the best improvement in the program’s modern history over the course of two seasons. OSU also had the most tackles-for-loss (86) and quarterback sacks (32) since 2008.”

        That said, is a raise and 3 year extension in order? Would a raise and 1 or 2 years be just as appropriate?
        Two thoughts: 1) it’s important not to do anything which would cause him to feel disrespected or not appreciated, and 2) key is gonna be how the assistants are treated (both coordinators and position coaches).

        Personally, I feel a one year extension, a raise, support for staff, and significant increases in support for recruiting would make sense. Leaves room for further extension next season when he makes a decent bowl!


        ADD: Per Barnes the university has made a “sizeable” financial commitment to the assistant coaches. Barnes also states:
        “Coaching continuity is one of our four pillars and is a vital investment, as are the other three pillars (recruiting, scheduling, facilities), for the long-term growth of Beaver football”

        Gotta figure F.King Alexander approves

  56. 2

    Hey Angry, it looks like your stocks and gold predictions will be right. The stable genius just started WWIII in Iraq. Stock futures tanked immediately and gold spiked.

    • Gold is more about the money printing. It was trading around $1900 in 2012. More of a hedge against a declining dollar (and has been declining since about 1930)

      Gold has been in correction for about 7 years and is due for another run.

      • Activity in Iraq has certainly “helped” in the last few days, but lower interest rate expectations have been the real driving force for the last 9-12 months.

  57. niner tweets:
    “For a 6th straight term our team achieved a 3.0+ GPA. I continue to be proud of this team on and off the field.”

    Fall Term 3.22 GPA! Highest in team history.
    Go Beavs!

    • Long time lurker and OSU alum from the glory days. This sparked an idea for a new post thread while it’s slow. Stories from your days at OSU involving players. I know I have a few. It would be fun to hear the cringe worthy as well as the ones that make you proud to be a fan.

  58. 5

    Annees passees as they say, but the nanny said some bon ami mentioned me. Well here I am. I been knee deep in beaucoup tang up at camp, and when I’m not muffin’ it I been down at the mudbog hunting buster. Thanks for carrin’ ya muff hounds, but c’est bon down here on the bayou.

  59. Some of you may have noticed Nemec posted that Florida State transfer Tre’shaun Harrison visited OSU last weekend. Was news to me. What’s strange is an OSU fan messaged me a few days ago asking me what the likelihood was for OSU to pick up either of Harrison or Trey Lowe, via transfer.

    I hadn’t seen indication that either was being pursued by OSU at that time, but then shortly after Coach Hynson and Lowe started following each other and then today the Nemec news about Harrison came out.

    So, that’a a long way of saying, maybe this OSU fan knew something was up ahead of me or Nemec. Might be worth keeping an eye out for Trey Lowe reports too. Both guys are class of 2018.

    For reference, Harrison was a 4* ATH/WR out of the state of Seattle who first committed to Willie Taggart at oregon, but then followed Taggart to FSU. But Taggart got canned, so Harrison must have decided he didn’t want to attend school across the country without his coach there.

    Lowe is out of Jesuit HS in Beaverton. His brother is former duck Keanan Lowe, who was in the news recently for being a good dude and diffusing the situation when a kid brought a gun to school at Parkrose HS. Trey Lowe was a 4* WR also.



    Add Velus Jones as another name to possibly watch. He’s a USC transfer WR. Class of 2016 and should be a grad transfer.


      • Yes. I think if a guy who fits the build comes along this offseason, they will take him.
        The problem with most transfers is the wait. Most guys would not be available next year. Grad transfers would be the best option so they could plug someone into that void left by Hodgins.

  60. I don’t remember the year I started reading but I know it was when Jack was still writing his Orange Express blog (which seems to be scrubbed from the interwebs).
    I was reading Pure Orange at the time and got really tired of all the Pollyannas commenting there. I googled osu blogs and found angrybeavs. In just a few minutes I thought these sarcastic, angry fans are my kind of people. I used to post frequently but life changes and even though I read the blog a lot I just don’t have the urge to post much anymore.

    I was underwhelmed by the Smith hire but I’m on the bandwagon now. Canham hire was a home run and I look forward to baseball season.

    Oh, and Epstein didn’t kill himself!


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